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Name Strings
Piers Daniell, NVIDIA (pdaniell 'at'
Jan-Harald Fredriksen, AMD
Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA
Kenneth Russell, Google
Pat Brown, NVIDIA
Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at
Specification Update Policy
Khronos-approved extension specifications are updated in response to
issues and bugs prioritized by the Khronos OpenGL Working Group. For
extensions which have been promoted to a core Specification, fixes will
first appear in the latest version of that core Specification, and will
eventually be backported to the extension document. This policy is
described in more detail at
Approved by the ARB on 2012/06/12.
Last Modified Date: October 2, 2013
Version: 10
ARB Extension #135
The ARB_robustness extension is required.
This extension is written against The OpenGL 4.2 (Compatibility Profile)
This extension specifies the behavior of out-of-bounds buffer and array
accesses. This is an improvement over the existing ARB_robustness
extension which stated that the application should not crash, but
the behavior is otherwise undefined. This extension specifies the access
protection provided by the GL to ensure that out-of-bounds accesses
cannot read from or write to data not owned by the application. All
accesses are contained within the buffer object and program area they
reference. These additional robustness guarantees apply to contexts
created with the CONTEXT_FLAG_ROBUST_ACCESS_BIT_ARB feature enabled.
IP Status
No known IP claims.
New Procedures and Functions
New Tokens
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Compatibility Profile)
Specification (OpenGL Operation)
Add to Section 2.8 "Vertex Arrays" before 2.8.1 (Packed Vertex Data
"Robust buffer access can be enabled by creating a context with robust
access enabled through the window system binding APIs. When enabled,
indices within the elements array that reference vertex data that
lies outside the enabled attributes vertex buffer objects, result in
reading zero. It is not possible to read vertex data from outside the
enabled vertex buffer objects or from another GL context, and these
accesses do not result in abnormal program termination."
Add to Section 2.9.4 (Effects of Accessing Outside Buffer Bounds) on
page 65 the following:
"Robust buffer access can be enabled by creating a context with robust
access enabled through the window system binding APIs. When enabled, any
command unable to set a GL error as described above, for example buffer
object accesses from the active program, will not read or modify memory
outside of the buffer object and will not result in GL interruption or
termination. Out-of-bounds reads may return values from within the buffer
object or zero. Out-of-bounds writes may modify values within the buffer
object or be discarded. Accesses made through resources attached to
binding points are only protected within the buffer object from which the
binding point is declared. For example, for an out-of-bounds access to
a member variable of a uniform block, the access protection is provided
within the uniform buffer object, and not for the bound buffer range for
this uniform block."
Add a new paragraph to the end of the "Texel Fetches" sub-section on page
147 that reads:
"In all the above cases, if the context was created with robust buffer
access enabled then instead of undefined behavior the result of the
texel fetch is zero. For the case of a texel fetch on an incomplete
texture the result is a texture source color of (0, 0, 0, 1)."
Add the following paragraph to the sub-section titled "Undefined Behavior"
near the bottom of page 152:
"Robust buffer access can be enabled by creating a context with robust
access enabled through the window system binding APIs. When enabled,
out-of-bounds accesses will be bounded within the working memory of the
active program and cannot access memory owned by other GL contexts,
and will not result in abnormal program termination. Out-of-bounds
access to local and global variables cannot read values from other
program invocations. An out-of-bounds read may return another value
from the active program's working memory or zero. An out-of-bounds
write may overwrite a value from the active program's working memory
or be discarded.
Out-of-bounds accesses to resources backed by buffer objects cannot
read or modify data outside of the buffer object. For resources bound
to buffer ranges, access is restricted within the buffer object from
which the buffer range was created, and not within the buffer range
itself. Out-of-bounds reads may return values from within the buffer
object or zero. Out-of-bounds writes may modify values within the buffer
object or be discarded.
Out-of-bounds accesses to arrays of resources, such as an array of
textures, can only access the data of bound resources. Reads from
unbound resources return zero and writes are discarded. It is not
possible to access data owned by other GL contexts.
Applications that require defined behavior for out-of-bounds accesses
should range check all computed indices before dereferencing the array,
vector or matrix."
Additions to The OpenGL Shading Language Specification, Version 4.20.6
Add a new Section 5.11 (Out-of-Bounds Access and Robust Buffer Access
"In the sub-sections described above for array, vector, matrix and
structure accesses, any out-of-bounds access produced undefined behavior.
However, if robust buffer access is enabled via the OpenGL API, such accesses will
be bound within the memory extent of the active program. It will not be
possible to access memory from other programs, and accesses will not result in
abnormal program termination. Out-of-bounds reads return undefined values,
which include values from other variables of the active program or zero.
Out-of-bounds writes may be discarded or overwrite other variables of the
active program, depending on the value of the computed index and how this
relates to the extent of the active program's memory. Applications that
require defined behavior for out-of-bounds accesses should range check
all computed indices before dereferencing an array."
New State
New Implementation Dependent State
1) Why are out-of-bounds reads of buffer object backed resourced defined
to "return zero or a value from the current buffer object" rather than
just "return zero"?
RESOLVED: This is necessary to allow the implementation to either
range check, apply a mask/modulus or apply a clamp to the index.
2) Why do out-of-bounds writes to buffer object backed resources have a
stronger guarantee than reads? The spec says that writes outside of
the bounded range are discarded but reads are only protected within
the buffer object.
RESOLVED: This stronger guarentee for writes can be made because
GPUs made since around 2008 (DX10) already implement this behavior.
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- ------------ --------- -------------------------------------------
10 02 Oct 2013 Jon Leech Drop bogus clause about reading zero for
``disabled attributes'' in section 2.8
(Bug 10695).
9 15 May 2012 pdaniell Specify that texel fetches are defined to
return zero for the error cases only when
robust buffer access is enabled.
8 20 Apr 2012 pdaniell Mark issues 1 and 2 resolved.
7 15 Mar 2012 pdaniell Edits based on reviews from Kenneth Russel
and Jan-Harald Fredriksen.
6 30 Jan 2012 pdaniell Edits based on internal review.
5 24 Jan 2012 pdaniell Add spec language to define out of bounds
access behavior of vertex array index,
buffer objects and shader arrays, vectors
and matrices.
4 24 Jan 2012 pdaniell ARBify. Still need to convert to real spec.
3 28 Nov 2011 pdaniell Simplify the spec to better represent what
today's desktop GPUs already support.
2 16 Nov 2011 pdaniell Add some more detail to the overview
1 27 Oct 2011 kbr Initial version