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Name Strings
$Date: 1996/04/09 22:54:47 $ $Revision: 1.11 $
This extension provides support for viewpoint dependent alignment
of geometry, in particular geometry that rotates about a point or
a specified axis to face the eye point. The primary use is for
quickly rendering roughly cylindrically or spherically symmetric
objects, e.g. trees, smoke, clouds, etc. using geometry textured
with a partially transparent texture map.
Rendering sprite geometry requires applying a transformation to
primitives before the current model view. This matrix includes a
rotation which is computed based on the current model view matrix
and a translation which is specified explicitly
(SPRITE_TRANSLATION_SGIX). The current model view matrix itself
is not modified.
Primitives are first transformed by a rotation, depending on the
sprite mode:
SPRITE_AXIAL_SGIX: The front of the object is rotated about
an axis so that it faces the eye as much as the axis
constraint allows. This is used for roughly rendering cylindrical
objects such as trees in visual simulation.
SPRITE_OBJECT_ALIGNED_SGIX: The front of the object is
rotated about a point to face the eye with the remaining
rotational degree of freedom specified by aligning the top
of the object with a specified axis in object coordinates.
This is used for spherical objects and special effects such
as smoke which must maintain an alignment in object
coordinates for realism.
SPRITE_EYE_ALIGNED_SGIX: The front of the object is rotated
about a point to face the eye with the remaining rotational
degree of freedom specified by aligning the top of the object
with a specified axis in eye coordinates. This is used for
rendering sprites which must maintain an alignment on the
screen, such as 3D annotations.
The axis of rotation or alignment, SPRITE_AXIS_SGIX, can be
an arbitrary direction to support geocentric coordinate frames
in which "up" is not along X, Y or Z.
Sprite geometry is modeled in a canonical frame: +Z is the up
vector. -Y is the front vector which is rotated to point towards
the eye. In the discussion below, the eye vector is the vector to
the eye from the origin of the model view frame translated by the
sprite position.
New Procedures and Functions
void SpriteParameteriSGIX(enum pname, int param);
void SpriteParameterfSGIX(enum pname, float param);
void SpriteParameterivSGIX(enum pname, int* params);
void SpriteParameterfvSGIX(enum pname, float* params);
* Should the canonical modeling frame of the geometry be specifiable?
- requires API for "up" and "front" vectors; additional math
* Should sprites for annotation be clip or eye aligned? Clip
alignment is a nearly trivial extension of object aligned.
However, once the projection matrix assumes rotation things
are unpredictable and we should avoid this complexity.
New Tokens
Accepted by the <cap> parameter of Enable, Disable, and IsEnabled,
and by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
GetFloatv, and GetDoublev:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of SpriteParameteriSGIX, and
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of SpriteParameterivSGIX, and
SpriteParameterfvSGIX, and by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv,
GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev:
Accepted by the <param> parameter of SpriteParameteriSGIX and
and SpriteParameterfSGIX, and by the <params> parameter of
SpriteParameterivSGIX and SpriteParameterfvSGIX, when the
<pname> parameter is SPRITE_MODE_SGIX:
Additions to Chapter 2 of the 1.0 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
SPRITE_SGIX is enabled and disabled using Enable and Disable with
target equal to SPRITE_SGIX. When SPRITE_SGIX is enabled, the
current sprite mode, axis, translation and the ModelView matrix
are used to generate a sprite transformation which is applied to
subsequent primitives before applying the current model view matrix.
When the sprite mode is SPRITE_AXIAL_SGIX, the sprite transformation
is arranged such that, after sprite and ModelView transformation,
the front vector is pointing as nearly towards the origin of the
eye coordinate system as possible.
Each primitive is first rotated so that the sprite up vector aligns
with the sprite axis which is specified in the current model view
frame. Then the primitive is rotated about the axis so its
front vector is parallel with the projection of the eye vector
into the plane perpendicular to the rotation axis. Then the
primitive is translated by the specified translation.
