Add fix for glext.h - should compile with khrplatform.h included now.

Merge branch 'master' into 184-xml-fixes
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a11610b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+A reminder that this issue tracker is managed by the Khronos Group. Interactions here should follow the Khronos Code of Conduct (, which prohibits aggressive or derogatory language. Please keep the discussion friendly and civil.
diff --git a/api/GL/glcorearb.h b/api/GL/glcorearb.h
index 22d4bc4..33b01e2 100755
--- a/api/GL/glcorearb.h
+++ b/api/GL/glcorearb.h
@@ -3337,6 +3337,25 @@
 #ifndef GL_ARB_internalformat_query2
 #define GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 1
 #define GL_SRGB_DECODE_ARB                0x8299
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_EAC_R11             0x9383
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_EAC_RG11            0x9384
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_RGB            0x9385
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_RGBA           0x9386
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_EAC_RGBA       0x9387
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_4x4_RGBA       0x9388
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_5x4_RGBA       0x9389
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_5x5_RGBA       0x938A
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_6x5_RGBA       0x938B
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_6x6_RGBA       0x938C
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x5_RGBA       0x938D
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x6_RGBA       0x938E
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x8_RGBA       0x938F
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x5_RGBA      0x9390
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x6_RGBA      0x9391
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x8_RGBA      0x9392
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x10_RGBA     0x9393
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_12x10_RGBA     0x9394
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_12x12_RGBA     0x9395
 #endif /* GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 */
 #ifndef GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata
@@ -3921,6 +3940,22 @@
 #define GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d 1
 #endif /* GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_sliced_3d */
+#ifndef GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced
+#define GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced 1
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLRENDERBUFFERSTORAGEMULTISAMPLEADVANCEDAMDPROC) (GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLsizei storageSamples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLNAMEDRENDERBUFFERSTORAGEMULTISAMPLEADVANCEDAMDPROC) (GLuint renderbuffer, GLsizei samples, GLsizei storageSamples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD (GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLsizei storageSamples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD (GLuint renderbuffer, GLsizei samples, GLsizei storageSamples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+#endif /* GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced */
 #ifndef GL_AMD_performance_monitor
 #define GL_AMD_performance_monitor 1
 #define GL_COUNTER_TYPE_AMD               0x8BC0
@@ -4880,6 +4915,10 @@
 #endif /* GL_NV_command_list */
+#ifndef GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives
+#define GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives 1
+#endif /* GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives */
 #ifndef GL_NV_conditional_render
 #define GL_NV_conditional_render 1
 #define GL_QUERY_WAIT_NV                  0x8E13
@@ -4969,6 +5008,10 @@
 #endif /* GL_NV_fragment_coverage_to_color */
+#ifndef GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric
+#define GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric 1
+#endif /* GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric */
 #ifndef GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock
 #define GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock 1
 #endif /* GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock */
@@ -5122,6 +5165,96 @@
 #endif /* GL_NV_internalformat_sample_query */
+#ifndef GL_NV_memory_attachment
+#define GL_NV_memory_attachment 1
+#define GL_MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_NV           0x95A8
+#define GL_DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV           0x95AA
+#define GL_DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV            0x95AB
+#define GL_MAX_DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV        0x95AD
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLGETMEMORYOBJECTDETACHEDRESOURCESUIVNVPROC) (GLuint memory, GLenum pname, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLuint *params);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLTEXATTACHMEMORYNVPROC) (GLenum target, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLBUFFERATTACHMEMORYNVPROC) (GLenum target, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLTEXTUREATTACHMEMORYNVPROC) (GLuint texture, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLNAMEDBUFFERATTACHMEMORYNVPROC) (GLuint buffer, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glGetMemoryObjectDetachedResourcesuivNV (GLuint memory, GLenum pname, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLuint *params);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glResetMemoryObjectParameterNV (GLuint memory, GLenum pname);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glTexAttachMemoryNV (GLenum target, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glBufferAttachMemoryNV (GLenum target, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glTextureAttachMemoryNV (GLuint texture, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glNamedBufferAttachMemoryNV (GLuint buffer, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+#endif /* GL_NV_memory_attachment */
+#ifndef GL_NV_mesh_shader
+#define GL_NV_mesh_shader 1
+#define GL_MESH_SHADER_NV                 0x9559
+#define GL_TASK_SHADER_NV                 0x955A
+#define GL_MAX_TASK_OUTPUT_COUNT_NV       0x953A
+#define GL_MAX_MESH_VIEWS_NV              0x9557
+#define GL_MESH_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV        0x953E
+#define GL_TASK_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV        0x953F
+#define GL_MESH_VERTICES_OUT_NV           0x9579
+#define GL_MESH_PRIMITIVES_OUT_NV         0x957A
+#define GL_MESH_OUTPUT_TYPE_NV            0x957B
+#define GL_MESH_SUBROUTINE_NV             0x957C
+#define GL_TASK_SUBROUTINE_NV             0x957D
+#define GL_MESH_SHADER_BIT_NV             0x00000040
+#define GL_TASK_SHADER_BIT_NV             0x00000080
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLDRAWMESHTASKSNVPROC) (GLuint first, GLuint count);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLMULTIDRAWMESHTASKSINDIRECTNVPROC) (GLintptr indirect, GLsizei drawcount, GLsizei stride);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLMULTIDRAWMESHTASKSINDIRECTCOUNTNVPROC) (GLintptr indirect, GLintptr drawcount, GLsizei maxdrawcount, GLsizei stride);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glDrawMeshTasksNV (GLuint first, GLuint count);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV (GLintptr indirect);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glMultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV (GLintptr indirect, GLsizei drawcount, GLsizei stride);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glMultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV (GLintptr indirect, GLintptr drawcount, GLsizei maxdrawcount, GLsizei stride);
+#endif /* GL_NV_mesh_shader */
 #ifndef GL_NV_path_rendering
 #define GL_NV_path_rendering 1
 #define GL_PATH_FORMAT_SVG_NV             0x9070
@@ -5400,6 +5533,11 @@
 #define GL_SHARED_EDGE_NV                 0xC0
 #endif /* GL_NV_path_rendering_shared_edge */
+#ifndef GL_NV_representative_fragment_test
+#define GL_NV_representative_fragment_test 1
+#endif /* GL_NV_representative_fragment_test */
 #ifndef GL_NV_sample_locations
 #define GL_NV_sample_locations 1
@@ -5424,6 +5562,18 @@
 #define GL_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage 1
 #endif /* GL_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage */
+#ifndef GL_NV_scissor_exclusive
+#define GL_NV_scissor_exclusive 1
+#define GL_SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV      0x9555
+#define GL_SCISSOR_BOX_EXCLUSIVE_NV       0x9556
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLSCISSOREXCLUSIVENVPROC) (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLSCISSOREXCLUSIVEARRAYVNVPROC) (GLuint first, GLsizei count, const GLint *v);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glScissorExclusiveNV (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glScissorExclusiveArrayvNV (GLuint first, GLsizei count, const GLint *v);
+#endif /* GL_NV_scissor_exclusive */
 #ifndef GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters
 #define GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters 1
 #endif /* GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters */
@@ -5486,6 +5636,10 @@
 #endif /* GL_NV_shader_buffer_store */
+#ifndef GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint
+#define GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint 1
+#endif /* GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint */
 #ifndef GL_NV_shader_thread_group
 #define GL_NV_shader_thread_group 1
 #define GL_WARP_SIZE_NV                   0x9339
@@ -5497,6 +5651,47 @@
 #define GL_NV_shader_thread_shuffle 1
 #endif /* GL_NV_shader_thread_shuffle */
+#ifndef GL_NV_shading_rate_image
+#define GL_NV_shading_rate_image 1
+#define GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV          0x9563
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLGETSHADINGRATEIMAGEPALETTENVPROC) (GLuint viewport, GLuint entry, GLenum *rate);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLGETSHADINGRATESAMPLELOCATIONIVNVPROC) (GLenum rate, GLuint samples, GLuint index, GLint *location);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLSHADINGRATEIMAGEPALETTENVPROC) (GLuint viewport, GLuint first, GLsizei count, const GLenum *rates);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLSHADINGRATESAMPLEORDERCUSTOMNVPROC) (GLenum rate, GLuint samples, const GLint *locations);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glBindShadingRateImageNV (GLuint texture);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glGetShadingRateImagePaletteNV (GLuint viewport, GLuint entry, GLenum *rate);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glGetShadingRateSampleLocationivNV (GLenum rate, GLuint samples, GLuint index, GLint *location);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glShadingRateImageBarrierNV (GLboolean synchronize);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glShadingRateImagePaletteNV (GLuint viewport, GLuint first, GLsizei count, const GLenum *rates);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glShadingRateSampleOrderNV (GLenum order);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glShadingRateSampleOrderCustomNV (GLenum rate, GLuint samples, const GLint *locations);
+#endif /* GL_NV_shading_rate_image */
 #ifndef GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering
 #define GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering 1
 #endif /* GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering */
diff --git a/api/GL/glext.h b/api/GL/glext.h
index fe39deb..c452a05 100644
--- a/api/GL/glext.h
+++ b/api/GL/glext.h
@@ -51,7 +51,9 @@
 #define GLAPI extern
-#define GL_GLEXT_VERSION 20180604
+#define GL_GLEXT_VERSION 20181031
+#include <KHR/khrplatform.h>
 /* Generated C header for:
  * API: gl
@@ -3628,6 +3630,25 @@
 #ifndef GL_ARB_internalformat_query2
 #define GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 1
 #define GL_SRGB_DECODE_ARB                0x8299
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_EAC_R11             0x9383
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_EAC_RG11            0x9384
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_RGB            0x9385
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_RGBA           0x9386
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_EAC_RGBA       0x9387
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_4x4_RGBA       0x9388
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_5x4_RGBA       0x9389
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_5x5_RGBA       0x938A
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_6x5_RGBA       0x938B
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_6x6_RGBA       0x938C
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x5_RGBA       0x938D
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x6_RGBA       0x938E
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x8_RGBA       0x938F
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x5_RGBA      0x9390
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x6_RGBA      0x9391
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x8_RGBA      0x9392
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x10_RGBA     0x9393
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_12x10_RGBA     0x9394
+#define GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_12x12_RGBA     0x9395
 #endif /* GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 */
 #ifndef GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata
@@ -5402,6 +5423,22 @@
 #endif /* GL_AMD_draw_buffers_blend */
+#ifndef GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced
+#define GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced 1
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLRENDERBUFFERSTORAGEMULTISAMPLEADVANCEDAMDPROC) (GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLsizei storageSamples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLNAMEDRENDERBUFFERSTORAGEMULTISAMPLEADVANCEDAMDPROC) (GLuint renderbuffer, GLsizei samples, GLsizei storageSamples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD (GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLsizei storageSamples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD (GLuint renderbuffer, GLsizei samples, GLsizei storageSamples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+#endif /* GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced */
 #ifndef GL_AMD_framebuffer_sample_positions
 #define GL_AMD_framebuffer_sample_positions 1
 #define GL_SUBSAMPLE_DISTANCE_AMD         0x883F
@@ -9540,6 +9577,10 @@
 #endif /* GL_NV_compute_program5 */
+#ifndef GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives
+#define GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives 1
+#endif /* GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives */
 #ifndef GL_NV_conditional_render
 #define GL_NV_conditional_render 1
 #define GL_QUERY_WAIT_NV                  0x8E13
@@ -9838,6 +9879,10 @@
 #define GL_NV_fragment_program_option 1
 #endif /* GL_NV_fragment_program_option */
+#ifndef GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric
+#define GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric 1
+#endif /* GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric */
 #ifndef GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock
 #define GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock 1
 #endif /* GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock */
@@ -10122,6 +10167,96 @@
 #define GL_MAX_SPOT_EXPONENT_NV           0x8505
 #endif /* GL_NV_light_max_exponent */
+#ifndef GL_NV_memory_attachment
+#define GL_NV_memory_attachment 1
+#define GL_MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_NV           0x95A8
+#define GL_DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV           0x95AA
+#define GL_DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV            0x95AB
+#define GL_MAX_DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV        0x95AD
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLGETMEMORYOBJECTDETACHEDRESOURCESUIVNVPROC) (GLuint memory, GLenum pname, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLuint *params);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLTEXATTACHMEMORYNVPROC) (GLenum target, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLBUFFERATTACHMEMORYNVPROC) (GLenum target, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLTEXTUREATTACHMEMORYNVPROC) (GLuint texture, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLNAMEDBUFFERATTACHMEMORYNVPROC) (GLuint buffer, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glGetMemoryObjectDetachedResourcesuivNV (GLuint memory, GLenum pname, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLuint *params);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glResetMemoryObjectParameterNV (GLuint memory, GLenum pname);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glTexAttachMemoryNV (GLenum target, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glBufferAttachMemoryNV (GLenum target, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glTextureAttachMemoryNV (GLuint texture, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glNamedBufferAttachMemoryNV (GLuint buffer, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+#endif /* GL_NV_memory_attachment */
+#ifndef GL_NV_mesh_shader
+#define GL_NV_mesh_shader 1
+#define GL_MESH_SHADER_NV                 0x9559
+#define GL_TASK_SHADER_NV                 0x955A
+#define GL_MAX_TASK_OUTPUT_COUNT_NV       0x953A
+#define GL_MAX_MESH_VIEWS_NV              0x9557
+#define GL_MESH_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV        0x953E
+#define GL_TASK_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV        0x953F
+#define GL_MESH_VERTICES_OUT_NV           0x9579
+#define GL_MESH_PRIMITIVES_OUT_NV         0x957A
+#define GL_MESH_OUTPUT_TYPE_NV            0x957B
+#define GL_MESH_SUBROUTINE_NV             0x957C
+#define GL_TASK_SUBROUTINE_NV             0x957D
+#define GL_MESH_SHADER_BIT_NV             0x00000040
+#define GL_TASK_SHADER_BIT_NV             0x00000080
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLDRAWMESHTASKSNVPROC) (GLuint first, GLuint count);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLMULTIDRAWMESHTASKSINDIRECTNVPROC) (GLintptr indirect, GLsizei drawcount, GLsizei stride);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLMULTIDRAWMESHTASKSINDIRECTCOUNTNVPROC) (GLintptr indirect, GLintptr drawcount, GLsizei maxdrawcount, GLsizei stride);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glDrawMeshTasksNV (GLuint first, GLuint count);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV (GLintptr indirect);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glMultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV (GLintptr indirect, GLsizei drawcount, GLsizei stride);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glMultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV (GLintptr indirect, GLintptr drawcount, GLsizei maxdrawcount, GLsizei stride);
+#endif /* GL_NV_mesh_shader */
 #ifndef GL_NV_multisample_coverage
 #define GL_NV_multisample_coverage 1
 #endif /* GL_NV_multisample_coverage */
@@ -10667,6 +10802,11 @@
 #endif /* GL_NV_register_combiners2 */
+#ifndef GL_NV_representative_fragment_test
+#define GL_NV_representative_fragment_test 1
+#endif /* GL_NV_representative_fragment_test */
 #ifndef GL_NV_robustness_video_memory_purge
 #define GL_NV_robustness_video_memory_purge 1
 #define GL_PURGED_CONTEXT_RESET_NV        0x92BB
@@ -10696,6 +10836,18 @@
 #define GL_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage 1
 #endif /* GL_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage */
+#ifndef GL_NV_scissor_exclusive
+#define GL_NV_scissor_exclusive 1
+#define GL_SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV      0x9555
+#define GL_SCISSOR_BOX_EXCLUSIVE_NV       0x9556
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLSCISSOREXCLUSIVENVPROC) (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLSCISSOREXCLUSIVEARRAYVNVPROC) (GLuint first, GLsizei count, const GLint *v);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glScissorExclusiveNV (GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glScissorExclusiveArrayvNV (GLuint first, GLsizei count, const GLint *v);
+#endif /* GL_NV_scissor_exclusive */
 #ifndef GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters
 #define GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters 1
 #endif /* GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters */
@@ -10760,6 +10912,10 @@
 #define GL_NV_shader_storage_buffer_object 1
 #endif /* GL_NV_shader_storage_buffer_object */
+#ifndef GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint
+#define GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint 1
+#endif /* GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint */
 #ifndef GL_NV_shader_thread_group
 #define GL_NV_shader_thread_group 1
 #define GL_WARP_SIZE_NV                   0x9339
@@ -10771,6 +10927,47 @@
 #define GL_NV_shader_thread_shuffle 1
 #endif /* GL_NV_shader_thread_shuffle */
+#ifndef GL_NV_shading_rate_image
+#define GL_NV_shading_rate_image 1
+#define GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV          0x9563
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLGETSHADINGRATEIMAGEPALETTENVPROC) (GLuint viewport, GLuint entry, GLenum *rate);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLGETSHADINGRATESAMPLELOCATIONIVNVPROC) (GLenum rate, GLuint samples, GLuint index, GLint *location);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLSHADINGRATEIMAGEPALETTENVPROC) (GLuint viewport, GLuint first, GLsizei count, const GLenum *rates);
+typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLSHADINGRATESAMPLEORDERCUSTOMNVPROC) (GLenum rate, GLuint samples, const GLint *locations);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glBindShadingRateImageNV (GLuint texture);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glGetShadingRateImagePaletteNV (GLuint viewport, GLuint entry, GLenum *rate);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glGetShadingRateSampleLocationivNV (GLenum rate, GLuint samples, GLuint index, GLint *location);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glShadingRateImageBarrierNV (GLboolean synchronize);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glShadingRateImagePaletteNV (GLuint viewport, GLuint first, GLsizei count, const GLenum *rates);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glShadingRateSampleOrderNV (GLenum order);
+GLAPI void APIENTRY glShadingRateSampleOrderCustomNV (GLenum rate, GLuint samples, const GLint *locations);
+#endif /* GL_NV_shading_rate_image */
 #ifndef GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering
 #define GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering 1
 #endif /* GL_NV_stereo_view_rendering */
@@ -11081,6 +11278,14 @@
 #endif /* GL_NV_vdpau_interop */
+#ifndef GL_NV_vdpau_interop2
+#define GL_NV_vdpau_interop2 1
+typedef GLvdpauSurfaceNV (APIENTRYP PFNGLVDPAUREGISTERVIDEOSURFACEWITHPICTURESTRUCTURENVPROC) (const void *vdpSurface, GLenum target, GLsizei numTextureNames, const GLuint *textureNames, GLboolean isFrameStructure);
+GLAPI GLvdpauSurfaceNV APIENTRY glVDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceWithPictureStructureNV (const void *vdpSurface, GLenum target, GLsizei numTextureNames, const GLuint *textureNames, GLboolean isFrameStructure);
+#endif /* GL_NV_vdpau_interop2 */
 #ifndef GL_NV_vertex_array_range
 #define GL_NV_vertex_array_range 1
 #define GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_RANGE_NV          0x851D
diff --git a/api/GL/glxext.h b/api/GL/glxext.h
index 4c984ef..966409b 100755
--- a/api/GL/glxext.h
+++ b/api/GL/glxext.h
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
-#define GLX_GLXEXT_VERSION 20180525
+#define GLX_GLXEXT_VERSION 20181031
 /* Generated C header for:
  * API: glx
diff --git a/api/GL/wgl.h b/api/GL/wgl.h
index f424bf9..3d0c92b 100644
--- a/api/GL/wgl.h
+++ b/api/GL/wgl.h
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-#ifndef __wgl_h_
-#define __wgl_h_ 1
+#ifndef __wgl_wgl_h_
+#define __wgl_wgl_h_ 1
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
-** Copyright (c) 2013-2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
+** Copyright (c) 2013-2018 The Khronos Group Inc.
 ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
 ** copy of this software and/or associated documentation files (the
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 #include <windows.h>
-/* Generated on date 20170121 */
+/* Generated on date 20181031 */
 /* Generated C header for:
  * API: wgl
@@ -181,6 +181,11 @@
 #endif /* WGL_ARB_create_context */
+#ifndef WGL_ARB_create_context_no_error
+#define WGL_ARB_create_context_no_error 1
+#endif /* WGL_ARB_create_context_no_error */
 #ifndef WGL_ARB_create_context_profile
 #define WGL_ARB_create_context_profile 1
 #define WGL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB      0x9126
@@ -430,9 +435,14 @@
 #define WGL_TYPE_RGBA_FLOAT_ATI           0x21A0
 #endif /* WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float */
+#ifndef WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle
+#define WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle 1
+#define WGL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ATI         0x21A5
+#endif /* WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle */
 #ifndef WGL_EXT_colorspace
 #define WGL_EXT_colorspace 1
-#define WGL_COLORSPACE_EXT                0x3087
+#define WGL_COLORSPACE_EXT                0x309D
 #define WGL_COLORSPACE_SRGB_EXT           0x3089
 #define WGL_COLORSPACE_LINEAR_EXT         0x308A
 #endif /* WGL_EXT_colorspace */
diff --git a/api/GL/wglext.h b/api/GL/wglext.h
index 2d528f7..48e4de2 100755
--- a/api/GL/wglext.h
+++ b/api/GL/wglext.h
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 #include <windows.h>
-#define WGL_WGLEXT_VERSION 20180525
+#define WGL_WGLEXT_VERSION 20181031
 /* Generated C header for:
  * API: wgl
@@ -344,9 +344,14 @@
 #define WGL_TYPE_RGBA_FLOAT_ATI           0x21A0
 #endif /* WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float */
+#ifndef WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle
+#define WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle 1
+#define WGL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ATI         0x21A5
+#endif /* WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle */
 #ifndef WGL_EXT_colorspace
 #define WGL_EXT_colorspace 1
-#define WGL_COLORSPACE_EXT                0x3087
+#define WGL_COLORSPACE_EXT                0x309D
 #define WGL_COLORSPACE_SRGB_EXT           0x3089
 #define WGL_COLORSPACE_LINEAR_EXT         0x308A
 #endif /* WGL_EXT_colorspace */
diff --git a/api/GLES/gl.h b/api/GLES/gl.h
index 7bf13bf..e3303b6 100644
--- a/api/GLES/gl.h
+++ b/api/GLES/gl.h
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 #include <GLES/glplatform.h>
-/* Generated on date 20180604 */
+/* Generated on date 20181031 */
 /* Generated C header for:
  * API: gles1
diff --git a/api/GLES/glext.h b/api/GLES/glext.h
index 7d56ed3..040bba6 100644
--- a/api/GLES/glext.h
+++ b/api/GLES/glext.h
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
-/* Generated on date 20180604 */
+/* Generated on date 20181031 */
 /* Generated C header for:
  * API: gles1
diff --git a/api/GLES2/gl2.h b/api/GLES2/gl2.h
index bd0ec69..996fcd5 100644
--- a/api/GLES2/gl2.h
+++ b/api/GLES2/gl2.h
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
-/* Generated on date 20180604 */
+/* Generated on date 20181031 */
 /* Generated C header for:
  * API: gles2
diff --git a/api/GLES2/gl2ext.h b/api/GLES2/gl2ext.h
index 263edc6..ab1ddb8 100644
--- a/api/GLES2/gl2ext.h
+++ b/api/GLES2/gl2ext.h
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
-/* Generated on date 20180604 */
+/* Generated on date 20181031 */
 /* Generated C header for:
  * API: gles2
@@ -801,6 +801,22 @@
 #endif /* GL_AMD_compressed_ATC_texture */
+#ifndef GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced
+#define GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced 1
+typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLRENDERBUFFERSTORAGEMULTISAMPLEADVANCEDAMDPROC) (GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLsizei storageSamples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLNAMEDRENDERBUFFERSTORAGEMULTISAMPLEADVANCEDAMDPROC) (GLuint renderbuffer, GLsizei samples, GLsizei storageSamples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD (GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLsizei storageSamples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD (GLuint renderbuffer, GLsizei samples, GLsizei storageSamples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height);
+#endif /* GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced */
 #ifndef GL_AMD_performance_monitor
 #define GL_AMD_performance_monitor 1
 #define GL_COUNTER_TYPE_AMD               0x8BC0
@@ -2395,6 +2411,11 @@
 #endif /* GL_INTEL_performance_query */
+#ifndef GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y
+#define GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y 1
+#endif /* GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y */
 #ifndef GL_MESA_program_binary_formats
 #define GL_MESA_program_binary_formats 1
@@ -2897,6 +2918,34 @@
 #endif /* GL_NV_internalformat_sample_query */
+#ifndef GL_NV_memory_attachment
+#define GL_NV_memory_attachment 1
+#define GL_MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_NV           0x95A8
+#define GL_DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV           0x95AA
+#define GL_DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV            0x95AB
+#define GL_MAX_DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV        0x95AD
+typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLGETMEMORYOBJECTDETACHEDRESOURCESUIVNVPROC) (GLuint memory, GLenum pname, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLuint *params);
+typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLTEXATTACHMEMORYNVPROC) (GLenum target, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLBUFFERATTACHMEMORYNVPROC) (GLenum target, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLTEXTUREATTACHMEMORYNVPROC) (GLuint texture, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+typedef void (GL_APIENTRYP PFNGLNAMEDBUFFERATTACHMEMORYNVPROC) (GLuint buffer, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glGetMemoryObjectDetachedResourcesuivNV (GLuint memory, GLenum pname, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLuint *params);
+GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glResetMemoryObjectParameterNV (GLuint memory, GLenum pname);
+GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glTexAttachMemoryNV (GLenum target, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glBufferAttachMemoryNV (GLenum target, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glTextureAttachMemoryNV (GLuint texture, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+GL_APICALL void GL_APIENTRY glNamedBufferAttachMemoryNV (GLuint buffer, GLuint memory, GLuint64 offset);
+#endif /* GL_NV_memory_attachment */
 #ifndef GL_NV_non_square_matrices
 #define GL_NV_non_square_matrices 1
 #define GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3_NV                0x8B65
@@ -3441,6 +3490,10 @@
 #endif /* GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture */
+#ifndef GL_QCOM_YUV_texture_gather
+#define GL_QCOM_YUV_texture_gather 1
+#endif /* GL_QCOM_YUV_texture_gather */
 #ifndef GL_QCOM_alpha_test
 #define GL_QCOM_alpha_test 1
 #define GL_ALPHA_TEST_QCOM                0x0BC0
@@ -3547,6 +3600,10 @@
 #endif /* GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent */
+#ifndef GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate
+#define GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate 1
+#endif /* GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate */
 #ifndef GL_QCOM_texture_foveated
 #define GL_QCOM_texture_foveated 1
@@ -3560,6 +3617,12 @@
 #endif /* GL_QCOM_texture_foveated */
+#ifndef GL_QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout
+#define GL_QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout 1
+#endif /* GL_QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout */
 #ifndef GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering
 #define GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering 1
 #define GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT0_QCOM         0x00000001
diff --git a/api/GLES3/gl3.h b/api/GLES3/gl3.h
index 7263b08..6b3f320 100644
--- a/api/GLES3/gl3.h
+++ b/api/GLES3/gl3.h
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
-/* Generated on date 20180604 */
+/* Generated on date 20181031 */
 /* Generated C header for:
  * API: gles2
diff --git a/extensions/AMD/AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced.txt b/extensions/AMD/AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ecb717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/AMD/AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+    AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced
+Name Strings
+    GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced
+    Marek Olsak, AMD (marek.olsak 'at'
+    Complete.
+    Last Modified Date:  June 28, 2018
+    Revision #1
+    OpenGL Extension #523
+    OpenGL ES Extension #303
+    OpenGL dependencies:
+        Requires GL_ARB_framebuffer_object.
+    OpenGL ES dependencies:
+        Requires OpenGL ES 3.0.
+    This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.5 (Core Profile)
+    specification.
+    This extension extends ARB_framebuffer_object by allowing compromises
+    between image quality and memory footprint of multisample
+    antialiasing.
+    ARB_framebuffer_object introduced RenderbufferStorageMultisample
+    as a method of defining the parameters for a multisample render
+    buffer. This function takes a <samples> parameter that has strict
+    requirements on behavior such that no compromises in the final image
+    quality are allowed. Additionally, ARB_framebuffer_object requires
+    that all framebuffer attachments have the same number of samples.
+    This extension extends ARB_framebuffer_object by providing a new
+    function, RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD, that
+    distinguishes between samples and storage samples for color
+    renderbuffers where the number of storage samples can be less than
+    the number of samples. This extension also allows non-matching sample
+    counts between color and depth/stencil renderbuffers.
+    This extension does not require any specific combination of sample
+    counts to be supported.
+IP Status
+    No known IP issues.
+New Procedures and Functions
+    void RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD(
+             enum target, sizei samples, sizei storageSamples,
+             enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height );
+    void NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD(
+             uint renderbuffer, sizei samples, sizei storageSamples,
+             enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height );
+New Tokens
+    Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetRenderbufferParameteriv:
+    Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
+    GetInteger64v, GetFloatv, GetDoublev:
+        SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD             0x91B7
+Additions to Chapter 9 of the OpenGL 4.5 (Core Profile) Specification
+(Framebuffers and Framebuffer Objects)
+    In section, "Multisample Queries", remove the last paragraph
+    beginning with "Otherwise" and add:
+    Otherwise, the value of SAMPLES is equal to the value of
+    RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES or TEXTURE_SAMPLES (depending on the type of
+    attachments) of color attachments if any is present. If there is no
+    color attachment, SAMPLES is equal to the same value from the depth or
+    stencil attachment, whichever is present.
+    An implementation may only support a subset of the possible
+    combinations of sample counts of textures and renderbuffers attached
+    to a framebuffer object. The number of supported combinations is
+    is an array of NUM_SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD triples of integers
+    where each triple contains a valid combination of sample counts in
+    the form {color samples, color storage samples, depth and stencil
+    samples}. The first element in each triple is at least 2. The second
+    and third element in each triple are at least 1 and are not greater
+    than the first element.
+    In section 9.2.4, "Renderbuffer Objects", replace the description of
+    (Named)RenderbufferStorageMultisample:
+    The data storage, format, dimensions, number of samples, and number of
+    storage samples of a renderbuffer object’s image are established with
+    the commands
+      void RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD( enum target,
+          sizei samples, sizei storageSamples, enum internalformat,
+          sizei width, sizei height );
+      void NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD(
+          uint renderbuffer, sizei samples, sizei storageSamples,
+          enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height );
+    For RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD, the renderbuffer object
+    is that bound to <target>, which must be RENDERBUFFER.
+    For NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD, <renderbuffer> is
+    the name of the renderbuffer object.
+    <internalformat> must be color-renderable, depth-renderable, or
+    stencil-renderable (as defined in section 9.4). <width> and <height>
+    are the dimensions in pixels of the renderbuffer.
+    Upon success, *RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD deletes any
+    existing data store for the renderbuffer image, and the contents of
+    the data store are undefined. RENDERBUFFER_WIDTH is set to <width>,
+    FORMAT is set to <internalformat>.
+    If <samples> is zero, then <storageSamples> must be zero, and
+    zero. Otherwise <samples> represents a request for a desired minimum
+    number of samples and <storageSamples> represents a request for
+    a desired minimum number of storage samples, where <storageSamples>
+    must not be greater than <samples>. Since different implementations
+    may support different sample counts for multisampled rendering,
+    the actual number of samples and the actual number of storage samples
+    allocated for the renderbuffer image are implementation-dependent.
+    However, the resulting value for RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES is guaranteed
+    to be greater than or equal to <samples> and no more than the next
+    larger sample count supported by the implementation, and the resulting
+    value for RENDERBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD is guaranteed to be greater
+    than or equal to <storageSamples>, no more than the next larger
+    storage sample count supported by the implementation, and no more than
+    A GL implementation may vary its allocation of internal component
+    resolution based on any *RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD
+    parameter (except <target> and <renderbuffer>), but the allocation and
+    chosen internal format must not be a function of any other state and
+    cannot be changed once they are established.
+    Remove the first 4 errors and add these errors:
+    An INVALID_ENUM error is generated by RenderbufferStorageMultisample-
+    AdvancedAMD if <target> is not RENDERBUFFER.
+    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by NamedRenderbufferStorage-
+    MultisampleAdvancedAMD if <renderbuffer> is not the name of
+    an existing renderbuffer object.
+    An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <samples>, <storageSamples>,
+    <width>, or <height> is negative.
+    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <internalformat> is a color
+    format and <samples> is greater than the implementation-dependent
+    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <internalformat> is a color
+    format and <storageSamples> is greater than the implementation-
+    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <storageSamples> is greater
+    than <samples>.
+    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <internalformat> is a depth
+    or stencil format and <samples> is greater than the maximum number of
+    samples supported for <internalformat> (see GetInternalformativ
+    in section 22.3).
+    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <internalformat> is a depth
+    or stencil format and <storageSamples> is not equal to <samples>.
+    Finish the section as follows:
+    The commands
+        void RenderbufferStorageMultisample( enum target,
+            sizei samples, enum internalformat, sizei width,
+            sizei height );
+        void RenderbufferStorage( enum target, enum internalformat,
+            sizei width, sizei height );
+    are equivalent to
+        RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD(target, samples,
+            samples, internalformat, width, height);
+    and
+        RenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD(target, 0, 0,
+            internalformat, width, height);
+    respectively.
+    The commands
+        void NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisample( uint renderbuffer,
+            sizei samples, enum internalformat, sizei width,
+            sizei height );
+        void NamedRenderbufferStorage( uint renderbuffer,
+            enum internalformat, sizei width, sizei height );
+    are equivalent to
+        NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD(renderbuffer,
+            samples, samples, internalformat, width, height);
+    and
+        NamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD(renderbuffer,
+            0, 0, internalformat, width, height);
+    respectively.
+    In section 9.2.5, "Required Renderbuffer Formats", replace the last
+    paragraph with:
+    Implementations must support creation of renderbuffers in these
+    required formats with sample counts up to and including:
+    * MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD as color renderbuffer samples
+      storage samples
+      samples
+    with the exception that the signed and unsigned integer formats are
+    required only to support creation of renderbuffers with up to
+    the value of MAX_INTEGER_SAMPLES samples and storage samples, which
+    must be at least one.
+    In section 9.2.6, "Renderbuffer Object Queries", replace the paragraph
+    mentioning RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES with:
+    RENDERBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD then <params> will contain the width
+    in pixels, height in pixels, internal format, number of samples, or
+    number of storage samples, respectively, of the image of
+    the renderbuffer object.
+    In section 9.4.1, "Framebuffer Attachment Completeness", remove
+    the bullet beginning with "If <image> has multisample samples" and
+    replace the last 3 bullets about <attachment> with:
+    If <attachment> is COLOR_ATTACHMENTi, then <image> must have a color-
+    renderable internal format, the sample count must be less than or
+    equal to the value of the implementation-dependent limit
+    MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD, and the storage sample count must
+    be less than or equal to the value of the implementation-dependent
+    If <attachment> is DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, then <image> must have a depth-
+    renderable internal format, and its sample count must be less than or
+    equal to the value of the implementation-dependent limit
+    If <attachment> is STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, then <image> must have
+    a stencil-renderable internal format, and its sample count must be
+    less than or equal to the value of the implementation-dependent limit
+    In section 9.4.2, replace the bullet mentioning RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES
+    with:
+    * The value of RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES of a color attachment defines its
+    <number of color samples>; the value of RENDERBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES
+    of a color attachment defines its <number of color storage samples>;
+    the value of RENDERBUFFER_SAMPLES of a depth or stencil attachment
+    defines its <number of depth-stencil samples> for each separately;
+    the value of TEXTURE_SAMPLES of a color attachment defines both its
+    <number of color samples> and its <number of color storage samples>;
+    the value of TEXTURE_SAMPLES of a depth or stencil attachment defines
+    its <number of depth-stencil samples> for each separately. If any of
+    the defined values is 0, it is treated as 1. Any undefined value is
+    treated as equal to any number. For all attachment values that are
+    defined, all values of <number of color samples> must be equal, all
+    values of <number of color storage samples> must be equal, all values
+    of <number of depth-stencil samples> must be equal, and the triple
+    {<number of color samples>, <number of color storage samples>, <number
+    of depth-stencil samples>} must be in SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD
+    or must be equal to {1, 1, 1}.
+Additions to Chapter 17 of the OpenGL 4.5 (Core Profile) Specification
+(Writing Fragments and Samples to the Framebuffer)
+    In section 17.3.10, "Additional Multisample Fragment Operations", add
+    this paragraph after the "If MULTISAMPLE is enabled" paragraph:
+    If there are fewer color storage samples (see section 9.2.4) than
+    the value of SAMPLES, the number of color storage samples determines
+    the number of unique color values that can be stored per pixel.
+    The implementation must determine which samples within a pixel share
+    the same color value, write that value into 1 color storage sample,
+    and remember a mapping between color samples and color storage
+    samples to be able to map color storage samples back to color samples.
