blob: 76d65abca3e7521cf8a6d7e4a5306c3478335664 [file] [log] [blame]
Name Strings
Eric Werness, NVIDIA (ewerness 'at'
Pat Brown, NVIDIA (pbrown 'at'
Last Modified Date: 08/07/2012
NVIDIA Revision: 4
The extension is written against the OpenGL 2.0 Specification.
ARB_occlusion_query or OpenGL 1.5 is required.
This extension interacts with NV_conditional_render.
This extension provides support for conditional rendering based on the
results of an occlusion query. This mechanism allows an application to
potentially reduce the latency between the completion of an occlusion
query and the rendering commands depending on its result. It additionally
allows the decision of whether to render to be made without application
This extension defines two new functions, BeginConditionalRenderNVX and
EndConditionalRenderNVX, between which rendering commands may be discarded
based on the results of an occlusion query. If the specified occlusion
query returns a non-zero value, rendering commands between these calls are
executed. If the occlusion query returns a value of zero, all rendering
commands between the calls are discarded.
New Procedures and Functions
void BeginConditionalRenderNVX(uint id);
void EndConditionalRenderNVX(void);
New Tokens
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
(Incorporate the spec edits from the NV_transform_feedback specification
that move the "Occlusion Queries" Section 4.1.7 -- to between Section 2.11,
Coordinate Transforms and Section 2.12, Clipping, and rename it to
"Asynchronous Queries". Insert a new section immediately after the moved
"Asynchronous Queries" section. If NV_transform_feedback is incorporated,
this section should be inserted prior the the "Transform Feedback"
(also modify the BeginQuery language to disallow BeginQuery while the
query object is being used for conditional rendering)
BeginQuery sets the active query object name for the query type given by
<target> to <id>. If BeginQuery is called with an <id> of zero, if the
active query object name for <target> is non-zero, if <id> is the active
query object name for any query type, or if <id> is the active query
object for condtional rendering (Section 2.X), the error INVALID OPERATION
is generated.
Section 2.X, Conditional Rendering
Conditional rendering can be used to discard rendering commands based on
the result of an occlusion query. Conditional rendering is started and
stopped using the commands
void BeginConditionalRenderNVX(uint id);
void EndConditionalRenderNVX(void);
<id> specifies the name of an occlusion query object whose results are
used to determine if the rendering commands are discarded. If the result
(SAMPLES_PASSED) of the query is zero, all rendering commands between
BeginConditionalRenderNVX and the corresponding EndConditionalRenderNVX
are discarded. In this case, Begin, End, all vertex array commands
performing an implicit Begin and End, DrawPixels (section 3.6), Bitmap
(section 3.7), Clear (section 4.2.3), Accum (section 4.2.4), CopyPixels
(section 4.3.3), EvalMesh1, and EvalMesh2 (section 5.1) have no effect.
The effect of commands setting current vertex state (e.g., Color,
VertexAttrib) is undefined. If the result of the occlusion query is
non-zero, such commands are not discarded. The GL waits for the results
of the query to be available and then uses the results to determine if
subsequent rendering commands are discarded.
If BeginConditionalRenderNVX is called while conditional rendering is in
progress, or if EndConditionalRenderNVX is called while conditional
rendering is not in progress, the error INVALID_OPERATION is generated.
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if <id> is not the name of an
existing query object query. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if
<id> is the name of a query object with a target other than
SAMPLES_PASSED, or <id> is the name of a query currently in progress.
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Rasterization)
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Per-Fragment
Operations and the Frame Buffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Special Functions)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (State and State
Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Invariance)
Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
GLX Protocol
Dependencies on NV_conditional_render
This extension was an early version of the NV_conditional_render
extension, which provides several conditional rendering modes
QUERY_BY_REGION_NO_WAIT_NV). This extension's commands:
are equivalent to the following NV_conditional_render commands:
glBeginConditionalRenderNV(id, QUERY_WAIT_NV);
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by BeginConditionalRenderNVX if a previous
BeginConditionalRenderNVX command has been executed without a
corresponding EndConditionalRenderNVX command.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by EndConditionalRenderNVX if no
corresponding BeginConditionalRenderNVX command has been executed.
INVALID_VALUE is generated by BeginConditionalRenderNVX if <id> is not the
name of an existing occlusion query object.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by BeginConditionalRenderNVX if <id> is the
name of a query object with a <target> other than SAMPLES_PASSED.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by BeginConditionalRenderNVX if the query
identified by <id> is still in progress.
(1) How should rendering commands other than "normal" Begin/End-style
geometry be affected by conditional rendering?
RESOLVED: All rendering commands (DrawPixels, Bitmap, Clear, Accum,
etc...) are performed conditionally.
(5) What happens if BeginQuery is called while the specified occlusion
query is begin used for conditional rendering?
RESOLVED: An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated.
(6) Should conditional rendering work with any type of query other than
SAMPLES_PASSED (occlusion)?
RESOLVED: Not in this extension. The spec currently requires that <id>
be the name of an occlusion query. There might be other query types
where such an operation would make sense, but there aren't any in the
current OpenGL spec.
(7) What is the effect on current state for immediate mode attribute calls
(e.g., Color, VertexAttrib) made during conditional rendering if the
corresponding occlusion query failed?
RESOLVED: The effect of these calls is undefined. If subsequent
primitives depend on a vertex attribute set inside a conditional
rendering block, and application should re-send the values after
Usage Example
GLuint queryID = 0x12345678;
// Use an occlusion query while rendering the bounding box of the real
// object.
glBeginQuery(GL_SAMPLES_PASSED, queryID);
// Do some unrelated rendering in hope that the query result will be
// available by the time we call glBeginConditionalRenderNV.
// Now conditionally render the real object if any portion of its
// bounding box is visible.
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- -------- -------- --------------------------------------------
4 08/07/12 pbrown Minor edits in preparation for publishing to
the Khronos registry.
3 02/19/08 pbrown Document the INVALID_OPERATION error from
calling BeginQuery while the query is used
for conditional rendering in the spec body.
2 11/29/07 ewerness First public release
1 Internal revisions