blob: 2f9fa4eee32d26e5d4b6ce77507082bc2d9095be [file] [log] [blame]
Name Strings
none (implied by GL_NV_gpu_program5 or GL_NV_gpu_shader5)
Pat Brown, NVIDIA Corporation (pbrown 'at'
Last Modified Date: August 13, 2012
NVIDIA Revision: 5
OpenGL 3.0 and GLSL 1.30 are required.
This extension is written against the OpenGL 3.2 (Compatibility Profile)
specification, dated July 24, 2009.
This extension is written against version 1.50.09 of the OpenGL Shading
Language Specification.
OpenGL 3.0 and GLSL 1.30 are required.
NV_shader_buffer_load is required.
NV_gpu_program5 and/or NV_gpu_shader5 is required.
This extension interacts with EXT_shader_image_load_store.
This extension interacts with NV_gpu_shader5.
This extension interacts with NV_gpu_program5.
This extension interacts with GLSL 4.30, ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object,
and ARB_compute_shader.
This extension builds upon the mechanisms added by the
NV_shader_buffer_load extension to allow shaders to perform random-access
reads to buffer object memory without using dedicated buffer object
binding points. Instead, it allowed an application to make a buffer
object resident, query a GPU address (pointer) for the buffer object, and
then use that address as a pointer in shader code. This approach allows
shaders to access a large number of buffer objects without needing to
repeatedly bind buffers to a limited number of fixed-functionality binding
This extension lifts the restriction from NV_shader_buffer_load that
disallows writes. In particular, the MakeBufferResidentNV function now
allows READ_WRITE and WRITE_ONLY access modes, and the shading language is
extended to allow shaders to write through (GPU address) pointers.
Additionally, the extension provides built-in functions to perform atomic
memory transactions to buffer object memory.
As with the shader writes provided by the EXT_shader_image_load_store
extension, writes to buffer object memory using this extension are weakly
ordered to allow for parallel or distributed shader execution. The
EXT_shader_image_load_store extension provides mechanisms allowing for
finer control of memory transaction order, and those mechanisms apply
equally to buffer object stores using this extension.
New Procedures and Functions
New Tokens
Accepted by the <barriers> parameter of MemoryBarrierNV:
Accepted by the <access> parameter of MakeBufferResidentNV:
Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 3.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification
(OpenGL Operation)
Modify Section 2.9, Buffer Objects, p. 46
(extend the language inserted by NV_shader_buffer_load in its "Append to
Section 2.9 (p. 45) to allow READ_WRITE and WRITE_ONLY mappings)
The data store of a buffer object may be made accessible to the GL
via shader buffer loads and stores by calling:
void MakeBufferResidentNV(enum target, enum access);
<access> may be READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE, and WRITE_ONLY. If a shader loads
from a buffer with WRITE_ONLY <access> or stores to a buffer with
READ_ONLY <access>, the results of that shader operation are undefined and
may lead to application termination. <target> may be any of the buffer
targets accepted by BindBuffer.
The data store of a buffer object may be made inaccessible to the GL
via shader buffer loads and stores by calling:
void MakeBufferNonResidentNV(enum target);
Modify "Section 2.20.X, Shader Memory Access" introduced by the
NV_shader_buffer_load specification, to reflect that shaders may store to
buffer object memory.
(first paragraph) Shaders may load from or store to buffer object memory
by dereferencing pointer variables. ...
(second paragraph) When a shader dereferences a pointer variable, data are
read from or written to buffer object memory according to the following
(modify the paragraph after the end of the alignment and stride rules,
allowing for writes, and also providing rules forbidding reads to
WRITE_ONLY mappings or vice-versa) If a shader reads or writes to a GPU
memory address that does not correspond to a buffer object made resident
by MakeBufferResidentNV, the results of the operation are undefined and
may result in application termination. If a shader reads from a buffer
object made resident with an <access> parameter of WRITE_ONLY, or writes
to a buffer object made resident with an <access> parameter of READ_ONLY,
the results of the operation are also undefined and may lead to
application termination.
Incorporate the contents of "Section 2.14.X, Shader Memory Access" from
the EXT_shader_image_load_store specification into the same "Shader memory
Access", with the following edits.
(modify first paragraph to reference pointers) Shaders may perform
random-access reads and writes to texture or buffer object memory using
pointers or with built-in image load, store, and atomic functions, as
described in the OpenGL Shading Language Specification. ...
(add to list of bits in <barriers> in MemoryBarrierNV)
- SHADER_GLOBAL_ACCESS_BARRIER_BIT_NV: Memory accesses using pointers and
assembly program global loads, stores, and atomics issued after the
barrier will reflect data written by shaders prior to the barrier.
