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Name Strings
Mais Alnasser, AMD (mais.alnasser 'at'
Mais Alnasser, AMD
Graham Sellers, AMD
Last Modified Date: 11/10/16
Revision: 4
OpenGL Extension #454
OpenGL 3.2 is required.
This specification interacts with EXT_direct_state_access.
This extension is written against the OpenGL 4.4 (Core) specification.
In unextended GL, the sub-pixel loations of multisampled textures and
renderbuffers are generally determined in an implementation dependent
manner. Some algorithms -- in particular custom antialiasing functions --
depend on the knowledge of, or even require control over the positions of
samples within each pixel.
The AMD_sample_positions extension added some control over the positions
of samples within a single framebuffer. However, it forced all pixels
within a framebuffer to have the set of sample positions.
This extension provides a mechanism to explicitly set sample positions for
a framebuffer object with multi-sampled attachments in a repeating pattern,
allowing different pixels to use different sub-pixel locations for their
samples. The sample locations used by the FBO can be fixed for all pixels
in the FBO’s attachments or they can be fixed for a sampling pattern
comprised of multiple pixels, where the sampling pattern is repeated over
all pixels. The rate of repeat of this sampling pattern size itself is
fixed and is implementation-dependent.
New Tokens
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetFloatv:
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetIntegerv:
Accepted by the <pixelindex> parameter of FramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD,
NamedFramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD, GetFramebufferParameterfvAMD
and GetNamedFramebufferParameterfvAMD:
New Procedures and Functions
void FramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD(enum target, uint numsamples,
uint pixelindex, const float *values)
void NamedFramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD(uint framebuffer,
uint numsamples, uint pixelindex, const float *values)
void GetFramebufferParameterfvAMD(enum target, enum pname,
uint numsamples, uint pixelindex, sizei size, float *values)
void GetNamedFramebufferParameterfvAMD(uint framebuffer,
enum pname, uint numsamples, uint pixelindex, sizei size,
float *values)
Additions to Chapter 9 of the OpenGL 4.4 (Core) Specification
(Framebuffers and Framebuffer Objects)
Add section 9.2.9, Framebuffer Sample Positions, p. 287
Sample locations can be modified for all pixels in a multi-sampled
framebuffer using the following command:
void FramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD(enum target,
uint numsamples,
uint pixelindex,
const float *values);
<numsamples> is the number of samples to set and must be greater
than 0 and less than or equal to the value of SAMPLES. The error
INVALID_VALUE is generated if <numsamples> is outside this range.
<pixelindex> is the index of the pixel to set the samples for and
must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than the result of querying
PIXELS_PER_SAMPLE_PATTERN_X_AMD multiplied by the result of
querying PIXELS_PER_SAMPLE_PATTERN_Y_AMD. The pixels are ordered left to
right, top to bottom, where the origin is the upper left corner.
<pixelindex> may also specify ALL_PIXELS_AMD, which sets samples of all
pixels to the same set of locations. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated
if <pixelindex> is less than zero or is greater than or equal to the
result of querying PIXELS_PER_SAMPLE_PATTERN_X_AMD multiplied by the
result of querying PIXELS_PER_SAMPLE_PATTERN_Y_AMD and is not equal to
ALL_PIXELS_AMD. The sample locations are set by passing floating point
values of x and y in <values[2 * i]> and <values[2 * i + 1]> respectively,
all in the range [0.0, 1.0), corresponding to the <x> and <y> locations in
pixel space of that sample, respectively. (0.5, 0.5) thus corresponds to
the pixel center. The range [0.0, 0.1) implies that sample locations cannot
overlap at pixel boundaries.
FramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD generates an INVALID_OPERATION error if the
currently bound framebuffer is incomplete or is the default framebuffer.
If <values> is NULL, <numSamples> is ignored and all sample positions for
<pixelindex> are returned to their default values. Passing ALL_PIXELS_AMD
therefore resets the sample positions for all pixels in the sampling
The subpixel range [0,1) is discretized based on the implementation-
dependent value of SUBSAMPLE_DISTANCE_AMD. GetFloatv can be used with
SUBSAMPLE_DISTANCE_AMD as the pname parameter to query the subpixel
precision, which is the same for both the vertical and horizontal
directions. Given two sample positions (x0, y0) and (x1, y1), one can make
sure they don't fall in the same subpixel if
abs(x0 - x1) >= ssd and abs(y0 - y1) >= ssd,
where ssd is the float value returned when querying SUBSAMPLE_DISTANCE_AMD.