+    The color value equality determination is done in an implementation-
+    specific manner, but the implementation must at least recognize a set
+    of color samples coming from the same primitive as 1 storage sample if
+    sample shading (see section is disabled. If there are not
+    enough color storage samples per pixel to store all incoming color
+    values, the excessive color values are not stored and the color samples
+    with unstored values are marked as having an unknown value. Color
+    samples with an unknown value will not contribute to the final color
+    value of the pixel when all color samples are resolved by
+    BlitFramebuffer (see section 18.3.1).
+    If there are fewer depth and stencil samples than the value of SAMPLES
+    and implementation-specific optimizations are unable to represent more
+    depth and stencil samples within the given storage, the missing depth
+    and stencil values should be pulled from or derived from the nearest
+    existing depth and stencil samples within the same pixel. The mapping
+    from missing to existing depth and stencil samples is implementation-
+    specific, but the mapping must be at least:
+    * injective if missing samples < existing samples
+    * bijective if missing samples = existing samples
+    * surjective if missing samples > existing samples
+    Depth and stencil tests operate as if the number of depth and stencil
+    samples was equal to the value of SAMPLES.
+    An INVALID_ENUM error is generated by RenderbufferStorageMultisample-
+    AdvancedAMD if <target> is not RENDERBUFFER.
+    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by NamedRenderbufferStorage-
+    MultisampleAdvancedAMD if <renderbuffer> is not the name of
+    an existing renderbuffer object.
+    An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <samples>, <storageSamples>,
+    <width>, or <height> is negative.
+    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <internalformat> is a color
+    format and <samples> is greater than the implementation-dependent
+    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <internalformat> is a color
+    format and <storageSamples> is greater than the implementation-
+    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <storageSamples> is greater
+    than <samples>.
+    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <internalformat> is a depth
+    or stencil format and <samples> is greater than the maximum number of
+    samples supported for <internalformat> (see GetInternalformativ
+    in section 22.3).
+    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <internalformat> is a depth
+    or stencil format and <storageSamples> is not equal to <samples>.
+New State
+    Add to Table 23.27, "Renderbuffer (state per renderbuffer object)"
+                                                                        Initial
+    Get Value                         Type  Get Command                 Value    Description             Section
+    --------------------------------  ----  --------------------------  -------  ----------------------  -------
+    RENDERBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD   Z+   GetRenderbufferParameteriv  0        No. of storage samples  9.2.4
+New Implementation Dependent Values
+                                                                       Minimum
+    Get Value                                 Type        Get Command  Value    Description                             Section
+    ----------------------------------------  ----------  -----------  -------  ---------------------------------------  -------
+    MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD             Z+      GetIntegerv  4        Max. no. of color samples supported by   9.2.4
+                                                                                framebuffer objects.
+    MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD     Z+      GetIntegerv  4        Max. no. of color storage samples        9.2.4
+                                                                                supported by framebuffer objects.
+    MAX_DEPTH_STENCIL_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD     Z+      GetIntegerv  4        Max. no. of depth and stencil samples    9.2.4
+                                                                                supported by framebuffer objects.
+    NUM_SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD           Z+      GetIntegerv  1        No. of supported combinations of color   9.2.4
+                                                                                samples, color storage samples, and
+                                                                                depth-stencil samples by framebuffer
+                                                                                objects.
+    SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD           n * 3 x Z+  GetIntegerv  -        NUM_SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD (n)  9.2.4
+                                                                                triples of integers. Each triple is
+                                                                                a unique combination of color samples,
+                                                                                color storage samples, and depth-stencil
+                                                                                samples supported by framebuffer objects.
+AMD Implementation Details
+    The following multisample modes are supported by AMD's open source
+    OpenGL driver:
+                 Color    Depth &
+        Color    storage  stencil
+        samples  samples  samples
+        =======  =======  =======
+        16       8        8
+        16       4        8
+        16       2        8
+        16       4        4
+        16       2        4
+        16       2        2
+        -------  -------  -------
+        8        8        8
+        8        4        8
+        8        2        8
+        8        4        4
+        8        2        4
+        8        2        2
+        -------  -------  -------
+        4        4        4
+        4        2        4
+        4        2        2
+        -------  -------  -------
+        2        2        2
+    None.
+Revision History
+    Rev.    Date    Author    Changes
+    ----  --------  --------  --------------------------------------------
+     1    06/28/18  mareko    Initial version
diff --git a/extensions/ARB/ARB_direct_state_access.txt b/extensions/ARB/ARB_direct_state_access.txt
index 3abb181..df8d13e 100644
--- a/extensions/ARB/ARB_direct_state_access.txt
+++ b/extensions/ARB/ARB_direct_state_access.txt
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
-    Last Modified Date:         July 23, 2017
-    Author Revision:            49
+    Last Modified Date:         June 14, 2018
+    Author Revision:            50
@@ -3051,7 +3051,7 @@
         void streamChunks(const Chunks & chunks)
             GLuint restore = 0;
-            glGetIntegerv(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, restaure)
+            glGetIntegerv(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, restore)
             glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, chunks.buffer());
             uint8* pointer = reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(glMapBufferRange(
@@ -3173,8 +3173,8 @@
           GLuint vertexArrayName = 0;
           glCreateVertexArrays(1, &vertexArrayName);
-          glEnableVertexAttribArray(VertexArrayName, semantic::attr::POSITION);
-          glEnableVertexAttribArray(VertexArrayName, semantic::attr::TEXCOORD);
+          glEnableVertexArrayAttrib(VertexArrayName, semantic::attr::POSITION);
+          glEnableVertexArrayAttrib(VertexArrayName, semantic::attr::TEXCOORD);
           glVertexArrayAttribBinding(VertexArrayName, semantic::attr::POSITION, 0);
           glVertexArrayAttribFormat(VertexArrayName, semantic::attr::POSITION, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0);
@@ -3560,12 +3560,12 @@
         Is the logical equivalent to:
         // Bind to Edit
-        uint restaureBuffer;
-        GetIntegerv(ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &restaureBuffer);
+        uint restoreBuffer;
+        GetIntegerv(ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &restoreBuffer);
         uint buffer;
         GenBuffers(1, &buffer);
         BindBuffer(ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
-        BindBuffer(ARRAY_BUFFER, restaureBuffer);
+        BindBuffer(ARRAY_BUFFER, restoreBuffer);
         Typically with DSA objects are created with [Create] while [Gen+Bind]
         is used to create the objects with B2E. Unfortunately, [Gen+Bind]
@@ -4146,6 +4146,9 @@
     Rev.    Date        Author    Changes
     ----  -----------   --------- ---------------------------------------------
+    50    14 Jun 2018   T. Karras Use English variable names and fix API usage
+                                  in examples.
     49    23 Jul 2017   Jon Leech Replace the long list of valid <target>
                                   parameters for BeginQueryIndexed,
                                   EndQueryIndexed, and GetQueryIndexediv
diff --git a/extensions/ARB/ARB_gl_spirv.txt b/extensions/ARB/ARB_gl_spirv.txt
index e01c0be..8fb28a5 100644
--- a/extensions/ARB/ARB_gl_spirv.txt
+++ b/extensions/ARB/ARB_gl_spirv.txt
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
-    Last Modified Date: 25-Apr-2018
-    Revision: 39
+    Last Modified Date: 29-May-2018
+    Revision: 40
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
       NA                    -> OpAtomicCompareExchangeWeak
       atomicCounterIncrement -> OpAtomicIIncrement
-      atomicCounterDecrement -> OpAtomicIDecrement
+      atomicCounterDecrement -> OpAtomicIDecrement (with post decrement)
       atomicCounter          -> OpAtomicLoad
     Mapping of other instructions
@@ -2077,6 +2077,8 @@
     Rev.    Date         Author         Changes
     ----  -----------    ------------   ---------------------------------
+    40    29-May-2018    dgkoch         note post decrement for atomicCounterDecrement
+                                        mapping
     39    25-Apr-2018    JohnK          add mappings of barriers and atomics
     38    10-Apr-2018    dgkoch         OpImageQuerySizeLod and OpImageQuerylevels
                                         only work with Sampled images
diff --git a/extensions/ARB/ARB_internalformat_query2.txt b/extensions/ARB/ARB_internalformat_query2.txt
index 065fc2f..79337c8 100644
--- a/extensions/ARB/ARB_internalformat_query2.txt
+++ b/extensions/ARB/ARB_internalformat_query2.txt
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
-    Last Modified Date: February 14, 2018
-    Revision: 19
+    Last Modified Date: October 12, 2018
+    Revision: 20
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
-    OpenGL 2.0 or OpenGL ES 2.0 is required.
+    OpenGL 2.0 is required.
     ARB_internalformat_query is required.
@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@
     ARB_depth_texture, OES_depth_texture, ARB_texture_view,
     ARB_texture_storage, ARB_texture_storage_multisample,
     ARB_shader_image_load_store, EXT_direct_state_access,
-    EXT_texture_compression_s3tc, and core specifications
+    EXT_texture_compression_s3tc, ARB_ES3_compatibility,
+    KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr, and core specifications
     that incorporate these extensions affect the definition
     of this extension.
@@ -252,7 +253,28 @@
         VIEW_CLASS_RGTC1_RED                            0x82D0  
         VIEW_CLASS_RGTC2_RG                             0x82D1  
         VIEW_CLASS_BPTC_UNORM                           0x82D2  
-        VIEW_CLASS_BPTC_FLOAT                           0x82D3  
+        VIEW_CLASS_BPTC_FLOAT                           0x82D3
+    [interactions with ARB_ES3_compatibility]
+        VIEW_CLASS_EAC_R11                              0x9383
+        VIEW_CLASS_EAC_RG11                             0x9384
+        VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_RGB                             0x9385
+        VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_RGBA                            0x9386
+        VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_EAC_RGBA                        0x9387
+    [interactions with KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr]
+        VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_4x4_RGBA                        0x9388
+        VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_5x4_RGBA                        0x9389
+        VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_5x5_RGBA                        0x938A
+        VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_6x5_RGBA                        0x938B
+        VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_6x6_RGBA                        0x938C
+        VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x5_RGBA                        0x938D
+        VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x6_RGBA                        0x938E
+        VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x8_RGBA                        0x938F
+        VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x5_RGBA                       0x9390
+        VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x6_RGBA                       0x9391
+        VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x8_RGBA                       0x9392
+        VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x10_RGBA                      0x9393
+        VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_12x10_RGBA                      0x9394
+        VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_12x12_RGBA                      0x9395
 Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 4.2 (Core Profile) Specification
@@ -828,7 +850,8 @@
     - VIEW_COMPATIBILITY_CLASS: The compatibility class of the resource when
       used as a texture view is returned in <params>. The compatibility
-      class is one of the values from the /Class/ column of Table 3.X.2. If
+      class is one of the values from the /Class/ column of Table 3.X.2
+      (added by the ARB_texture_view extension). If
       the resource has no other formats that are compatible, the resource
       does not support views, or if texture views are not supported, NONE is
@@ -1059,6 +1082,21 @@
     supported, ignore all references to VIEW_CLASS_RGTC1_RED and
+Dependencies on ARB_ES3_compatibility
+    If ARB_ES3_compatibility or equivalent functionality is not supported,
+    ingore all references to VIEW_CLASS_EAC_R11, VIEW_CLASS_EAC_RG11,
+Dependencies on KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr
+    If KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr or equivalent functionality is not
+    supported, ignore all references to VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_4x4_RGBA,
 Dependencies on ARB_stencil_texturing
     If ARB_stencil_texturing or equivalent functionality is not supported,
     ignore all references to stencil texturing.
@@ -1339,6 +1377,9 @@
     Rev.  Date        Author    Changes
     ----  ----------  --------  --------------------------------------------
+     20   10/12/2018  dgkoch    Add tokens for ETC2/EAC and ASTC VIEW_CLASSES
+                                as interactions with ARB_ES3_compatibility
+                                and KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr.
      19   02/14/2018  dgkoch    Add issue 16, clarify references to
                                 GetTexLevelParameter (gitlab/opengl/api/65)
      18   07/15/2013  Jon Leech Remove redundant list of VIEW_CLASS_* tokens 
diff --git a/extensions/ATI/WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle.txt b/extensions/ATI/WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d996d78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/ATI/WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+    ATI_render_texture_rectangle
+Name Strings
+    WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle
+    Rob Mace, ATI Research (mace 'at'
+    Complete.
+    Last Modified Date: September 27, 2018
+    Revision: 3
+    OpenGL Extension #532
+    OpenGL 1.1 is required.
+    WGL_ARB_render_texture is required.
+    GL_ARB_texture_rectangle or GL_EXT_texture_rectangle is required.
+    The extension is written against the OpenGL 1.5 Specification
+    and the WGL_ARB_render_texture 7/16/01 Specification.
+    This extension builds upon WGL_ARB_render_texture and allows a
+    pbuffer to be bound to a texture rectangle target.
+    1. Are separate BIND_TO_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE enums needed, or are the
+       BIND_TO_TEXTURE enums defined in WGL_ARB_render_texture
+       sufficient?
+       RESOLUTION: The BIND_TO_TEXTURE enums defined in
+       WGL_ARB_render_texture are sufficient.  WGL_ARB_render_texture
+       does not have BIND_TO_TEXTURE_2D, BIND_TO_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, etc.
+       enums.  It just has the BIND_TO_TEXTURE enums.
+New Procedures and Functions
+   None
+New Tokens
+    Accepted as a value in the <piAttribList> parameter of
+    wglCreatePbufferARB and returned in the value parameter of
+    wglQueryPbufferARB when <iAttribute> is WGL_TEXTURE_TARGET_ARB:
+        WGL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ATI       0x21A5
+Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 1.5 Specification (OpenGL
+    None
+Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 1.5 Specification (Rasterization)
+    None
+Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 1.5 Specification (Per-Fragment
+Operations and the Frame Buffer)
+    None
+Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 1.5 Specification (Special
+    None
+Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 1.5 Specification (State and
+State Requests)
+    None
+Additions to the WGL Specification
+    Modify wglCreatePbufferARB:
+        HPBUFFERARB wglCreatePbufferARB (HDC hDC, int iPixelFormat,
+            int iWidth, int iHeight, const int *piAttribList);
+        ...
+        This attribute indicates the target for the texture that will be
+        created when the pbuffer is created with a texture format of
+        WGL_TEXTURE_RGB_ARB or WGL_TEXTURE_RGBA_ARB.  This attribute can
+        be set to WGL_NO_TEXTURE_ARB, WGL_TEXTURE_1D_ARB,
+        WGL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ATI.  The default value is
+        ...
+        If this attribute is set to a non-zero value, the largest
+        available pbuffer is allocated when the allocation of the
+        pbuffer would otherwise fail due to insufficient resources.  The
+        width or height of the allocated pbuffer never exceeds <iWidth>
+        and <iHeight>, respectively.  Also, if the pbuffer will be used
+        as a texture (i.e., the value of the WGL_TEXTURE_TARGET_ARB
+        attribute is WGL_TEXTURE_1D_ARB, WGL_TEXTURE_2D_ARB,
+        texture format is WGL_TEXTURE_RGB_ARB or WGL_TEXTURE_RGBA_ARB),
+        then the aspect ratio will be preserved and the new width and
+        height will be valid sizes for the corresponding texture target.
+        (e.g. Both the width and height will be a power of 2 if the
+        implementation only supports power of 2 textures.  Similarly,
+        the width and height will be equal for a cube map texture).  Use
+        wglQueryPbufferARB to retrieve the dimensions of the allocated
+        pbuffer.  The default value for this attribute is FALSE.
+        ...
+        ERROR_INVALID_DATA          The pixel format attribute
+                                    WGL_TEXTURE_FORMAT_ARB is
+                                    WGL_TEXTURE_RGB_ARB or
+                                    WGL_TEXTURE_RGBA_ARB
+                                    and WGL_PBUFFER_WIDTH and/or
+                                    WGL_PBUFFER_HEIGHT specify an
+                                    invalid size for the implementation
+                                    (e.g., the texture size is not a
+                                    power of 2 and
+                                    WGL_TEXTURE_TARGET_ARB is
+                                    WGL_TEXTURE_1D_ARB,
+                                    WGL_TEXTURE_2D_ARB, or
+                                    WGL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB).
+                                    WGL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ATI
+                                    and WGL_MIPMAP_TEXTURE_ARB is
+                                    non-zero.
+        ....
+    Modify wglBindTexImageARB
+        The command
+        BOOL wglBindTexImageARB (HPBUFFERARB hPbuffer, int iBuffer)
+        defines a one-dimensional texture image, two-dimensional
+        texture image, rectangle texture image, or a set of
+        two-dimensional cube map texture images.  The texture image or
+        images consist of the image data in <iBuffer> for the specified
+        pbuffer, <hPbuffer>, and need not be copied.  The texture
+        target, the texture format and the size of the texture
+        components are derived from attributes of pbuffer specified by
+        <hPbuffer>.
+        ...
+        The texture targets are derived from the WGL_TEXTURE_TARGET_ARB
+        attribute of <hPbuffer>.  If the texture target for the pbuffer
+        is WGL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB then <iBuffer> defines a set of
+        cubemap images for the cube map texture objects which are bound
+        to the current context (hereafter referred to as the current
+        texture object).  Note that when the texture target is
+        WGL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, all cube map texture targets are
+        defined by a single call to wglBindTexImageARB. If the texture
+        target is WGL_TEXTURE_2D_ARB, then <iBuffer> defines a 2D
+        texture for the current 2D texture object.  If the texture
+        target is WGL_TEXTURE_1D_ARB, then <iBuffer> defines a 1D
+        texture for the current 1D texture object.  If the texture
+        target is WGL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ATI, then <iBuffer> defines a
+        rectangle texture for the current rectangle texture object.
+        ....
+    None
+New State
+    None
+New Implementation Dependent State
+    None
+Revision History
+   Date: 09/27/2018
+   Revision: 3
+      - Assigned extension number & registered the spec (see
+      - For reasons lost to history, the enum value 0x21A5 duplicates the
+        entirely unrelated WGL_GPU_NUM_PIPES_AMD.
+      - This will probably set the alltime record for the time between an
+        extension being created and being registered.
+   Date: 10/11/2004
+   Revision: 2
+      - Minor cleanup.
+      - Changed status to Complete.
+   Date: 8/16/2004
+   Revision: 1
+      - First draft.
diff --git a/extensions/EXT/EXT_external_objects.txt b/extensions/EXT/EXT_external_objects.txt
index a6d0ee1..2f08164 100644
--- a/extensions/EXT/EXT_external_objects.txt
+++ b/extensions/EXT/EXT_external_objects.txt
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
-    Last Modified Date: September 26, 2017
-    Revision: 13
+    Last Modified Date: July 18, 2018
+    Revision: 14
@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@
         "For BufferStorage and BufferStorageMemEXT, the buffer object is
         that bound to <target>, which must be one of the values listed
-        in table 6.1.  For NamedBufferStroage and
+        in table 6.1.  For NamedBufferStorage and
         NamedBufferStorageMemEXT, <buffer> is the name of the buffer
         object.  For all the above commands, <size> is the size of the
         data store in basic machine units.  For BufferStorageMemEXT and
@@ -1122,6 +1122,9 @@
 Revision History
+    Revision 14, 2018-07-18 (James Jones)
+        - Fixed a typo: Replace NamedBufferStroage with NamedBufferStorage
     Revision 13, 2017-09-26 (James Jones)
         - Added new image layouts corresponding to those from
diff --git a/extensions/EXT/EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch.txt b/extensions/EXT/EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch.txt
index b3d3947..443f512 100644
--- a/extensions/EXT/EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch.txt
+++ b/extensions/EXT/EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch.txt
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
-    Last Modified Date: November 13, 2017
-    Author Revision: 7
+    Last Modified Date: September 6, 2018
+    Author Revision: 8
@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@
     "A helper invocation is a fragment shader invocation that is created solely
     for the purposes of evaluating derivatives for the built-in functions
-    texture() (section 8.9 “Texture Functions”), dFdx(), dFdy(), and fwidth()
+    texture() (section 8.9 "Texture Functions"), dFdx(), dFdy(), and fwidth()
     for other non-helper fragment shader invocations.
     Fragment shader helper invocations execute the same shader code as
@@ -740,6 +740,7 @@
 Revision History
+    Version 8, 2018/09/06 - Replace non-ASCII quote characters.
     Version 7, 2017/11/13 - Specify interactions with desktop OpenGL APIs.
                           - Specify interaction with ARB/OES_sample_shading
                             and unextended GL versions that provide the same
diff --git a/extensions/EXT/EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic.txt b/extensions/EXT/EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic.txt
index 456e856..798f6a6 100644
--- a/extensions/EXT/EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic.txt
+++ b/extensions/EXT/EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic.txt
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
-    Last updated November 12, 2014
+    Last updated May 23, 2018
@@ -275,8 +275,21 @@
                                                                     maximum degree
                                                                     of anisotropy
+  1) Should TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT be accepted by SamplerParameter*?
+  Yes, for implementations supporting sampler objects. The per-texture sampling
+  state is overridden by the sampler object state, if present. The anisotropy
+  parameter should not be an exception, as this would reduce the usefulness of
+  sampler objects when anisotropic filtering is supported. This also matches
+  the interaction described in ARB_sampler_objects, and the same behavior is
+  still expected for API versions with core support for sampler objects.
 Revision History
+  2018-05-23 (Nicolas Capens) - clarify interaction with sampler objects.
   11/12/14 (Jon Leech) - Fix spelling of TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY 
   (public Bug 1263).
diff --git a/extensions/MESA/MESA_framebuffer_flip_y.txt b/extensions/MESA/MESA_framebuffer_flip_y.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d160232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/MESA/MESA_framebuffer_flip_y.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+    MESA_framebuffer_flip_y
+Name Strings
+    GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y
+    Fritz Koenig <>
+    Fritz Koenig, Google
+    Kristian Høgsberg, Google
+    Chad Versace, Google
+    Proposal
+    Version 1, June 7, 2018
+    OpenGL ES Extension #302
+    OpenGL ES 3.1 is required, for FramebufferParameteri.
+    This extension defines a new framebuffer parameter,
+    GL_FRAMEBUFFER_FLIP_Y_MESA, that changes the behavior of the reads and
+    writes to the framebuffer attachment points. When GL_FRAMEBUFFER_FLIP_Y_MESA
+    is GL_TRUE, render commands and pixel transfer operations access the
+    backing store of each attachment point with an y-inverted coordinate
+    system. This y-inversion is relative to the coordinate system set when
+    Access through TexSubImage2D and similar calls will notice the effect of
+    the flip when they are not attached to framebuffer objects because
+    GL_FRAMEBUFFER_FLIP_Y_MESA is associated with the framebuffer object and
+    not the attachment points.
+IP Status
+    None
+    None
+New Procedures and Functions
+    None
+New Types
+    None
+New Tokens
+    Accepted by the <pname> argument of FramebufferParameteri and
+    GetFramebufferParameteriv:
+        GL_FRAMEBUFFER_FLIP_Y_MESA                      0x8BBB
+    An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated by GetFramebufferParameteriv if the
+    default framebuffer is bound to <target> and <pname> is FRAMEBUFFER_FLIP_Y_MESA.
+Revision History
+    Version 1, June, 2018
+        Initial draft (Fritz Koenig)
diff --git a/extensions/NV/NV_compute_shader_derivatives.txt b/extensions/NV/NV_compute_shader_derivatives.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c4ef8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/NV/NV_compute_shader_derivatives.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+    NV_compute_shader_derivatives
+Name Strings
+    GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives
+    Pat Brown, NVIDIA (pbrown 'at'
+    Ashwin Lele, NVIDIA
+    Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA
+    Shipping
+    Last Modified:      September 15, 2018
+    Revision:           1
+    OpenGL Extension #525
+    This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.6 Specification
+    (Compatibility Profile), dated October 24, 2016.
+    OpenGL 4.5 is required.
+    This extension requires support for the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)
+    extension "NV_compute_shader_derivatives", which can be found at the
+    Khronos Group Github site here:
+    This extension adds OpenGL API support for the OpenGL Shading Language
+    (GLSL) extension "NV_compute_shader_derivatives".
+    That extension, when enabled, allows applications to use derivatives in
+    compute shaders.  It adds compute shader support for explicit derivative
+    built-in functions like dFdx(), automatic derivative computation in
+    texture lookup functions like texture(), use of the optional LOD bias
+    parameter to adjust the computed level of detail values in texture lookup
+    functions, and the texture level of detail query function
+    textureQueryLod().
+New Procedures and Functions
+    None
+New Tokens
+    None
+Modifications to the OpenGL 4.6 Specification (Compatibility Profile)
+    None
+Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
+    None
+    None
+New State
+    None
+New Implementation Dependent State
+    None
+    None, but please refer to issues in the GLSL extension specification.
+Revision History
+    Revision 1 (pbrown)
+    - Internal revisions.
diff --git a/extensions/NV/NV_fragment_shader_barycentric.txt b/extensions/NV/NV_fragment_shader_barycentric.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3c171f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/NV/NV_fragment_shader_barycentric.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+    NV_fragment_shader_barycentric
+Name Strings
+    GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric
+    Pat Brown, NVIDIA (pbrown 'at'
+    Ashwin Lele, NVIDIA
+    Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA
+    Shipping
+    Last Modified:      September 15, 2018
+    Revision:           1
+    OpenGL Extension #526
+    This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.6 Specification
+    (Compatibility Profile), dated July 30, 2017.
+    OpenGL 4.5 is required.
+    This extension requires support for the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)
+    extension "NV_fragment_shader_barycentric", which can be found at the
+    Khronos Group Github site here:
+    This extension advertises OpenGL support for the OpenGL Shading Language
+    (GLSL) extension "NV_fragment_shader_barycentric", which provides fragment
+    shader built-in variables holding barycentric weight vectors that identify
+    the location of the fragment within its primitive.  Additionally, the GLSL
+    extension allows fragment the ability to read raw attribute values for
+    each of the vertices of the primitive that produced the fragment.
+New Procedures and Functions
+    None
+New Tokens
+    None
+Modifications to the OpenGL 4.6 Specification (Compatibility Profile)
+    Modify Section 15.2.2, Shader Inputs (p. 586)
+    (insert new paragraphs after the first paragraph, p. 589)
+    Fragment shader input variables can be declared as per-vertex inputs using
+    the GLSL interpolation qualifier "pervertexNV".  Such inputs are not
+    produced by attribute interpolation, but are instead taken directly from
+    corresponding output variables written by the previous shader stage, prior
+    to primitive clipping and rasterization.  When reading per-vertex inputs,
+    a fragment shader specifies a vertex number (0, 1, or 2) that identifies a
+    specific vertex in the point, line, or triangle primitive that produced
+    the vertex.
+    When no tessellation or geometry shader is active, the vertices passed to
+    each draw call are arranged into point, line, or triangle primitives as
+    described in Section 10.1.  If the <n> vertices passed to a draw call are
+    numbered 0 through <n>-1, and the point, line, and triangle primitives
+    produced by the draw call are numbered with consecutive integers beginning
+    with zero, Table X.1 and Table X.2 indicate the original vertex numbers
+    used as vertex 0, vertex 1, and vertex 2 when sourcing per-vertex
+    attributes for fragments produced by the primitive numbered <i>.  Table
+    X.1 applies when the provoking vertex convention is
+    FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION, while Table X.2 applies when the provoking vertex
+    convention is LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION.
+        Primitive Type                  Vertex 0    Vertex 1    Vertex 2
+        ------------------------        --------    --------    --------
+        POINTS                          i           -           -
+        LINES                           2i          2i+1        -
+        LINE_STRIP                      i           i+1         -
+        LINE_LOOP                       i           i+1         -
+        LINE_LOOP (last segment)        n-1         0           -
+        TRIANGLES                       3i          3i+1        3i+2
+        TRIANGLE_STRIP (even)           i           i+1         i+2
+        TRIANGLE_STRIP (odd)            i           i+2         i+1
+        TRIANGLE_FAN                    i+1         i+2         0
+        POLYGON                         0           i           i+1
+        LINES_ADJACENCY                 4i+1        4i+2        -
+        LINES_STRIP_ADJACENCY           i+1         i+2         -
+        TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY             6i          6i+2        6i+4
+        TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY (even) 2i          2i+2        2i+4
+        TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY (odd)  2i          2i+4        2i+2
+        Table X.1, Vertex Order for per-vertex attributes, using the provoking
+        vertex convention FIRST_VERTEX_CONVENTION.
+        Primitive Type                  Vertex 0    Vertex 1    Vertex 2
+        ------------------------        --------    --------    --------
+        POINTS                          i           -           -
+        LINES                           2i          2i+1        -
+        LINE_STRIP                      i           i+1         -
+        LINE_LOOP                       i           i+1         -
+        LINE_LOOP (last segment)        n-1         0           -
+        TRIANGLES                       3i          3i+1        3i+2
+        TRIANGLE_STRIP (even)           i           i+1         i+2
+        TRIANGLE_STRIP (odd)            i+1         i           i+2
+        TRIANGLE_FAN                    0           i+1         i+2
+        POLYGON                         0           i           i+1
+        LINES_ADJACENCY                 4i+1        4i+2
+        LINES_STRIP_ADJACENCY           i+1         i+2
+        TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY             6i          6i+2        6i+4
+        TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY (even) 2i          2i+2        2i+4
+        TRIANGLE_STRIP_ADJACENCY (odd)  2i+2        2i          2i+4
+        Table X.2, Vertex Order for per-vertex attributes, using the provoking
+        vertex convention LAST_VERTEX_CONVENTION.
+    When using geometry shaders, vertices used for per-vertex fragment shader
+    inputs are determined using Table X.1 or X.2 by treating the primitive(s)
+    produced by the geometry shader as though they were passed to a DrawArrays
+    calls.  When using a tessellation evaluation shader, or when using QUADS
+    or QUAD_STRIP primitives, the vertices used for reading per-vertex
+    fragment shader inputs are assigned in an implementation-dependent order.
+    The built-in variables gl_BaryCoordNV and gl_BaryCoordNoPerspNV are
+    three-component floating-point vectors holding barycentric coordinates for
+    the fragment.  These built-ins are computed by clipping (Section 13.6.1)
+    and interpolating (Sections 14.5.1 and 14.6.1) a three-component vector
+    attribute.  The vertices that are numbered 0, 1, and 2 for the purposes of
+    reading per-vertex fragment shader inputs are assigned values of (1,0,0),
+    (0,1,0), and (0,0,1), respectively.  For gl_BaryCoordNV, these values are
+    clipped and interpolated using perspective correction.  For
+    gl_BaryCoordNoPerspNV, these values are clipped and interpolated without
+    perspective correction, like other fragment shader inputs qualified with
+    "noperspective".
+Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
+    None
+    None
+New State
+    None
+New Implementation Dependent State
+    None
+    (1) Can applications use the original order of vertices in a draw call to
+        determine the order of the three vertices used when reading per-vertex
+        fragment shader inputs?
+      RESOLVED:  Yes, in most cases.
+      This extension allows fragment shaders to read inputs qualified with
+      "pervertexNV" using a vertex number 0, 1, or 2.  For most primitive
+      types, the OpenGL Specification already specifies how the original
+      vertices passed to a draw call are assigned to individual point, line,
+      or triangle primitives.  The extension extends that language to define a
+      specific vertex order that will be used for sourcing per-vertex
+      attributes.  In some cases, this vertex order depends on the provoking
+      vertex convention.
+      When using a tessellation evaluation shader, QUADS primitives, or
+      QUAD_STRIP primitives, the OpenGL Specification already indicates that
+      patches or quadrilaterals can be decomposed into finer primitives in an
+      implementation-dependent order.  In these cases, we do not guarantee a
+      specific vertex order.  However, we still guarantee that the vertices
+      numbered 0, 1, 2 have corresponding barycentric weights (gl_BaryCoordNV)
+      of (1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1), respectively.  With this guarantee,
+      interpolating attributes manually in a fragment shader with code like:
+        float value = (gl_BaryCoordNV.x * v[0].attrib +
+                       gl_BaryCoordNV.y * v[1].attrib +
+                       gl_BaryCoordNV.z * v[2].attrib);
+      should produce results approximately equal to those that would be
+      obtained via conventional attribute interpolation.
+    (2) How are clipped primitives handled when using "pervertexNV"
+        fragment shader inputs?
+      RESOLVED:  In the OpenGL pipeline, clipped primitives are normally
+      handled by having the clipper remove one of the original vertices,
+      introduce one or more new vertices, and process the result as an
+      unclipped primitive.  In this model, the provoking vertex still needs to
+      be maintained because inputs qualified with "flat" use the values from
+      that vertex even if the provoking vertex is clipped.
+      In this extension, we guarantee that the three sets of per-vertex values
+      available as fragment shader inputs are those of the original primitive
+      vertices prior to clipping.  To ensure consistent attribute handling,
+      the barycentric weights are computed relative to the original primitive,
+      not the clipped one.  For example, if the left half of triangle ABC
+      below is clipped away, the clipper introduces a new vertex D and
+      rasterizes triangle DBC instead.
+                          + B (0,1,0)
+                         /|\
+                        / | \
+                       /  |  \
+                      /   |   \
+                     /    |    \
+                    /     |     \
+         (1,0,0) A +------+------+ C (0,0,1)
+                          D
+      When we process the clipped triangle, the three vertices available for
+      "pervertexNV" inputs are actually A, B, and C (in undefined order).
+      If vertices "v[0]", "v[1]", and "v[2]" are assigned to A, B, and C,
+      respectively, fragments at A, B, and C will have barycentric coordinates
+      of (1,0,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1), respectively.  A fragment at the
+      vertex D introduced by the clipper will have a weight like (0.5, 0.0,
+      0.5) -- exactly the same value it would have if ABC were unclipped.
+    (3) Should we have any program interface query API support where
+        application code can inspect the active fragment shader inputs and
+        determine which ones were declared with "pervertexNV"?
+      RESOLVED:  No.  We don't have this for other interpolation qualifiers
+      like "flat" or "noperspective".
+    Also, please refer to issues in the GLSL extension specification.
+Revision History
+    Revision 1 (pbrown)
+    - Internal revisions.
diff --git a/extensions/NV/NV_memory_attachment.txt b/extensions/NV/NV_memory_attachment.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4d13094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/NV/NV_memory_attachment.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+    NV_memory_attachment
+Name Strings
+    GL_NV_memory_attachment
+    Carsten Rohde, NVIDIA
+    Christoph Kubisch, NVIDIA
+    James Jones, NVIDIA
+    Carsten Rohde, NVIDIA (crohde 'at'
+    Complete
+    Last Modified Date: Aug 27, 2018
+    Revision: 2
+    524
+    OpenGL ES Extension #305
+    Requires GL_EXT_memory_object and ARB_texture_storage or a version of
+    OpenGL or OpenGL ES that incorporates it.
+    Written against the OpenGL 4.6 and OpenGL ES 3.2 specifications.
+    Interacts with ARB_direct_state_access (OpenGL) when OpenGL < 4.5 is used.
+    Interacts with NV_shader_buffer_load.
+    Interacts with NV_bindless_texture and ARB_bindless_texture.
+    This extension extends the memory objects introduced with EXT_memory_object
+    to allow existing textures and buffers to be migrated to an imported memory
+    allocation.  The primary use-case of this extension is plug-in development
+    where resource management (creation, deletion, sizing etc.) is handled by
+    inaccessible host application code.
