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Name String
Pat Brown, NVIDIA (pbrown 'at'
Barthold Lichtenbelt, NVIDIA (blichtenbelt 'at'
Copyright (c) 2008-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at
Approved by the ARB on July 11, 2008
Last Modified Date: 01/21/2011
NVIDIA Revision: 26
ARB Extension #47
OpenGL 1.1 is required.
This extension is written against the OpenGL 2.0 specification.
EXT_framebuffer_object interacts with this extension.
EXT_framebuffer_blit interacts with this extension.
EXT_texture_array interacts with this extension.
ARB_texture_rectangle trivially affects the definition of this
ARB_texture_buffer_object trivially affects the definition of this
NV_primitive_restart trivially affects the definition of this
This extension interacts with ARB_tranform_feedback.
This extension interacts with geometry shader support in OpenGL 3.2.
This extension interacts with ARB_uniform_buffer_object.
ARB_geometry_shader4 defines a new shader type available to be run on the
GPU, called a geometry shader. Geometry shaders are run after vertices are
transformed, but prior to color clamping, flat shading and clipping.
A geometry shader begins with a single primitive (point, line,
triangle). It can read the attributes of any of the vertices in the
primitive and use them to generate new primitives. A geometry shader has a
fixed output primitive type (point, line strip, or triangle strip) and
emits vertices to define a new primitive. A geometry shader can emit
multiple disconnected primitives. The primitives emitted by the geometry
shader are clipped and then processed like an equivalent OpenGL primitive
specified by the application.
Furthermore, ARB_geometry_shader4 provides four additional primitive
types: lines with adjacency, line strips with adjacency, separate
triangles with adjacency, and triangle strips with adjacency. Some of the
vertices specified in these new primitive types are not part of the
ordinary primitives, instead they represent neighboring vertices that are
adjacent to the two line segment end points (lines/strips) or the three
triangle edges (triangles/tstrips). These vertices can be accessed by
geometry shaders and used to match up the vertices emitted by the geometry
shader with those of neighboring primitives.
Since geometry shaders expect a specific input primitive type, an error
will occur if the application presents primitives of a different type.
For example, if a geometry shader expects points, an error will occur at
Begin() time, if a primitive mode of TRIANGLES is specified.
New Procedures and Functions
void ProgramParameteriARB(uint program, enum pname, int value);
void FramebufferTextureARB(enum target, enum attachment,
uint texture, int level);
void FramebufferTextureLayerARB(enum target, enum attachment,
uint texture, int level, int layer);
void FramebufferTextureFaceARB(enum target, enum attachment,
uint texture, int level, enum face);
New Tokens
Accepted by the <type> parameter of CreateShader and returned by the
<params> parameter of GetShaderiv:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of ProgramParameteriARB and
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
GetFloatv, and GetDoublev:
Accepted by the <mode> parameter of Begin, DrawArrays,
MultiDrawArrays, DrawElements, MultiDrawElements, and
Returned by CheckFramebufferStatusARB:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetFramebufferAttachment-
Accepted by the <cap> parameter of Enable, Disable, and IsEnabled,
and by the <pname> parameter of GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, GetDoublev,
and GetBooleanv:
(Note: FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LAYER is simply an alias for the
EXT_framebuffer_object. This extension generalizes the notion of
"<zoffset>" to include layers of an array texture.)
(Note: PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB is simply an alias for the
VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE token provided in OpenGL 2.0, which is itself an
alias for VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB provided by
ARB_vertex_program. Program-computed point sizes can be enabled if
geometry shaders are enabled.)
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (OpenGL
Modify Section 2.6.1 (Begin and End Objects), p. 13
(Add to end of section, p. 18)
(add figure on discussions of lines and line strips with adjacency)
1 - - - 2----->3 - - - 4 1 - - - 2--->3--->4--->5 - - - 6
5 - - - 6----->7 - - - 8
(a) (b)
Figure 2.X1 (a) Lines with adjacency, (b) Line strip with adjacency.
The vertices connected with solid lines belong to the main primitives;
the vertices connected by dashed lines are the adjacent vertices that
may be used in a geometry shader.
Lines with Adjacency
Lines with adjacency are independent line segments where each endpoint has
a corresponding "adjacent" vertex that can be accessed by a geometry
shader (Section 2.16). If a geometry shader is not active, the "adjacent"
vertices are ignored.
A line segment is drawn from the 4i + 2nd vertex to the 4i + 3rd vertex
for each i = 0, 1, ... , n-1, where there are 4n+k vertices between the
Begin and End. k is either 0, 1, 2, or 3; if k is not zero, the final k
vertices are ignored. For line segment i, the 4i + 1st and 4i + 4th
vertices are considered adjacent to the 4i + 2nd and 4i + 3rd vertices,
respectively. See Figure 2.X1.
Lines with adjacency are generated by calling Begin with the argument
Line Strips with Adjacency
Line strips with adjacency are similar to line strips, except that each
line segment has a pair of adjacent vertices that can be accessed by a
geometry shader (Section 2.15). If a geometry shader is not active, the
"adjacent" vertices are ignored.
A line segment is drawn from the i + 2nd vertex to the i + 3rd vertex for
each i = 0, 1, ..., n-1, where there are n+3 vertices between the Begin
and End. If there are fewer than four vertices between a Begin and End,
all vertices are ignored. For line segment i, the i + 1st and i + 4th
vertex are considered adjacent to the i + 2nd and i + 3rd vertices,
respectively. See Figure 2.X1.
Line strips with adjacency are generated by calling Begin with the
(add figure and discussion of triangles with adjacency)
2 - - - 3 - - - 4 8 - - - 9 - - - 10
^\ ^\
\ | \ | \ | \ |
| \ | \
\ | \ | \ | \ |
| \ | \
\ | \ | \ | \ |
| v | v
1<------5 7<------11
\ | \ |
\ | \ |
\ | \ |
6 12
Figure 2.X2 Triangles with adjacency. The vertices connected with solid
lines belong to the main primitive; the vertices connected by dashed
lines are the adjacent vertices that may be used in a geometry shader.
Triangles with Adjacency
Triangles with adjacency are similar to separate triangles, except that
each triangle edge has an adjacent vertex that can be accessed by a
geometry shader (Section 2.15). If a geometry shader is not active, the
"adjacent" vertices are ignored.
The 6i + 1st, 6i + 3rd, and 6i + 5th vertices (in that order) determine a
triangle for each i = 0, 1, ..., n-1, where there are 6n+k vertices
between the Begin and End. k is either 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5; if k is
non-zero, the final k vertices are ignored. For triangle i, the i + 2nd,
i + 4th, and i + 6th vertices are considered adjacent to edges from the i
+ 1st to the i + 3rd, from the i + 3rd to the i + 5th, and from the i +
5th to the i + 1st vertices, respectively. See Figure 2.X2.
Triangles with adjacency are generated by calling Begin with the argument
(add figure and discussion of triangle strips with adjacency)
6 6
| \ | \
| \ | \
| \ | \
2 - - - 3- - - >6 2 - - - 3------>7 2 - - - 3------>7- - - 10
^\ ^^ | ^^ ^^ |
\ | \ | \ | \ | \ \ | \ | \
| \ | \ | | \ | \ |
\ | \ | \ | \ | \ \ | \ | \
| \ | \ | | \ | \ |
\ | \ | \ | \ | \ \ | \ | \
| v | vv | vv v|
1<------5 1<------5 - - - 8 1<------5<------9
\ | \ | \ | \ |
\ | \ | \ | \ |
\ | \ | \ | \ |
4 4 4 8
6 10
| \ | \
| \ | \
| \ | \
2 - - - 3------>7------>11
^^ ^^ |
\ | \ | \ | \
| \ | \ |
\ | \ | \ | \
| \ | \ |
\ | \ | \ | \
| vv vv
1<------5<------9 - - - 12
\ | \ |
\ | \ |
\ | \ |
4 8
Figure 2.X3 Triangle strips with adjacency. The vertices connected with
solid lines belong to the main primitives; the vertices connected by
dashed lines are the adjacent vertices that may be used in a geometry
Triangle Strips with Adjacency
Triangle strips with adjacency are similar to triangle strips, except that
each triangle edge has an adjacent vertex that can be accessed by a
geometry shader (Section 2.15). If a geometry shader is not active, the
"adjacent" vertices are ignored.
In triangle strips with adjacency, n triangles are drawn using 2 * (n+2) +
k vertices between the Begin and End. k is either 0 or 1; if k is 1, the
final vertex is ignored. If fewer than 6 vertices are specified between
the Begin and End, the entire primitive is ignored. Table 2.X1 describes
the vertices and order used to draw each triangle, and which vertices are
considered adjacent to each edge of the triangle. See Figure 2.X3.
(add table)
primitive adjacent
vertices vertices
primitive 1st 2nd 3rd 1/2 2/3 3/1
--------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
only (i==0, n==1) 1 3 5 2 6 4
first (i==0) 1 3 5 2 7 4
middle (i odd) 2i+3 2i+1 2i+5 2i-1 2i+4 2i+7
middle (i even) 2i+1 2i+3 2i+5 2i-1 2i+7 2i+4
last (i==n-1, i odd) 2i+3 2i+1 2i+5 2i-1 2i+4 2i+6
last (i==n-1, i even) 2i+1 2i+3 2i+5 2i-1 2i+6 2i+4
Table 2.X1: Triangles generated by triangle strips with adjacency.
Each triangle is drawn using the vertices in the "1st", "2nd", and "3rd"
columns under "primitive vertices", in that order. The vertices in the
"1/2", "2/3", and "3/1" columns under "adjacent vertices" are considered
adjacent to the edges from the first to the second, from the second to
the third, and from the third to the first vertex of the triangle,
respectively. The six rows correspond to the six cases: the first and
only triangle (i=0, n=1), the first triangle of several (i=0, n>0),
"odd" middle triangles (i=1,3,5...), "even" middle triangles
(i=2,4,6,...), and special cases for the last triangle inside the
Begin/End, when i is either even or odd. For the purposes of this
table, the first vertex specified after Begin is numbered "1" and the
first triangle is numbered "0".
Triangle strips with adjacency are generated by calling Begin with the
Modify Section 2.14.1, Lighting (p. 59)
(modify fourth paragraph, p. 63) Additionally, vertex and geometry shaders
can operate in two-sided color mode, which is enabled and disabled by
calling Enable or Disable with the symbolic value VERTEX_PROGRAM_TWO_SIDE.
When a vertex or geometry shader is active, the shaders can write front
and back color values to the gl_FrontColor, gl_BackColor,
gl_FrontSecondaryColor and gl_BackSecondaryColor outputs. When a vertex or
geometry shader is active and two-sided color mode is enabled, the GL
chooses between front and back colors, as described below. If two-sided
color mode is disabled, the front color output is always selected.
Modify Section 2.15.2 Program Objects, p. 73
Change the first paragraph on p. 74 as follows:
Program objects are empty when they are created. Default values for
program object parameters are discussed in section 2.15.5, Required
State. A non-zero name that can be used to reference the program object is
Change the language below the LinkProgram command on p. 74 as follows:
... Linking can fail for a variety of reasons as specified in the OpenGL
Shading Language Specification. Linking will also fail if one or more of
the shader objects, attached to <program> are not compiled successfully,
or if more active uniform or active sampler variables are used in
<program> than allowed (see sections 2.15.3 and 2.16.3). Linking will also
fail if the program object contains objects to form a geometry shader (see
section 2.16), but no objects to form a vertex shader or if the program
object contains objects to form a geometry shader, and the value of
GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB is zero. If LinkProgram failed, ..
