blob: 9b5af667a552268c956ea4690a70d8f41298c522 [file] [log] [blame]
Name Strings
James Jones
Robert Morell
Andy Ritger
Antonio Tejada
Thomas True
James Jones, NVIDIA Corporation (jajones 'at'
Complete. Shipping in NVIDIA 190.XX drivers
Last Modified Date: Jul 8, 2011
Author Revision: 24
OpenGL 2.0 is required.
ARB_vertex_buffer_object is required.
EXT_framebuffer_object is required.
EXT_timer_query is required for 64-bit integer type definitions
NV_present_video is required for the definition of the FRAME_NV
token and the wglQueryCurrentContextNV function only.
Written based on the wording of the OpenGL 3.0 specification.
This extension provides a mechanism for streaming video data
directly into texture objects and buffer objects. Applications can
then display video streams in interactive 3D scenes and/or
manipulate the video data using the GL's image processing
New Procedures and Functions
void BeginVideoCaptureNV(uint video_capture_slot);
void BindVideoCaptureStreamBufferNV(uint video_capture_slot,
uint stream, enum frame_region,
intptrARB offset);
void BindVideoCaptureStreamTextureNV(uint video_capture_slot,
uint stream, enum frame_region,
enum target, uint texture);
void EndVideoCaptureNV(uint video_capture_slot);
void GetVideoCaptureivNV(uint video_capture_slot, enum pname,
int *params);
void GetVideoCaptureStream{i,f,d}vNV(uint video_capture_slot,
uint stream, enum pname,
T *params);
enum VideoCaptureNV(uint video_capture_slot, uint *sequence_num,
uint64EXT *capture_time);
void VideoCaptureStreamParameter{i,f,d}vNV(uint video_capture_slot,
uint stream,
GLenum pname,
const T *params);
int glXBindVideoCaptureDeviceNV(Display *dpy,
unsigned int video_capture_slot,
GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV device);
GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV *
glXEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV(Display *dpy, int screen,
int *nelements);
void glXLockVideoCaptureDeviceNV(Display *dpy,
GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV device);
int glXQueryVideoCaptureDeviceNV(Display *dpy,
GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV device,
int attribute, int *value);
void glXReleaseVideoCaptureDeviceNV(Display *dpy,
GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV device);
BOOL wglBindVideoCaptureDeviceNV(UINT uVideoSlot,
UINT wglEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV(HDC hDc,
BOOL wglLockVideoCaptureDeviceNV(HDC hDc,
BOOL wglQueryVideoCaptureDeviceNV(HDC hDc,
int iAttribute, int *piValue);
BOOL wglReleaseVideoCaptureDeviceNV(HDC hDc,
New Types
typedef XID GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV
New Tokens
Accepted by the <target> parameters of BindBufferARB, BufferDataARB,
BufferSubDataARB, MapBufferARB, UnmapBufferARB, GetBufferSubDataARB,
GetBufferParameterivARB, and GetBufferPointervARB:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
GetFloatv, and GetDoublev:
Accepted by the <frame_region> parameter of
BindVideoCaptureStreamBufferNV, and BindVideoCaptureStreamTextureNV:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetVideoCaptureivNV:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of
GetVideoCaptureStream{i,f,d}vNV and as the <pname> parameter of
Returned by VideoCaptureNV:
Returned by VideoCaptureNV and GetVideoCaptureStream{i,f,d}vNV
Accepted in the <params> parameter of
VideoCaptureStreamParameter{i,f,d}vNV when <pname> is
GetVideoCaptureStream{i,f,d}vNV when <pname> is
YCBYCR8_422_NV 0x9031
YCBAYCR8A_4224_NV 0x9032
Z6Y10Z6CB10Z6Y10Z6CR10_422_NV 0x9033
Z6Y10Z6CB10Z6A10Z6Y10Z6CR10Z6A10_4224_NV 0x9034
Z4Y12Z4CB12Z4Y12Z4CR12_422_NV 0x9035
Z4Y12Z4CB12Z4A12Z4Y12Z4CR12Z4A12_4224_NV 0x9036
Z4Y12Z4CB12Z4CR12_444_NV 0x9037
Accepted in the attribute list of the GLX reply to the
glXEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV command:
Accepted by the <attribute> parameter of glXQueryContext:
Accepted by the <attribute> parameter of
Accepted by the <iAttribute> parameter of wglQueryCurrentContextNV:
Accepted by the <iAttribute> parameter of
Additions to Chapter 2 of the 1.1 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
Additions to Chapter 3 of the 1.1 Specification (Rasterization)
Additions to Chapter 4 of the 1.1 Specification (Per-Fragment
Operations and the Frame Buffer)
Add a new section after Section 4.4 and, if NV_present_video is
present, before Section 4.5 "Displaying Buffers."
"Section 4.5, Video Capture
"Video capture can be used to transfer pixels from a video input
device to textures or buffer objects. Video input devices are
accessed by binding them to a valid video capture slot in a context
using window-system specific functions. Valid video capture slots
are unsigned integers in the range 1 to the implementation dependent
maximum number of slots, inclusive. Trying to perform video
capture operations on an invalid video capture slot or a video
capture slot with no device bound to it will generate
"The values captured can be transformed by a fixed-function color
conversion pipeline before they are written to the destination.
Each video input device can have an implementation-dependent number
of input streams associated with it. Pixels are transferred from
all streams on a device simultaneously.