+New Procedures and Functions
+    If the GL_NV_memory_attachment string is reported, the following
+    commands are added:
+        void GetMemoryObjectDetachedResourcesuivNV(uint memory,
+                                                   enum pname,
+                                                   int first,
+                                                   sizei count,
+                                                   uint *params)
+        void ResetMemoryObjectParameterNV(uint memory,
+                                          enum pname);
+        void TexAttachMemoryNV(enum target,
+                               uint memory,
+                               uint64 offset);
+        void BufferAttachMemoryNV(enum target,
+                                  uint memory,
+                                  uint64 offset);
+        [[ The following are added if direct state access is supported ]]
+        void TextureAttachMemoryNV(uint texture,
+                                   uint memory,
+                                   uint64 offset);
+        void NamedBufferAttachMemoryNV(uint buffer,
+                                       uint memory,
+                                       uint64 offset);
+New Tokens
+    If the GL_NV_memory_attachment string is reported, the following tokens
+    are added:
+    Accepted by the <pname> parameter of TexParameter{ifx}{v},
+    TexParameterI{i ui}v, TextureParameter{if}{v}, TextureParameterI{i ui}v,
+    GetTexParameter{if}v, GetTexParameterI{i ui}v, GetTextureParameter{if}v,
+    GetTextureParameterI{i ui}v, GetBufferParameter{i|i64}v and
+    GetNamedBufferParameter{i|i64}v:
+      ATTACHED_MEMORY_OBJECT_NV           0x95A4
+      ATTACHED_MEMORY_OFFSET_NV           0x95A5
+      MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_SIZE_NV           0x95A7
+      MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_NV                0x95A8
+    Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetDoublev, GetFloatv,
+    GetIntegerv, GetInteger64v, GetUnsignedBytevEXT,
+    GetMemoryObjectParameterivEXT, and the <target> parameter of GetBooleani_v,
+    GetIntegeri_v,GetFloati_v, GetDoublei_v, GetInteger64i_v and
+    GetUnsignedBytei_vEXT:
+    Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetMemoryObjectParameterivEXT,
+    GetMemoryObjectDetachedResourcesuivNV and ResetMemoryObjectParameterNV:
+      DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV                0x95AA
+      DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV                 0x95AB
+    Accepted by the <pname> parameter of MemoryObjectParameterivEXT,
+    GetMemoryObjectParameterivEXT:
+      MAX_DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV            0x95AC
+      MAX_DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV             0x95AD
+Additions to Chapter 6 of the EXT_external_objects Specification
+(Memory Objects)
+    Add a new sections after 6.2 (Memory object parameters)
+        6.3 Attaching memory to existing resources
+        MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_NV should be used to query if it is valid to attach
+        a memory object to an existing resource (buffer or texture).  The
+        memory region size and offset alignment required by a resource can be
+        queried using MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_SIZE_NV and
+        MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_ALIGNMENT_NV respectively.  The current attached
+        memory object and the used offset for a resource can be queried by
+        If a resource which has memory attached is resized, the attached memory
+        will be detached and a new data store will be allocated.  If a resource
+        which has memory attached is deleted, the attached memory will first be
+        detached.  If any such detachment occurs, a global incarnation counter
+        will be increased and the current value will be stored in the detached
+        memory object.  The incarnation counter can be queried by
+        DETACHED_MEMORY_INCARNATION_EXT either globally or for a specific
+        memory object.
+        The command
+            void GetMemoryObjectDetachedResourcesuivNV(uint memory,
+                                                       enum pname,
+                                                       int first,
+                                                       sizei count,
+                                                       uint *params)
+        will return a list of detached buffers (if <pname> is
+        DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV) or textures (if <pname> is DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV)
+        in <params> for memory object <memory>.  It will return <count> items
+        beginning with <first> item.  The number of available items can be
+        queried by calling GetMemoryObjectParameterivEXT with <pname> set to
+        generated by GetMemoryObjectDetachedResourcesuivNV if <memory> is 0.
+        An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <memory> names a valid
+        memory object which has no associated memory.  An INVALID_VALUE error
+        is generated if <pname> is neither DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV nor
+        DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV.  An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if
+        <first> + <count> is greater than the number of available items in the
+        list.  An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <params> is NULL.
+        MemoryObjectParameterivEXT must be called with <pname> set to
+        GetMemoryObjectDetachedResourcesuivNV to set the maximum number of
+        items in the list of detached textures or buffers.  The default values
+        are 0 which means that tracking of detached textures and buffers is
+        disabled by default.
+        The command
+        void ResetMemoryObjectParameterNV(uint memory,
+                                          enum pname);
+        will reset the list of detached buffers (if <pname> is
+        DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV) or textures (if <pname> is DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV)
+        for memory object <memory>.  An INVALID_VALUE error is generated by
+        ResetMemoryObjectParameterNV if <memory> is 0.  An INVALID_OPERATION
+        error is generated if <memory> names a valid memory object which has
+        no associated memory.  An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <pname>
+Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 4.6 Specification (Buffer Objects)
+    Add a new section after 6.2.1 (Clearing Buffer Object Data Stores)
+        6.2.2 Attaching a memory object to a buffer object
+        The commands
+            void BufferAttachMemoryNV(enum target,
+                                      uint memory,
+                                      uint64 offset);
+            void NamedBufferAttachMemoryNV(uint buffer,
+                                           uint memory,
+                                           uint64 offset);
+        will attach a region of a memory object to a buffer object.  For
+        BufferAttachMemoryNV, the buffer object is that bound to <target>,
+        which must be one of the values listed in table 6.1.  For
+        NamedBufferAttachMemoryNV, <buffer> is the name of the buffer
+        object.  <memory> and <offset> define a region of memory that will
+        replace the data store for <buffer>. The content of the original data
+        store will be preserved by a server side copy and the original data
+        store will be deleted after that copy.  The implementation may restrict
+        which values of <offset> are valid for a given memory object and buffer
+        parameter combination.  These restrictions are outside the scope of
+        this extension and must be determined by querying the API or mechanism
+        which created the resource which <memory> refers to.  If an invalid
+        offset is specified an INVALID_VALUE error is generated.  An
+        INVALID_VALUE error is generated by BufferAttachMemoryNV and
+        NamedBufferAttachMemoryNV if <memory> is 0. An INVALID_OPERATION error
+        is generated if <memory> names a valid memory object which has no
+        associated memory.  An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the
+        specified buffer was created with MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT flag.  An
+        INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the specified buffer is
+        currently mapped by client.
+Additions to Chapter 8 of the OpenGL 4.6 Specification (Textures and
+    Add a new section between sections 8.19, "Immutable-Format Texture Images"
+    and section 8.20, "Invalidating Texture Image Data"
+        8.20 Attaching a memory object to a texture image
+        The commands
+            void TexAttachMemoryNV(enum target,
+                                   uint memory,
+                                   uint64 offset);
+            void TextureAttachMemoryNV(uint texture,
+                                       uint memory,
+                                       uint64 offset);
+        will attach a region of a memory object to a texture.  For
+        TexAttachMemoryNV, the texture is that bound to <target>, which must be
+        TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY.  For TextureAttachMemoryNV, <texture> is
+        the name of the texture.  <memory> and <offset> define a region of
+        memory that will replace the data store for <texture>. The content of
+        the original data store will be preserved by a server side copy and the
+        original data store will be deleted after that copy.  The
+        implementation may restrict which values of <offset> are valid for a
+        given memory object and texture parameter combination.  These
+        restrictions are outside the scope of this extension and must be
+        determined by querying the API or mechanism which created the resource
+        which <memory> refers to.  If an invalid offset is specified an
+        INVALID_VALUE error is generated.  An INVALID_VALUE error is generated
+        by TexAttachMemoryNV and TextureAttachMemoryNV if <memory> is 0.  An
+        INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if <memory> names a valid memory
+        object which has no associated memory.
+New State
+    // host: code not visible to the plug-in developer
+    // plug-in: code written by plug-in developer
+    uint tex0;
+    uint tex1;
+    // host
+    {
+        // sets up textures as usual
+    }
+    // plug-in
+    {
+        int attachable0;
+        int attachable1;
+        GetTextureParameteriv(tex0, MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_NV, &attachable0);
+        GetTextureParameteriv(tex1, MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_NV, &attachable1);
+        if (attachable0 && attachable1){
+            // allocate memory within vulkan and import it as specified in
+            // EXT_memory_object
+            // attach imported vulkan memory
+            TextureAttachMemoryNV(tex0, memobj, memoffset0);
+            // ... do same for tex1
+            TextureAttachMemoryNV(tex1, memobj, memoffset1);
+        }
+    }
+    ///////////////////////////////
+    // Querying mutations by host
+    int incarnationExpected;
+    // plug-in
+    {
+        // global query
+        GetIntegerv(DETACHED_MEMORY_INCARNATION_NV, &incarnationExpected);
+        // if we have multiple memory objects
+        for each memobj {
+          GetMemoryObjectParameterivEXT(,
+                                        DETACHED_MEMORY_INCARNATION_NV,
+                                        &memobj.incarnation);
+          GLint maxDetachedTextures = 64;
+          MemoryObjectParameterivEXT(,
+                                     MAX_DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV,
+                                     &maxDetachedTextures);
+        }
+    }
+    // host
+    {
+        // deletion triggers a detach
+        glDeleteTextures(1, &tex1);
+    }
+    // plug-in
+    {
+        // global query if resources of context were affected
+        int incarnation;
+        GetIntegerv(DETACHED_MEMORY_INCARNATION_NV, &incarnation);
+        if (incarnation != incarnationExpected) {
+            incarnationExpected = incarnation;
+            // narrow down search which memory object was affected
+            for each memobj {
+                GetMemoryObjectParameterivEXT(,
+                                              DETACHED_MEMORY_INCARNATION_NV,
+                                              &incarnation);
+                if (incarnation != memobj.incarnation) {
+                    memobj.incarnation = incarnation;
+                    int removedTexCount;
+                    GetMemoryObjectParameterivEXT(,
+                                                  DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV,
+                                                  &removedTexCount);
+                    std::vector<uint> removedTexs(removedTexCount);
+                    GetMemoryObjectDetachedResourcesuivNV(
+              ,
+                        DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV,
+                        0, removedTexCount,
+              ;
+                    for (int i = 0; i < removedTexCount; i++) {
+                        uint tex = removedTexs[i];
+                        // look up tex in custom allocator and
+                        // mark its memory as available again
+                    }
+                    ResetMemoryObjectParameter(,
+                                               DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    1)  Do we need to introduce allocation done within OpenGL
+        or is attaching existing resources to imported allocation
+        sufficient?
+        RESOLVED: No.  No need to duplicate work which has already been done
+        in Vulkan.
+    2)  Should binding memory only work on immutable resources?
+        RESOLVED: No.  To improve compatibility with existing GL resources,
+        allow mutable resources as well. A global and local incarnation counter
+        was introduced to test against changes, as well as detecting the
+        detached resources.
+    3)  Do we support client-mappable resources?
+        RESOLVED: Yes.  Client-mappable resources are supported but not
+        when they are persistent. When memory is attached resource must be
+        unmapped.
+    4)  What are the affects on TextureViews?
+        RESOLVED: TextureViews inherit the memory state.
+    5)  Do bindless resources change?
+        RESOLVED: Yes.  The existing handles and GPU addresses become invalid
+        when memory is attached and must be queried afterwards.
+    6)  Should we support resources that were migrated to host memory by driver?
+        RESOLVED: Yes, but the attached memory is independ from this state.
+    7)  Do we need an "attachable" per-resource state?
+        RESOLVED: Yes.
+    8)  How is bindless residency affected?
+        RESOLVED: A memory object becomes resident if at least one attached
+        resource is resident.
+Revision History
+    Revision 2, 2018-08-20 (Carsten Rohde, Christoph Kubisch)
+        - Added spec body describing new commands.
+        - Added non-DSA functions
+        - Resolve issues
+    Revision 1, 2018-05-07 (Carsten Rohde, Christoph Kubisch)
+        - Initial draft.
diff --git a/extensions/NV/NV_mesh_shader.txt b/extensions/NV/NV_mesh_shader.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f415821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/NV/NV_mesh_shader.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1082 @@
+    NV_mesh_shader
+Name String
+    GL_NV_mesh_shader
+    Christoph Kubisch, NVIDIA (ckubisch 'at'
+    Pat Brown, NVIDIA (pbrown 'at'
+    Yury Uralsky, NVIDIA
+    Tyson Smith, NVIDIA
+    Shipping
+    Last Modified Date:     September 17, 2018
+    NVIDIA Revision:        2
+    OpenGL Extension #527
+    This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.5 Specification
+    (Compatibility Profile), dated June 29, 2017.
+    OpenGL 4.5 is required.
+    This extension requires support for the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)
+    extension "NV_mesh_shader", which can be found at the Khronos Group Github
+    site here:
+    This extension interacts with ARB_indirect_parameters.
+    This extension interacts with NV_command_list.
+    This extension interacts with ARB_draw_indirect, EXT_draw_indirect, and
+    NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory.
+    This extension interacts with OVR_multiview
+    This extension provides a new mechanism allowing applications to use two
+    new programmable shader types -- the task and mesh shader -- to generate
+    collections of geometric primitives to be processed by fixed-function
+    primitive assembly and rasterization logic.  When the task and mesh
+    shaders are drawn, they replace the standard programmable vertex
+    processing pipeline, including vertex array attribute fetching, vertex
+    shader processing, tessellation, and the geometry shader processing.
+New Procedures and Functions
+      void DrawMeshTasksNV(uint first, uint count);
+      void DrawMeshTasksIndirectNV(intptr indirect);
+      void MultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV(intptr indirect,
+                                        sizei drawcount,
+                                        sizei stride);
+      void MultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV( intptr indirect,
+                                              intptr drawcount,
+                                              sizei maxdrawcount,
+                                              sizei stride);
+New Tokens
+    Accepted by the <type> parameter of CreateShader and returned by the
+    <params> parameter of GetShaderiv:
+        MESH_SHADER_NV                                      0x9559
+        TASK_SHADER_NV                                      0x955A
+    Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetIntegerv, GetBooleanv, GetFloatv,
+    GetDoublev and GetInteger64v:
+        MAX_MESH_UNIFORM_BLOCKS_NV                          0x8E60
+        MAX_MESH_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_NV                     0x8E61
+        MAX_MESH_IMAGE_UNIFORMS_NV                          0x8E62
+        MAX_MESH_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV                      0x8E63
+        MAX_MESH_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS_NV                  0x8E64
+        MAX_MESH_ATOMIC_COUNTERS_NV                         0x8E65
+        MAX_MESH_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS_NV                   0x8E66
+        MAX_TASK_UNIFORM_BLOCKS_NV                          0x8E68
+        MAX_TASK_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_NV                     0x8E69
+        MAX_TASK_IMAGE_UNIFORMS_NV                          0x8E6A
+        MAX_TASK_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV                      0x8E6B
+        MAX_TASK_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS_NV                  0x8E6C
+        MAX_TASK_ATOMIC_COUNTERS_NV                         0x8E6D
+        MAX_TASK_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS_NV                   0x8E6E
+        MAX_MESH_WORK_GROUP_INVOCATIONS_NV                  0x95A2
+        MAX_TASK_WORK_GROUP_INVOCATIONS_NV                  0x95A3
+        MAX_MESH_TOTAL_MEMORY_SIZE_NV                       0x9536
+        MAX_TASK_TOTAL_MEMORY_SIZE_NV                       0x9537
+        MAX_MESH_OUTPUT_VERTICES_NV                         0x9538
+        MAX_MESH_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVES_NV                       0x9539
+        MAX_TASK_OUTPUT_COUNT_NV                            0x953A
+        MAX_DRAW_MESH_TASKS_COUNT_NV                        0x953D
+        MAX_MESH_VIEWS_NV                                   0x9557
+    Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetIntegeri_v, GetBooleani_v,
+    GetFloati_v, GetDoublei_v and GetInteger64i_v:
+        MAX_MESH_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV                         0x953B
+        MAX_TASK_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV                         0x953C
+    Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetProgramiv:
+        MESH_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV                             0x953E
+        TASK_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV                             0x953F
+        MESH_VERTICES_OUT_NV                                0x9579
+        MESH_PRIMITIVES_OUT_NV                              0x957A
+        MESH_OUTPUT_TYPE_NV                                 0x957B
+    Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetActiveUniformBlockiv:
+    Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetActiveAtomicCounterBufferiv:
+    Accepted in the <props> array of GetProgramResourceiv:
+        REFERENCED_BY_MESH_SHADER_NV                        0x95A0
+        REFERENCED_BY_TASK_SHADER_NV                        0x95A1
+    Accepted by the <programInterface> parameter of GetProgramInterfaceiv,
+    GetProgramResourceIndex, GetProgramResourceName, GetProgramResourceiv,
+    GetProgramResourceLocation, and GetProgramResourceLocationIndex:
+        MESH_SUBROUTINE_NV                                  0x957C
+        TASK_SUBROUTINE_NV                                  0x957D
+        MESH_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_NV                          0x957E
+        TASK_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_NV                          0x957F
+    Accepted by the <stages> parameter of UseProgramStages:
+        MESH_SHADER_BIT_NV                                  0x00000040
+        TASK_SHADER_BIT_NV                                  0x00000080
+Modifications to the OpenGL 4.5 Specification (Compatibility Profile)
+    Modify Chapter 3, Dataflow Model, p. 33
+    (insert at the end of the section after Figure 3.1, p. 35)
+    Figure 3.2 shows a block diagram of the alternate mesh processing pipeline
+    of the GL.  The mesh processing pipeline produces a set of output
+    primitives similar to the primitives produced by the conventional GL
+    vertex processing pipeline.
+    Work on the mesh pipeline is initiated by the application drawing a
+    set of mesh tasks via an API command.  If an optional task shader is
+    active, each task triggers the execution of a task shader work group that
+    will generate a new set of tasks upon completion.  Each of these spawned
+    tasks, or each of the original drawn tasks if no task shader is
+    present, triggers the execution of a mesh shader work group that produces
+    an output mesh with a variable-sized number of primitives assembled from
+    vertices in the output mesh.  The primitives from these output meshes are
+    processed by the rasterization, fragment shader, per-fragment-operations,
+    and framebuffer pipeline stages in the same manner as primitives produced
+    from draw calls sent to the conventional vertex processing pipeline
+    depicted in Figure 3.1.
+       Conventional   From Application
+         Vertex             |
+        Pipeline            v
+                       Draw Mesh Tasks     <----- Draw Indirect Buffer
+        (Fig 3.1)           |
+            |           +---+-----+
+            |           |         |
+            |           |         |
+            |           |    Task Shader ---+
+            |           |         |         |
+            |           |         v         |
+            |           |  Task Generation  |     Image Load/Store
+            |           |         |         |     Atomic Counter
+            |           +---+-----+         |<--> Shader Storage
+            |               |               |     Texture Fetch
+            |               v               |     Uniform Block
+            |         Mesh Shader ----------+
+            |               |               |
+            +-------------> +               |
+                            |               |
+                            v               |
+                       Rasterization        |
+                            |               |
+                            v               |
+                      Fragment Shader ------+
+                            |
+                            v
+                  Per-Fragment Operations
+                            |
+                            v
+                      Framebuffer
+      Figure 3.2, GL Mesh Processing Pipeline
+    Modify Chapter 7, Programs and Shaders, p. 84
+    (Change the sentence starting with "Shader stages including vertex shaders")
+    Shader stages including vertex shaders, tessellation control shaders,
+    tessellation evaluation shaders, geometry shaders, mesh shaders, task
+    shaders, fragment shaders, and compute shaders can be created, compiled, and
+    linked into program objects
+    (replace the sentence starting with "A single program
+      object can contain all of these shaders, or any subset thereof.")
+    Mesh and Task shaders affect the assembly of primitives from
+    groups of shader invocations (see section 13).
+    A single program object cannot mix mesh and task shader stages
+    with vertex, tessellation or geometry shader stages. Furthermore
+    a task shader stage cannot be combined with a fragment shader stage
+    when the task shader stage is omitted. Other combinations as well
+    as their subsets are possible.
+    Modify Section 7.1, Shader Objects, p. 85
+    (add following entries to table 7.1)
+        type            | Shader Stage
+       =================|===============
+       TASK_SHADER_NV   | Task shader
+       MESH_SHADER_NV   | Mesh shader
+    Modify Section 7.3, Program Objects, p.89
+    (add to the list of reasons why LinkProgram can fail, p. 92)
+    * program contains objects to form either a mesh or task shader (see
+      section 13), and
+      - the program also contains objects to form vertex, tessellation
+        control, tessellation evaluation, or geometry shaders.
+    * program contains objects to form a task shader (see section 13), and
+      - the program is not separable and contains no objects to form a mesh
+        shader.
+    Modify Section 7.3.1 Program Interfaces, p.96
+    (add to the list starting with VERTEX_SUBROUTINE, after GEOMETRY_SUBROUTINE)
+    (add to the list starting with VERTEX_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM, after
+    (add to the list of errors for GetProgramInterfaceiv, p 102,
+    (modify entries for table 7.2 for GetProgramResourceiv, p. 105)
+      Property                          |   Supported Interfaces
+      ==================================|=================================
+      ARRAY_SIZE                        | ..., TASK_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_NV,
+                                        | MESH_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_NV
+      ----------------------------------|-----------------------------
+      ----------------------------------|-----------------------------
+      LOCATION                          |
+      ----------------------------------|-----------------------------
+      ----------------------------------|-----------------------------
+    (add to list of the sentence starting with "For the properties
+    (for the description of GetProgramResourceLocation and
+    GetProgramResourceLocationIndex, add to the list of the sentence
+    starting with "For GetProgramResourceLocation, programInterface must
+    be one of UNIFORM,", after GEOMETRY_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM, p. 114)
+    Modify Section 7.4, Program Pipeline Objects, p. 115
+    (modify the first paragraph, p. 118, to add new shader stage bits for mesh
+     and task shaders)
+    The bits set in <stages> indicate the program stages for which the program
+    object named by program becomes current.  These stages may include
+    compute, vertex, tessellation control, tessellation evaluation, geometry,
+    fragment, mesh, and task shaders, indicated respectively by
+    MESH_SHADER_BIT_NV, and TASK_SHADER_BIT_NV, respectively.  The constant
+    ALL_SHADER_BITS indicates <program> is to be made current for all shader
+    stages.
+    (modify the first error in "Errors" for UseProgramStages, p. 118 to allow
+     the use of mesh and task shader bits)
+      An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if stages is not the special value
+      ALL_SHADER_BITS, and has any bits set other than VERTEX_SHADER_BIT,
+    Modify Section 7.6, Uniform Variables, p. 125
+    (add entries to table 7.4, p. 126)
+      Shader Stage              | pname for querying default uniform
+                                | block storage, in components
+      ==========================|=========================================
+      Task (see section 13)     | MAX_TASK_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV
+      Mesh (see section 13)     | MAX_MESH_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV
+    (add entries to table 7.5, p. 127)
+      Shader Stage              | pname for querying combined uniform
+                                | block storage, in components
+      ==========================|=========================================
+      Task (see section 13)     | MAX_COMBINED_TASK_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV
+      Mesh (see section 13)     | MAX_COMBINED_MESH_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV
+    (add entries to table 7.7, p. 131)
+      pname                                      | prop
+      ===========================================|=============================
+    (add entries to table 7.8, p. 132)
+      pname                                      | prop
+      ===========================================|=============================
+      BY_TASK_SHADER_NV                          |
+      -------------------------------------------|-----------------------------
+      BY_MESH_SHADER_NV                          |
+    (modify the sentence starting with "The limits for vertex" in 7.6.2
+    Uniform Blocks, p. 136)
+    ... geometry, task, mesh, fragment...
+    (modify the sentence starting with "The limits for vertex", in
+    7.7 Atomic Counter Buffers, p. 141)
+    ... geometry, task, mesh, fragment...
+    Modify Section 7.8 Shader Buffer Variables and Shader Storage Blocks, p. 142
+    (modify the sentences starting with "The limits for vertex", p. 143)
+    ... geometry, task, mesh, fragment...
+    Modify Section 7.9 Subroutine Uniform Variables, p. 144
+    (modify table 7.9, p. 145)
+      Interface           | Shader Type
+      ====================|===============
+    (modify table 7.10, p. 146)
+      Interface                   | Shader Type
+      ============================|===============
+    Modify Section 7.13 Shader, Program, and Program Pipeline Queries, p. 157
+    (add to the list of queries for GetProgramiv, p. 157)
+      If <pname> is TASK_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV, an array of three integers
+    containing the local work group size of the task shader
+    (see chapter 13), as specified by its input layout qualifier(s), is
+    returned.
+      If <pname> is MESH_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV, an array of three integers
+    containing the local work group size of the mesh shader
+    (see chapter 13), as specified by its input layout qualifier(s), is
+    returned.
+      If <pname> is MESH_VERTICES_OUT_NV, the maximum number of vertices the
+    mesh shader (see section 13) will output is returned.
+      If <pname> is MESH_PRIMITIVES_OUT_NV, the maximum number of primitives
+    the mesh shader (see section 13) will output is returned.
+      If <pname> is MESH_OUTPUT_TYPE_NV, the mesh shader output type,
+    which must be one of POINTS, LINES or TRIANGLES, is returned.
+    (add to the list of errors for GetProgramiv, p. 159)
+      An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if TASK_WORK_-
+    GROUP_SIZE is queried for a program which has not been linked successfully,
+    or which does not contain objects to form a task shader.
+      An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if MESH_VERTICES_OUT_NV,
+    are queried for a program which has not been linked
+    successfully, or which does not contain objects to form a mesh shader.
+    Add new language extending the edits to Section 9.2.8 (Attaching Textures
+    to a Framebuffer) from the OVR_multiview extension that describe how
+    various drawing commands are processed for when multiview rendering is
+    enabled:
+    When multiview rendering is enabled, the DrawMeshTasks* commands (section
+    13.6) will not spawn separate task and mesh shader invocations for each
+    view.  Instead, the primitives produced by each mesh shader local work
+    group will be processed separately for each view.  For per-vertex and
+    per-primitive mesh shader outputs not qualified with "perviewNV", the
+    single value written for each vertex or primitive will be used for the
+    output when processing each view.  For mesh shader outputs qualified with
+    "perviewNV", the output is arrayed and the mesh shader is responsible for
+    writing separate values for each view.  When processing output primitives
+    for a view numbered <V>, outputs qualified with "perviewNV" will assume
+    the values for array element <V>.
+    Modify Section 10.3.11 Indirect Commands in Buffer Objects, p. 400
+    (after "and to DispatchComputeIndirect (see section 19)" add)
+    and to DrawMeshTasksIndirectNV, MultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV,
+    MultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV (see section 13)
+    (add following entries to the table 10.7)
+      Indirect Command Name               | Indirect Buffer target
+      ====================================|========================
+      DrawMeshTasksIndirectNV             | DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER
+      MultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV        | DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER
+      MultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV   | DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER
+    Modify Section 11.1.3 Shader Execution, p. 437
+    (add after the first paragraph in section 11.1.3, p 437)
+    If there is an active program object present for the task or
+    mesh shader stages, the executable code for these
+    active programs is used to process incoming work groups (see
+    chapter 13).
+    (add to the list of constants, Texture Access, p. 441)
+    * MAX_TASK_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_NV (for task shaders)
+    * MAX_MESH_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_NV (for mesh shaders)
+    (add to the list of constants, Atomic Counter Access, p. 443)
+    * MAX_TASK_ATOMIC_COUNTERS_NV (for task shaders)
+    * MAX_MESH_ATOMIC_COUNTERS_NV (for mesh shaders)
+    (add to the list of constants, Image Access, p. 444)
+    * MAX_TASK_IMAGE_UNIFORMS_NV (for task shaders)
+    * MAX_MESH_IMAGE_UNIFORMS_NV (for mesh shaders)
+    (add to the list of constants, Shader Storage Buffer Access,
+     p. 444)
+    * MAX_TASK_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS_NV (for task shaders)
+    * MAX_MESH_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS_NV (for mesh shaders)
+    (modify the sentence of 11.3.10 Shader Outputs, p. 445)
+    A vertex and mesh shader can write to ...
+    Insert new chapter before Chapter 13, Fixed-Function Vertex
+    Post-Processing, p. 505
+    Chapter 13, Programmable Mesh Processing
+    In addition to the programmable vertex processing pipeline described in
+    Chapters 10 and 11 [[compatibility profile only:  and the fixed-function
+    vertex processing pipeline in Chapter 12]], applications may use the mesh
+    pipeline to generate primitives for rasterization.  The mesh pipeline
+    generates a collection of meshes using the programmable task and mesh
+    shaders.  Task and mesh shaders are created as described in section 7.1
+    using a type parameter of TASK_SHADER_NV and MESH_SHADER_NV, respectively.
+    They are attached to and used in program objects as described in section
+    7.3.
+    Mesh and task shader workloads are formed from groups of work items called
+    work groups and processed by the executable code for a mesh or task shader
+    program.  A work group is a collection of shader invocations that execute
+    the same code, potentially in parallel.  An invocation within a work group
+    may share data with other members of the same work group through shared
+    variables (see section 4.3.8, "Shared Variables", of the OpenGL Shading
+    Language Specification) and issue memory and control barriers to
+    synchronize with other members of the same work group.
+    13.1 Task Shader Variables
+    Task shaders can access uniform variables belonging to the current
+    program object. Limits on uniform storage and methods for manipulating
+    uniforms are described in section 7.6.
+    There is a limit to the total amount of memory consumed by output
+    variables in a single task shader work group.  This limit, expressed in
+    basic machine units, may be queried by calling GetIntegerv with the value
+    13.2 Task Shader Outputs
+    Each task shader work group can define how many mesh work groups
+    should be generated by writing to gl_TaskCountNV. The maximum
+    number can be queried by GetIntergev using MAX_TASK_OUTPUT_COUNT_NV.
+    Furthermore the task work group can output data (qualified with "taskNV")
+    that can be accessed by to the generated mesh work groups.
+    13.3 Mesh Shader Variables
+    Mesh shaders can access uniform variables belonging to the current
+    program object. Limits on uniform storage and methods for manipulating
+    uniforms are described in section 7.6.
+    There is a limit to the total size of all variables declared as shared
+    as well as output attributes in a single mesh stage. This limit, expressed
+    in units of basic machine units, may be queried as the value of
+    13.4 Mesh Shader Inputs
+    When each mesh shader work group runs, its invocations have access to
+    built-in variables describing the work group and invocation and also the
+    task shader outputs (qualified with "taskNV") written the task shader that
+    generated the work group.  When no task shader is active, the mesh shader
+    has no access to task shader outputs.
+    13.5 Mesh Shader Outputs
+    When each mesh shader work group completes, it emits an output mesh
+    consisting of
+    * a primitive count, written to the built-in output gl_PrimitiveCountNV;
+    * a collection of vertex attributes, where each vertex in the mesh has a
+      set of built-in and user-defined per-vertex output variables and blocks;
+    * a collection of per-primitive attributes, where each of the
+      gl_PrimitiveCountNV primitives in the mesh has a set of built-in and
+      user-defined per-primitive output variables and blocks; and
+    * an array of vertex index values written to the built-in output array
+      gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV, where each output primitive has a set of one,
+      two, or three indices that identify the output vertices in the mesh used
+      to form the primitive.
+    This data is used to generate primitives of one of three types. The
+    supported output primitive types are points (POINTS), lines (LINES), and
+    triangles (TRIANGLES). The vertices output by the mesh shader are assembled
+    into points, lines, or triangles based on the output primitive type in the
+    DrawElements manner described in section 10.4, with the
+    gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV array content serving as index values, and the
+    local vertex attribute arrays as vertex arrays.
+    The output arrays are sized depending on the compile-time provided
+    values ("max_vertices" and "max_primitives"), which must be below
+    their appropriate maxima that can be queried via GetIntegerv and
+    The output attributes are allocated at an implementation-dependent
+    granularity that can be queried via MESH_OUTPUT_PER_VERTEX_GRANULARITY_NV
+    and MESH_OUTPUT_PER_PRIMITIVE_GRANULARITY_NV.  The total amount of memory
+    consumed for per-vertex and per-primitive output variables must not exceed
+    an implementation-dependent total memory limit that can be queried by
+    calling GetIntegerv with the enum MAX_MESH_TOTAL_MEMORY_SIZE_NV.  The
+    memory consumed by the gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV[] array does not count
+    against this limit.
+    13.6 Mesh Tasks Drawing Commands
+    One or more work groups is launched by calling
+      void DrawMeshTasksNV( uint first, uint count );
+    If there is an active program object for the task shader stage,
+    <count> work groups are processed by the active program for the task
+    shader stage. If there is no active program object for the task shader
+    stage, <count> work groups are instead processed by the active
+    program for the mesh shader stage.  The active program for both shader
+    stages will be determined in the same manner as the active program for other
+    pipeline stages, as described in section 7.3. While the individual shader
+    invocations within a work group are executed as a unit, work groups are
+    executed completely independently and in unspecified order.
+    The x component of gl_WorkGroupID of the first active stage  will be within
+    the range of [<first> , <first + count - 1>]. The y and z component of
+    gl_WorkGroupID within all stages will be set to zero.
+    The maximum number of task or mesh shader work groups that
+    may be dispatched at one time may be determined by calling GetIntegerv
+    with <target> set to MAX_DRAW_MESH_TASKS_COUNT_NV.
+    The local work size in each dimension is specified at compile time using
+    an input layout qualifier in one or more of the task or mesh shaders
+    attached to the program; see the OpenGL Shading Language Specification for
+    more information.  After the program has been linked, the local work group
+    size of the task or mesh shader may be queried by calling GetProgramiv
+    with <pname> set to TASK_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV or MESH_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV, as
+    described in section 7.13.
+    The maximum size of a task or mesh shader local work group may be
+    determined by calling GetIntegeri_v with <target> set to
+    set to 0, 1, or 2 to retrieve the maximum work size in the X, Y and Z
+    dimension, respectively.  Furthermore, the maximum number of invocations
+    in a single local work group (i.e., the product of the three dimensions)
+    may be determined by calling GetIntegerv with pname set to
+      Errors
+        An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if there is no active
+        program for the mesh shader stage.
+        An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <count> exceeds
+    If there is an active program on the task shader stage, each task shader
+    work group writes a task count to the built-in task shader output
+    gl_TaskCountNV.  If this count is non-zero upon completion of the task
+    shader, then gl_TaskCountNV work groups are generated and processed by the
+    active program for the mesh shader stage.  If this count is zero, no work
+    groups are generated.  If the count is greater than MAX_TASK_OUTPUT_COUNT_NV
+    the number of mesh shader work groups generated is undefined.
+    The built-in variables available to the generated mesh shader work groups
+    are identical to those that would be generated if DrawMeshTasksNV were
+    called with no task shader active and with a <count> of gl_TaskCountNV.
+    The primitives of the mesh are then processed by the pipeline stages
+    described in subsequent chapters in the same manner as primitives produced
+    by the conventional vertex processing pipeline described in previous
+    chapters.
+    The command
+      void DrawMeshTasksIndirectNV(intptr indirect);
+      typedef struct {
+        uint count;
+        uint first;
+      } DrawMeshTasksIndirectCommandNV;
+    is equivalent to calling DrawMeshTasksNV with the parameters sourced from a
+    a DrawMeshTasksIndirectCommandNV struct stored in the buffer currently
+    bound to the DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER binding at an offset, in basic machine
+    units, specified by <indirect>.  If the <count> read from the indirect
+    draw buffer is greater than MAX_DRAW_MESH_TASKS_COUNT_NV, then the results
+    of this command are undefined.
+      Errors
+        An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if there is no active program
+        for the mesh shader stage.
+        An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <indirect> is negative or is
+        not a multiple of the size, in basic machine units, of uint.
+        An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if the command would source
+        data beyond the end of the buffer object.
+        An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if zero is bound to the
+        DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER binding.
+    The command
+      void MultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV(intptr indirect,
+                                        sizei drawcount,
+                                        sizei stride);
+    behaves identically to DrawMeshTasksIndirectNV, except that <indirect> is
+    treated as an array of <drawcount> DrawMeshTasksIndirectCommandNV
+    structures.    <indirect> contains the offset of the first element of the
+    array within the buffer currently bound to the DRAW_INDIRECT buffer
+    binding. <stride> specifies the distance, in basic machine units, between
+    the elements of the array. If <stride> is zero, the array elements are
+    treated as tightly packed. <stride> must be a multiple of four, otherwise
+    an INVALID_VALUE error is generated.
+    <drawcount> must be positive, otherwise an INVALID_VALUE error will be
+    generated.
+      Errors
+        In addition to errors that would be generated by
+        DrawMeshTasksIndirect:
+        An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <stride> is neither zero nor a
+        multiple of four.
+        An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <stride> is non-zero and less
+        than the size of DrawMeshTasksIndirectCommandNV.
+        An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <drawcount> is not positive.
+    The command
+      void MultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV( intptr indirect,
+                                              intptr drawcount,
+                                              sizei maxdrawcount,
+                                              sizei stride);
+    behaves similarly to MultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV, except that <drawcount>
+    defines an offset (in bytes) into the buffer object bound to the
+    PARAMETER_BUFFER_ARB binding point at which a single <sizei> typed value
+    is stored, which contains the draw count. <maxdrawcount> specifies the
+    maximum number of draws that are expected to be stored in the buffer.
+    If the value stored at <drawcount> into the buffer is greater than
+    <maxdrawcount>, an implementation stop processing draws after
+    <maxdrawcount> parameter sets.
+      Errors
+        In addition to errors that would be generated by
+        MultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV:
+        An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if no buffer is bound to the
+        PARAMETER_BUFFER binding point.
+        An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if <drawcount> (the offset of the
+        memory holding the actual draw count) is not a multiple of four.
+        An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if reading a sizei typed value
+        from the buffer bound to the PARAMETER_BUFFER target at the offset
+        specified by drawcount would result in an out-of-bounds access.