Add the following paragraphs above the description of
DeleteProgram, p. 75:
To set a program object parameter, call
void ProgramParameteriARB(uint program, enum pname, int value)
<param> identifies which parameter to set for <program>. <value> holds the
value being set. Legal values for <param> and <value> are discussed in
section 2.16.
Modify Section 2.15.3, Shader Variables, p. 75
Modify the first paragraph of section 'Varying Variables' p. 83 as
A vertex shader may define one or more varying variables (see the OpenGL
Shading Language specification). Varying variables are outputs of a vertex
shader. They are either used as the mechanism to communicate values to a
geometry shader, if one is active, or to communicate values to the
fragment shader. The OpenGL Shading Language specification also defines a
set of built-in varying variables that vertex shaders can write to (see
section 7.6 of the OpenGL Shading Language Specification). These variables
can also be used to communicate values to a geometry shader, if one is
active, or to communicate values to the fragment shader and to the fixed-
function processing that occurs after vertex shading.
If a geometry shader is not active, the values of all varying variables,
including built-in variables, are expected to be interpolated across the
primitive being rendered, unless flat shaded. The number of interpolators
available for processing varying variables is given by the
implementation-dependent constant MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS. This value
represents the number of individual components that can be interpolated;
varying variables declared as vectors, matrices, and arrays will all
consume multiple interpolators. When a program is linked, all components
of any varying variable written by a vertex shader, or read by a fragment
shader, will count against this limit. The transformed vertex position
(gl_Position) does not count against this limit. A program whose vertex
and/or fragment shaders access more than MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS
components worth of varying variables may fail to link, unless
device-dependent optimizations are able to make the program fit within
available hardware resources.
are aliases of each other. The use of MAX_VARYING_FLOATS however is
discouraged; varying variables can be declared as integers as well.
If a geometry shader is active, the values of varying variables are
collected by the primitive assembly stage and passed on to the geometry
shader once enough data for one primitive has been collected (see also
section 2.16). The OpenGL Shading Language specification also defines a
set of built-in varying and built-in special variables that vertex shaders
can write to (see sections 7.1 and 7.6 of the OpenGL Shading Language
Specification). These variables are also collected and passed on to the
geometry shader once enough data has been collected. The number of
components of varying and special variables that can be collected per
vertex by the primitive assembly stage is given by the implementation
dependent constant MAX_VERTEX_VARYING_COMPONENTS_ARB. This value
represents the number of individual components that can be collected;
varying variables declared as vectors, matrices, and arrays will all
consume multiple components. When a program is linked, all components of
any varying variable written by a vertex shader, or read by a geometry
shader, will count against this limit. A program whose vertex and/or
geometry shaders access more than MAX_VERTEX_VARYING_COMPONENTS_ARB
components worth of varying variables may fail to link, unless
device-dependent optimizations are able to make the program fit within
available hardware resources.
Modify Section 2.15.4 Shader Execution, p. 84
Change the following sentence:
"The following operations are applied to vertex values that are the result
of executing the vertex shader:"
As follows:
If no geometry shader (see section 2.16) is present in the program object,
the following operations are applied to vertex values that are the result
of executing the vertex shader:
[bulleted list of operations]
On page 85, below the list of bullets, add the following:
If a geometry shader is present in the program object, geometry shading
(section 2.16) is applied to vertex values that are the result of
executing the vertex shader.
Modify the first paragraph of the section 'Texture Access', p. 85,
as follows:
Vertex shaders have the ability to do a lookup into a texture map, if
supported by the GL implementation. The maximum number of texture image
units available to a vertex shader is MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS; a
maximum number of zero indicates that the GL implementation does not
support texture accesses in vertex shaders. The vertex shader, geometry
shader, if exists, and fragment processing combined cannot use more than
MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS texture image units. If the vertex
shader, geometry shader and the fragment processing stage access the same
texture image unit, then that counts as using three texture image units
Modify Section 2.15.5, Required State, p. 88
Add the following bullets to the state required per program object:
* One integer to store the value of GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB, initially
* One integer to store the value of GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE_ARB, initially
* One integer to store the value of GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE_ARB, initially
Insert New Section 2.16, Geometry Shaders after p. 89
After vertices are processed, they are arranged into primitives, as
described in section 2.6.1 (Begin/End Objects). This section described a
new pipeline stage that processes those primitives. A geometry shader
defines the operations that are performed in this new pipeline stage. A
geometry shader is an array of strings containing source code. The source
code language used is described in the OpenGL Shading Language
specification. A geometry shader operates on a single primitive at a time
and emits one or more output primitives, all of the same type, which are
then processed like an equivalent OpenGL primitive specified by the
application. The original primitive is discarded after the geometry
shader completes. The inputs available to a geometry shader are the
transformed attributes of all the vertices that belong to the primitive.
Additional "adjacency" primitives are available which also make the
transformed attributes of neighboring vertices available to the shader.
The results of the shader are a new set of transformed vertices, arranged
into primitives by the shader.
This new geometry shader pipeline stage is inserted after primitive
assembly, right before color clamping (section 2.14.6), flat shading
(section 2.14.7) and clipping (sections 2.12 and 2.14.8).
A geometry shader only applies when the GL is in RGB mode. Its operation
in color index mode is undefined.
Geometry shaders are created as described in section 2.15.1 using a type
parameter of GEOMETRY_SHADER_ARB. They are attached to and used in program
objects as described in section 2.15.2. When the program object currently
in use includes a geometry shader, its geometry shader is considered
active, and is used to process primitives. If the program object has no
geometry shader, or no program object is in use, this new primitive
processing pipeline stage is bypassed.
A program object that includes a geometry shader must also include a
vertex shader; otherwise a link error will occur.
Section 2.16.1, Geometry shader Input Primitives
A geometry shader can operate on one of five input primitive types.
Depending on the input primitive type, one to six input vertices are
available when the shader is executed. Each input primitive type supports
a subset of the primitives provided by the GL. If a geometry shader is
active, Begin, or any function that implicitly calls Begin, will produce
an INVALID_OPERATION error if the <mode> parameter is incompatible with
the input primitive type of the currently active program object, as
discussed below.
The input primitive type is a parameter of the program object, and must be
set before linking by calling ProgramParameteriARB with <pname> set to
GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE_ARB and <value> set to one of POINTS, LINES,
will not be in effect until the next time LinkProgram has been called
successfully. Note that queries of GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE_ARB will return the
last value set. This is not necessarily the value used to generate the
executable code in the program object. After a program object has been
created it will have a default value for GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE_ARB, as
discussed in section 2.15.5, Required State.
Note that a geometry shader that accesses more input vertices than are
available for a given input primitive type can be successfully compiled,
because the input primitive type is not part of the shader
object. However, a program object, containing a shader object that access
more input vertices than are available for the input primitive type of the
program object, will not link.
The supported input primitive types are:
Points (POINTS)
Geometry shaders that operate on points are valid only for the POINTS
primitive type. There is only a single vertex available for each geometry
shader invocation.
Lines (LINES)
Geometry shaders that operate on line segments are valid only for the
LINES, LINE_STRIP, and LINE_LOOP primitive types. There are two vertices
available for each geometry shader invocation. The first vertex refers to
the vertex at the beginning of the line segment and the second vertex
refers to the vertex at the end of the line segment. See also section
Lines with Adjacency (LINES_ADJACENCY_ARB)
Geometry shaders that operate on line segments with adjacent vertices are
primitive types. There are four vertices available for each program
invocation. The second vertex refers to attributes of the vertex at the
beginning of the line segment and the third vertex refers to the vertex at
the end of the line segment. The first and fourth vertices refer to the
vertices adjacent to the beginning and end of the line segment,
Triangles (TRIANGLES)
Geometry shaders that operate on triangles are valid for the TRIANGLES,
TRIANGLE_STRIP and TRIANGLE_FAN primitive types.
There are three vertices available for each program invocation. The first,
second and third vertices refer to attributes of the first, second and
third vertex of the triangle, respectively.
Triangles with Adjacency (TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY_ARB)
Geometry shaders that operate on triangles with adjacent vertices are
primitive types. There are six vertices available for each program
invocation. The first, third and fifth vertices refer to attributes of the
first, second and third vertex of the triangle, respectively. The second,
fourth and sixth vertices refer to attributes of the vertices adjacent to
the edges from the first to the second vertex, from the second to the
third vertex, and from the third to the first vertex, respectively.
Section 2.16.2, Geometry Shader Output Primitives
A geometry shader can generate primitives of one of three types. The
supported output primitive types are points (POINTS), line strips
(LINE_STRIP), and triangle strips (TRIANGLE_STRIP). The vertices output
by the geometry shader are decomposed into points, lines, or triangles
based on the output primitive type in the manner described in section
2.6.1. The resulting primitives are then further processed as shown in
figure If the number of vertices emitted by the geometry shader
is not sufficient to produce a single primitive, nothing is drawn.
The output primitive type is a parameter of the program object, and can be
set by calling ProgramParameteriARB with <pname> set to
GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE_ARB and <value> set to one of POINTS, LINE_STRIP or
TRIANGLE_STRIP. This setting will not be in effect until the next time
LinkProgram has been called successfully. Note that queries of
GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE_ARB will return the last value set; which is not
necessarily the value used to generate the executable code in the program
object. After a program object has been created it will have a default
value for GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE_ARB, as discussed in section 2.15.5,
Required State. .
Section 2.16.3 Geometry Shader Variables
Geometry shaders can access uniforms belonging to the current program
object. The amount of storage available for uniform variables in the
default uniform block accessed by a geometry shader is specified by the
value of the implementation-dependent constant
MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_ARB. The total amount of combined storage
available for uniform variables in all uniform blocks accessed by a
geometry shader (including the default uniform block) is specified by the
value of the implementation-dependent constant
numbers of individual floating-point, integer, or boolean values that can
be held in uniform variable storage for a geometry shader. A link error is
generated if an attempt is made to utilize more than the space available
for geometry shader uniform variables. Uniforms are manipulated as
described in section 2.15.3. Geometry shaders also have access to
samplers, to perform texturing operations, as described in sections 2.15.3
and 3.8.
Geometry shaders can access the transformed attributes of all vertices for
its input primitive type through input varying variables. A vertex shader,
writing to output varying variables, generates the values of these input
varying variables. This includes values for built-in as well as
user-defined varying variables. Values for any varying variables that are
not written by a vertex shader are undefined. Additionally, a geometry
shader has access to a built-in variable that holds the ID of the current
primitive. This ID is generated by the primitive assembly stage that sits
in between the vertex and geometry shader.
Additionally, geometry shaders can write to one, or more, varying
variables for each primitive it outputs. These values are optionally flat
shaded (using the OpenGL Shading Language varying qualifier "flat") and
clipped, then the clipped values interpolated across the primitive (if not
flat shaded). The results of these interpolations are available to a
fragment shader, if one is active. Furthermore, geometry shaders can write
to a set of built- in varying variables, defined in the OpenGL Shading
Language, that correspond to the values required for the fixed-function
processing that occurs after geometry processing.
Section 2.16.4, Geometry Shader Execution Environment
If a successfully linked program object that contains a geometry shader is
made current by calling UseProgram, the executable version of the geometry
shader is used to process primitives resulting from the primitive assembly
The following operations are applied to the primitives that are the result
of executing a geometry shader:
* color clamping or masking (section 2.14.6),
* flat shading (section 2.14.7),
* clipping, including client-defined clip planes (section 2.12),
* front face determination (section 2.14.1),
* color and associated data clipping (section 2.14.8),
* perspective division on clip coordinates (section 2.11),
* final color processing (section 2.14.9), and
* viewport transformation, including depth-range scaling (section
There are several special considerations for geometry shader execution
described in the following sections.
