blob: fcaf61059b7772af87352f1f57f3a23e6d0d9309 [file] [log] [blame]
Name Strings
Michael Gold, NVIDIA
James Helferty, TransGaming Inc.
Daniel Koch, TransGaming Inc.
John Rosasco, Apple
Mark Kilgard, NVIDIA
Piers Daniell, NVIDIA
James Helferty, TransGaming Inc. (james 'at'
Daniel Koch, TransGaming Inc. (daniel 'at'
Copyright (c) 2008-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at
Approved by the ARB on July 11, 2008.
Last Modified Date: August 8, 2013
Author Revision: 7
EXT_direct_state_access interacton added with revision 7.
ARB Extension #49
OpenGL 1.1 is required.
This extension is written against the OpenGL 2.1 Specification.
ARB_draw_instanced affects the definition of this extension.
EXT_draw_instanced affects the definition of this extension.
EXT_gpu_shader4 affects the definition of this extension.
A common use case in GL for some applications is to be able to
draw the same object, or groups of similar objects that share
vertex data, primitive count and type, multiple times. This
extension provides a means of accelerating such use cases while
restricting the number of API calls, and keeping the amount of
duplicate data to a minimum.
In particular, this extension specifies an alternative to the
read-only shader variable introduced by ARB_draw_instanced. It
uses the same draw calls introduced by that extension, but
redefines them so that a vertex shader can instead use vertex
array attributes as a source of instance data.
This extension introduces an array "divisor" for generic
vertex array attributes, which when non-zero specifies that the
attribute is "instanced." An instanced attribute does not
advance per-vertex as usual, but rather after every <divisor>
conceptual draw calls.
(Attributes which aren't instanced are repeated in their entirety
for every conceptual draw call.)
By specifying transform data in an instanced attribute or series
of instanced attributes, vertex shaders can, in concert with the
instancing draw calls, draw multiple instances of an object with
one draw call.
IP Status
No known IP claims.
New Tokens
Accepted by the <pname> parameters of GetVertexAttribdv,
GetVertexAttribfv, and GetVertexAttribiv:
New Procedures and Functions
void VertexAttribDivisorARB(uint index, uint divisor);
When EXT_direct_state_access is present:
void VertexArrayVertexAttribDivisorEXT(uint vaobj, uint index, uint divisor);
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification
(OpenGL Operation)
Modify section 2.8 (Vertex Arrays), p. 23
(remove modifications to section 2.8 made by ARB_draw_instanced
and EXT_draw_instanced, and replace everything from the second
paragraph, p. 27 through the second paragraph, p. 30)
The internal counter <instanceID> is a 32-bit integer value which
may be read by a vertex program as <vertex.instance>, as described
in section 2.X.3.2, or vertex shader as <gl_InstanceIDARB>, as
described in section The value of this counter is
always zero, except as noted.
The command
void VertexAttribDivisorARB(uint index, uint divisor);
modifies the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance when
rendering multiple instances of primitives in a single draw call.
If <divisor> is zero, the attribute at slot <index> advances once
per vertex. If <divisor> is non-zero, the attribute advances once
per <divisor> instances of the set(s) of vertices being rendered.
An attribute is referred to as <instanced> if its <divisor> value
is non-zero.
The function
void ArrayElementInstanced( int i, int instance );
does not exist in the GL, but is used to describe functionality in
the rest of this section. This function transfers the <i>th
element of every enabled, non-instanced array and the
floor(<instance>/<divisor>)'th element of every enabled instanced
array to the GL. The effect of ArrayElementInstanced(i) is the
same as the effect of the command sequence
if (normal array enabled)
Normal3[type]v(normal array element i);
if (color array enabled)
Color[size][type]v(color array element i);
if (secondary color array enabled)
SecondaryColor3[type]v(secondary color array element i);
if (fog coordinate array enabled)
FogCoord[type]v(fog coordinate array element i);
for (j = 0; j < textureUnits; j++) {
if (texture coordinate set j array enabled)
MultiTexCoord[size][type]v(TEXTURE0 + j, texture coordinate set j array element i);
if (color index array enabled)
Index[type]v(color index array element i);
if (edge flag array enabled)
EdgeFlagv(edge flag array element i);
for (j = 1; j < genericAttributes; j++) {
if (generic vertex attribute j array enabled) {
k = floor(instance / VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR_ARB[j]);
k = i;
if (generic vertex attribute j array normalization flag is set, and
type is not FLOAT or DOUBLE)
VertexAttrib[size]N[type]v(j, generic vertex attribute j array element k);
VertexAttrib[size][type]v(j, generic vertex attribute j array element k);
if (generic attribute array 0 enabled) {
k = floor(instance / VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR_ARB[0]);
k = i;
if (generic vertex attribute 0 array normalization flag is set, and
type is not FLOAT or DOUBLE)
VertexAttrib[size]N[type]v(0, generic vertex attribute 0 array element k);
VertexAttrib[size][type]v(0, generic vertex attribute 0 array element k);
} else if (vertex array enabled) {
Vertex[size][type]v(vertex array element i);
where <textureUnits> and <genericAttributes> give the number of
texture coordinate sets and generic vertex attributes supported by
the implementation, respectively. "[size]" and "[type]"
correspond to the size and type of the corresponding array. For
generic vertex attributes, it is assumed that a complete set of
vertex attribute commands exists, even though not all such
functions are provided by the GL.
