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Name Strings
Mike Strauss (mstrauss 'at'
Shipping in NVIDIA release 169.xx drivers (May 2008) for GeForce
8 and up
Revision: 4
Last Modified Date: March 7, 2013
ARB_multisample is required.
Written using the language of the OpenGL 2.1 specification.
Written using the language of the GLX 1.4 specification.
The ARB_multisample extension provides a mechanism for antialiasing
primitives. This mechanism allows an application to request an
additional buffer, the multisample buffer, that is added to the
framebuffer. An application can request the number of samples per
fragment that are stored in the multisample buffer. Rendering
proceeds by writing color, depth, and stencil values for each
sample to the multisample buffer. The results are automatically
resolved to a single displayable color each time a pixel is
Coverage Sample Anti-Aliasing (CSAA) is an extension to multisample
antialiasing. The technique separates "samples" into two types of
samples. "Color samples" are samples with color, depth, and
stencil information stored in the multisample buffer. "Coverage
samples" include both color samples and additional samples that only
provide pixel coverage information.
This extension follows the example of the
NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage extension, which adds CSAA
support for framebuffer objects. The base description of
multisample rendering is written in terms of coverage samples and
color samples. The windows system notion of "samples"
(SAMPLES_ARB) is layered on top of coverage and color samples.
IP Status
New Procedures and Functions
New Tokens
Accepted by the <attribList> parameter of glXChooseVisual, and by
the <attrib> parameter of glXGetConfig, the <attrib_list> parameter
of glXChooseFBConfig, and the <attribute> parameter of
Accepted by the <piAttributes> parameter of
wglGetPixelFormatAttribivEXT, wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvEXT, and
the <piAttribIList> and <pfAttribIList> of wglChoosePixelFormatEXT:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetDoublev,
GetIntegerv, and GetFloatv:
(Note: Earlier versions of this extension included a token
COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV that was an alias for SAMPLES/SAMPLES_ARB. This was
removed to avoid a name collision with a similar COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV
token from the NV_coverage_sample extension to OpenGL ES.)
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Rasterization)
Modify Section 3.2.1, Multisampling (p. 93).
(replace third and fourth paragraphs, p. 94)
During multisample rendering the contents of a pixel fragment are
changed in three ways. First, each fragment includes a coverage
value with SAMPLES_ARB bits. The value of SAMPLES_ARB is an
implementation-dependent constant, and is queried by calling
GetIntegerv with <pname> set to SAMPLES_ARB.
Second, each fragment includes SAMPLES_ARB coverage samples. The
number of coverage samples includes both samples that indicate only
coverage information, as well as samples that include coverage,
color, depth, and texture coordinate information. The location of
the coverage information only samples may be anywhere within the
pixel. These samples may be used with an implementation-dependent
algorithm as additional weights when resolving the color values to a
single pixel color.
Third, each fragment includes COLOR_SAMPLES_NV depth values,
color values, and sets of texture coordinates instead of the
single depth value, color value, and set of texture coordinates
that are maintained in single-sample rendering mode. These samples
are referred to as color samples, although they contain more than
color information. COLOR_SAMPLES_NV is an implementation-dependent
constant, and is queried by calling GetIntegerv with <pname> set to
COLOR_SAMPLES_NV. An implementation may choose to assign the same
color value and the same set of texture coordinates to more than
one sample. The location for evaluating the color value and the
set of texture coordinates can be anywhere within the pixel
including the fragment center or any of the color sample locations.
The color value and the set of texture coordinates need not be
evaluated at the same location. Each pixel fragment thus
consists of integer x and y grid coordinates, SAMPLES_ARB
samples, COLOR_SAMPLES_NV of which contain color and depth values,
COLOR_SAMPLES_NV sets of texture coordinates, and a coverage value
with a maximum of SAMPLES_ARB bits.
(modify seventh paragraph, p. 94)
If MULTISAMPLE is enabled, multisample rasterization of all
primitives differs substantially from single-sample rasterization.
It is understood that each pixel in the framebuffer has SAMPLES_ARB
locations associated with it. Of these locations, COLOR_SAMPLES_NV
have associated color, depth, and texture coordinates. The
remaining locations only supply additional pixel coverage
information. These locations are exact positions, rather than
regions or areas, and each is referred to as a sample point. The
sample points...
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Per-Fragment
Operations and the Frame Buffer)
Modify Section 4.1.11, Additional Multisample Fragment
Operations (p. 213).
(modify second paragraph, p. 213)
If MULTISAMPLE is enabled, and the value of SAMPLE_BUFFERS is one,
the alpha test, stencil test, depth test, blending, and dithering
operations are performed for each pixel color sample, rather than
just once for each fragment...
(modify third paragraph, p 215)
After all operations have been completed on the multisample...