Texture Access
Geometry shaders have the ability to do a lookup into a texture map, if
supported by the GL implementation. The maximum number of texture image
units available to a geometry shader is
MAX_GEOMETRY_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_ARB; a maximum number of zero indicates
that the GL implementation does not support texture accesses in geometry
The vertex shader, geometry shader and fragment processing combined cannot
use more than MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS texture image units. If the
vertex shader, geometry shader and the fragment processing stage access
the same texture image unit, then that counts as using three texture image
units against the MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS limit.
When a texture lookup is performed in a geometry shader, the filtered
texture value tau is computed in the manner described in sections 3.8.8
and 3.8.9, and converted to a texture source color Cs according to table
3.21 (section 3.8.13). A four component vector (Rs,Gs,Bs,As) is returned
to the geometry shader. In a geometry shader it is not possible to perform
automatic level-of- detail calculations using partial derivatives of the
texture coordinates with respect to window coordinates as described in
section 3.8.8. Hence, there is no automatic selection of an image array
level. Minification or magnification of a texture map is controlled by a
level-of-detail value optionally passed as an argument in the texture
lookup functions. If the texture lookup function supplies an explicit
level-of-detail value lambda, then the pre-bias level-of-detail value
LAMBDAbase(x, y) = lambda (replacing equation 3.18). If the texture lookup
function does not supply an explicit level-of-detail value, then
LAMBDAbase(x, y) = 0. The scale factor Rho(x, y) and its approximation
function f(x, y) (see equation 3.21) are ignored.
Texture lookups involving textures with depth component data can either
return the depth data directly or return the results of a comparison with
the R value (see section 3.8.14) used to perform the lookup. The
comparison operation is requested in the shader by using any of the shadow
sampler and in the texture using the TEXTURE COMPARE MODE parameter. These
requests must be consistent; the results of a texture lookup are undefined
* the sampler used in a texture lookup function is not one of the shadow
sampler types, and the texture object's internal format is DEPTH
* the sampler used in a texture lookup function is one of the shadow
sampler types, and the texture object's internal format is DEPTH
* the sampler used in a texture lookup function is one of the shadow
sampler types, and the texture object's internal format is not DEPTH
If a geometry shader uses a sampler where the associated texture object is
not complete as defined in section 3.8.10, the texture image unit will
return (R,G,B,A) = (0, 0, 0, 1).
Geometry Shader Inputs
The OpenGL Shading Language specification describes the set of built-in
variables that are available as inputs to the geometry shader. This set
receives the values from the equivalent built-in output variables written
by the vertex shader. These built-in variables are arrays; each element in
the array holds the value for a specific vertex of the input
primitive. The length of each array depends on the value of the input
primitive type, as determined by the program object value
GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE_ARB, and is set by the GL during link. Each built-in
variable is a one-dimensional array, except for the built-in texture
coordinate variable, which is a two- dimensional array. The vertex shader
built-in output gl_TexCoord[] is a one-dimensional array. Therefore, the
geometry shader equivalent input variable gl_TexCoordIn[][] becomes a two-
dimensional array. See the OpenGL Shading Language Specification, sections
4.3.6 and 7.6 for more information.
The built-in varying variables gl_FrontColorIn[], gl_BackColorIn[],
gl_FrontSecondaryColorIn[] and gl_BackSecondaryColorIn[] hold the
per-vertex front and back colors of the primary and secondary colors, as
written by the vertex shader to its equivalent built-in output variables.
The built-in varying variable gl_TexCoordIn[][] holds the per- vertex
values of the array of texture coordinates, as written by the vertex
shader to its built-in output array gl_TexCoord[].
The built-in varying variable gl_FogFragCoordIn[] holds the per- vertex
fog coordinate, as written by the vertex shader to its built- in output
variable gl_FogFragCoord.
The built-in varying variable gl_PositionIn[] holds the per-vertex
position, as written by the vertex shader to its output variable
gl_Position. Note that writing to gl_Position from either the vertex or
fragment shader is optional. See also section 7.1 "Vertex and Geometry
Shader Special Variables" of the OpenGL Shading Language specification.
The built-in varying variable gl_ClipVertexIn[] holds the per-vertex
position in clip coordinates, as written by the vertex shader to its
output variable gl_ClipVertex.
The built-in varying variable gl_PointSizeIn[] holds the per-vertex point
size written by the vertex shader to its built-in output varying variable
gl_PointSize. If the vertex shader does not write gl_PointSize, the value
of gl_PointSizeIn[] is undefined, regardless of the value of the enable
The built-in special variable gl_PrimitiveIDIn is not an array and has no
vertex shader equivalent. It is filled with the number of primitives
processed since the last time Begin was called (directly or indirectly via
vertex array functions). The first primitive generated after a Begin is
numbered zero, and the primitive ID counter is incremented after every
individual point, line, or triangle primitive is processed. For triangles
drawn in point or line mode, the primitive ID counter is incremented only
once, even though multiple points or lines may be drawn. Restarting a
primitive topology using the primitive restart index has no effect on the
primitive ID counter.
Similarly to the built-in varying variables, user-defined input varying
variables need to be declared as arrays. Declaring a size is optional. If
no size is specified, it will be inferred by the linker from the input
primitive type. If a size is specified, it has to be of the size matching
the number of vertices of the input primitive type, otherwise a link error
will occur. The built-in variable gl_VerticesIn, if so desired, can be
used to size the array correctly for each input primitive
type. User-defined varying variables can be declared as arrays in the
vertex shader. This means that those, on input to the geometry shader,
must be declared as two-dimensional arrays. See sections 4.3.6 and 7.6 of
the OpenGL Shading Language Specification for more information.
Using any of the built-in or user-defined input varying variables can
count against the limit MAX_VERTEX_VARYING_COMPONENTS_ARB as discussed in
section 2.15.3.
Geometry Shader outputs
A geometry shader is limited in the number of vertices it may emit per
invocation. The maximum number of vertices a geometry shader can possibly
emit needs to be set as a parameter of the program object that contains
the geometry shader. To do so, call ProgramParameteriARB with <pname> set
to GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB and <value> set to the maximum number of
vertices the geometry shader will emit in one invocation. This setting
will not be guaranteed to be in effect until the next time LinkProgram has
been called successfully. If a geometry shader, in one invocation, emits
more vertices than the value GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB, these emits may
have no effect.
There are two implementation-dependent limits on the value of
generated by ProgramParameteriARB if the number of vertices specified
exceeds the value of MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_VERTICES_ARB. Second, the
product of the total number of vertices and the sum of all components of
all active varying variables may not exceed the value of
determines that the total component limit would be violated.
A geometry shader can write to built-in as well as user-defined varying
variables. These values are expected to be interpolated across the
primitive it outputs, unless they are specified to be flat shaded. In
order to seamlessly be able to insert or remove a geometry shader from a
program object, the rules, names and types of the output built-in varying
variables and user-defined varying variables are the same as for the
vertex shader. Refer to section 2.15.3 and the OpenGL Shading Language
specification sections 4.3.6, 7.1 and 7.6 for more detail.
The built-in output variables gl_FrontColor, gl_BackColor,
gl_FrontSecondaryColor, and gl_BackSecondaryColor hold the front and back
colors for the primary and secondary colors for the current vertex.
The built-in output variable gl_TexCoord[] is an array and holds the set
of texture coordinates for the current vertex.
The built-in output variable gl_FogFragCoord is used as the "c" value, as
described in section 3.10 "Fog" of the OpenGL 2.0 specification.
The built-in special variable gl_Position is intended to hold the
homogeneous vertex position. Writing gl_Position is optional.
The built-in special variable gl_ClipVertex holds the vertex coordinate
used in the clipping stage, as described in section 2.12 "Clipping" of the
OpenGL 2.0 specification.
The built-in special variable gl_PointSize, if written, holds the size of
the point to be rasterized, measured in pixels.
Additionally, a geometry shader can write to the built-in special
variables gl_PrimitiveID and gl_Layer, whereas a vertex shader cannot. The
built-in gl_PrimitiveID provides a single integer that serves as a
primitive identifier. This written primitive ID is available to fragment
shaders. If a fragment shader using primitive IDs is active and a
geometry shader is also active, the geometry shader must write to
gl_PrimitiveID or the primitive ID number is undefined. The built-in
variable gl_Layer is used in layered rendering, and discussed in the next
The number of components available for varying variables is given by the
implementation-dependent constant
MAX_GEOMETRY_VARYING_COMPONENTS_ARB. This value represents the number of
individual components of a varying variable; varying variables declared as
vectors, matrices, and arrays will all consume multiple components. When a
program is linked, all components of any varying variable written by a
geometry shader, or read by a fragment shader, will count against this
limit. The transformed vertex position (gl_Position) does not count
against this limit. A program whose geometry and/or fragment shaders
access more than MAX_GEOMETRY_VARYING_COMPONENTS_ARB worth of varying
variable components may fail to link, unless device-dependent
optimizations are able to make the program fit within available hardware
Layered rendering
Geometry shaders can be used to render to one of several different layers
of cube map textures, three-dimensional textures, plus one- dimensional
and two-dimensional texture arrays. This functionality allows an
application to bind an entire "complex" texture to a framebuffer object,
and render primitives to arbitrary layers computed at run time. For
example, this mechanism can be used to project and render a scene onto all
six faces of a cubemap texture in one pass. The layer to render to is
specified by writing to the built-in output variable gl_layer. Layered
rendering requires the use of framebuffer objects. Refer to the section
'Dependencies on EXT_framebuffer_object' for details.
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Rasterization)
Modify Section 3.3, Points (p. 95)
(replace all Section 3.3 text on p. 95)
A point is drawn by generating a set of fragments in the shape of a square
or circle centered around the vertex of the point. Each vertex has an
associated point size that controls the size of that square or circle.
If no vertex or geometry shader is active, the size of the point is
controlled by
void PointSize(float size);
<size> specifies the requested size of a point. The default value is
1.0. A value less than or equal to zero results in the error
The requested point size is multiplied with a distance attenuation factor,
clamped to a specified point size range, and further clamped to the
implementation-dependent point size range to produce the derived point
derived size = clamp(size * sqrt(1/(a+b*d+c*d^2)))
where d is the eye-coordinate distance from the eye, (0,0,0,1) in eye
coordinates, to the vertex, and a, b, and c are distance attenuation
function coefficients.
If a vertex or geometry shader is active, the derived size depends on the
per-vertex point size mode enable. Per-vertex point size mode is enabled
or disabled by calling Enable or Disable with the symbolic value
PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE_ARB. If per-vertex point size is enabled and a
geometry shader is active, the derived point size is taken from the
(potentially clipped) point size variable gl_PointSize written by the
geometry shader. If per-vertex point size is enabled and no geometry
shader is active, the derived point size is taken from the (potentially
clipped) point size variable gl_PointSize written by the vertex shader. If
per-vertex point size is disabled and a geometry and/or vertex shader is
active, the derived point size is taken from the <size> value provided to
PointSize, with no distance attenuation applied. In all cases, the
derived point size is clamped to the implementation-dependent point size
If multisampling is not enabled, the derived size is passed on to
rasterization as the point width. ...
Modify section 3.10 "Fog", p. 191
Modify the third paragraph of this section as follows.
