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Name Strings
$Date: 1998/10/15 00:54:19 $ $Revision: 1.20 $
OpenGL 1.1 is required
EXT_texture3D affects the definition of this extension.
SGIS_texture4D affects the definition of this extension.
SGIS_texture_border_clamp affects the definition of this extension.
SGI_texture_color_table affects the definition of this extension.
SGIS_texture_edge_clamp affects the definition of this extension.
SGIX_texture_add_env affects the definition of this extension.
SGIS_texture_filter4 affects the definition of this extension.
SGIS_texture_lod affects the definition of this extension.
SGIX_texture_lod_bias affects the definition of this extension.
SGIX_texture_scale_bias affects the definition of this extension.
SGIS_texture_select affects the definition of this extension.
SGIS_detail_texture affects the definition of this extension.
SGIS_sharpen_texture affects the definition of this extension.
SGIX_shadow affects the definition of this extension.
SGIX_shadow_ambient affects the definition of this extension.
SGIX_clipmap affects the definition of this extension.
SGIS_point_line_texgen affects the definition of this extension.
This extension adds support for multiple active textures. The texture
capabilities are symmetric for all active textures. Any texture capability
extension supported for one texture must be supported for all active
textures. Each active texture has its own state vector which includes
texture image and filtering parameters and texture environment application.
The texture environments are applied in a pipelined fashion whereby the
output of one texture environment is used as the input fragment color for
the texture environment for the next active texture. Changes to texture
state other than texture coordinates are routed through a selector which
controls which instance of texture state is affected.
Cf ----->| | +-----+ pipelined texture
| TE0 |--->| | environment
Ct0 ----->| | | TE1 | +-----+
+-----+ | |--->| |
Ct1 ---------------->| | | TE2 | +-----+
+-----+ | |--->| |
Ct2 --------------------------->| | | TE3 |
+-----+ | |--> cf'
Ct3 -------------------------------------->| |
Ct<i> = texture color from texture lookup <i>
Cf = fragment color
TE = texture environment
Texture coordinate set, texture coordinate evaluator state, texture
generation function, and texture matrix are replicated independently of
the texture rasterization state and may differ in number from the
number of textures which can be active during rasterization.
Post-transform texture coordinates sets are associated with a texture
rasterization unit by binding them to a texture environment and they may
be multicast to several texture rasterization units.
The specification is written using four active textures and four
sets of texture coordinates though the actual number supported is
implementation dependent and can be larger or smaller than four.
* MultiTexCoord is an annoying name
* alternatives for supplying fine grain texcoord
1. Tex<k>Coord<n><T>[v|f](<T> data);
a. efficient, no error checking required
d. adds *a lot* of new commands
2. MultiTexCoord<n><T>[v|f](enum target, <T> data);
a. only a small number of commands added
a. can be fairly efficient (may need hw tweak)
d. needs range checking for <target>
3. reuse TexCoord command and add SelectTextureCoordSetSGIS(enum target)
to control routing
a. only add one new commands
d. adds a lot of function call overhead when using multiple
d. need to range check <target>
* seems a little hacky to have SelectTextureSGIS control texture matrix
since that is part of transform state and to have it control evaluator
state yet SELECTED_TEXTURE itself is part of texture state.
* SelectTextureSGIS probably should not affect client state such as
the vertex array state.
it doesn't any more
* mechanism to replicate input texcoords across multiple texture paths
could be done with a pre-transform multicast or post-transform
done using TEXTURE_ENV_COORD_SET_SGIS texture parameter
which is a post-transform mechanism.
RESOLVED: leave the coord source binding separate from
the texture object state => needs a new command to set it.
* need proxy/macro object to handle resource constraints
save for another extension?
* still need a way to route textures to lighting block :(
defined in light_texture.spec
* should there be a post-filter colortable per texture?
* should the number of textures and the number of texture
coordinate paths be decoupled?
There are some issues with this. We choose to break
texture state into 3 pieces:
1. client state deal with issuing texture coordinates
from the application
2. transform state which includes texgen, texture
matrix, evaluation maps, and texture coordinate
retrieval from Gets and Feedback.
3. rasterization state which includes texture
images, filter parameters and environment.
2 & 3 are both server state. there is an implication
that 1 and 2 are a little more tightly coupled and
equal in number but we need to keep the client
state separate.
There is some clumsyness with referring to the 2nd
group of state as transform state. There is a problem
that the texgen state is part of the texture state
used in PushAttrib and PopAttrib so some finessing
is required.
* special treatment of name 0?
* more texture environment functions, SUBTRACT, ...?
leading candidates are SUBTRACT and REVERSE_SUBTRACT
could also make a new version of environment which is
similar to blending.