There are four unique matrices involved in computing the transformation
required for sprite geometry:
M - model-view matrix
T - sprite translation matrix
A - sprite axis rotation matrix
R - sprite up vector/axis alignment rotation matrix
Note that in SPRITE_AXIAL_SGIX mode, the R matrix is a function of M,
T and A since the eye vector is derived from the inverse transpose matrix
of the compound (M * T * A). In both the SPRITE_OBJECT_ALIGNED_SGIX and
the SPRITE_EYE_ALIGNED_SGIX modes, the eye vector is extracted from the
inverse transpose of the compound (M * T).
Given the coordinates of SPRITE_TRANSLATION_SGIX the sprite translation
matrix (T) is constructed. Both A and R are rotation matrices generated
by computing an angle of rotation and the sprite axis (computing sine and
cosine of the rotation angle suffices for computing a rotation matrix).
The computation of the matrices (T, A, R) are given in Chapter 2.9 of
the 1.0 OpenGL Specification (Matrices).
The angle and axis of rotation parameters for generating rotation matrix
A are computed as follows:
cosTheta = (V0 (dot) V1);
rotAxis = (V0 (cross) V1);
sinTheta = |rotAxis|;
V0 is the canonical up vector. V1 is the sprite axis (SPRITE_AXIS_SGIX)
and the SPRITE_EYE_ALIGNED_SGIX modes V1 is the sprite axis aligned by
removing its component along the eye vector. The computation of V1 in
the latter cases is as follows:
scalar = Eye (dot) spriteAxis;
alignedSpriteAxis = spriteAxis - (scalar * Eye);
The rotation axis for computing the R matrix is the canonical up
vector. The angle of rotation is computed as follows:
cosTheta = (Eye (dot) canonicalFront);
sinTheta = (Eye (dot) canonicalRight);
Sprite primitive geometry is transformed from object coordinates
to eye coordinates by the following compound matrix (MM):
MM = M * T * A * R
Sprite geometry is not limited to vertex based primitives and evaluators
may apply as well.
Normals associated with sprite geometry are transformed by the inverse
transpose of the compound matrix (MM). In general, the user would not
want clip planes to be transformed by the compound matrix. In a similar
manner, raster position and texture coordinates (for certain texgen
modes). The user should be warrant that once glClipPlanes, glTexGen or
glRasterPos are called within a glEnable/Disable (SPRITE_SGIX) delimitors,
the associated geometry will be transformed by the compound matrix (MM).
When the sprite mode is SPRITE_OBJECT_ALIGN or SPRITE_EYE_ALIGN,
the sprite transformation rotates the front vector towards the eye
while keeping the up vector as aligned as possible with the
current sprite axis, i.e. the up vector is rotated to be parallel
to the projection of the current sprite axis into the plane
perpendicular to the front vector. Depending on the current
sprite mode, the sprite axis is taken to be expressed in object
(SPRITE_OBJECT_ALIGNED_SGIX) or transformed into eye
(SPRITE_EYE_ALIGNED_SGIX) coordinates. The transformation into
eye space uses the compound (M * T).
Regardless of the sprite transformation mode, the projection matrix
obviously assumes no rotation elements. This is again to warrant the
user against overriding the sprite transformation.
Additions to Chapter 3 of the 1.0 Specification (Rasterization)
Additions to Chapter 4 of the 1.0 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations
and the Frame Buffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the 1.0 Specification (Special Functions)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the 1.0 Specification (State and State Requests)
Additions to the GLX Specification
Dependencies on SGI_extension_name
INVALID_ENUM is generated if SpriteParameteriSGIX or SpriteParameterfSGIX
parameter <pname> is not SPRITE_MODE_SGIX.
INVALID_ENUM is generated if SpriteParameterivSGIX or SpriteParameterfvSGIX
INVALID_ENUM is generated if SpriteParameteriSGIX or SpriteParameterfSGIX
parameter <pname> is SPRITE_MODE_SGIX, and parameter <param> is not
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if glSpriteParameterSGIX is executed
between the execution of glBegin and the corresponding execution of
New State
Get Value Get Command Type Value Attrib
--------- ----------- ---- ------- ------
SPRITE_SGIX IsEnabled B FALSE transform/enable
SPRITE_AXIS_SGIX GetFloatv V (0,0,1) transform
SPRITE_TRANSLATION_SGIX GetFloatv V (0,0,0) transform
New Implementation Dependent State