The command
void ArrayElement( int i );
behaves identically to ArrayElementInstanced with the instance
set to zero; it is equivalent to calling
ArrayElementInstanced(i, 0);
Changes made to array data between the execution of Begin and the
corresponding execution of End may affect calls to ArrayElement
that are made within the same Begin/End period in non-sequential
ways. That is, a call to ArrayElement that precedes a change to
array data may access the changed data, and a call that follows a
change to array data may access original data.
Specifying i < 0 results in undefined behavior. Generating the
error INVALID VALUE is recommended in this case.
The function
void DrawArraysOneInstance( enum mode, int first, sizei count, int instance );
does not exist in the GL, but is used to describe functionality in
the rest of this section. This function constructs a sequence of
geometric primitives using elements <first> through <first> +
<count> - 1 of each enabled, non-instanced array and the
<instance>th element of each enabled, instanced array. <mode>
specifies what kind of primitives are constructed; it accepts the
same token values as the mode parameter of the Begin command. The
effect of
DrawArraysOneInstance (mode, first, count, int instance);
is the same as the effect of the command sequence
for (int i = 0; i < count ; i++)
ArrayElementInstanced(first+ i, instance);
with one exception: the current normal coordinates, color,
secondary color, color index, edge flag, fog coordinate, texture
coordinates, and generic attributes are each indeterminate after
execution of DrawArraysOneInstance, if the corresponding array is
enabled. Current values corresponding to disabled arrays are not
modified by the execution of DrawArraysOneInstance.
Specifying first < 0 results in undefined behavior. Generating
the error INVALID_VALUE is recommended in this case.
The command
void DrawArrays( enum mode, int first, sizei count );
behaves identically to DrawArraysOneInstance with the instance
set to zero; the effect of calling
DrawArrays(mode, first, count);
is equivalent to the command sequence:
if (mode or count is invalid )
generate appropriate error
DrawArraysOneInstance(mode, first, count, 0);
The command
void DrawArraysInstancedARB(enum mode, int first, sizei count,
sizei primcount);
behaves identically to DrawArrays except that <primcount>
instances of the range of elements are executed, the value of
<instanceID> advances for each iteration, and the instanced
elements advance per instance depending on the value of the divisor
for that vertex attribute set with VertexAttribDivisorARB. It has the
same effect as:
if (mode or count is invalid)
generate appropriate error
else {
for (i = 0; i < primcount; i++) {
instanceID = i;
DrawArraysOneInstance(mode, first, count, i);
instanceID = 0;
The command
void MultiDrawArrays( enum mode, int *first,
sizei *count, sizei primcount );
behaves identically to DrawArraysInstancedARB except that
<primcount> separate ranges of elements are specified instead,
all elements are treated as though they are not instanced,
and the value of <instanceID> stays at 0. It has the same
effect as:
if (mode is invalid)
generate appropriate error
else {
for (i = 0; i < primcount; i++) {
if (count[i] > 0)
DrawArraysOneInstance(mode, first[i], count[i], 0);
The function
void DrawElementsOneInstance( enum mode, sizei count, enum type,
void *indices );
does not exist in the GL, but is used to describe functionality in
the rest of this section. This function constructs a sequence of
geometric primitives using the <count> elements whose indices are
stored in indices. <type> must be one of UNSIGNED_BYTE,
UNSIGNED_SHORT, or UNSIGNED_INT, indicating that the values in
<indices> are indices of GL type ubyte, ushort, or uint
respectively. <mode> specifies what kind of primitives are
constructed; it accepts the same token values as the mode
parameter of the Begin command. The effect of
DrawElementsOneInstance (mode, count, type, indices);
is the same as the effect of the command sequence
for (int i = 0; i < count ; i++)
ArrayElementInstanced(indices[i], instance);
with one exception: the current normal coordinates, color,
secondary color, color index, edge flag, fog coordinate, texture
coordinates, and generic attributes are each indeterminate after
execution of DrawElementsOneInstance, if the corresponding array is
enabled. Current values corresponding to disabled arrays are not
modified by the execution of DrawElementsOneInstance.