Additionally, memory writes using pointers issued after the barrier
will not execute until memory accesses (loads, stores, texture
fetches, vertex fetches, etc) initiated prior to the barrier complete.
(modify second paragraph after the list of <barriers> bits) To allow for
independent shader threads to communicate by reads and writes to a common
memory address, pointers and image variables in the OpenGL shading
language may be declared as "coherent". Buffer object or texture memory
accessed through such variables may be cached only if...
(add to the coherency guidelines)
- Data written using pointers in one rendering pass and read by the shader
in a later pass need not use coherent variables or memoryBarrier().
Calling MemoryBarrierNV() with the SHADER_GLOBAL_ACCESS_BARRIER_BIT_NV
set in <barriers> between passes is necessary.
Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 3.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification
Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 3.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification
(Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer)
Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 3.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification
(Special Functions)
Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 3.2 (Compatibility Profile) Specification
(State and State Requests)
Additions to Appendix A of the OpenGL 3.2 (Compatibility Profile)
Specification (Invariance)
Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications
GLX Protocol
Additions to the OpenGL Shading Language Specification, Version 1.50 (Revision
Modify Section 4.3.X, Memory Access Qualifiers, as added by
(modify second paragraph) Memory accesses to image and pointer variables
declared using the "coherent" storage qualifier are performed coherently
with similar accesses from other shader threads. ...
(modify fourth paragraph) Memory accesses to image and pointer variables
declared using the "volatile" storage qualifier must treat the underlying
memory as though it could be read or written at any point during shader
execution by some source other than the executing thread. ...
(modify fifth paragraph) Memory accesses to image and pointer variables
declared using the "restrict" storage qualifier may be compiled assuming
that the variable used to perform the memory access is the only way to
access the underlying memory using the shader stage in question. ...
(modify sixth paragraph) Memory accesses to image and pointer variables
declared using the "const" storage qualifier may only read the underlying
memory, which is treated as read-only. ...
(insert after seventh paragraph)
In pointer variable declarations, the "coherent", "volatile", "restrict",
and "const" qualifiers can be positioned anywhere in the declaration, and
may apply qualify either a pointer or the underlying data being pointed
to, depending on its position in the declaration. Each qualifier to the
right of the basic data type in a declaration is considered to apply to
whatever type is found immediately to its left; qualifiers to the left of
the basic type are considered to apply to that basic type. To interpret
the meaning of qualifiers in pointer declarations, it is useful to read
the declaration from right to left as in the following examples.
int * * const a; // a is a constant pointer to a pointer to int
int * volatile * b; // b is a pointer to a volatile pointer to int
int const * * c; // c is a pointer to a pointer to a constant int
const int * * d; // d is like c
int const * const * // e is a constant pointer to a constant pointer
const e; // to a constant int
For pointer types, the "restrict" qualifier can be used to qualify
pointers, but not non-pointer types being pointed to.
int * restrict a; // a is a restricted pointer to int
int restrict * b; // b qualifies "int" as restricted - illegal
(modify eighth paragraph) The "coherent", "volatile", and "restrict"
storage qualifiers may only be used on image and pointer variables, and
may not be used on variables of any other type. ...
(modify last paragraph) The values of image and pointer variables
qualified with "coherent," "volatile," "restrict", or "const" may not be
assigned to function parameters or l-values lacking such qualifiers.
(add examples for the last paragraph)
int volatile * var1;
int * var2;
int * restrict var3;
var1 = var2; // OK, adding "volatile" is allowed
var2 = var3; // illegal, stripping "restrict" is not
Modify Section 5.X, Pointer Operations, as added by NV_shader_buffer_load
(modify second paragraph, allowing storing through pointers) The pointer
dereference operator ... The result of a pointer dereference may be used
as the left-hand side of an assignment.
Modify Section 8.Y, Shader Memory Functions, as added by
(modify first paragraph) Shaders of all types may read and write the
contents of textures and buffer objects using pointers and image
variables. ...
(modify description of memoryBarrier) memoryBarrier() can be used to
control the ordering of memory transactions issued by a shader thread.
When called, it will wait on the completion of all memory accesses
resulting from the use of pointers and image variables prior to calling
the function. ...
(add the following paragraphs to the end of the section)
If multiple threads need to atomically access shared memory addresses
using pointers, they may do so using the following built-in functions.
