blob: e657651048c33ce5938d0e30c7d4ef0ce4d89054 [file] [log] [blame]
Name Strings
James Jones
Jeff Juliano
Robert Morell
Aaron Plattner
Andy Ritger
Thomas True
Ian Williams
James Jones, NVIDIA (jajones 'at'
Implemented in 165.33 driver for NVIDIA SDI devices.
Last Modified Date: July 8, 2011
Author Revision: 8
$Date$ $Revision$
OpenGL 1.1 is required.
ARB_occlusion_query is required.
EXT_timer_query is required.
ARB_texture_compression affects the definition of this extension.
ARB_texture_float affects the definition of this extension.
GLX_NV_video_out affects the definition of this extension.
EXT_framebuffer_object affects the definition of this extension.
WGL_ARB_extensions_string affects the definition of this extension.
WGL_NV_video_out affects the definition of this extension.
This extension is written against the OpenGL 2.1 Specification
and the GLX 1.4 Specification.
This extension provides a mechanism for displaying textures and
renderbuffers on auxiliary video output devices. It allows an
application to specify separate buffers for the individual
fields used with interlaced output. It also provides a way
to present frames or field pairs simultaneously in two separate
video streams. It also allows an application to request when images
should be displayed, and to obtain feedback on exactly when images
are actually first displayed.
This specification attempts to avoid language that would tie it to
any particular hardware or vendor. However, it should be noted that
it has been designed specifically for use with NVIDIA SDI products
and the features and limitations of the spec compliment those of
NVIDIA's line of SDI video output devices.
New Procedures and Functions
void PresentFrameKeyedNV(uint video_slot,
uint64EXT minPresentTime,
uint beginPresentTimeId,
uint presentDurationId,
enum type,
enum target0, uint fill0, uint key0,
enum target1, uint fill1, uint key1);
void PresentFrameDualFillNV(uint video_slot,
uint64EXT minPresentTime,
uint beginPresentTimeId,
uint presentDurationId,
enum type,
enum target0, uint fill0,
enum target1, uint fill1,
enum target2, uint fill2,
enum target3, uint fill3);
void GetVideoivNV(uint video_slot, enum pname, int *params);
void GetVideouivNV(uint video_slot, enum pname, uint *params);
void GetVideoi64vNV(uint video_slot, enum pname, int64EXT *params);
void GetVideoui64vNV(uint video_slot, enum pname,
uint64EXT *params);
unsigned int *glXEnumerateVideoDevicesNV(Display *dpy, int screen,
int *nelements);
int glXBindVideoDeviceNV(Display *dpy, unsigned int video_slot,
unsigned int video_device,
const int *attrib_list);
int wglEnumerateVideoDevicesNV(HDC hDc,
BOOL wglBindVideoDeviceNV(HDC hDc, unsigned int uVideoSlot,
const int *piAttribList);
BOOL wglQueryCurrentContextNV(int iAttribute, int *piValue);
New Tokens
Accepted by the <type> parameter of PresentFrameKeyedNV and
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetVideoivNV, GetVideouivNV,
GetVideoi64vNV, GetVideoui64vNV:
Accepted by the <target> parameter of GetQueryiv:
Accepted by the <attribute> parameter of glXQueryContext:
Accepted by the <iAttribute> parameter of wglQueryCurrentContextNV:
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (Rasterization)
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Framebuffer)
Add a new section after Section 4.4:
"4.5 Displaying Buffers
"To queue the display of a set of textures or renderbuffers on one
of the current video output devices, call one of:
void PresentFrameKeyedNV(uint video_slot,
uint64EXT minPresentTime,
uint beginPresentTimeId,
uint presentDurationId,
enum type,
enum target0, uint fill0, uint key0,
enum target1, uint fill1, uint key1);
void PresentFrameDualFillNV(uint video_slot,
uint64EXT minPresentTime,
uint beginPresentTimeId,
uint presentDurationId,
enum type,
enum target0, uint fill0,
enum target1, uint fill1,
enum target2, uint fill2,
enum target3, uint fill3);
"PresentFrameKeyedNV can only be used when one output stream
is being used for color data. Key data will be presented on the
second output stream. PresentFrameDualFillNV can be used only when
two output streams are being used for color data. It will present
separate color images on each stream simultaneously.