If a vertex or geometry shader is active, or if the fog source, as defined
below, is FOG_COORD, then c is the interpolated value of the fog
coordinate for this fragment. Otherwise, ...
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Per-Fragment
Operations and the Frame Buffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Special
Change section 5.4 Display Lists, p. 237
Add the command ProgramParameteriARB to the list of commands that are not
compiled into a display list, but executed immediately, under "Program and
Shader Objects", p. 241
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (State and State
Modify section 6.1.14, Shader and Program Objects, p. 256
Add to the second paragraph on p. 257:
... if <shader> is a fragment shader object, and GEOMETRY_SHADER_ARB is
returned if <shader> is a geometry shader object.
Add to the end of the description of GetProgramiv, p. 257:
If <pname> is GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB, the current value of the maximum
number of vertices the geometry shader will output is returned. If <pname>
is GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE_ARB, the current geometry shader input type is
current geometry shader output type is returned and can be one of POINTS,
Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Invariance)
Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
Dependencies on NV_primitive_restart
The spec describes the behavior that primitive restart does not affect the
primitive ID counter gl_PrimitiveIDIn. If NV_primitive_restart is not
supported, references to that extension in the discussion of the primitive
ID should be removed.
Dependencies on EXT_framebuffer_object
If EXT_framebuffer_object (or similar functionality) is not supported, the
gl_Layer output has no effect. "FramebufferTextureARB" and
"FramebufferTextureLayerARB" should be removed from "New Procedures and
Otherwise, this extension modifies EXT_framebuffer_object to add the
notion of layered framebuffer attachments and framebuffers that can be
used in conjunction with geometry shaders to allow programs to direct
primitives to a face of a cube map or layer of a three-dimensional texture
or one- or two-dimensional array texture. The layer used for rendering
can be selected by the geometry shader at run time.
(insert before the end of Section 4.4.2, Attaching Images to Framebuffer
There are several types of framebuffer-attachable images:
* the image of a renderbuffer object, which is always two-dimensional,
* a single level of a one-dimensional texture, which is treated as a
two-dimensional image with a height of one,
* a single level of a two-dimensional or rectangle texture,
* a single face of a cube map texture level, which is treated as a
two-dimensional image, or
* a single layer of a one- or two-dimensional array texture or
three-dimensional texture, which is treated as a two-dimensional
Additionally, an entire level of a three-dimensional texture, cube map
texture, or one- or two-dimensional array texture can be attached to an
attachment point. Such attachments are treated as an array of
two-dimensional images, arranged in layers, and the corresponding
attachment point is considered to be layered.
(replace section, "Attaching Texture Images to a Framebuffer")
GL supports copying the rendered contents of the framebuffer into the
images of a texture object through the use of the routines
CopyTexImage{1D|2D}, and CopyTexSubImage{1D|2D|3D}. Additionally, GL
supports rendering directly into the images of a texture object.
To render directly into a texture image, a specified level of a texture
object can be attached as one of the logical buffers of the currently
bound framebuffer object by calling:
void FramebufferTextureARB(enum target, enum attachment,
uint texture, int level);
<target> must be FRAMEBUFFER_EXT. <attachment> must be one of the
attachment points of the framebuffer listed in table 1.nnn.
If <texture> is zero, any image or array of images attached to the
attachment point named by <attachment> is detached, and the state of the
attachment point is reset to its initial values. <level> is ignored if
<texture> is zero.
If <texture> is non-zero, FramebufferTextureARB attaches level <level> of
the texture object named <texture> to the framebuffer attachment point
named by <attachment>. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if <texture>
is not the name of a texture object, or if <level> is not a supported
texture level number for textures of the type corresponding to <target>.
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if <texture> is the name of a
buffer texture.
If <texture> is the name of a three-dimensional texture, cube map texture,
or one- or two-dimensional array texture, the texture level attached to
the framebuffer attachment point is an array of images, and the
framebuffer attachment is considered layered.
The command
void FramebufferTextureLayerARB(enum target, enum attachment,
uint texture, int level, int layer);
operates like FramebufferTextureARB, except that only a single layer of
the texture level, numbered <layer>, is attached to the attachment point.
If <texture> is non-zero, the error INVALID_VALUE is generated if <layer>
is negative, or if <texture> is not the name of a texture object. The
error INVALID_OPERATION is generated unless <texture> is zero or the name
of a three-dimensional or one- or two-dimensional array texture.
The command
void FramebufferTextureFaceARB(enum target, enum attachment,
uint texture, int level, enum face);
operates like FramebufferTextureARB, except that only a single face of a
cube map texture, given by <face>, is attached to the attachment point.
non-zero, the error INVALID_VALUE is generated if <texture> is not the
name of a texture object. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated unless
<texture> is zero or the name of a cube map texture.
The command
void FramebufferTexture1DARB(enum target, enum attachment,
enum textarget, uint texture, int level);
operates identically to FramebufferTextureARB, except for two additional
restrictions. If <texture> is non-zero, the error INVALID_ENUM is
generated if <textarget> is not TEXTURE_1D and the error INVALID_OPERATION
is generated unless <texture> is the name of a one-dimensional texture.
The command
void FramebufferTexture2DARB(enum target, enum attachment,
enum textarget, uint texture, int level);
operates similarly to FramebufferTextureARB. If <textarget> is TEXTURE_2D
or TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB, <texture> must be zero or the name of a
two-dimensional or rectangle texture. If <textarget> is
must be zero or the name of a cube map texture. For cube map textures,
only the single face of the cube map texture level given by <textarget> is
attached. The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if <texture> is not zero
and <textarget> is not one of the values enumerated above. The error
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if <texture> is the name of a texture whose
type does not match the texture type required by <textarget>.
The command
void FramebufferTexture3DEXT(enum target, enum attachment,
enum textarget, uint texture,
int level, int zoffset);
behaves identically to FramebufferTextureLayerARB, with the <layer>
parameter set to the value of <zoffset>. The error INVALID_ENUM is
generated if <textarget> is not TEXTURE_3D. The error INVALID_OPERATION
is generated unless <texture> is zero or the name of a three-dimensional
For all FramebufferTexture commands, if <texture> is non-zero and the
command does not result in an error, the framebuffer attachment state
corresponding to <attachment> is updated based on the new attachment.
FramebufferTexture2DEXT is called and <texture> is the name of a cubemap
texture; otherwise, it is set to TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X.
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LAYER is set to <layer> or <zoffset> if
FramebufferTextureLayerEXT or FramebufferTexture3DEXT is called;
otherwise, it is set to zero. FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_LAYERED_ARB is set
to TRUE if FramebufferTextureARB is called and <texture> is the name of a
three-dimensional texture, cube map texture, or one- or two-dimensional
array texture; otherwise it is set to FALSE.
(modify Section, Framebuffer Attachment Completeness -- add to the
conditions necessary for attachment completeness)
The framebuffer attachment point <attachment> is said to be "framebuffer
attachment complete" if ...:
texture, FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_TEXTURE_LAYER must be smaller than
the depth of the texture.
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_OBJECT_NAME_EXT names a one- or two-dimensional
smaller than the number of layers in the texture.
(modify section, Framebuffer Completeness -- add to the list of
conditions necessary for completeness)
* If any framebuffer attachment is layered, all populated attachments
must be layered. Additionally, all populated color attachments must
be from textures of the same target (i.e., three-dimensional, cube
map, or one- or two-dimensional array textures).
* If any framebuffer attachment is layered, all attachments must have
the same layer count. For three-dimensional textures, the layer count
is the depth of the attached volume. For cube map textures, the layer
count is always six. For one- and two-dimensional array textures, the
layer count is simply the number of layers in the array texture.
The enum in { brackets } after each clause of the framebuffer completeness
rules specifies the return value of CheckFramebufferStatusARB (see below)
that is generated when that clause is violated. ...
(add section 4.4.7, Layered Framebuffers)
A framebuffer is considered to be layered if it is complete and all of its
populated attachments are layered. When rendering to a layered
framebuffer, each fragment generated by the GL is assigned a layer number.
The layer number for a fragment is zero if
* the fragment is generated by DrawPixels, CopyPixels, or Bitmap,
* geometry shaders are disabled, or
* the current geometry shader does not contain an instruction that
statically assigns a value to the built-in output variable gl_Layer.
Otherwise, the layer for each point, line, or triangle emitted by the
geometry shader is taken from the layer output of one of the vertices of
the primitive. The vertex used is implementation-dependent. To get
defined results, all vertices of each primitive emitted should set the
same value for gl_Layer. Since the EndPrimitive() built-in function
starts a new output primitive, defined results can be achieved if
EndPrimitive() is called between two vertices emitted with different layer
numbers. A layer number written by a geometry shader has no effect if the
framebuffer is not layered.
When fragments are written to a layered framebuffer, the fragment's layer
number selects a single image from the array of images at each attachment
point to use for the stencil test (section 4.1.5), depth buffer test
(section 4.1.6), and for blending and color buffer writes (section 4.1.8).
If the fragment's layer number is negative or greater than the number of
layers attached, the effects of the fragment on the framebuffer contents
are undefined.
When the Clear command is used to clear a layered framebuffer attachment,
all layers of the attachment are cleared.
When commands such as ReadPixels or CopyPixels read from a layered
framebuffer, the image at layer zero of the selected attachment is always
used to obtain pixel values.
When cube map texture levels are attached to a layered framebuffer, there
are six layers attached, numbered zero through five. Each layer number is
mapped to a cube map face, as indicated in Table X.4.
layer number cube map face
------------ ---------------------------
Table X.4, Layer numbers for cube map texture faces. The layers are
numbered in the same sequence as the cube map face token values.
(modify Section 6.1.3, Enumerated Queries -- Modify/add to list of <pname>
values for GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivARB if
image is a layer of a three-dimensional texture or one- or
two-dimensional array texture, then <params> will contain the specified
layer number. Otherwise, <params> will contain the value zero.
If <pname> is FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_LAYERED_ARB, then <params> will
contain TRUE if an entire level of a three-dimesional texture, cube map
texture, or one- or two-dimensional array texture is attached to the
<attachment>. Otherwise, <params> will contain FALSE.
(Modify the Additions to Chapter 5, section 5.4)
Add the commands FramebufferTextureARB, FramebufferTextureLayerARB, and
FramebufferTextureFaceARB to the list of commands that are not compiled
into a display list, but executed immediately.
Dependencies on EXT_framebuffer_blit
If EXT_framebuffer_blit is supported, the EXT_framebuffer_object language
should be further amended so that <target> values passed to
FramebufferTextureARB and FramebufferTextureLayerARB can be
set/query state for the draw framebuffer if <target> is FRAMEBUFFER_EXT.
If BlitFramebufferEXT() is called with a layered read framebuffer, pixel
values are obtained from layer zero from the read framebuffer. If the
draw framebuffer is layered, pixel values are written to layer zero of the
draw framebuffer. If both framebuffers are layered, the two-dimensional
blit operation is still performed only on layer zero.
Dependencies on EXT_texture_array
If EXT_texture_array is not supported, the discussion array textures the
layered rendering edits to EXT_framebuffer_object should be
removed. Layered rendering to cube map and 3D textures would still be
If EXT_texture_array is supported, the edits to EXT_framebuffer_object
supersede those made in EXT_texture_array, except for language pertaining
to mipmap generation of array textures.
There are no functional incompatibilities between the FBO support in these
two specifications. The only differences are that this extension supports
layered rendering and also rewrites certain sections of the core FBO
specification more aggressively.
Dependencies on ARB_texture_rectangle
If ARB_texture_rectangle is not supported, all references to rectangle
textures in the EXT_framebuffer_object spec language should be removed.
