blob: 27f58872c442160c9fb0b2ba561daba6732c73a4 [file] [log] [blame]
Name Strings
Yariv Aridor
Greg Bellows
Aaftab Munshi
Barry Minor
Ian Ollmann
Amit Rao
Ofer Rosenberg
Greg Bellows, gbello 'at' us 'dot. ibm 'dot' com
IP Status
No known IP issues
Version 1, June 8, 2010
OpenCL Extension #10
Approved by contributing members
Extension Type
OpenCL device extension
This extension defines a mechanism for assigning which device an OpenCL
memory object resides.
Header File
Extension interfaces and constants defined in cl_ext.h
New Procedures and Functions
cl_int clEnqueueMigrateMemObjectEXT(
cl_command_queue command_queue,
cl_uint num_mem_objects,
const cl_mem *mem_objects,
cl_mem_migration_flags_ext flags,
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list,
const cl_event *event_wait_list,
cl_event *event);
New Types
typedef cl_bitfield cl_mem_migration_flags_ext;
New Tokens
Besides a value of zero, the following cl_mem_migration_flags_ext values are
Returned in the <param_value> parameter of the clGetEventInfo when
<param_name> is CL_EVENT_COMMAND_TYPE:
Additions to Section 5.2 (Memory Objects, Buffers, Images...)
"clEnqueueMigrateMemObjectEXT provides the application with a way to
indicate which device a set of memory objects should be associated.
Typically, memory objects are implicitly migrated to a device for which
enqueued commands, using the memory object, are targeted.
clEnqueueMigrateMemObjectEXT allows this migration to be explicitly
performed ahead of the dependent commands. This permits an application to
overlap the placement of memory objects with other unrelated operations.
Once the OpenCL event, returned from clEnqueueMigrateMemObject, has been
marked CL_COMPLETE the memory objects specified in mem_objects have been
successfully migrated to the device associated with command_queue. The
migrated memory object shall remain resident on the device until another
command is enqueued that either implicitly or explicitly migrates it away.
As well, clEnqueueMigrateMemObjectEXT can be used to direct the initial
placement of a memory object, after creation, possibly avoiding the initial
overhead of instantiating the object on the first enqueued command to use
The user is responsible for managing the event dependencies, associated
with this command, in order to avoid overlapping access to memory objects.
Improperly specified event dependencies passed to clEnqueueMigrateMemObject
could result in undefined results.
cl_int clEnqueueMigrateMemObjectEXT(cl_command_queue command_queue,
cl_uint num_mem_objects,
const cl_mem *mem_objects,
cl_mem_migration_flags_ext flags,
cl_uint num_events_in_wait_list,
const cl_event *event_wait_list,
cl_event *event);
<command_queue> is a valid command queue. The specified set of memory
objects in <mem_objects> will be migrated to the OpenCL device associated
with <command_queue> or to the application host if the
CL_MIGRATE_MEM_OBJECT_HOST_EXT flag has been specified.
<num_mem_objects> is the number of memory objects specified in the
mem_objects argument.
<mem_objects> is a pointer to a list of valid memory objects.
<flags> is a bitfield that is used to specify migration options. Table 2.1
describes the possible values for flags:
flags description
----------- ----------------------------------
CL_MIGRATE_MEM_OBJECT_HOST_EXT This flag specifies that the specified
set of memory objects are to be migrated
to the host, regardless of the target
command queue.
Table 2.1 - Supported cl_mem_migration_flags_ext flags
<event_wait_list> and <num_events_in_wait_list> specify events that need to
complete before this particular command can be executed. If
<event_wait_list> is NULL, then this particular command does not wait on
any event to complete. If <event_wait_list> is NULL,
<num_events_in_wait_list> must be 0. If <event_wait_list> is not NULL, the
list of events pointed to by <event_wait_list> must be valid and
<num_events_in_wait_list> must be greater than 0. The events specified in
<event_wait_list> act as synchronization points. The context associated with
events in <event_wait_list> and <command_queue> must be the same.
<event> returns an event object that identifies this particular command and
can be used to query or queue a wait for this particular command to
complete. <event> can be NULL in which case it will not be possible for the
application to query the status of this command or queue a wait for this
command to complete.
clEnqueueMigrateMemObjectEXT returns CL_SUCCESS if the operation was
successfully queued. Otherwise, it returns one of the following errors:
- CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE if <command_queue> is not a valid command queue.
- CL_INVALID_CONTEXT if the context associated with <command_queue> and
memory objects in <mem_objects> are not the same or if the context
associated with <command_queue> and events in <event_wait_list> are not
the same.
- CL_INVALID_VALUE if <num_mem_objects> is zero.
- CL_INVALID_VALUE if <mem_objects> is NULL.
- CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT if <mem_objects> contains an invalid memory object.
- CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE if there is a failure to allocate memory
for the specified set of memory objects in <mem_objects>.
- CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES if there is a failure to allocate resources required
by the OpenCL implementation on the device.
- CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY if there is a failure to allocate resources
required by the OpenCL implementation on the host.
- CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST if <event_wait_list> is NULL and
<num_events_in_wait_list> > 0, or <event_wait_list> is not NULL and
<num_events_in_wait_list> is 0, or if event objects in <event_wait_list>
are not valid events. "