"The <video_slot> parameter specifies which video output slot
in the current context this frame should be presented on. If no
video output device is bound at <video_slot> at the time of the
call, INVALID_OPERATION is generated.
"The value of <minPresentTime> can be set to either the earliest
time in nanoseconds that the frame should become visible, or the
special value 0. Frame presentation is always queued until the
video output's vertical blanking period. At that time, the video
output device will consume the frames in the queue in the order
they were queued until it finds a frame qualified for display. A
frame is qualified if it meets one of the following criteria:
1) The frame's minimum presentation time is the special value
2) The frame's minimum presentation time is less than or equal
to the current time and the next queued frame, if it exists,
has a minimum presentation time greater than the current time.
Any consumed frames not displayed are discarded. If no qualified
frames are found, the current frame continues to display.
"If <beginPresentTimeId> or <presentDurationId> are non-zero, they
must name valid query objects (see section 4.1.7, Asynchronous
Queries). The actual time at which the video output device began
displaying this frame will be stored in the object referred to by
<beginPresentTimeId>. The present frame operations will implicitly
perform the equivalent of:
BeginQuery(PRESENT_TIME_NV, <beginPresentTimeId>);
BeginQuery(PRESENT_DURATION_NV, <presentDurationId>);
when the respective query object names are valid, followed by the
actual present operation, then an implicit EndQuery() for each
query started. The result can then be obtained asynchronously via
the GetQueryObject calls with a <target> of PRESENT_TIME_NV or
PRESENT_DURATION_NV. The results of a query on the PRESENT_TIME_NV
target will be the time in nanoseconds when the frame was first
started scanning out, and will become available at that time. The
results of a query on the PRESENT_DURATION_NV target will be the
number of times this frame was fully scanned out by the video output
device and will become available when the subsequent frame begins
scanning out.
"If the frame was removed from the queue without being displayed,
the present duration will be zero, and the present time will refer
to the time in nanoseconds when the first subsequent frame that was
not skipped began scanning out.
"The query targets PRESENT_TIME_NV and PRESENT_DURATION_NV may not
be explicitly used with BeginQuery or EndQuery. Attempting to do
so will generate INVALID_ENUM.
"The parameters <type>, <target0>, <fill0>, <key0>, <target1>,
<fill1>, and <key1> define the data to be displayed on the first
video output stream. Valid values for <type> are FIELDS_NV or
FRAME_NV. Other values will generate INVALID_ENUM. The <target0>
and <target1> parameters can each be one of TEXTURE_2D,
generate INVALID_ENUM. The <fill0> and <fill1> parameters then name
an object of the corresponding type from which the color data will
be read. Similarly, <key0> and <key1> name an object from which key
channel data will be read. If <type> is FIELDS_NV <target0> and
<target1> can not be NONE and <fill0>, and <fill1> must both name
valid image objects or INVALID_VALUE is generated. If <type> is
FRAME_NV <target0> can not be NONE and <fill0> must name a valid
object or INVALID_VALUE is generated. Additionally, <target1> must
be NONE or INVALID_ENUM is generated. The values of <fill1> and
<key1> are ignored.
"A texture object is considered a valid color image object only if
it is consistent and has a supported internal format. A
renderbuffer object is considered a valid image object if its
internal format has been specified as one of those supported.
Implementations must support at least the following internal formats
for presenting color buffers:
If no separate key object is specified when using a key output
stream, the key data is taken from the alpha channel of the color
object if it is present, or is set to 1.0 otherwise.