RESOLVED: new environment, see texture_env.spec
* more general combination of texture results?
RESOLVED: do them in add-on specs
* allow texture environment computation to do something
even when texture is disabled. This contradicts the current
specification of texturing (the difference would show
up in the REPLACE environment), so we redefine this
behavior in a new environment (see texture_env.spec)
* support for interleaved arrays
add a command which acts as a multiplier on the current
interleaved array token causing the texture coordinate
array to have <n> contiguous texture coords of the same
type and format.
* some clarifications:
SelectTextureCoordSetSGIS affects client state only and
affects the commands TexCoord<n>{T}[v], TexCoordPointer,
EnableClientState, and DisableClientState. Display lists
contain texture coordinates for which the binding is fully
resolved to one of TEXTURE0_SGIS .. TEXTURE<n>_SGIS.
I chose to remove MultiTexCoordPointerSGIS as it was difficult
to also include tokens which would make it possible to call
Enable/DisableClientState with a token corresponding to the
appropriate texture coordinate set, so SelectTextureCoordSetSGIS
is required to manipulate the array state. To maintain symmetry,
I made all commands use SelectTextureCoordSetSGIS and the
MultiTexCoord<n>{T}[v]SGIS commands are added to help with
performance. An alternative would be to have both
MultiTexCoordPointerSGIS and add new tokens
not give TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY0_SGIS the same value as
TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY, so that we can have the relationship
This still might cause some confusion/asymmetry if the <target>
parameter of MultiTexCoordPointerSGIS/MultiTexCoord<n>{T}[v]SGIS
is TEXTURE0_SGIS .. TEXTURE<n>_SGIS but EnableClientState/
DisableClientState use TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY0_SGIS ..
New Procedures and Functions
void MultiTexCoord{1234}{sifd}SGIS(enum target, T coords);
void MultiTexCoord{1234}{sifd}vSGIS(enum target, T coords);
void InterleavedTextureCoordSetsSGIS(int factor);
void SelectTextureSGIS(enum target);
void SelectTextureCoordSetSGIS(enum target);
void SelectTextureTransformSGIS(enum target);
New Tokens
Accepted by the <pname> parameters of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
GetFloatv, and GetDoublev:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of TexEnvi, TexEnvf,
TexEnviv, TexEnvfv, GetTexEnviv, and GetTexEnvfv:
Accepted by the <target> parameter of SelectTextureSGIS,
SelectTextureTransformSGIS, SelectTextureCoordSetSGIS,
MultiTexCoord<n>{T}[v]SGIS, and the <param> of TexParameteri and
TexParameterf, and the <params> parameter of TexParameteriv, and
<reserve enums for 32>
Additions to Chapter 2 of the 1.1 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
Section 2.6 Begin/End Paradigm
<amend paragraph 2 & 3>
Each vertex is specified with two, three, or four coordinates. In
addition, a current normal, current texture coordinate set, and current
color may be used in processing each vertex. Normals are used by the GL in
lighting calculations; the current normal is a three-dimensional vector
that may be set by sending three coordinates that specify it. Texture
coordinates determine how a texture image is mapped onto a primitive.
Multiple sets of texture coordinates may be used to specify how multiple
texture images are mapped onto a primitive. The number of texture
coordinate sets supported is implementation dependent but must be at least
A color is associated with each vertex as it is specified. This associated
color is either the current color or a color produced by lighting
depending on whether or not lighting is enabled. Texture coordinates are
similarly associated with each vertex. Multiple sets of texture coordinates
may be associated with a vertex. Figure 2.2 summarizes the association of
auxiliary data with a transformed vertex to produce a processed vertex.
<amend figure 2.2 to include multiple texcoord processing blocks
(current texcoords, texgen, texture matrix)>
<amend paragraph 6>
Before a color has been assigned to a vertex, the state required by a vertex
is the vertex's coordinates, the current normal, and the current texture
coordinate sets. Once color has been assigned, however, the current normal
is no longer needed. Because color assignment is done vertex-by-vertex, a
processed vertex comprises the vertex's coordinates, its assigned color,
and its texture coordinate sets.
Section 2.7 Vertex Specifications <texture coordinates>
<amend paragraph 2>
Current values are used in associating auxiliary data with a vertex
as described in section 2.6. A current value may be changed at any time
by issuing an appropriate command. The commands
void TexCoord{1234}{sifd}(T coords);
void TexCoord{1234}{sifd}v(T coords);
specify the current homogeneous texture coordinates, named s,t,r, and q.
The TexCoord1 family of commands set the s coordinate to the provided
single argument while setting t and r to 0 and q to 1. Similarly,
TexCoord2 sets s and t to the specified values, r to 0, and q to 1;
TexCoord3 sets s, t, and r, with q set to 1, and TexCoord4 sets all four
texture coordinates.