The command
void DrawElements( enum mode, sizei count, enum type,
void *indices );
behaves identically to DrawElementsOneInstance with the instance
paremeter set to zero; the effect of calling
DrawElements(mode, count, type, indices);
is equivalent to the command sequence:
if (mode, count or type is invalid )
generate appropriate error
DrawElementsOneInstance(mode, count, type, indices, 0);
The command
void DrawElementsInstancedARB(enum mode, sizei count, enum type,
const void *indices, sizei primcount);
behaves identically to DrawElements except that <primcount>
instances of the set of elements are executed, the value of
<instanceID> advances between each set, and the instance
advances between each set. It has the same effect as:
if (mode, count, or type is invalid )
generate appropriate error
else {
for (int i = 0; i < primcount; i++) {
instanceID = i;
DrawElementsOneInstance(mode, count, type, indices, i);
instanceID = 0;
The command
void MultiDrawElements( enum mode, sizei *count,
enum type, void **indices, sizei primcount );
behaves identically to DrawElementsInstancedARB except that
<primcount> separate sets of elements are specified instead, all
elements are treated as though they are not instanced, and the
value of <instanceID> stays at 0. It has the same effect as:
if (mode, count, or type is invalid )
generate appropriate error
else {
for (int i = 0; i < primcount; i++)
DrawElementsOneInstance(mode, count[i], type, indices[i], 0);
The command
void DrawRangeElements( enum mode, uint start,
uint end, sizei count, enum type, void *indices );
is a restricted form of DrawElements. ...
Modify section 2.8 (Vertex Arrays), p. 23
(remove section before final paragraph, p. 30, that was added by
ARB_draw_instanced and EXT_draw_instanced)
Modify section 2.8 (Vertex Arrays), p. 33
(in the list of client state required to implement vertex arrays add)
... <n> integers representing vertex attribute divisors, ...
(in the list of initial state add)
... the divisors are each zero, ...
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification
(Special Functions)
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if DrawArraysInstancedARB
or DrawElementsInstancedARB is called during display list
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (State and State
In section 6.1.14, add to the list of pnames accepted by
Additions to the AGL/EGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
Dependencies on OpenGL 1.4
If OpenGL 1.4 is not supported, all discussion of MultiDrawArrays
and MultiDrawElements should be removed from section 2.8.
Dependencies on ARB_draw_instanced
If neither ARB_draw_instanced nor EXT_draw_instanced is supported,
all references to instanceID should be removed from section 2.8.
If ARB_draw_instanced is not supported, all references to gl_InstanceIDARB
should be removed from section 2.8. This extension will introduce
the following additional New Procedures and Functions:
void DrawArraysInstancedARB(enum mode, int first, sizei count,
sizei primcount);
void DrawElementsInstancedARB(enum mode, sizei count, enum type,
const void *indices, sizei primcount);
Dependencies on EXT_draw_instanced
If EXT_draw_instanced is supported, then DrawArraysInstancedEXT
is aliased to DrawArraysInstancedARB, and DrawElementsInstancedEXT
is aliased to DrawElementsInstancedARB.
If neither ARB_draw_instanced nor EXT_draw_instanced is supported,
all references to instanceID should be removed from section 2.8.
Dependencies on EXT_gpu_shader4
If EXT_gpu_shader4 is not supported, all references to gl_InstanceID
should be removed from section 2.8.
