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Name Strings
Ian Romanick, IBM Corporation (idr 'at'
Copyright (c) 2008-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at
Approved by the ARB on July 11, 2008
Last Modified Data: October 8, 2012
Author revision: 13
ARB Extension #54
This extension is written against the OpenGL 2.1 specification (December
1st, 2006).
APPLE_vertex_array_object affects the definition of this extension.
This extension introduces named vertex array objects which encapsulate
vertex array state on the client side. These objects allow applications
to rapidly switch between large sets of array state. In addition, layered
libraries can return to the default array state by simply creating and
binding a new vertex array object.
This extension differs from GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object in that client
memory cannot be accessed through a non-zero vertex array object. It also
differs in that vertex array objects are explicitly not sharable between
New Procedures and Functions
void BindVertexArray(uint array);
void DeleteVertexArrays(sizei n, const uint *arrays);
void GenVertexArrays(sizei n, uint *arrays);
boolean IsVertexArray(uint array);
New Tokens
Accepted by the <pname> parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv,
GetFloatv, and GetDoublev:
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (OpenGL Operation)
Add new section "2.X Vertex Array Objects" between sections "2.9 Buffer
Objects" and "2.10 Rectangles".
The buffer objects that are to be used by the vertex and geometry stages
of the GL are collected together to form a vertex array object. All
state related to the definition of data used by the vertex processor is
encapsulated in a vertex array object.
The command
void GenVertexArrays(sizei n, uint *arrays);
returns <n> previous unused vertex array object names in <arrays>. These
names are marked as used, for the purposes of GenVertexArrays only, but
they acquire array state only when they are first bound.
Vertex array objects are deleted by calling
void DeleteVertexArrays(sizei n, const uint *arrays);
<arrays> contains <n> names of vertex array objects to be deleted. Once
a vertex array object is deleted it has no contents and its name is
again unused. If a vertex array object that is currently bound is
deleted, the binding for that object reverts to zero and the default
vertex array becomes current. Unused names in <arrays> are silently
ignored, as is the value zero.
A vertex array object is created by binding a name returned by
GenVertexArrays with the command
void BindVertexArray(uint array);
<array> is the vertex array object name. The resulting vertex array
object is a new state vector, comprising all the state values listed in
tables 6.6 (except for the CLIENT_ACTIVE_TEXTURE selector state), 6.7,
and 6.8 (except for the ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING state).
BindVertexArray may also be used to bind an existing vertex array
object. If the bind is successful no change is made to the state of the
bound vertex array object, and any previous binding is broken.
The currently bound vertex array object is used for all commands
which modify vertex array state, such as VertexAttribPointer and
EnableVertexAttribArray; all commands which draw from vertex arrays,
such as DrawArrays and DrawElements; and all queries of vertex
array state (see chapter 6).
BindVertexArray fails and an INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if
array is not zero or a name returned from a previous call to
GenVertexArrays, or if such a name has since been deleted with
An INVALID_OPERATION error is generated if any of the *Pointer commands
specifying the location and organization of vertex data are called while
a non-zero vertex array object is bound, zero is bound to the
ARRAY_BUFFER buffer object, and the pointer is not NULL[fn].
[fn: This error makes it impossible to create a vertex array
object containing client array pointers.]
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (Rasterization)
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (Per-Fragment
Operations and the Framebuffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (Special Functions)
Modify Section 5.4, Display Lists (p. 240)
(add new paragraph after 10th paragraph on p. 244)
Vertex array objects: GenVertexArrays, DeleteVertexArrays,
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (Querying GL State)
Modify Section 6.1.2, Data Conversions (p. 248)
(add new paragraph after last paragraph of section, p. 249)
Vertex-array state variables are qualified by the value of
VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING to determine which vertex array object is queried.
Tables 6.6, 6.7, and 6.8 define the set of state stored in a vertex array
Modify Section 6.1.11, Pointer and String Queries (p. 257)
(add new paragraph after 1st paragraph of section, p. 257)
EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_POINTER return the value stored in the currently bound
vertex array object.