"Video capture can be started and stopped on a specified video
capture slot with the commands
void BeginVideoCaptureNV(uint video_capture_slot)
void EndVideoCaptureNV(uint video_capture_slot)
respectively. After BeginVideoCaptureNV is called, the capture
device bound to <video_capture_slot> will begin filling a queue of
raw buffers with incoming video data. If capture is already in the
requested state, INVALID_OPERATION is generated.
"To move data from the raw buffers into the GL, buffer objects or
textures must be bound to the individual video capture streams. A
video capture stream refers to a single video source. Each video
capture slot must provide one or more video capture streams.
Streams are referred to by their index, starting from zero. If an
invalid stream index is specified, INVALID_VALUE is generated.
Buffer objects or textures can be bound to streams using the
void BindVideoCaptureStreamBufferNV(uint video_capture_slot,
uint stream,
enum frame_region,
intptrARB offset);
void BindVideoCaptureStreamTextureNV(uint video_capture_slot,
uint stream,
enum frame_region,
enum target, uint texture);
where <stream> is the index of the stream to bind the object to and
<frame_region> is the spatial region of the frame, specified
FIELD_UPPER_NV and FIELD_LOWER_NV are used, two objects must be
bound to the stream; one for the upper field and one for the lower
field. If only one field is bound at capture time,
"For buffer object capture, the buffer bound to the
VIDEO_BUFFER_NV target is used. An offset into the buffer object
can be specified using the <offset> parameter. The offset provided
must be a multiple of the size, in bytes, of a pixel in the internal
format specified for this stream or INVALID_VALUE will be generated
at frame capture time. To unbind a buffer object from a video
capture stream region, bind buffer object 0 to the region. The
internal format of the pixel data stored in the buffer object can be
specified using the VideoCaptureStreamParameter functions described
below, with <pname> set to VIDEO_BUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT_NV and
<params> set to a color-renderable internal format (as defined in
section 4.4.4), or one of the Y'CbCr/Y'CbCrA formats defined in
table 4.13. Specifying other internal formats will generate
Element Meaning Format
Format Name and Order Layout
---------------------------------------- ---------------- -------
YCBYCR8_422_NV Y'0, Cb, Y'1, Cr 4:2:2
YCBAYCRA8_4224_NV Y'0, Cb, A0, 4:2:2:4
Y'1, Cr, A1
Z6Y10Z6CB10Z6Y10Z6CR10_422_NV 6 zero bits, Y'0, 4:2:2
6 zero bits, Cb,
6 zero bits, Y'1,
6 zero bits, Cr
Z6Y10Z6CB10Z6A10Z6Y10Z6CR10Z6A10_4224_NV 6 zero bits, Y'0, 4:2:2:4
6 zero bits, Cb,
6 zero bits, A0,
6 zero bits, Y'1,
6 zero bits, Cr,
6 zero bits, A1
Z4Y12Z4CB12Z4Y12Z4CR12_422_NV 4 zero bits, Y'0, 4:2:2
4 zero bits, Cb,
4 zero bits, Y'1,
4 zero bits, Cr
Z4Y12Z4CB12Z4A12Z4Y12Z4CR12Z4A12_4224_NV 4 zero bits, Y'0, 4:2:2:4
4 zero bits, Cb,
4 zero bits, A0,
4 zero bits, Y'1,
4 zero bits, Cr,
4 zero bits, A1
Z4Y12Z4CB12Z4CR12_444_NV 4 zero bits, Y', 4:4:4
4 zero bits, Cb,
4 zero bits, Cr
Table 4.13 - Video capture buffer internal formats
"For texture object capture, the texture named <texture> on <target>
is used. The internal format of the texture must be color-
renderable as defined in section 4.4.4 at capture time, or
INVALID_OPERATION is generated. Only 2D textures can be used as
video capture destinations. If <target> is not TEXTURE_2D or
does not refer to a texture target supported by the current context,
INVALID_ENUM is generated. To unbind a texture from a video capture
stream region without binding a new one, bind texture 0 to the
region. If <texture> is non-zero and does not name an existing
texture object, INVALID_VALUE is generated.
"Captured video data will have 2, 3, or 4 components per pixel. The
number of components and their layout is determined based on the
format of the data output by the video capture device. This may
differ from the data format of the data received by the video
capture device if it has internal data format conversion hardware.
For example, if the device is configured to resample data with a
4:2:2 layout up to a 4:4:4:4 layout, the effective format is
4:4:4:4. If the formats in table 4.13 are used, the format layout
must be compatible with the format of the captured data, as defined
in table 4.14, or INVALID_ENUM is generated. Compatibility with
4:2:2 and 4:2:2:4 capture format layouts can be queried using the
GetVideoCaptureStream{i,f,d}vNV commands with <pname> set to
VIDEO_CAPTURE_TO_422_SUPPORTED_NV as described below.
Effective Compatible
Format Layout Capture Format Layouts
------------- ----------------------
4:2:2 4:2:2, 4:2:2:4
4:2:2:4 4:2:2, 4:2:2:4
4:4:4 4:4:4, 4:4:4:4
4:4:4:4 4:4:4, 4:4:4:4
Table 4.14 - Compatible format layouts.
"If the effective capture data format is 4:2:2, there will be 2
components per pixel. If capturing to a format from table 4.13, it
will take two incoming pixels to make up one pixel group referred to
by the destination layout. The first pixel's components 1 and 2 will
be written to the destination pixel group's Y'0 and Cb components.
