blob: 09942291e7373669434add0dc858c90ce0175173 [file] [log] [blame]
Name Strings
Pat Brown, NVIDIA Corporation (pbrown 'at'
Last Modified Date: 12/19/2011
NVIDIA Revision: 3
OpenGL 1.1 is required.
This extension is written against the OpenGL 2.1 specification.
NV_gpu_program5 is required. This extension is supported if and only
"GL_NV_gpu_program5" is found in the extension string. This extension is
written against the NV_gpu_program5 extension.
This specification interacts with ARB_tessellation_shader.
This specification interacts with NV_parameter_buffer_object.
This extension, in conjunction with the ARB_tessellation_shader extension,
introduces a new tessellation stage to the OpenGL primitive processing
pipeline. The ARB_tessellation_shader extension provides programmable
shading functionality using the OpenGL Shading Language as its base; this
extension provides assembly programmable shaders building on the family of
assembly programmability extensions including ARB_vertex_program,
ARB_fragment_program, NV_gpu_program4, and NV_geometry_program4.
This extension adds a new basic primitive type, called a patch, which
consists of an array of vertices plus some associated per-patch state. It
also adds two new assembly program types: a tessellation control program
that transforms a patch into a new patch and a tessellation evaluation
program that computes the position and attributes of each vertex produced
by the tesselator.
When tessellation is active, it begins by running the optional
tessellation control program, if enabled. This program consumes a
variable-size input patch and produces a new fixed-size output patch. The
output patch consists of an array of vertices, and a set of per-patch
attributes. The per-patch attributes include tessellation levels that
control how finely the patch will be tessellated. For each patch
processed, multiple tessellation control program invocations are performed
-- one per output patch vertex. Each tessellation control program
invocation writes all the attributes of its corresponding output patch
vertex. A tessellation control program may also read the per-vertex
outputs of other tessellation control program invocations, as well as read
and write shared per-patch outputs. The tessellation control program
invocations for a single patch effectively run as a group. The GL
automatically synchronizes threads to ensure that when executing a given
instruction, all previous instructions have completed for all program
invocations in the group.
The tessellation primitive generator then decomposes a patch into a new
set of primitives using the tessellation levels to determine how finely
tessellated the output should be. The primitive generator begins with
either a triangle or a quad, and splits each outer edge of the primitive
into a number of segments approximately equal to the corresponding element
of the outer tessellation level array. The interior of the primitive is
tessellated according to elements of the inner tessellation level array.
The primitive generator has three modes: TRIANGLES and QUADS split a
triangular or quad-shaped patch into a set of triangles that cover the
original patch; ISOLINES_NV splits a quad-shaped patch into a set of line
strips spanning the patch. Each vertex generated by the tessellation
primitive generator is assigned a (u,v) or (u,v,w) coordinate indicating
its relative location in the subdivided triangle or quad.
For each vertex produced by the tessellation primitive generator, the
tessellation evaluation program is run to compute its position and other
attributes of the vertex, using its (u,v) or (u,v,w) coordinate. When
computing the final vertex attributes, the tessellation evaluation program
can also read the attributes of any of the vertices of the patch written
by the tessellation control program. Tessellation evaluation program
invocations are completely independent, although all invocations for a
single patch share the same collection of input vertices and per-patch
The tessellator operates on vertices after they have been transformed by a
vertex program or fixed-function vertex processing. The primitives
generated by the tessellator are passed further down the OpenGL pipeline,
where they can be used as inputs to geometry programs, transform feedback,
and the rasterizer.
The tessellation control and evaluation programs are both optional. If
neither program type is present, the tessellation stage has no effect. If
no tessellation control program is present, the input patch provided by
the application is passed directly to the tessellation primitive
generator, and a set of fixed tessellation level parameters (specified via
the PatchParameterfv function) is used to control primitive generation.
If no tessellation evaluation program is present, the output patch
produced by the tessellation control program is passed as a patch to
subsequent pipeline stages, where it can be consumed by geometry programs,
transform feedback, or the rasterizer.
New Procedures and Functions
(Note: The PatchParameteri and PatchParameterfv functions from
ARB_tessellation_shader will also be used by this extension.)
New Tokens
Accepted by the <cap> parameter of Disable, Enable, and IsEnabled,
by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv,
and GetDoublev, and by the <target> parameter of ProgramStringARB,
BindProgramARB, ProgramEnvParameter4[df][v]ARB,
ProgramLocalParameter4[df][v]ARB, GetProgramEnvParameter[df]vARB,
GetProgramLocalParameter[df]vARB, GetProgramivARB and
Accepted by the <target> parameter of ProgramBufferParametersfvNV,
ProgramBufferParametersIivNV, and ProgramBufferParametersIuivNV,
BindBufferRangeNV, BindBufferOffsetNV, BindBufferBaseNV, and BindBuffer
and the <value> parameter of GetIntegerIndexedvEXT:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetProgramivARB:
(Note: Various enumerants from ARB_tessellation_shader will also be used
by this extension.)
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 1.5 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
(Incorporate Section 2.X of the ARB_tessellation_shader specification,
Tessellation in its entirety.)
Insert a new section after Section 2.X.1 in ARB_tessellation_shader,
Tessellation Control Shaders
Tessellation Control Programs
Each patch primitive may be optionally processed by a tessellation control
program, which operates similarly to the tessellation control shader
described above. Tessellation control programs are enabled by calling
Enable with the value TESS_CONTROL_PROGRAM_NV. If a GLSL program is
active, the tessellation control program enable is ignored and treated as
disabled unless the program contains only fragment shaders.
When enabled, each patch primitive received by the GL will be processed by
the tessellation control program to produce a new patch. The tessellation
control program emits a patch with a fixed number of vertices, given by
the value specified in the VERTICES_OUT declaration. It computes the
attributes of each vertex of the output patch in parallel, and assembles
the emitted vertices into an output patch. The program also computes
per-patch tessellation level values that control the number of vertices
produced by the tessellation primitive generator when that patch is
processed. The program may also compute additional generic per-patch
attributes that may be accessed by invocations of the tessellation
evaluation program or a subsequent geometry program when processing the
patch. When the tessellation control program completes, the input patch
is discarded and the output patch is processed by the remainder of the GL
Each patch processed by the tessellation control program will result in
multiple program invocations (threads), with one invocation per output
patch vertex. Each program invocation has a corresponding output patch
vertex, and can write per-vertex attributes only for that vertex. All
program invocations may read and write per-patch attributes of the output
patch, and may read per-vertex attributes of any vertex in the output
The tessellation control program threads are run as a group, and execute
effectively in lock-step. In this model, the execution of each
instruction completes for all active threads before the execution of
subsequent instruction is started. All threads in the group are initially
active, but the set of active threads change as flow-control instructions
are encountered. Full details on the execution model are specified in
Section 2.X.5.
Tessellation control programs execute using the instruction set documented
in the GL_NV_gpu_program5 extension specification. Tessellation control
programs can read attributes from all vertices of the input patch, and
each vertex attribute access must identify the vertex number being
accessed. For example, "vertex[1].position" and "[1].position"
identify the position of the second vertex (numbered "1") in the input
patch. Programs may also read attributes of all vertices of the output
patch (e.g., "vertex.out[2].position") and per-patch attributes of the
output patch (e.g., "primitive.out.attrib[3]"). In both cases, the output
patch vertices or attributes accessed in this manner are undefined unless
written by a previous instruction executed on one of the threads.
