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Name Strings
$Date: 1995/07/27 17:34:55 $ $Revision: 1.3 $
EXT_texture3D affects the definition of this extension
EXT_subtexture affects the definition of this extension
EXT_convolution is required
EXT_texture4D affects the definition of this extension
This extension deals with the interaction of existing GL functions that
read pixels from memory, applications that use grids of tiles of pixels,
and convolution.
Applications that deal with large multi-dimensional images sometimes
break the image into a grid of rectangular tiles of pixels. Such an
approach can help control memory use and expedite roaming through an
image that is large with respect to the available memory.
GL functions that cause pixels to be read from memory (e.g., DrawPixels
and TexImage2D) assume the pixels are stored as a single series of rows
of pixels. The grid of tiles is essentially a sequence of the structures
that the pixel reading functions assume. When an application that uses
tiling uses a GL function such as DrawPixels, it must iterate
through the tiles, either coalescing the tiles into a single tile in
preparation for a single GL call or calling the GL function for each tile.
The convolution operation imposes strict ordering on the way pixels
in a subimage that crosses tile boundaries must be transferred: the rows
of pixels transferred must span the entire subimage. Applications
that use tiles of pixels and convolution must copy the subimage to be
transferred from the grid of tiles to a contiguous region, then pass the
now-contiguous rows of pixels to the convolution function. If the
coalescing of tiles is not needed for some other reason or is not a
side effect of some necessary operation, it is just redundant movement
of the pixels.
This extension seeks to eliminate the extra copy of data by extending the
existing GL functions to accept, as a source of pixels in memory, a
grid of tiles of pixels in addition to the current sequence of rows
of pixels.
* This extension is currently defined for 1 to 4 dimensions. Convolution
is the driving force for this extension, yet is defined for only 1 and
2 dimensions. Should we remove support in this extension for 3 and 4
dimensions (until it exists in a convolution extension)? Should we
consider confining the extension to only 2 dimensions?
* We anticipate accelerators for moving pixels around in various
implementations. What is the right way to communicate information
between an application and the underlying acceleration
code/hardware? We believe that memory alignment will be important,
as will some sort of caching. What else should be considered?
Are there better ways to express the information?
* gluScaleImage, gluBuild1DMipmaps, and gluBuild2DMipmaps could be
handled similarly in an associated extension. Should this happen?
* Should EXT_color_table affect this extension? It does have some
DrawPixel-like semantics.
* It is desirable to try to accelerate the GL pixel transfer operations
with special hardware or highly optimized code. Imaging applications
tend to lose the intended benefit of these optimizations in cases where
tiles of pixels are used; significant amounts of time are spent
repackaging data to correspond to the GL model and comply with the
constraints of convolution. Since support for imaging applications was
a primary impetus for the convolution extension, it seems appropriate
to extend the model of pixel storage to also support imaging
* For symmetry in the GL interface it would be reasonable to have
this extension cover the storage layout of both source and destination
pixels. The assymmetry exists because we are only concerned with
sources that will be undergoing convolution. A tiled destination
that results from convolution can be filled tile by tile.
* All the state in this extension is located in the client side. This
helps constrain the scope of the extension. No GLX protocol or server
side changes need to be made.
New Procedures and Functions
New Tokens
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
GetFloatv, and GetDoublev:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
GetFloatv, GetDoublev, PixelStoref, and PixelStorei:
Additions to Chapter 2 of the 1.0 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
Additions to Chapter 3 of the 1.0 Specification (Rasterization)
The pixel storage modes are augmented to support 3D and 4D image formats
in memory as well as this extension. Table 3.1 is replaced with the table
Parameter Name Type Initial Value Valid Range
-------------- ---- ------------- -----------
UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH integer 0 [0, infinity]
UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS integer 0 [0, infinity]
UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS integer 0 [0, infinity]
UNPACK_ALIGNMENT integer 4 1, 2, 4, 8
UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_EXT integer 0 [0, infinity]
UNPACK_SKIP_IMAGES_EXT integer 0 [0, infinity]
UNPACK_IMAGE_DEPTH_SGIS integer 0 [0, infinity]
UNPACK_SKIP_VOLUMES_SGIS integer 0 [0, infinity]
PIXEL_TILE_WIDTH_SGIX integer 0 [0, infinity]
PIXEL_TILE_HEIGHT_SGIX integer 0 [0, infinity]
PIXEL_TILE_GRID_WIDTH_SGIX integer 0 [0, infinity]
PIXEL_TILE_GRID_HEIGHT_SGIX integer 0 [0, infinity]