The method of combination is not specified, though a simple average
computed independently for each color component is recommended when
the number of coverage samples and color samples are equal.
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Special Functions)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (State and
State Requests)
Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 2.0 Specification (Invariance)
Additions to the GLX Specification
Modify Section 3.3.3 Configuration Management (p. 12)
(modify fourth paragraph, p. 12)
The attribute GLX_SAMPLE_BUFFERS indicates the number of multisample
buffers, which must be zero or one. The attribute
GLX_COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV gives the number of coverage samples per
pixel, and the attribute GLX_COLOR_SAMPLES_NV gives the number of
color samples per pixel; if GLX_SAMPLE_BUFFERS is zero, then
If GLX_SAMPLE_BUFFERS is one, then the number of color, depth, and
stencil bits for each sample in the multisample buffer are
specified by the GLX_*_SIZE attributes. GLX_SAMPLES is an alias for
(modify GLX_SAMPLES entry in Table 3.1: GLXFBConfig attributes,
p. 12)
Attribute Type Notes
----------------------- ------- ------------------------------
GLX_COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV integer no. coverage samples per pixel
(add a new entry to Table 3.1: GLXFBConfig attributes, p.12,
following the GLX_COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV entry)
Attribute Type Notes
----------------------- ------- ------------------------------
GLX_COLOR_SAMPLES_NV integer no. color samples per pixel
(add a new following the discussion of GLX_TRASPARENT_TYPE,
p 18.)
If GLX_COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV is in <attrib_list>, but
GLX_COLOR_SAMPLES_NV is not in <attrib_list> the selected
GLXFBConfigs must have the same number of color samples as
coverage samples.
(modify the GLX_SAMPLES entry in Table 3.4: Default values and
match criteria for GLXFBConfig attributes, p. 19)
and Sorting Sort
Attribute Default Criteria Priority
----------------------- ------- ----------- --------
(add a new entry to table 3.4: Default values and match criteria
for GLXFBConfig attributes, p. 19, following the
and Sorting Sort
Attribute Default Criteria Priority
----------------------- ------- ----------- --------
and GLX_X_VISUAL_TYPE entries in table 3.4: Default values and
match criteria for GLXFBConfig attributes, p. 19, by incrementing
the value of Sort Priority for each)
(modify sixth paragraph, p. 20)
(add a new paragraph following the sixth paragraph, p. 20)
(modify paragraphs seven through ten, p. 20, by incrementing
the list number for each)
Modify Section 3.4.1 Using Visuals for Configuration Management
(modify the GLX_SAMPLES entry in Table 3.7: GLX attributes for
Visuals, p. 37)
Attribute Type Notes
------------------------- -------- --------------------------
GLX_COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV integer number of coverage samples
per pixel.
(add a new entry to table 3.7: GLX attributes for Visuals, p.37,
following the GLX_COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV entry)
Attribute Type Notes
------------------------- -------- --------------------------
GLX_COLOR_SAMPLES_NV integer number of color samples
per pixel.
(modify the GLX_SAMPLES entry in table 3.8: Defaults and selection
criteria used by glXChooseVisual, p.38)
Attribute Default Selection Criteria
------------------------- ------- ------------------
(add a new entry to table 3.8: Defaults and selection criteria used
by glXChooseVisual, p.38, following the GLX_COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV
Attribute Default Selection Criteria
------------------------- ------- ------------------
GLX Protocol
Additions to the WGL Specification
Modify additions from ARB_multisample
(modify first and second paragraphs)
The parameter WGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB is added to
wglGetPixelFormatAttrib*v. When queried, by calling
wglGetPixelFormatAttrib*v with <piAttributes> set to
WGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB, it returns the number of multisample
buffers included in the pixel format. For a normal pixel format,
the return value is zero. A return value of one indicates that a
single multisample buffer is available. The number of coverage
samples per pixel is queried by calling wglGetPixelFormatAttrib*v
with <piAttributes> set to WGL_COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV. The number of
color samples per pixel is queried by calling
wglGetPixelFormatAttrib*v with <piAttributes> set to
WGL_COLOR_SAMPLES_NV. It is understood that the number of color,
depth, and stencil bits per sample in the multisample buffer are as
specified by the WGL_*_SIZE parameters. It is also understood that
there are no single-sample depth or stencil buffers associated with
this pixel format -- the only depth and stencil buffers are those
in the multisample buffer. WGL_COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV and
wglChoosePixelFormatARB accepts WGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS_ARB in
<piAttribIList> and <pfAttribIList> with the corresponding value
set to the minimum number of multisample buffers that can be
accepted. Pixel formats with the smallest number of multisample
buffers that meets or exceeds the specified minimum number are
preferred. Currently operations with more than one multisample
buffer are undefined, so the returned value will be either zero or
(add a new paragraph, missing from ARB_multisample, following the
second paragraph)
wglChoosePixelFormatARB accepts WGL_COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV in
<piAttribIList> and <pfAttibIList> with the corresponding value
set to the requested number of coverage samples for the multisample
buffer. wglChoosePixelFormatARB accepts WGL_COLOR_SAMPLES_NV in
<piAttribIList> and <pfAttribIList> with the corresponding value
set to the requested number of color samples for the multisample
buffer. A pixel format with differing numbers of coverage and
color samples may only be chosen when WGL_COLOR_SAMPLES_NV is
New State
New Implementation Dependent State
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec.