Programs may also write attributes of their corresponding vertex in the
output patch (e.g., "result.attrib[0]") and shared per-patch attributes
(e.g., "result.patch.attrib[4]"). When writing output patch vertex
attributes, a vertex number is not supplied.
The only input primitives supported by tessellation control programs are
patches. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by Begin (or vertex
array functions that implicitly call Begin) if a tessellation control
program is active and <mode> is not PATCHES_NV.
Modify section after Section 2.X.2 of ARB_tessellation_shader,
Tessellation Primitive Generation
(add to the end of the section describing the operation of the
tessellation primitive generator when assembly tessellation evaluation
programs are used)
If no GLSL program object is active, or if the active program contains
only a fragment shader, the tessellation primitive generator will be
active if and only if an assembly tessellation evaluation program is
enabled. When a tessellation evaluation program is used, the tessellation
primitive generator will operate in exactly the manner describe above,
except that the parameters controlling tessellation will be taken from
declaration statements in the tessellation evaluation program. The
declaration statements used to specify each tessellation parameter are as
described in Table X.1.
GLSL Program Parameter TEP Declaration
------------------------ -----------------
Table X.1, Parameters used to control tessellation when a program object
with a tessellation evaluation shader is active and their tessellation
evaluation program equivalents.
If no tessellation control program is enabled, the default tessellation
levels specified by calling PatchParameterfvNV with a <pname> of
If a GLSL program containing only a fragment shader is active, any
tessellation-related program parameters in effect when the program was
linked have no effect on tessellation.
Insert a new section after Section 2.X.3 in ARB_tessellation_shader,
Tessellation Evaluation Shaders
Tessellation Evaluation Programs
If a tessellation evaluation program is active, the tessellation primitive
generator will subdivide a basic primitive and run the tessellation
evaluation program on each generated vertex. Tessellation evaluation
programs are enabled by calling Enable with the value
TESS_EVALUATION_PROGRAM_NV. If a GLSL program is active, the tessellation
evaluation program enable is ignored and treated as disabled unless the
program contains only fragment shaders.
When tessellation evaluation programs are enabled, each patch primitive
received by the GL will trigger the tessellation primitive generator to
perform primitive subdivision and generate a new set of vertices. For
each generated vertex, the tessellation evaluation program is invoked.
Each tessellation evaluation program invocation produces a single output
vertex. These vertices are assembled into primitives according to the
subdivision produced by the tessellation primitive generator, and these
primitives are processed by the remainder of the GL pipeline. The input
patch used by the tessellation evaluation program is discarded.
Tessellation evaluation programs execute using the instruction set
documented in the GL_NV_gpu_program5 extension specification and in a
manner similar to vertex programs. Tessellation control programs can read
attributes from all vertices of the input patch, and each vertex attribute
access must identify the vertex number being accessed. For example,
"vertex[1].position" identifies the transformed position of "vertex[1]",
which is the second vertex in the input patch. Additionally, the special
attribute variable "vertex.tesscoord" is available to specify the location
of the vertex within the subdivided primitive. Per-patch attributes,
including the tessellation levels, are also available.
The only input primitives supported by tessellation evaluation programs
are patches. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated by Begin (or vertex
array functions that implicitly call Begin) if a tessellation evaluation
program is active and <mode> is not PATCHES_NV.
Modify Section 2.X.2 of NV_gpu_program4, Program Grammar
(replace third paragraph)
Tessellation control programs are required to begin with the header string
"!!NVtcp5.0". Tessellation evaluation programs are required to begin with
the header string "!!NVtep5.0". These header strings identify the
subsequent program body as being a tessellation control or evaluation
program, respectively, and indicate that they should be parsed according
to the base NV_gpu_program5 grammar plus the additions below. Program
string parsing begins with the character immediately following the header
(For tessellation control programs, add the following grammar rules to the
NV_gpu_program5 base grammar)
<declSequence> ::= <declaration> <declSequence>
<attribUseV> ::= <attribColor> "." <faceType> <swizzleSuffix>
| <attribColor> "." <faceType> "." <colorType>
<resultUseW> ::= <resultVarName> <arrayMem> <optWriteMask>
| <resultColor> <optWriteMask>
| <resultColor> "." <colorType> <optWriteMask>
| <resultColor> "." <faceType> <optWriteMask>
| <resultColor> "." <faceType> "." <colorType>
"." <optWriteMask>
<resultUseD> ::= <resultColor> <optFaceColorType>
| <resultMulti>
<optFaceColorType> ::= <optColorType>
| "." <faceType> <optColorType>
<declaration> ::= "VERTICES_OUT" <int>
<attribBasic> ::= <vtxPrefix> "position"
| <vtxPrefix> "fogcoord"
| <vtxPrefix> "pointsize"
| <vtxPrefix> "id"
| <attribTexCoord> <optArrayMemAbs>
| <attribClip> <arrayMemAbs>
| <attribGeneric> <arrayMemAbs>
| <primPrefix> "." "id"
| <primPrefix> "." "invocation"
| <primPrefix> "." "vertexcount"
| <attribTessOuter> <arrayMemAbs>
| <attribTessInner> <arrayMemAbs>
| <attribPatchGeneric> <arrayMemAbs>
<attribColor> ::= <vtxPrefix> "color"
<attribMulti> ::= <attribTexCoord> <arrayRange>
| <attribClip> <arrayRange>
| <attribGeneric> <arrayRange>
| <attribTessOuter> <arrayRange>
| <attribTessInner> <arrayRange>
| <attribPatchGeneric> <arrayRange>
<attribTexCoord> ::= <vtxPrefix> "texcoord"
<attribClip> ::= <vtxPrefix> "clip"
<attribGeneric> ::= <vtxPrefix> "attrib"
<attribTessOuter> ::= <primPrefix> "." "tessouter"
<attribTessInner> ::= <primPrefix> "." "tessinner"
<attribPatchGeneric> ::= <primPrefix> "." "patch" "." "attrib"
<vtxPrefix> ::= "vertex" "."
| "vertex" <arrayMemAbs> "."
| "vertex" "." "in" <optArrayMemAbs> "."
| "vertex" "." "out" <optArrayMemAbs> "."
<primPrefix> ::= "primitive" "."
| "primitive" "." "in" "."
| "primitive" "." "out" "."