PIXEL_TILE_GRID_DEPTH_SGIX integer 0 [0, infinity]
PIXEL_TILE_CACHE_SIZE_SGIX integer impl. dep. [0, infinity]
Table 3.1: PixelStore parameters pertaining to one or more of
DrawPixels, TexImage1D, TexImage2D, TexImage3DEXT, TexImage4DSGIS,
TexSubImage1DEXT, TexSubImage2DEXT, TexSubImage3DEXT, and
Section 3.6.3, starting with the third paragraph in the UNPACKING
section and continuing to the paragraph beginning with "Calling
DrawPixels with a type of BITMAP" is changed to read:
Groups held in memory as the source for a transfer operation can
be in one of two formats: as groups arranged in a single rectangle, or
as groups arranged in a grid of rectangles (or tiles). The method of
storage is indicated by the state of PIXEL_TILE_GRID_WIDTH_SGIX. If
PIXEL_TILE_GRID_WIDTH_SGIX is greater than 0, the image is contained in
a grid of tiles. If less than or equal to 0, the source is a single
When groups in memory are treated as being arranged in a rectangle, the
rectangle consists of a series of rows, with the first element of the
first group of the first row pointed to by the pointer passed to
DrawPixels. If the value of UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH is not positive, then the
number of groups in a row is width; otherwise the number of groups is
UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH. If the first element of a row is at location p in
memory, then the location of the first element of the Nth row is obtained
by skipping
p + Nk
where N is the row number (counting from zero) and k is defined as
/ nl s>=a,
k = <
\ a/s ceiling(snl/a) s<a
where n is the number of elements in a group, l is the number of groups
in the row, a is the value of UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, and s is the size, in
units of GL ubytes, of an element. If the number of bits per element
is not 1, 2, 4, or 8 times the number of bits in a GL ubyte, then
k = nl for all values of a.
There is a mechanism for selecting a subrectangle of groups from a
larger containing rectangle. This mechanism relies on three integer
Before obtaining the first group from memory, the pointer supplied to
DrawPixels is effectively advanced by (UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS)n +
(UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS)k elements. Then width groups are obtained from
contiguous elements in memory (without advancing the pointer), after
which the pointer is advanced by k elements. height sets of width groups
of values are obtained this way. See Figure 3.8.
|<- TW ->|
|<---------- Grid Width ----------->|
-- -- +--------+--------+--------+--------+
G | | | | |
r TH | +-+--------+--------+--+ |
i |t8 | |t9 |t10 |t11 |
d -- +------+-+--------+--------+--+-----+
| | | | | | |
H | | | | | | |
e |t4 | |t5 |t6 |t7| |
i +------+-+--------+--------+--+-----+
g | | | | | | |
h -- |<-SP->+-+--------+--------+--+ |
t SR |t0 |t1 |t2 |t3 |
-- -- +--------+--------+--------+--------+
Figure 3.8.a???. Selecting a subimage from a tiled image source.
When groups are held in memory as a grid of tiles, the image rectangle
consists of a series of rows of rectangular tiles. See Figure 3.8.a???.
Each tile consists of a series of tile rows. A row of the image will
cross all tiles in a row of the grid. Unlike the single rectangle
method for holding groups in memory, the number of groups in a row of
the tiled image is defined as PIXEL_TILE_WIDTH_SGIX *
of groups in a row of a single tile and PIXEL_TILE_GRID_WIDTH_SGIX is
the number of tiles in the width of the image. UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH is
ignored when using pixel tiles.
Groups are arranged within a single tile exactly as described above for
groups arranged in a single rectangle. The computation of the
starting address of a row within a tile is also the same. The method
for computing the starting address of a row in the image is to first
establish the row of tiles in the grid containing the row of groups in
the image, then to locate the address of the row within the tile. The
index of the first tile that contains the row can be computed as:
index = n * floor(r/h)
where index is the (0-based) index of the tile, n is the number of tiles
across the image, PIXEL_TILE_GRID_WIDTH_SGIX, r is the (0-based) group
row number, and h is the number of rows per tile, PIXEL_TILE_HEIGHT_SGIX.
The starting address within each of the tiles in the row across the
image is computed as defined in the simple rectangle case, but using a
row number that is the original row number modulo the number of rows
That groups are being held in memory as a grid of tiles is indicated
by PIXEL_TILE_GRID_WIDTH_SGIX containing a value greater than 0.
The <pixels> parameter of DrawPixels, TexImage1D, TexImage2D,
TexImage3DEXT, TexImage4DSGIS, TexSubImage1DEXT, TexSubImage2DEXT,
TexSubImage3DEXT, or TexSubImage4DSGIS is a pointer to a vector of
starting addresses for each of the tiles.
When transferring a subimage from the grid of tiles, a complete row of
groups crossing the entire subimage is transferred before the first
group of the next subimage row is transferred. Thus, for a subimage that
crosses tiles, the sequence of groups transferred will be
indistinguishable from the sequence that would have occurred had the
subimage been taken from a simple rectangular image.