The second pixel's components 1 and 2 will be written to the
destination pixel group's Y'1 and Cr components. Otherwise, the
captured pixel's components 1 and 2 will be written to the
destination R and G components respectively and there is no concept
of pixel groups. If the effective capture data format is 4:4:4,
there will be 3 components per pixel. If capturing to a format from
table 4.13, the captured components 1, 2, and 3 will be written to
the Y', Cb, and Cr components respectively. Otherwise the components
1, 2, and 3 will be written to the destination R, G, and B components
respectively. If the effective capture data format is 4:2:2:4 or
4:4:4:4, the mapping will be the same as that of 4:2:2 or 4:4:4
respectively, but the final component will always be stored in the
destination A or A' component. If the destination format does not
contain a component used by the mapping above, the source's
corresponding component will be ignored. If the destination has
components not mentioned in the mapping above for the current
effective capture data format, the value in those components will be
undefined after a capture operation.
"After objects have been bound to the video capture streams,
enum VideoCaptureNV(uint video_capture_slot, uint *sequence_num,
uint64EXT *capture_time);
can be called to capture one frame of video. If no frames are
available, this call will block until frames are ready for capture
or an error occurs. VideoCaptureNV will return one of SUCCESS_NV,
PARTIAL_SUCCESS_NV, or FAILURE_NV. If the capture operation
completed successfully on all stream with objects bound, SUCCESS_NV
is returned. If some streams succeeded PARTIAL_SUCCESS_NV is
returned. If the capture failed on all streams, or if the capture
state on the specified slot is invalid, FAILURE_NV is returned. In
addition, the following GL errors are generated if FAILURE_NV was
returned because of invalid capture state:
* INVALID_OPERATION if any stream has both texture and buffer
objects bound.
* INVALID_VALUE if any buffer objects bound are not large enough
to contain the the data from the region they are bound to at the
specified offset.
* INVALID_VALUE if the dimensions of any textures bound do not
match the dimensions of the region they are bound to.
* INVALID_OPERATION if the base level of any textures bound has
not been defined.
* INVALID_OPERATION if the internal formats of any textures bound
to the same stream does not match.
* INVALID_OPERATION if automatic mipmap generation is enabled for
any textures bound.
"If PARTIAL_SUCCESS_NV is returned, the command
void GetVideoCaptureStream{i,f,d}vNV(uint video_capture_slot,
uint stream, enum pname,
T *params);
can be used with <pname> set to LAST_VIDEO_CAPTURE_STATUS_NV to
determine which streams the capture succeeded on.
"After a successful or partially successful VideoCaptureNV call,
<sequence_num> will be set to the sequence number of the frame
captured, beginning at 0 for the first frame after BeginVideoCapture
was called, and <capture_time> is set to the GPU time, in
nanoseconds, that the video capture device began capturing the
frame. Note that the time VideoCaptureNV was called does not affect
the value returned in <capture_time>. The time returned is relative
to when the video frame first reached the capture hardware, not when
the GL requested delivery of the next captured frame. After a
failed VideoCaptureNV call, the values in <sequence_num> and
<capture_time> are undefined.
"When capturing data with a 4:4:4 or 4:4:4:4 layout without using
one of the destination formats from table 4.13 the captured pixels
are run through the color conversion process illustrated in figure
4.4 as they are transferred from the capture device's raw buffers to
the bound capture objects.
Output = clamp( M |b| + Offset )
Figure 4.4, Video capture color conversion pipeline. When the stream
is in YUVA color space: a = Yi, b=Ui, c=Vi and d = Ai. When in
RGBA color space, a = Gi, b=Bi, c=Ri and d = Ai.
"<M> and <Offset> are the color conversion matrix and color
conversion offset for the video capture stream, respectively, and
<clamp> is an operation that clamps each component of the result to
the range specified by the corresponding components of <Cmin> and
<Cmax> for the video capture stream. Each component of <Cmin> is
calculated by taking the maximum of the corresponding component
in the vector specified by VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MIN_NV, as
described below, and the minimum value representable by the format
of the destination surface. Similarly, each component of <Cmax>
is calculated by taking the minimum of the corresponding component
in the vector specified by VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MAX_NV and the
maximum value representable by the format.
"When the destination format uses fixed-point or floating-point
internal storage, the captured video data will be converted to a
floating-point representation internally before the color
conversion step. The following equation describes the conversion:
f = ( c - Dmin ) / ( Dmax - Dmin )
"Where <c> is the value of the incoming component, <Dmin> and <Dmax>
are the minimum and maximum values, respectively, that the video
capture device can generate in its current configuration, and <f> is
the resulting floating-point value. Note that <Dmin> and <Dmax>
refer to the numerical range of the incoming data format. They are
not affected by any clamping requirements of the captured data
"The commands
void VideoCaptureStreamParameter{i,f,d}vNV(uint
uint stream,
enum pname,
const T *params);
can be used to specify video capture stream parameters. The value
or values in <params> are assigned to video capture stream parameter
specified as <pname>. To specify a stream's conversion matrix, set
<pname> to VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MATRIX_NV, and set <params> to an
array of 16 consecutive values, which are used as the elements of a
4 x 4 column-major matrix. If the video capture stream's data
format does not include an alpha component, the fourth column of the
matrix is ignored. The color conversion matrix is initialized to
a 4x4 identity matrix when a video capture device is bound.