Implementations must support at least the following internal formats
when presenting key stream buffers:
"The key values are read from the alpha channel unless a depth
format is used. For depth formats, the key value is the depth
"It is legal to use the same image for more than one of <fill0>,
<fill1>, <key0>, and <key1>.
"In the following section, which discusses image dimension
requirements, the image objects named by <fill0> and <key0> are
collectively referred to as 'image 0' and the image objects named by
<fill1> and <key1> are collectively referred to as 'image 1'. The
dimensions of a pair of fill and key images must be equal. If using
PresentFrameDualFillNV, 'image 0' refers only to <fill0>, and
'image 1' refers only to <fill1>.
"If <type> is FRAME_NV image 1 must have a height equal to the
number of lines displayed per frame on the output device and a width
equal to the number of pixels per line on the output device or
INVALID_VALUE will be generated. Each line in the image will
correspond to a line displayed on the output device.
"If <type> is FIELDS_NV, the way in which lines from the image are
displayed depends on the image's size. If progressive output is in
use, image 0 and image 1 must either both have a height equal to the
number of lines displayed per frame, or both have a height equal to
the ceiling of half the number of lines displayed per frame. If an
interlaced output is in use, the images must either both have a
height equal to the number of lines displayed per frame, or image 0
must have a height equal to the number of lines in field one and
image 1 must have a height equal to the number of lines in field
two. The images must both have a width equal to the number of
pixels per line on the output device. If any of these conditions
are not met, INVALID_VALUE is generated.
"If progressive output is used, the lines are displayed as follows:
If the images are the same height as a frame, the resulting frame
displayed is comprised of the first line of image 0, followed by
the second line of image 1, followed by the third line of image 0,
and so on until all the lines of a frame have been displayed. If
the images are half the height of the frame, the resulting frame
displayed is comprised of the first line of image 0, followed by the
first line of image 1, followed by the second line of image 0, and
so on until the number of lines per frame has been displayed.
"If interlaced output is used and the images are the same height as
a frame, the order in which lines are chosen from the images
depends on the video output mode in use. If the video output mode
specifies field 1 as containing the first line of the display, the
first line of field 1 will come from the first line of image 0,
followed by the third line from image 0, and so on until the entire
first field has been displayed. The first line of field 2 will come
from the second line of image 1, followed by the fourth line of
image 1, and so on until the entire second field is displayed. If
the mode specifies field 1 as containing the second line of the
display, the first line of field 1 will come from the second line of
image 0, followed by the fourth line of image 0, and so on until the
entire first field is displayed. The first line of field 2 will
come from the first line of image 1, followed by the third line of
image 1, and so on until the entire second field is displayed.
"If interlaced output is used and the images are the same height as
individual fields, the order of lines used does not depend on the
mode in use. Regardless of the mode used the first line of the
first field will come from the first line of image 0, followed by
the second line of image 0, and so on until the entire first field
has been displayed. The first line of the second field will come
from the first line of image 1, followed by the second line of
image 1, and so on until the entire second field has been displayed.
"The parameters <target2>, <fill2>, <target3>, and <fill3> are used
identically to <target0>, <fill0>, <target1>, and <fill1>
respectively, but they operate on the second color video output
"If the implementation requires a copy as part of the present frame
operation, the copy will be transparent to the user and as such will
bypass the fragment pipeline completely and will not alter any GL
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (Special Functions)
(Add to section 5.4, "Display Lists", page 244, in the list of
commands that are not compiled into display lists)
"Display commands: PresentFrameKeyedNV, PresentFrameDualFillNV
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (State and
State Requests)
(In section 6.1.12, Asynchronous Queries, add the following after
paragraph 6, p. 254)
For present time queries (PRESENT_TIME_NV), if the minimum number of
bits is non-zero, it must be at least 64.
For present duration queries (PRESENT_DURATION_NV, if the minimum
number of bits is non-zero, it must be at least 1.