<resultBasic> ::= <resPrefix> "position"
| <resPrefix> "fogcoord"
| <resPrefix> "pointsize"
| <resultTexCoord> <optArrayMemAbs>
| <resultClip> <arrayMemAbs>
| <resultGeneric> <arrayMemAbs>
| <resPrefix> "id"
| <resultTessOuter> <arrayMemAbs>
| <resultTessInner> <arrayMemAbs>
| <resultPatchGeneric> <arrayMemAbs>
<resultColor> ::= <resPrefix> "color"
<resultMulti> ::= <resultTexCoord> <arrayRange>
| <resultClip> <arrayRange>
| <resultGeneric> <arrayRange>
| <resultTessOuter> <arrayRange>
| <resultTessInner> <arrayRange>
| <resultPatchGeneric> <arrayRange>
<resultTexCoord> ::= <resPrefix> "texcoord"
<resultClip> ::= <resPrefix> "clip"
<resultGeneric> ::= <resPrefix> "attrib"
<resultTessOuter> ::= <resPrefix> "." "patch" "." "tessouter"
<resultTessInner> ::= <resPrefix> "." "patch" "." "tessinner"
<resultPatchGeneric> ::= <resPrefix> "." "patch" "." "attrib"
<resPrefix> ::= "result" "."
(For tessellation evaluation programs, add the following grammar rules to
the NV_gpu_program5 base grammar)
<declSequence> ::= <declaration> <declSequence>
<attribUseV> ::= <attribColor> "." <faceType> <swizzleSuffix>
| <attribColor> "." <faceType> "." <colorType>
<resultUseW> ::= <resultVarName> <arrayMem> <optWriteMask>
| <resultColor> <optWriteMask>
| <resultColor> "." <colorType> <optWriteMask>
| <resultColor> "." <faceType> <optWriteMask>
| <resultColor> "." <faceType> "." <colorType>
"." <optWriteMask>
<resultUseD> ::= <resultColor> <optFaceColorType>
| <resultMulti>
<optFaceColorType> ::= <optColorType>
| "." <faceType> <optColorType>
<declaration> ::= "TESS_MODE" <declTessMode>
| "TESS_SPACING" <declTessSpacing>
| "TESS_VERTEX_ORDER" <declTessVtxOrder>
<declTessMode> ::= "TRIANGLES"
<declTessSpacing> ::= "EQUAL"
<declTessVtxOrder> ::= "CW"
| "CCW"
<attribBasic> ::= <vtxPrefix> "position"
| <vtxPrefix> "fogcoord"
| <vtxPrefix> "pointsize"
| <vtxPrefix> "id"
| <attribTexCoord> <optArrayMemAbs>
| <attribClip> <arrayMemAbs>
| <attribGeneric> <arrayMemAbs>
| "vertex" "." "tesscoord"
| <primPrefix> "id"
| <primPrefix> "vertexcount"
| <attribTessOuter> <optArrayMemAbs>
| <attribTessInner> <optArrayMemAbs>
| <attribPatchGeneric> <optArrayMemAbs>
<attribColor> ::= <vtxPrefix> "color"
<attribMulti> ::= <attribTexCoord> <arrayRange>
| <attribClip> <arrayRange>
| <attribGeneric> <arrayRange>
| <attribTessOuter> <arrayRange>
| <attribTessInner> <arrayRange>
| <attribPatchGeneric> <arrayRange>
<attribTexCoord> ::= <vtxPrefix> "texcoord"
<attribClip> ::= <vtxPrefix> "clip"
<attribGeneric> ::= <vtxPrefix> "attrib"
<attribTessOuter> ::= <primPrefix> "." "tessouter"
<attribTessInner> ::= <primPrefix> "." "tessinner"
<attribPatchGeneric> ::= <primPrefix> "." "patch" "." "attrib"
<vtxPrefix> ::= "vertex" "."
| "vertex" <arrayMemAbs> "."
| "vertex" "." "in" <optArrayMemAbs> "."
| "vertex" "." "out" <optArrayMemAbs> "."
<primPrefix> ::= "primitive" "."
| "primitive" "." "in" "."
<resultBasic> ::= <resPrefix> "position"
| <resPrefix> "fogcoord"
| <resPrefix> "pointsize"
| <resultTexCoord> <optArrayMemAbs>
| <resultClip> <arrayMemAbs>
| <resultGeneric> <arrayMemAbs>
| <resPrefix> "id"
<resultColor> ::= <resPrefix> "color"
<resultMulti> ::= <resultTexCoord> <arrayRange>
| <resultClip> <arrayRange>
| <resultGeneric> <arrayRange>
<resultTexCoord> ::= <resPrefix> "texcoord"
<resultClip> ::= <resPrefix> "clip"
<resultGeneric> ::= <resPrefix> "attrib"
<resPrefix> ::= "result" "."
(add the following subsection to section 2.X.3.2 of NV_gpu_program4,
Program Attribute Variables)
Tessellation control and evaluation program attribute variables describe
inputs accessible to the program. There are several different classes of
attribute bindings available, identified by the binding prefix. The set
of attribute binding classes and their corresponding prefixes are
described in Table X.2. The specific attributes for each class are
identified by a binding suffix.
Attribute Binding Prefix Description
------------------------ ------------------------------------------
vertex[m] Vertex <m> of the input patch[m] Vertex <m> of the input patch
vertex Array spanning vertices of the input patch
or the specific vertex being evaluated Array spanning vertices of the input patch
or the specific vertex being evaluated
primitive Per-patch value of the input patch Per-patch value of the input patch
vertex.out[m] Vertex <m> of the output patch
vertex.out Array spanning vertices of the output patch
primitive.out Per-patch value of the output patch
Table X.2, Tessellation Control and Evaluation Program Attribute Binding
Prefixes. <m> refers to a constant integer vertex number in the input
or output patch.
If an attribute binding prefix matches "vertex[m]" or "[m]", the
attribute binding refers to an attribute of the vertex numbered <m> in the
input patch. If <m> is greater than or equal to the number of vertices in
the input patch, the values corresponding to the binding are undefined.
If an attribute binding prefix matches "vertex" or "" and the
suffix identifies an attribute of the vertex being processed by a
tessellation evaluation program (e.g., "tesscoord"), the attribute binding
refers to that attribute.
If an attribute binding prefix matches "vertex" or "" and the
suffix identifies any other vertex attribute, the attribute binding refers
to that specific attribute for each of the vertices of the input patch.
Bindings of this form may only be used in explicit variable declarations.
If the variable declaration identifies an array, the program will fail to
load unless each binding in the binding list uses an attribute prefix of
this form. When such variables are used in instructions, they must be
accessed as an array, with the first array index identifying the vertex
number. If such variables are declared as an array, a second array index
must be provided to identify the specific per-vertex attribute to select.
If the first array index is negative or greater than or equal to the
number of vertices in the input patch, the value obtained is undefined.
If an attribute binding prefix matches "primitive" or "", the
attribute binding refers to an attribute of the input patch.
If an tessellation control program attribute binding prefix matches
"vertex.out[m]", the attribute binding refers to an attribute of the
vertex numbered <m> in the output patch. These attributes correspond to
per-vertex output values written by the tessellation control program
thread numbered <m>. A program will fail to load if the vertex number <m>
is greater than or equal to the number of vertices in the output patch.
Tessellation evaluation programs do not have an output patch and do not
support this attribute binding prefix.
If an tessellation control program attribute binding prefix matches
"vertex.out", the attribute binding identifies a specific attribute for
each of the vertices of the output patch. Bindings of this form may only
be used in explicit variable declarations, and all the usage rules
described above for bindings using the prefix "" apply. If the
vertex number identified when accessing such variables is negative or
greater than or equal to the number of vertices in the output patch, the
resulting values are undefined. Tessellation evaluation programs do not
have an output patch and do not support this attribute binding suffix.