Implementations may support more than 1 set of texture
coordinates. The MultiTexCoord family of commands takes the
coordinate set to be modified as the <target> parameter. The
<target> parameter is one of TEXTURE0_SGIS through
TEXTURE3_SGIS. If a <target> parameter greater than the number of
supported coordinate sets is specified, the command has no effect.
The command
void SelectTextureCoordSetSGIS(enum target);
is used to change the texture coordinate set modified by the TexCoord*
family of commands. <target> is one of TEXTURE0_SGIS through TEXTURE3_SGIS
corresponding to the texture coordinate set to be modified by the TexCoord
commands. The current coordinate set selection is part of client state rather
than server state.
Section 2.8 Vertex Arrays
<amend paragraph 1>
The vertex specification commands in section 2.7 accept data in almost any
format, but their use requires many command executions to specify even
simple geometry. Vertex data may also be placed in arrays that are stored
in the client's address space. Blocks of data in these arrays may be used
to specify multiple geometric primitives through the execution of a single
GL command. The client may specify 6 or more arrays at once: one each to
store vertex coordinates, edge flags, colors, color indices, normals and
one or more texture coordinate sets. The commands
void EdgeFlagPointer(sizei stride, void *pointer);
void VertexPointer(int size, enum type, sizei stride, void *pointer);
void ColorPointer(int size, enum type, sizei stride, void *pointer);
void IndexPointer(enum type, sizei stride, void *pointer);
void NormalPointer(enum type, sizei stride, void *pointer);
void TexCoordPointer(int size, enum type, sizei stride, void *pointer);
<insert this paragraph> between paragraph 2 & 3>
In implementations which support more than one set of texture coordinates,
the command SelectTextureCoordSetSGIS is used to select the vertex array
parameters to be modified by the TexCoordPointer command and the array
affected by client state enable and disable commands with the
<modify the section on interleaved arrays as follows>
The commands
void InterleavedArrays(enum format, sizei stride,
void *pointer) ;
void InterleavedTextureCoordSetsSGIS(int factor) ;
efficiently initializes the six arrays and their enables to one of 14
configurations. <format> must be one 14 symbolic constants: V2F, V3F,
C4UB_V2F, C4UB_V3F, C3F_V3F, N3F_V3F, C4F_N3F_V3F, T2F_V3F, T4F_V4F,
T2F_C4UB_V3F, T2F_C3F_V3F, T2F_N3F_V3F, T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F, T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F.
<factor> is an integer between 1 and SELECTED_TEXTURE_COORD_SET_SGIS
and specifies how many texture coordinate sets are enabled as part
of the InterleavedArrays command.
The effect of
InterleavedArrays(format, stride, pointer);
is the same as the effect of the command sequence
<copy command sequence from 1.1 spec, but change the part dealing
with texture coords to>
if (<et>) {
for(i = 0; i < factor; i++) {
TexCoordPointer(st, FLOAT, str, <pointer>+i*pc);
for(i = factor; i < MAX_TEXTURE_COORD_SETS_SGIS; i++) {
} else {
for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEXTURE_COORD_SETS_SGIS; i++) {
pc *= factor;
If the number of supported is texture coordinate sets,
MAX_TEXTURE_COORD_SETS_SGIS, is <k>, then the client state require to
implement vertex arrays consists of five plus <k> boolean values, five
plus <k> integer stride values, four plus <k> constants representing array
types, and three plus <k> integers representing values per element. In the
initial state, the boolean values are each disabled, the memory pointers
are each null, the strides are each zero, the array types are each FLOAT,
and the integers representing values per element are each four.
Section 2.10.2 Matrices
<amend paragraph 8 texture matrix>
There is another 4x4 matrix that is applied to texture coordinates.
This matrix is applied as
| m1 m5 m9 m13 | |s|
| m2 m6 m10 m14 | |t| ,
| m3 m7 m11 m15 | |r|
| m4 m8 m12 m16 | |q|
where the left matrix is the current texture matrix. The Matrix is applied
to the coordinates resulting from texture coordinate generation which
(which may simply be the current texture coordinates), and the resulting
transformed coordinates become the texture coordinates associated with a
vertex. Setting the matrix mode to TEXTURE causes the already described
matrix operations to apply to the texture matrix stack.
For implementations which support more than one set of texture coordinates,
there is a corresponding texture matrix stack for each coordinate set. Each
stack has the same depth. The texture matrix stack which is affected by the
matrix operations is set using the SelectTextureTransformSGIS command.