The quantized sample positions can be retrieved via the new entry point:
void GetFramebufferParameterfvAMD(enum target,
enum pname,
uint numsamples,
uint pixelindex,
sizei size,
float *values);
FRAMEBUFFER is equivalent to DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER. <pname> must be
SAMPLE_POSITIONS. <numsamples> is the number of samples to get and must
be greater than 0 and less than or equal to the value of SAMPLES. The
error INVALID_VALUE is generated if <numsamples> is outside this range.
<pixelindex> is the index of the pixel to set the samples for and must be
less than the result of querying PIXELS_PER_SAMPLE_PATTERN_X_AMD
multiplied by the result of querying PIXELS_PER_SAMPLE_PATTERN_Y_AMD.
Calling GetFramebufferParameterfvAMD with <pixelindex> within this
range retrieves the set of sample positions for the pixel matching
<pixelindex>. <pixelindex> can also be equal to ALL_PIXELS_AMD, which
would cause the function to return an array of the requested <numsamples>
per each pixel in the sampling pattern.
The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if <pixelindex> is less than
zero or is greater than or equal to the result of querying
PIXELS_PER_SAMPLE_PATTERN_X_AMD multiplied by the result of querying
samples returned are ordered per pixel, and the order of the pixels would
be left to right, then top to bottom, where the sampling pattern origin is
the upper left corner. <size> is the requested size of the retrieved sample
locations in bytes. <values> will contain the returned <x> and <y>
coordinates of the requested samples in pixel space. The sample locations
returned are all in the range [0, 1), corresponding to the <x> and <y>
locations in pixel space of that sample, respectively. (0.5, 0.5) thus
corresponds to the pixel center.
The commands:
void NamedFramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD(uint framebuffer,
uint numsamples,
uint pixelindex,
const float *values);
void GetNamedFramebufferParameterfvAMD(uint framebuffer,
enum pname,
uint numsamples,
uint pixelindex,
sizei size,
float *value);
behave identically to FramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD and
GetFramebufferSampleParameterfvAMD, except that the target of the
operation is the framebuffer object named <framebuffer> rather than
the object bound to a specified target. If <framebuffer> is not the name
of an existing framebuffer object an INVALID_OPERATION error is generated.
Additions to Chapter 14 of the OpenGL 4.4 (Core) Specification (Fixed-Function
Primitive Assembly and Rasterization)
(Modify Section 14.3, Antialiasing, p. 412)
Add after the segment: "If the multisample mode does not have fixed sample
locations, the returned values may only reflect the locations of samples
within some pixels.", append:
If GetMultisamplefv is used to query the result of using
FramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD or NamedFramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD
with ALL_PIXELS_AMD, the returned sample position matches that of
<pixelindex> equal to zero.
INVALID_VALUE is generated by FramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD,
NamedFramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD, GetFramebufferParameterfvAMD
and GetNamedFramebufferParameterfvAMD if numsamples is greater than
the value of SAMPLES.
INVALID_VALUE is generated by FramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD if
pixelindex is greater than or equal to the value of
and is not equal to ALL_SAMPLES_AMD.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by FramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD
if the currently bound framebuffer is the default framebuffer.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by NamedFramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD
if the <framebuffer> is not the name of an existing framebufer object.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by FramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD
if the currently bound framebuffer is incomplete.
INVALID_OPERATION is generated by NamedFramebufferSamplePositionsfvAMD
if the <framebuffer> is incomplete.
New State
Add to Table 23.24, Framebuffer (state per framebuffer object), p. 545:
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec.
--------- ---- ----------- ----- ------------------------------ -----
SAMPLE_POSITIONS 2xR+ GetFramebufferParameterfvAMD The (x, y) sample locations in 9.2.9
the range [0, 1)
New Implementation Dependent State
Add to Table 23.11, Multisampling, p. 532:
Get Value Type Get Command Value Description Sec.
--------- ------- ----------- ------- ------------------------ -----
SUBSAMPLE_DISTANCE_AMD R+ GetFloatv precision step between 9.2.9
PIXELS_PER_SAMPLE_PATTERN_X_AMD Z+ GetIntegerv number of pixels in the 9.2.9
X direction
PIXELS_PER_SAMPLE_PATTERN_Y_AMD Z+ GetIntegerv number of pixels in the 9.2.9
Y direction
Interaction with ARB_texture_multisample
If ARB_texture_multisample is not supported, remove all references to
Dependencies on EXT_direct_state_access
If EXT_direct_state_access is not supported, remove references to the
Named* commands added by this extension.