+New Implementation Dependent State
+    Add to Table 23.43, "Program Object State"
+    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------------------------+---------------+--------------------------------------------------------+---------+
+    | Get Value                                          | Type      | Get Command             | Initial Value | Description                                            | Sec.    |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------------------------+---------------+--------------------------------------------------------+---------+
+    | TASK_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV                            | 3 x Z+    | GetProgramiv            | { 0, ... }    | Local work size of a linked mesh stage                 | 7.13    |
+    | MESH_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV                            | 3 x Z+    | GetProgramiv            | { 0, ... }    | Local work size of a linked task stage                 | 7.13    |
+    | MESH_VERTICES_OUT_NV                               | Z+        | GetProgramiv            | 0             | max_vertices size of a linked mesh stage               | 7.13    |
+    | MESH_PRIMITIVES_OUT_NV                             | Z+        | GetProgramiv            | 0             | max_primitives size of a linked mesh stage             | 7.13    |
+    | MESH_OUTPUT_TYPE_NV                                | Z+        | GetProgramiv            | POINTS        | Primitive output type of a linked mesh stage           | 7.13    |
+    | UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_TASK_SHADER_NV         | B         | GetActiveUniformBlockiv | FALSE         | True if uniform block is referenced by the task stage  | 7.6.2   |
+    | UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_MESH_SHADER_NV         | B         | GetActiveUniformBlockiv | FALSE         | True if uniform block is referenced by the mesh stage  | 7.6.2   |
+    | ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_REFERENCED_BY_TASK_SHADER_NV | B         | GetActiveAtomicCounter- | FALSE         | AACB has a counter used by task shaders                | 7.7     |
+    |                                                    |           | Bufferiv                |               |                                                        |         |
+    | ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_REFERENCED_BY_MESH_SHADER_NV | B         | GetActiveAtomicCounter- | FALSE         | AACB has a counter used by mesh shaders                | 7.7     |
+    |                                                    |           | Bufferiv                |               |                                                        |         |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------------------------+---------------+--------------------------------------------------------+---------+
+    Add to Table 23.53, "Program Object Resource State"
+    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------------------------+---------------+--------------------------------------------------------+---------+
+    | Get Value                                          | Type      | Get Command             | Initial Value | Description                                            | Sec.    |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------------------------+---------------+--------------------------------------------------------+---------+
+    | REFERENCED_BY_TASK_SHADER_NV                       | Z+        | GetProgramResourceiv    | -             | Active resource used by task shader                    |  7.3.1  |
+    | REFERENCED_BY_MESH_SHADER_NV                       | Z+        | GetProgramResourceiv    | -             | Active resource used by mesh shader                    |  7.3.1  |
+    +----------------------------------------------------+-----------+-------------------------+---------------+--------------------------------------------------------+---------+
+    Add to Table 23.67, "Implementation Dependent Values"
+    +------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+
+    | Get Value                                | Type      | Get Command   | Minimum Value       | Description                                                           | Sec.   |
+    +------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+
+    | MAX_DRAW_MESH_TASKS_COUNT_NV             | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 2^32 - 1            | Maximum number of work groups that may be drawn by a single           | 13.6   |
+    |                                          |           |               |                     | draw mesh tasks command                                               |        |
+    | MESH_OUTPUT_PER_VERTEX_GRANULARITY_NV    | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | -                   | Per-vertex output allocation granularity for mesh shaders             | 13.3   |
+    | MESH_OUTPUT_PER_PRIMITIVE_GRANULARITY_NV | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | -                   | Per-primitive output allocation granularity for mesh shaders          | 13.3   |
+    +------------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+--------+
+    Insert Table 23.75, "Implementation Dependent Task Shader Limits"
+    +-----------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+    | Get Value                               | Type      | Get Command   | Minimum Value       | Description                                                           | Sec.     |
+    +-----------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+    | MAX_TASK_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV             | 3 x Z+    | GetIntegeri_v | 32     (x), 1 (y,z) | Maximum local size of a task work group (per dimension)               | 13.6     |
+    | MAX_TASK_WORK_GROUP_INVOCATIONS_NV      | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 32                  | Maximum total task shader invocations in a single local work group    | 13.6     |
+    | MAX_TASK_UNIFORM_BLOCKS_NV              | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 12                  | Maximum number of uniform blocks per task program                     | 7.6.2    |
+    | MAX_TASK_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_NV         | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 16                  | Maximum number of texture image units accessible by a task program    | |
+    | MAX_TASK_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS_NV      | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 8                   | Number of atomic counter buffers accessed by a task program           | 7.7      |
+    | MAX_TASK_ATOMIC_COUNTERS_NV             | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 8                   | Number of atomic counters accessed by a task program                  | |
+    | MAX_TASK_IMAGE_UNIFORMS_NV              | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 8                   | Number of image variables in task program                             | |
+    | MAX_TASK_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS_NV       | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 12                  | Maximum number of storage buffer blocks per task program              | 7.8      |
+    | MAX_TASK_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV          | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 512                 | Number of components for task shader uniform variables                | 7.6      |
+    | MAX_COMBINED_TASK_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | *                   | Number of words for task shader uniform variables in all uniform      | 7.6      |
+    |                                         |           |               |                     | blocks, including the default                                         |          |
+    | MAX_TASK_TOTAL_MEMORY_SIZE_NV           | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 16384               | Maximum total storage size of all variables declared as <shared> and  | 13.1     |
+    |                                         |           |               |                     | <out> in all task shaders linked into a single program object         |          |
+    | MAX_TASK_OUTPUT_COUNT_NV                | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 65535               | Maximum number of child mesh work groups a single task shader         | 13.2     |
+    |                                         |           |               |                     | work group can emit                                                   |          |
+    +-----------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+    Insert Table 23.76, "Implementation Dependent Mesh Shader Limits",
+    renumber subsequent tables.
+    +-----------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+    | Get Value                               | Type      | Get Command   | Minimum Value       | Description                                                           | Sec.     |
+    +-----------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+    | MAX_MESH_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV             | 3 x Z+    | GetIntegeri_v | 32     (x), 1 (y,z) | Maximum local size of a mesh work group (per dimension)               | 13.6     |
+    | MAX_MESH_WORK_GROUP_INVOCATIONS_NV      | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 32                  | Maximum total mesh shader invocations in a single local work group    | 13.6     |
+    | MAX_MESH_UNIFORM_BLOCKS_NV              | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 12                  | Maximum number of uniform blocks per mesh program                     | 7.6.2    |
+    | MAX_MESH_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_NV         | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 16                  | Maximum number of texture image units accessible by a mesh shader     | |
+    | MAX_MESH_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS_NV      | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 8                   | Number of atomic counter buffers accessed by a mesh shader            | 7.7      |
+    | MAX_MESH_ATOMIC_COUNTERS_NV             | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 8                   | Number of atomic counters accessed by a mesh shader                   | |
+    | MAX_MESH_IMAGE_UNIFORMS_NV              | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 8                   | Number of image variables in mesh shaders                             | |
+    | MAX_MESH_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS_NV       | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 12                  | Maximum number of storage buffer blocks per task program              | 7.8      |
+    | MAX_MESH_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV          | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 512                 | Number of components for mesh shader uniform variables                | 7.6      |
+    | MAX_COMBINED_MESH_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | *                   | Number of words for mesh shader uniform variables in all uniform      | 7.6      |
+    |                                         |           |               |                     | blocks, including the default                                         |          |
+    | MAX_MESH_TOTAL_MEMORY_SIZE_NV           | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 16384               | Maximum total storage size of all variables declared as <shared> and  | 13.3     |
+    |                                         |           |               |                     | <out> in all mesh shaders linked into a single program object         |          |
+    | MAX_MESH_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVES_NV           | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 256                 | Maximum number of primitives a single mesh work group can emit        | 13.5     |
+    | MAX_MESH_OUTPUT_VERTICES_NV             | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 256                 | Maximum number of vertices a single mesh work group can emit          | 13.5     |
+    | MAX_MESH_VIEWS_NV                       | Z+        | GetIntegerv   | 1                   | Maximum number of multi-view views that can be used in a mesh shader  |          |
+    +-----------------------------------------+-----------+---------------+---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+Interactions with ARB_indirect_parameters
+    If ARB_indirect_parameters is not supported, remove the
+    MultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV function.
+Interactions with NV_command_list
+    Modify the subsection 10.X.1 State Objects
+    (add after the first paragraph of the description of the StateCaptureNV
+    command)
+    When programs with active mesh or task stages are used, the
+    base primitive mode must be set to GL_POINTS.
+    (add to the list of errors)
+    INVALID_OPERATION is generated if <basicmode> is not GL_POINTS
+    when the mesh or task shaders are active.
+    Modify subsection 10.X.2 Drawing with Commands
+    (add a new paragraph before "None of the commands called by")
+    When mesh or task shaders are active the DRAW_ARRAYS_COMMAND_NV
+    must be used to draw mesh tasks. The fields of the
+    DrawArraysCommandNV will be interpreted as follows:
+      DrawMeshTasksNV(cmd->first, cmd->count);
+Interactions with ARB_draw_indirect, EXT_draw_indirect, and
+    When the ARB_draw_indirect or EXT_draw_indirect extension is supported in
+    addition to NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory, applications can enable
+    DRAW_INDIRECT_UNIFIED_NV to specify that indirect draw data are sourced
+    from a pre-programmed memory range.  For such implementations, we add a
+    paragraph to spec language for DrawMeshTasksIndirectNV, also inherited by
+    MultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV and MultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV:
+        While DRAW_INDIRECT_UNIFIED_NV is enabled, DrawMeshTasksIndirectNV
+        sources its arguments from the address specified by the command
+        BufferAddressRange where <pname> is DRAW_INDIRECT_ADDRESS_NV and
+        <index> is zero, added to the <indirect> parameter.   If the draw
+        indirect address range does not belong to a buffer object that is
+        resident at the time of the Draw, undefined results, possibly
+        including program termination, may occur.
+    Additionally, the errors specified for DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER accesses for
+    DrawMeshTasksIndirectNV are modified as follows:
+        An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if DRAW_INDIRECT_UNIFIED_NV is
+        disabled and zero is bound to the DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER binding.
+        An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if DRAW_INDIRECT_UNIFIED_NV is
+        disabled and the command would source data beyond the end of the
+        DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER binding.
+        An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if DRAW_INDIRECT_UNIFIED_NV is
+        enabled and the command would source data beyond the end of the
+        DRAW_INDIRECT_ADDRESS_NV buffer address range.
+Interactions with OVR_multiview
+    Modify the new section " (Multiview Images)"
+    (insert a new entry to the list following
+     "In this mode there are several restrictions:")
+     - in mesh shaders only the appropriate per-view outputs are
+       used.
+    (1) Should we use a new command to specify work to be processed by task
+        and mesh shaders?
+      RESOLVED:  Yes.  Using a separate draw call helps to clearly
+      differentiate task and mesh shader processing for the existing vertex
+      processing performed by the standard OpenGL vertex processing pipeline
+      with its vertex, tessellation, and geometry shaders.
+    (2) What name should we use for the draw calls that spawn task and mesh
+    shaders?
+      RESOLVED:  For basic draws, we use the following command:
+        void DrawMeshTasksNV(uint first, uint count);
+      The first <first> and <count> parameters specifying a range of mesh task
+      numbers to process by the task and/or mesh shaders.
+      Since the programming model of mesh and task shaders is very similar to
+      that of compute shaders, we considered using an interface similar to
+      DispatchCompute(), such as:
+        void DrawWorkGroupsNV(uint num_groups_x, uint num_groups_y,
+                              uint num_groups_z);
+      We ultimately decided to not use such a generic name.  It might be
+      useful in the future to give compute shaders the ability to spawn
+      "draws" in the future, and it's not clear that the programming model for
+      such a design would look anything like mesh and task shaders.
+      The existing graphics draw calls DrawArrays() and DrawElements()
+      directly or indirectly refer to elements of a vertex array.  Since the
+      programming model here spawns generic work that ultimately produces a
+      set of (likely connected) output primitives, we use the word "mesh" to
+      refer to the output of this pipeline and "tasks" to refer to the fact
+      that the draw call is spawning generic work groups to produce such these
+      "meshes".
+      NOTE:  In order to minimize divergence from the programming model for
+      compute shaders, mesh shaders use the same three-dimensional local work
+      group concept used by compute shaders.  However, the hardware used for
+      task and mesh shaders is more limited and supports only one-dimensional
+      work groups.  We decided to only use one "dimension" in the draw call to
+      keep the API simple and reflect the limitation.
+    (3) Should we be able to dispatch a range of work groups that doesn't
+        start at zero?
+      RESOLVED:  Yes.  When porting application code from using regular vertex
+      processing to mesh shader processing, the use of an implicit offset via
+      the <first> parameter should be helpful as it is in standard DrawArrays
+      calls.  We think it's likely that applications will store information
+      about tasks to process in a single array with global task numbers.  In
+      this case, the draw call with an offset allows applications to specify a
+      range of this array of tasks to process.
+    (4) Should we support separable program objects with mesh and task
+        shaders, where one program provides a task shader and a second
+        program provides a mesh shader that interfaces with it?
+      RESOLVED:  Yes.  Supporting separable program objects is not difficult
+      and may be useful in some cases.  For example, one might use a single
+      task shader that could be used for common processing of different types
+      of geometry (e.g., evaluating visibililty via a bounding box) while
+      using different mesh shaders to generate different types of primitives.
+    (5) Should we have queryable limits on the total amount of output memory
+        consumed by mesh or task shaders?
+      RESOLVED:  Yes.  We have implementation-dependent limits on the total
+      amount of output memory consumed by mesh and task shaders that can be
+      queried using MAX_MESH_TOTAL_MEMORY_SIZE_NV and
+      MAX_TASK_TOTAL_MEMORY_SIZE_NV.  For each per-vertex or per-primitive
+      output attribute in a mesh shader, memory is allocated separately for
+      each vertex or primitive allocated by the shader.  The total number of
+      vertices or primitives used for this allocation is determined by taking
+      the maximum vertex and primitive counts declared in the mesh shader and
+      padding to implementation-dependent granularities that can be queried
+    (6) Should we have any MultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV, to draw
+        multiple sets of mesh tasks in one call?
+      RESOLVED:   Yes, we support "multi-draw" APIs to for consistency with
+      the standard vertex pipeline.  When using these APIs, each individual
+      "draw" has its own structure stored in a buffer object.  If mesh or task
+      shaders need to determine which draw is being processed, the built-in
+      gl_DrawIDARB can be used for that purpose.
+    (7) Do we support transform feedback with mesh shaders?
+      RESOLVED:  No.  In the initial implementation of this extension, the
+      hardware doesn't support it.
+    (8) When using multi-view (OVR_multiview), how do we broadcast the
+        primitive to multiple layers or viewports?
+      RESOLVED:  When the OVR_multiview extension is enabled in a vertex
+      shader, the layout qualifier:
+          layout(num_views = 2) in;
+      indicates that the vertex shader should be run separately for two views,
+      where the shader can use the built-in input gl_ViewIDOVR to determine
+      which view is being processed.  A separate set of primitives is
+      generated for each view, and each is rasterized into a separate
+      framebuffer layer.
+      When the "num_views" layout qualifier for the OVR_multiview extension is
+      enabled in a mesh shader, the semantics are slightly different.  Instead
+      of running a separate mesh shader invocation for each view, a single
+      invocation is generated to process all views.  The view count from the
+      layout qualifier indicates the size of the extra array dimension for
+      "arrayed" per-vertex and per-primitive outputs qualified with
+      "perviewNV".  The set of primitives generated by the mesh shader will be
+      broadcast separately to each view.  For per-vertex or per-primitive
+      outputs not qualified with "perviewNV", the single value written by the
+      mesh shader for each vertex/primitive will be used for each view.  For
+      outputs qualified with "perviewNV", each view will use a separate value
+      from the corresponding "arrayed" output.
+    (9) Should we support NV_gpu_program5-style assembly programs for mesh
+        and task shaders?
+      RESOLVED:  No.  We do provide a GLSL extension, also called
+      "GL_NV_mesh_shader".
+    Also, please refer to issues in the GLSL extension specification.
+Revision History
+    Revision 2, September 17, 2018 (pbrown)
+    - Prepare specification for publication.
+    Revision 1 (ckubsich)
+    - Internal revisions.
diff --git a/extensions/NV/NV_representative_fragment_test.txt b/extensions/NV/NV_representative_fragment_test.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b13a8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/NV/NV_representative_fragment_test.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+    NV_representative_fragment_test
+Name Strings
+    GL_NV_representative_fragment_test
+    Christoph Kubisch, NVIDIA Corporation (ckubisch 'at'
+    Kedarnath Thangudu, NVIDIA Corporation (kthangudu 'at'
+    Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA Corporation
+    Pat Brown, NVIDIA Corporation
+    Eric Werness, NVIDIA Corporation
+    Shipping
+    Last Modified Date:     September 15, 2018
+    NVIDIA Revision:        2
+    OpenGL Extension #528
+    This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.6 Specification
+    (Compatibility Profile), dated May 14, 2018.
+    OpenGL 4.5 is required.
+    This extension provides a new _representative fragment test_ that allows
+    implementations to reduce the amount of rasterization and fragment
+    processing work performed for each point, line, or triangle primitive. For
+    any primitive that produces one or more fragments that pass all other
+    early fragment tests, the implementation is permitted to choose one or
+    more "representative" fragments for processing and discard all other
+    fragments. For draw calls rendering multiple points, lines, or triangles
+    arranged in lists, strips, or fans, the representative fragment test is
+    performed independently for each of those primitives.
+    This extension is useful for applications that use an early render pass
+    to determine the full set of primitives that would be visible in the final
+    scene. In this render pass, such applications would set up a fragment
+    shader that enables early fragment tests and writes to an image or shader
+    storage buffer to record the ID of the primitive that generated the
+    fragment. Without this extension, the shader would record the ID
+    separately for each visible fragment of each primitive. With this
+    extension, fewer stores will be performed, particularly for large
+    primitives.
+    The representative fragment test has no effect if early fragment tests are
+    not enabled via the fragment shader. The set of fragments discarded by the
+    representative fragment test is implementation-dependent and may vary from
+    frame to frame. In some cases, the representative fragment test may not
+    discard any fragments for a given primitive.
+New Procedures and Functions
+    None
+New Tokens
+    Accepted by the <cap> parameter of Enable, Disable, and IsEnabled,
+    and by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
+    GetFloatv, and GetDoublev:
+Modifications to the OpenGL 4.6 Specification (Compatibility Profile)
+    Modify Section 14.9, Early Per-Fragment Tests (p. 578)
+    (modify second pararaph of the section, p. 578, to document that there are
+     now four optional early fragment tests)
+    Three fragment operations are performed, and a further four are
+    optionally performed on each fragment, ...
+    (modify the last paragraph, p. 578, to list the new early fragment test)
+    If early per-fragment operations are enabled, these tests are also
+    performed:
+        * the stencil test (see section 17.3.3);
+        * the depth buffer test (see section 17.3.4); and
+        * the representative fragment test (see section 17.3.X)
+        * occlusion query sample counting (see section 17.3.5)
+    Modify Section 14.9.4, The Early Fragment Test Qualifier, p. 582
+    (modify the first paragraph of the section, p. 582, to enumerate the new
+     test)
+    The stencil test, depth buffer test, representative fragment test, and
+    occlusion query sample counting are performed if and only if early
+    fragment tests are enabled in the active fragment shader (see section
+    15.2.4). ...
+    Insert new section before Section 17.3.5, Occlusion Queries (p. 614)
+    Section 17.3.X, Representative Fragment Test
+    The representative fragment test allows implementations to reduce the
+    amount of rasterization and fragment processing work performed for each
+    point, line, or triangle primitive. For any primitive that produces one or
+    more fragments that pass all prior early fragment tests, the
+    implementation is permitted to choose one or more "representative"
+    fragments for processing and discard all other fragments. For draw calls
+    rendering multiple points, lines, or triangles arranged in lists, strips,
+    or fans, the representative fragment test is performed independently for
+    each of those primitives. The set of fragments discarded by the
+    representative fragment test is implementation-dependent. In some cases,
+    the representative fragment test may not discard any fragments for a given
+    primitive.
+    This test is enabled or disabled using Enable or Disable with the target
+    REPRESENTATIVE_FRAGMENT_NV. If early fragment tests (section 15.2.4) are
+    not enabled in the active fragment shader, the representative fragment
+    test has no effect, even if enabled.
+Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
+    None.
+New State
+    Get Value                              Type    Get Command   Initial Value   Description                Sec    Attribute
+    ------------------------------------   ----    -----------   -------------   -------------------------  ------ --------------
+    REPRESENTATIVE_FRAGMENT_TEST_NV          B      IsEnabled     GL_FALSE       Representative fragment    17.3.X enable
+                                                                                 test
+New Implementation Dependent State
+    None
+    (1) Since the representative fragment test does not have guaranteed
+        behavior, it is sort of a hint.  Should we use the existing hint
+        mechanisms for this extension or simply add an enable?
+    RESOLVED:  Use an enable.  Hints are rarely used in OpenGL, and the
+    "FASTEST" vs. "NICEST" vs. "DONT_CARE" doesn't map reasonably to the
+    representative fragment test.
+    (2) Should this functionality be exposed as a sub-feature of the depth or
+        stencil tests, as its own separate per-fragment test, or as some piece
+        of state controlling primitive rasterization?
+    RESOLVED:  Expose as a per-fragment test.  This test is largely orthogonal
+    to depth testing, other than it is supposed to run after the depth
+    testing.  So coupling it to the depth test doesn't make sense.  Coupling
+    the feature to rasterization also doesn't make too much sense, because the
+    rasterization pipeline stage discarding fragments for this test would
+    depend on a later pipeline stages performing other per-fragment tests
+    (such as the depth test).
+Revision History
+    Revision 2, September 15, 2018 (pbrown)
+    - Prepare specification for publication.
+    Revision 1 (ckubisch and kthangudu)
+    - Internal Revisions
diff --git a/extensions/NV/NV_sample_locations.txt b/extensions/NV/NV_sample_locations.txt
index ef9eedb..dafb8c9 100644
--- a/extensions/NV/NV_sample_locations.txt
+++ b/extensions/NV/NV_sample_locations.txt
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
     void NamedFramebufferSampleLocationsfvNV(uint framebuffer, uint start,
                                              sizei count, const float *v);
-    void ResolveDepthValuesNV();
+    void ResolveDepthValuesNV(void);
 New Tokens
diff --git a/extensions/NV/NV_scissor_exclusive.txt b/extensions/NV/NV_scissor_exclusive.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8cf838
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/NV/NV_scissor_exclusive.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+    NV_scissor_exclusive
+Name Strings
+    GL_NV_scissor_exclusive
+    Pat Brown, NVIDIA Corporation (pbrown 'at'
+    Mark Kilgard, NVIDIA
+    Shipping
+    Last Modified:      September 15, 2018
+    Revision:           1
+    OpenGL Extension #529
+    This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.5 Specification
+    (Compatibility Profile), dated October 24, 2016.
+    OpenGL 4.5 is required.
+    This extension is written against the OpenGL Shading Language
+    Specification, version 4.50, dated April 14, 2016.
+    This extension trivially interacts with EXT_draw_buffers2,
+    EXT_transform_feedback, NV_transform_feedback, and
+    EXT_direct_state_access.
+    In unextended OpenGL, applications can enable a per-viewport scissor test
+    (SCISSOR_TEST) where fragments are discarded if their (x,y) coordinates
+    lie outside the corresponding scissor rectangle.  In this extension, we
+    provide a separate per-viewport exclusive scissor test, where fragments
+    are discarded if their (x,y) coordinates lie *inside* the corresponding
+    exclusive scissor rectangle.
+    The regular (inclusive) scissor test and exclusive scissor test are
+    orthogonal; applications can enable either or both tests for each
+    viewport. If both tests are enabled, fragments will be discarded unless
+    their (x,y) coordinates are both inside the regular scissor rectangle and
+    outside the exclusive scissor rectangle.
+New Procedures and Functions
+    void ScissorExclusiveArrayvNV(uint first, sizei count, const int *v);
+    void ScissorExclusiveNV(int x, int y, sizei width, sizei height);
+New Tokens
+    Accepted by the <cap> parameter of Enable, Disable, and IsEnabled, by the
+    <target> parameter of Enablei, Disablei, IsEnabledi, EnableIndexedEXT,
+    DisableIndexedEXT, and IsEnabledIndexedEXT, and by the <pname> parameter
+    of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetInteger64v, GetFloatv, GetDoublev,
+    GetDoubleIndexedv, GetBooleani_v, GetIntegeri_v, GetInteger64i_v,
+    GetFloati_v, GetDoublei_v, GetBooleanIndexedvEXT, GetIntegerIndexedvEXT,
+    and GetFloatIndexedvEXT:
+        SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV                       0x9555
+    Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
+    GetInteger64v, GetFloatv, GetDoublev, GetBooleani_v, GetIntegeri_v,
+    GetInteger64i_v, GetFloati_v, GetDoublei_v, GetDoubleIndexedv,
+    GetBooleanIndexedvEXT, GetIntegerIndexedvEXT, and GetFloatIndexedvEXT:
+        SCISSOR_BOX_EXCLUSIVE_NV                        0x9556
+Modifications to the OpenGL 4.5 Specification (Compatibility Profile)
+    Insert a new section after section 14.9.2, Scissor Test (p. 560)
+    14.9.3  Exclusive Scissor Test
+    Like the scissor test (section 14.9.2), the exclusive scissor test
+    determines if (x_w, y_w) lies outside the exclusive scissor rectangles
+    defined by four values for each viewport.  These values are set with
+      void ScissorExclusiveArrayvNV(uint first, sizei count, const int *v);
+      void ScissorExclusiveNV(int x, int y, sizei width, sizei height);
+    ScissorExclusiveArrayvNV defines a set of exclusive scissor rectangles that
+    are each applied to the corresponding viewport (see section 13.6.1).
+    <first> specifies the index of the first exclusive scissor rectangle to
+    modify, and <count> specifies the number of scissor rectangles.  <v>
+    specifies an array of 4*<count> integers, where each group of four
+    integers specifies the left column, bottom row, width, and height (in that
+    order) of an individual exclusive scissor rectangle.
+    ScissorExclusiveNV is equivalent to calling ScissorExclusiveArrayvNV with
+    <first> set to 0, <count> set to the value of MAX_VIEWPORTS, and <v>
+    filled with an array of 4*MAX_VIEWPORTS integer, with each group of four
+    integers set to <x>, <y>, <width>, and <height>, respectively.
+    When enabled, the exclusive scissor test passes only if the fragment is
+    outside the selected exclusive scissor rectangle, which is the case if
+    any of the following conditions is true:
+      * x_w <  left,
+      * x_w >= left + width,
+      * y_w <  bottom, or
+      * y_w >= bottom + height.
+    Otherwise, the test fails and the fragment is discarded. For points,
+    lines, and polygons, the scissor rectangle for a primitive is selected in
+    the same manner as the viewport (see section 13.6.1).  For bitmaps, pixel
+    rectangles and buffer clears (see section 17.4.3), the scissor rectangle
+    numbered zero is used for the scissor test.
+      Errors
+        An INVALID_VALUE error is generated by ScissorExclusiveArrayvNV if
+        <first>+<count> is greater than the value of MAX_VIEWPORTS.
+        An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if width or height is negative.
+    The exclusive scissor test is enabled or disabled for all viewports using
+    Enable or Disable with target SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV.  The test is enabled or
+    disabled for a specific viewport using Enablei or Disablei with the
+    constant SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV and the index of the selected viewport.
+    When disabled, it is as if the exclusive scissor test always passes. The
+    value of the scissor test enable for viewport <i> can be queried by
+    calling IsEnabledi with target SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV and index <i>.
+    The value of the exclusive scissor test enable for viewport zero may also
+    be queried by calling IsEnabled with the same target, but no index
+    parameter.
+      Errors
+        An INVALID_VALUE error is generated by Enablei, Disablei and
+        IsEnabledi if target is SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV and <index> is
+        greater than or equal to the value of MAX_VIEWPORTS.
+    The state required for the exclusive scissor test consists of four integer
+    values per viewport, and a bit indicating whether the test is enabled or
+    disabled for each viewport. In the initial state for all viewports, the
+    exclusive scissor test is disabled and the exclusive scissor rectangle has
+    zero values for all of left, bottom, width, and height.
+Interactions with EXT_draw_buffers2 or EXT_transform_feedback or
+NV_transform_feedback or EXT_direct_state_access
+    Ignore references to GetBooleanIndexedvEXT or GetIntegerIndexedvEXT if
+    none of EXT_draw_buffers2, EXT_transform_feedback, NV_transform_feedback,
+    or EXT_direct_state_access are supported.
+Interactions with EXT_draw_buffers2 or EXT_direct_state_access
+    Ignore references to EnableIndexedEXT, DisableIndexedEXT, and
+    IsEnabledIndexedEXT if neither of EXT_draw_buffers2 or
+    EXT_direct_state_access are supported.
+Interactions with EXT_direct_state_access
+    Ignore references to GetFloatIndexedvEXT and GetDoubleIndexedvEXT if
+    EXT_direct_state_access is not supported.
+Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
+    None
+    Errors are described in "Errors" sections of the spec language above.
+New State
+    Get Value                  Type        Get Command   Initial Value   Description                    Sec     Attribute
+    ------------------------   ----------  ------------  -------------   ----------------------------   -----   ---------
+    SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV  16* x B     IsEnabledi    FALSE           Exclusive scissoring enabled   14.9.3  scissor/enable
+    SCISSOR_BOX_EXCLUSIVE_NV   16* x 4 x Z GetIntegeri_v (0,0,0,0)       Exclusive scissor rectangles   14.9.3  scissor
+New Implementation Dependent State
+    None
+    (1) How should we name this extension?
+      RESOLVED:  NV_scissor_exclusive.  It defines scissor rectangles and
+      tests that are "exclusive", where fragments pass only if they are
+      outside the rectangle.
+    (2) What should we use for the default values for exclusive scissor
+        rectangles?
+      RESOLVED:  For inclusive scissors, the default values for an OpenGL
+      context are taken from the size of the drawable first used with the
+      context.  While the inclusive scissor test is initially disabled, the
+      default state allows for "normal" unscissored rendering to that drawable
+      if the test is enabled without explicitly programming a scissor
+      rectangle.
+      If we used similar state for exclusive scissors, enabling the exclusive
+      scissor test without programming a rectangle would scissor out all
+      rendering to such drawables.  Instead, we specify the default rectangles
+      as (0,0,0,0), which would cause the exclusive scissor test to discard
+      nothing if enabled without programming a rectangle.  Additionally,
+      this approach makes the default state independent of the drawable first
+      used with the OpenGL context.
+    (3) How does the exclusive scissor interact with the functionality
+        of EXT_window_rectangles?
+      RESOLVED:  The exclusive scissor, as with the inclusive scissor, is orthogonal
+      to the window rectangles testing introduced by EXT_window_rectangles.
+      The window rectangle testing applies to ALL viewports whereas the
+      exclusive scissor, as with the inclusive scissor, are selected by the
+      particular viewport index selected for rasterization.
+      Additionally window rectangle testing is only support rendering
+      to framebuffer objects (FBOs) whereas the exclusive scissor,
+      as with the conventional inclusive scissor, works on all drawable.
+Revision History
+    Revision 1 (pbrown)
+    - Internal revisions.
diff --git a/extensions/NV/NV_shader_texture_footprint.txt b/extensions/NV/NV_shader_texture_footprint.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6bc1f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/NV/NV_shader_texture_footprint.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+    NV_shader_texture_footprint
+Name Strings
+    GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint
+    Chris Lentini, NVIDIA (clentini 'at'
+    Pat Brown, NVIDIA (pbrown 'at'
+    Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA
+    Daniel Koch, NVIDIA
+    Shipping
+    Last Modified Date:         September 15, 2018
+    NVIDIA Revision:            1
+    OpenGL Extension #530
+    This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.6 Specification
+    (Compatibility Profile), dated July 30, 2017.
+    OpenGL 4.5 is required.
+    This extension requires support for the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)
+    extension "NV_shader_texture_footprint", which can be found at the Khronos
+    Group Github site here:
+    This extension adds OpenGL API support for the OpenGL Shading Language
+    (GLSL) extension "NV_shader_texture_footprint".  That extension adds a new
+    set of texture query functions ("textureFootprint*NV") to GLSL.  These
+    built-in functions prepare to perform a filtered texture lookup based on
+    coordinates and other parameters passed in by the calling code.  However,
+    instead of returning data from the provided texture image, these query
+    functions instead return data identifying the _texture footprint_ for an
+    equivalent texture access.  The texture footprint identifies a set of
+    texels that may be accessed in order to return a filtered result for the
+    texture access.
+    The footprint itself is a structure that includes integer values that
+    identify a small neighborhood of texels in the texture being accessed and
+    a bitfield that indicates which texels in that neighborhood would be used.
+    Each bit in the returned bitfield identifies whether any texel in a small
+    aligned block of texels would be fetched by the texture lookup.  The size
+    of each block is specified by an access _granularity_ provided by the
+    shader.  The minimum granularity supported by this extension is 2x2 (for
+    2D textures) and 2x2x2 (for 3D textures); the maximum granularity is
+    256x256 (for 2D textures) or 64x32x32 (for 3D textures).  Each footprint
+    query returns the footprint from a single texture level.  When using
+    minification filters that combine accesses from multiple mipmap levels,
+    shaders must perform separate queries for the two levels accessed ("fine"
+    and "coarse").  The footprint query also returns a flag indicating if the
+    texture lookup would access texels from only one mipmap level or from two
+    neighboring levels.
+    This extension should be useful for multi-pass rendering operations that
+    do an initial expensive rendering pass to produce a first image that is
+    then used as a texture for a second pass.  If the second pass ends up
+    accessing only portions of the first image (e.g., due to visibility), the
+    work spent rendering the non-accessed portion of the first image was
+    wasted.  With this feature, an application can limit this waste using an
+    initial pass over the geometry in the second image that performs a
+    footprint query for each visible pixel to determine the set of pixels that
+    it needs from the first image.  This pass would accumulate an aggregate
+    footprint of all visible pixels into a separate "footprint texture" using
+    shader atomics.  Then, when rendering the first image, the application can
+    kill all shading work for pixels not in this aggregate footprint.
+    The implementation of this extension has a number of limitations.  The
+    texture footprint query functions are only supported for two- and
+    three-dimensional textures (TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_3D).  Texture footprint
+    evaluation only supports the CLAMP_TO_EDGE wrap mode; results are
+    undefined for all other wrap modes.  The implementation supports only a
+    limited set of granularity values and does not support separate coverage
+    information for each texel in the original texture.
+New Procedures and Functions
+    None
+New Tokens
+    None
+Additions to Chapter 8 of the OpenGL 4.6 (Compatibility Profile) Specification
+(Textures and Samplers)
+    (add a new section immediately after section 8.15, Texture Magnification)
+    Section 8.X, Texture Footprint Queries
+    The OpenGL Shading Language provides a collection of built-in functions,
+    all beginning with "textureFootprint", that allow shaders to query a
+    _texture footprint_.  The texture footprint is a set of texels belonging
+    to a single texture level that would be accessed when performing a
+    filtered texture lookup.  The shader code calling the footprint query
+    functions passes in a _granularity_ value, which is used to subdivide a
+    texture level into an array of fixed-size _texel groups_ whose size is
+    given by the granularity.  The texture footprint query functions return
+    the footprint using a built-in GLSL data structure that identifies the set
+    of texel groups containing one or more texels that would be accessed in an
+    equivalent texture lookup.  Texture footprint queries are only supported
+    for two- and three-dimensional textures (targets TEXTURE_2D and
+    TEXTURE_3D).  Additionally, footprint queries require the use of the
+    CLAMP_TO_EDGE sampler wrap mode in all relevant dimensions; the results of
+    the footprint query are undefined if any other wrap mode is used.
+    Each texture footprint query built-in function accepts a set of texture
+    coordinates and any additional parameters (e.g., explicit level of detail,
+    level of detail bias, or derivatives) needed to specify a normal texture
+    lookup operation whose footprint should be evaluated.  The footprint query
+    functions also accept a <granularity> parameter and a <coarse> flag used
+    to select the level of detail whose footprint is returned.  The
+    granularity parameter identifies the size of the texel groups used for the
+    footprint query as described in Table X.1.  The <coarse> flag is used to
+    select between the two levels of detail used when minifying using a filter
+    (NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR) that averages texels from
+    multiple levels of detail.  When such minification is performed, a value
+    of "false" requests the footprint in the higher-resolution (fine) level of
+    detail, while "true" requests the footprint in the lower-resolution
+    (coarse) level of detail.  When a texture access uses only a single level
+    of detail, its footprint will be returned for queries with <coarse> set to
+    false, while queries with <coarse> set to true will return an empty
+    footprint.  Since many texture accesses may use only a single level, the
+    footprint query functions return a boolean value, which will be true if
+    and only if all accessed texels are in a single level of detail.