There is a stack of matrices for each of the matrix modes. For MODELVIEW
mode, the stack depth is at least 32 (that is, there is a stack of at least
32 model-view matrices). For other modes, the depth is at least 2. Texture
matrix stacks for all texture coordinate sets have the same depth.
void PushMatrix( void );
pushes the stack down by one, duplicating the current matrix in both the
top of the stack and the entry below it.
void PopMatrix( void );
pops the top entry off of the stack, replacing the current matrix with the
matrix that was the second entry in the stack. The pushing or popping
takes place on the stack corresponding to the current matrix mode. Popping
a matrix off a stack with only one entry generates the error STACK_UNDERFLOW;
pushing a matrix onto a full stack generates STACK_OVERFLOW.
When the current matrix mode is TEXTURE, the texture matrix stack corresponding
to the currently selected textured is pushed or popped.
The state required to implement transformations consists of a three-value
integer indicating the current matrix mode, a stack of at least two 4x4
matrices for PROJECTION and one stack of at least two 4x4 matrices for
each set of texture coordinates, TEXTURE, as well as associated stack pointers,
and a stack of at least 32 4x4 matrices with an associated stack pointer for
MODELVIEW. Initially, there is only one matrix on each stack and all
matrices are set to the identity. The initial matrix mode is MODELVIEW.
Section 2.10.4 Generating texture coordinates
<amend paragraph 4>
The state required for texture coordinate generation for each set of
texture coordinates supported by the implementation comprises a
three-valued integer for each coordinate indicating coordinate generation
mode, and a bit for each coordinate to indicate whether texture coordinate
generation is enabled or disabled. In addition, four coefficients are
required for the four coordinates for each of EYE_LINEAR and
OBJECT_LINEAR. The initial state has the texture generation function
disabled for all texture coordinates. The initial values of p_i for s
except p_1 which is one; for t all the p_i are zero except p_2, which is
1. The values of p_i for r and q are all zero. These values of p_i apply
for both the EYE_LINEAR and OBJECT_LINEAR versions. Initially all texture
generation modes are EYE_LINEAR.
Section 2.12 Current Raster Position
<amend paragraph 2>
The current raster position consists of three window coordinates x_w,
y_w, and z_w, a clip coordinate w_c value, and eye coordinate distance,
a valid bit, and associated data consisting op a color and texture
coordinate sets. It is set using one of the RasterPos commands:
<amend paragraph 5>
The current raster position requires five single-precision floating-point
values for its x_w, y_w, and z_w window coordinates, its w_c clip
coordinate, and its eye coordinate distance, a single valid bit, a color
(RGBA and color index), and texture coordinates for each set of texture
coordinates supported by the implementation. In the initial state, the
coordinates and texture coordinates and both (0,0,0,1), the eye coordinate
distance is 0, the valid bit is set, the associated RGBA color is (1,1,1,1)
and the associated color index is 1. In RGBA mode, the associated color
index always has its initial value; in color index mode, the RGBA color
always maintains its initial value.
Additions to Chapter 3 of the 1.1 Specification (Rasterization)
Section 3.8 Texturing
<amend paragraphs 1 & 2>
Texturing maps a portion of one or more specified images onto each
primitive for which texturing is enabled. This mapping is accomplished by
using the color of an image at the location indicated by a fragment's
(s,t,r) coordinates to modify the fragment's RGBA color (r is currently
ignored). An implementation may support texturing using more than one
image at a time. In this case the fragment carries multiple sets of
texture coordinates (s,t,r) which are used to index separate images to
produce color values which are collectively used to modify the fragment's
RGBA color. Texturing is specified only for RGBA mode; its use in color
index mode is undefined. The following subsections (up to and including
Section 3.8.5) specify the GL operation with a single texture and Section
3.8.6 specifies the details of how multiple textures interact.
The GL provides a means to specify the details of how texturing of a
primitive is effected. These details include specifications of the image to
be texture mapped, the means by which the image is filtered when applied to
the primitive, and the function that determines what RGBA value is produced
given a fragment color and an image value.
Section 3.8.4 Texture Objects
<add this paragraph to the end of the section>
The texture object name space is shared amongst all textures in multiple
texture implementations. A texture object may be bound to more than one
texture target simultaneously, though they must all be of the same type
(e.g., TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D). After a texture object is bound, any GL
operations on that target also affect any other target to which the same
texture object is bound.
Section 3.8.5 Texture Environments and Texture Functions
<amend the second half of paragraph 1>
The possible environment parameters are TEXTURE_ENV_MODE,
to an RGBA color by providing four single-precision floating-point values
in the range [0,1](values outside this range are clamped to it). If
integers are provided for TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR, then they are converted to
floating-point as specified in Table 2.6 for signed integers.