Dependencies on EXT_direct_state_access
When EXT_direct_state_access is present, add a new entry point that takes a
vertex array object handle:
void VertexArrayVertexAttribDivisorEXT(uint vaobj, uint index, uint divisor);
This command behaves identically to glVertexAttribDivisorEXT
except it modifies the state of the vertex array object named
by its initial vaobj parameter (rather than the currently bound
vertex array object). The vertex array object named by vaobj must
be generated by GenVertexArrays (and not since deleted); otherwise
an INVALID_OPERATION error is generated.
GetVertexArrayIntegeri_vEXT must accept VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR_ARB to return
the vertex array object's vertex attrib array divisor state.
INVALID_VALUE is generated by VertexAttribDivisorARB if <index>
is greater than or equal to MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS.
INVALID_ENUM is generated by DrawElementsInstancedARB if <type> is
INVALID_VALUE is generated by DrawArraysInstancedARB if <first> is
less than zero.
New State
Changes to table 6.7, p. 268 (Vertex Array Data)
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attribute
--------- ---- ----------- ------- ----------- ---- ---------
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR_ARB 16+ xZ+ GetVertexAttrib 0 Instance Divisor 2.8 vertex-array
1) Should legacy arrays be supported, or only generic vertex
Resolved: It is possible to render instanced objects which use
legacy array types but only the generic arrays may have a
2) Should generic attrib zero be instance-able?
Resolved: Yes. This was added in revision 5 of the spec.
Prior to revision 5 of this spec, attempting to call
VertexAttribDivisorARB with attrib=0 generated INVALID_VALUE.
It was originally thought that this implied issuing a vertex at
lower frequency than the associated attribs (due to the special
properties of vertex attribute zero in GL 2.x and the compatibility
profiles). That would be true if the immediate-mode model of
instancing was to make an attribute call only once every <N> vertices
for instanced attributes -- you wouldn't want to specify a new vertex
once every <N> vertices! But that's not the model -- the frequency
<N> is only used to translate an incoming array element <i> into an
attribute index <k>. Immediate mode calls are still specified as
happening for every vertex. Given this definition, it is not
necessary to do anything differently for attribute zero.
3) How is ArrayElement affected by this extension?
Resolved: Arrays with a non-zero divisor return the first
element of the array, as if instanceID is fixed at zero. This
allows legacy varray draw calls to give instancing behavior
but are still defined in terms of ArrayElement.
4) Should DrawArraysInstanced and DrawElementsInstanced be compiled
into display lists?
Resolved: No, calling these during display list compilation
generate INVALID_OPERATION. This matches EXT_draw_instanced
and ARB_draw_instanced.
5) Is it useful to have instancing for the MultiDraw* functions?
Resolved: We will follow the lead of EXT_draw_instanced and
ARB_draw_instanced in not extending these functions.
6) This extension must elaborate on the definition of functions
added by ARB_draw_instanced. How do we do this in a manner such
that both extensions may coexist?
Resolved: This extension is specified so that it applies on
top of ARB_draw_instanced and EXT_draw_instanced. As a
result, some portions modified by those extensions are
replaced in this extension. In the event that those
extensions are not supported, this extension reintroduces
the draw calls from ARB_draw_instanced.
7) How should EXT_direct_state_access interact with this extension?
Resolved: Add glVertexArrayVertexAttribDivisorEXT selector-free
vertex array object command and glGetVertexArrayIntegeri_vEXT
query must accept VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_DIVISOR_ARB to return the
vertex array object's vertex attrib array divisor state.
The DSA interaction was added July 2013. If implementations
respond to a wglGetProcAddress, etc. query for
"glVertexArrayVertexAttribDivisorEXT" with a NULL pointer,
the DSA functionality is not available.
Revision History
#7 August 6, 2013 mjk
- Add EXT_direct_state_access interaction
#6 February 11, 2010 dgkoch
- sync language with GL3.3, add required and initial state for divisors
#5 January 13, 2010 dgkoch
- update spec so that specifying a divisor on vertex attrib 0 is legal (5796)
- update resolution of Issue 2 appropriately.
#4 January 1, 2010, Jon Leech
- Correct Errors section to match spec body
#3 July 8, 2008, jhelferty
- expanded Overview
- changed name of GLSL instance ID variable to follow naming conventions,
and match ARB_draw_instanced.
- made dependencies and interactions more explicit
#2 May 14 2008, jhelferty
- added dependencies on ARB_draw_instanced
- update to GL 2.1 language
#1 May 12 2008, dgkoch
- copied from NVX_instanced_arrays and renamed. removed original revision history