+      Granularity Value |  TEXTURE_2D   |  TEXTURE_3D
+      ------------------+---------------+----------------
+              0         |  unsupported  |  unsupported
+              1         |      2x2      |     2x2x2
+              2         |      4x2      |  unsupported
+              3         |      4x4      |     4x4x2
+              4         |      8x4      |  unsupported
+              5         |      8x8      |  unsupported
+              6         |     16x8      |  unsupported
+              7         |     16x16     |  unsupported
+              8         |  unsupported  |  unsupported
+              9         |  unsupported  |  unsupported
+              10        |  unsupported  |    16x16x16
+              11        |     64x64     |    32x16x16
+              12        |    128x64     |    32x32x16
+              13        |    128x128    |    32x32x32
+              14        |    256x128    |    64x32x32
+              15        |    256x256    |  unsupported
+      Table X.1:  Supported granularities for texture footprint queries, for
+      two-dimensional (TEXTURE_2D) and three-dimensional (TEXTURE_3D)
+      accesses.  Granularity values not listed in the table or listed as
+      "unsupported" are not supported by this extension and result in
+      undefined behavior if used.
+      In addition to the boolean result, texture footprint queries return
+      footprint data in a structure of the type gl_TextureFootprint2DNV (for
+      two-dimensional textures) or gl_TextureFootprint3DNV (for
+      three-dimensional textures).  In either structure, the member <lod>
+      specifies the level-of-detail number used for the footprint.  The
+      members <anchor> and <offset> identify a small neighborhood of texel
+      groups in the texture used by the query.  The member <mask> specifies 64
+      bits of data indicating which texel groups in the neighborhood are part
+      of the footprint.  The member <granularity> returns information on the
+      size of the texel groups in the footprint, which is sometimes larger
+      than the requested granularity, as described below.
+      For two-dimensional footprint queries, the neighborhood returned by the
+      query is an 8x8 array of texel groups, where each texel group in
+      neighborhood is identified by a coordinate (x,y), where <x> and <y> are
+      integer values in the range [0,7].  Each texel group corresponds to a
+      set of texels whose (u,v) coordinates satisfy the inequalities:
+        u1 <= u <= u2
+        v1 <= v <= v2
+      computed using the following logic:
+        // The footprint logic returns a mask whose bits are aligned to 8x8
+        // sets of texel groups.  This allows shaders to use atomics to
+        // efficiently accumulate footprint results across many invocations,
+        // storing an 8x8 array of bits for each group into one RG32UI texel.
+        // The texel group number in the neighborhood is treated as an offset
+        // relative to the anchor point.
+        uvec2 texel_group = 8 * result.anchor + uvec2(x,y);
+        // If the neighborhood crosses the boundaries of an 8x8 set, the bits
+        // of the mask are effectively split across multiple sets (up to
+        // four for 2D).  The "offset" parameter returned by the query
+        // identifies which x/y group values in the neighborhood are
+        // assigned to which set.  An all-zero offset indicates that the
+        // footprint is fully contained in a single 8x8 set at the anchor.
+        // "Low" x/y values identify texel groups at the beginning of the 8x8
+        // set identified by the anchor, while "high" values correspond to
+        // texel groups at the end of the previous set.  The offset
+        // indicates the number of texel groups assigned to the previous set.
+        if (x + result.offset.x >= 8) {
+            texel_group.x -= 8;
+        }
+        if (y + result.offset.y >= 8) {
+            texel_group.y -= 8;
+        }
+        // Once we have a group number, u/v texel number ranges are generated by
+        // multiplying by the texel group size.
+        uint u1 = texel_group.x * granularity_x;
+        uint u2 = u1 + granularity_x - 1;
+        uint v1 = texel_group.y * granularity_y;
+        uint v2 = v1 + granularity_y - 1;
+      In the equations above, <granularity_x> and <granularity_y> refer to the
+      texel group size as in Table X.1.  result.anchor and result.offset
+      specify the <anchor> and <offset> members of the returned structure, and
+      <x> and <y> specify the texel group number in the neighborhood.
+      Each bit in the <mask> member of the returned structure corresponds to
+      one of the texel groups in the 8x8 neighborhood.  That bit will be set
+      if and only if any of the texels in the texel group is covered by the
+      footprint.  The texel group (x,y) is considered to be covered if and
+      only if the following logic computes true for <covered>:
+        uint64_t mask = result.mask.x | (result.mask.y << 32);
+        uint32_t bit = y * 8 + x;
+        bool covered = (0 != ((mask >> bit) & 1));
+      For three-dimensional footprint queries, the logic is very similar,
+      except that the neighborhood returned by the query is a 4x4x4 array of
+      texel groups.  Each texel group in neighborhood is identified by a
+      coordinate (x,y,z), where <x>, <y>, and <z> are integer values in the
+      range [0,3].  Each texel group corresponds to a set of texels whose
+      (u,v,w) coordinates satisfy the inequalities:
+        u1 <= u <= u2
+        v1 <= v <= v2
+        w1 <= w <= w2
+      computed using the following logic:
+        uvec3 texel_group = 4 * result.anchor + uvec3(x,y,z);
+        if (x + result.offset.x >= 4) {
+            texel_group.x -= 4;
+        }
+        if (y + result.offset.y >= 4) {
+            texel_group.y -= 4;
+        }
+        if (z + result.offset.z >= 4) {
+            texel_group.z -= 4;
+        }
+        uint u1 = texel_group.x * granularity_x;
+        uint u2 = u1 + granularity_x - 1;
+        uint v1 = texel_group.y * granularity_y;
+        uint v2 = v1 + granularity_y - 1;
+        uint w1 = texel_group.z * granularity_z;
+        uint w2 = w1 + granularity_z - 1;
+      As in the two-dimensional logic, <granularity_x>, <granularity_y>, and
+      <granularity_z> refer to the texel group size as in Table X.1.
+      result.anchor and result.offset specify the <anchor> and <offset>
+      members of the returned structure, and <x>, <y>, and <z> specify the
+      texel group number in the neighborhood.
+      Each bit in the <mask> member of the returned structure corresponds to
+      one of the texel groups in the 4x4x4 neighborhood.  That bit will be set
+      if and only if any of the texels in the texel group is covered by the
+      footprint.  The texel group (x,y,z) is considered to be covered if and
+      only if the following logic computes true for <covered>:
+        uint64_t mask = result.mask.x | (result.mask.y << 32);
+        uint32_t bit = z * 16 + y * 4 + x;
+        bool covered = (0 != ((mask >> bit) & 1));
+      In most cases, the texel group sizes used by the footprint query will
+      match the value passed to the query, as interpreted according to Table
+      X.1.  However, in some cases, the footprint may be too large to be
+      expressed as a collection of 8x8 or 4x4x4 set of texel groups using the
+      requested granularity.  In this case, the implementation uses a texel
+      group size that is larger than the requested granularity.  If a larger
+      texel group size is used, the implementation will return the texel group
+      size used in the <granularity> member of the footprint structure, which
+      should also be interpreted according to Table X.1.  If the requested
+      texel group size is used, the implementation will return zero in
+      <granularity>.  The texel group size will only be increased by the
+      implementation if anisotropic filtering is used.  If the texture and
+      sampler objects used by the footprint query do not enable anisotropic
+      texture filtering, the footprint query will always use the original
+      requested granularity and return zero in the <granularity> member.
+    None
+New State
+    None
+New Implementation Dependent State
+    None
+    None, but please refer to issues in the GLSL extension specification.
+Revision History
+    Revision 1 (clentini, pbrown)
+    - Internal revisions.
diff --git a/extensions/NV/NV_shading_rate_image.txt b/extensions/NV/NV_shading_rate_image.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43a28f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/NV/NV_shading_rate_image.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1007 @@
+    NV_shading_rate_image
+Name Strings
+    GL_NV_shading_rate_image
+    Pat Brown, NVIDIA Corporation (pbrown 'at'
+    Daniel Koch, NVIDIA
+    Mark Kilgard, NVIDIA
+    Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA
+    Mathias Schott, NVIDIA
+    Shipping
+    Last Modified:      September 15, 2018
+    Revision:           1
+    OpenGL Extension #531
+    This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.5 Specification
+    (Compatibility Profile), dated October 24, 2016.
+    OpenGL 4.5 is required.
+    This extension requires support for the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL)
+    extension "NV_fragment_shader_barycentric", which can be found at the
+    Khronos Group Github site here:
+    This extension interacts trivially with ARB_sample_locations and
+    NV_sample_locations.
+    This extension interacts with NV_scissor_exclusive.
+    This extension interacts with NV_conservative_raster.
+    This extension interacts with NV_conservative_raster_underestimation.
+    This extension interacts with EXT_raster_multisample.
+    NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples is required.
+    By default, OpenGL runs a fragment shader once for each pixel covered by a
+    primitive being rasterized.  When using multisampling, the outputs of that
+    fragment shader are broadcast to each covered sample of the fragment's
+    pixel.  When using multisampling, applications can also request that the
+    fragment shader be run once per color sample (when using the "sample"
+    qualifier on one or more active fragment shader inputs), or run a fixed
+    number of times per pixel using SAMPLE_SHADING enable and the
+    MinSampleShading frequency value.  In all of these approaches, the number
+    of fragment shader invocations per pixel is fixed, based on API state.
+    This extension allows applications to bind and enable a shading rate image
+    that can be used to vary the number of fragment shader invocations across
+    the framebuffer.  This can be useful for applications like eye tracking
+    for virtual reality, where the portion of the framebuffer that the user is
+    looking at directly can be processed at high frequency, while distant
+    corners of the image can be processed at lower frequency.  The shading
+    rate image is an immutable-format two-dimensional or two-dimensional array
+    texture that uses a format of R8UI.  Each texel represents a fixed-size
+    rectangle in the framebuffer, covering 16x16 pixels in the initial
+    implementation of this extension.  When rasterizing a primitive covering
+    one of these rectangles, the OpenGL implementation reads the texel in the
+    bound shading rate image and looks up the fetched value in a palette of
+    shading rates.  The shading rate used can vary from (finest) 16 fragment
+    shader invocations per pixel to (coarsest) one fragment shader invocation
+    for each 4x4 block of pixels.
+    When this extension is advertised by an OpenGL implementation, the
+    implementation must also support the GLSL extension
+    "GL_NV_shading_rate_image" (documented separately), which provides new
+    built-in variables that allow fragment shaders to determine the effective
+    shading rate used for each fragment.  Additionally, the GLSL extension also
+    provides new layout qualifiers allowing the interlock functionality provided
+    by ARB_fragment_shader_interlock to guarantee mutual exclusion across an
+    entire fragment when the shading rate specifies multiple pixels per fragment
+    shader invocation.
+    Note that this extension requires the use of a framebuffer object; the
+    shading rate image and related state are ignored when rendering to the
+    default framebuffer.
+New Procedures and Functions
+      void BindShadingRateImageNV(uint texture);
+      void ShadingRateImagePaletteNV(uint viewport, uint first, sizei count,
+                                     const enum *rates);
+      void GetShadingRateImagePaletteNV(uint viewport, uint entry,
+                                        enum *rate);
+      void ShadingRateImageBarrierNV(boolean synchronize);
+      void ShadingRateImageBarrierNV(enum order);
+      void ShadingRateSampleOrderCustomNV(enum rate, uint samples,
+                                          const int *locations);
+      void GetShadingRateSampleLocationivNV(enum rate, uint samples,
+                                            uint index, int *location);
+New Tokens
+    Accepted by the <cap> parameter of Enable, Disable, and IsEnabled, by the
+    <target> parameter of Enablei, Disablei, IsEnabledi, EnableIndexedEXT,
+    DisableIndexedEXT, and IsEnabledIndexedEXT, and by the <pname> parameter
+    of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetInteger64v, GetFloatv, GetDoublev,
+    GetDoubleIndexedv, GetBooleani_v, GetIntegeri_v, GetInteger64i_v,
+    GetFloati_v, GetDoublei_v, GetBooleanIndexedvEXT, GetIntegerIndexedvEXT,
+    and GetFloatIndexedvEXT:
+        SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV                           0x9563
+    Accepted in the <rates> parameter of ShadingRateImagePaletteNV and the
+    <rate> parameter of ShadingRateSampleOrderCustomNV and
+    GetShadingRateSampleLocationivNV; returned in the <rate> parameter of
+    GetShadingRateImagePaletteNV:
+        SHADING_RATE_NO_INVOCATIONS_NV                  0x9564
+        SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_PIXEL_NV          0x9565
+    Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetDoublev,
+    GetIntegerv, and GetFloatv:
+        SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BINDING_NV                   0x955B
+        SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_TEXEL_WIDTH_NV               0x955C
+        SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_TEXEL_HEIGHT_NV              0x955D
+        SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_PALETTE_SIZE_NV              0x955E
+        MAX_COARSE_FRAGMENT_SAMPLES_NV                  0x955F
+    Accepted by the <order> parameter of ShadingRateSampleOrderNV:
+Modifications to the OpenGL 4.5 Specification (Compatibility Profile)
+    Modify Section 14.3.1, Multisampling, p. 532
+    (add to the end of the section)
+    When using a shading rate image (Section 14.4.1), rasterization may
+    produce fragments covering multiple pixels, where each pixel is treated as
+    a sample.  If SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV is enabled for any viewport,
+    primitives will be processed with multisample rasterization rules,
+    regardless of the MULTISAMPLE enable or the value of SAMPLE_BUFFERS.  If
+    the framebuffer has no multisample buffers, each pixel is treated as
+    having a single sample located at the pixel center.
+    Delete Section, Sample Shading, p. 532.  The functionality in
+    this section is moved to the new Section 14.4, "Shading Rate Control".
+    Add new section before Section 14.4, Points, p. 533
+    Section 14.4, Shading Rate Control
+    By default, each fragment processed by programmable fragment processing
+    (chapter 15) [[compatibility only: or fixed-function fragment processing
+    (chapter 16)]] corresponds to a single pixel with a single (x,y)
+    coordinate. When using multisampling, implementations are permitted to run
+    separate fragment shader invocations for each sample, but often only run a
+    single invocation for all samples of the fragment.  We will refer to the
+    density of fragment shader invocations in a particular framebuffer region
+    as the _shading rate_.  Applications can use the shading rate to increase
+    the size of fragments to cover multiple pixels and reduce the amount of
+    fragment shader work. Applications can also use the shading rate to
+    explicitly control the minimum number of fragment shader invocations when
+    multisampling.
+    Section 14.4.1, Shading Rate Image
+    Applications can specify the use of a shading rate that varies by (x,y)
+    location using a _shading rate image_.  Use of a shading rate image is
+    enabled or disabled for all viewports using Enable or Disable with target
+    SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV.  Use of a shading rate image is enabled or disabled
+    for a specific viewport using Enablei or Disablei with the constant
+    SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV and the index of the selected viewport.  The shading
+    rate image may only be used with a framebuffer object.  When rendering to
+    the default framebuffer, the shading rate image operations in this section
+    are disabled.
+    The shading rate image is a texture that can be bound with the command
+      void BindShadingRateImageNV(uint texture);
+    This command unbinds the current shading rate image, if any.  If <texture>
+    is zero, no new texture is bound.  If <texture> is non-zero, it must be
+    the name of an existing immutable-format texture with a target of
+    TEXTURE_2D or TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY with a format of R8UI.  If <texture> has
+    multiple mipmap levels, only the base level will be used as the shading
+    rate image.
+      Errors
+        INVALID_VALUE is generated if <texture> is not zero and is not the
+        name of an existing texture object.
+        INVALID_OPERATION is generated if <texture> is not an immutable-format
+        texture, has a format other than R8UI, or has a texture target other
+        than TEXTURE_2D or TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY.
+    When rasterizing a primitive covering pixel (x,y) with a shading rate
+    image having a target of TEXTURE_2D, a two-dimensional texel coordinate
+    (u,v) is generated, where:
+    SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_TEXEL_HEIGHT_NV are the width and height of the
+    implementation-dependent footprint of each shading rate image texel in the
+    framebuffer.  If the bound shading rate image has a target of
+    TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY, a three-dimensional texture coordinate (u,v,w) is
+    generated, where u and v are computed as above.  The coordinate w is set
+    to the layer L of the framebuffer being rendered to if L is less than the
+    number of layers in the shading rate image, or zero otherwise.
+    If a texel with coordinates (u,v) or (u,v,w) exists in the bound shading
+    rate image, the value of the 8-bit R component of the texel is used as the
+    shading rate index.  If the (u,v) or (u,v,w) coordinate is outside the
+    extent of the shading rate image, or if no shading rate image is bound,
+    zero will be used as the shading rate index.
+    A shading rate index is mapped to a _base shading rate_ using a lookup
+    table called the shading rate image palette.  There is a separate palette
+    for each viewport.  The number of entries in each palette is given by the
+    implementation-dependent constant SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_PALETTE_SIZE_NV.  The
+    base shading rate for an (x,y) coordinate with a shading rate index of <i>
+    will be given by palette entry <i>.  If the shading rate index is greater
+    than or equal to the palette size, the results of the palette lookup are
+    undefined.
+    Shading rate image palettes are updated using the command
+      void ShadingRateImagePaletteNV(uint viewport, uint first, sizei count,
+                                     const enum *rates);
+    <viewport> specifies the number of the viewport whose palette should be
+    updated.  <rates> is an array of <count> shading rate enums and is used to
+    update entries <first> through <first> + <count> - 1 in the palette.  The
+    set of shading rate values accepted in <rates> is given in Table X.1.  The
+    default value for all palette entries is
+        Shading Rate                                  Size  Invocations
+        -------------------------------------------   ----- -----------
+        SHADING_RATE_NO_INVOCATIONS_NV                  -       0
+        SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_PIXEL_NV         1x1      1
+        SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_1X2_PIXELS_NV    1x2      1
+        SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_2X1_PIXELS_NV    2x1      1
+        SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_2X2_PIXELS_NV    2x2      1
+        SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_2X4_PIXELS_NV    2x4      1
+        SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_4X2_PIXELS_NV    4x2      1
+        SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_4X4_PIXELS_NV    4x4      1
+        SHADING_RATE_2_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV        1x1      2
+        SHADING_RATE_4_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV        1x1      4
+        SHADING_RATE_8_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV        1x1      8
+        SHADING_RATE_16_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV       1x1     16
+        Table X.1:  Shading rates accepted by ShadingRateImagePaletteNV.  An
+        entry of "<W>x<H>" in the "Size" column indicates that the shading
+        rate results in fragments with a width and height (in pixels) of <W>
+        and <H>, respectively.  The entry in the "Invocations" column
+        specifies the number of fragment shader invocations that should be
+        generated for each fragment.
+      Errors
+        INVALID_VALUE is generated if <viewport> is greater than or equal to
+        MAX_VIEWPORTS or if <first> plus <count> is greater than
+        INVALID_ENUM is generated if any entry in <rates> is not a valid
+        shading rate.
+    Individual entries in the shading rate palette can be queried using the
+    command:
+      void GetShadingRateImagePaletteNV(uint viewport, uint entry,
+                                        enum *rate);
+    where <viewport> specifies the viewport of the palette to query and
+    <entry> specifies the palette entry number.  A single enum from Table X.1
+    is returned in <rate>.
+      Errors
+        INVALID_VALUE is generated if <viewport> is greater than or equal to
+        MAX_VIEWPORTS or if <entry> is greater than or equal to
+    If the shading rate image is enabled, a base shading rate will be obtained
+    as described above.  If the shading rate image is disabled, the base
+    shading rate will be SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_PIXEL_NV.  In either
+    case, the shading rate will be adjusted as described in the following
+    sections.
+    The rasterization hardware that reads from the shading rate image may
+    cache texels it reads for maximum performance.  If the shading rate image
+    is updated using commands such as TexSubImage2D, image stores in shaders,
+    or by framebuffer writes performed when the shading rate image is bound to
+    a framebuffer object, this cache may retain out-of-date texture data.
+    Calling
+      void ShadingRateImageBarrierNV(boolean synchronize);
+    with <synchronize> set to TRUE ensures that rendering commands submitted
+    after the barrier don't access old shading rate image data updated
+    directly (TexSubImage2D) or indirectly (rendering, image stores) by
+    commands submitted before the barrier.  If <synchronize> is set to FALSE,
+    ShadingRateImageBarrierNV doesn't wait on the completion of commands
+    submitted before the barrier.  If an application has ensured that all
+    prior commands updating the shading rate image have completed using sync
+    objects or other mechanism, <synchronize> can be safely set to FALSE.
+    Otherwise, the lack of synchronization may cause subsequent rendering
+    commands to source the shading rate image before prior updates have
+    completed.
+    Section 14.4.2, Sample Shading
+    When the shading rate image is disabled, sample shading can be used to
+    specify a minimum number of fragment shader invocations to generate for
+    each fragment.  When the shading rate image is enabled, sample shading can
+    be used to adjust the shading rate to increase the number of fragment
+    shader invocations generated for each primitive.  Sample shading is
+    controlled by calling Enable or Disable with target SAMPLE_SHADING.  If
+    MULTISAMPLE or SAMPLE_SHADING is disabled, sample shading has no effect.
+    When sample shading is active, an integer sample shading factor is derived
+    based on the value provided in the command:
+      void MinSampleShading(float value);
+    When the shading rate image is disabled, a <value> of 0.0 specifies that
+    the minimum number of fragment shader invocations for the shading rate be
+    executed and a <value> of 1.0 specifies that a fragment shader should be
+    on each shadeable sample with separate values per sample.  When the
+    shading rate image is enabled, <value> is used to derive a sample shading
+    rate that can adjust the shading rate.  <value> is not clamped to [0.0,
+    1.0]; values larger than 1.0 can be used to force larger adjustments to
+    the shading rate.
+    The sample shading factor is computed from <value> in an
+    implementation-dependent manner but must be greater than or equal to:
+      factor = max(ceil(value * max_shaded_samples), 1)
+    In this computation, <max_shaded_samples> is the maximum number of
+    fragment shader invocations per fragment, and is equal to:
+    - the number of color samples, if the framebuffer has color attachments;
+    - the number of depth/stencil samples, if the framebuffer has
+      depth/stencil attachments but no color attachments; or
+    - the value of FRAMEBUFFER_DEFAULT_SAMPLES if the framebuffer has no
+      attachments.
+    If the framebuffer has non-multisample attachments, the maximum number of
+    shaded samples per pixel is always one.
+    Section 14.4.3, Shading Rate Adjustment
+    Once a base shading rate has been established, it is adjusted to produce a
+    final shading rate.
+    First, if the base shading rate specifies multiple pixels for a fragment,
+    the shading rate is adjusted in an implementation-dependent manner to
+    limit the total number of coverage samples for the "coarse" fragment.
+    After adjustment, the maximum number of samples will not exceed the
+    implementation-dependent maximum MAX_COARSE_FRAGMENT_SAMPLES_NV.  However,
+    implementations are permitted to clamp to a lower number of coverage
+    samples if required.  Table X.2 describes the clamping performed in the
+    initial implementation of this extension.
+                           Coverage Samples per Pixel
+                Base rate    2      4      8     16
+                ---------  -----  -----  -----  -----
+                   1x2       -      -      -     1x1
+                   2x1       -      -      1x1   1x1
+                   2x2       -      -      1x2   1x1
+                   2x4       -     2x2     1x2   1x1
+                   4x2      2x2    2x2     1x2   1x1
+                   4x4      2x4    2x2     1x2   1x1
+      Table X.2, Coarse shading rate adjustment for total coverage sample
+      count for the initial implementation of this extension, where
+      MAX_COARSE_FRAGMENT_SAMPLES_NV is 16.  The entries in the "2", "4", "8",
+      and "16" columns indicate the fragment size for the adjusted shading
+      rate.
+    If sample shading is enabled and the sample shading factor is greater than
+    one, the base shading rate is further adjusted to result in more shader
+    invocations per pixel.  Table X.3 describes how the shading rate is
+    adjusted in the initial implementation of this extension.
+                               Sample Shading Factor
+          Base rate      2           4           8         16
+          ----------  ---------   -------    --------   --------
+           1x1 / 1     1x1 / 2    1x1 / 4    1x1 / 8    1x1 / 16
+           1x2 / 1     1x1 / 1    1x1 / 2    1x1 / 4    1x1 / 8
+           2x1 / 1     1x1 / 1    1x1 / 2    1x1 / 4    1x1 / 8
+           2x2 / 1     1x2 / 1    1x1 / 1    1x1 / 2    1x1 / 4
+           2x4 / 1     2x2 / 1    1x2 / 1    1x1 / 1    1x1 / 2
+           4x2 / 1     2x2 / 1    2x1 / 1    1x1 / 1    1x1 / 2
+           4x4 / 1     2x4 / 1    2x2 / 1    1x2 / 1    1x1 / 1
+           1x1 / 2     1x1 / 4    1x1 / 8    1x1 / 16   1x1 / 16
+           1x1 / 4     1x1 / 8    1x1 / 16   1x1 / 16   1x1 / 16
+           1x1 / 8     1x1 / 16   1x1 / 16   1x1 / 16   1x1 / 16
+           1x1 / 16    1x1 / 16   1x1 / 16   1x1 / 16   1x1 / 16
+      Table X.3, Shading rate adjustment based on the sample shading factor in
+      the initial implementation of this extension.  All rates in this table
+      are of the form "<W>x<H> / <I>", indicating a fragment size of <W>x<H>
+      pixels with <I> invocations per fragment.
+    If RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT is enabled and the shading rate indicates
+    multiple fragment shader invocations per pixel, implementations are
+    permitted to adjust the shading rate to reduce the number of invocations
+    per pixel.  In this case, implementations are not required to support more
+    than one invocations per pixel.
+    If the active fragment shader uses any inputs that are qualified with
+    "sample" (unique values per sample), including the built-ins "gl_SampleID"
+    and "gl_SamplePosition", the shader code is written to expect a separate
+    shader invocation for each shaded sample.  For such fragment shaders, the
+    shading rate is set to the maximum number of shader invocations per pixel
+    (SHADING_RATE_16_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV).  This adjustment effectively
+    disables the shading rate image.
+    Finally, if the shading rate indicates multiple fragment shader
+    invocations per sample, the total number of invocations per fragment in
+    the shading rate is clamped to the maximum number of shaded samples per
+    pixel described in section 14.4.2.
+    Section 14.4.4, Shading Rate Application
+    If the palette indicates a shading rate of SHADING_RATE_NO_INVOCATIONS_NV,
+    for pixel (x,y), no fragments will be generated for that pixel.
+    When the final shading rate for pixel (x,y) is results in fragments with a
+    width and height of <W> and <H>, where either <W> or <H> is greater than
+    one, a single fragment will be produced for that pixel that also includes
+    all other pixels covered by the same primitive whose coordinates (x',y')
+    satisfy:
+      floor(x / W) == floor(x' / W), and
+      floor(y / H) == floor(y' / H).
+    This combined fragment is considered to have multiple coverage samples;
+    the total number of samples in this fragment is given by
+      samples = A * B * S
+    where <A> and <B> are the width and height of the combined fragment, in
+    pixels, and <S> is the number of coverage samples per pixel in the draw
+    framebuffer.  The set of coverage samples in the fragment is the union of
+    the per-pixel coverage samples in each of the fragment's pixels.  The
+    location and order of coverage samples within each pixel in the combined
+    fragment are the same as the location and order used for single-pixel
+    fragments.  Each coverage sample in the set of pixels belonging to the
+    combined fragment is assigned a unique sample number in the range
+    [0,<S>-1].  When rendering to a framebuffer object, the order of coverage
+    samples can be specified for each combination of fragment size and
+    coverage sample count.  When using the default framebuffer, the coverage
+    samples are ordered in an implementation-dependent manner.  The command
+        void ShadingRateSampleOrderNV(enum order);
+    sets the coverage sample order for all valid combinations of shading rate
+    and per-pixel sample coverage count.  If <order> is
+    COARSE_SAMPLE_ORDER_DEFAULT_NV, coverage samples are ordered in an
+    implementation-dependent default order.  If <order> is
+    COARSE_SAMPLE_ORDER_PIXEL_MAJOR_NV, coverage samples in the combined
+    fragment will be ordered sequentially, sorted first by pixel coordinate
+    (in row-major order) and then by per-pixel coverage sample number.  If
+    <order> is COARSE_SAMPLE_ORDER_SAMPLE_MAJOR_NV, coverage samples in the
+    combined fragment will be ordered sequentially, sorted first by per-pixel
+    coverage sample number and then by pixel coordinate (in row-major order).
+    When processing a fragment using an ordering specified by
+    COARSE_SAMPLE_ORDER_PIXEL_MAJOR_NV sample <cs> in the combined fragment
+    will be assigned to coverage sample <ps> of pixel (px,py) specified by:
+      px = fx + (floor(cs / fsc) % fw)
+      py = fy + floor(cs / (fsc * fw))
+      ps = cs % fsc
+    where the lower-leftmost pixel in the fragment has coordinates (fx,fy),
+    the fragment width and height are <fw> and <fh>, respectively, and there
+    are <fsc> coverage samples per pixel.  When processing a fragment with an
+    ordering specified by COARSE_SAMPLE_ORDER_SAMPLE_MAJOR_NV, sample <cs> in
+    the combined fragment will be assigned using:
+      px = fx + (cs % fw)
+      py = fy + (floor(cs / fw) % fh)
+      ps = floor(cs / (fw * fh))
+    Additionally, the command
+        void ShadingRateSampleOrderCustomNV(enum rate, uint samples,
+                                            const int *locations);
+    specifies the order of coverage samples for fragments using a shading rate
+    of <rate> with <samples> coverage samples per pixel.  <rate> must be one
+    of the shading rates specified in Table X.1 and must specify a shading
+    rate with more than one pixel per fragment.  <locations> specifies an
+    array of N (x,y,s) tuples, where N is the product the fragment width
+    indicated by <rate>, the fragment height indicated by <rate>, and
+    <samples>.  For each (x,y,s) tuple specified in <locations>, <x> must be
+    in the range [0,fw-1], y must be in the range [0,fh-1], and s must be in
+    the range [0,fsc-1].  No two tuples in <locations> may have the same
+    values.
+    When using a sample order specified by ShadingRateSampleOrderCustomNV,
+    sample <cs> in the combined fragment will be assigned using:
+      px = fx + locations[3 * cs + 0]
+      py = fy + locations[3 * cs + 1]
+      ps = locations[3 * cs + 2]
+    where all terms in these equations are defined as in the equations
+    specified for ShadingRateSampleOrderNV and are consistent with a shading
+    rate of <rate> and a per-pixel sample count of <samples>.
+      Errors
+       * INVALID_ENUM is generated if <rate> is not one of the enums in Table
+         X.1.
+       * INVALID_OPERATION is generated if <rate> does not specify a
+         shading rate palette entry that specifies fragments with more than
+         one pixel.
+       * INVALID_VALUE is generated if <sampleCount> is not 1, 2, 4, or 8.
+       * INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the product of the fragment width
+         indicated by <rate>, the fragment height indicated by <rate>, and
+         samples is greater than MAX_COARSE_FRAGMENT_SAMPLES_NV.
+       * INVALID_VALUE is generated if any (x,y,s) tuple in <locations> has
+         negative values of <x>, <y>, or <s>, has an <x> value greater than or
+         equal to the width of fragments using <rate>, has a <y> value greater
+         than or equal to the height of fragments using <rate>, or has an <s>
+         value greater than or equal to <sampleCount>.
+       * INVALID_OPERATION is generated if any pair of (x,y,s) tuples in
+         <locations> have identical values.
+    In the initial state, the order of coverage samples in combined fragments
+    is implementation-dependent, but will be identical to the order obtained
+    by passing COARSE_SAMPLE_ORDER_DEFAULT_NV to ShadingRateSampleOrderNV.
+    The command
+      void GetShadingRateSampleLocationivNV(enum rate, uint samples,
+                                            uint index, int *location);
+    can be used to determine the specific pixel and sample number for each
+    numbered sample in a single- or multi-pixel fragment when the final
+    shading rate is <rate> and uses <samples> coverage samples per pixel.
+    <index> specifies a sample number in the fragment.  Three integers are
+    returned in <location>, and are interpreted in the same manner as each
+    (x,y,s) tuples passed to ShadingRateSampleOrderCustomNV.  The command
+    GetMultisamplefv can be used to determine the location of the identified
+    sample <s> within a combined fragment pixel identified by (x,y).
+      Errors
+        INVALID_OPERATION is returned if <rate> is
+        INVALID_VALUE is returned if <index> is greater than or equal to the
+        number of coverage samples in the draw framebuffer in a combined pixel
+        for a shading rate given by <rate>.
+    When the final shading rate for pixel (x,y) specifies single-pixel
+    fragments, a single fragment with S samples numbered in the range
+    [0,<S>-1] will be generated when (x,y) is covered.
+    If the final shading rate for the fragment containing pixel (x,y) produces
+    fragments covering multiple pixels, a single fragment shader invocation
+    will be generated for the combined fragment.  When using fragments with
+    multiple pixels per fragment, fragment shader outputs (e.g., color values
+    and gl_FragDepth) will be broadcast to all covered pixels/samples of the
+    fragment.  If a "discard" is used in a fragment shader, none of the
+    pixels/samples of the fragment will be updated.
+    If the final shading rate for pixel (x,y) indicates <N> fragment shader
+    invocations per fragment, <N> separate fragment shader invocations will be
+    generated for the single-pixel fragment.  Each coverage sample in the
+    fragment is assigned to one of the <N> fragment shader invocations in an
+    implementation-dependent manner.
+    If sample shading is enabled and the final shading rate results in
+    multiple fragment shader invocations per pixel, each fragment shader
+    invocation for a pixel will have a separate set of interpolated input
+    values.  If sample shading is disabled, interpolated fragment shader
+    inputs not qualified with "centroid" may have the same value for each
+    invocation.
+    Modify Section 14.6.X, Conservative Rasterization from the
+    NV_conservative_raster extension specification
+    (add to the end of the section)
+    When the shading rate results in fragments covering more than one pixel,
+    coverage evaluation for conservative rasterization will be performed
+    independently for each pixel.  In a such a case, a pixel considered not to
+    be covered by a conservatively rasterized primitive will still be
+    considered uncovered even if a neighboring pixel in the same fragment is
+    covered.
+    Modify Section 14.9.2, Scissor Test
+    (add to the end of the section)
+    When the shading rate results in fragments covering more than one pixel,
+    the scissor tests are performed separately for each pixel in the fragment.
+    If a pixel covered by a fragment fails either the scissor or exclusive
+    scissor test, that pixel is treated as though it was not covered by the
+    primitive.  If all pixels covered by a fragment are either not covered by
+    the primitive being rasterized or fail either scissor test, the fragment
+    is discarded.
+    Modify Section 14.9.3, Multisample Fragment Operations (p. 562)
+    (modify the end of the first paragraph to indicate that sample mask
+    operations are performed when using the shading rate image, which can
+    produce coarse fragments where each pixel is considered a "sample")
+    ... This step is skipped if MULTISAMPLE is disabled or if the value of
+    SAMPLE_BUFFERS is not one, unless SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV is enabled for one
+    or more viewports.
+    (add to the end of the section)
+    When the shading rate results in fragments covering more than one pixel,
+    each fragment will a composite coverage mask that includes separate
+    coverage bits for each sample in each pixel covered by the fragment.  This
+    composite coverage mask will be used by the GLSL built-in input variable
+    gl_SampleMaskIn[] and updated according to the built-in output variable
+    gl_SampleMask[].  Each bit number in this composite mask maps to a
+    specific pixel and sample number within that pixel.
+    When building the composite coverage mask for a fragment, rasterization
+    logic evaluates separate per-pixel coverage masks and then modifies each
+    per-pixel mask as described in this section.  After that, it assembles the
+    composite mask by applying the mapping of composite mask bits to
+    pixels/samples, which can be queried using GetShadingRateSampleLocationfvNV.
+    When using the output sample mask gl_SampleMask[] to determine which
+    samples should be updated by subsequent per-fragment operations, a set of
+    separate per-pixel output masks is extracted by reversing the mapping used
+    to generate the composite sample mask.
+    Modify Section 15.1, Fragment Shader Variables (p. 566)
+    (modify fourth paragraph, p. 567, specifying how "centroid" works for
+    multi-pixel fragments)
+    When interpolating input variables, the default screen-space location at
+    which these variables are sampled is defined in previous rasterization
+    sections.  The default location may be overriden by interpolation
+    qualifiers.  When interpolating variables declared using "centroid in",
+    the variable is sampled at a location inside the area of the fragment that
+    is covered by the primitive generating the fragment. ...