Dependencies on ARB_texture_buffer_object
If ARB_buffer_object is not supported, the reference to an
INVALID_OPERATION error if a buffer texture is passed to
FramebufferTextureARB should be removed.
Dependencies on OpenGL 3.2
If this extension and OpenGL 3.2 (and GLSL 1.50) are supported, two
slightly different versions of geometry shader support are available.
In this extension, the input and output primitive types and maximum output
vertex count are specified prior to linking, using the
ProgramParameteriARB command. However, OpenGL 3.2 requires that these
properties be specified using the "layout" modifier in geometry shader
source and provides no program paramter state. For implementations
supporting both features, there are potentially two different ways to set
these properties prior to linking a program. If no geometry shader
enables this extension via "#extension", all three properties must be
specified in shader source as required by OpenGL 3.2. Otherwise, these
properties need not be specified in source code, but still may be if
#version 150 or better is enabled. If a given property is specified in
geometry shader source, the value from the source code is used; otherwise,
the value of the program parameter state is used.
Additionally, OpenGL 3.2 and ARB_geometry_shader have similarly-named
queries for the input and output primitive type and maximum vertex count.
In particular, the commands
glGetProgramiv(program, GL_GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB, &verticesOut);
glGetProgramiv(program, GL_GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE_ARB, &inputType);
glGetProgramiv(program, GL_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE_ARB, &outputType);
query the program parameter state provided by this extension. If the
program parameter state is changed without relinking, the new values will
be returned, even though old values will be in effect when the program is
used. These queries are not supported by unextended OpenGL 3.2. Instead,
OpenGL 3.2 supports the following queries:
glGetProgramiv(program, GL_GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT, &verticesOut);
glGetProgramiv(program, GL_GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE, &inputType);
glGetProgramiv(program, GL_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE, &outputType);
The OpenGL 3.2 queries return the properties established when the program
is linked, and ignore the program parameter state. Despite the very
similar names, there is no conflict -- neither the enumerant names nor the
values are exactly the same.
If OpenGL 3.2 is supported and layered framebuffer attachments are used,
the requirement that all layer counts match is removed and the
FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_LAYER_COUNT_ARB error condition will never be
generated. Instead, rendering will use the minimum layer count for all
attachments as specified by OpenGL 3.2. This change was made for
consistency with OpenGL 3.0's framebuffer object support, which similarly
lifted the requirement that framebuffer attachments have matching widths
and heights.
Dependencies on ARB_uniform_buffer_object
If ARB_uniform_buffer_object (or OpenGL 3.1) is not supported, language
ARB_uniform_buffer_object spec) and the "default uniform block" should be
GLX Protocol
The following rendering command is sent to the server as part of a
glXRender request:
2 16 rendering command length
2 266 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 program
4 ENUM pname
4 INT32 value
2 20 rendering command length
2 267 rendering command opcode
4 ENUM target
4 ENUM attachment
4 CARD32 texture
4 INT32 level
2 24 rendering command length
2 237 rendering command opcode
4 ENUM target
4 ENUM attachment
4 CARD32 texture
4 INT32 level
4 INT32 layer
2 24 rendering command length
2 268 rendering command opcode
4 ENUM target
4 ENUM attachment
4 CARD32 texture
4 INT32 level
4 ENUM face
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by ProgramParameteriARB if <pname> is
GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE_ARB and <value> is not one of POINTS, LINES,
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by ProgramParameteriARB if <pname> is
GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE_ARB and <value> is not one of POINTS, LINE_STRIP or
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by ProgramParameteriARB if <pname> is
GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB and <value> is negative.
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by ProgramParameteriARB if <pname> is
GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB and <value> exceeds
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated by ProgramParameteriARB if <pname> is
set to GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB and the product of <value> and the sum of
all components of all active varying variables exceeds
The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if Begin, or any command that
implicitly calls Begin, is called when a geometry shader is active and:
* the input primitive type of the current geometry shader is
POINTS and <mode> is not POINTS,
* the input primitive type of the current geometry shader is
LINES and <mode> is not LINES, LINE_STRIP, or LINE_LOOP,
* the input primitive type of the current geometry shader is
* the input primitive type of the current geometry shader is
* the input primitive type of the current geometry shader is
New State
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attribute
------------------------- ---- ----------- ------- ---------------------- ------ ----------
FRAMEBUFFER_ATTACHMENT_ nxB GetFramebuffer- FALSE Framebuffer attachment -
LAYERED_ARB Attachment- is layered
Modify the following state value in Table 6.28, Shader Object State,
p. 289.
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attribute
------------------ ---- ----------- ------- ---------------------- ------ ---------
SHADER_TYPE Z2 GetShaderiv - Type of shader (vertex, 2.15.1 -
Fragment, geometry)
Add the following state to Table 6.29, Program Object State, p. 290
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attribute
------------------------- ---- ------------ ------- ----------------- ------ -------
GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB Z+ GetProgramiv 0 max # of output vertices 2.16.4 -
GEOMETRY_INPUT_TYPE_ARB Z5 GetProgramiv TRIANGLES Primitive input type 2.16.1 -
GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE_ARB Z3 GetProgramiv TRIANGLE_ Primitive output type 2.16.2 -
New Implementation Dependent State
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec. Attrib
---------------------- ---- ----------- ----- -------------------- -------- ------
MAX_GEOMETRY_TEXTURE_ Z+ GetIntegerv 0 maximum number of 2.16.4 -
IMAGE_UNITS_ARB texture image units
accessible in a
geometry shader
MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_ Z+ GetIntegerv 256 maximum number of 2.16.4 -
VERTICES_ARB vertices that any
geometry shader can
can emit
MAX_GEOMETRY_TOTAL_ Z+ GetIntegerv 1024 maximum number of 2.16.4 -
OUTPUT_COMPONENTS_ARB total components (all
vertices) of active
varyings that a
geometry shader can
MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_ Z+ GetIntegerv 512 Number of words for 2.16.3 -
COMPONENTS_ARB geometry shader
uniform variables
MAX_GEOMETRY_VARYING_ Z+ GetIntegerv 32 Number of components 2.16.4 -
COMPONENTS_ARB for varying variables
between geometry and
fragment shaders
MAX_VERTEX_VARYING_ Z+ GetIntegerv 32 Number of components 2.15.3 -
COMPONENTS_ARB for varying variables
between Vertex and
geometry shaders
MAX_VARYING_ Z+ GetIntegerv 32 Alias for 2.15.3 -
Modifications to the OpenGL Shading Language Specification version
Including the following line in a shader can be used to control the
language features described in this extension:
#extension GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 : <behavior>
where <behavior> is as specified in section 3.3.
A new preprocessor #define is added to the OpenGL Shading Language:
#define GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 1
Change the introduction to Chapter 2 "Overview of OpenGL Shading" as
The OpenGL Shading Language is actually three closely related
languages. These languages are used to create shaders for the programmable
processors contained in the OpenGL processing pipeline. The precise
definition of these programmable units is left to separate
specifications. In this document, we define them only well enough to
provide a context for defining these languages. Unless otherwise noted in
this paper, a language feature applies to all languages, and common usage
will refer to these languages as a single language. The specific languages
will be referred to by the name of the processor they target: vertex,
geometry or fragment.
Change the last sentence of the first paragraph of section 3.2
"Source Strings" to:
Multiple shaders of the same language (vertex, geometry or fragment) can
be linked together to form a single program.
Change the first paragraph of section 4.1.3, "Integers" as follows:
... integers are limited to 16 bits of precision, plus a sign
representation in the vertex, geometry and fragment languages..
Change the first paragraph of section 4.1.9, "Arrays", as follows:
Variables of the same type can be aggregated into one- and two-
dimensional arrays by declaring a name followed by brackets ( [ ] for
one-dimensional arrays and [][] for two-dimensional arrays) enclosing an
optional size. When an array size is specified in a declaration, it must
be an integral constant expression (see Section 4.3.3 "Integral Constant
Expressions") greater than zero. If an array is indexed with an
expression that is not an integral constant expression or passed as an
argument to a function, then its size must be declared before any such
use. It is legal to declare an array without a size and then later
re-declare the same name as an array of the same type and specify a
size. It is illegal to declare an array with a size, and then later (in
the same shader) index the same array with an integral constant expression
greater than or equal to the declared size. It is also illegal to index an
array with a negative constant expression. Arrays declared as formal
parameters in a function declaration must specify a size. Undefined
behavior results from indexing an array with a non-constant expression
that's greater than or equal to the array's size or less than 0. All basic
types and structures can be formed into arrays.
Two-dimensional arrays can only be declared as "varying in" variables in a
geometry shader. See section 4.3.6 for details. All other declarations of
two-dimensional arrays are illegal.
Change the fourth paragraph of section 4.2 "Scoping", as follows:
Shared globals are global variables declared with the same name in
independently compiled units (shaders) of the same language (vertex,
geometry or fragment) that are linked together .
Change section 4.3 "Type Qualifiers"
Change the "varying", "in" and "out" qualifiers as follows:
varying - linkage between a vertex shader and geometry shader, or between
a geometry shader and a fragment shader, or between a vertex shader and a
fragment shader.
in - for function parameters passed into a function or for input varying
variables (geometry only)
out - for function parameters passed back out of a function, but not
initialized for use when passed in. Also for output varying variables
(geometry only).
Change section 4.3.6 "Varying" as follows:
Varying variables provide the interface between the vertex shader and
geometry shader and also between the geometry shader and fragment shader
and the fixed functionality between them. If no geometry shader is
present, varying variables also provide the interface between the vertex
shader and fragment shader.
The vertex, or geometry shader will compute values per vertex (such
as color, texture coordinates, etc) and write them to output variables
declared with the "varying" qualifier (vertex or geometry) or "varying
out" qualifiers (geometry only). A vertex or geometry shader may also
read these output varying variables, getting back the same values it has
written. Reading an output varying variable in a vertex or geometry shader
returns undefined results if it is read before being written.
A geometry shader may also read from an input varying variable declared
with the "varying in" qualifiers. The value read will be the same value as
written by the vertex shader for that varying variable. Since a geometry
shader operates on primitives, each input varying variable needs to be
declared as an array. Each element of such an array corresponds to a
vertex of the primitive being processed. If the varying variable is
declared as a scalar or matrix in the vertex shader, it will be a
one-dimensional array in the geometry shader. Each array can optionally
have a size declared. If a size is not specified, it inferred by the
linker and depends on the value of the input primitive type. See table to determine the exact size. The read-only built-in constant
gl_VerticesIn will be set to this value by the linker. If a size is
specified, it has to be the size as given by table, otherwise a
link error will occur. The built-in constant gl_VerticesIn, if so desired,
can be used to size the array correctly for each input primitive
type. Varying variables can also be declared as arrays in the vertex
shader. This means that those, on input to the geometry shader, must be
declared as two- dimensional arrays. The first index to the
two-dimensional array holds the vertex number. Declaring a size for the
first range of the array is optional, just as it is for one-dimensional
arrays. The second index holds the per-vertex array data. Declaring a
size for the second range of the array is not optional, and has to match
the declaration in the vertex shader.
Value of built-in
Input primitive type gl_VerticesIn
----------------------- -----------------
Table 4.3.xxxx The value of the built-in variable gl_VerticesIn is
determined at link time, based on the input primitive type.
It is illegal to index these varying arrays, or in the case of two-
dimensional arrays, the first range of the array, with a negative integral
constant expression or an integral constant expression greater than or
equal to gl_VerticesIn. A link error will occur in these cases.