If an attribute binding prefix matches "primitive.out", the attribute
binding refers to a per-patch attribute of the output patch. These
attributes correspond to per-patch result values written by one of the
tessellation control program threads. Tessellation evaluation programs do
not have an output patch and do not support this attribute binding suffix.
The following examples illustrate various legal and illegal program
bindings and their meanings.
ATTRIB pos = vertex.position;
ATTRIB pos2 =[2].position;
ATTRIB outpos = vertex.out.position;
ATTRIB outpos2 = vertex.out[2].position;
ATTRIB texcoords[] = { vertex.texcoord[0..3] };
ATTRIB tcoords1[4] = { vertex[1].texcoord[1..4] };
ATTRIB outattr[2] = { vertex.out.attrib[0..1] };
MOV R0, pos[1]; # position of input vertex 1
MOV R0, vertex[1].position; # position of input vertex 1
MOV R0, pos2; # position of input vertex 2
MOV R0, outpos; # ILLEGAL - needs a vertex number
MOV R0, outpos[1]; # position of output vertex 1 (TCP)
MOV R0, outpos2; # position of output vertex 2 (TCP)
MOV R0, texcoords[A0.x][1]; # texcoord 1 of input vertex A0.x
MOV R0, texcoords[A0.x][A0.y]; # texcoord A0.y of input vertex A0.x
MOV R0, tcoords1[2]; # texcoord 3 of input vertex 1
MOV R0, outattr[A0.x][1]; # generic attr 1 of output vertex
# A0.x (TCP)
MOV R0, vertex[A0.x].texcoord[1]; # ILLEGAL -- vertex number must be
# constant or must use variables like
# "texcoords" using bindings w/o
# vertex numbers
Attributes from input patch vertices will be obtained from the per-vertex
outputs of the previous program used to generate the vertex in question.
For tessellation evaluation programs, that previous program would be the
tessellation control program, if enabled, or the vertex program otherwise.
For tessellation control programs, the previous program is always the
vertex program. Tessellation control and evaluation program attributes
should be read using the same component data type used to write the
corresponding vertex program results. If input patch vertices are
specified to come from vertex program outputs but no vertex program is
enabled, the values are instead produced from fixed-function vertex
processing. The value of any attribute corresponding to a vertex output
not written by the previous program stage is undefined, as are the values
of all generic attributes if the vertex was produced by fixed-function
vertex processing.
Attributes from output patch vertices are only available in tessellation
control programs, and will be obtained from the per-vertex outputs of the
same program. When executing an instruction, the values of any output
patch vertex attribute are undefined unless the corresponding program
output was written by a previously executed instruction.
Per-patch attributes of the input patch are only available in tessellation
evaluation and geometry programs. If a tessellation control program is
enabled, they will be obtained from the corresponding per-patch outputs of
the tessellation control program producing the patch, and any attributes
not written by any thread of the control program are undefined. If no
tessellation control program is enabled, the inner and outer tessellation
levels are taken from the default tessellation levels, and all other
per-patch attributes are undefined.
Per-patch attributes of the output patch are available only in
tessellation control programs and will be obtained from the per-patch
outputs of the same program. When executing an instruction, the values of
any output patch attribute are undefined unless the corresponding program
output was written by a previously executed instruction.
The attributes of the vertices of an input or output patch vertex are
selected by an attribute binding suffix, as identified in Table X.3. All
such bindings correspond to one of multiple patch vertices and require a
vertex number, either in the binding prefix used in the instruction or as
the first array index when using an explicitly declared attribute variable
whose bindings have no vertex number.
Vertex Binding Suffix Components Description
------------------------ ---------- ----------------------------
position (x,y,z,w) clip coordinates
color (r,g,b,a) front primary color
color.primary (r,g,b,a) front primary color
color.secondary (r,g,b,a) front secondary color
color.front (r,g,b,a) front primary color
color.front.primary (r,g,b,a) front primary color
color.front.secondary (r,g,b,a) front secondary color
color.back (r,g,b,a) back primary color
color.back.primary (r,g,b,a) back primary color
color.back.secondary (r,g,b,a) back secondary color
fogcoord (f,-,-,-) fog coordinate
pointsize (s,-,-,-) point size
texcoord (s,t,r,q) texture coordinate, unit 0
texcoord[n] (s,t,r,q) texture coordinate, unit n
attrib[n] (x,y,z,w) generic interpolant n
clip[n] (d,-,-,-) clip plane distance
texcoord[n..o] (s,t,r,q) array of texture coordinates
attrib[n..o] (x,y,z,w) array of generic interpolants
clip[n..o] (d,-,-,-) array of clip distances
id (id,-,-,-) vertex id
Table X.3, Tessellation Control and Evaluation Program Per-Patch Vertex
Attribute Bindings. <n> and <o> refer to integer constants.
If an attribute binding suffix matches "position", the "x", "y", "z" and
"w" components of the attribute variable are filled with the "x", "y",
"z", and "w" components, respectively, of the transformed position of the
specified vertex, in clip coordinates.
If an attribute binding suffix matches any binding in Table X.3 beginning
with "color", the "x", "y", "z", and "w" components of the attribute
variable are filled with the "r", "g", "b", and "a" components,
respectively, of the corresponding color of the specified vertex.
Bindings containing "front" and "back" refer to the front and back colors,
respectively. Bindings containing "primary" and "secondary" refer to
primary and secondary colors, respectively. If face or color type is
omitted in the binding, the binding is treated as though "front" and
"primary", respectively, were specified.
If an attribute binding suffix matches "fogcoord", the "x" component of
the attribute variable is filled with the fog coordinate of the specified
vertex. The "y", "z", and "w" components are undefined.
If an attribute binding suffix matches "pointsize", the "x" component of
the attribute variable is filled with the point size of the specified
vertex. If the vertex was produced by fixed-function vertex processing,
the point size attribute is undefined. The "y", "z", and "w" components
are always undefined.
If an attribute binding suffix matches "texcoord" or "texcoord[n]", the
"x", "y", "z", and "w" coordinates of the attribute variable are filled
with the "s", "t", "r", and "q" coordinates of texture coordinate set <n>
of the specified vertex. If <n> is omitted, texture coordinate set zero
is used.
If an attribute binding suffix matches "attrib[n]", the "x", "y", "z", and
"w" components of the attribute variable are filled with the "x", "y",
"z", and "w" coordinates of generic interpolant <n> of the specified. All
generic interpolants will be undefined when the vertex is produced by
fixed-function vertex processing.
If an attribute binding suffix matches "clip[n]", the "x" component of the
attribute variable is filled the clip distance of the specified vertex for
clip plane <n>, as written by the vertex program. If the vertex was
produced by fixed-function vertex processing or a position-invariant
vertex program, the clip distance is obtained by computing the per-clip
plane dot product:
(p_1' p_2' p_3' p_4') dot (x_e y_e z_e w_e),
at the vertex location, as described in section 2.12. The clip distance
for clip plane <n> is undefined if clip plane <n> is disabled. The "y",
"z", and "w" components of the attribute are undefined.