Add new section "6.1.X Vertex Array Object Queries" between sections
"6.1.13 Buffer Object Queries" and "6.1.14 Shader and Program Queries".
The command
boolean IsVertexArray(uint array);
returns TRUE if <array> is the name of a vertex array object. If <array>
is zero, or a non-zero value that is not the name of a vertex array
object, IsVertexArray returns FALSE. No error is generated is <array> is
not a valid vertex array object name.
Modify Section 6.1.14, Shader and Program Queries, p. 260
(modify the first paragraph on page 263)
Replace the text
"Note that all the queries except CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB return client
"Note that all the queries except CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB return values
stored in the currently bound vertex array object (the value of
VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING). If the zero object is bound, these values
are client state."
(modify the 3rd paragraph on page 263 to read)
The command
void GetVertexAttribPointerv(uint index, enum pname, void **pointer);
obtains the pointer named <pname> for vertex attribute numbered <index>
and places the information in <pointer>. <pname> must be
VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_POINTER. The value returned is queried from the
currently bound vertex array object. If the zero object is bound, the
value is queried from client state. An INVALID_VALUE error is generated
if <index> is greater than or equal to the value of MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS.
Additions to Appendix X of the OpenGL X.X specification (Sharing)
Vertex array objects are not sharable between contexts.
Additions to the GLX Specification
No change is made to the GLX API.
Interactions with APPLE_vertex_array_object
Vertex array objects as defined by this spec fill the same role as the
objects defined in APPLE_vertex_array_object but have some significant
semantic differences. If both types of object are supported by an
implementation, BindVertexArray will accept object names from either
type of object. Names passed to BindVertexArray must have been
previously returned by GenVertexArrays, previously returned by
GenVertexArraysAPPLE, or previously bound by BindVertexArrayAPPLE.
BindVertexArrayAPPLE must also accept names that were previously returned
by GenVertexArrays and bound with BindVertexArray.
In addition, the enumerant value for VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING is the same
This allows applications using ARB VAOs to safely call into libraries that
internally use Apple VAOs, and vice-versa.
The first bind call, either BindVertexArray or BindVertexArrayAPPLE,
determines the semantic of the object.
GLX Protocol
The following rendering commands are sent to the server as part of a
glXRender request.
2 8 rendering command length
2 350 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 array
2 8+(n*4) rendering command length
2 351 rendering command opcode
4 CARD32 n
n*4 LISTofCARD32 arrays
The following non-rendering commands are sent using glx single requests:
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 206 GLX opcode
2 3 request length
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 n
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 n reply length
24 unused
n*4 LISTofCARD32 arrays
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 207 GLX opcode
2 3 request length
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 array
1 1 reply
1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 0 reply length
4 BOOL32 return value
20 unused
New protocols for GetPointerv and GetVertexAttribPointerv are specified
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 208 GLX opcode
2 3 request length
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 ENUM pname
1 1 reply
1 1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m = (n + p) / 4
4 unused
4 CARD32 n
16 unused
n LISTofBYTE params
p unused, p=pad(n)
1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned)
1 209 GLX opcode
2 4 request length
4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag
4 CARD32 index
4 ENUM pname
1 1 reply
1 1 unused
2 CARD16 sequence number
4 m reply length, m = (n + p) / 4
4 unused
4 CARD32 n
16 unused
n LISTofBYTE pointer
p unused, p=pad(n)
INVALID_OPERATION is generated if any of the commands defined in this
extension is executed between the execution of Begin and the corresponding
execution of End.
New State
Get Value Get Command Type Value Attrib
--------- ----------- ---- ------- ------
VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING GetIntegerv Z+ 0 vertex-array
New Implementation Dependent State
(1) Are vertex array objects client or server state?
DISCUSSION: Ideally they should be server state, like texture objects.
However, much of the state that is encapsulated by VAOs is client-state.