Varying variables that are part of the interface to the fragment shader
are set per vertex and interpolated in a perspective correct manner,
unless flat shaded, over the primitive being rendered. If single-sampling,
the interpolated value is for the fragment center. If multi-sampling, the
interpolated value can be anywhere within the pixel, including the
fragment center or one of the fragment samples.
A fragment shader may read from varying variables and the value read will
be the interpolated value, as a function of the fragment's position within
the primitive, unless the varying variable is flat shaded. A fragment
shader cannot write to a varying variable.
If a geometry shader is present, the type of the varying variables with
the same name declared in the vertex shader and the input varying
variables in the geometry shader must match, otherwise the link command
will fail. Likewise, the type of the output varying variables with the
same name declared in the geometry shader and the varying variables in the
fragment shader must match.
If a geometry shader is not present, the type of the varying variables
with the same name declared in both the vertex and fragment shaders must
match, otherwise the link command will fail.
Only those varying variables used (i.e. read) in the geometry or fragment
shader must be written to by the vertex or geometry shader; declaring
superfluous varying variables in the vertex shader or declaring
superfluous output varying variables in the geometry shader is
Varying variables are declared as in the following example:
varying in float foo[]; // geometry shader input. Size of the
// array set as a result of link, based
// on the input primitive type.
varying in float foo[gl_VerticesIn]; // geometry shader input
varying in float foo[3]; // geometry shader input. Only legal for
// the TRIANGLES input primitive type
varying in float foo[][5]; // Size of the first range set as a
// result of link. Each vertex holds an
// array of 5 floats.
varying out vec4 bar; // geometry output
varying vec3 normal; // vertex shader output or fragment
// shader input
The varying qualifier can be used only with the data types float, vec2,
vec3, vec4, mat2, mat3 and mat4 or arrays of these. Structures cannot be
varying. Additionally, the "varying in" and "varying out" qualifiers can
only be used in a geometry shader.
If no vertex shader is active, the fixed functionality pipeline of OpenGL
will compute values for the built-in varying variables that will be
consumed by the fragment shader. Similarly, if no fragment shader is
active, the vertex shader or geometry shader is responsible for computing
and writing to the built-in varying variables that are needed for OpenGL's
fixed functionality fragment pipeline.
Varying variables are required to have global scope, and must be declared
outside of function bodies, before their first use.
Change section 7.1 "Vertex Shader Special Variables"
Rename this section to "Vertex and Geometry Shader Special Variables"
Anywhere in this section where it reads "vertex language" replace it with
"vertex and geometry language".
Anywhere in this section where it reads "vertex shader" replace it with
"vertex shader or geometry shader".
Change the second paragraph to:
The variable gl_Position is available only in the vertex and geometry
language and is intended for writing the homogeneous vertex position. It
can be written at any time during shader execution. It may also be read
back by the shader after being written. This value will be used by
primitive assembly, clipping, culling, and other fixed functionality
operations that operate on primitives after vertex or geometry processing
has occurred. Compilers may generate a diagnostic message if they detect
gl_Position is read before being written, but not all such cases are
detectable. Writing to gl_Position is optional. If gl_Position is not
written but subsequent stages of the OpenGL pipeline consume gl_Position,
then results are undefined.
Change the last sentence of this section into the following:
The read-only built-in gl_PrimitiveIDIn is available only in the geometry
language and is filled with the number of primitives processed by the
geometry shader since the last time Begin was called (directly or
indirectly via vertex array functions). See section 2.16.4 for more
This variable is intrinsically declared as:
int gl_PrimitiveIDIn; // read only
The built-in output variable gl_PrimitiveID is available only in the
geometry language and provides a single integer that serves as a primitive
identifier. This written primitive ID is available to fragment shaders.
If a fragment shader using primitive IDs is active and a geometry shader
is also active, the geometry shader must write to gl_PrimitiveID or the
primitive ID in the fragment shader number is undefined.
The built-in output variable gl_Layer is available only in the geometry
language, and provides the number of the layer of textures attached to a
FBO to direct rendering to. If a shader statically assigns a value to
gl_Layer, layered rendering mode is enabled. See section 2.16.4 for a
detailed explanation. If a shader statically assigns a value to gl_Layer,
and there is an execution path through the shader that does not set
gl_Layer, then the value of gl_Layer may be undefined for executions of
the shader that take that path.
These variables area intrinsically declared as:
int gl_PrimitiveID;
int gl_Layer;
These variables can be read back by the shader after writing to them, to
retrieve what was written. Reading the variable before writing it results
in undefined behavior. If it is written more than once, the last value
written is consumed by the subsequent operations.
All built-in variables discussed in this section have global scope.
Change section 7.2 "Fragment Shader Special Variables"
Change the first paragraph on p. 44 as follows:
The fragment shader has access to the read-only built-in variable
gl_FrontFacing whose value is true if the fragment belongs to a
front-facing primitive. One use of this is to emulate two-sided lighting
by selecting one of two colors calculated by the vertex shader or geometry
Change the first sentence of section 7.4 "Built-in Constants"
The following built-in constant is provided to geometry shaders.
const int gl_VerticesIn; // Value set at link time
The following built-in constants are provided to the vertex, geometry and
fragment shaders:
Change section 7.6 "Varing Variables"
Unlike user-defined varying variables, the built-in varying variables
don't have a strict one-to-one correspondence between the vertex language,
geometry language and the fragment language. Four sets are provided, one
set for the vertex language output, one set for the geometry language
output, one set for the fragment language input and another set for the
geometry language input. Their relationship is described below.
The following built-in varying variables are available to write to in a
vertex shader or geometry shader. A particular one should be written to if
any functionality in a corresponding geometry shader or fragment shader or
fixed pipeline uses it or state derived from it. Otherwise, behavior is
Vertex language built-in outputs:
varying vec4 gl_FrontColor;
varying vec4 gl_BackColor;
varying vec4 gl_FrontSecondaryColor;
varying vec4 gl_BackSecondaryColor;
varying vec4 gl_TexCoord[]; // at most will be gl_MaxTextureCoords
varying float gl_FogFragCoord;
Geometry language built-in outputs:
varying out vec4 gl_FrontColor;
varying out vec4 gl_BackColor;
varying out vec4 gl_FrontSecondaryColor;
varying out vec4 gl_BackSecondaryColor;
varying out vec4 gl_TexCoord[]; // at most gl_MaxTextureCoords
varying out float gl_FogFragCoord;
For gl_FogFragCoord, the value written will be used as the "c" value on
page 160 of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification by the fixed functionality
pipeline. For example, if the z-coordinate of the fragment in eye space is
desired as "c", then that's what the vertex or geometry shader should
write into gl_FogFragCoord.
Indices used to subscript gl_TexCoord must either be an integral constant
expressions, or this array must be re-declared by the shader with a
size. The size can be at most gl_MaxTextureCoords. Using indexes close to
0 may aid the implementation in preserving varying resources.
The following input varying variables are available to read from in a
geometry shader.
varying in vec4 gl_FrontColorIn[gl_VerticesIn];
varying in vec4 gl_BackColorIn[gl_VerticesIn];
varying in vec4 gl_FrontSecondaryColorIn[gl_VerticesIn];
varying in vec4 gl_BackSecondaryColorIn[gl_VerticesIn];
varying in vec4 gl_TexCoordIn[gl_VerticesIn][]; // at most will be
// gl_MaxTextureCoords
varying in float gl_FogFragCoordIn[gl_VerticesIn];
varying in vec4 gl_PositionIn[gl_VerticesIn];
varying in float gl_PointSizeIn[gl_VerticesIn];
varying in vec4 gl_ClipVertexIn[gl_VerticesIn];
All built-in variables are one-dimensional arrays, except for
gl_TexCoordIn, which is a two-dimensional array. Each element of a
one-dimensional array, or the first index of a two-dimensional array,
corresponds to a vertex of the primitive being processed and receives
their value from the equivalent vertex output varying variables. See also
section 4.3.6.
The following varying variables are available to read from in a fragment
shader. The gl_Color and gl_SecondaryColor names are the same names as
attributes passed to the vertex shader. However, there is no name
conflict, because attributes are visible only in vertex shaders and the
following are only visible in a fragment shader.
varying vec4 gl_Color;
varying vec4 gl_SecondaryColor;
varying vec4 gl_TexCoord[]; // at most will be gl_MaxTextureCoords
varying float gl_FogFragCoord;
The values in gl_Color and gl_SecondaryColor will be derived automatically
by the system from gl_FrontColor, gl_BackColor, gl_FrontSecondaryColor,
and gl_BackSecondaryColor. This selection process is described in section
2.14.1 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification. If fixed functionality is used for
vertex processing, then gl_FogFragCoord will either be the z-coordinate of
the fragment in eye space, or the interpolation of the fog coordinate, as
described in section 3.10 of the OpenGL 1.4 Specification. The
gl_TexCoord[] values are the interpolated gl_TexCoord[] values from a
vertex or geometry shader or the texture coordinates of any fixed pipeline
based vertex functionality.
Indices to the fragment shader gl_TexCoord array are as described above in
the vertex and geometry shader text.
Change section 8.7 "Texture Lookup Functions"
Change the first paragraph to:
Texture lookup functions are available to vertex, geometry and fragment
shaders. However, level of detail is not computed by fixed functionality
for vertex or geometry shaders, so there are some differences in operation
between texture lookups. The functions.
Change the third and fourth paragraphs to:
In all functions below, the bias parameter is optional for fragment
shaders. The bias parameter is not accepted in a vertex or geometry
shader. For a fragment shader, if bias is present, it is added to the
calculated level of detail prior to performing the texture access
operation. If the bias parameter is not provided, then the implementation
automatically selects level of detail: For a texture that is not
mip-mapped, the texture is used directly. If it is mip- mapped and running
in a fragment shader, the LOD computed by the implementation is used to do
the texture lookup. If it is mip- mapped and running on the vertex or
geometry shader, then the base LOD of the texture is used.
The built-ins suffixed with "Lod" are allowed only in a vertex or geometry
shader. For the "Lod" functions, lod is directly used as the level of
Change section 8.9 Noise Functions
Change the first paragraph to:
Noise functions are available to the vertex, geometry and fragment
shaders. They are...
Add a section 8.10 Geometry Shader Functions
This section contains functions that are geometry language specific.
void EmitVertex(); // Geometry only
void EndPrimitive(); // Geometry only
The function EmitVertex() specifies that a vertex is completed. A vertex
is added to the current output primitive using the current values of the
varying output variables and the current values of the special built-in
output variables gl_PointSize, gl_ClipVertex, gl_Layer, gl_Position and
gl_PrimitiveID. The values of any unwritten output variables are
undefined. The values of all varying output variables and the special
built-in output variables are undefined after a call to EmitVertex(). If a
geometry shader, in one invocation, emits more vertices than the value
GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB, these emits may have no effect.
The function EndPrimitive() specifies that the current output primitive is
completed and a new output primitive (of the same type) should be
started. This function does not emit a vertex. The effect of
EndPrimitive() is roughly equivalent to calling End followed by a new
Begin, where the primitive mode is taken from the program object parameter
GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE_ARB. If the output primitive type is POINTS, calling
EndPrimitive() is optional.
A geometry shader starts with an output primitive containing no
vertices. When a geometry shader terminates, the current output primitive
is automatically completed. It is not necessary to call EndPrimitive() if
the geometry shader writes only a single primitive.