(Replace section 6.1.15, Saving and Restoring State, p. 264)
Section 6.1.15, Video Output Queries
Information about a video slot can be queried with the commands
void GetVideoivNV(uint video_slot enum pname, int *params);
void GetVideouivNV(uint video_slot enum pname, uint *params);
void GetVideoi64vNV(uint video_slot enum pname,
int64EXT *params);
void GetVideoui64vNV(uint video_slot enum pname,
uint64EXT *params);
If <video_slot> is not a valid video slot in the current context or
no video output device is currently bound at <video_slot> an
INVALID_OPERATION is generated. If <pname> is CURRENT_TIME_NV, the
current time on the video output device in nanoseconds is returned
in <params>. If the time value can not be expressed without using
more bits than are available in <params>, the value is truncated.
If <pname> is NUM_FILL_STREAMS_NV, the number of active video output
streams is returned in <params>.
Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (Invariance)
Additions to the WGL Specification
Add a new section "Video Output Devices"
"WGL video output devices can be used to display images with more
fine-grained control over the presentation than wglSwapBuffers
allows. Use
int wglEnumerateVideoDevicesNV(HDC hDc,
to enumerate the available video output devices.
"This call returns the number of video devices available on <hDC>.
If <phDeviceList> is non-NULL, an array of valid device handles
will be returned in it. The function will assume <phDeviceList> is
large enough to hold all available handles so the application should
take care to first query the number of devices present and allocate
an appropriate amount of memory.
"To bind a video output device to the current context, use
BOOL wglBindVideoDeviceNV(HDC hDc, unsigned int uVideoSlot,
const int *piAttribList);
"wglBindVideoDeviceNV binds the video output device specified by
<hVideoDevice> to one of the context's available video output slots
specified by <uVideoSlot>. <piAttribList> is a set of attribute
name-value pairs that affects the bind operation. Currently there
are no valid attributes so <piAttribList> must be either NULL or an
empty list. To release a video device without binding another
device to the same slot, call wglBindVideoDeviceNV with
<hVideoDevice> set to NULL. The bound video output device will be
enabled before wglBindVideoDeviceNV returns. It will display black
until the first image is presented on it. The previously bound
video device, if any, will also be deactivated before
wglBindVIdeoDeviceNV resturns. Video slot 0 is reserved for the GL.
If wglBindVideoDeviceNV is called with <uVideoSlot> less than 1 or
greater than the maximum number of video slots supported by the
current context, if <hVideoDevice> does not refer to a valid video
output device, or if there is no current context, FALSE will be
returned. A return value of TRUE indicates a video device has
successfully been bound to the video slot.
Add section "Querying WGL context attributes"
To query an attribute associated with the current WGL context, use
BOOL wglQueryCurrentContextNV(int iAttribute, int *piValue);
wglQueryCurrentContextNV will place the value of the attribute named
by <iAttribute> in the memory pointed to by <piValue>. If there is
no context current or <iAttribute> does not name a valid attribute,
FALSE will be returned and the memory pointed to by <piValue> will
not be changed. Currently the only valid attribute name is
WGL_NUM_VIDEO_SLOTS_NV. This attribute contains the number of valid
video output slots in the current context.
Additions to Chapter 2 of the GLX 1.4 Specification (GLX Operation)
Additions to Chapter 3 of the GLX 1.4 Specification (Functions and Errors)
Modify table 3.5:
Attribute Type Description
---------------------- ---- ------------------------------------------
GLX_FBCONFIG_ID XID XID of GLXFBConfig associated with context
GLX_RENDER_TYPE int type of rendering supported
GLX_SCREEN int screen number
GLX_NUM_VIDEO_SLOTS_NV int number of video output slots this context supports
Add a section between Sections 3.3.10 and 3.3.11:
3.3.10a Video Output Devices
"GLX video output devices can be used to display images with more
fine-grained control over the presentation than glXSwapBuffers
allows. Use
unsigned int *glXEnumerateVideoDevicesNV(Display *dpy,
int screen,
int *nElements);
to enumerate the available video output devices.