RESOLUTION: Resolved. VAOs are server state. This essentially means that
client array state must be duplicated on the server. For practical
purposes, VBOs already require this duplication.
(2) What happens when a buffer object that is attached to a non-current
VAO is deleted?
RESOLUTION: Nothing (though a reference count may be decremented).
A buffer object that is deleted while attached to a non-current VAO
is treated just like a buffer object bound to another context (or to
a current VAO in another context).
(3) Are VAOs sharable?
DISCUSSION: There are many difficulties and complications involved in
guaranteeing correct behavior when "container" objects are sharable.
(4) Can buffer objects attached to a VAO be modified?
DISCUSSION: Operations such as updating the contents of a buffer object,
either via mapping the buffer or calling BufferSubData, are not
problematic. However, operations that cause a change in the underlying
data structure can be very problematic from a hardware / driver
perspective. Currently the only such operation is BufferData which causes
the buffer to be reallocated.
RESOLUTION: RESOLVED. Yes. Calling BufferData on a buffer attached
to a VAO is allowed.
(5) What are the interactions with this extension and
DISCUSSION: The only question is what the behavior should be when both an
ARB vertex array object and an Apple vertex array object are bound at the
same time.
RESOLUTION: Resolved. If both extensions are supported by an
implementation, both object types share a name space. Most of the useful
interactions fall out as a result of that. Please refer to the section
"Interactions with APPLE_vertex_array_object" above for more details.
(6) Why don't the new tokens and entry points in this extension have
"ARB" suffixes like other ARB extensions?
RESOLVED: Unlike most ARB extensions, this is a strict subset of
functionality already approved in OpenGL 3.0. This extension exists
only to support that functionality on older hardware that cannot
implement a full OpenGL 3.0 driver. Since there are no possible
behavior changes between the ARB extension and core features, source
code compatibility is improved by not using suffixes on the
(7) How does this extension affect the GLX protocol of the commands that
modify or query vertex array state?
RESOLVED: This extension changes the behaviour of all the commands that
modify or query vertex array state to use currently bound vertex array
object when a non-zero vertex array object is bound.
Since vertex array object is stored in the server, new protocol must be
specified for GetPointerv and GetVertexAttribPointerv.
Additionally, commands GetVertexAttribdv, GetVertexAttribfv and
GetVertexAttribiv must query state from the server and commands
VertexAttrib*Pointer, EnableVertexAttribArray and DisableVertexAttribArray
must modify state in the server when a non-zero vertex array object is
bound. If the zero object is bound, the value is queried from client state.
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- ---------- -------- ----------------------------------------------
1 04/17/2008 idr Initial version based on
GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object spec.
2 04/18/2008 idr Added sharability issue.
3 05/02/2008 idr Added issues #4 and #5.
4 05/15/2008 idr Resolved issue #1. VAOs are server state.
Resolved issue #5. ARB and APPLE VAOs share
a name space.
5 06/04/200 Jon Leech Minor typos, rearrange errors.
6 06/15/2008 Jon Leech More minor typos, clarify GenVertexArrays
7 07/08/2008 js - noted that VAO is not supposed to include
- resolved all other open issues as per working
group discussions
- deleted obsolete INVALID_OPERATION on
draw with client arrays since it's no
longer possible to define a VAOs with client
arrays, as per working group discussions
- synced up BindVertexArray language with GL 3 spec
draft glspec30.20080708.1.pdf.
8 08/07/2008 Jon Leech Remove ARB suffixes.
9 08/20/2008 Jon Leech Cleanup formatting errors.
10 09/21/2011 Jon Leech Clarify that all *Pointer commands generate
errors when attempting to specify client
array pointers in a VAO (Bug 3696).
11 09/22/2011 Jon Leech Exclude ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING from VAO
state (Bug 5659).
12 09/19/2012 Jon Leech Language tweaks for consistency with
OpenGL 3.1 specification (Bug 4306).
13 10/08/2012 srahman Added GLX protocol and issue #7.