(1) What happens if an app just sets one sample position?
RESOLVED: Any attachment to the bound FBO will have the index 0
position updated. All the rest of the positions will keep their
original values. Any other FBOs will not be affected by this change.
(2) Should we also expose the precision? Can an app use it in setting
sample positions?
RESOLVED: SUBSAMPLE_DISTANCE_AMD is added as a new token. It can be
used by GetFloatv to query the precision step, which will be the same
for both the vertical and horizontal directions. The subpixel range
[0,1) is discretized based on the value of SUBSAMPLE_DISTANCE_AMD.
Let ssd be the float value returned when SUBSAMPLE_DISTANCE_AMD is
queried, then one can infer the subpixilization to be 1/ssd+1. For
example, if ssd = 0.06667 then the pixel is subdivided into
1/0.0667+1 = 16 subpixels in each dimension.
One can also avoid using sample positions that would map to the same
subpixel. A coordinate c will map to the greatest multiple of ssd that
is less or equal to c. For example, given two sample positions,
(x0, y0) and (x1, y1), if abs(x1-x0) < ssd and abs(y1-y0) < ssd, then
both points will map to the same subpixel, which means the application
might want to substitute one of these positions with another that is
not redundant.
Using numerical values as an example, let a = (0.201, 0.0) and
b = (0.25, 0.5) be sample positions and ssd = 0.06667. Both the
x-coordinate values 0.201 and 0.25 fall between 0.06667*3=0.2 and
0.06667*4 = 0.26667 and would therefore map to the same value of 0.2.
The y-coordinates also map to the same value of 0 because they both
belong in the range [0, 0.06667). This means the two points are
redundant. Therefore, the application should choose a different point
c = (0.3, 0.45) for example. c would be a good choice because the
distance between its x-coordinate and a's x-coordinate is greater than
ssd, that is 0.3-0.201 > 0.06667.
(3) What would be the expected results for the following scenarios:
Scenario 1
The current number of samples in the framebuffer is 8.
The application requests 5 sample positions and GL_ALL_PIXELS.
The application passes 22*2*sizeof(GLuint) as the size in bytes
(more than needed).
RESOLVED: The returned array would have a capped size of
20*2*sizeof(GLuint) and will contain the first 5 samples of pixel
(x0, y0), then the first 5 samples of pixel (x1, y0), then the first
5 samples of pixel (x0, y1) and finally the first 5 samples of pixel
(x1, y1).
Scenario 2
The current number of samples in the framebuffer is 8.
The application requests 5 sample positions and GL_ALL_PIXELS.
The application passes 18*2*sizeof(GLuint) as the size in bytes
(less than needed).
RESOLVED: The returned array would have a size of 18*2*sizeof(GLuint)
and will contain the first 5 samples of pixel (x0, y0), then the first
5 samples of pixel (x1, y0), then the first 5 samples of pixel
(x0, y1) and finally the first 3 samples of pixel (x1, y1).
Scenario 3
The current number of samples in the framebuffer is 8.
The application requests 5 sample positions and GL_ALL_PIXELS.
The application passes 12*2*sizeof(GLuint) as the size in bytes
(less than needed).
RESOLVED: The returned array would have a size of 12*2*sizeof(GLuint)
and will contain the first 5 samples of pixel (x0, y0), then the first
5 samples of pixel (x1, y0), and the first 2 samples of pixel
(x0, y1).
(4) What is the expected behavior of a multisampled texture is attached
with <fixedsamplelocations> equal to TRUE and then the application
attempts to set different samples per pixels in a sampling pattern?
RESOLVED: If <fixedsamplelocations> is set to TRUE, the sample
positions in <pixelindex> equaling zero get replicated to all other
pixels in the sampling pattern.
(5) What is the result of rendering to a framebuffer, changing its sample
locations and then rendering again into that framebuffer without
clearing it first?
RESOLVED: The result is effectively undefined. The result of rendering
will not be consistent between the two passes. No ill effect should
come of this, but the framebuffer content may appear corrupted.
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- -------- -------- -----------------------------------------
4 11/10/16 malnasse Modify the 'framebuffer' parameter in
GetNamedFramebufferParameterfvAMD from
GLenum to GLuint to match the DSA style.
3 11/09/16 malnasse Update PIXELS_PER_SAMPLE_PATTERN_X_AMD and
2 04/18/14 gsellers Ready for posting.
1 10/14/13 malnasse First revision.