If an attribute binding suffix matches "texcoord[n..o]", "attrib[n..o]",
or "clip[n..o]", a sequence of 1+<o>-<n> texture coordinate, generic
attribute, or clip distance bindings is created. For texture coordinate
bindings, it is as though the sequence "vertex[m].texcoord[n],
vertex[m].texcoord[n+1], ... vertex[m].texcoord[o]" were specfied. These
bindings are available only in explicit declarations of array variables.
A program will fail to load if <n> is greater than <o>.
If an attribute binding suffix matches "id", the "x" component is filled
with the vertex ID of the specified vertex. If the vertex was generated
by a previous program, the attribute variable is filled with the vertex ID
result written by that program. Otherwise, the vertex ID is undefined.
The "y", "z", and "w" components of the attribute are undefined.
Attribute bindings other than those corresponding to individual vertices
in input and output patch are identified in Table X.4. All of these items
except for "vertex.tesscoord" are per-patch attributes, and require one of
the prefixes beginning with "primitive".
Primitive Binding Suffix Components Description
------------------------ ---------- ----------------------------
id (id,-,-,-) primitive number
invocation (id,-,-,-) tess. control invocation
vertexcount (c,-,-,-) vertices in primitive
tessouter[n] (x,-,-,-) outer tess. level n
tessinner[n] (x,-,-,-) inner tess. level n
patch.attrib[n] (x,y,z,w) generic patch attribute n
tessouter[n..o] (x,-,-,-) outer tess. levels n to o
tessinner[n..o] (x,-,-,-) inner tess. levels n to o
patch.attrib[n..o] (x,y,z,w) generic patch attrib n to o
vertex.tesscoord (*) (u,v,w,-) tess. coordinate in [0,1]
Table X.4, Tessellation Control and Evaluation Miscellaneous Attribute
Bindings. <n> and <o> refer to integer constants.
If an attribute binding suffix matches "id", the "x" component is filled
with the number of primitives received by the GL since the last time Begin
was called (directly or indirectly via vertex array functions). The first
primitive generated after a Begin is numbered zero, and the primitive ID
counter is incremented after every individual point, line, or polygon
primitive is processed. Restarting a primitive topology using the
primitive restart index has no effect on the primitive ID counter. The
"y", "z", and "w" components of the variable are always undefined. This
suffix may only be used with the prefixes "primitive", "", or
"primitive.out", and produces the same value in all cases.
If an tessellation control program attribute binding suffix matches
"invocation", the "x" component is filled with the thread number of the
program invocation. The invocation number identifies the number of the
vertex in the output patch whose attributes are produced by this
invocation, and is in the range [0..<n>-1], where <n> is given by the
VERTICES_OUT declaration. The "y", "z", and "w" components of the
variable are always undefined. This suffix is not available to
tessellation evaluation programs and may only be used with the prefixes
"primitive", "", or "primitive.out", and produces the same
value in all cases.
If an attribute binding suffix matches "vertexcount", the "x" component is
filled with the number of vertices in the input primitive being processed.
The "y", "z", and "w" components of the variable are always undefined.
This suffix is available only with the prefixes "primitive" and
If an attribute binding suffix matches "tessouter[n]", the "x" component
is filled with the per-patch outer tessellation level numbered <n> of the
identified input or output patch. <n> must be less than four. The "y",
"z", and "w" components are always undefined. This suffix is available
only with the prefixes "primitive", "", and "primitive.out".
For tessellation control programs, this suffix is available only with
If an attribute binding suffix matches "tessinner[n]", the "x" component
is filled with the per-patch inner tessellation level numbered <n> of the
identified input or output patch. <n> must be less than two. The "y",
"z", and "w" components are always undefined. This suffix is available
only with the prefixes "primitive", "", and "primitive.out".
For tessellation control programs, this suffix is available only with
If an attribute binding suffix matches "patch.attrib[n]", the "x", "y",
"z", and "w" components are filled with the corresponding components of
the per-patch generic attribute numbered <n> of the identified input or
output patch. This suffix is available only with the prefixes
"primitive", "", and "primitive.out". For tessellation
control programs, this suffix is available only with "primitive.out".
If an attribute binding suffix matches "tessouter[n..o]",
"tessinner[n..o]", or "patch.attrib[n..o]", a sequence of 1+<o>-<n> outer
tessellation level, inner tessellation level, or per-patch generic
attribute bindings is created. For per-patch generic attribute bindings,
it is as though the sequence "primitive.patch.attrib[n],
primitive.patch.attrib[n+1], ... primitive.patch.attrib[o]" were
specfied. These bindings are available only in explicit declarations of
array variables. A program will fail to load if <n> is greater than <o>.
If a tessellation evaluation program attribute binding suffix matches
"vertex.tesscoord", the "x", "y", and "z" components are filled with the
floating-point (u,v,w) values, respectively, corresponding to the vertex
being processed by the tessellation evaluation program. For triangle
tessellation, the (u,v,w) values are barycentric coordinates that specify
the location of the vertex relative to the three corners of the subdivided
triangle. The (u,v,w) values are in the range [0,1] and sum to one. For
quad and isoline tessellation, the (u,v) values are in the range [0,1] and
specify the relative horizontal and vertical position in the subdivided
quad. The third component of the (u,v,w) vector is undefined for quad and
isoline tessellation. The "w" component of the variable is always
undefined. This suffix is not available to tessellation control shaders
and may only be used with the prefix "vertex".
(add the following subsection to section 2.X.3.5 of NV_gpu_program4,
Program Results.)
The attributes of individual output vertices are written by tessellation
control and evaluation programs. For tessellation control programs, these
attributes are those of the output patch vertex corresponding to the
program invocation. For tessellation evaluation programs, these
attributes specify the attributes of the vertex in the tessellated patch
corresponding to the program invocation. The set of allowable per-vertex
result variable bindings is the same for tessellation control and
evaluation programs correspond to attributes of output vertices and is
given in Table X.5.
Binding Components Description
----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------
result.position (x,y,z,w) position in clip coordinates
result.color (r,g,b,a) front-facing primary color
result.color.primary (r,g,b,a) front-facing primary color
result.color.secondary (r,g,b,a) front-facing secondary color
result.color.front (r,g,b,a) front-facing primary color
result.color.front.primary (r,g,b,a) front-facing primary color
result.color.front.secondary (r,g,b,a) front-facing secondary color
result.color.back (r,g,b,a) back-facing primary color
result.color.back.primary (r,g,b,a) back-facing primary color
result.color.back.secondary (r,g,b,a) back-facing secondary color
result.fogcoord (f,*,*,*) fog coordinate
result.pointsize (s,*,*,*) point size
result.texcoord (s,t,r,q) texture coordinate, unit 0
result.texcoord[n] (s,t,r,q) texture coordinate, unit n
result.attrib[n] (x,y,z,w) generic interpolant n
result.clip[n] (d,*,*,*) clip plane distance
result.texcoord[n..o] (s,t,r,q) texture coordinates n thru o
result.attrib[n..o] (x,y,z,w) generic interpolants n thru o
result.clip[n..o] (d,*,*,*) clip distances n thru o
Table X.5: Tessellation Control and Evaluation Program Per-Vertex
Result Variable Bindings. Components labeled "*" are unused.