+    Modify Section 15.2.2, Shader Inputs (p. 566), as edited by
+    NV_conservative_raster_underestimation
+    (add to new paragraph on gl_FragFullyCoveredNV)
+    enabled, the built-in read-only variable gl_FragFullyCoveredNV is set to
+    true if the fragment is fully covered by the generating primitive, and
+    false otherwise.  When the shading rate results in fragments covering more
+    than one pixel, gl_FragFullyCoveredNV will be true if and only if all
+    pixels covered by the fragment are fully covered by the primitive being
+    rasterized.
+    Modify Section 17.3, Per-Fragment Operations (p. 587)
+    (insert a new paragraph after the first paragraph of the section)
+    If the fragment covers multiple pixels, the operations described in the
+    section are performed independently for each pixel covered by the
+    fragment.  The set of samples covered by each pixel is determined by
+    extracting the portion of the fragment's composite coverage that applies
+    to that pixel, as described in section 14.9.3.
+Dependencies on ARB_sample_locations and NV_sample_locations
+    If ARB_sample_locations or NV_sample_locations is supported, applications
+    can enable programmable sample locations instead of the default sample
+    locations, and also configure sample locations that may vary from pixel to
+    pixel.
+    When using "coarse" shading rates covering multiple pixels, the coarse
+    fragment is considered to include the samples of all the pixels it
+    contains.  Each sample of each pixel in the coarse fragment is mapped to
+    exactly one sample in the coarse fragment.  The location of each sample in
+    the coarse fragment is determined by mapping the sample to a pixel (px,py)
+    and a sample <s> within the identified pixel.  The exact location of that
+    identified sample is the same as it would be for one-pixel fragments.  If
+    programmable sample locations are enabled, those locations will be used.
+    If the sample location pixel grid is enabled, those locations will depend
+    on the (x,y) coordinate of the containing pixel.
+Dependencies on NV_scissor_exclusive
+    If NV_scissor_exclusive is not supported, remove references to the
+    exclusive scissor test in section 14.9.2.
+Dependencies on NV_sample_mask_override_coverage
+    If NV_sample_mask_override_coverage is supported, applications are able to
+    use the sample mask to enable coverage for samples not covered by the
+    primitive being rasterized.  When this extension is used in conjunction
+    with a shading rate where fragments cover multiple pixels, it's possible
+    for the sample mask override to enable coverage for pixels that would
+    normally be discarded.  For example, this can enable coverage in pixels
+    that are not covered by the primitive being rasterized or that fail the
+    scissor test.
+Dependencies on NV_conservative_raster
+    If NV_conservative_raster is supported, conservative rasterization
+    evaluates coverage per pixel, even when using a shading rate that
+    specifies multiple pixels per fragment.
+    If NV_conservative_raster is not supported, remove edits to the "Section
+    14.6.X" section from that extension.
+Dependencies on NV_conservative_raster_underestimation
+    If NV_conservative_raster_underestimation is supported, and conservative
+    rasterization is enabled with a shading rate that specifies multiple
+    pixels per fragment, gl_FragFullyCoveredNV will be true if and only if all
+    pixels covered by the fragment are fully covered by the primitive being
+    rasterized.
+    If NV_conservative_raster_underestimation is not supported, remove edits
+    to Section 15.2.2 related to gl_FragFullyCoveredNV.
+Dependencies on EXT_raster_multisample
+    If EXT_raster_multisample is not supported, remove the language allowing
+    implementations to reduce the number of fragment shader invocations
+    per pixel if RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT is enabled.
+Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
+    None
+    See the "Errors" sections for individual commands above.
+New State
+    Get Value                   Get Command        Type    Initial Value    Description                 Sec.    Attribute
+    ---------                   ---------------    ----    -------------    -----------                 ----    ---------
+    SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV       IsEnabledi         16+ x   FALSE            Use shading rate image to   14.4.1  enable
+                                                    B                       determine shading rate for
+                                                                            a given viewport
+    SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_         GetIntegerv         Z      0                Texture object bound for    14.4.1  none
+      BINDING_NV                                                            use as a shading rate image
+    <none>                      GetShadingRate-    16+ x   SHADING_RATE_1_- Shading rate palette        14.4.1  none
+                                ImagePaletteNV     16+ x   INVOCATION_PER_- entries
+                                                    Z12    PIXEL_NV
+    <none>                      GetShadingRate-    many    n/a              Locations of individual     14.4.3  none
+                                SampleLocation-    3xZ+                     samples in "coarse"
+                                                                            fragments
+New Implementation Dependent State
+                                                    Minimum
+    Get Value                Type  Get Command      Value   Description                   Sec.
+    ---------                ----- ---------------  ------- ------------------------      ------
+    SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_      Z+    GetIntegerv      1       Width (in pixels) covered by  14.4.1
+      TEXEL_WIDTH_NV                                        each shading rate image texel
+    SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_      Z+    GetIntegerv      1       Height (in pixels) covered by 14.4.1
+      TEXEL_HEIGHT_NV                                       each shading rate image texel
+    SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_      Z+    GetIntegerv      16      Number of entries in each     14.4.1
+      PALETTE_SIZE_NV                                       viewport's shading rate
+                                                            palette
+    MAX_COARSE_FRAGMENT_     Z+    GetIntegerv      1       Maximum number of samples in  14.4.3
+      PALETTE_SIZE_NV                                       "coarse" fragments
+    (1) How should we name this extension?
+      RESOLVED:  We are calling this extension NV_shading_rate_image.  We use
+      the term "shading rate" to indicate the variable number of fragment
+      shader invocations that will be spawned for a particular neighborhood of
+      covered pixels.  The extension can support shading rates running one
+      invocation for multiple pixels and/or multiple invocations for a single
+      pixel.  We use "image" in the extension name because we allow
+      applications to control the shading rate using an image, where each
+      pixel specifies a shading rate for a portion of the framebuffer.
+      We considered a name like "NV_variable_rate_shading", but decided that
+      name didn't sufficiently distinguish between this extension (where
+      shading rate varies across the framebuffer at once) from an extension
+      where an API is provided to change the shading rate for the entire
+      framebuffer.  For example, the MinSampleShadingARB() API in
+      ARB_sample_shading allows an application to run one thread per pixel
+      (0.0) for some draw calls and one thread per sample (1.0) for others.
+    (2) Should this extension support only off-screen (FBO) rendering or can
+        it also support on-screen rendering?
+      RESOLVED:  This extension only supports rendering to a framebuffer
+      object; the feature is disabled when rendering to the default
+      framebuffer.  In some window system environments, the default
+      framebuffer may be a subset of a larger framebuffer allocation
+      corresponding the full screen.  Because the initial hardware
+      implementation of this extension always uses (x,y) coordinates relative
+      to the framebuffer allocation to determine the shading rate, the shading
+      rate would depend on the location of a window on the screen and change
+      as the window moves.  While some window systems may have separate
+      default framebuffer allocations for each window, we've chosen to
+      disallow use of the shading rate image with the default framebuffer
+      globally instead of adding a "Can I use the shading rate image with a
+      default framebuffer?" query.
+    (3) How does this feature work with per-sample shading?
+      RESOLVED:  When using per-sample shading, an application is expecting a
+      fragment shader to run with a separate invocation per sample.  The
+      shading rate image might allow for a "coarsening" that would break such
+      shaders.  We've chosen to override the shading rate (effectively
+      disabling the shading rate image) when per-sample shading is used.
+    (4) Should BindShadingRateImageNV take any arguments to bind a subset of
+        a complex texture (e.g., a specific layer of an array texture or a
+        non-base mipmap level)?
+      RESOLVED:  No.  Applications can use texture views to create texture
+      that refer to the desired subset of a more complex texture, if required.
+    (5) Does a shading rate image need to be bound in order to use the shading
+        rate feature?
+      RESOLVED:  No.  The behavior where there is no texture bound when
+      SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV is enabled is explicitly defined to behave as if a
+      lookup was performed and returned zero.  If an application wants to use
+      a constant rate other than SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_PIXEL_NV, it
+      can enable SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV, ensure no image is bound, and define
+      the entries for index zero in the relevant palette(s) to contain the
+      desired shading rate.  This technique can be used to emulate 16x
+      multisampling on implementations that don't support it by binding larger
+      4x multisample textures to the framebuffer and then setting a shading
+    (6) How is the FRAGMENT_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_ARB query (from
+        ARB_pipeline_statistics_query) handled with fragments covering
+        multiple pixels?
+      RESOLVED:  The fragment shader invocation for each multi-pixel fragment
+      is counted exactly once.
+    (7) How do we handle the combination of variable-rate shading (including
+        multiple invocations per pixel) and target-independent rasterization
+        (i.e., RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT)?
+      RESOLVED:  In EXT_raster_multisample, the specification allows
+      implementations to run a single fragment shader invocation for each
+      pixel, even if sample shading would normally call for multiple
+      invocations per pixel:
+        If RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT is enabled, the number of unique samples to
+        process is implementation-dependent and need not be more than one.
+      The shading rates in this extension calling for multiple fragment shader
+      invocations per pixel behave similarly to sample shading, so we extend
+      the allowance to this extension as well.  If the shading rate in a
+      region of the framebuffer calls for multiple fragment shader invocations
+      per pixel, implementations are permitted to modify the shading rate and
+      need not support more than one invocation per pixel.
+    (8) Both the shading rate image and the framebuffer attachments can be
+        layered or non-layered.  Do they have to match?
+      RESOLVED:  No.  When using a shading rate image with a target of
+      TEXTURE_2D with a layered framebuffer, all layers in the framebuffer
+      will use the same two-dimensional shading rate image.  When using a
+      shading rate image with a target of TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY with a non-layered
+      framebuffer, layer zero of the shading rate image will be used, except
+      perhaps in the (undefined behavior) case where a shader writes a
+      non-zero value to gl_Layer.
+    (9) When using shading rates that specify "coarse" fragments covering
+        multiple pixels, we will generate a combined coverage mask that
+        combines the coverage masks of all pixels covered by the fragment.  By
+        default, these masks are combined in an implementation-dependent
+        order.  Should we provide a mechanism allowing applications to query
+        or specify an exact order?
+      RESOLVED:  Yes, this feature is useful for cases where most of the
+      fragment shader can be evaluated once for an entire coarse fragment, but
+      where some per-pixel computations are also required.  For example, a
+      per-pixel alpha test may want to kill all the samples for some pixels in
+      a coarse fragment.  This sort of test can be implemented using an output
+      sample mask, but such a shader would need to know which bit in the mask
+      corresponds to each sample in the coarse fragment.  The command
+      ShadingRateSampleOrderNV allows applications to specify simple orderings
+      for all combinations, while ShadingRateSampleOrderCustomNV allows for
+      completely customized orders for each combination.
+    (10) How do centroid-sampled variables work with fragments larger than one
+         pixel?
+      RESOLVED:  For single-pixel fragments, attributes declared with
+      "centroid" are sampled at an implementation-dependent location in the
+      intersection of the area of the primitive being rasterized and the area
+      of the pixel that corresponds to the fragment.  With multi-pixel
+      fragments, we follow a similar pattern, using the intersection of the
+      primitive and the *set* of pixels corresponding to the fragment.
+      One important thing to keep in mind when using such "coarse" shading
+      rates is that fragment attributes are sampled at the center of the
+      fragment by default, regardless of the set of pixels/samples covered by
+      the fragment.  For fragments with a size of 4x4 pixels, this center
+      location will be more than two pixels (1.5 * sqrt(2)) away from the
+      center of the pixels at the corners of the fragment.  When rendering a
+      primitive that covers only a small part of a coarse fragment,
+      interpolating a color outside the primitive can produce overly bright or
+      dark color values if the color values have a large gradient.  To deal
+      with this, an application can use centroid sampling on attributes where
+      "extrapolation" artifacts can lead to overly bright or dark pixels.
+      Note that this same problem also exists for multisampling with
+      single-pixel fragments, but is less severe because it only affects
+      certain samples of a pixel and such bright/dark samples may be averaged
+      with other samples that don't have a similar problem.
+    (11) How does this feature interact with multisampling?
+      RESOLVED:  The shading rate image can produce "coarse" fragments larger
+      than one pixel, which we want to behave a lot like regular multisample.
+      One can consider each coarse fragment to be a lot like a "pixel", where
+      the individual pixels covered by the fragment are treated as "samples".
+      When the shading rate is enabled, we override several rules related to
+      multisampling:
+      (a) Multisample rasterization rules apply, even if we don't have
+          multisample buffers or if MULTISAMPLE is disabled.
+      (b) Coverage for the pixels comprising a coarse fragment is combined
+          into a single aggregate coverage mask that can be read using the
+          fragment shader input "gl_SampleMaskIn[]".
+      (c) Coverage for pixels comprising a coarse fragment can be modified using
+          the fragment shader output "gl_SampleMask[]", which is also
+          interpreted as an aggregate coverage mask.
+      Note that (a) means that point and line primitives may be rasterized
+      differently depending on whether the shading rate image is enabled or
+      disabled.
+    Also, please refer to issues in the GLSL extension specification.
+Revision History
+    Revision 1 (pbrown)
+    - Internal revisions.
diff --git a/extensions/NV/NV_vdpau_interop2.txt b/extensions/NV/NV_vdpau_interop2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45c371c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/NV/NV_vdpau_interop2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+    NV_vdpau_interop2
+Name Strings
+    GL_NV_vdpau_interop2
+    Manoj Gupta Bonda, NVIDIA
+    James Jones, NVIDIA
+    Manoj Gupta Bonda, NVIDIA (mbonda 'at'
+    XXX - Not complete yet!!!
+    1 (2 Oct 2018)
+    OpenGL Extension #593
+    This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.6 Specification
+    (Compatibility Profile), dated July 30, 2017.
+    but can apply to OpenGL 1.1 and up.
+    OpenGL 1.1 is required.
+    GL_NV_vdpau_interop is required.
+    GL_EXT_framebuffer_object affects the definition of this extension.
+    GL_ARB_texture_rectangle affects the definition of this extension.
+    GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two affects the definition of this
+    extension.
+    This extension allows VDPAU video surfaces to be used
+    either with frame or field structures for texturing and rendering.
+IP Status
+    There are no known IP issues. 
+New Types
+    None
+New Procedures and Functions
+    vdpauSurfaceNV VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceWithPictureStructureNV (const void *vdpSurface,
+                                                                    enum       target,
+                                                                    sizei      numTextureNames,
+                                                                    const uint *textureNames,
+                                                                    boolean    isFrameStructure);
+New Tokens
+    None
+Additions to Chapter 8 of the OpenGL 4.6 (unabridged) Specification
+(Textures and Samplers)
+    Replace the paragraph that begins with 'The command 
+    vdpauSurfaceNV VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV' and the following two paragraphs,
+    including table, with the following:
+    The commands
+        vdpauSurfaceNV VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV (const void *vdpSurface,
+                                                    enum       target,
+                                                    sizei      numTextureNames,
+                                                    const uint *textureNames);
+        vdpauSurfaceNV VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceWithPictureStructureNV (const void *vdpSurface,
+                                                                        enum       target,
+                                                                        sizei      numTextureNames,
+                                                                        const uint *textureNames,
+                                                                        boolean    isFrameStructure);
+    defines a set of two-dimensional textures, where the image data may
+    be taken from the VdpVideoSurface <vdpSurface>. <target> must be
+    one of TEXTURE_2D or TEXTURE_RECTANGLE. <numTextureNames>
+    determines how many textures are defined. <textureNames> contains
+    the names of the textures that are defined. The surface is
+    transitioned into the registered state.
+    VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceNV is equivalent to calling 
+    VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceWithPictureStructureNV with <isFrameStructure> 
+    set to FALSE.
+    Legal values for <numTextureNames>,<isFrameStructure> are derived from the
+    VdpChromaType of <vdpSurface>, as defined in table 8.7.1.
+                                                                                          Internal
+      VdpChromaType              numTextureNames  isFrameStructure      Index  Size       Format    Content
+      -------------              ---------------  ----------------      -----  ----       --------  -------------------
+      VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_420        4                        0             0      w   x h/2  R8        Top-field luma
+                                                                        1      w   x h/2  R8        Bottom-field luma
+                                                                        2      w/2 x h/4  R8G8      Top-field chroma
+                                                                        3      w/2 x h/4  R8G8      Bottom-field chroma
+      VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_422        4                        0             0      w   x h/2  R8        Top-field luma
+                                                                        1      w   x h/2  R8        Bottom-field luma
+                                                                        2      w/2 x h/2  R8G8      Top-field chroma
+                                                                        3      w/2 x h/2  R8G8      Bottom-field chroma
+      VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_444        4                        0             0      w   x h/2  R8        Top-field luma
+                                                                        1      w   x h/2  R8        Bottom-field luma
+                                                                        2      w   x h/2  R8G8      Top-field chroma
+                                                                        3      w   x h/2  R8G8      Bottom-field chroma
+      VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_420        2                        1             0      w   x h    R8        Luma
+                                                                        1      w/2 x h/2  R8G8      Chroma
+      VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_422        2                        1             0      w   x h    R8        Luma
+                                                                        1      w/2 x h    R8G8      Chroma
+      VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_444        2                        1             0      w   x h    R8        Luma
+                                                                        1      w   x h    R8G8      Chroma
+      VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_420_FIELD  4                        0             0      w   x h/2  R8        Top-field luma
+                                                                        1      w   x h/2  R8        Bottom-field luma
+                                                                        2      w/2 x h/4  R8G8      Top-field chroma
+                                                                        3      w/2 x h/4  R8G8      Bottom-field chroma
+      VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_422_FIELD  4                        0             0      w   x h/2  R8        Top-field luma
+                                                                        1      w   x h/2  R8        Bottom-field luma
+                                                                        2      w/2 x h/2  R8G8      Top-field chroma
+                                                                        3      w/2 x h/2  R8G8      Bottom-field chroma
+      VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_444_FIELD  4                        0             0      w   x h/2  R8        Top-field luma
+                                                                        1      w   x h/2  R8        Bottom-field luma
+                                                                        2      w   x h/2  R8G8      Top-field chroma
+                                                                        3      w   x h/2  R8G8      Bottom-field chroma
+      VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_420_FRAME  2                        1             0      w   x h    R8        Luma
+                                                                        1      w/2 x h/2  R8G8      Chroma
+      VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_422_FRAME  2                        1             0      w   x h    R8        Luma
+                                                                        1      w/2 x h    R8G8      Chroma
+      VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_444_FRAME  2                        1             0      w   x h    R8        Luma
+                                                                        1      w   x h    R8G8      Chroma
+      Table 8.7.1: Supported VdpChromaType values, and derived values
+      of <numTextureNames>,<isFrameStructure> and texture parameters for 
+      each texture.
+    VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceWithPictureStructureNV's return value is a handle 
+    used by various other commands detailed in NV_vdpau_interop.
+Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
+    None
+Additions to the OpenGL Shading Language
+    None
+GLX Protocol
+    VDPAU implementations currently only support direct-rendering.
+    Consequently, no GLX protocol is currently defined for this
+    extension.
+Dependencies on GL_ARB_texture_rectangle
+    If GL_ARB_texture_rectangle is not supported, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE may
+    not be used as target for VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceWithPictureStructureNV.
+Dependencies on GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
+    If GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two is not supported, only VDPAU
+    surfaces with power-of-two size may be used with target TEXTURE_2D.
+    INVALID_OPERATION is generated by 
+    VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceWithPictureStructureNV if the VDPAU driver
+    refuses the request for some reason.
+    INVALID_OPERATION is generated if any texture named by an entry
+    within the <textureNames> parameter of 
+    VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceWithPictureStructureNV is marked as immutable.
+    INVALID_VALUE is generated if the VDPAU surface named by the
+    <vdpSurface> parameter of VDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceWithPictureStructureNV
+    does not have a supported format;
+    see table 8.7.1.
+New State
+    None
+New Implementation State
+    None
+Revision History
+    1. 02 Oct 2018 - Manoj Bonda
+        Initial version
diff --git a/extensions/OES/OES_texture_float_linear.txt b/extensions/OES/OES_texture_float_linear.txt
index ffcd3d0..47ae7e5 100644
--- a/extensions/OES/OES_texture_float_linear.txt
+++ b/extensions/OES/OES_texture_float_linear.txt
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
-    Revision 2, October 29, 2014
+    Revision 3, September 21, 2018
@@ -37,7 +37,10 @@
     This extension is derived from the ARB_texture_float extension.
-    OES_texture_half_float and OES_texture_float are required.
+    Either
+     - OES_texture_half_float and OES_texture_float are required.
+    or
+     - OpenGL ES 3.0 is required.
@@ -47,16 +50,67 @@
-    When implemented against OpenGL ES 3.0 or later versions, sized 32-bit
-    floating-point formats become texture-filterable. This should be noted
-    by, for example, checking the ``TF'' column of table 8.13 in the ES 3.1
-    Specification (``Correspondence of sized internal formats to base
-    internal formats ... and use cases ...'') for the R32F, RG32F, RGB32F,
-    and RGBA32F formats.
+    When implemented against OpenGL ES 3.0 or later versions, the
+    existing sized 32-bit floating-point formats become texture-filterable,
+    but no new formats are added.
+(  Only when implemented against OpenGL ES 3.0  )
+Additions to Chapter 3.8.3 of the OpenGL ES 3.0 Specification
+(Texture Image Specification)
+    Modify Table 3.13, Correspondence of sized internal color formats to base internal format:
+    Check the ``Texture-filterable'' column for the R32F, RG32F, RGB32F, and RGBA32F formats.
-   None
+   (1) Can you explain the interactions with OpenGL ES 3.x in more detail?
+      OES_texture_float was written against OpenGL ES 2.0 and adds a set of
+      new unsized formats, including floating-point versions of LUMINANCE and
+      LUMINANCE_ALPHA formats.
+      OES_texture_float_linear and OES_texture_half_float_linear makes these
+      formats filterable for FLOAT and HALF_FLOAT_OES types, respectively.
+      OpenGL ES 3.0 added sized internal formats. The unsized formats and
+      the LUMINANCE formats are considered legacy formats. Floating point
+      versions of these formats were therefore not added in OpenGL ES 3.0.
+      Further, OpenGL ES 3.0 requires that the required floating-point
+      formats with 16-bits per component ('half-float') are filterable, but
+      does not support filtering for floating-point formats with 32-bits per
+      component.
+      Some OpenGL ES 3.0 implementations want a way to indicate that the
+      required floating-point formats with 32-bit per component are also
+      filterable _without_ adding the additional unsized formats from
+      OES_texture_float. This is achieved by exposing this extension without
+      exposing OES_texture_float.
+      For an OpenGL ES 3.0 implementation, the following holds for the
+      combination of the OES_texture_float, OES_texture_float_linear,
+      and OES_texture_half_float_linear extensions:
+        - If none of these extensions are supported:
+           - floating-point formats with 32-bit per component are not filterable
+           - floating-point formats with 16-bit per component are filterable
+        - If OES_texture_float_linear is supported:
+           - all floating-point formats in Table 3.13 are filterable
+        - If OES_texture_float and OES_texture_float_linear are supported:
+           - all floating-point formats in Table 3.13 are filterable
+           - all formats of type FLOAT added by OES_texture_float are filterable
+        - If OES_texture_half_float and OES_texture_half_float_linear are
+           supported:
+           - all floating-point formats in Table 3.13 are filterable
+           - all formats of type HALF_FLOAT_OES added by OES_texture_half_float
+             are filterable
 New Procedures and Functions
@@ -71,3 +125,5 @@
     07/06/2005  0.1   Original draft
     10/29/2014  2     Add interactions with ES 3.0/3.1.
+    09/21/2018  3     Clarified interactions with ES 3.x.
diff --git a/extensions/OVR/OVR_multiview.txt b/extensions/OVR/OVR_multiview.txt
index bdbd53e..5dd1073 100644
--- a/extensions/OVR/OVR_multiview.txt
+++ b/extensions/OVR/OVR_multiview.txt
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
     Tobias Hector, Imagination Technologies
     Daniel Koch, NVIDIA Corporation
     James Helferty, NVIDIA Corporation
+    Olli Etuaho, NVIDIA Corporation
@@ -35,8 +36,8 @@
-    Last Modified Date: May 2, 2018
-    Revision: 4
+    Last Modified Date: October 19, 2018
+    Revision: 6
@@ -47,9 +48,12 @@
     OpenGL 3.0 or OpenGL ES 3.0 is required.
-    This extensions is written against the OpenGL ES 3.2 (November 3, 2016)
+    This extension is written against the OpenGL ES 3.2 (November 3, 2016)
     specification and the OpenGL 4.6 (Core Profile) (July 30, 2017)
+    This extension is written against the OpenGL ES Shading Language 3.00.04
+    specification.
     This extension interacts with OpenGL 3.3, ARB_timer_query, and
@@ -258,8 +262,7 @@
     An INVALID_VALUE error is generated if:
     - <numViews> is less than 1 or if <numViews> is greater than MAX_VIEWS_OVR.
     - <texture> is a two-dimensional array texture and <baseViewIndex> +
-      <numViews> is larger than the value of MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS minus
-      one.
+      <numViews> is larger than the value of MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS.
     - texture is non-zero and <baseViewIndex> is negative."
     An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if texture is non-zero and is not
@@ -341,6 +344,13 @@
       #extension GL_OVR_multiview : <behavior>
+    where <behavior> is as specified in section 3.5.
+    A new preprocessor #define is added to the OpenGL ES Shading Language:
+      #define GL_OVR_multiview 1
     In section "Input Layout Qualifiers":
     Insert a paragraph before the final one ("Fragment shaders cannot ..."):
@@ -778,4 +788,6 @@
                                 interop with compatibility profile's Begin/End (34). Add mention
                                 of OES_geometry_shader and OES_tessellation_shader to interop.
                                 Clarify what happens when transform feedback is paused.
+      5     07/25/18  oetuaho   Fix off-by-one issue in baseViewIndex + numViews check.
+      6     10/19/18  dgkoch    Add standard boiler plate shader extension language.
diff --git a/extensions/OVR/OVR_multiview2.txt b/extensions/OVR/OVR_multiview2.txt
index 91f6568..bef4431 100644
--- a/extensions/OVR/OVR_multiview2.txt
+++ b/extensions/OVR/OVR_multiview2.txt
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
     Jan Paul van Waveren, Oculus
     Jan-Harald Fredriksen, ARM
     Sam Holmes, Qualcomm
+    Daniel Koch, NVIDIA
@@ -23,8 +24,8 @@
-    Last Modified Date:  Mar 18, 2015
-    Author Revision: 0.4
+    Last Modified Date:  October 19, 2018
+    Author Revision: 0.5
@@ -35,7 +36,10 @@
     OpenGL 3.0 or OpenGL ES 3.0 is required.
-    Requires extension OVR_multiview to be implemented.
+    This extension is written against the OpenGL ES Shading Language 3.00.04
+    specification.
+    This extension requires OVR_multiview.
@@ -57,14 +61,43 @@
 	Including the following line in a shader can be used to control the language
 	features described in this extension:
-      #extension GL_OVR_multiview2
+      #extension GL_OVR_multiview2 : <behavior>
+    where <behavior> is as specified in section 3.5.
+    A new preprocessor #define is added to the OpenGL ES Shading Language:
+      #define GL_OVR_multiview2 1
+    If the OVR_multiview2 extension is enabled, the OVR_multiview extension
+    is also implicitly enabled.
+    Modifications to Section 7.1 "Built-in Language Variables" (as modified by
+    OVR_multiview):
+    Delete the paragraph which states:
+    It is a compile- or link-time error if any output variable other
+    than gl_Position is statically dependent on gl_ViewID_OVR. If an
+    output variable other than gl_Position is dynamically dependent on
+    gl_ViewID_OVR, the values are undefined.
+    None.
+    (1) Does enabling GL_OVR_multiview2 automatically enable GL_OVR_multiview?
+    RESOLVED: Yes. This was not specified in early drafts of the extension,
+    but this is the behavior of multiple implementations.
 Revision History
       Rev.    Date    Author    Changes
       ----  --------  --------  -----------------------------------------
       0.1   03/18/15  cass      Initial draft
+      0.5   10/19/18  dgkoch    Add standard boiler plate shader extension language.
+                                Add issue 1 and clarify that this extension
+                                implicitly enables OVR_multiview.
diff --git a/extensions/QCOM/QCOM_YUV_texture_gather.txt b/extensions/QCOM/QCOM_YUV_texture_gather.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57e11eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/QCOM/QCOM_YUV_texture_gather.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+    QCOM_YUV_texture_gather
+Name Strings
+    GL_QCOM_YUV_texture_gather
+    Jeff Leger ( jleger 'at'
+    Jeff Leger, Qualcomm
+    Complete
+    Last Modified Date:         October 18, 2018
+    Revision:                   1
+    OpenGL ES Extension #307
+    Requires OpenGL ES 3.0
+    Requires GL_EXT_YUV_target
+    Requires EXT_gpu_shader5
+    Extension EXT_gpu_shader5 introduced the texture gather built-in functions.
+    Extension EXT_YUV_target adds the ability to sample from YUV textures, but
+    does not include gather functions.   This extension allows gather function
+    to be used in combination with the YUV textures exposed in EXT_YUV_target.
+IP Status
+    No known IP claims.
+New Procedures and Functions
+    None
+New Tokens
+    None
+Modifications to The OpenGL ES Shading Language Specification, Version 3.00,
+dated 29 January 2016.
+    Including the following line in a shader can be used to control the
+    language features described in this extension:
+      #extension QCOM_YUV_texture_gather : <behavior>
+    where <behavior> is as specified in section 3.4.
+    A new preprocessor #define is added to the OpenGL ES Shading Language:
+      #define QCOM_YUV_texture_gather       1
+    Add to the list of texture gather functions as introduced with EXT_gpu_shader5
+    and core functionality in ESSL 3.1 the following additional function:
+    vec4 textureGather(__samplerExternal2DY2YEXT sampler, vec2 P [, int comp] )
+    None.
+New State
+    None.
+New Implementation Dependent State
+    None
+    None.
+Revision History
+    Rev.    Date      Author    Changes
+    ----  ----------  --------  -----------------------------------------
+    1     2018-10-18  jleger    initial version
diff --git a/extensions/QCOM/QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate.txt b/extensions/QCOM/QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99f6b45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/QCOM/QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+    QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate
+Name Strings
+    GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate
+    Jeff Leger ( jleger 'at'
+    Jeff Leger, Qualcomm
+    Jonathan Wicks, Qualcomm
+    DRAFT
+    Last Modified Date:         August 20, 2018
+    Revision:                   1
+    OpenGL ES Extension #304
+    OpenGL ES 2.0 and GLSL ES 1.00 are required.
+    This extension is written against the OpenGL ES 3.2 (May 14, 2018)
+    and the OpenGL ES Shading Language 3.20.4 Specification
+    (June 14, 2018) specifications.
+    This extension interacts with EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch.
+    This extension interacts with ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_depth_stencil.
+    When certain built-ins (e.g. gl_LastFragData, gl_LastFragStencilARM)
+    are referenced in the shader, the shader is required to execute at sample-rate
+    if the attachments are multisampled.  In some use-cases executing such shaders
+    at fragment-rate is actually the preferred behavior.  When this extension is
+    enabled, such GLSL shaders will execute at fragment-rate and the built-in
+    will return a per-fragment value.  This avoids the significant performance
+    penalty that would otherwise be incurred with sample-rate shading.
+    The following built-ins are affected when the this extension is enabled:
+        gl_LastFragData      (from EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch)
+        gl_LastFragDepthARM  (from ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_depth_stencil)
+    The following built-ins are disallowed when this extension is enabled:
+        gl_SampleID
+        gl_SamplePosition
+        interpolateAtSample()
+IP Status
+    No known IP claims.
+New Procedures and Functions
+    None
+New Tokens
+    None
+Additions to Chapter 13 of the OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification
+(Fixed-Function Primitive Assembly and Rasterization)
+    Modify Section 13.4.1, Sample Shading, p. 353
+    Modify the first paragraph:
+        "Sample shading can be used to specify a minimum number of unique samples
+        to process for each fragment. Sample shading is controlled by calling
+        Enable or Disable with target SAMPLE_SHADING."
+    by adding one sentence to the end:
+        "Sample shading can be used to specify a minimum number of unique samples
+        to process for each fragment. Sample shading is controlled by calling
+        Enable or Disable with target SAMPLE_SHADING.  For any fragment shader
+        that has forced fragment-rate by enabling QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate,
+        such shader will execute as if SAMPLE_SHADING is disabled."
+Additions to Chapter 14 (Programmable Fragment Processing) of the OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification
+    Modify Section 14.2.2 (Shader Inputs), p. 372
+        Modify the sentence:
+            "Using gl_SampleID in a fragment shader causes the entire shader to
+            be executed per-sample."
+        to:
+            "Using gl_SampleID in a fragment shader causes the entire shader to
+            be executed per-sample.  If GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate is
+            enabled, any use of gl_SampleID will result in a compile or link error."
+        Modify the sentence:
+            "Using gl_SamplePosition in a fragment shader causes the entire shader to
+            be executed per-sample."
+        to:
+            "Using gl_SamplePosition in a fragment shader causes the entire shader to
+            be executed per-sample.  If GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate is
+            enabled, any use of gl_SamplePosition will result in a compile or link
+            error."
+    Modify Section 14.2.3 (Shader Outputs), p. 372
+        [[ The following applies if EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch is supported ]]
+            In the new paragraphs added by EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch to the end
+            this section, change the following added sentence:
+                From:
+                   "Reading from a user-defined fragment output declared inout
+                   causes the shader to be evaluated per-sample, since the
+                   framebuffer potentially contains different color values for
+                   each sample."
+                To:
+                  "If QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate is not enabled, reading from
+                  a user-defined fragment output declared inout causes the shader
+                  to be evaluated per-sample, since the framebuffer potentially
+                  contains different color values for each sample."
+            Add the following paragraph to the end of "Shader Outputs" section:
+              "If the current rendertarget is multisampled and if
+              QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate is enabled, then reading from
+              a user-defined fragment output declared inout will return an
+              implementation-dependent weighted average of the samples within
+              the destination pixel covered by the current fragment.  The value
+              will be between the minium and maximum value of the covered samples.
+              If the destination colors must be linearized from sRGB as
+              described in the preceding paragraphs, the conversion from sRGB
+              to linear happens before computing the weighted average.
+Additions to the EGL Specifications
+    None.
+Modifications to The OpenGL ES Shading Language Specification, Version 3.20.4
+    Changes to section 7.1.5. (Fragment Shader Special Variables), p 120.
+        Add the following at the start of this section:
+            "Static use of certain built-in variables described in this section
+            will cause the shader to be evaluated per-sample. This language feature
+            can be optionally disabled, forcing such shaders to evaluate per-
+            fragment.  The optional behavior can be enabled using:
+            #extension GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate : <behavior>
+            where <behavior> is as specified in section 3.4 (Preprocessor).
+            If GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate is enabled, it is a compile-time
+            or link-time error if any variable is declared with the "sample"
+            qualifier or if the built-in function interpolateAtSample() is statically
+            referenced."
+            Add the New preprocessor #defines are added to the OpenGL ES Shading Language:
+            "#define GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate  1"
+        Modify the last sentence of the paragraph starting with "The input variable
+        gl_SampleID is filled with the sample number of the sample currently being
+        processed"
+        from:
+            "Any static use of this variable in a fragment shader causes the entire
+            shader to be evaluated per-sample."
+        to
+            "If GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate is not enabled, any static use
+            of this variable in a fragment shader causes the entire shader to be evaluated
+            per-sample.  If GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate is enabled, an static
+            reference to gl_SampleID will cause a compile or link error."
+        Modify the last sentence of the paragraph starting with "The input variable
+        gl_SamplePosition contains the position of the current sample within the
+        multisample draw buffer."
+        from:
+            "Any static use of this variable in a fragment shader causes the entire
+            shader to be evaluated per-sample."
+        to
+            "If GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate is not enabled, any static use of
+            this variable in a fragment shader causes the entire shader to be evaluated
+            per-sample.  If GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate is enabled, an static
+            reference to gl_SamplePosition will cause a compile or link error."
+Interactions with EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch.
+    Extension EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch adds built-ins (gl_LastFragData[] for
+    version 1.0 shaders and inout variables version 3.0 shaders) that cause fragment
+    shaders to run at sample-rate.  This extension relaxes that requirement to
+    allow fragment-rate and specifies that the value returned from gl_LastFragData
+    will be an implementation-dependent weighted average of the covered pixels.
+Interactions with ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_depth_stencil.
+   Extension ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch adds built-in "gl_LastFragDepthARM",
+   and specifies the value returned -- for both sample-rate and fragment-rate
+   execution.  This extension can be used to control whether sample-rate or
+   fragment-rate execution is used.