"To specify the video capture stream color conversion offset vector,
set <pname> to to VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_OFFSET_NV and <params> to
an array of 4 consecutive values. If the video capture stream's
data format does not include an alpha component, the fourth
component of the vector is ignored. Initially the offset vector
is the zero vector.
"To specify the video capture stream color conversion clamp values,
set <pname> to one of VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MIN_NV or
VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MAX_NV and <params> to an array of 4
consecutive values. If the video capture stream's data format does
not include an alpha component, the fourth component of the vectors
is ignored. Initially the minimum and maximum values are set to
the zero vector and <1, 1, 1, 1> respectively. Note that care
should be taken to set the maximum vector correctly when using
destination capture formats that do not store normalized values,
such as integer texture formats.
"To set the orientation of the captured video data, set <pname> to
UPPER_LEFT. The default value is LOWER_LEFT, which means the bottom
left of the captured region of the video image will be at texture
coordinate <0,0> in any textures bound as capture desitnations, and
will be first pixel in any buffer objects bound as capture
destinations. If UPPER_LEFT is used as the origin, the image will
be mirrored vertically. If <params> contains any value other than
If NV_present_video is present, section 4.5 "Displaying Buffers"
becomes section 4.6.
Additions to Chapter 5 of the 1.1 Specification (Special Functions)
In section 5.4, "Display Lists", add the following to the list of
commands that are not compiled into display lists:
"Video capture commands: BeginVideoCaptureNV,
BindVideoCaptureStreamBufferNV, BindVideoCaptureStreamTextureNV,
EndVideoCaptureNV, VideoCaptureNV,
Additions to Chapter 6 of the 1.1 Specification (State and State
Add a new section after Section 6.1.14, "Shader and Program Queries"
"Section 6.1.15, Video Capture State Queries
"The command
void GetVideoCaptureivNV(uint video_capture_slot, enum pname,
int *params);
returns properties of the video capture device bound to
<video_capture_slot> in <params>. The parameter value to return is
specified in <pname>.
if VideoCaptureNV will not block and FALSE is returned otherwise.
If <pname> is NUM_VIDEO_CAPTURE_STREAMS_NV, the number of available
video capture streams on the device bound to <video_capture_slot> is
"The command
void GetVideoCaptureStream{i,f,d}vNV(uint video_capture_slot,
uint stream, enum pname,
uint *params);
returns properties of an individual video stream on the video
capture device bound to <video_capture_slot> in <params>. The
parameter value to return is specified in <pname>.
returned if the last call to VideoCaptureNV captured valid pixels
data for the entire frame on this stream. Otherwise, FAILURE_NV
will be returned. If <pname> is VIDEO_BUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT_NV,
the internal format used when capturing to a buffer object is
returned. Initially the internal format is RGBA8. If <pname> is
VIDEO_BUFFER_PITCH_NV, the pitch of the image data captured when a
buffer object is bound to this stream is returned. The pitch is
based on the internal format so it should be queried whenever the
internal format is changed. If <pname> is
VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MATRIX_NV an array of 16 values representing
the column-major color conversion matrix is returned. Initially
this matrix is the identity matrix. If <pname> is
VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_OFFSET_NV, 4 values representing the color
conversion offset vector are returned. Initially the offset vector
is [ 0 0 0 0 ]. If <pname> is VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MIN_NV or
VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MAX_NV, 4 values representing the color
conversion minimum or maximum vectors are returned, respectively.
Initially the minimum is [ 0 0 0 0 ] and the maximum is
[ 1 1 1 1 ]. If <pname> is VIDEO_CAPTURE_FRAME_WIDTH_NV,
or VIDEO_CAPTURE_FIELD_LOWER_HEIGHT_NV, the frame/field width, frame
height, upper field height, or lower field height of the data the
bound video capture device is configured to capture, respectively,
are returned. If <pname> is VIDEO_CAPTURE_SURFACE_ORIGIN_NV,
LOWER_LEFT or UPPER_LEFT is returned. If <pname> is
VIDEO_CAPTURE_TO_422_SUPPORTED_NV, TRUE is returned if using one of
the 4:2:2 formats from table 4.13 when capturing to buffer objects
on this stream is supported. Otherwise, FALSE is returned.
Additions to Chapter 2 of the GLX 1.4 Specification (GLX Operation)
Additions to Chapter 3 of the GLX 1.4 Specification (Functions and
Modify table 3.5:
Attribute Type Description
------------------------------ ---- ------------------------------
GLX_FBCONFIG_ID XID XID of GLXFBCconfig associated
with context
GLX_RENDER_TYPE int type of rendering supported
GLX_SCREEN int screen number
GLX_NUM_VIDEO_CAPTURE_SLOTS_NV int number of video capture slots
this context supports
Add a section between Sections 3.3.10 and 3.3.11:
3.3.11a Video Capture Devices
"GLX video capture devices can be used to stream video data from an
external source directly into GL objects for use in rendering or
readback. Use
GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV *
glXEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV(Display *dpy,
int screen,
int *nElements);
"to generate an array of video capture devices. The number of
elements in the array is returned in <nElements>. Each element of
the array is a video capture device on <screen>. Use XFree to free
the memory returned by glXEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV.