If a result variable binding matches "result.position", updates to the
"x", "y", "z", and "w" components of the result variable modify the "x",
"y", "z", and "w" components, respectively, of the transformed vertex's
clip coordinates. Final window coordinates of vertices used for
rasterization will be generated for the vertex as described in section
If a result variable binding match begins with "result.color", updates to
the "x", "y", "z", and "w" components of the result variable modify the
"r", "g", "b", and "a" components, respectively, of the corresponding
vertex color attribute in Table X.3. Color bindings that do not specify
"front" or "back" are consided to refer to front-facing colors. Color
bindings that do not specify "primary" or "secondary" are considered to
refer to primary colors.
If a result variable binding matches "result.fogcoord", updates to the "x"
component of the result variable set the transformed vertex's fog
coordinate. Updates to the "y", "z", and "w" components of the result
variable have no effect.
If a result variable binding matches "result.pointsize", updates to the
"x" component of the result variable set the transformed vertex's point
size. Updates to the "y", "z", and "w" components of the result variable
have no effect.
If a result variable binding matches "result.texcoord" or
"result.texcoord[n]", updates to the "x", "y", "z", and "w" components of
the result variable set the "s", "t", "r" and "q" components,
respectively, of the transformed vertex's texture coordinates for texture
unit <n>. If "[n]" is omitted, texture unit zero is selected.
If a result variable binding matches "result.attrib[n]", updates to the
"x", "y", "z", and "w" components of the result variable set the "x", "y",
"z", and "w" components of the generic interpolant <n>.
If a result variable binding matches "result.clip[n]", updates to the "x"
component of the result variable set the clip distance for clip plane <n>.
If a result variable binding matches "result.texcoord[n..o]",
"result.attrib[n..o]", or "result.clip[n..o]", a sequence of 1+<o>-<n>
bindings is created. For texture coordinates, it is as though the
sequence "result.texcoord[n], result.texcoord[n+1],
... result.texcoord[o]" were specfied. These bindings are available only
in explicit declarations of array variables. A program will fail to load
if <n> is greater than <o>.
In addition to per-vertex attribute bindings, a set of per-patch result
bindings are available to tessellation control programs, as described in
Table X.6. These bindings are not available to tessellation evaluation
Binding Components Description
----------------------------- ---------- ----------------------------
result.patch.tessouter[n] (x,*,*,*) tessctl outer level n
result.patch.tessinner[n] (x,*,*,*) tessctl inner level n
result.patch.attrib[n] (x,y,z,w) per-patch generic attrib n
result.patch.tessouter[n..o] (x,*,*,*) tessctl outer levels n thru o
result.patch.tessinner[n..o] (x,*,*,*) tessctl inner levels n thru o
result.patch.attrib[n..o] (x,y,z,w) per-patch attribs n thru o
Table X.4: Tessellation Control Per-Patch Result Variable Bindings.
Components labeled "*" are unused.
If a result variable binding matches "result.patch.tessouter[n]", updates
to the "x" component set the outer tessellation level numbered <n> for the
output patch. Updates to the "y", "z", and "w" components have no effect.
If a result variable binding matches "result.patch.tessinner[n]", updates
to the "x" component set the inner tessellation level numbered <n> for the
output patch. Updates to the "y", "z", and "w" components have no effect.
If a result variable binding matches "result.patch.attrib[n]", updates to
the "x", "y", "z", and "w" components of the result variable set the "x",
"y", "z", and "w" components of the per-patch generic attribute numbered
<n> for the output patch.
If a result variable binding matches "result.patch.tessouter[n..o]",
"result.patch.tessinner[n..o]", or "result.patch.attrib[n..o]", a sequence
of 1+<o>-<n> bindings is created. For per-patch generic attributes, it is
as though the sequence "result.patch.attrib[n], result.patch.attrib[n+1],
... result.patch.attrib[o]" were specfied. These bindings are available
only in explicit declarations of array variables. A program will fail to
load if <n> is greater than <o>.
Modify Section 2.X.5 of NV_gpu_program4, Program Flow Control
(modify spec language at the end of the section to account for the
different flow control model for tessellation control programs)
Tessellation Control Program Flow Control
For tessellation control programs, there are multiple program invocations
for each patch processed that run as a group. Any given program
invocation can read per-vertex or per-patch attributes of the output
patch, which may be computed during the execution of the program and may
be computed by a different program invocation. To provide defined
behavior for such accesses, we specify that all threads for each patch run
as a group. When executing any block of instructions, all active threads
will complete the excecution of one instruction before starting the
execution of the subsequent instruction. Flow control instructions may
cause the flow of threads in a group to diverge and will modify the set of
active threads. The handling of flow control instructions is described in
more detail below.
A tessellation control program is handled by executing all instructions in
a block of instructions corresponding to the main subroutine, with all
threads initially active. This block consists of all instructions between
the "main" label and the next subroutine label. If no "main" label is
present, the block starts with the first instruction in the program. If
there is no subroutine label following the beginning of the block, the
block ends at the END instruction. Instructions in the block are executed
in order until all threads reach a termination condition. A thread will
* if it executes a RET anywhere within the main subroutine, unless the
RET instruction is conditional and the condition code test fails; or
* if it completes the execution of all instructions in the subroutine
When an individual thread terminates processing of the main subroutine,
the thread will become inactive and remain inactive for the remainder of
program execution. When all threads have terminated the main subroutine
block, program execution is complete and the output patch is passed to
subsequent pipeline stages.
When a CAL instruction is executed, the current set of active threads will
execute a block of instructions corresponding to the specified subroutine
label. This block consists of all instructions between the specified
label and the next subroutine label. If there is no subroutine label
following the beginning of the block, the block ends at the END
instruction. Instructions in the block are executed in order until all
active threads reach a termination condition. A thread will complete
execution of a subroutine block:
* if the CAL instruction is conditional and the condition code test
* if it executes a RET anywhere within the subroutine block, unless the
RET instruction is conditional and the condition code test fails; or
* if it completes the execution of all instructions in the subroutine
When an individual thread terminates processing of a called subroutine,
the thread will become inactive and remain inactive until all threads have
reached their termination condition. When all threads have terminated the
subroutine, execution continues at the instruction following the CAL
instruction. All threads active for initial CAL instruction become active
again; all other threads will remain inactive.
When a REP instruction is executed, the current set of active threads will
repeatedly execute the instructions between the REP and corresponding
ENDREP instruction in order. Execution of this instruction loop will
continue until all threads active when the REP instruction is executed
reach a termination condition. A thread will terminate the processing of
a REP/ENDREP block:
* if the REP instruction specifies a loop count, and the initial loop
count is not positive;
* if the REP instruction specifies a loop count, and the current value
of the loop count for the thread reaches zero when decremented by an
ENDREP instruction;
* if a RET instruction is executed anywhere within the REP/ENDREP block,
unless the RET instruction is conditional and the condition code test
fails; or
* if a BRK instruction is executed inside the REP/ENDREP block, unless
the BRK instruction is contained inside a more-deeply nested
REP/ENDREP block or the BRK instruction is conditional and the
condition code test fails.