TEXTURE<n>_SGIS where <n> is one less than the number of supported
texture coordinate sets. If a floating-point value is provided, then it
is rounded to the nearest integer.
<insert before paragraph 3>
The value of TEXTURE_ENV_COORD_SET_SGIS specifies which set of fragment
texture coordinates are used to determine the texture value used in
the texture function. The same set of texture coordinates may
be simultaneously used by multiple textures.
<replace paragraph 3>
The state required for the current texture environment consists of the
four-valued integer indicating the texture function, four floating-
integer indicating the texture coordinate set binding. In the initial
state, the texture function is given by MODULATE, TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR is
(0,0,0,0), and texture coordinate set is TEXTURE0_SGIS.
Section 3.8.6 Texture Application <replace with this>
Texturing is enabled or disabled using the generic Enable and Disable
commands, respectively, with the symbolic constant TEXTURE_1D or TEXTURE_2D
to enable the one-dimensional or two-dimensional texture, respectively. If
both the one- and two-dimensional textures are enabled, the two-dimensional
texture is used. If all texturing is disabled, a rasterized fragment is
passed unaltered to the next stage of the GL (although its texture
coordinates may be discarded). Otherwise, a texture value is found
according to the parameter values of the currently bound texture image of
the appropriate dimensionality using the rules given in sections 3.8.1 and
3.8.2. This texture value is used along with the incoming fragment in
computing the texture function indicated by the currently bound texture
environment. The result of this function replaces the incoming fragment's
R, G, B, and A values. These are the color values passed to subsequent
operations. Other data associated with the incoming fragment remain
unchanged, except that the texture coordinates may be discarded.
When multiple textures are supported, additional textures are each paired
with an environment function. The second texture function is computed
using the texture value from the second texture, the fragment resulting
from the first texture function computation and the environment function
currently bound to the second texture. If there is a third texture, the
fragment resulting from the second texture function is combined with the
third texture value using the environment function bound to the third
texture and so on. Texturing is enabled and disabled individually for each
texture. If texturing is disabled for one of the textures, then the
fragment result from the previous stage is passed unaltered to the next
Additions to Chapter 4 of the 1.1 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations
and the Framebuffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the 1.1 Specification (Special Functions)
Section 5.1 Evaluators
<amend second part of paragraph 2 to indicate that the evaluator
map modified is affected by SELECTED_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_SGIS when the
the type parameter is one of the texture coordinates.>
<amend paragraph 7>
The evaluation of a defined map is enabled or disabled with Enable and
Disable using the constant corresponding to the map as described
above. In implementations which support multiple texture coordinates the
affected texture evaluator map is further qualified by the value of
either ustride or vstride is less than k, or if u1 is equal to u2, or
if v1 is equal to v2.
Section 5.3 Feedback
<amend bottom of paragraph 2>
The texture coordinates and colors returned are these resulting from the
clipping operations described in (section 2.13.8). Only one set of texture
coordinates is returned even for implementations which support multiple
texture coordinates. The texture coordinate set returned is the the one
corresponding to the value of SELECTED_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_SGIS.
Additions to Chapter 6 of the 1.1 Specification (State and State Requests)
<add this paragraph after paragraph 14 regarding multi-valued state variables>
When multiple textures are supported, most texture state variables are
further qualified by the value of SELECTED_TEXTURE_TRANSFORM_SGIS or
SELECTED_TEXTURE_SGIS to determine which server texture state vector is
queried. Client texture state variables such as texture coordinate
array pointers are qualified with SELECTED_TEXTURE_COORD_SET_SGIS.
Tables 6.5 through 6.22 indicate those state variables which are
<add this paragraph after paragraph 16 regarding the TEXTURE_BIT>
When multiple textures are supported, operations on groups containing
replicated texture state push or pop all versions of texture state
within that group. When server state for a group is pushed all state
in the group corresponding to TEXTURE0_SGIS is pushed first, followed by
state corresponding to TEXTURE1_SGIS, and so on up to and including the
state corresponding to TEXTURE<n>_SGIS where <n> is the value of
not exist for an attribute (this can occur when MAX_TEXTURES_SGIS is
not equal to MAX_TEXTURE_COORD_SETS_SGIS) then it is ignored.
When server state for a group is popped the replicated texture state is
restored in the opposite order that it was pushed, starting with state
corresponding to TEXTURE<n>_SGIS and ending with TEXTURE0_SGIS.
Identical rules are observed for client texture state push and pop
<rename vertex_array attribute group to vertex>
Additions to the GLX Specification
GLX Protocol
Dependencies on EXT_texture3D
If EXT_texture3D is not supported than the functionality and state
associated with EXT_texture3D does not exist and is therefore not
Dependencies on SGIS_texture4D
If SGIS_texture4D is not supported than the functionality and state
associated with SGIS_texture4D does not exist and is therefore not
Dependencies on SGIS_texture_border_clamp
If SGIS_texture_border_clamp is not supported than the functionality and
state associated with SGIS_texture_border_clamp does not exist and is
therefore not extended.