+    None.
+New State
+    None.
+New Implementation Dependent State
+    None
+    (1) Does it make sense to enable this extension for a shader that references
+        per-sample built-ins like gl_SampleID and gl_SamplePosition?
+        RESOLVED: No.  It doesn't make sense to force fragment-rate
+        execution using this extension, while also referencing per-sample
+        built-ins.  Since there is no known use-case, this will be a compile
+        or link error.
+        For the same reason, using the "sample" qualifier or using
+        interpolateAtSample() will cause a compile or link error.
+    (2) How does this extension interact with API-controlled sample-rate shading?
+        RESOLVED: For shaders that enable this this extension, those the shaders
+        will always execute at fragment-rate, regardless of other API states.
+        In particular, the enable/disable of SAMPLE_SHADING and the value of
+        MIN_SAMPLE_SHADING_VALUE will have no effect on such shaders.
+    (3) How does this extension differ from ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch?
+        ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch provides a means for controlling whether
+        shaders fetching color from the framebuffer should execute at sample-rate or
+        fragement rate.  The API state "FETCH_PER_SAMPLE_ARM" controls
+        this behavior.
+        This extension also provides control over sample-rate vs fragment-rate
+        for framebuffer fetch shaders, but does so in the GLSL shader.  Some
+        implementations require this information at shader compile time.
+Revision History
+    Rev.    Date      Author    Changes
+    ----  ----------  --------  -----------------------------------------
+    1     2018-08-20  jleger     initial version
diff --git a/extensions/QCOM/QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout.txt b/extensions/QCOM/QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d81f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/QCOM/QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+    QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout
+Name Strings
+    GL_QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout
+    Tate Hornbeck
+    Jonathan Wicks
+    Robert VanReenen
+    Jeff Leger
+    Jeff Leger - jleger 'at'
+    Complete
+    Last Modified Date:
+    Revision: #3
+     OpenGL ES Extension #306
+    OpenGL ES 2.0 is required.  This extension is written against OpenGL ES 3.2.
+    QCOM_texture_foveated is required.
+    This extension interacts with OES_EGL_image_external and
+    OES_EGL_image_external_essl3.
+    This extension builds on QCOM_texture_foveated by introducing a new foveation
+    method bit that aims to reduce memory bandwidth by avoiding the upscaling that
+    occurred as part of the original extension.
+    With the original FOVEATION_SCALED_BIN_METHOD_BIT_QCOM foveation method,
+    the render target in system memory is entirely populated. The lower
+    resolution framebuffer data is upscaled to fill the entire render target.
+    The subsampled layout method introduced in this extension leaves the
+    framebuffer data at the calculated lower density and instead samples
+    directly from the the lower resolution texels.
+    The primary usecase this is targeting is traditional VR pipeline. The
+    application eye buffers would be rendered as textures with a subsampled layout
+    and then sampled by the warp process. Sampling from a texture with a
+    subsampled layout requires a new sampler layout qualifier.
+New Tokens
+    Accepted as a value to <param> for the TexParameter{if} and
+    to <params> for the TexParameter{if}v commands with a <pname> of
+    TEXTURE_FOVEATED_FEATURE_BITS_QCOM returned as possible values for
+    <params> when GetTexParameter{if}v is queried with a <pname> of
+    Accepted by the <value> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
+    GetInteger64v, and GetFloatv:
+Additions to the OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification
+    Modify section 8.1 "Texture Objects"
+    Modify rows in Table 8.19 "Texture parameters and their values"
+    Name                               | Type | Legal Values
+    ------------------------------------------------------------
+                                                FOVEATION_ENABLE_BIT_QCOM,
+                                                (FOVEATION_ENABLE_BIT_QCOM |
+                                                 FOVEATION_SCALED_BIN_METHOD_BIT_QCOM),
+                                                (FOVEATION_ENABLE_BIT_QCOM |
+                                                 FOVEATION_SUBSAMPLED_LAYOUT_METHOD_BIT_QCOM)
+                                                 FOVEATION_ENABLE_BIT_QCOM,
+                                                 (FOVEATION_ENABLE_BIT_QCOM |
+                                                 FOVEATION_SCALED_BIN_METHOD_BIT_QCOM),
+                                                (FOVEATION_ENABLE_BIT_QCOM |
+                                                 FOVEATION_SUBSAMPLED_LAYOUT_METHOD_BIT_QCOM)
+    Additions to the end of section 8.19 of the OpenGL ES 3.2 Specification
+    after the description of FOVEATION_SCALED_BIN_METHOD_QCOM:
+        implementation perform foveated rendering by dividing the texture render target
+        into a grid of subregions. Each subregions will be greater than or equal to one
+        pixel and less than or equal to the full size of the texture. Then rendering
+        the geometry to each of these regions with a different projection or scale.
+        No upscale is done when writing out to system memory, instead, to sample
+        from a texture with a subsampled layout, the application must declare the sampler
+        with a "subsampled" layout qualifier. Any attempt to read/write
+        this subsampled memory with the CPU will result in a reconstruction pass.
+    glGetTexParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D,
+                        &query);
+                                   GL_FOVEATION_SUBSAMPLED_LAYOUT_METHOD_BIT_QCOM))
+    {
+         // Implementation supports subsampled layout scaled bin method of foveation
+    }
+    glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,
+                    GL_FOVEATION_ENABLE_BIT_QCOM |
+    This will set a texture as having a subsampled layout once it has been rendered to.
+    If any shader attempts to use more than MAX_SHADER_SUBSAMPLED_IMAGE_UNITS_QCOM a compile time
+    error will occur.
+    Add a new row in Table 21.52 "Implementation Dependent Aggregate Shader Limits"
+    Get Value                              Type    Get Command  Minimum Value   Description               Sec
+    ---------                              ----    -----------  -------------   -----------               ------
+    MAX_SHADER_SUBSAMPLED_IMAGE_UNITS_QCOM  Z+      GetIntegerv  1               No. of subsampled texture 8.19
+                                                                                 images allowed in any
+                                                                                 shader stage.
+    INVALID_ENUM is generated by TexParameter{if} or TexParameter{if}v
+    if <pname> is TEXTURE_FOVEATED_FEATURE_BITS_QCOM and <param> has
+    INVALID_VALUE is generated by TexParameter{if} or TexParameter{if}v
+    if <pname> is TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT and <param> is a value
+    > 1.0f and the texture at <target> target has a subsampled layout.
+    INVALID_OPERATION is generated by TexParameter{if} or TexParameter{if}v
+    if <pname> is TEXTURE_WRAP_S, TEXTURE_WRAP_T, or TEXTURE_WRAP_R and
+    <param> is not CLAMP_TO_EDGE or CLAMP_TO_BORDER and the texture at
+    <target> target has a subsampled layout.
+    INVALID_OPERATION is generated by GenerateMipmap if the texture at
+    <target> target has a subsampled layout.
+Modifications to the OpenGL ES Shading Language Specification, Version 1.0.17
+    #extension GL_QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout: <behavior>
+    The above line is needed to control the GLSL features described in
+    this section.
+    A new preprocessor #define is added to the OpenGL ES Shading Language:
+    #define GL_QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout 1
+    [[ The following applies if GL_QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout is supported. ]]
+    Add a new Section 4.x (Layout Qualifiers) as follows:
+    4.x Layout Qualifiers
+    Layout qualifiers can appear with an individual variable declaration:
+        <layout-qualifier> <declaration>;
+        <layout-qualifier>:
+            layout( <layout-qualifier-id-list> )
+        <layout-qualifier-id-list>:
+            comma separated list of <layout-qualifier-id>
+    Declarations of layouts can only be made at global scope, and only where
+    indicated in the following subsection; their details are specific to what
+    the declaration interface is, and are discussed individually.
+    The tokens in any <layout-qualifier-id-list> are identifiers, not
+    keywords. Generally they can be listed in any order. Order-dependent
+    meanings exist only if explicitly called out below. Similarly, these
+    identifiers are not case-sensitive, unless explicitly noted otherwise.
+    4.x.1 Sampler Layout Qualifiers
+    Shaders may specify the following layout qualifier only for samplers of type:
+    sampler2D
+    if OES_EGL_image_external is supported:
+    samplerExternalOES
+    The allowed layout qualifier identifiers for these samplers are:
+      <layout-qualifier-id>:
+        subsampled
+    Specifying subsampled layout qualifier for any other sampler types will result
+    in a compile time error. Additionally, dynamically indexing an array of subsampled
+    samplers will result in a compile time error.
+    For samplers specified with subsampled layout qualifier only texture2D()
+    lookup function may be used. Any other texel lookup function will produce
+    a compile time error.
+    This identifier specifies that the sampler is reading from a texture with a
+    subsampled layout. Attempting to sample a texture previously rendered with
+    qualifier will result in undefined behaviour. Declarations are done as follows:
+      layout(subsampled) mediump uniform sampler2D u_sampler2D;
+Modifications to the OpenGL ES Shading Language Specification, Version 3.10
+    #extension GL_QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout: <behavior>
+    The above line is needed to control the GLSL features described in
+    this section.
+    A new preprocessor #define is added to the OpenGL ES Shading Language:
+    #define GL_QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout 1
+    Modify section 8.9 "Texture Functions"
+    Add paragraph at end:
+    For samplers specified with subsampled layout qualifier only texture()
+    lookup function may be used. Any other texel lookup function will produce
+    a compile time error.
+    Add a new section 4.4.8 "Sampler Layout Qualifiers"
+    Shaders may specify the following layout qualifier only for samplers of type:
+    sampler2D
+    sampler2DArray
+    isampler2D
+    isampler2DArray
+    usampler2D
+    usampler2DArray
+    if OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 is supported:
+    samplerExternalOES
+    The allowed layout qualifier identifiers for these samplers are:
+      <layout-qualifier-id>:
+        subsampled
+    Specifying subsampled layout qualifier for any other sampler types will result
+    in a compile time error. Additionally, dynamically indexing an array of subsampled
+    samplers will result in a compile time error.
+    This identifier specifies that the sampler is reading from a texture with a
+    subsampled layout. Attempting to sample a texture previously rendered with
+    qualifier will result in undefined behaviour. Declarations are done as follows:
+      layout(subsampled) mediump uniform sampler2D u_sampler2D;
+    1. Mipmap support
+       RESOLVED: Mipmaps are not supported for textures that have a subsampled layout.
+    2. How does ReadPixels / CPU access work?
+       RESOLVED: A reconstruction pass will occur to fill in the subsampled texture before
+       attempting to access.
+       For the sake of completeness, CPU access is supported for textures with a subsampled
+       layout. The implementation guarantees that no uninitialized data in the texture
+       will be returned to the CPU. Accessing a texture with a subsampled layout in this
+       manner removes any bandwidth benefits from this method of foveated rendering and
+       should be avoided when possible.
+    3. How does this extension interact with BlitFramebuffer?
+       RESOLVED: Similar to ReadPixels, BlitFramebuffer will trigger a reconstruction
+       pass that will be followed by the normal BlitFramebuffer.
+    4. TexImage2D/TexSubImage2D/CopyTexImage2D
+       RESOLVED: Similar to ReadPixels, TexImage2D type calls will trigger a reconstruction
+       pass and then the data will be uploaded to texture memory.
+    5. Wrap Modes
+       Resolved: Only CLAMP_TO_EDGE and CLAMP_TO_BORDER are allowed for textures that have
+       a subsampled layout
+    6. Aniso
+       Resolved: Aniso > 1.0f is not supported for textures that have a subsampled layout.
+    7. Dynamically indexing subsampled sampler arrays
+       Resolved: Do not allow dynamically indexed subsampled sampler arrays. This is to
+       ease the GLSL->SPIRV translation that glslang will perform.
+Revision History
+    Rev.    Date     Author    Changes
+    ----  --------  --------  ----------------------------------------------
+     1    08/22/17   tateh     Initial spec
+     2    07/27/18   tateh     Update to layout qualifiers and update
+                               wrap mode limitations
+     3    08/24/18   tateh     Added MAX_SHADER_SUBSAMPLED_IMAGE_UNITS_QCOM query
+                               and dynamically indexed issue
diff --git a/extensions/esext.php b/extensions/esext.php
index 941dc6a..3b718da 100644
--- a/extensions/esext.php
+++ b/extensions/esext.php
@@ -627,4 +627,16 @@
 <li value=301><a href="extensions/EXT/EXT_EGL_image_storage.txt">GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage</a>
+<li value=302><a href="extensions/MESA/MESA_framebuffer_flip_y.txt">GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y</a>
+<li value=303><a href="extensions/AMD/AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced.txt">GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced</a>
+<li value=304><a href="extensions/QCOM/QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate.txt">GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate</a>
+<li value=305><a href="extensions/NV/NV_memory_attachment.txt">GL_NV_memory_attachment</a>
+<li value=306><a href="extensions/QCOM/QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout.txt">GL_QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout</a>
+<li value=307><a href="extensions/QCOM/QCOM_YUV_texture_gather.txt">GL_QCOM_YUV_texture_gather</a>
diff --git a/extensions/glext.php b/extensions/glext.php
index b2adcfb..56fcdc8 100644
--- a/extensions/glext.php
+++ b/extensions/glext.php
@@ -983,4 +983,26 @@
 <li value=522><a href="extensions/EXT/EXT_EGL_image_storage.txt">GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage</a>
+<li value=523><a href="extensions/AMD/AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced.txt">GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced</a>
+<li value=524><a href="extensions/NV/NV_memory_attachment.txt">GL_NV_memory_attachment</a>
+<li value=525><a href="extensions/NV/NV_compute_shader_derivatives.txt">GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives</a>
+<li value=526><a href="extensions/NV/NV_fragment_shader_barycentric.txt">GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric</a>
+<li value=527><a href="extensions/NV/NV_mesh_shader.txt">GL_NV_mesh_shader</a>
+<li value=528><a href="extensions/NV/NV_representative_fragment_test.txt">GL_NV_representative_fragment_test</a>
+<li value=529><a href="extensions/NV/NV_scissor_exclusive.txt">GL_NV_scissor_exclusive</a>
+<li value=530><a href="extensions/NV/NV_shader_texture_footprint.txt">GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint</a>
+<li value=531><a href="extensions/NV/NV_shading_rate_image.txt">GL_NV_shading_rate_image</a>
+<li value=592><a href="extensions/ATI/WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle.txt">WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle</a>
+<li value=593><a href="extensions/NV/NV_vdpau_interop2.txt">GL_NV_vdpau_interop2</a>
diff --git a/extensions/ b/extensions/
index 6e6b158..b68ff48 100644
--- a/extensions/
+++ b/extensions/
@@ -57,6 +57,12 @@
         'supporters' : { 'NVIDIA', 'TransGaming' },
         'url' : 'extensions/AMD/AMD_draw_buffers_blend.txt',
+    'GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced' : {
+        'number' : 523,
+        'esnumber' : 303,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/AMD/AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced.txt',
+    },
     'GL_AMD_framebuffer_sample_positions' : {
         'number' : 454,
         'flags' : { 'public' },
@@ -1450,6 +1456,12 @@
         'supporters' : { 'ATI' },
         'url' : 'extensions/ATI/ATI_pn_triangles.txt',
+    'WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle' : {
+        'number' : 592,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'supporters' : { 'ATI' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/ATI/WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle.txt',
+    },
     'GL_ATI_separate_stencil' : {
         'number' : 289,
         'flags' : { 'public' },
@@ -2910,6 +2922,12 @@
         'supporters' : { 'MESA' },
         'url' : 'extensions/MESA/GLX_MESA_copy_sub_buffer.txt',
+    'GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y' : {
+        'esnumber' : 302,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'supporters' : { 'MESA' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/MESA/MESA_framebuffer_flip_y.txt',
+    },
     'GL_MESA_pack_invert' : {
         'number' : 300,
         'flags' : { 'public' },
@@ -3095,6 +3113,12 @@
         'supporters' : { 'NVIDIA' },
         'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_compute_program5.txt',
+    'GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives' : {
+        'number' : 525,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'supporters' : { 'NVIDIA' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_compute_shader_derivatives.txt',
+    },
     'GL_NV_conditional_render' : {
         'number' : 346,
         'esnumber' : 198,
@@ -3288,6 +3312,12 @@
         'supporters' : { 'NVIDIA' },
         'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_fragment_program_option.txt',
+    'GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric' : {
+        'number' : 526,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'supporters' : { 'NVIDIA' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_fragment_shader_barycentric.txt',
+    },
     'GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock' : {
         'number' : 468,
         'esnumber' : 230,
@@ -3398,6 +3428,19 @@
         'supporters' : { 'NVIDIA' },
         'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_light_max_exponent.txt',
+    'GL_NV_memory_attachment' : {
+        'number' : 524,
+        'esnumber' : 305,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'supporters' : { 'NVIDIA' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_memory_attachment.txt',
+    },
+    'GL_NV_mesh_shader' : {
+        'number' : 527,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'supporters' : { 'NVIDIA' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_mesh_shader.txt',
+    },
     'GL_NV_multisample_coverage' : {
         'number' : 393,
         'flags' : { 'public' },
@@ -3536,6 +3579,12 @@
         'supporters' : { 'NVIDIA' },
         'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_register_combiners2.txt',
+    'GL_NV_representative_fragment_test' : {
+        'number' : 528,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'supporters' : { 'NVIDIA' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_representative_fragment_test.txt',
+    },
     'GL_NV_robustness_video_memory_purge' : {
         'number' : 484,
         'flags' : { 'public' },
@@ -3558,6 +3607,12 @@
         'flags' : { 'public' },
         'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_sample_mask_override_coverage.txt',
+    'GL_NV_scissor_exclusive' : {
+        'number' : 529,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'supporters' : { 'NVIDIA' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_scissor_exclusive.txt',
+    },
     'GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters' : {
         'number' : 423,
         'flags' : { 'public' },
@@ -3610,6 +3665,12 @@
         'supporters' : { 'NVIDIA' },
         'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_shader_storage_buffer_object.txt',
+    'GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint' : {
+        'number' : 530,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'supporters' : { 'NVIDIA' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_shader_texture_footprint.txt',
+    },
     'GL_NV_shader_thread_group' : {
         'number' : 447,
         'flags' : { 'public' },
@@ -3620,6 +3681,12 @@
         'flags' : { 'public' },
         'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_shader_thread_shuffle.txt',
+    'GL_NV_shading_rate_image' : {
+        'number' : 531,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'supporters' : { 'NVIDIA' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_shading_rate_image.txt',
+    },
     'GL_NV_shadow_samplers_array' : {
         'esnumber' : 146,
         'flags' : { 'public' },
@@ -3774,6 +3841,12 @@
         'supporters' : { 'NVIDIA' },
         'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_vdpau_interop.txt',
+    'GL_NV_vdpau_interop2' : {
+        'number' : 593,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'supporters' : { 'NVIDIA' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/NV/NV_vdpau_interop2.txt',
+    },
     'GL_NV_vertex_array_range' : {
         'number' : 190,
         'flags' : { 'public' },
@@ -4312,11 +4385,41 @@
         'flags' : { 'public' },
         'url' : 'extensions/QCOM/QCOM_extended_get2.txt',
+    'GL_QCOM_framebuffer_foveated' : {
+        'esnumber' : 273,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/QCOM/QCOM_framebuffer_foveated.txt',
+    },
     'GL_QCOM_performance_monitor_global_mode' : {
         'esnumber' : 56,
         'flags' : { 'public' },
         'url' : 'extensions/QCOM/QCOM_performance_monitor_global_mode.txt',
+    'GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent' : {
+        'esnumber' : 277,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/QCOM/QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent.txt',
+    },
+    'GL_QCOM_YUV_texture_gather' : {
+        'esnumber' : 307,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/QCOM/QCOM_YUV_texture_gather.txt',
+    },
+    'GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate' : {
+        'esnumber' : 304,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/QCOM/QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate.txt',
+    },
+    'GL_QCOM_texture_foveated' : {
+        'esnumber' : 293,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/QCOM/QCOM_texture_foveated.txt',
+    },
+    'GL_QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout' : {
+        'esnumber' : 306,
+        'flags' : { 'public' },
+        'url' : 'extensions/QCOM/QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout.txt',
+    },
     'GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering' : {
         'esnumber' : 70,
         'flags' : { 'public' },
@@ -4328,21 +4431,6 @@
         'flags' : { 'public' },
         'url' : 'extensions/QCOM/QCOM_writeonly_rendering.txt',
-    'GL_QCOM_framebuffer_foveated' : {
-        'esnumber' : 273,
-        'flags' : { 'public' },
-        'url' : 'extensions/QCOM/QCOM_framebuffer_foveated.txt',
-    },
-    'GL_QCOM_texture_foveated' : {
-        'esnumber' : 293,
-        'flags' : { 'public' },
-        'url' : 'extensions/QCOM/QCOM_texture_foveated.txt',
-    },
-    'GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent' : {
-        'esnumber' : 277,
-        'flags' : { 'public' },
-        'url' : 'extensions/QCOM/QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_noncoherent.txt',
-    },
     'GL_REND_screen_coordinates' : {
         'number' : 155,
         'flags' : { 'public' },
diff --git a/index_sc.php b/index_sc.php
index d991636..c26f52a 100644
--- a/index_sc.php
+++ b/index_sc.php
@@ -62,22 +62,6 @@
      (June 6, 2005). </li>
-<h2> <a name="specfiles"></a> XML API Registry of Reserved Enumerants
-     and Functions</h2>
-<p> The API Registry is a set of XML documents defining the APIs and
-    enumerants used in OpenGL, OpenGL ES, OpenGL SC, EGL, and related APIs,
-    as well as enumerant ranges reserved to vendors but not used yet. There
-    are also scripts for loading the XML and processing it into header
-    files. All documents in the registry are available from the Khronos
-    Subversion server using <a
-    href="">
-    anonymous public access. </a> Start with the <a
-    href="">
-    README </a>. </p>
 <?php include_once("../../assets/static_pages/khr_page_bottom.php"); ?>
diff --git a/specs/es/3.2/GLSL_ES_Specification_3.20.pdf b/specs/es/3.2/GLSL_ES_Specification_3.20.pdf
index 44f72dc..70434ce 100644
--- a/specs/es/3.2/GLSL_ES_Specification_3.20.pdf
+++ b/specs/es/3.2/GLSL_ES_Specification_3.20.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/specs/gl/GLSLangSpec.4.60.pdf b/specs/gl/GLSLangSpec.4.60.pdf
index 5388117..bfdb80a 100644
--- a/specs/gl/GLSLangSpec.4.60.pdf
+++ b/specs/gl/GLSLangSpec.4.60.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/xml/Makefile b/xml/Makefile
index 35a4bda..2e2dbd9 100644
--- a/xml/Makefile
+++ b/xml/Makefile
@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@
 	     $(API)/GLES2/gl2ext.h \
 GLXHEADERS = $(API)/GL/glxext.h
-WGLHEADERS = $(API)/GL/wglext.h
+WGLHEADERS = $(API)/GL/wglext.h \
+	     $(API)/GL/wgl.h
 # Generated files to clean up
diff --git a/xml/ b/xml/
index 6cb0634..269363a 100755
--- a/xml/
+++ b/xml/
@@ -257,6 +257,12 @@
     format('#define GLX_GLXEXT_VERSION %s' % time.strftime('%Y%m%d')),
+# This is a bad but functional workaround for a structural problem in the scripts
+# identified in
+glextKHRplatformStrings = [
+    '#include <KHR/khrplatform.h>',
+    ''
 # EGL_EGLEXT_VERSION is defined only in eglext.h
 eglextVersionStrings = [
     format('#define EGL_EGLEXT_VERSION %s' % time.strftime('%Y%m%d')),
@@ -279,7 +285,7 @@
         defaultExtensions = 'gl',                   # Default extensions for GL
         addExtensions     = None,
         removeExtensions  = None,
-        prefixText        = prefixStrings + glExtPlatformStrings + glextVersionStrings,
+        prefixText        = prefixStrings + glExtPlatformStrings + glextVersionStrings + glextKHRplatformStrings,
         genFuncPointers   = True,
         protectFile       = protectFile,
         protectFeature    = protectFeature,
diff --git a/xml/gl.xml b/xml/gl.xml
index 20ca791..e413fb0 100644
--- a/xml/gl.xml
+++ b/xml/gl.xml
@@ -132,15 +132,16 @@
         <group name="BlendEquationModeEXT">
             <enum name="GL_ALPHA_MAX_SGIX"/>
             <enum name="GL_ALPHA_MIN_SGIX"/>
-            <enum name="GL_FUNC_ADD_EXT"/>
-            <enum name="GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT_EXT"/>
-            <enum name="GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT_EXT"/>
-            <enum name="GL_LOGIC_OP"/>
-            <enum name="GL_MAX_EXT"/>
-            <enum name="GL_MIN_EXT"/>
             <enum name="GL_FUNC_ADD"/>
+            <enum name="GL_FUNC_ADD_EXT"/>
             <enum name="GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_FUNC_REVERSE_SUBTRACT_EXT"/>
             <enum name="GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_FUNC_SUBTRACT_EXT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_EXT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MIN"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MIN_EXT"/>
         <group name="Boolean">
@@ -198,6 +199,7 @@
           <enum name="GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER" />
           <enum name="GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER" />
           <enum name="GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER" />
+          <enum name="GL_PARAMETER_BUFFER" />
         <group name="BufferUsageARB">
@@ -711,6 +713,7 @@
             <enum name="GL_ACCUM_CLEAR_VALUE"/>
             <enum name="GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS"/>
             <enum name="GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE"/>
             <enum name="GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE"/>
             <enum name="GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE"/>
             <enum name="GL_ALPHA_BIAS"/>
@@ -722,6 +725,7 @@
             <enum name="GL_ALPHA_TEST_QCOM"/>
             <enum name="GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF"/>
             <enum name="GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF_QCOM"/>
+            <enum name="GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING"/>
             <enum name="GL_ASYNC_DRAW_PIXELS_SGIX"/>
             <enum name="GL_ASYNC_HISTOGRAM_SGIX"/>
             <enum name="GL_ASYNC_MARKER_SGIX"/>
@@ -731,10 +735,17 @@
             <enum name="GL_AUTO_NORMAL"/>
             <enum name="GL_AUX_BUFFERS"/>
             <enum name="GL_BLEND"/>
+            <enum name="GL_BLEND_COLOR"/>
             <enum name="GL_BLEND_COLOR_EXT"/>
             <enum name="GL_BLEND_DST"/>
+            <enum name="GL_BLEND_DST_ALPHA"/>
+            <enum name="GL_BLEND_DST_RGB"/>
+            <enum name="GL_BLEND_EQUATION_ALPHA"/>
             <enum name="GL_BLEND_EQUATION_EXT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_BLEND_EQUATION_RGB"/>
             <enum name="GL_BLEND_SRC"/>
+            <enum name="GL_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA"/>
+            <enum name="GL_BLEND_SRC_RGB"/>
             <enum name="GL_BLUE_BIAS"/>
             <enum name="GL_BLUE_BITS"/>
             <enum name="GL_BLUE_SCALE"/>
@@ -760,6 +771,8 @@
             <enum name="GL_COLOR_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_SGI"/>
             <enum name="GL_COLOR_TABLE_SGI"/>
             <enum name="GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK"/>
+            <enum name="GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS"/>
             <enum name="GL_CONVOLUTION_1D_EXT"/>
             <enum name="GL_CONVOLUTION_2D_EXT"/>
             <enum name="GL_CONVOLUTION_HINT_SGIX"/>
@@ -768,6 +781,7 @@
             <enum name="GL_CURRENT_COLOR"/>
             <enum name="GL_CURRENT_INDEX"/>
             <enum name="GL_CURRENT_NORMAL"/>
+            <enum name="GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM"/>
             <enum name="GL_CURRENT_RASTER_COLOR"/>
             <enum name="GL_CURRENT_RASTER_DISTANCE"/>
             <enum name="GL_CURRENT_RASTER_INDEX"/>
@@ -775,6 +789,7 @@
             <enum name="GL_CURRENT_RASTER_POSITION_VALID"/>
             <enum name="GL_CURRENT_RASTER_TEXTURE_COORDS"/>
             <enum name="GL_CURRENT_TEXTURE_COORDS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_DEBUG_GROUP_STACK_DEPTH"/>
             <enum name="GL_DEFORMATIONS_MASK_SGIX"/>
             <enum name="GL_DEPTH_BIAS"/>
             <enum name="GL_DEPTH_BITS"/>
@@ -788,16 +803,19 @@
             <enum name="GL_DEVICE_LUID_EXT"/>
             <enum name="GL_DEVICE_NODE_MASK_EXT"/>
             <enum name="GL_DEVICE_UUID_EXT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_DISPATCH_INDIRECT_BUFFER_BINDING"/>
             <enum name="GL_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION_SGIS"/>
             <enum name="GL_DITHER"/>
             <enum name="GL_DOUBLEBUFFER"/>
             <enum name="GL_DRAW_BUFFER"/>
             <enum name="GL_DRAW_BUFFER_EXT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING"/>
             <enum name="GL_DRIVER_UUID_EXT"/>
             <enum name="GL_EDGE_FLAG"/>
             <enum name="GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY"/>
             <enum name="GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT"/>
             <enum name="GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_STRIDE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING"/>
             <enum name="GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE"/>
             <enum name="GL_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_TYPE"/>
             <enum name="GL_FOG"/>
@@ -820,6 +838,7 @@
             <enum name="GL_FRAGMENT_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE_SGIX"/>
+            <enum name="GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_DERIVATIVE_HINT"/>
             <enum name="GL_FRAMEZOOM_FACTOR_SGIX"/>
             <enum name="GL_FRAMEZOOM_SGIX"/>
             <enum name="GL_FRONT_FACE"/>
@@ -828,6 +847,8 @@
             <enum name="GL_GREEN_BITS"/>
             <enum name="GL_GREEN_SCALE"/>
             <enum name="GL_HISTOGRAM_EXT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_FORMAT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_IMPLEMENTATION_COLOR_READ_TYPE"/>
             <enum name="GL_INDEX_ARRAY"/>
             <enum name="GL_INDEX_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT"/>
             <enum name="GL_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE"/>
@@ -842,6 +863,7 @@
             <enum name="GL_INSTRUMENT_MEASUREMENTS_SGIX"/>
             <enum name="GL_INTERLACE_SGIX"/>
             <enum name="GL_IR_INSTRUMENT1_SGIX"/>
+            <enum name="GL_LAYER_PROVOKING_VERTEX"/>
             <enum name="GL_LIGHT0"/>
             <enum name="GL_LIGHT1"/>
             <enum name="GL_LIGHT2"/>
@@ -869,6 +891,7 @@
             <enum name="GL_LIST_MODE"/>
             <enum name="GL_LOGIC_OP"/>
             <enum name="GL_LOGIC_OP_MODE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAJOR_VERSION"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAP1_COLOR_4"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAP1_GRID_DOMAIN"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAP1_GRID_SEGMENTS"/>
@@ -894,9 +917,11 @@
             <enum name="GL_MAP_COLOR"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAP_STENCIL"/>
             <enum name="GL_MATRIX_MODE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_3D_TEXTURE_SIZE_EXT"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_4D_TEXTURE_SIZE_SGIS"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_ACTIVE_LIGHTS_SGIX"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_ARRAY_TEXTURE_LAYERS"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_ASYNC_DRAW_PIXELS_SGIX"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_ASYNC_HISTOGRAM_SGIX"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_ASYNC_READ_PIXELS_SGIX"/>
@@ -908,20 +933,98 @@
             <enum name="GL_MAX_CLIP_DISTANCES"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_COLOR_MATRIX_STACK_DEPTH_SGI"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_COLOR_TEXTURE_SAMPLES"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_COMBINED_ATOMIC_COUNTERS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_COMBINED_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_COMBINED_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_COMBINED_UNIFORM_BLOCKS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_COMPUTE_ATOMIC_COUNTERS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_COMPUTE_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_COMPUTE_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_COMPUTE_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_COMPUTE_UNIFORM_BLOCKS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_COMPUTE_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_COMPUTE_WORK_GROUP_COUNT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_COMPUTE_WORK_GROUP_INVOCATIONS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_COMPUTE_WORK_GROUP_SIZE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_DEBUG_GROUP_STACK_DEPTH"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_DEPTH_TEXTURE_SAMPLES"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_DRAW_BUFFERS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_DUAL_SOURCE_DRAW_BUFFERS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_ELEMENT_INDEX"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_EVAL_ORDER"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_FOG_FUNC_POINTS_SGIS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_ATOMIC_COUNTERS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_INPUT_COMPONENTS"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_LIGHTS_SGIX"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_BLOCKS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_HEIGHT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_LAYERS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_FRAMEBUFFER_WIDTH"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_FRAMEZOOM_FACTOR_SGIX"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_ATOMIC_COUNTERS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_INPUT_COMPONENTS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_BLOCKS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_GEOMETRY_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_INTEGER_SAMPLES"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_LIGHTS"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_LIST_NESTING"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_SAMPLE_MASK_WORDS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_SERVER_WAIT_TIMEOUT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_BINDINGS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_TESS_CONTROL_ATOMIC_COUNTERS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_TESS_EVALUATION_ATOMIC_COUNTERS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_BUFFER_SIZE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_UNIFORM_BLOCK_SIZE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDINGS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_UNIFORM_LOCATIONS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_VARYING_FLOATS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_VARYING_VECTORS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATOMIC_COUNTERS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDINGS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_RELATIVE_OFFSET"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_VERTEX_OUTPUT_COMPONENTS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_VERTEX_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_BLOCKS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MAX_VIEWPORTS"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS"/>
             <enum name="GL_MINMAX_EXT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MINOR_VERSION"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MIN_MAP_BUFFER_ALIGNMENT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_MIN_PROGRAM_TEXEL_OFFSET"/>
             <enum name="GL_MODELVIEW0_MATRIX_EXT"/>
             <enum name="GL_MODELVIEW0_STACK_DEPTH_EXT"/>
             <enum name="GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX"/>
@@ -933,14 +1036,20 @@
             <enum name="GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT"/>
             <enum name="GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_STRIDE"/>
             <enum name="GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS"/>
             <enum name="GL_NUM_DEVICE_UUIDS_EXT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_NUM_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_NUM_SHADER_BINARY_FORMATS"/>
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@@ -958,6 +1067,7 @@
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@@ -969,6 +1079,8 @@
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+            <enum name="GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE"/>
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@@ -1007,23 +1119,35 @@
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+            <enum name="GL_PROGRAM_BINARY_FORMATS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_PROGRAM_PIPELINE_BINDING"/>
+            <enum name="GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE"/>
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+            <enum name="GL_PROVOKING_VERTEX"/>
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+            <enum name="GL_SAMPLER_BINDING"/>
+            <enum name="GL_SAMPLES"/>
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+            <enum name="GL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS"/>
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+            <enum name="GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_INVERT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE_VALUE"/>
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@@ -1032,6 +1156,11 @@
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+            <enum name="GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_BINDING"/>
+            <enum name="GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_SIZE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER_START"/>
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@@ -1042,6 +1171,13 @@
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+            <enum name="GL_STENCIL_BACK_FUNC"/>
+            <enum name="GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_FAIL"/>
+            <enum name="GL_STENCIL_BACK_PASS_DEPTH_PASS"/>
+            <enum name="GL_STENCIL_BACK_REF"/>
+            <enum name="GL_STENCIL_BACK_VALUE_MASK"/>
+            <enum name="GL_STENCIL_BACK_WRITEMASK"/>
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@@ -1061,9 +1197,18 @@
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+            <enum name="GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_ARRAY"/>
+            <enum name="GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_MULTISAMPLE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D_MULTISAMPLE_ARRAY"/>
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+            <enum name="GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_BUFFER"/>
+            <enum name="GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_CUBE_MAP"/>
+            <enum name="GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT"/>
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@@ -1075,13 +1220,23 @@
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+            <enum name="GL_TIMESTAMP"/>
+            <enum name="GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_BINDING"/>
+            <enum name="GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_SIZE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER_START"/>
+            <enum name="GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_BINDING"/>
+            <enum name="GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT"/>
+            <enum name="GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_SIZE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER_START"/>
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+            <enum name="GL_UNPACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT"/>
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@@ -1089,13 +1244,20 @@
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+            <enum name="GL_VERTEX_BINDING_OFFSET"/>
+            <enum name="GL_VERTEX_BINDING_STRIDE"/>
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+            <enum name="GL_VIEWPORT_BOUNDS_RANGE"/>
+            <enum name="GL_VIEWPORT_INDEX_PROVOKING_VERTEX"/>
+            <enum name="GL_VIEWPORT_SUBPIXEL_BITS"/>
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@@ -1521,18 +1683,30 @@
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+            <enum name="GL_BGR"/>
+            <enum name="GL_BGR_INTEGER"/>
+            <enum name="GL_BGRA"/>
+            <enum name="GL_BGRA_INTEGER"/>
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+            <enum name="GL_BLUE_INTEGER"/>
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+            <enum name="GL_DEPTH_STENCIL"/>
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+            <enum name="GL_GREEN_INTEGER"/>
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+            <enum name="GL_RED_INTEGER"/>
+            <enum name="GL_RG"/>
+            <enum name="GL_RG_INTEGER"/>
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+            <enum name="GL_RGB_INTEGER"/>
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+            <enum name="GL_RGBA_INTEGER"/>
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             <enum name="GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT"/>
@@ -2059,7 +2233,9 @@
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+            <enum name="GL_DECR_WRAP"/>
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+            <enum name="GL_INCR_WRAP"/>
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@@ -2319,6 +2495,8 @@
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+            <enum name="GL_MESH_SHADER_BIT_NV"/>
+            <enum name="GL_TASK_SHADER_BIT_NV"/>
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@@ -2400,6 +2578,7 @@
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+            <enum name="GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT"/>
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@@ -2506,6 +2685,10 @@
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+        <group name="QueryCounterTarget">
+            <enum name="GL_TIMESTAMP"/>
+        </group>
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             <enum name="GL_CONVOLUTION_2D"/>
@@ -2699,6 +2882,7 @@
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+            <enum name="GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION"/>
             <enum name="GL_DONT_CARE"/>
@@ -3473,6 +3657,8 @@
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+        <enum value="0x00000040" name="GL_MESH_SHADER_BIT_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x00000080" name="GL_TASK_SHADER_BIT_NV"/>
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         <enum value="0xFFFFFFFF" name="GL_ALL_SHADER_BITS_EXT"/>
@@ -3608,6 +3794,7 @@
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+        <enum value="0x00000004" name="GL_FOVEATION_SUBSAMPLED_LAYOUT_METHOD_BIT_QCOM"/>
     <enums namespace="GL" group="FfdMaskSGIX" type="bitmask">
@@ -7766,6 +7953,7 @@
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+        <enum value="0x8BBB" name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER_FLIP_Y_MESA" />
     <enums namespace="GL" start="0x8BC0" end="0x8BFF" vendor="QCOM" comment="Reassigned from AMD to QCOM">
@@ -8586,7 +8774,22 @@
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         <enum value="0x8E5F" name="GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXTURE_GATHER_OFFSET_ARB"/>