When an individual thread terminates processing of a REP/ENDREP loop, the
thread will become inactive and remain inactive until all threads have
terminated the loop. When all threads have terminated the loop, execution
continues at the instruction following the ENDREP instruction. All
threads active for initial REP instruction become active again, unless
they executed a RET instruction inside the REP/ENDREP block. All other
threads will be inactive.
If a conditional CONT instruction is executed inside a REP/ENDREP block,
all active threads passing the condition code test will become inactive
and remain inactive until the next ENDREP instruction. If all active
threads become inactive following the completion of a CONT instruction,
processing continues at the next ENDIF or ENDREP instruction. An
unconditional CONT instruction is treated identically to a conditional
CONT instruction where all active threads pass the condition code test.
When an IF instruction belonging to an IF/ELSE/ENDIF block is executed,
the current set of active threads is split into two groups. The first
group consists of all active threads passing the condition code test, and
will execute a block of instructions between the IF and ELSE. The second
group consists of all active threads failing the condition code test, and
will execute a block of instructions between the ELSE and ENDIF.
Instructions within each group are executed in lock-step order. However,
the order of execution of instructions for threads in the first group are
undefined relative to those in the second group.
When executing a block of instructions for either of the two groups in an
IF/ELSE/ENDIF block, instructions within the block will be executed in
order with only the threads in that group active. The instructions of the
block are executed until all threads in the group reach a block
termination condition. A thread will terminate the processing of its
* if it executes a RET instruction, unless the RET instruction is
conditional and the condition code test fails;
* if it executes a BRK or CONT instruction inside the IF/ENDIF block,
unless that instruction is contained in a more-deeply nested
REP/ENDREP block or if the instruction is conditional and the
condition code test fails; or
* if it completes the execution of all instructions in the instruction
When both groups have completed their instruction blocks, execution
continues at the instruction following the ENDIF. No instruction
following the ENDIF will be executed until both groups have completed. At
that point, any thread active for the IF instruction will become active
again unless the execution of its instruction block was terminated due to
the execution of a RET, BRK, or CONT instruction. All other threads will
be inactive.
An IF instruction belonging to an IF/ENDIF block (with no corresponding
ELSE) is handled as above, except that only one thread group created.
That group will consists of all active threads passing the condition code,
and it executes a block of instructions between the IF and ENDIF.
The order of execution imposed by this flow control model typically
produces defined results when a tessellation control shader writes an
output patch attribute, and then reads it (possibly on a different thread)
for further computation. There are two cases where undefined instruction
execution order will lead to undefined attribute values. When two or more
threads access an attribute in a single executed instruction:
* the value of the attribute after the instruction completes will be
undefined if multiple threads write different values; and
* the value of the attribute read by one thread will be undefined if the
same attribute is written by another thread executing the same
Also, when an IF/ELSE/ENDIF block is executed and a thread from each of
the two thread groups access an attribute within its block:
* the value of the attribute after the completion of the block will be
undefined if both threads write different values;
* the value of the attribute read by one thread will be undefined if the
same attribute is written by another thread.
If either thread group in an IF/ELSE/ENDIF block issue CAL instructions,
these restrictions also apply to the instructions executed in the called
The additional complexities of this tessellation control program flow
control model are not fundamentally incompatible with the simpler flow
control rules above. They are simply intended to provide a useful model
allowing for multiple cooperating threads. In particular, two models are
completely equivalent if there is only number of tessellation control
program threads per patch is one.
(add the following subsections to section 2.X.6 of NV_gpu_program4,
Program Options.)
Section 2.X.6.Y, Tessellation Control Program Options
No options are supported at present for tessellation control programs.
Section 2.X.6.Y, Tessellation Evaluation Program Options
No options are supported at present for tessellation evaluation programs.
(add the following subsections to section 2.X.7 of NV_gpu_program4,
Program Declarations.)
Section 2.X.7.Y, Tessellation Control Program Declarations
Tessellation control programs support one type of declaration statement,
as described below.
- Output Vertex Count (VERTICES_OUT)
The VERTICES_OUT statement declares the number of vertices in the output
patch produced by the tessellation control program, which also specifies
the number of program invocations for each input patch. The single
argument must be a positive integer less than or equal to the value of the
implementation-dependent limit MAX_PATCH_VERTICES_NV. Each program
invocation will have the same inputs except for the built-in input
variable "primitive.invocation". This variable will be an integer between
0 and <n>-1, where <n> is the declared number of invocations. A program
will fail to load unless it contains exactly one VERTICES_OUT declaration.
Section 2.X.7.Y, Tessellation Evaluation Program Declarations
Tessellation evaluation programs support several declaration statements.
Each of these may be included at most in a tessellation evaluation
- Tessellation Primitive Generation Mode (TESS_MODE)
The TESS_MODE statement declares the type of subdivision performed by the
tessellation primitive generator when the tessellation evaluation program,
as described for the TESS_GEN_MODE_NV parameter in Section 2.X.2. The
single argument must be "TRIANGLES", "QUADS", or "ISOLINES". A
tessellation evaluation program will fail to load if it has no primitive
generation mode declaration.
- Tessellation Primitive Spacing (TESS_SPACING)
The TESS_SPACING statement declares the type of spacing the tessellation
primitive generator applies when subdivides primitive edge, as described
for the TESS_GEN_SPACING_NV parameter in Section 2.X.2. The single
argument must be "EQUAL", "FRACTIONAL_ODD", or "FRACTIONAL_EVEN". If a
program omits a spacing declaration, "EQUAL" will be used.
- Tessellation Vertex Order (TESS_VERTEX_ORDER)
The TESS_VERTEX_ORDER statement declares the order of the vertices in the
triangles emitted by the tessellation primitive generator in TRIANGLES or
QUADS mode, as described for the TESS_GEN_VERTEX_ORDER_NV parameter in
Section 2.X.2. The single argument must be "CW" or "CCW". If a program
omits a vertex order declaration, "CCW" will be used.
- Tessellation Point Mode (TESS_POINT_MODE)
The TESS_POINT_MODE statement declares that the tessellation primitive
generator will emit points for each vertex in the subdivided primitive
instead of lines or triangles, as described for the TESS_GEN_POINT_MODE_NV
parameter in Section 2.X.2. The declaration takes no arguments. If a
program omits a point mode declaration, the primitives emitted will be
lines (for ISOLINES mode) or triangles (for TRIANGLES and QUADS mode).
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 1.5 Specification (Rasterization)
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 1.5 Specification (Per-Fragment
Operations and the Frame Buffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 1.5 Specification (Special Functions)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 1.5 Specification (State and
State Requests)
Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 1.5 Specification (Invariance)
Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
GLX Protocol
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if Begin, or any command that
implicitly calls Begin, is called when tessellation control programs are
enabled and the currently bound tessellation control program object does
not contain a valid program.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if Begin, or any command that
implicitly calls Begin, is called when tessellation evaluation programs
are enabled and the currently bound tessellation evaluation program object
does not contain a valid program.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if Begin, or any command that
implicitly calls Begin, is called when tessellation control programs are
enabled and <mode> is not PATCHES_NV.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if Begin, or any command that
implicitly calls Begin, is called when tessellation evaluation programs
are enabled and <mode> is not PATCHES_NV.