"GLX video capture devices are abstract objects that refer to a
physical capture device. Each physical capture device will have a
unique ID that can be used to identify it when coordinating device
usage and setup with other APIs. To query the unique ID of the
physical device backing a GLX video capture device, use
int glXQueryVideoCaptureDeviceNV(Display *dpy,
GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV device,
int attribute, int *value);
"where <attribute> must be GLX_UNIQUE_ID_NV. On success, the unique
ID will be returned in <value> and the function will return Success.
If <device> does not refer to a video capture device GLX_BAD_VALUE
will be returned. If <attribute> does not name a video capture
device attribute GLX_BAD_ATTRIBUTE will be returned.
"Before using a video capture device, it must be locked. Once a
video capture device is locked by a client, no other client can lock
a video capture device with the same unique ID until the lock is
released or the connection between the client holding the lock and
the X server is broken. To lock a video capture device to a display
connection, use
void glXLockVideoCaptureDeviceNV(Display *dpy,
GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV device);
"If <device> does not name a video capture device, BadValue is
generated. If <device> is already locked <BadMatch> is generated.
"After successfully locking a video capture device, use
int glXBindVideoCaptureDeviceNV(Display *dpy,
unsigned int video_capture_slot,
GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV device);
"to bind it to the capture slot <video_capture_slot> in the current
context. If the slot is already bound, the device it's bound to
it will be unbound first. To unbind a video capture device, bind
device None to the video capture slot the device is bound to. If
the bind is successful, Success is returned. If there is no context
current GLX_BAD_CONTEXT is returned or GLXBadContext is generated.
If <video_capture_slot> is not a valid capture slot on the current
context, BadMatch is generated. If <device> does not name a video
capture device, BadValue is generated. If <device> is already bound
to a video capture slot, GLX_BAD_VALUE is returned. If <device> is
not locked by <dpy>, BadMatch is generated."
"GLX does not provide a mechanism to configure the video capture
process. It is expected that device vendors provide a vendor-
specific mechanism for configuring or detecting properties such as
the incoming video signal and data format. However, GLX does expect
that devices are fully configured before glXBindVideoCaptureDeviceNV
is called. Changing device properties that affect the format of the
captured data will cause the results of video capture to be
"When finished capturing data on a locked video capture device, use
void glXReleaseVideoCaptureDeviceNV(Display *dpy,
GLXVideoCaptureDeviceNV device);
to unlock it. The application must unbind the device before
releasing it, or BadMatch will be generated. If <device> does not
name a video capture device, BadValue is generated. If <device>
is not locked by <dpy>, BadMatch is generated.
Additions to Chapter 4 of the GLX 1.4 Specification (Encoding on the X
Byte Stream)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the GLX 1.4 Specification (Extending OpenGL)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the GLX 1.4 Specification (GLX Versions)
GLX Protocol
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 5 request length
4 1412 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 video_capture_slot
4 CARD32 device
1 CARD8 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 0 reply length
4 CARD32 status
20 unused
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 4 request length
4 1413 vendor specific opcode
4 unused
4 CARD32 screen
1 CARD8 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 n reply length, n = 2 * d * p
4 CARD32 num_devices (d)
4 CARD32 num_properties (p)
16 unused
4*n LISTofATTRIBUTE_PAIR attribute, value pairs
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 16 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivate)
2 4 request length
4 1414 vendor specific opcode
4 unused
4 CARD32 device
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 16 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivate)
2 4 request length
4 1415 vendor specific opcode
4 unused
4 CARD32 device
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 16 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivate)
2 4 request length
4 1400 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 video_cpture_slot
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 16 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivate)
2 8 request length
4 1401 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
8 CARD64 offset
4 CARD32 video_cpture_slot
4 CARD32 stream
4 ENUM frame_region
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 16 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivate)
2 8 request length
4 1402 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 video_cpture_slot
4 CARD32 stream
4 ENUM frame_region
4 ENUM target
4 CARD32 texture
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 16 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivate)
2 4 request length
4 1403 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 video_cpture_slot
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 5 request length
4 1404 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 video_capture_slot
4 ENUM pname
1 CARD8 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m = (n==1 ? 0 : n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n
if (n=1) this follows:
4 INT32 params
12 unused
otherwise this follows:
16 unused
n*4 LISTofINT32 params
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 6 request length
4 1405 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 video_capture_slot
4 CARD32 stream
4 ENUM pname
1 CARD8 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m = (n==1 ? 0 : n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n
if (n=1) this follows:
4 INT32 params
12 unused
otherwise this follows:
16 unused
n*4 LISTofINT32 params
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 6 request length
4 1406 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 video_capture_slot
4 CARD32 stream
4 ENUM pname
1 CARD8 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m = (n==1 ? 0 : n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n
if (n=1) this follows:
4 FLOAT32 params
12 unused
otherwise this follows:
16 unused
n*4 LISTofFLOAT32 params
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 6 request length
4 1407 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 video_capture_slot
4 CARD32 stream
4 ENUM pname
1 CARD8 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m = (n==1 ? 0 : n*2)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n
if (n=1) this follows:
8 FLOAT64 params
8 unused
otherwise this follows:
16 unused
n*8 LISTofFLOAT64 params
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 4 request length
4 1408 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 video_capture_slot
1 CARD8 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 0 reply length
4 unused
4 unused
8 CARD64 capture_time
4 CARD32 sequence_num
4 unused
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 16 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivate)
2 6+n request length
4 1409 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 video_cpture_slot
4 CARD32 stream
4 ENUM pname
else n=0 command is erroneous
4*n LISTofINT32 params
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 16 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivate)
2 6+n request length
4 1410 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 video_cpture_slot
4 CARD32 stream
4 ENUM pname
else n=0 command is erroneous
4*n LISTofFLOAT32 params
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 16 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivate)
2 6+n*2 request length
4 1411 vendor specific opcode
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 video_cpture_slot
4 CARD32 stream
4 ENUM pname
else n=0 command is erroneous
8*n LISTofFLOAT64 params
Additions to the WGL Specification
Modify section "Querying WGL context attributes" from NV_present_video
Replace the last two sentences of the last paragraph in the section
"If <iAttribute> is WGL_NUM_VIDEO_SLOTS_NV, the number of valid video
output slots in the current context is returned. If <iAttribute> is
WGL_NUM_VIDEO_CAPTURE_SLOTS_NV, the number of valid video capture
slots in the current context is returned."