"This call returns an array of unsigned ints. The number of
elements in the array is returned in nElements. Each entry in the
array names a valid video output device. Use XFree to free the
memory returned by glXEnumerateVideoDevicesNV.
"To bind a video output device to the current context, use
Bool glXBindVideoDeviceNV(Display *dpy,
unsigned int video_slot,
unsigned int video_device,
const int *attrib_list);
"glXBindVideoDeviceNV binds the video output device specified
by <video_device> to one of the context's available video
output slots specified by <video_slot>. <attrib_list> is a
set of attribute name-value pairs that affects the bind
operation. Currently there are no valid attributes so <attrib_list>
must be either NULL or an empty list. To release a video device
without binding another device to the same slot, call
glXBindVideoDeviceNV with <video_device> set to "0". Video slot 0
is reserved for the GL. The bound video output device will be
enabled before glXBindVideoDeviceNV returns. It will display black
until the first image is presented on it. The previously bound
video device, if any, will also be deactivated before
glXBindVIdeoDeviceNV resturns. If glXBindVideoDeviceNV is called
with <video_slot> less than 1 or greater than the maximum number of
video slots supported by the current context, BadValue is generated.
If <video_device> does not refer to a valid video output device,
BadValue is generated. If <attrib_list> contains an invalid
attribute or an invalid attribute value, BadValue is generated. If
glXBindVideoDeviceNV is called without a current context,
GLXBadContext is generated.
Additions to Chapter 4 of the GLX 1.4 Specification (Encoding on the X
Byte Stream)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the GLX 1.4 Specification (Extending OpenGL)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the GLX 1.4 Specification (GLX Versions)
GLX Protocol
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 6+n request length
4 1332 vendor specific opcode
4 CARD32 context tag
4 CARD32 video_slot
4 CARD32 video_device
4 CARD32 num_attribs
4*n LISTofATTRIBUTE_PAIR attribute, value pairs
1 CARD8 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 0 reply length
4 CARD32 status
20 unused
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 4 request length
4 1333 vendor specific opcode
4 unused
4 CARD32 screen
1 CARD8 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 n reply length
4 CARD32 num_devices
4*n LISTofCARD32 device names
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 16 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivate)
2 15 request length
4 1334 vendor specific opcode
4 CARD32 context tag
8 CARD64 minPresentTime
4 CARD32 video_slot
4 CARD32 beginPresentTimeId
4 CARD32 presentDurationId
4 CARD32 type
4 CARD32 target0
4 CARD32 fill0
4 CARD32 key0
4 CARD32 target1
4 CARD32 fill1
4 CARD32 key1
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 16 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivate)
2 17 request length
4 1335 vendor specific opcode
4 CARD32 context tag
8 CARD64 minPresentTime
4 CARD32 video_slot
4 CARD32 beginPresentTimeId
4 CARD32 presentDurationId
4 CARD32 type
4 CARD32 target0
4 CARD32 fill0
4 CARD32 target1
4 CARD32 fill1
4 CARD32 target2
4 CARD32 fill2
4 CARD32 target3
4 CARD32 fill3
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 4 request length
4 1336 vendor specific opcode
4 CARD32 context tag
4 CARD32 video_slot
4 CARD32 pname
1 CARD8 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m = (n==1 ? 0 : n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n
if (n=1) this follows:
4 INT32 params
12 unused
otherwise this follows:
16 unused
n*4 LISTofINT32 params
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 4 request length
4 1337 vendor specific opcode
4 CARD32 context tag
4 CARD32 video_slot
4 CARD32 pname
1 CARD8 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m = (n==1 ? 0 : n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n
if (n=1) this follows:
4 CARD32 params
12 unused