Dependencies on SGI_texture_color_table
If SGI_texture_color_table is not supported than the functionality and
state associated with SGI_texture_color_table does not exist and is
therefore not extended.
Dependencies on SGIS_texture_edge_clamp
If SGIS_texture_edge_clamp is not supported than the functionality and
state associated with SGIS_texture_edge_clamp does not exist and is
therefore not extended.
Dependencies on SGIX_texture_add_env
If SGIX_texture_add_env is not supported than the functionality and
state associated with SGIX_texture_add_env does not exist and is
therefore not extended.
Dependencies on SGIS_texture_filter4
If SGIS_texture_filter4 is not supported than the functionality and
state associated with SGIS_texture_filter4 does not exist and is
therefore not extended.
Dependencies on SGIS_texture_lod
If SGIS_texture_lod is not supported than the functionality and state
associated with SGIS_texture_lod does not exist and is therefore not
Dependencies on SGIX_texture_lod_bias
If SGIX_texture_lod_bias is not supported than the functionality and
state associated with SGIX_texture_lod_bias does not exist and is
therefore not extended.
Dependencies on SGIX_texture_scale_bias
If SGIX_texture_scale_bias is not supported than the functionality and
state associated with SGIX_texture_scale_bias does not exist and is
therefore not extended.
Dependencies on SGIS_texture_select
If SGIS_texture_select is not supported than the functionality and state
associated with SGIS_texture_select does not exist and is therefore not
Dependencies on SGIS_detail_texture
If SGIS_detail_texture is not supported than the functionality and state
associated with SGIS_detail_texture does not exist and is therefore not
Dependencies on SGIS_sharpen_texture
If SGIS_sharpen_texture is not supported than the functionality and
state associated with SGIS_sharpen_texture does not exist and is
therefore not extended.
Dependencies on SGIX_shadow
If SGIX_shadow is not supported than the functionality and state
associated with SGIX_shadow does not exist and is therefore not
Dependencies on SGIX_shadow_ambient
If SGIX_shadow_ambient is not supported than the functionality and state
associated with SGIX_shadow_ambient does not exist and is therefore not
Dependencies on SGIX_clipmap
If SGIX_clipmap is not supported than the functionality and state
associated with SGIX_clipmap does not exist and is therefore not
Dependencies on SGIS_point_line_texgen
If SGIS_point_line_texgen is not supported than the functionality and
state associated with SGIS_point_line_texgen does not exist and is
therefore not extended.
INVALID_ENUM is generated if SelectTextureSGIS,
SelectTextureTransformSGIS, SelectTextureCoordSetSGIS,
MultiTexCoord<n>{T}[v]SGIS, or MultiTexCoordPointer parameter <target> is
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if SelectTextureCoordSetSGIS or
SelectTextureTransformSGIS parameter <target> is one of TEXTURE0_SGIS
.. TEXTURE3_SGIS and <target> is greater or equal than the number of
available textures coordinate sets.
INVALID_VALUE is generated if InterleavedTextureCoordSetsSGIS parameter
<factor> is not between 1 and MAX_TEXTURE_COORD_SETS_SGIS.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if SelectTextureSGIS parameter <target> is
one of TEXTURE0_SGIS .. TEXTURE3_SGIS and <target> is greater or equal than
the number of available textures.