-------------------- ---- ----------- ------- -------------------------- -----
SAMPLES_ARB Z+ GetIntegerv 0 Number of coverage samples 3.2.1
(state already in ARB_multisample,
just defined to be coverage samples)
COLOR_SAMPLES_NV Z+ GetIntegerv 0 Number of color samples 3.2.1
1) How do we provide backward compatibility for glXChooseFBConfig
and wglChoosePixelFormatARB if COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV aliases to
RESOLVED: Traditional multisample antialiasing can be
be described as CSAA where the number of coverage and color
samples are the same (all samples provide coverage, color,
depth, and stencil information). Existing applications and
applications that do not wish to use this extension will use
SAMPLES_ARB when choosing a multisample GLXFBConfig or pixel
format. In this case, glXChooseFBConfig and
wglChoosePixelFormatARB should never return a CSAA visual or
pixel format. This is enforced in the spec by requiring the
presence of COLOR_SAMPLES_NV in the attribute list in order to
return a CSAA GLXFBConfig or pixel format.
(NOTE: The token COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV was removed in version 4
of the extension, but its value was always indistinguishable
2) How do we provide backward compatibility for
glXGetFBConfigAttrib and wglGetPixelFormatAttrib*v if
RESOLVED: The glXGetFBConfigAttrib and
wglGetPixelFormatAttrib*v routines provide a mechanism for
applications to query properties of a GLXFBConfig or pixel
format. This is useful for obtaining additional information
about a GLXFBConfig or pixel format after choosing one with the
appropriate routine. An application can also use these
routines to apply custom GLXFBConfig/pixel format selection
logic when presented with a set of GLXFBConfigs or pixel
In the latter case, existing applications and future
applications that do not use this extension may accidentally
select a CSAA GLXFBConfig or pixel format because they only
look at SAMPLES_ARB, which aliases to COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV.
This problem is not unique to CSAA GLXFBConfigs and pixel
formats. An application can run into a problem selecting the
wrong GLXFBConfig or pixel format any time a new GLXFBConfig or
pixel format attribute is added that differs from the old
default. The GLX specification provides GLXFBConfig sorting
guidelines to aid in working around this problem. For WGL,
vendors are encouraged to order their visuals and pixel formats
in such a way that gives preference to old formats. With
regards to CSAA, it is recommended that vendors list traditional
multisample pixel formats first, and CSAA pixel formats later.
The assumption being that applications will tend to choose the
first pixel format that meets the criteria.
(NOTE: The token COVERAGE_SAMPLES_NV was removed in version 4
of the extension, but its value was always indistinguishable
3) The NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage extension supplies
specific rules with regards to how the requested number of
coverage and color samples are rounded to an implementation
supported value. Should this extension provide similar rules?
RESOLVED. The NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage extension
is built on top of EXT_framebuffer_multisample, which provides
explicit rules for rounding the number of requested samples.
Specifically, the spec says to round the number of requested
samples up to the next implementation supported value.
NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage says that the number of
coverage samples is rounded to the next highest implementation
supported value. The number of color samples is rounded up to
the next highest implementation supported value given the
chosen number of coverage samples.
Choosing WGL pixel formats has always been a flexible
and fuzzy process. On the other hand, the GLX specification
provides explicit rules for sorting and choosing GLXFBConfigs.
Language has been added to the GLX spec to sort first on
coverage samples, and then on color samples. This has a
similar effect as the rules given in
NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage as long as both
WGL pixel format selection, the implementation is free to
sort in whatever way it wishes. Although it is recommended
that sorting be done in a way that is compatible with
Revision History
Revision 1, 6/22/2007, mstrauss: Initial version
Revision 2, 6/23/2007, mstrauss: Removed GLX visual language.
Added GLXFBconfig language.
Revision 3, 4/20/2009, jajones: Filled in GLX token values.
Restored GLX 1.2 compatibility
table entries.
Revision 4, 3/7/2013, pbrown: Removed the OpenGL API token
just an alias for SAMPLES_ARB.