otherwise this follows:
16 unused
n*4 LISTofCARD32 params
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 4 request length
4 1338 vendor specific opcode
4 CARD32 context tag
4 CARD32 video_slot
4 CARD32 pname
1 CARD8 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m = (n==1 ? 0 : n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n
if (n=1) this follows:
8 INT64 params
8 unused
otherwise this follows:
16 unused
n*8 LISTofINT64EXT params
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply)
2 4 request length
4 1339 vendor specific opcode
4 CARD32 context tag
4 CARD32 video_slot
4 CARD32 pname
1 CARD8 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m = (n==1 ? 0 : n)
4 unused
4 CARD32 n
if (n=1) this follows:
8 CARD64 params
8 unused
otherwise this follows:
16 unused
n*8 LISTofCARD64 params
Dependencies on ARB_occlusion_query:
The generic query objects introduced in ARB_occlusion_query are
used as a method to asynchronously deliver timing data to the
application. The language describing BeginQueryARB and
EndQueryARB API is also relevant as the same operations are
implicitly performed by PresentFrameKeyedNV and
Dependencies on EXT_timer_query:
The 64-bit types introduced in EXT_timer_query are used in this
extension to specify time values with nanosecond accuracy.
Dependencies on ARB_texture_float
If ARB_texture_float is not supported, the floating point internal
formats are removed from the list of internal formats required to be
supported by the PresentFrame functions.
Dependencies on EXT_framebuffer_object:
If EXT_framebuffer_object is not supported, all references to
targets of type RENDERBUFFER_EXT should be removed from the spec
Dependencies on GLX_NV_video_out:
Video output resources can not be used simultaneously with this
extension and GLX_NV_video_out. If an application on the system has
obtained a video device handle from GLX_NV_video_out, no other
application may bind any video out devices using this spec until all
GLX_NV_video_out devices have been released. Similarly, if an
application has bound a video out device using this spec, no other
applications on the system can obtain a GLX_NV_video_out device
handle until all devices have been unbound.
Dependencies on WGL_ARB_extensions_string:
Because there is no way to extend wgl, these calls are defined in
the ICD and can be called by obtaining the address with
wglGetProcAddress. The WGL extension string is not included in the
GL_EXTENSIONS string. Its existence can be determined with the
WGL_ARB_extensions_string extension.
Dependencies on WGL_NV_video_out:
Video output resources can not be used simultaneously with this
extension and WGL_NV_video_out. If an application on the system has
obtained a video device handle from WGL_NV_video_out, no other
application may bind any video out devices using this spec until all
WGL_NV_video_out devices have been released. Similarly, if an
application has bound a video out device using this spec, no other
applications on the system can obtain a WGL_NV_video_out device
handle until all devices have been unbound.
New State
Get Value Type Get Command Init. Value Description Sec Attribute
-------------------------- ---- ---------------- ------------- ------------------------- ----- ---------
CURRENT_QUERY 4xZ+ GetQueryiv 0 Active query object name 4.1.7 -
(occlusion, timer,
present time, and
present duration)
QUERY_RESULT 4xZ+ GetQueryObjectiv 0 Query object result 4.1.7 -
(samples passed,
time elapsed,
present time, or
present duration)
QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE 4xB GetQueryObjectiv TRUE Query object result 4.1.7 -
CURRENT_TIME_NV 1xZ GetVideoui64vNV 0 Video device timer 4.4 -
New Implementation Dependent state
Get Value Type Get Command Minimum Value Description Sec Attribute
---------------------- ---- ---------------- -------------- -------------------------- ----- ---------
NUM_FILL_STREAMS_NV 1xZ GetVideouivNV 0 Number of video streams 4.4 -
active on a video slot
NUM_VIDEO_SLOTS_NV 1xZ GetIntegerv 1 Number of video slots a 4.4 -
context supports.