Add a new section "Video Capture Devices"
"WGL video capture devices can be used to stream video data from an
external source directly into GL objects for use in rendering or
readback. Use
UINT wglEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV(HDC hDc,
"to query the available video capture devices on <hDc>. The number
of devices is returned, and if phDeviceList is not NULL, an array of
valid device handles is returned in it. The command will assume
<phDeviceList> is large enough to hold all available handles so the
application should take care to first query the number of devices
and allocate an appropriately sized array.
"WGL video capture device handles refer to a physical capture
device. Each physical capture device will have a unique ID that can
be used to identify it when coordinating device usage and setup with
other APIs. To query the unique ID of the physical device backing a
WGL video capture device handle, use
BOOL wglQueryVideoCaptureDeviceNV(HDC hDc,
int iAttribute, int *piValue);
"where <iAttribute> must be WGL_UNIQUE_ID_NV. On success, the
unique ID will be returned in <piValue>.
"Before using a video capture device, it must be locked. Once a
video capture device is locked by a process, no other process can
lock a video capture device with the same unique ID until the lock
is released or the process ends. To lock a video capture device,
BOOL wglLockVideoCaptureDeviceNV(HDC hDc,
"After successfully locking a video capture device, use
BOOL wglBindVideoCaptureDeviceNV(UINT uVideoSlot,
"to bind it to the capture slot <video_capture_slot> in the current
context. If the slot is already bound, the device it's bound to
will be unbound first.
It's an error to bind an already bound device to a different slot.
To unbind a video capture device, bind device NULL to the
video capture slot the device is bound to.
"WGL does not provide a mechanism to configure the video capture
process. It is expected that device vendors provide a vendor-
specific mechanism for configuring or detecting properties such as
the incoming video signal and data format. However, WGL does expect
that devices are fully configured before wglBindVideoCaptureDeviceNV
is called. Changing device properties that affect the format of the
captured data will cause the results of video capture to be
"When finished capturing data on a locked video capture device, use
BOOL wglReleaseVideoCaptureDeviceNV(HDC hDc,
to unlock it. The application must unbind the device before releasing it,
it's an error to release a device that is still bound.
INVALID_VALUE is generated if <video_capture_slot> is less than 1 or
greater than the number of video capture slots supported by the
current context when calling BeginVideoCaptureNV,
BindVideoCaptureStreamBufferNV, BindVideoCaptureStreamTextureNV,
EndVideoCaptureNV, GetVideoCaptureivNV,
GetVideoCaptureStream{i,f,d}vNV, VideoCaptureNV, or
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if there is no video capture device
bound to the slot specified by <video_capture_slot> when calling
BeginVideoCaptureNV, BindVideoCaptureStreamBufferNV,
BindVideoCaptureStreamTextureNV, EndVideoCaptureNV,
GetVideoCaptureivNV, GetVideoCaptureStream{i,f,d}vNV,
VideoCaptureNV, or VideoCaptureStreamParameter{i,f,d}vNV.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if BeginVideoCaptureNV is called on a
video capture slot that is already capturing or if EndVideoCaptureNV
is called on a video capture slot that is not capturing.
INVALID_VALUE is generated if stream is greater than the number of
streams provided by the currently bound video capture device when
calling BindVideoCaptureStreamBufferNV,
GetVideoCaptureStreamParameter{i,f,d}vNV, or
INVALID_ENUM is generated if <frame_region> is not one of FRAME_NV,
BindVideoCaptureStreamBufferNV or BindVideoCaptureStreamTextureNV.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if <target> is a valid texture target
but not TEXTURE_2D or TEXTURE_RECTANGLE when calling
INVALID_ENUM is generated if <target> does not refer to a texture
target supported by the GL when calling
INVALID_VALUE is generated if <texture> is not 0 and does not name
an existing texture object when calling
INVALID_ENUM is generated if <pname> does not name a valid video
capture slot parameter when calling GetVideoCaptureivNV or a
valid video capture stream parameter when calling
GetVideoCaptureStream{i,f,d}vNV or a settable video capture stream
parameter when calling VideoCaptureStreamParameterivNV.
INVALID_ENUM is generated if the buffer internal format is not a
supported texture internal format or one of the values in table
4.13 when calling VideoCaptureStreamParameter{i,f,d}vNV.
