diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 4ee7ef9..6ab9a4d 100644
@@ -1,7 +1,48 @@
 Revision history for SPIRV-Tools
-v2020.5 2020-07-22
- - Start SPIRV-Tools v2020.5
+v2020.5-dev 2020-09-22
+ - General
+   - Enable building with BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=1 (#3490)
+   - Avoid using /MP4 for clang on windows. (#3662)
+ - Optimizer
+   - Preserve OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 through private-to-local pass (#3571)
+   - Preserve debug info in scalar replacement pass (#3461)
+   - Debug info preservation in loop-unroll pass (#3548)
+   - Preserve debug info in dead-insert-elim pass (#3652)
+   - Improve non-semantic instruction handling in the optimizer (#3693)
+   - Let ADCE pass check DebugScope (#3703)
+   - Add undef for inlined void function (#3720)
+   - Fix SSA-rewrite to remove DebugDeclare for variables without loads (#3719)
+   - Handle DebugScope in compact-ids pass (#3724)
+   - Add buffer oob check to bindless instrumentation (#3800)
+ - Validator
+   - Update OpenCL capabilities validation (#3149)
+   - Validator support for non-semantic clspv reflection (#3618)
+   - OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 DebugTypeArray with variable size (#3549)
+   - Only validation locations for appropriate execution models (#3656)
+   - Validate more OpenCL.DebugInfo.100 instructions (#3684)
+   - Allow DebugTypeTemplate for Type operand (#3702)
+   - spirv-val: Add Vulkan VUID labels to BuiltIn (#3756)
+   - Allow SPV_KHR_8bit_storage extension. (#3780)
+ - Reduce
+   - Support reducing a specific function (#3774)
+ - Fuzz
+   - adds TransformationReplaceCopyObjectWithStoreLoad (#3567)
+   - adds TransformationReplaceCopyMemoryWithLoadStore (#3575)
+   - adds TransformationReplaceLoadStoreWithCopyMemory (#3586)
+   - Implement the OpOuterProduct linear algebra case (#3617)
+   - Pass to replace int operands with ints of opposite signedness (#3612)
+   - TransformationMoveInstructionDown (#3477)
+   - Add TransformationMakeVectorOperationDynamic (#3597)
+   - TransformationReplaceAddSubMulWithCarryingExtended (#3598)
+   - FuzzerPassPropagateInstructionsUp (#3478)
+   - add FuzzerPassAddCompositeInserts (#3606)
+   - Add inline function transformation (#3517)
+   - Transformation to replace the use of an irrelevant id (#3697)
+   - Add TransformationDuplicateRegionWithSelection (#3773)
+   - Transformation to flatten conditional branch (#3667)
+ - Linker
 v2020.4 2020-07-22
  - General