QUERY_COUNTER_BITS 4xZ+ GetQueryiv see 6.1.12 Asynchronous query counter 6.1.12 -
bits (occlusion, timer,
present time and present
duration queries)
1) How does the user enumerate video devices?
RESOLVED: There will be OS-specific functions that
will enumerate OS-specific identifiers that refer to video
devices. On WGL, this will likely be tied to an hDC. GPU
affinity can then be used to enumerate SDI devices even on GPUs
that are not used as part of the windows desktop. On GLX,
SDI devices can be enumerated per X screen.
2) How does the user specify data for the second output?
RESOLVED: There will be a separate entry point that accepts up
to 4 buffers total.
3) When is SDI output actually enabled?
RESOLVED: The BindVideoDevice functions will enable and disable
SDI output.
4) Should the PresentFrame functions return the frame
RESOLVED: No. PresentFrame will instead accept two query
object IDs and will implicitly begin and end a query on each
of these objects. The first object's query target will be
PRESENT_TIME_EXT. Its result will be the time in nanoseconds
when the frame was first displayed, and will become available
when the frame begins displaying or when a subsequent frame
begins displaying if this frame be skipped. The second
object's query target will be PRESENT_LENGTH_EXT. The result
will be the number of full-frame vblanks that occurred while
the frame was displayed. This result will become available when
the next frame begins displaying. If the frame was skipped,
this value will be 0 and the PRESENT_TIME_EXT result will refer
to the time when the first subsequent frame that was not skipped
began displaying.
5) Should there be any other queryable video output device
RESOLVED: There are none. The glXQueryVideoDeviceNV and
wglQueryVideoDeviceNV calls have been removed from this
specification. They can be added in a separate extension if
they are ever needed.
6) Should this spec require a timed present mechanism?
RESOLVED: Yes, this spec will include a mechanism for presenting
frames at a specified absolute time and a method for querying
when frames were displayed to allow apps to adjust their
rendering time. Leaving this out would weaken the PresentFrame
mechanism considerably.
7) Should this specification allow downsampling as part of the
present operation.
RESOLVED: No, this functionality can retroactively be added to
the PresentFrame functions as part of a later spec if necessary.
8) What happens when two outputs are enabled but only one output's
worth of buffers are specified?
RESOLVED: This will be an invalid operation. If two outputs are
enabled, data must be presented on both of them for every frame.
9) What section of the spec should the PresentFrame functions be in?
RESOLVED: A new section has been added to Chapter 4 to describe
functions that control the displaying of buffers.
10) What should this extension be called?
RESOLVED: The original name for this specification was
NV_video_framebuffer because the motivation for creating this
extension came from the need to expose a method for sending
framebuffer objects to an SDI video output device. However, it
has grown beyond that purpose and no longer even requires
EXT_framebuffer_object to function. For these reasons, it has
been renamed NV_present_video.
11) Should a "stacked fields" mode be added to allow the application
to specify two fields vertically concatenated in one buffer?
RESOLVED: No. The stacked fields in previous extensions were a
workaround to allow the application to specify two fields at
once with an API that only accepted one image at a time. Since
this extension requires all buffers that make up a frame to be
specified simultaneously, stacked fields are not needed.
12) Should there be a separate function for presenting output data
for one stream?
RESOLVED: Yes. To clarify the different types of data needed
for single and dual stream modes, two separate entry points are
13) Should we allow users to override the mode-defined mapping
between frame-height buffer lines and field lines?
RESOLVED: No. Not only does this seem unnecessary, it is also
impractical. If a mode has an odd number of lines, the
application would need to specify incorrectly sized buffers to
satisfy the line choosing rules as they are specified currently.
Revision History
Revision 8, 2011/7/8
-Fix wglBindVideoDeviceNV specification to match implemented
Revision 7, 2009/2/20
-Remove unused VideoParameterivNV command.
Revision 6, 2008/2/20
-Public specification