The following atomic memory access functions allow a shader thread to
read, modify, and write an address in memory in a manner that guarantees
that no other shader thread can modify the memory between the read and the
write. All of these functions read a single data element from memory,
compute a new value based on the value read from memory and one or more
other values passed to the function, and writes the result back to the
same memory address. The value returned to the caller is always the data
element originally read from memory.
uint atomicAdd(uint *address, uint data);
int atomicAdd(int *address, int data);
uint64_t atomicAdd(uint64_t *address, uint64_t data);
uint atomicMin(uint *address, uint data);
int atomicMin(int *address, int data);
uint atomicMax(uint *address, uint data);
int atomicMax(int *address, int data);
uint atomicIncWrap(uint *address, uint wrap);
uint atomicDecWrap(uint *address, uint wrap);
uint atomicAnd(uint *address, uint data);
int atomicAnd(int *address, int data);
uint atomicOr(uint *address, uint data);
int atomicOr(int *address, int data);
uint atomicXor(uint *address, uint data);
int atomicXor(int *address, int data);
uint atomicExchange(uint *address, uint data);
int atomicExchange(int *address, uint data);
uint64_t atomicExchange(uint64_t *address, uint64_t data);
uint atomicCompSwap(uint *address, uint compare, uint data);
int atomicCompSwap(int *address, int compare, int data);
uint64_t atomicCompSwap(uint64_t *address, uint64_t compare,
uint64_t data);
atomicAdd() computes the new value written to <address> by adding the
value of <data> to the contents of <address>. This function supports 32-
and 64-bit unsigned integer operands, and 32-bit signed integer operands.
atomicMin() computes the new value written to <address> by taking the
minimum of the value of <data> and the contents of <address>. This
function supports 32-bit signed and unsigned integer operands.
atomicMax() computes the new value written to <address> by taking the
maximum of the value of <data> and the contents of <address>. This
function supports 32-bit signed and unsigned integer operands.
atomicIncWrap() computes the new value written to <address> by adding one
to the contents of <address>, and then forcing the result to zero if and
only if the incremented value is greater than or equal to <wrap>. This
function supports only 32-bit unsigned integer operands.
atomicDecWrap() computes the new value written to <address> by subtracting
one from the contents of <address>, and then forcing the result to
<wrap>-1 if the original value read from <address> was either zero or
greater than <wrap>. This function supports only 32-bit unsigned integer
atomicAnd() computes the new value written to <address> by performing a
bitwise and of the value of <data> and the contents of <address>. This
function supports 32-bit signed and unsigned integer operands.
atomicOr() computes the new value written to <address> by performing a
bitwise or of the value of <data> and the contents of <address>. This
function supports 32-bit signed and unsigned integer operands.
atomicXor() computes the new value written to <address> by performing a
bitwise exclusive or of the value of <data> and the contents of <address>.
This function supports 32-bit signed and unsigned integer operands.
atomicExchange() uses the value of <data> as the value written to
<address>. This function supports 32- and 64-bit unsigned integer
operands and 32-bit signed integer operands.
atomicCompSwap() compares the value of <compare> and the contents of
<address>. If the values are equal, <data> is written to <address>;
otherwise, the original contents of <address> are preserved. This
function supports 32- and 64-bit unsigned integer operands and 32-bit
signed integer operands.
Modify Section 9, Shading Language Grammar, p. 105
!!! TBD: Add grammar constructs for memory access qualifiers, allowing
memory access qualifiers before or after the type and the "*"
characters indicating pointers in a variable declaration.
Dependencies on EXT_shader_image_load_store
This specification incorporates the memory access ordering and
synchronization discussion from EXT_shader_image_load_store verbatim.
If EXT_shader_image_load_store is not supported, this spec should be
construed to introduce:
* the shader memory access language from that specification, including
the MemoryBarrierNV() command and the tokens accepted by <barriers>
from that specification;
* the memoryBarrier() function to the OpenGL shading language
specification; and
* the capability and spec language allowing applications to enable early
depth tests.
Dependencies on NV_gpu_shader5
This specification requires either NV_gpu_shader5 or NV_gpu_program5.
If NV_gpu_shader5 is supported, use of the new shading language features
described in this extension requires
#extension GL_NV_gpu_shader5 : enable
If NV_gpu_shader5 is not supported, modifications to the OpenGL Shading
Language Specification should be removed.
Dependencies on NV_gpu_program5
If NV_gpu_program5 is supported, the extension provides support for stores
and atomic memory transactions to buffer object memory. Stores are
provided by the STORE opcode; atomics are provided by the ATOM opcode. No
"OPTION" line is required for these features, which are implied by
NV_gpu_program5 program headers such as "!!NVfp5.0". The operation of
these opcodes is described in the NV_gpu_program5 extension specification.