         <enum value="0x8E5F" name="GL_MAX_PROGRAM_TEXTURE_GATHER_OFFSET_NV"/>
-            <unused start="0x8E60" end="0x8E6F" vendor="NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x8E60" name="GL_MAX_MESH_UNIFORM_BLOCKS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x8E61" name="GL_MAX_MESH_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x8E62" name="GL_MAX_MESH_IMAGE_UNIFORMS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x8E63" name="GL_MAX_MESH_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x8E64" name="GL_MAX_MESH_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x8E65" name="GL_MAX_MESH_ATOMIC_COUNTERS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x8E66" name="GL_MAX_MESH_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x8E67" name="GL_MAX_COMBINED_MESH_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x8E68" name="GL_MAX_TASK_UNIFORM_BLOCKS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x8E69" name="GL_MAX_TASK_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x8E6A" name="GL_MAX_TASK_IMAGE_UNIFORMS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x8E6B" name="GL_MAX_TASK_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x8E6C" name="GL_MAX_TASK_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x8E6D" name="GL_MAX_TASK_ATOMIC_COUNTERS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x8E6E" name="GL_MAX_TASK_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x8E6F" name="GL_MAX_COMBINED_TASK_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV"/>
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@@ -8835,7 +9038,8 @@
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-            <unused start="0x8FA1" end="0x8FAF" vendor="QCOM"/>
+        <enum value="0x8FA1" name="GL_MAX_SHADER_SUBSAMPLED_IMAGE_UNITS_QCOM"/>
+            <unused start="0x8FA2" end="0x8FAF" vendor="QCOM"/>
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         <enum value="0x8FB2" name="GL_GPU_OPTIMIZED_QCOM"/>
@@ -9394,7 +9598,13 @@
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         <enum value="0x91B1" name="GL_COMPLETION_STATUS_ARB" alias="GL_COMPLETION_STATUS_KHR"/>
-            <unused start="0x91B2" end="0x91B8" vendor="AMD"/>
+        <enum value="0x91B2" name="GL_RENDERBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD"/>
+        <enum value="0x91B3" name="GL_MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD"/>
+        <enum value="0x91B4" name="GL_MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD"/>
+        <enum value="0x91B5" name="GL_MAX_DEPTH_STENCIL_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD"/>
+        <enum value="0x91B6" name="GL_NUM_SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD"/>
+        <enum value="0x91B7" name="GL_SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD"/>
+            <unused start="0x91B8" end="0x91B8" vendor="AMD"/>
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@@ -9598,7 +9808,7 @@
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         <enum value="0x92DE" name="GL_FRAGMENT_COVERAGE_COLOR_NV"/>
-            <unused start="0x92DF" end="0x92DF" vendor="NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x92DF" name="GL_MESH_OUTPUT_PER_VERTEX_GRANULARITY_NV"/>
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         <enum value="0x92E0" name="GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_KHR"/>
         <enum value="0x92E1" name="GL_UNIFORM"/>
@@ -9761,7 +9971,7 @@
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         <enum value="0x937E" name="GL_VIEWPORT_POSITION_W_SCALE_Y_COEFF_NV"/>
-            <unused start="0x937F" vendor="NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x937F" name="GL_REPRESENTATIVE_FRAGMENT_TEST_NV"/>
     <enums namespace="GL" start="0x9380" end="0x939F" vendor="ARB">
@@ -9770,7 +9980,36 @@
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-            <unused start="0x9383" end="0x939F" vendor="ARB"/>
+        <enum value="0x9383" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_EAC_R11"/>
+        <enum value="0x9384" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_EAC_RG11"/>
+        <enum value="0x9385" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_RGB"/>
+        <enum value="0x9386" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_RGBA"/>
+        <enum value="0x9387" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_EAC_RGBA"/>
+        <enum value="0x9388" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_4x4_RGBA"/>
+        <enum value="0x9389" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_5x4_RGBA"/>
+        <enum value="0x938A" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_5x5_RGBA"/>
+        <enum value="0x938B" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_6x5_RGBA"/>
+        <enum value="0x938C" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_6x6_RGBA"/>
+        <enum value="0x938D" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x5_RGBA"/>
+        <enum value="0x938E" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x6_RGBA"/>
+        <enum value="0x938F" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x8_RGBA"/>
+        <enum value="0x9390" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x5_RGBA"/>
+        <enum value="0x9391" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x6_RGBA"/>
+        <enum value="0x9392" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x8_RGBA"/>
+        <enum value="0x9393" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x10_RGBA"/>
+        <enum value="0x9394" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_12x10_RGBA"/>
+        <enum value="0x9395" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_12x12_RGBA"/>
+            <unused start="0x9396" end="0x939F" vendor="ARB" comment="reserved for ASTC 3D interactions with ARB_ifq2"/>
+            <!-- <enum value="0x9396" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_3x3x3_RGBA"/> -->
+            <!-- <enum value="0x9397" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_4x3x3_RGBA"/> -->
+            <!-- <enum value="0x9398" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_4x4x3_RGBA"/> -->
+            <!-- <enum value="0x9399" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_4x4x4_RGBA"/> -->
+            <!-- <enum value="0x939A" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_5x4x4_RGBA"/> -->
+            <!-- <enum value="0x939B" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_5x5x4_RGBA"/> -->
+            <!-- <enum value="0x939C" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_5x5x5_RGBA"/> -->
+            <!-- <enum value="0x939D" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_6x5x5_RGBA"/> -->
+            <!-- <enum value="0x939E" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_6x6x5_RGBA"/> -->
+            <!-- <enum value="0x939F" name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_6x6x6_RGBA"/> -->
     <enums namespace="GL" start="0x93A0" end="0x93AF" vendor="ANGLE" comment="Khronos bug 8100">
@@ -9900,11 +10139,21 @@
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-            <unused start="0x9532" end="0x953F" vendor="NV"/>
+            <unused start="0x9532" end="0x9535" vendor="NV"/>
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+        <enum value="0x9537" name="GL_MAX_TASK_TOTAL_MEMORY_SIZE_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x9538" name="GL_MAX_MESH_OUTPUT_VERTICES_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x9539" name="GL_MAX_MESH_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVES_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x953A" name="GL_MAX_TASK_OUTPUT_COUNT_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x953B" name="GL_MAX_MESH_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x953C" name="GL_MAX_TASK_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x953D" name="GL_MAX_DRAW_MESH_TASKS_COUNT_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x953E" name="GL_MESH_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x953F" name="GL_TASK_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV"/>
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-            <unused start="0x9543" vendor="NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x9543" name="GL_MESH_OUTPUT_PER_PRIMITIVE_GRANULARITY_NV"/>
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         <enum value="0x9545" name="GL_QUERY_RESOURCE_TEXTURE_NV"/>
         <enum value="0x9546" name="GL_QUERY_RESOURCE_RENDERBUFFER_NV"/>
@@ -9922,9 +10171,39 @@
         <enum value="0x9552" name="GL_SPIR_V_BINARY_ARB" alias="GL_SPIR_V_BINARY"/>
         <enum value="0x9553" name="GL_SPIR_V_EXTENSIONS"/>
         <enum value="0x9554" name="GL_NUM_SPIR_V_EXTENSIONS"/>
-            <unused start="0x9555" end="0x9557" vendor="NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x9555" name="GL_SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x9556" name="GL_SCISSOR_BOX_EXCLUSIVE_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x9557" name="GL_MAX_MESH_VIEWS_NV"/>
         <enum value="0x9558" name="GL_RENDER_GPU_MASK_NV"/>
-            <unused start="0x9559" end="0x957F" vendor="NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x9559" name="GL_MESH_SHADER_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x955A" name="GL_TASK_SHADER_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x955B" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BINDING_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x955C" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_TEXEL_WIDTH_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x955D" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_TEXEL_HEIGHT_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x955E" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_PALETTE_SIZE_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x955F" name="GL_MAX_COARSE_FRAGMENT_SAMPLES_NV"/>
+            <unused start="0x9560" end="0x9562" vendor="NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x9563" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x9564" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_NO_INVOCATIONS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x9565" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_PIXEL_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x9566" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_1X2_PIXELS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x9567" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_2X1_PIXELS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x9568" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_2X2_PIXELS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x9569" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_2X4_PIXELS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x956A" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_4X2_PIXELS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x956B" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_4X4_PIXELS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x956C" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_2_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x956D" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_4_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x956E" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_8_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x956F" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_16_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV"/>
+            <unused start="0x9570" end="0x9578" vendor="NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x9579" name="GL_MESH_VERTICES_OUT_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x957A" name="GL_MESH_PRIMITIVES_OUT_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x957B" name="GL_MESH_OUTPUT_TYPE_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x957C" name="GL_MESH_SUBROUTINE_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x957D" name="GL_TASK_SUBROUTINE_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x957E" name="GL_MESH_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x957F" name="GL_TASK_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_NV"/>
         <enum value="0x9580" name="GL_TEXTURE_TILING_EXT"/>
         <enum value="0x9581" name="GL_DEDICATED_MEMORY_OBJECT_EXT"/>
         <enum value="0x9582" name="GL_NUM_TILING_TYPES_EXT"/>
@@ -9953,7 +10232,28 @@
         <enum value="0x9599" name="GL_DEVICE_LUID_EXT"/>
         <enum value="0x959A" name="GL_DEVICE_NODE_MASK_EXT"/>
         <enum value="0x959B" name="GL_PROTECTED_MEMORY_OBJECT_EXT"/>
-            <unused start="0x959C" end="0x962F" vendor="NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x959C" name="GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_MESH_SHADER_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x959D" name="GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_TASK_SHADER_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x959E" name="GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_REFERENCED_BY_MESH_SHADER_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x959F" name="GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER_REFERENCED_BY_TASK_SHADER_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95A0" name="GL_REFERENCED_BY_MESH_SHADER_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95A1" name="GL_REFERENCED_BY_TASK_SHADER_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95A2" name="GL_MAX_MESH_WORK_GROUP_INVOCATIONS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95A3" name="GL_MAX_TASK_WORK_GROUP_INVOCATIONS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95A4" name="GL_ATTACHED_MEMORY_OBJECT_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95A5" name="GL_ATTACHED_MEMORY_OFFSET_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95A6" name="GL_MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_ALIGNMENT_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95A7" name="GL_MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_SIZE_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95A8" name="GL_MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95A9" name="GL_DETACHED_MEMORY_INCARNATION_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95AA" name="GL_DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95AB" name="GL_DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95AC" name="GL_MAX_DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95AD" name="GL_MAX_DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95AE" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_SAMPLE_ORDER_DEFAULT_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95AF" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_SAMPLE_ORDER_PIXEL_MAJOR_NV"/>
+        <enum value="0x95B0" name="GL_SHADING_RATE_SAMPLE_ORDER_SAMPLE_MAJOR_NV"/>
+        <unused start="0x9581" end="0x962F" vendor="NV"/>
     <enums namespace="GL" start="0x9630" end="0x963F" vendor="Oculus" comment="Email from Cass Everitt">
@@ -10566,6 +10866,10 @@
             <param len="count">const <ptype>GLuint</ptype> *<name>samplers</name></param>
+            <proto>void <name>glBindShadingRateImageNV</name></proto>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>texture</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
             <proto><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>glBindTexGenParameterEXT</name></proto>
             <param group="TextureUnit"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>unit</name></param>
             <param group="TextureCoordName"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>coord</name></param>
@@ -11073,6 +11377,12 @@
             <param group="BufferSize"><ptype>GLsizeiptr</ptype> <name>length</name></param>
+            <proto>void <name>glBufferAttachMemoryNV</name></proto>
+            <param group="BufferTargetARB"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>target</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>memory</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint64</ptype> <name>offset</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
             <proto>void <name>glBufferData</name></proto>
             <param group="BufferTargetARB"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>target</name></param>
             <param group="BufferSize"><ptype>GLsizeiptr</ptype> <name>size</name></param>
@@ -14236,6 +14546,15 @@
             <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>width</name></param>
+            <proto>void <name>glDrawMeshTasksNV</name></proto>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>first</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>count</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
+            <proto>void <name>glDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV</name></proto>
+            <param><ptype>GLintptr</ptype> <name>indirect</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
             <proto>void <name>glDrawPixels</name></proto>
             <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>width</name></param>
             <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>height</name></param>
@@ -16505,6 +16824,7 @@
             <proto group="GraphicsResetStatus"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT</name></proto>
+            <alias name="glGetGraphicsResetStatus"/>
             <proto group="GraphicsResetStatus"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>glGetGraphicsResetStatusKHR</name></proto>
@@ -16861,6 +17181,14 @@
             <param len="COMPSIZE(pname)"><ptype>GLfixed</ptype> *<name>params</name></param>
+            <proto>void <name>glGetMemoryObjectDetachedResourcesuivNV</name></proto>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>memory</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>pname</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLint</ptype> <name>first</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>count</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> *<name>params</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
             <proto>void <name>glGetMemoryObjectParameterivEXT</name></proto>
             <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>memoryObject</name></param>
             <param group="MemoryObjectParameterName"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>pname</name></param>
@@ -18012,6 +18340,19 @@
             <glx type="single" opcode="198"/>
+            <proto>void <name>glGetShadingRateImagePaletteNV</name></proto>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>viewport</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>entry</name></param>
+            <param len="1"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> *<name>rate</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
+            <proto>void <name>glGetShadingRateSampleLocationivNV</name></proto>
+            <param><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>rate</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>samples</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>index</name></param>
+            <param len="3"><ptype>GLint</ptype> *<name>location</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
             <proto>void <name>glGetSharpenTexFuncSGIS</name></proto>
             <param group="TextureTarget"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>target</name></param>
             <param len="COMPSIZE(target)"><ptype>GLfloat</ptype> *<name>points</name></param>
@@ -20895,6 +21236,19 @@
             <alias name="glMultiDrawElementsIndirect"/>
+            <proto>void <name>glMultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV</name></proto>
+            <param><ptype>GLintptr</ptype> <name>indirect</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>drawcount</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>stride</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
+            <proto>void <name>glMultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV</name></proto>
+            <param><ptype>GLintptr</ptype> <name>indirect</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLintptr</ptype> <name>drawcount</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>maxdrawcount</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>stride</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
             <proto>void <name>glMultiDrawRangeElementArrayAPPLE</name></proto>
             <param group="PrimitiveType"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>mode</name></param>
             <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>start</name></param>
@@ -21902,6 +22256,12 @@
             <param><ptype>GLbitfield</ptype> <name>waitGpuMask</name></param>
+            <proto>void <name>glNamedBufferAttachMemoryNV</name></proto>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>buffer</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>memory</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint64</ptype> <name>offset</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
             <proto>void <name>glNamedBufferData</name></proto>
             <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>buffer</name></param>
             <param group="BufferSize"><ptype>GLsizeiptr</ptype> <name>size</name></param>
@@ -22235,6 +22595,15 @@
             <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>height</name></param>
+            <proto>void <name>glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD</name></proto>
+            <param group="Renderbuffer"><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>renderbuffer</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>samples</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>storageSamples</name></param>
+            <param group="InternalFormat"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>internalformat</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>width</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>height</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
             <proto>void <name>glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleCoverageEXT</name></proto>
             <param group="Renderbuffer"><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>renderbuffer</name></param>
             <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>coverageSamples</name></param>
@@ -24703,12 +25072,12 @@
             <proto>void <name>glQueryCounter</name></proto>
             <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>id</name></param>
-            <param group="QueryTarget"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>target</name></param>
+            <param group="QueryCounterTarget"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>target</name></param>
             <proto>void <name>glQueryCounterEXT</name></proto>
             <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>id</name></param>
-            <param group="QueryTarget"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>target</name></param>
+            <param group="QueryCounterTarget"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>target</name></param>
             <alias name="glQueryCounter"/>
@@ -25125,6 +25494,15 @@
             <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>height</name></param>
+            <proto>void <name>glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD</name></proto>
+            <param group="RenderbufferTarget"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>target</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>samples</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>storageSamples</name></param>
+            <param group="InternalFormat"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>internalformat</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>width</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>height</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
             <proto>void <name>glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleCoverageNV</name></proto>
             <param group="RenderbufferTarget"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>target</name></param>
             <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>coverageSamples</name></param>
@@ -25355,6 +25733,11 @@
             <glx type="render" opcode="4112"/>
+            <proto>void <name>glResetMemoryObjectParameterNV</name></proto>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>memory</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>pname</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
             <proto>void <name>glResetMinmax</name></proto>
             <param group="MinmaxTargetEXT"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>target</name></param>
             <glx type="render" opcode="4113"/>
@@ -25590,6 +25973,19 @@
             <alias name="glScissorArrayv"/>
+            <proto>void <name>glScissorExclusiveArrayvNV</name></proto>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>first</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>count</name></param>
+            <param len="COMPSIZE(count)">const <ptype>GLint</ptype> *<name>v</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
+            <proto>void <name>glScissorExclusiveNV</name></proto>
+            <param group="WinCoord"><ptype>GLint</ptype> <name>x</name></param>
+            <param group="WinCoord"><ptype>GLint</ptype> <name>y</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>width</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>height</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
             <proto>void <name>glScissorIndexed</name></proto>
             <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>index</name></param>
             <param><ptype>GLint</ptype> <name>left</name></param>
@@ -26025,6 +26421,27 @@
             <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>storageBlockBinding</name></param>
+            <proto>void <name>glShadingRateImageBarrierNV</name></proto>
+            <param><ptype>GLboolean</ptype> <name>synchronize</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
+            <proto>void <name>glShadingRateImagePaletteNV</name></proto>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>viewport</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>first</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>count</name></param>
+            <param len="count">const <ptype>GLenum</ptype> *<name>rates</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
+            <proto>void <name>glShadingRateSampleOrderNV</name></proto>
+            <param><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>order</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
+            <proto>void <name>glShadingRateSampleOrderCustomNV</name></proto>
+            <param><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>rate</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>samples</name></param>
+            <param len="COMPSIZE(rate,samples)">const <ptype>GLint</ptype> *<name>locations</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
             <proto>void <name>glSharpenTexFuncSGIS</name></proto>
             <param group="TextureTarget"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>target</name></param>
             <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>n</name></param>
@@ -26354,6 +26771,12 @@
             <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>name</name></param>
+            <proto>void <name>glTexAttachMemoryNV</name></proto>
+            <param group="TextureTarget"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>target</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>memory</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint64</ptype> <name>offset</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
             <proto>void <name>glTexBuffer</name></proto>
             <param group="TextureTarget"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>target</name></param>
             <param group="InternalFormat"><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>internalformat</name></param>
@@ -27573,6 +27996,12 @@
             <glx type="render" opcode="2058"/>
+            <proto>void <name>glTextureAttachMemoryNV</name></proto>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>texture</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint</ptype> <name>memory</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLuint64</ptype> <name>offset</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
             <proto>void <name>glTextureBarrier</name></proto>
@@ -29136,6 +29565,14 @@
             <param len="numTextureNames">const <ptype>GLuint</ptype> *<name>textureNames</name></param>
+            <proto group="vdpauSurfaceNV"><ptype>GLvdpauSurfaceNV</ptype> <name>glVDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceWithPictureStructureNV</name></proto>
+            <param>const void *<name>vdpSurface</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>target</name></param>
+            <param><ptype>GLsizei</ptype> <name>numTextureNames</name></param>
+            <param len="numTextureNames">const <ptype>GLuint</ptype> *<name>textureNames</name></param>
+            <param group="Boolean"><ptype>GLboolean</ptype> <name>isFrameStructure</name></param>
+        </command>
+        <command>
             <proto>void <name>glVDPAUSurfaceAccessNV</name></proto>
             <param group="vdpauSurfaceNV"><ptype>GLvdpauSurfaceNV</ptype> <name>surface</name></param>
             <param><ptype>GLenum</ptype> <name>access</name></param>
@@ -33844,6 +34281,7 @@
             <enum name="GL_RENDERBUFFER_STENCIL_SIZE"/>
             <enum name="GL_MAX_SAMPLES"/>
+            <enum name="GL_INDEX"/>
             <command name="glIsRenderbuffer"/>
             <command name="glBindRenderbuffer"/>
             <command name="glDeleteRenderbuffers"/>
@@ -33865,8 +34303,7 @@
             <command name="glRenderbufferStorageMultisample"/>
             <command name="glFramebufferTextureLayer"/>
-        <require profile="compatibility" comment="Reuse ARB_framebuffer_object compatibility profile">
-            <enum name="GL_INDEX"/>
+        <require comment="Reuse ARB_texture_float">
             <enum name="GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_TYPE"/>
             <enum name="GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_TYPE"/>
@@ -34914,6 +35351,7 @@
             <enum name="GL_CLAMP_VERTEX_COLOR"/>
             <enum name="GL_CLAMP_FRAGMENT_COLOR"/>
             <enum name="GL_ALPHA_INTEGER"/>
+            <enum name="GL_INDEX"/>
             <enum name="GL_TEXTURE_LUMINANCE_TYPE"/>
             <enum name="GL_TEXTURE_INTENSITY_TYPE"/>
@@ -38686,6 +39124,18 @@
                 <command name="glBlendEquationSeparateIndexedAMD"/>
+        <extension name="GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced" supported="gl|glcore|gles2">
+            <require>
+                <enum name="GL_RENDERBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_COLOR_FRAMEBUFFER_STORAGE_SAMPLES_AMD"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_DEPTH_STENCIL_FRAMEBUFFER_SAMPLES_AMD"/>
+                <enum name="GL_NUM_SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SUPPORTED_MULTISAMPLE_MODES_AMD"/>
+                <command name="glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD"/>
+                <command name="glNamedRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAdvancedAMD"/>
+            </require>
+        </extension>
         <extension name="GL_AMD_framebuffer_sample_positions" supported="gl">
                 <enum name="GL_SUBSAMPLE_DISTANCE_AMD"/>
@@ -40391,6 +40841,29 @@
                 <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_RGTC2_RG"/>
                 <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_BPTC_UNORM"/>
                 <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_BPTC_FLOAT"/>
+            </require>
+            <require comment="Supported only if GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility is supported">
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_EAC_R11"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_EAC_RG11"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_RGB"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_RGBA"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ETC2_EAC_RGBA"/>
+            </require>
+            <require comment="Supported only if GL_KHR_texture_compression_astc_ldr is supported">
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_4x4_RGBA"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_5x4_RGBA"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_5x5_RGBA"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_6x5_RGBA"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_6x6_RGBA"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x5_RGBA"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x6_RGBA"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_8x8_RGBA"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x5_RGBA"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x6_RGBA"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x8_RGBA"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_10x10_RGBA"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_12x10_RGBA"/>
+                <enum name="GL_VIEW_CLASS_ASTC_12x12_RGBA"/>
                 <command name="glGetInternalformati64v"/>
@@ -45729,6 +46202,11 @@
                 <enum name="GL_TEXTURE_2D_STACK_BINDING_MESAX"/>
+        <extension name="GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y" supported="gles2">
+            <require>
+                <enum name="GL_FRAMEBUFFER_FLIP_Y_MESA"/>
+            </require>
+        </extension>
         <extension name="GL_MESA_pack_invert" supported="gl">
                 <enum name="GL_PACK_INVERT_MESA"/>
@@ -45978,6 +46456,7 @@
                 <enum name="GL_COMPUTE_PROGRAM_PARAMETER_BUFFER_NV"/>
+        <extension name="GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives" supported="gl|glcore"/>
         <extension name="GL_NV_conditional_render" supported="gl|glcore|gles2">
                 <enum name="GL_QUERY_WAIT_NV"/>
@@ -46296,6 +46775,7 @@
         <extension name="GL_NV_fragment_program4" supported="gl"/>
         <extension name="GL_NV_fragment_program_option" supported="gl"/>
+        <extension name="GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric" supported="gl|glcore"/>
         <extension name="GL_NV_fragment_shader_interlock" supported="gl|glcore|gles2"/>
         <extension name="GL_NV_framebuffer_blit" supported="gles2">
@@ -46580,6 +47060,84 @@
                 <command name="glMulticastGetQueryObjectui64vNV"/>
+        <extension name="GL_NV_memory_attachment" supported="gl|glcore|gles2">
+            <require>
+                <enum name="GL_ATTACHED_MEMORY_OBJECT_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_ATTACHED_MEMORY_OFFSET_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_ALIGNMENT_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_SIZE_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MEMORY_ATTACHABLE_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_DETACHED_MEMORY_INCARNATION_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_DETACHED_TEXTURES_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_DETACHED_BUFFERS_NV"/>
+                <command name="glGetMemoryObjectDetachedResourcesuivNV"/>
+                <command name="glResetMemoryObjectParameterNV"/>
+                <command name="glTexAttachMemoryNV"/>
+                <command name="glBufferAttachMemoryNV"/>
+            </require>
+            <require comment="Supported only if GL_EXT_direct_state_access is supported">
+                <command name="glTextureAttachMemoryNV"/>
+                <command name="glNamedBufferAttachMemoryNV"/>
+            </require>
+        </extension>
+        <extension name="GL_NV_mesh_shader" supported="gl|glcore">
+            <require>
+                <enum name="GL_MESH_SHADER_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_TASK_SHADER_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_MESH_UNIFORM_BLOCKS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_MESH_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_MESH_IMAGE_UNIFORMS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_MESH_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_MESH_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_MESH_ATOMIC_COUNTERS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_MESH_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_COMBINED_MESH_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_TASK_UNIFORM_BLOCKS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_TASK_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_TASK_IMAGE_UNIFORMS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_TASK_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_TASK_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFERS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_TASK_ATOMIC_COUNTERS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_TASK_SHADER_STORAGE_BLOCKS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_COMBINED_TASK_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_MESH_WORK_GROUP_INVOCATIONS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_TASK_WORK_GROUP_INVOCATIONS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_MESH_TOTAL_MEMORY_SIZE_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_TASK_TOTAL_MEMORY_SIZE_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_MESH_OUTPUT_VERTICES_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_MESH_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVES_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_TASK_OUTPUT_COUNT_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_DRAW_MESH_TASKS_COUNT_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_MESH_VIEWS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MESH_OUTPUT_PER_VERTEX_GRANULARITY_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MESH_OUTPUT_PER_PRIMITIVE_GRANULARITY_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_MESH_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_TASK_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MESH_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_TASK_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MESH_VERTICES_OUT_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MESH_PRIMITIVES_OUT_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MESH_OUTPUT_TYPE_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_MESH_SHADER_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_UNIFORM_BLOCK_REFERENCED_BY_TASK_SHADER_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_REFERENCED_BY_MESH_SHADER_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_REFERENCED_BY_TASK_SHADER_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MESH_SUBROUTINE_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_TASK_SUBROUTINE_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MESH_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_TASK_SUBROUTINE_UNIFORM_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MESH_SHADER_BIT_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_TASK_SHADER_BIT_NV"/>
+                <command name="glDrawMeshTasksNV"/>
+                <command name="glDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV"/>
+                <command name="glMultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectNV"/>
+                <command name="glMultiDrawMeshTasksIndirectCountNV"/>
+            </require>
+        </extension>
         <extension name="GL_NV_multisample_coverage" supported="gl">
                 <enum name="GL_SAMPLES_ARB"/>
@@ -47077,6 +47635,11 @@
                 <command name="glGetCombinerStageParameterfvNV"/>
+        <extension name="GL_NV_representative_fragment_test" supported="gl|glcore">
+            <require>
+                <enum name="GL_REPRESENTATIVE_FRAGMENT_TEST_NV"/>
+            </require>
+        </extension>
         <extension name="GL_NV_robustness_video_memory_purge" supported="gl">
                 <enum name="GL_PURGED_CONTEXT_RESET_NV"/>
@@ -47112,6 +47675,14 @@
         <extension name="GL_NV_sample_mask_override_coverage" supported="gl|glcore|gles2"/>
+        <extension name="GL_NV_scissor_exclusive" supported="gl|glcore">
+            <require>
+                <enum name="GL_SCISSOR_TEST_EXCLUSIVE_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SCISSOR_BOX_EXCLUSIVE_NV"/>
+                <command name="glScissorExclusiveNV"/>
+                <command name="glScissorExclusiveArrayvNV"/>
+            </require>
+        </extension>
         <extension name="GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters" supported="gl|glcore"/>
         <extension name="GL_NV_shader_atomic_float" supported="gl|glcore"/>
         <extension name="GL_NV_shader_atomic_float64" supported="gl|glcore"/>
@@ -47147,6 +47718,7 @@
         <extension name="GL_NV_shader_noperspective_interpolation" supported="gles2"/>
         <extension name="GL_NV_shader_storage_buffer_object" supported="gl"/>
+        <extension name="GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint" supported="gl|glcore"/>
         <extension name="GL_NV_shader_thread_group" supported="gl|glcore">
                 <enum name="GL_WARP_SIZE_NV"/>
@@ -47155,6 +47727,39 @@
         <extension name="GL_NV_shader_thread_shuffle" supported="gl|glcore"/>
+        <extension name="GL_NV_shading_rate_image" supported="gl|glcore">
+            <require>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_NO_INVOCATIONS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_PIXEL_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_1X2_PIXELS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_2X1_PIXELS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_2X2_PIXELS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_2X4_PIXELS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_4X2_PIXELS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_1_INVOCATION_PER_4X4_PIXELS_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_2_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_4_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_8_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_16_INVOCATIONS_PER_PIXEL_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_BINDING_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_TEXEL_WIDTH_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_TEXEL_HEIGHT_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_IMAGE_PALETTE_SIZE_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_COARSE_FRAGMENT_SAMPLES_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_SAMPLE_ORDER_DEFAULT_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_SAMPLE_ORDER_PIXEL_MAJOR_NV"/>
+                <enum name="GL_SHADING_RATE_SAMPLE_ORDER_SAMPLE_MAJOR_NV"/>
+                <command name="glBindShadingRateImageNV"/>
+                <command name="glGetShadingRateImagePaletteNV"/>
+                <command name="glGetShadingRateSampleLocationivNV"/>
+                <command name="glShadingRateImageBarrierNV"/>
+                <command name="glShadingRateImageBarrierNV"/>
+                <command name="glShadingRateImagePaletteNV"/>
+                <command name="glShadingRateSampleOrderNV"/>
+                <command name="glShadingRateSampleOrderCustomNV"/>
+            </require>
+        </extension>
         <extension name="GL_NV_shadow_samplers_array" supported="gles2">
                 <enum name="GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW_NV"/>
@@ -47431,6 +48036,11 @@
                 <command name="glVDPAUUnmapSurfacesNV"/>
+        <extension name="GL_NV_vdpau_interop2" supported="gl">
+            <require>
+                <command name="glVDPAURegisterVideoSurfaceWithPictureStructureNV"/>
+            </require>
+        </extension>
         <extension name="GL_NV_vertex_array_range" supported="gl">
                 <enum name="GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_RANGE_NV"/>
@@ -48808,6 +49418,12 @@
                 <command name="glTextureFoveationParametersQCOM"/>
+        <extension name="GL_QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout" supported="gles2">
+            <require>
+                <enum name="GL_MAX_SHADER_SUBSAMPLED_IMAGE_UNITS_QCOM"/>
+            </require>
+        </extension>
         <extension name="GL_QCOM_perfmon_global_mode" supported="gles1|gles2">
                 <enum name="GL_PERFMON_GLOBAL_MODE_QCOM"/>
@@ -48819,6 +49435,8 @@
                 <command name="glFramebufferFetchBarrierQCOM"/>
+        <extension name="GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate" supported="gles2">
+        </extension>
         <extension name="GL_QCOM_tiled_rendering" supported="gles1|gles2">
                 <enum name="GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT0_QCOM"/>
@@ -48862,6 +49480,8 @@
                 <enum name="GL_WRITEONLY_RENDERING_QCOM"/>
+        <extension name="GL_QCOM_YUV_texture_gather" supported="gles2">
+        </extension>
         <extension name="GL_REND_screen_coordinates" supported="gl">
                 <enum name="GL_SCREEN_COORDINATES_REND"/>
diff --git a/xml/testesext.c b/xml/testesext.c
index bfb15d7..8f1f236 100644
--- a/xml/testesext.c
+++ b/xml/testesext.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*% cc -I. -I../api -I../../../../../registry/trunk/egl/api/ -c % ; rm testext.o
+/*% cc -I. -I../api -I../../../../../registry/trunk/egl/api/ -c % ; rm testesext.o
  * Test to make sure gl3.h builds properly.
  * Will also use SVN internal versions of gl3platform.h
diff --git a/xml/wgl.xml b/xml/wgl.xml
index 1d7c604..49277ed 100644
--- a/xml/wgl.xml
+++ b/xml/wgl.xml
@@ -427,6 +427,7 @@
         <enum value="0x21A3"        name="WGL_GPU_RAM_AMD"/>
         <enum value="0x21A4"        name="WGL_GPU_CLOCK_AMD"/>
         <enum value="0x21A5"        name="WGL_GPU_NUM_PIPES_AMD"/>
+        <enum value="0x21A5"        name="WGL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ATI" comment="Duplicates unrelated WGL_GPU_NUM_PIPES_AMD"/>
         <enum value="0x21A6"        name="WGL_GPU_NUM_SIMD_AMD"/>
         <enum value="0x21A7"        name="WGL_GPU_NUM_RB_AMD"/>
         <enum value="0x21A8"        name="WGL_GPU_NUM_SPI_AMD"/>
@@ -451,7 +452,7 @@
     <enums namespace="EGL" start="0x3080" end="0x30AF" vendor="KHR" comment="Values shared with EGL. Do not allocate additional values in this range.">
-        <enum value="0x3087" name="WGL_COLORSPACE_EXT"/>
+        <enum value="0x309D" name="WGL_COLORSPACE_EXT"/>
         <enum value="0x3089" name="WGL_COLORSPACE_SRGB_EXT"/>
         <enum value="0x308A" name="WGL_COLORSPACE_LINEAR_EXT"/>
@@ -1627,6 +1628,11 @@
                 <enum name="WGL_TYPE_RGBA_FLOAT_ATI"/>
+        <extension name="WGL_ATI_render_texture_rectangle" supported="wgl">
+            <require>
+                <enum name="WGL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ATI"/>
+            </require>
+        </extension>
         <extension name="WGL_EXT_colorspace" supported="wgl">
                 <enum name="WGL_COLORSPACE_EXT"/>