Add/Change section 9 (Shading language grammar):
init_declarator_list COMMA IDENTIFIER
init_declarator_list COMMA IDENTIFIER array_declarator_suffix
init_declarator_list COMMA IDENTIFIER EQUAL initializer
fully_specified_type IDENTIFIER
fully_specified_type IDENTIFIER array_declarator_suffix
fully_specified_type IDENTIFIER EQUAL initializer
LEFT_BRACKET constant_expression RIGHT_BRACKET
LEFT_BRACKET RIGHT_BRACKET array_declarator_suffix
LEFT_BRACKET constant_expression RIGHT_BRACKET
ATTRIBUTE // Vertex only
VARYING IN // Geometry only
VARYING OUT // Geometry only
NVIDIA Implementation Details
Because of a hardware limitation, some GeForce 8 series chips use the
odd vertex of an incomplete TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY_ARB primitive
as a replacement adjacency vertex rather than ignoring it.
1. How do geometry shaders fit into the existing GL pipeline?
RESOLVED: The following diagram illustrates how geometry shaders fit
into the "vertex processing" portion of the GL (Chapter 2 of the OpenGL
2.0 Specification).
First, vertex attributes are specified via immediate-mode commands or
through vertex arrays. They can be conventional attributes (e.g.,
glVertex, glColor, glTexCoord) or generic (numbered) attributes.
Vertices are then transformed, either using a vertex shader or
fixed-function vertex processing. Fixed-function vertex processing
includes position transformation (modelview and projection matrices),
lighting, texture coordinate generation, and other calculations. The
results of either method are a "transformed vertex", which has a
position (in clip coordinates), front and back colors, texture
coordinates, generic attributes (vertex shader only), and so on. Note
that on many current GL implementations, vertex processing is performed
by executing a "fixed function vertex shader" generated by the driver.
After vertex transformation, vertices are assembled into primitives,
according to the topology (e.g., TRIANGLES, QUAD_STRIP) provided by the
call to glBegin(). Primitives are points, lines, triangles, quads, or
polygons. Many GL implementations do not directly support quads or
polygons, but instead decompose them into triangles as permitted by the
After initial primitive assembly, a geometry shader is executed on each
individual point, line, or triangle primitive, if one is active. It can
read the attributes of each transformed vertex, perform arbitrary
computations, and emit new transformed vertices. These emitted vertices
are themselves assembled into primitives according to the output
primitive type of the geometry shader.
Then, the colors of the vertices of each primitive are clamped to [0,1]
(if color clamping is enabled), and flat shading may be performed by
taking the color from the provoking vertex of the primitive.
Each primitive is clipped to the view volume, and to any enabled
user-defined clip planes. Color, texture coordinate, and other
attribute values are computed for each new vertex introduced by
After clipping, the position of each vertex (in clip coordinates) is
converted to normalized device coordinates in the perspective division
(divide by w) step, and to window coordinates in the viewport
transformation step.
At the same time, color values may be converted to normalized
fixed-point values according to the "Final Color Processing" portion of
the specification.
After the vertices of the primitive are transformed to window
coordinate, the GL determines if the primitive is front- or back-facing.
That information is used for two-sided color selection, where a single
set of colors is selected from either the front or back colors
associated with each transformed vertex.
When all this is done, the final transformed position, colors (primary
and secondary), and other attributes are used for rasterization (Chapter
3 in the OpenGL 2.0 Specification).
When the raster position is specified (via glRasterPos), it goes through
the entire vertex processing pipeline as though it were a point.
However, geometry shaders are never run on the raster position.
|generic |conventional
|vertex |vertex
|attributes |attributes
| |
| +-------------------+
| | |
vertex fixed-function
shader vertex
| processing
| |
| |
| Output
|position, color, Primitive
|other vertex data Type
| |
V |
Begin/ primitive geometry primitive |
End ------> assembly -----> shader ----> assembly <-+
State | |
V |
| color flat
+----------> clamping ----> shading
| |
V |
| perspective viewport
+------> divide ----> transform
| |
| +---+-----+
| V |
| final facing |
+------> color determination |
| processing | |
| | | |
| | | |
| +-----+ +----+ |
| | | |
| V V |
| two-sided |
| coloring |
| | |
| | |
+------------------+ | +-------------+
| | |
2. Why is this called GL_ARB_geometry_shader4? There aren't any previous
versions of this extension, let alone three?
RESOLVED: To match its sibling, ARB_gpu_shader4 and the assembly
version NV_gpu_program4. This is the fourth generation of shading
functionality, hence the "4" in the name.
3. Should the GL produce errors at Begin time if an application specifies a
primitive mode that is "incompatible" with the geometry shader? For
example, if the geometry shader operates on triangles and the
application sends a POINTS primitive?
RESOLVED: Yes. Mismatches of app-specified primitive types and
geometry shader input primitive types appear to be errors and would
produce weird and wonderful effects.
4. Can the input primitive type of a geometry shader be determined at run
RESOLVED: No. Each geometry shader has a single input primitive type,
and vertices are presented to the shader in a specific order based on
that type.
5. Can the input primitive type of a geometry shader be changed?
DISCUSSION: The input primitive type is a property of the program
object. A change of the input primitive type means the program object
will need to be re-linked. It would be nice if the input primitive type
was known at compile time, so that the compiler can do error checking of
the type and the number of vertices being accessed by the shader. Since
we allow multiple compilation units to form one geometry shader, it is
not clear how to achieve that. Therefore, the input primitive type is a
property of the program object, and not of a shader object.
RESOLVED: Yes, but each change means the program object will have to be
6. Can the output primitive type of a geometry shader be determined
at run time?
RESOLVED: Not in this extension.
7. Can the output primitive type of a program object be changed?
RESOLVED: Yes, but the program object will have to be re-linked in order
for the change to have effect on program execution.
8. Must the output primitive type of a geometry shader match the
input primitive type in any way?
RESOLVED: No, you can have a geometry shader generate points out of
triangles or triangles out of points. Some combinations are analogous
to existing OpenGL operations: reading triangles and writing points or
line strips can be used to emulate a subset of PolygonMode
functionality. Reading points and writing triangle strips can be used
to emulate point sprites.
9. Are primitives emitted by a geometry shader processed like any other
OpenGL primitive?
RESOLVED: Yes. Antialiasing, stippling, polygon offset, polygon mode,
culling, two-sided lighting and color selection, point sprite
operations, and fragment processing all work as expected.
One limitation is that the only output primitive types supported are
points, line strips, and triangle strips, none of which meaningfully
support edge flags that are sometimes used in conjunction with the POINT
and LINE polygon modes. Edge flags are always ignored for line-mode
triangle strips.
10. Should geometry shaders support additional input primitive types?
RESOLVED: Possibly in a future extension. It should be straightforward
to build a future extension to support geometry shaders that operate on
quads. Other primitive types might be more demanding on hardware. Quads
with adjacency would require 12 vertices per shader execution. General
polygons may require even more, since there is no fixed bound on the
number of vertices in a polygon.
11. Should geometry shaders support additional output primitive types?
RESOLVED: Possibly in a future extension. Additional output types
(e.g., independent lines, line loops, triangle fans, polygons) may be
useful in the future; triangle fans/polygons seem particularly useful.
12. How are adjacency primitives processed by the GL?
RESOLVED: The primitive type of an adjacent primitive is set as a Begin
mode parameter. Any vertex of an adjacency primitive will be treated as
a regular vertex, and processed by a vertex shader as well as the
geometry shader. The geometry shader cannot output adjacency primitives,
thus processing stops with the geometry shader. If a geometry shader is
not active, the GL ignores the "adjacent" vertices in the adjacency
13. Should we provide additional adjacency primitive types that can be
used inside a Begin/End?
RESOLVED: Not in this extension. It may be desirable to add new
primitive types (e.g., TRIANGLE_FAN_ADJACENCY) in a future extension.
14. How do geometry shaders interact with RasterPos?
RESOLVED: Geometry shaders are ignored when specifying the raster
15. How do geometry shaders interact with pixel primitives
(DrawPixels, Bitmap)?
RESOLVED: They do not.
16. Is there a limit on the number of vertices that can be emitted by
a geometry shader?
RESOLVED: Unfortunately, yes. Besides practical hardware limits, there
may also be practical performance advantages when applications guarantee
a tight upper bound on the number of vertices a geometry shader will
emit. GPUs frequently excecute programs in parallel, and there are
substantial implementation challenges to parallel execution of geometry
threads that can write an unbounded number of results, particular given
that all the primitives generated by the first geometry shader
invocation must be consumed before any of the primitives generated by
the second program invocation. Limiting the amount of data a geometry
shader can write substantially eases the implementation burden.
A program object, holding a geometry shader, must declare a maximum
number of vertices that can be emitted. There is an
implementation-dependent limit on the total number of vertices a program
object can emit (256 minimum) and the product of the number of vertices
emitted and the number of components of all active varying variables
(1024 minimum).
It would be ideal if the limit could be inferred from the instructions
in the shader itself, and that would be possible for many shaders,
particularly ones with straight-line flow control. For shaders with
more complicated flow control (subroutines, data- dependent looping, and
so on), it would be impossible to make such an inference and a "safe"
limit would have to be used with adverse and possibly unexpected
performance consequences.
The limit on the number of EmitVertex() calls that can be issued can not
always be enforced at compile time, or even at Begin time. We specify
that if a shader tries to emit more vertices than allowed, emits that
exceed the limit may or may not have any effect.
17. Should it be possible to change the limit GEOMETRY_VERTICES_OUT_ARB, the
number of vertices emitted by a geometry shader, after the program
object, containing the shader, is linked?
RESOLVED: NO. See also issue 31. Changing this limit might require a
re-compile and/or re-link of the shaders and program object on certain
implementations. Pretending that this limit can be changed without
re-linking does not reflect reality.
18. How do user clipping and geometry shaders interact?
RESOLVED: Just like vertex shaders and user clipping interact. The
geometry shader needs to provide the (eye) position gl_ClipVertex.
Primitives are clipped after geometry shader execution, not before.
19. How do edge flags interact with adjacency primitives?
RESOLVED: If geometry programs are disabled, adjacency primitives are
still supported. For TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY_ARB, edge flags will apply as
they do for TRIANGLES. Such primitives are rendered as independent
triangles as though the adjacency vertices were not provided. Edge
flags for the "real" vertices are supported. For all other adjacency
primitive types, edge flags are irrelevant.
20. Now that a third shader object type is added, what combinations of
GLSL, assembly (ARB or NV) low level and fixed-function do we want
to support?
DISCUSSION: With the addition of the geometry shader, the number of
combinations the GL pipeline could support doubled (there is no
fixed-function geometry shading). Possible combinations now are:
vertex geometry fragment
for a total of 3 x 3 x 3 is 27 combinations. Before the geometry shader
was added, the number of combinations was 9, and those we need to
support. We have a choice on the other 18.
RESOLUTION: It makes sense to draw a line at raster in the GL
pipeline. The 'north' side of this line covers vertex and geometry
shaders, the 'south' side fragment shaders. We now add a simple rule
that states that if a program object contains anything north of this
line, the north side will be 100% GLSL. This means that:
a) GLSL program objects with a vertex shader can only use a geometry
shader and not an assembly geometry program. If an assembly geometry
program is enabled, it is bypassed. This also avoids a tricky case -- a
GLSL program object with a vertex and a fragment program linked
together. Injecting an assembly geometry shader in the middle at run
time won't work well.
b) GLSL program objects with a geometry shader must have a vertex shader
(cannot be ARB/NV or fixed-function vertex shading).
