blob: 960eb3d9fdf748ade1f4045c7b2e0a29aeabbd6e [file] [log] [blame]
Name Strings
Kevin Lefebvre, NVIDIA (klefebvre 'at'
Under review. Target release in NVIDIA 387.00 drivers.
NVIDIA's Tegra drivers will not expose this extensions.
Last Modified Date: May 4, 2017
Author Revision: 0.2
OpenGL Extension #512
OpenGL 2.0 is required.
GL_NV_query_resource is required.
The extension is written against the OpenGL 2.0 Specification.
This extension adds the capability to associate a tag with one or more
memory resource allocations. This tag can be reported back during
queryResource operations and also be used to limit resource reporting to
only those allocations with the specified tag. A tag is a previously
reserved id and an optional text string.
New Procedures and Functions
GenQueryResourceTagNV(GLsizei n, GLuint *tagIds)
DeleteQueryResourceTagNV(GLsizei n, const GLuint *tagIds)
QueryResourceTagNV(GLuint tagId, const GLchar *tagString)
New Tokens
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Rasterization)
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Per-Fragment
Operations and the Frame Buffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Special Functions)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (State and
State Requests)
After the third paragraph of the "Section 6.1.x GPU Query Resource" of the
GL_NV_query_resource extension add the following:
The <tagId> parameter determines how the query handles memory allocation
tagged information. A value of 0 causes the query to not report any tag
information. A positive value will cause the query to return all memory
allocations associated with that tag (assuming the tag is valid, an
invalid tag results in the query responding as if the tagId value was 0).
A value of -1 will cause the query to return allocations for all tags.
In addition to the tagId being returned for an allocation the associated
tag text string will be returned if it exists.
The bufSize parameter indicates the size of the application provided buffer
in ints where the query results are returned. The buffer parameter points
to this return buffer. The commands return value is the number of ints
written in the return buffer. If the return value is negative then the
buffer is too small to hold the returned data. If the buffer pointer is
NULL then the return value specifies the size of buffer needed to hold the
results from the query call.
At the end of the "Section 6.1.x GPU Query Resource" of the
GL_NV_query_resource extension add the following:
The command GenQueryResourceTagNV returns <n> previously unused query
resource tag object names in the buffer <tagIds>. These names are reserved
as used for the purposes of GenQueryResourceTagNV only, but they acquire
state only when they are first used by QueryResourceTagNV described below.
The tag objects are deleted by calling DeleteQueryResourceTagNV where
<tagIds> contains <n> names of tag objects to be deleted. After a state
object is deleted it has no contents. Whether the released TagId's will be
reused is implementation dependent. Unused names in <states> are silently
ignored, as is the value zero. If a tag object is deleted there may still
be memory allocations associated with the tagId but queries based on the
tagId will not report any information.
The command QueryResourceTagNV creates a query resource tag object
associated with the name <tagId>. If the <tagString> is non-null then the
null terminated string will be saved in the tag object (and will be
reported on a query). If the tagId aready has an associated object with
it then the new <tagString> will replace the exisiting string. To disable
tagging (ie. the creating of new objects without a tag) set the <tagId>
parameter to 0.
Replace the format descriptor in this section with:
fixedBlkSize - size of fixed header
version - data stream version number (version = 1 at this time)
devCount - count of devices
deviceBlk[i] (i from 0 to devCount - 1)
devBlkSize - size of per device info including detail blocks
summaryBlkSize - summary block size
numAllocs - number of GL object allocations
vidmem - size of vidmem in use by GL objects
vidmemFree - size of vidmem allocated but not in use
detailCount - number of detail blocks
detailBlk[j] (j from 0 to detailCount - 1)
detailBlkSize - size of single detail block
memType - only vidmem at this time
objType - GL object type
numAllocs - number of objects of this objType
vidmem - amount of memory used for this objType
tagRecord[k] (k from 0 to tagCount - 1)
size - size of this tag record entry
tagId - tag id
devId - device id this tag resides on
numAllocs - number of allocations with this tagId
vidmem - size of vidmem in use by objects with this tagId
strlen - length of optional tag string (in int's, 0 if no string)
str - optional null terminated tag string
note: sizes are in int's
Stepping through the buffer can be accomplished by:
fixedHeader addr = address of buffer
deviceBlk[0] addr = fixedHeader addr + fixedBlkSize
summaryBlk addr = deviceBlk[0] addr
detailBlk[0] addr = summaryBlk addr + summaryBlkSize
detailBlk[1] addr = detailBlk[0] addr + detailBlkSize
deviceBlk[1] addr = deviceBlk[0] addr + devBlockSize
tagCount addr = deviceBlk[devCount] addr
tagRecond[0] addr = tagCount + 1
The intent of the sizes embedded in the stream is to enable backward
comaptibility. In future extension additions new state added to a block
will be added at he end. Exisiting buffer decoders wil continue to decode
the original data and ignore new data by using the sizes to step through
the buffer.
New State
1) After a DeleteQueryResourceTag inaddition to deleting the tagString
and marking the tagId as unused should the tagId be purged from the
memory allocations. This could be a potentially expensive operation,
the memory allocation structures need to be walked for every tagId
in the list while a log is taken.
PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Mark the tagId as invalid, ignore invalid tags in
the QueryResource command, not hand it out in future GenQueryResourceTag
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- -------- --------- ------------------------------------------------
0.1 05/04/17 klefebvre First draft
0.2 07/07/17 klefebvre add tag disable