Note also that NV_gpu_program5 also supports the LOAD opcode originally
added by the NV_shader_buffer_load and the MEMBAR opcode originally
provided by EXT_shader_image_load_store.
Dependencies on GLSL 4.30, ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object, and
If GLSL 4.30 is supported, add the following atomic memory functions to
section 8.11 (Atomic Memory Functions) of the GLSL 4.30 specification:
uint atomicIncWrap(inout uint mem, uint wrap);
uint atomicDecWrap(inout uint mem, uint wrap);
with the following documentation
atomicIncWrap() computes the new value written to <mem> by adding one to
the contents of <mem>, and then forcing the result to zero if and only
if the incremented value is greater than or equal to <wrap>. This
function supports only 32-bit unsigned integer operands.
atomicDecWrap() computes the new value written to <mem> by subtracting
one from the contents of <mem>, and then forcing the result to <wrap>-1
if the original value read from <mem> was either zero or greater than
<wrap>. This function supports only 32-bit unsigned integer operands.
Additionally, add the following functions to the section:
uint64_t atomicAdd(inout uint64_t mem, uint data);
uint64_t atomicExchange(inout uint64_t mem, uint data);
uint64_t atomicCompSwap(inout uint64_t mem, uint64_t compare,
uint64_t data);
If ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object or ARB_compute_shader are supported,
make similar edits to the functions documented in the
ARB_shader_storage_buffer object extension.
These functions are available if and only if GL_NV_gpu_shader5 is enabled
via the "#extension" directive.
New State
(1) Does MAX_SHADER_BUFFER_ADDRESS_NV still apply?
RESOLVED: The primary reason for this limitation to exist was the lack
of 64-bit integer support in shaders (see issue 15 of
NV_shader_buffer_load). Given that this extension is being released at
the same time as NV_gpu_shader5 which adds 64-bit integer support, it
is expected that this maximum address will match the maximum address
supported by the GPU's address space, or will be equal to "~0ULL"
indicating that any GPU address returned by the GL will be usable in a
(2) What qualifiers should be supported on pointer variables, and how can
they be used in declarations?
RESOLVED: We will support the qualifiers "coherent", "volatile",
"restrict", and "const" to be used in pointer declarations. "coherent"
is taken from EXT_shader_image_load_store and is used to ensure that
memory accesses from different shader threads are cached coherently
(i.e., will be able to see each other when complete). "volatile" and
"const" behave is as in C.
"restrict" behaves as in the C99 standard, and can be used to indicate
that no other pointer points to the same underlying data. This permits
optimizations that would otherwise be impossible if the compiler has to
assume that a pair of pointers might end up pointing to the same data.
For example, in standard C/C++, a loop like:
int *a, *b;
a[0] = b[0] + b[0];
a[1] = b[0] + b[1];
a[2] = b[0] + b[2];
would need to reload b[0] for each assignment because a[0] or a[1]
might point at the same data as b[0]. With restrict, the compiler can
assume that b[0] is not modified by any of the instructions and load it
just once.
(3) What amount of automatic synchronization is provided for buffer object
writes through pointers?
RESOLVED: Use of MemoryBarrierEXT() is required, and there is no
automatic synchronization when buffers are bound or unbound. With
resident buffers, there are no well-defined binding points in the first
place -- all resident buffers are effectively "bound".
Implicit synchronization is difficult, as it might require some
combination of:
- tracking which buffers might be written (randomly) in the shader
- assuming that if a shader that performs writes is executed, all
bytes of all resident buffers could be modified and thus must be
treated as dirty;
- idling at the end of each primitive or draw call, so that the
results of all previous commands are complete.
Since normal OpenGL operation is pipelined, idling would result in a
significant performance impact since pipelining would otherwise allow
fragment shader execution for draw call N while simultaneously
performing vertex shader execution for draw call N+1.
Revision History
Rev. Date Author Changes
---- -------- -------- -----------------------------------------
5 08/13/12 pbrown Add interaction with OpenGL 4.3 (and related ARB
extensions) supporting atomic{Inc,Dec}Wrap and
64-bit unsigned integer atomics to shared and
shader storage buffer memory.
4 04/13/10 pbrown Remove the floating-point version of atomicAdd().
3 03/23/10 pbrown Minor cleanups to the dependency sections.
Fixed obsolete extension names. Add an issue
on synchronization.
2 03/16/10 pbrown Updated memory access qualifiers section
(volatile, coherent, restrict, const) for
pointers. Added language to document how
these qualifiers work in possibly complicated
1 pbrown Internal revisions.