INVALID_ENUM is generated if the buffer internal format is not
a value in table 4.13 and is not color renderable when calling
INVALID_ENUM is generated if the buffer internal format is a value
in table 4.13 and the format layout is not compatible with the
effective capture data format as describe in table 4.14 when calling
INVALID_ENUM is generated if <params> does not contain one of
LOWER_LEFT or UPPER_LEFT when <pname> is
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if any stream has a mixture of
buffer objects and texture objects bound when VideoCaptureNV is
INVALID_VALUE is generated if any buffer objects bound are not large
enough to contain the data that would be captured from the region
they are bound to at the offset specified when VideoCaptureNV is
INVALID_VALUE is generated if the dimensions of any textures bound
to the video capture slot do not match the dimensions of the region
they are bound to when VideoCaptureNV is called.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the base level of any textures
bound to the video capture slot has not been defined when
VideoCaptureNV is called.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the internal format of all
textures bound to a given video capture stream does not match when
VideoCaptureNV is called.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the format of any textures bound
to the video capture slot is not color renderable when
VideoCaptureNV is called.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if automatic mipmap generation is
enabled on any of the textures bound to the video capture slot when
VideoCaptureNV is called.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if one field of a stream has an
object bound to it but the other field does not when VideoCaptureNV
is called.
INVALID_VALUE is generated when VideoCaptureNV is called if the
<offset> provided when calling BindVideoCaptureStreamBufferNV is not
a multiple of the size, in bytes, of a pixel in the internal format
of the capture buffer.
New State
Add a new table, between tables 6.44 and 6.45:
Get Initial
Get Value Type Command Value Description Sec. Attribute
----------------------- ---- ----------- ------- ------------ ---- ------------
VIDEO_BUFFER_BINDING_NV Z+ GetIntegerv 0 Video buffer 4.5 -
Table 6.45. Video Capture State
Add a new table, after the above:
Get Initial
Get Value Type Command Value Description Sec. Attribute
----------------------------------- ---- ----------------- ------- ----------- ---- ---------
next video
Table 6.46. Video Capture Slot State
Add a new table, after the above:
Get Initial
Get Value Type Command Value Description Sec. Attribute
----------------------------------- ---- ----------------------- ------------ ------------ ---- ---------
LAST_VIDEO_CAPTURE_STATUS_NV Z3 GetVideoCaptureStreamiv SUCCESS_NV Status of 4.5 -
last video
VIDEO_BUFFER_INTERNAL_FORMAT_NV Z+ GetVideoCaptureStreamiv See sec. 4.5 Format of 4.5 -
bound to
this stream
VIDEO_BUFFER_PITCH_NV Z+ GetVideoCaptureStreamiv See sec. 4.5 Pitch of 4.5 -
bound to
this stream
VIDEO_CAPTURE_FRAME_WIDTH_NV Z+ GetVideoCaptureStreamiv See sec. 4.5 width of 4.5 -
a frame or
field on
bound video
VIDEO_CAPTURE_FRAME_HEIGHT_NV Z+ GetVideoCaptureStreamiv See sec. 4.5 height of 4.5 -
a full frame
on currently
bound video
VIDEO_CAPTURE_FIELD_UPPER_HEIGHT_NV Z+ GetVideoCaptureStreamiv See sec. 4.5 height of 4.5 -
upper field
on currently
bound video
VIDEO_CAPTURE_FIELD_LOWER_HEIGHT_NV Z+ GetVideoCaptureStreamiv See sec. 4.5 height of 4.5 -
lower field
on currently
bound video
VIDEO_CAPTURE_SURFACE_ORIGIN_NV Z2 GetVideoCaptureStreamiv LOWER_LEFT orientation 4.5 -
of captured
video image
VIDEO_CAPTURE_TO_422_SUPPORTED_NV B GetVideoCaptureStreamiv See sec 4.5 support for 4.5 -
4:2:2 or
VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MATRIX_NV M4 GetVideoCaptureStreamfv Identity Color 4.5 -
Matrix Conversion
VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MAX_NV R4 GetVideoCaptureStreamfv <1,1,1,1> Color 4.5 -
Clamp Max
VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_MIN_NV R4 GetVideoCaptureStreamfv <0,0,0,0> Color 4.5 -
Clamp Min
VIDEO_COLOR_CONVERSION_OFFEST_NV R4 GetVideoCaptureStreamfv <0,0,0,0> Color 4.5 -
- Z+ - 0 name of 4.5 -
object bound
to frame
or upper
- Z+ - 0 name of 4.5 -
object bound
to lower
- B - - Is a frame 4.5 -
or fields
Table 6.47. Video Capture Stream State
New Implementation Dependent State
(Table 6.50, p. 388)
Get Initial
Get Value Type Command Value Description Sec. Attribute
---------------------------- ---- ----------------- ------------ ------------- ---- ---------
NUM_VIDEO_CAPTURE_STREAMS_NV Z+ GetVideoCaptureiv See Sec. 4.5 Number of 4.5 -
video capture
streams on
this video
capture slot
Usage Examples:
This example demonstrates binding a video capture device to a
GLX context.
GLXVideoCaptureDevice *devices;
GLXVideoCaptureDevice device;
int numDevices;
devices = glXEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV(dpy, 0,
// Assumes at least 1 device is available and is not locked.
device = devices[0];
glXLockVideoCaptureDeviceNV(dpy, device);
glXBindVideoCaptureDeviceNV(dpy, 1, device);
while (use_device) {
// Do main capture loop here.