For 1-dimensional transfers, such as those of TexImage1D, and
TexSubImage1DEXT, PIXEL_TILE_GRID_WIDTH_SGIX must be set to a non-zero
positive value indicating pixel tiles are being used and
PIXEL_TILE_WIDTH_SGIX must be set to a positive value indicating the
tile width.
For 2-dimensional transfers, such as those of DrawPixels, TexImage2D, and
TexSubImage2DEXT, PIXEL_TILE_GRID_WIDTH_SGIX must be set to a non-zero
positive value indicating both that pixel tiles are being used and the
number of tiles in width of the image. PIXEL_TILE_WIDTH_SGIX and
PIXEL_TILE_HEIGHT_SGIX must be set to positive values indicating
the tile width and height (in groups), respectively.
3-dimensional transfers, such as those of TexImage3DEXT and
TexSubImage3DEXT, additionally require the specification of a
positive value for PIXEL_TILE_GRID_HEIGHT_SGIX. The value of
UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT_EXT is ignored. A 3-dimensional space is stored as
a series of 2-dimensional images. The index of the first tile in the
4-dimensional transfers, such as those of TexImage4DSGIS and
TexSubImage4DSGIS, additionally require the specification of a
positive value for PIXEL_TILE_GRID_DEPTH_SGIX. The value of
UNPACK_IMAGE_DEPTH_SGIS is ignored. The 4-dimensional space is stored as
a series of 3-dimensional volumes. The index of the first tile in the
Some implementation-dependent pixel storage state is included to help
accelerate pixel transfers. PIXEL_TILE_BEST_ALIGNMENT_SGIX provides
the optimal memory alignment for the starting address of pixel tiles.
Anticipated acceleration schemes depend on the caching of information
from previous transfers to try to accelerate new transfers. The
particular resource needed to accelerate the transfer (e.g., locked
user memory) may be limited or particularly valuable to a user.
Two pixel store values, PIXEL_TILE_CACHE_INCREMENT_SGIX and
PIXEL_TILE_CACHE_SIZE_SGIX, are provided to give the user some control
over the amount of the resource in use. PIXEL_TILE_CACHE_SIZE_SGIX is
a variable that indicates the current amount of the caching resource in
use. It is settable to some set of discrete values. If the user attempts
to set PIXEL_TILE_CACHE_SIZE_SGIX to some value that is not in the set,
the variable will actually be set to the nearest acceptable value. Setting
the variable to 0 will turn any caching off and release the resource.
PIXEL_TILE_CACHE_INCREMENT_SGIX is a gettable value that indicates the
approximate change in cache size from the current value to the next
larger acceptable value.
Additions to Chapter 4 of the 1.0 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations
and the Framebuffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the 1.0 Specification (Special Functions)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the 1.0 Specification (State and State Requests)
Additions to the GLX Specification
Dependencies on EXT_texture3D
If EXT_texture3D is not supported, this extension does not support 3
and 4 dimensions, all discussion of 3 and 4 dimensions is void, references
to the function TexImage3DEXT are removed, and the following tokens are
no longer defined:
Dependencies on EXT_subtexture
If EXT_subtexture is not supported, references to TexSubImage1DEXT,
TexSubImage2DEXT, and TexSubImage3DEXT are removed from this extension.
Dependencies on EXT_convolution
This extension requires EXT_convolution. If the EXT_convolution is
not supported, this extension is unnecessary.
Dependencies on EXT_texture4D
If EXT_texture4D is not supported, this extension does not support 4
dimensions, all discussion of 4 dimensions is void, references to the
functions TexImage4DSGIS and TexSubImage4DSGIS are removed, and the
following token is no longer defined:
GLX Protocol
GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated by DrawPixels, TexImage1D, TexImage2D,
TexImage3DEXT, TexImage4DSGIS, TexSubImage1DEXT, TexSubImage2DEXT,
TexSubImage3DEXT, or TexSubImage4DSGIS if the groups are to be read from
pixel tiles and the specified size of the grid of pixel tiles is
insufficient to hold the specified subimage.
New State
Get Value Get Command Type Value Attrib
--------- ----------- ---- ------- ------
PIXEL_TILE_WIDTH_SGIX GetIntegerv Z+ 0 client
PIXEL_TILE_HEIGHT_SGIX GetIntegerv Z+ 0 client
PIXEL_TILE_GRID_WIDTH_SGIX GetIntegerv Z+ 0 client
PIXEL_TILE_GRID_DEPTH_SGIX GetIntegerv Z+ 0 client
New Implementation Dependent State
Get Value Get Command Type Attrib
--------- ----------- ---- ------