The 'south' side in this program object still can be any of
21. How do geometry shaders interact with color clamping?
RESOLVED: Geometry shader execution occurs prior to color clamping in
the pipeline. This means the colors written by vertex shaders are not
clamped to [0,1] before they are read by geometry shaders. If color
clamping is enabled, any vertex colors written by the geometry shader
will have their components clamped to [0,1].
22. What is a primitive ID and a vertex ID? I am confused.
DISCUSSION: A vertex shader can read a built-in attribute that holds the
ID of the current vertex it is processing. See the ARB_gpu_shader4 spec
for more information on vertex ID. If the geometry shader needs access
to a vertex ID as well, it can be passed as a user-defined varying
variable. A geometry shader can read a built-in varying variable that
holds the ID of the current primitive it is processing. It also has the
ability to write to a built-in output primitive ID variable, to
communicate the primitive ID to a fragment shader. A fragment shader
can read a built-in attribute that holds the ID of the current primitive
it is processing. A primitive ID will be generated even if no geometry
shader is active.
23. After a call to EmitVertex(), should the values of the output varying
variables be retained or be undefined?
DISCUSSION: There is not a clear answer to this question .The underlying
HW mechanism is as follows. An array of output registers is set aside to
store vertices that make up primitives. After each EmitVertex() a
pointer into that array is incremented. The shader no longer has access
to the previous set of values. This argues that the values of output
varying variables should be undefined after an EmitVertex() call. The
shader is responsible for writing values to all varying variables it
wants to emit, for each emit. The counter argument to this is that this
is not a nice model for GLSL to program in. The compiler can store
varying outputs in a temp register and preserve their values across
EmitVertex() calls, at the cost of increased register pressure.
RESOLUTION: For now, without being a clear winner, we've decided to go
with the undefined option. The shader is responsible for writng values
to all varying variabvles it wants to emit, for each emit.
24. How to distinguish between input and output "varying" variables?
DISCUSSION: Geometry shader outputs are varying variables consistent
with the existing definition of varying (used to communicate to the
fragment processing stage). Geometry inputs are received from a vertex
shader writing to its varying variable outputs. The inputs could be
called "varying", to match with the vertex shader, or could be called
"attributes" to match the vertex shader inputs (which are called
RESOLUTION: We'll call input variables "varying", and not
"attributes". To distinguish between input and output, they will be
further qualified with the words "in" and "out" resulting in, for
varying in float foo;
varying out vec4 bar[];
25. What is the syntax for declaring varying input variables?
DISCUSSION: We need a way to distinguish between the vertices of the
input primitive. Suggestions:
1. Declare each input varying variable as an unsized array. Its size
is inferred by the linker based on the output primitive type.
2. Declare each input varying variable as a sized array. If the size
does not match the output primitive type, a link error occurs.
3. Have an array of structures, where the structure contains the
attributes for each vertex.
RESOLUTION: Option 1 seems simple and solves the problem, but it is not
a clear winner over the other two. To aid the shader writer in figuring
out the size of each array, a new built-in constant, gl_VerticesIn, is
defined that holds the number of vertices for the current input
primitive type.
26. Does gl_PointSize, gl_Layer, gl_ClipVertex count agains the
RESOLUTION: Core OpenGL 2.0 makes a distinction between varying
variables, output from a vertex shader and interpolated over a
primitive, and 'special built-in variables' that are outputs, but not
interpolated across a primitive. Only varying variables do count against
the MAX_VERTEX_VARYING_COMPONENTS limit. gl_PointSize, gl_Layer,
gl_ClipVertex and gl_Position are 'special built-in' variables, and
therefore should not count against the limit. If HW does need to take
components away to support those, that is ok. The actual spec language
does mention possible implementation dependencies.
27. Should writing to gl_Position be optional?
DISCUSSION: Before this extensions, the OpenGL Shading Language required
that gl_Position be written to in a vertex shader. With the addition of
geometry shaders, it is not necessary anymore for a vertex shader to
output gl_Position. The geometry shader can do so. With the addition of
transform-feedback (see the transform feedback specification) it is not
necessary useful for the geometry shader to write out gl_Position
RESOLUTION: Yes, this should be optional.
28. Should geometry shaders be able to select a layer of a 3D texture, cube
map texture, or array texture at run time? If so, how?
RESOLVED: See also issue 32. This extension provides a per-vertex output
called "gl_Layer", which is an integer specifying the layer to render
to. In order to get defined results, the value of gl_Layer needs to be
constant for each primitive (point, line or triangle) being emitted by a
geometry shader. This layer value is used for all fragments generated by
that primitive.
The EXT_framebuffer_object (FBO) extension is used for rendering to
textures, but for cube maps and 3D textures, it only provides the
ability to attach a single face or layer of such textures.
This extension generalizes FBO by creates new entry points to bind an
entire texture level (FramebufferTextureARB) or a single layer of a
texture level (FramebufferTextureLayerARB) or a single face of a level
of a cube map texture (FramebufferTextureFaceARB) to an attachment
point. The existing FBO binding functions, FramebufferTexture[123]DARB
are retained, and are defined in terms of the more general new
The new functions do not have a dimension in the function name or a
<textarget> parameter, which can be inferred from the provided
When an entire texel level of a cube map, 3D, or array texture is
attached, that attachment is considered layered. The framebuffer is
considered layered if any attachment is layered. When the framebuffer
is layered, there are three additional completeness requirements:
* all attachments must be layered
* all color attachments must be from textures of identical type
* all attachments must have the same number of layers
We expect subsequent versions of the FBO spec to relax the requirement
that all attachments must have the same width and height, and plan to
relax the similar requirement for layer count at that time.
When rendering to a layered framebuffer, layer zero is used unless a
geometry shader that writes (statically assings, to be precise) to
gl_Layer. When rendering to a non-layered framebuffer, the value of
gl_Layer is ignored and the set of single-image attachments are used.
When reading from a layered framebuffer (e.g., ReadPixels), layer zero
is always used. When clearing a layered framebuffer, all layers are
cleared to the corresponding clear values.
Several other approaches were considered, including leveraging existing
FBO attachment functions and requiring the use of FramebufferTexture3D
with a <zoffset> of zero to make a framebuffer attachment "layerable"
(attaching layer zero means that the attachment could be used for either
layered- or non- layered rendering). Whether rendering was layered or
not could either be inferred from the active geometry shader, or set as
a new property of the framebuffer object. There is presently no
FramebufferParameter API to set a property of a framebuffer, so it would
have been necessary to create new set/query APIs if this approach were
29. How should per-vertex point size work with geometry shaders?
RESOLVED: The value of the existing VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE enable, to
control the point size behavior of a vertex shader, does not affect
geometry shaders. Specifically, If a geometry shader is active, the
point size is taken from the point size output gl_PointSize of the
vertex shader, regardless of the value of VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE.
30. Geometry shaders don't provide a QUADS or generic POLYGON input
primitive type. In this extension, what happens if an application
provides QUADS, QUAD_STRIP, or POLYGON primitives?
RESOLVED: Not all vendors supporting this extension were able to accept
quads and polygon primitives as input, so such functionality was not
provided in this extension. This extension requires that primitives
provided to the GL must match the input primitive type of the active
geometry shader (if any). QUADS, QUAD_STRIP, and POLYGON primitives are
considered not to match any input primitive type, so an
INVALID_OPERATION error will result.
The NV_geometry_shader4 extension (built on top of this one) allows
applications to provide quads or general polygon primitives to a
geometry shader with an input primitive type of TRIANGLES. Such
primitives are decomposed into triangles, and a geometry shader is run
on each triangle independently.
31. Geometry shaders provide a limit on the number of vertices that can be
emitted. Can this limit be changed at dynamically?
RESOLVED: See also issue 17. Not in this extension. This functionality
was not provided because it would be an expensive operation on some
implementations of this extension. The NV_geometry_shader4 extension
(layered on top of this one) does allow applications to change this
limit dynamically.
An application can change the vertex output limit at any time. To allow
for the possibility of dynamic changes (as in NV_geometry_shader4) but
not require it, a limit change is not guaranteed to take effect unless
the program object is re-linked. However, there is no guarantee that
such limit changes will not take effect immediately.
32. See also issue 28. Each vertex emitted by a geometry shader can specify
a layer to render to using the output variable "gl_Layer". For
LINE_STRIP and TRIANGLE_STRIP output primitive types, which vertex's
layer is used?
RESOLVED: The vertex from which the layer is extracted is unfortunately
undefined. In practice, some implementations of this extension will
extract the layer number from the first vertex of the output primitive;
others will extract it from the last (provoking) vertex. A future
geometry shader extension may choose to define this behavior one way or
the other.
To get portable results, the layer number should be the same for all
vertices in any single primitive emitted by the geometry shader. The
EndPrimitive() built-in function available in a geometry shader starts a
new primitive, and the layer number emitted can be safely changed after
EndPrimitive() is called.
33. The grammar allows "varying", "varying out", and "varying in" as
type-qualifiers for geometry shaders. What does "varying" without "in"
or "out" mean for a geometry shader?
RESOLVED: The "varying" type qualifier in a geometry shader not
followed by "in" or "out" means the same as "varying out".
This is consistent with the specification saying: "In order to seamlessly
be able to insert or remove a geometry shader from a program object,
the rules, names and types of the output built-in varying variables and
user-defined varying variables are the same as for the vertex shader."
34. What happens if you try to do a framebuffer blit (EXT_framebuffer_blit)
to/from a layered framebuffer?
RESOLVED: BlitFramebufferEXT() is a two-dimensional operation (only has
a width and height), so only reads/writes layer zero. The framebuffer
blit operation is defined partially in terms of CopyPixels, which itself
is defined in terms of ReadPixels and DrawPixels. This spec defines
both operations to use layer zero when a layered framebuffer is
It may be desirable to provide a three-dimensional framebuffer blit
operation or an explicit copy single-step operation between two
three-dimensional, cube map, or array textures. That functionality is
left for a future extension or OpenGL version.
tokens un-suffixed?
PROPOSED: Both of these tokens are provided in un-suffixed form in
OpenGL 3.0, which was released simultaneously with
ARB_geometry_shader4, and are not going to change their meaning
when this extension is promoted to a future core release since
their meaning is already defined by both 3.0 and this extension
to be the same
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- -------- -------- -----------------------------------------
26 01/21/11 pbrown Add language describing MAX_COMBINED_
with ARB_uniform_buffer_object (bug 7027).
25 12/21/09 jjones Add GLX protocol.
24 07/21/09 pbrown Clarify that when doing layered rendering,
a layer specified in the shader is used to
select the depth and stencil layers accessed.
23 06/30/09 pbrown Add interaction with OpenGL 3.2.
22 08/07/08 jleech Strip ARB suffix from a few tokens already
in OpenGL 3.0 (see issue 35).
21 07/09/08 jsandmel last edit accidentally added dependencies
on ARB_framebuffer_object. as per working
group meeting 7/11, this was unintentional, so
it's now been reverted back to a dependency on
20 07/09/08 jsandmel converted to ARB. no functional changes.
minimum value to zero, to match discussion (from
aeddy). Added separators to group pictures and
discussions of each of the new primitive types
18 03/15/08 pbrown Additional dependency on EXT_framebuffer_blit;
blits to/from layered targets affect only
layer zero.
17 05/22/07 mjk Clarify that "varying" means the same as
"varying out" in a geometry shader.
16 01/10/07 pbrown Specify that the total component limit is
enforced at LinkProgram time.
15 12/15/06 pbrown Documented that the '#extension' token
for this extension should begin with "GL_",
as apparently called for per convention.
14 -- Pre-release revisions.