// Unbind and release the capture device.
glXBindVideoCaptureDeviceNV(dpy, 1, None);
glXReleaseVideoCaptureDeviceNV(dpy, device);
This example demonstrates capturing 1080p video data from two
sources, streaming the first to system memory, and displaying the
second with the NV_present_video extension. It assumes video
capture and video output devices are already bound to the current
uint video_out_buffer;
uint video_out_texture;
int buffer_pitch;
int video_buffer_format = RGB8;
// Create a video output buffer object.
GenBuffersARB(1, &video_out_buffer);
// Create and init a video output texture object.
GenTextures(1, &video_out_texture);
BindTexture(TEXTURE_2D, video_out_texture);
TexImage2D(TEXTURE_2D, 0, RGB8, 1920, 1080, 0, RGB, BYTE, NULL);
// Set up the outputs for stream 0.
// Set the buffer object data format.
VideoCaptureStreamParameterivNV(1, 0,
// Get the video buffer pitch
GetVideoCaptureStreamivNV(1, 0, VIDEO_BUFFER_PITCH_NV,
// Allocate space in the buffer object.
BindBufferARB(VIDEO_BUFFER_NV, video_out_buffer);
BufferDataARB(VIDEO_BUFFER_NV, buffer_pitch * 1080, NULL,
// Bind the buffer object to the video capture stream.
BindVideoCaptureStreamBufferNV(1, 0, FRAME_NV, 0);
// Bind the outputs for stream 1
BindVideoCaptureStreamTextureNV(1, 1, FRAME_NV, GL_TEXTURE_2D,
// Start the capture process
// Loop capturing data
while (...) {
uint64EXT timestamp;
uint sequence_num;
// Capture the video to a buffer object
VideoCaptureNV(1, &sequence_num, &timestamp);
// Pull stream 0's video data back to local memory
BindBufferARB(VIDEO_BUFFER_NV, video_out_buffer);
GetBufferSubDataARB(VIDEO_BUFFER_NV, 0, buffer_pitch * 1080,
// Present stream 1's video data using NV_present_video
PresentFrameKeyedNV(1, 0, 0, 0, GL_FRAME_NV,
GL_TEXTURE_2D, video_out_texture, 0,
GL_NONE, 0, 0);
// Do something with the data in someMallocMem1 here,
// such as save it to disk.
// Pause/Stop capturing.
Should there be separate bind points for each input stream
rather than having BindVideoCaptureStreamBufferNV?
[RESOLVED] No. BindVideoCaptureStreamBufferNV makes it simpler
to use an implementation-dependent number of streams and
reduces the number of tokens introduced. The downside is one
extra step for the application at setup time, and possibly one
extra step in the loop.
Should VideoCaptureNV return values, making it synchronize the
client and server, or generate asynchronous query results?
[RESOLVED] VideoCaptureNV will return a status code and other
capture statistics immediately. The application will likely need
to use these values to decide how to use the captured data.
How should video capture devices be presented to the application?
[RESOLVED] In GLX, video capture devices are X resources
with their own XID. Device enumeration returns a list of XIDs to
the application. The application can query the unique ID of the
underlying physical device associated with the XID.
In WGL, handles to the physical devices are returned.
There may be many X resources or windows handles referring to the
same video device, but only one X client or handle at a time
can own the physical device. This is accomplished with the lock
and release entry points.
How does the application determine if a given capture operation
returned valid data.
[RESOLVED] VideoCaptureNV will have an enum return value
that specifies the overall status of the capture. It will be
able to indicate success, partial success (some streams captured
valid data), or failure (no streams captured valid data). The
user can then query the individual streams to determine if they
captured valid data on the last capture call.
The capture process involves a colorspace transformation in which
the user can specify a conversion matrix. Should this matrix be
configurable per-stream or is per-video-capture device sufficient?
[RESOLVED] Per-stream matrices will be used. This could be
useful if the devices connected to each stream have different
color characteristics and therefore each need different
conversion matrices.
Should there be a way to specify color clamp values for each stream
and each color component?
[RESOLVED] Yes. Some video specifications require color data to
be in a certain range, so clamping is needed.
How do the color conversion parameters affect captured data when
using a 4:2:2 capture format?
[RESOLVED] The color conversion step is skipped when the
destination format is listed in table 4.13 or the effective
capture data format layout isn't 4:4:4 or 4:4:4:4.
Does video capture slot state belong to the context or the video
capture device.
[RESOLVED] The video capture state lives in the context. Setting
video capture slot state does not affect the video capture device
itself. Any video capture slot state that affects the video
capture hardware will be applied to the hardware when the device
is bound to the slot.
What happens to video capture slot state when a device is unbound,
or, does video capture slot state persist across device bindings?
[RESOLVED] Since much of the video capture slot state depends on
the currently bound device, the state should be reset to default
values whenever a device is bound.
Is video capture slot state defined when no device is bound to the
slot? Should querying video capture slot state when no device is
bound generate an error?
[RESOLVED] Much of the state only has meaning when a device is
bound. For example, the number of streams depends on how many
streams the bound device exposes. Because of this, querying
video capture state on a slot with no bound device should
generate an INVALID_OPERATION error. This operation would
essentially be the video capture equivalent of making GL calls
without a current context.
What should the default values for all the video capture per-slot
and per-stream state be?
[RESOLVED] Initial values have been specified in the spec and
the state tables.
Revision History
Fifth external draft: 2011/7/8
-Fixed video slots used in second usage example
Fourth external draft: 2009/9/28
-Added "New Types" section
Third external draft: 2009/9/8
Second external draft: 2009/7/31
First external draft: 2009/2/23