INVALID_ENUM is generated if TexEnv{T}[v] parameter <pname> is
TEXTURE_ENV_COORD_SET_SGIS and the <param> parameter is not one of
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if TexEnv{T}[v] parameter <pname>
is TEXTURE_ENV_COORD_SET_SGIS and the <param> parameter is greater or equal
than the number of available textures coordinate sets.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if SelectTextureSGIS or
SelectTextureTransformSGIS is executed between execution of Begin and the
corresponding execution of End.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if SelectTextureCoordSetSGIS or
MultiTexCoordPointerSGIS is executed between execution of Begin and the
corresponding execution of End, but some implementations may not generate
the error. In such cases the result of executing these commands is
New State
Get Value Get Command Type Initial Value Attribute
--------- ----------- ---- ------------- ---------
Replicated State
Get Value Get Command Type Initial Value Attribute
--------- ----------- ---- ------------- ---------
x CURRENT_TEXTURE_COORDS GetFloatv 1* x T (0,0,0,1) current
x CURRENT_RASTER_TEXTURE_COORDS GetFloatv 1* x T (0,0,0,1) current
c TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY IsEnabled 1* x B False vertex-array
c TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_SIZE GetIntegerv 1* x Z+ 0 vertex-array
c TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE GetIntegerv 1* x Z4 FLOAT vertex-array
c TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_STRIDE GetIntegerv 1* x Z+ 0 vertex-array
c TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_POINTER GetPointerv 1* x Y 0 vertex-array
x TEXTURE_MATRIX GetFloatv 1* x 2* x M4 Identity -
x TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH GetIntegerv 1* x Z+ 1 -
TEXTURE_1D IsEnabled 1* x B False texture/enable
TEXTURE_2D IsEnabled 1* x B False texture/enable
TEXTURE_3D_EXT IsEnabled 1* x B False texture/enable
TEXTURE_4D_SGIS IsEnabled 1* x B False texture/enable
TEXTURE_BINDING_1D GetIntegerv 1* x Z+ 0 texture
TEXTURE_BINDING_2D GetIntegerv 1* x Z+ 0 texture
TEXTURE_BINDING_3D_EXT GetIntegerv 1* x Z+ 0 texture
TEXTURE_BINDING_4D_SGIS GetIntegerv 1* x Z+ 0 texture
TEXTURE GetTexImage 1* x n x I see sec 3.8 -
TEXTURE_WIDTH GetTexLevelParameter 1* x n x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_HEIGHT GetTexLevelParameter 1* x n x Z+ 0 -
+TEXTURE_DEPTH_EXT GetTexLevelParameter 1* x n x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_BORDER GetTexLevelParameter 1* x n x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT GetTexLevelParameter 1* x n x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_RED_SIZE GetTexLevelParameter 1* x n x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_GREEN_SIZE GetTexLevelParameter 1* x n x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_BLUE_SIZE GetTexLevelParameter 1* x n x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_ALPHA_SIZE GetTexLevelParameter 1* x n x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_SIZE GetTexLevelParameter 1* x n x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_INTENISTY_SIZE GetTexLevelParameter 1* x n x Z+ 0 -
TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR GetTexParameter 1* x 2+ x C (0,0,0,0) texture
TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER GetTexParameter 1* x 2+ x Z6 see sec 3.8 texture
TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER GetTexParameter 1* x 2+ x Z2 see sec 3.8 texture
TEXTURE_WRAP_S GetTexParameter 1* x 2+ x Z2 REPEAT texture
TEXTURE_WRAP_T GetTexParameter 1* x 2+ x Z2 REPEAT texture
+TEXTURE_WRAP_R_EXT GetTexParameter 1* x 2+ x Z2 REPEAT texture
+TEXTURE_WRAP_Q_SGIS GetTexParameter 1* x 2+ x Z2 REPEAT texture
TEXTURE_PRIORITY GetTexParameterfv 1* x 2+ x R[0,1] 1 texture
TEXTURE_RESIDENT GetTexParameterfv 1* x 2+ x B False texture
+TEXTURE_MIN_LOD_SGIS GetTexParameterfv 1* x n x R -1000 texture
+TEXTURE_MAX_LOD_SGIS GetTexParameterfv 1* x n x R 1000 texture
+TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL_SGIS GetTexParameteriv 1* x n x R 0 texture
+TEXTURE_MAX_LEVEL_SGIS GetTexParameteriv 1* x n x R 1000 texture
+TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_S_SGIX GetTexParameterfv 1* x n x R 0 texture
+TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_T_SGIX GetTexParameterfv 1* x n x R 0 texture
+TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS_R_SGIX GetTexParameterfv 1* x n x R 0 texture
+TEXTURE_FILTER4_FUNC_SGIS GetTexFilterFuncSGIS 1* x 2 x Size x R see text texture
+DETAIL_TEXTURE_2D_BINDING_SGIS GetIntegerv 1* x Z+ 0 texture
+DETAIL_TEXTURE_LEVEL_SGIS GetTexParameteriv 1* x n x Z- -4 texture
+DETAIL_TEXTURE_MODE_SGIS GetTexParameteriv 1* x n x Z2 ADD texture
+DETAIL_TEXTURE_FUNC_POINTS_SGIS GetTexParameteriv 1* x n x Z+ 2 texture
+<DETAIL_TEXTURE_FUNC> GetDetailTexFuncSGIS 1* x n x m x R {0, 0}, {-4, 1} texture
+SHARPEN_TEXTURE_FUNC_POINTS_SGIS GetTexParameteriv 1* x n x Z+ 2 texture
+<SHARPEN_TEXTURE_FUNC> GetSharpenTexFuncSGIS 1* x n x m x R {0, 0}, {-4, 1} texture
+TEXTURE_COMPARE_SGIX GetTexParameter[if]v 1* x B False texture
+SHADOW_AMBIENT_SGIX GetTexParameter[if]v 1* x R[0,1] 0.0 texture
+TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_FRAME_SGIX GetTexParameterf 1* x Z+ 0 texture
+TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_CENTER_SGIX GetTexParameterfv 1* x 2 x Z+ 0,0 texture
+TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_OFFSET_SGIX GetTexParameterfv 1* x 2 x Z+ 0,0 texture
+TEXTURE_CLIPMAP_VIRTUAL_DEPTH_SGIX GetTexParameterfv 1* x 3 x Z+ 0,0,0 texture
+DUAL_TEXTURE_SELECT_SGIS GetTexParameter 1* x n x 3 x Z2 0 texture
+QUAD_TEXTURE_SELECT_SGIS GetTexParameter 1* x n x 3 x Z4 0 texture
+POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_BIAS_SGIX GetTexParameterfv 1* x n x 4 x R (0,0,0,0) texture
+POST_TEXTURE_FILTER_SCALE_SGIX GetTexParameterfv 1* x n x 4 x R (1,1,1,1) texture
TEXTURE_COLOR_TABLE_SGI IsEnabled B False texture/enable
+COLOR_TABLE GetColorTableSGI 4 x I empty -
+COLOR_TABLE_FORMAT_SGI GetColorTableParameterivSGI 2 x 4 x Z38 RGBA -
+COLOR_TABLE_WIDTH_SGI GetColorTableParameterivSGI 2 x 4 x Z+ 0 -
+COLOR_TABLE_RED_SIZE_SGI GetColorTableParameterivSGI 2 x 4 x Z+ 0 -
+COLOR_TABLE_GREEN_SIZE_SGI GetColorTableParameterivSGI 2 x 4 x Z+ 0 -
+COLOR_TABLE_BLUE_SIZE_SGI GetColorTableParameterivSGI 2 x 4 x Z+ 0 -
+COLOR_TABLE_ALPHA_SIZE_SGI GetColorTableParameterivSGI 2 x 4 x Z+ 0 -
+COLOR_TABLE_LUMINANCE_SIZE_SGI GetColorTableParameterivSGI 2 x 4 x Z+ 0 -
+COLOR_TABLE_INTENSITY_SIZE_SGI GetColorTableParameterivSGI 2 x 4 x Z+ 0 -
+COLOR_TABLE_SCALE_SGI GetColorTableParameterfvSGI 4 x R4 (1,1,1,1) pixel
+COLOR_TABLE_BIAS_SGI GetColorTableParameterfvSGI 4 x R4 (0,0,0,0) pixel
TEXTURE_ENV_MODE GetTexEnviv 1* x Z4 MODULATE texture
TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR GetTexEnviv 1* x C (0,0,0,0) texture
TEXTURE_ENV_COORD_SET_SGIS GetTexEnviv 1* x Z4 see sec 3.8 texture
x TEXTURE_GEN_x IsEnabled 1* x 4 x B False texture/enable
x EYE_PLANE GetTexGenfv 1* x 4 x R4 see sec 2.10.4 texture
x OBJECT_PLANE GetTexGenfv 1* x 4 x R4 see sec 2.10.4 texture
x TEXTURE_GEN_MODE GetTexGeniv 1* x 4 x Z3 EYE_LINEAR texture
+TEXTURE_ENV_BIAS_SGIX GetFloatv 1* x C (0,0,0,0) texture
x+EYE_POINT_SGIS GetTexGeniv 1* x 4 x R (0,0,0,1) texture
x+OBJECT_POINT_SGIS GetTexGeniv 1* x 4 x R (0,0,0,1) texture
x+EYE_LINE_SGIS GetTexGeniv 1* x 7 x R (0,0,0,1,0,0,1) texture
x+OBJECT_LINE_SGIS GetTexGeniv 1* x 7 x R (0,0,0,1,0,0,1) texture
x ORDER GetMapiv (k+9) x Z8* 1 -
x ORDER GetMapiv (k+9) x 2 x Z8* 1,1 -
x COEFF GetMapfv (k+9) x 8* x Rn see sec 5.1 -
x COEFF GetMapfv (k+9) x 8* x 8* x Rn see sec 5.1 -
x DOMAIN GetMapfv (k+9) x 2 x R see sec 5.1 -
x DOMAIN GetMapfv (k+9) x 4 x R see sec 5.1 -
x MAP1_x IsEnabled (k+9) x B False -
x MAP2_x IsEnabled (k+9) x B False -
+ = state defined in another extension.
c = state qualified by SELECTED_TEXTURE_COORD_SET_SGIS
New Implementation Dependent State
Get Value Get Command Type Minimum Value
--------- ----------- ---- -------------