New State
(Modify ARB_vertex_program, Table X.6 -- Program State)
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attribute
------------------------- ---- ----------- ------- ------------------------ ------ ---------
TESS_CONTROL_PROGRAM_NV B IsEnabled FALSE Tessellation control 2.14.6 enable
program enable
TESS_EVALUATION_PROGRAM_NV B IsEnabled FALSE Tess. evaluation 2.14.6 enable
program enable
TESS_CONTROL_PROGRAM_ Z+ GetIntegerv 0 Active tess control 2.14.1 -
PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV program buffer object
TESS_CONTROL_PROGRAM_ nxZ+ GetInteger- 0 Buffer objects bound for 2.14.1 -
PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV IndexedvEXT tess. control program use
TESS_EVALUATION_PROGRAM_ Z+ GetIntegerv 0 Active tess evaluation 2.14.1 -
PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV program buffer object
TESS_EVALUATION_PROGRAM_ nxZ+ GetInteger- 0 Buffer objects bound for 2.14.1 -
PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV IndexedvEXT tess. eval. program use
Additionally, some tessellation-related state applicable to this extension
is added by ARB_tessellation_shader.
New Implementation Dependent State
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attrib
-------------------------------- ---- --------------- ------- ----------------------- -------- ------
MAX_PROGRAM_PATCH_ATTRIBS_NV Z+ GetProgramivARB 30 number of generic patch 2.X.3.2 -
attribute vectors
Additionally, some tessellation-related state applicable to this extension
is added by ARB_tessellation_shader.
Dependencies on ARB_tessellation_shader
This spec incorporates the text of ARB_tessellation_shader in its
entirety. If ARB_tessellation_shader is not supported, language
documenting GLSL tessellation control and evaluation shaders should be
removed; tessellation would be available only using the assembly
interface. Language describing the operation of patch primitives and the
tessellation primitive generator would be retained.
Dependencies on NV_parameter_buffer_object
The NV_parameter_buffer_object (PaBO) extension provides the ability to
bind buffer objects to be read by vertex, geometry, and fragment programs.
If NV_parameter_buffer_object is supported, this extension adds the
ability to bind buffer objects to be accessed by tessellation control and
evaluation programs. The NV_parameter_buffer_object should be modified to
defined enums (for vertex, geometry, and fragment programs) are accepted.
If NV_parameter_buffer_object is not supported, references to the two new
buffer object binding points should be removed.
(1) How does tessellation fit into the existing GL pipeline?
RESOLVED: See issue (1) in the ARB_tessellation_shader specification,
which contains beautifully crafted ASCII art depicting the pipeline.
(2) What other considerations were involved in the design of the
tessellation API?
RESOLVED: Go look at the detailed issues section of the GLSL-based
ARB_tessellation_shader specification. There are a good number of
issues that apply equally to the assembly APIs that won't be duplicated
(3) Should the tessellation-related parameters (e.g., the primitive
decomposition, spacing, vertex orientation) be context state or
provided with the program? If the latter, how should they be
RESOLVED: We are providing declaration statements to specify each of
these parameters in the tessellation evaluation program. Because they
are part of the program text, they can't be changed independently of the
program. We don't think that limitation is serious, and the same
limitation applies to GLSL shaders (you need to re-link when changing
these parameters).
Putting these declarations in the shader means that it wasn't necessary
to create a new "tessellation parameter" API to set this state. Such an
API would only apply to assembly programs and could be a source of
confusion if developers thought it might apply to GLSL shaders as well.
(4) The programming model for tessellation control programs supports
multiple threads, each providing attributes for a single vertex. But
it also supports the ability to read the per-vertex outputs written by
other threads and to read and write shared per-patch attribute
outputs. The latter capabilities require some sort of synchronization
to ensure consistently ordered reads and writes whenever possible.
How should this be handled?
RESOLVED: We will expose a programming model where we run groups of <N>
parallel threads in lock-step. In this model, all <N> threads
effectively retire one instruction before starting the next. This
execution model provides a simple abstraction, and provides an obvious
instruction order allowing an application to avoid most read-write and
write-write hazards.
There are three places where we have explicitly undefined behavior:
* If flow control diverges in an IF/ELSE/ENDIF block, the relative
order of writes in the "IF" side of the block and those in the
"ELSE" side of the block is undefined.
* If multiple threads write different values to the same per-patch
attribute in the same instruction, the order in which the writes
land is undefined.
* If any single instruction has one thread reading a per-vertex output
or a per-patch attribute and another thread writing the same output,
the order in which the reads and writes land is undefined.
Implementations need not actually run the threads in this manner, as
long as the compiler properly synchronizes threads at the points where
execution order dependencies do occur. Since the NV_gpu_program4
programming model uses structured branching (e.g., IF/ELSE/ENDIF
blocks), the points at which threads may diverge and converge again are
easily identified. We expect that the number of such synchronization
points will be low for most tessellation control programs.
One other approach considered is to limit the flow control model and the
capabilities of the system to result in a minimal number of required
synchronization points. For example, the tessellation control program
might be split into phases where the capabilities of each thread to
access outputs would be limited. For example, one might have a
three-phase model like the following:
Per-Vertex Outputs Per-Patch Outputs
Phase can read? can write? can read? can write?
----- --------- ---------- --------- ----------
3 YES NO YES(a) YES(b)
In this model, there would be two explicit synchronization points --
between each pair of phases. The limits on access prevent most cases
where conficts could occur (e.g., you can't read any per-vertex outputs
until you're completely done writing all). To further limit conflicts,
per-patch attributes might be divided into two sets -- set (a) can be
written only in phase 2 and read only in phase (3), and set (b) can be
written only in phase 3.
We decided to expose a general model on the grounds that having the
compiler automatically determine possible synchronization points was easy
enough. Optimizing compilers that reorder instructions already have to
deal with this exact type of issue -- they can't move instructions that
write a variable past subsequent instructions that read it.
The programming model adopted for GLSL in ARB_tessellation_shader
similarly has a set of parallel threads running one executable, but it
provides a barrier() call that serves as a synchronization point and can
be used to split shader execution into phases.
Note that while all previous OpenGL programmability extensions exposed a
model of completely independent threads (i.e., one thread can't read the
outputs of another), threads weren't always completely independent! In
fragment programs/shaders, some texture and all partial derivative
built-ins (dFdx, dFdy in GLSL) require screen-space derivatives. If the
quantity used for derivatives is computed by the shader, OpenGL
implementations generally run threads in groups arranged by screen-space
location and approximate derivatives by computing differences of the
inputs between threads. This approach requires the same sort of
automatic synchronization between threads, since derivatives implicitly
read values computed by other threads.
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- -------- -------- -----------------------------------------
3 12/19/11 pbrown Clarify that "primitive.tessouter[n]",
"primitive.tessinner[n]", and "primitive.
patch.attrib[n]" are not available on the input
patch for tessellation control programs. Remove
stray language referring to a non-existent
vector tessellation level.
2 03/22/10 pbrown Rename references to ARB_tessellation_shader
(formerly EXT). Minor other cleanups, including
the issues section.
1 pbrown Internal revisions.