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<refentrytitle>write_image (2D)</refentrytitle>
<holder>The Khronos Group Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
copy of this software and/or associated documentation files (the
"Materials"), to deal in the Materials without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to
permit persons to whom the Materials are furnished to do so, subject to
the condition that this copyright notice and permission notice shall be included
in all copies or substantial portions of the Materials.</holder>
<!-- ================================ SYNOPSIS -->
<refnamediv id="write_image2d">
Write <varname>color</varname> or depth value to location in a 2D image or depth image object.
<!-- FLOAT -->
<refsynopsisdiv xmlns:xlink=""><title></title>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
aQual <link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int2</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">float4</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
aQual <link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_array_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int4</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">float4</link>
<!-- INT -->
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
aQual <link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int2</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int4</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
aQual <link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_array_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int4</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int4</link>
<!-- UINT -->
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
aQual <link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int2</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">uint4</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
aQual <link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_array_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int4</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">uint4</link>
<!-- HALF -->
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
<link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int2</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">half4</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
<link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_array_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int4</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">half4</link>
<!-- DEPTH -->
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
aQual <link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_depth_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int2</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">float</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
aQual <link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_array_depth_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int4</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">float</link>
<bridgehead>Functions added with mipmap support enabled by extension
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
<link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int2</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">int</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">float4</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
<link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_depth_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int2</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">int</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">float</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
<link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int2</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">int</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int4</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
<link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int2</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">int</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">uint4</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
<link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_array_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int4</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">int</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">float4</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
<link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_array_depth_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int4</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">int</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">float</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
<link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_array_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int4</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">int</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int4</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">void</link>
<link xlink:href="otherDataTypes.html">image2d_array_t</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">int4</link>
<link xlink:href="scalarDataTypes.html">int</link>
<link xlink:href="vectorDataTypes.html">uint4</link>
<!-- ================================ DESCRIPTION -->
<refsect1 id="description"><title>Description</title>
<varname>aQual</varname> refers to one of the access
qualifiers. For write functions this may be
<code>write_only</code> or <code>read_write</code>.
<bridgehead>For <function>write_imagef</function>, <function>write_imagei</function>,
<function>write_imageh</function>, and <function>write_imageui</function>
forms that take image2d_t:</bridgehead>
Write <varname>color</varname> value to location
specified by <varname>coord.xy</varname>
in the 2D image object specified by <varname>image</varname>.
Appropriate data format conversion to the specified
image format is done before writing the color value.
<varname>coord.x</varname> and <varname>coord.y</varname>
are considered to be
unnormalized coordinates and must be in the range 0
... image width – 1, and 0 … image height – 1.
<function>write_imagef</function> can only be used with image objects created with
<varname>image_channel_data_type</varname> set to one of the pre-defined packed formats
or set to <constant>CL_SNORM_INT8</constant>, <constant>CL_UNORM_INT8</constant>,
<constant>CL_SNORM_INT16</constant>, <constant>CL_UNORM_INT16</constant>,
<constant>CL_HALF_FLOAT</constant> or <constant>CL_FLOAT</constant>. Appropriate data
format conversion will be done to convert channel data from a floating-point value to
actual data format in which the channels are stored.
<function>write_imagei</function> can only be used with image objects
created with <varname>image_channel_data_type</varname> set to one of the following
values: <constant>CL_SIGNED_INT8</constant>, <constant>CL_SIGNED_INT16</constant>,
and <constant>CL_SIGNED_INT32</constant>.
<function>write_imageui</function> functions can only be used with image objects
created with <varname>image_channel_data_type</varname> set to one of the following
values: <constant>CL_UNSIGNED_INT8</constant>, <constant>CL_UNSIGNED_INT16</constant>,
or <constant>CL_UNSIGNED_INT32</constant>.
<function>write_imageh</function> functions can only be used with image objects
created with <varname>image_channel_data_type</varname> set to one of the
pre-defined packed formats or set to:
<constant>CL_UNORM_INT16</constant>, or
The behavior of <function>write_imagef</function>,
<function>write_imagei</function>, <function>write_imageui</function>, <function>write_imageh</function>
and <function>write_imageh</function> for image objects created with
<varname>image_channel_data_type</varname> values not specified in the description
above or with <emphasis>(x, y)</emphasis> coordinate values that are not in the range
(0 &hellip; image width - 1, 0 &hellip; image height - 1), respectively, is undefined.
<bridgehead>For <function>write_imagef</function>, <function>write_imagei</function>,
and <function>write_imageui</function>
forms that take image2d_t and which are enabled by the
Write color value to location specified by <varname>coord.xy</varname>
in the mip-level specified by <varname>lod</varname> in the 2D image
object specified by <varname>image</varname>. Appropriate data format
conversion to the specified image format is done
before writing the color value. <varname>coord.x</varname> and <varname>coord.y</varname>
are considered to be unnormalized coordinates and
must be in the range 0 ... image width of mip-level
specified by <varname>lod</varname> – 1, and 0 ... image height of
miplevel specified by <varname>lod</varname> – 1.
<bridgehead>For <function>write_imagef</function>, <function>write_imagei</function>,
<function>write_imageh</function>, and <function>write_imageui</function>
forms that take image2d_array_t:</bridgehead>
Write <varname>color</varname> value to location
specified by <varname>coord.xy</varname>
in the 2D image identified by <varname>coord.z</varname> in the 2D
image array specified specified by <varname>image</varname>.
Appropriate data format conversion to the specified
image format is done before writing the color value.
<varname>coord.x</varname>, <varname>coord.y</varname> and <varname>coord.z</varname>
are considered to be
unnormalized coordinates and must be in the range 0
&hellip; image width – 1, and 0&hellip; image height – 1,
and 0 &hellip; image number of layers – 1.
<function>write_imagef</function> can only be used with image objects created with
<varname>image_channel_data_type</varname> set to one of the pre-defined packed formats
or set to <constant>CL_SNORM_INT8</constant>, <constant>CL_UNORM_INT8</constant>,
<constant>CL_SNORM_INT16</constant>, <constant>CL_UNORM_INT16</constant>,
<constant>CL_HALF_FLOAT</constant> or <constant>CL_FLOAT</constant>. Appropriate data
format conversion will be done to convert channel data from a floating-point value to
actual data format in which the channels are stored.
<function>write_imagei</function> can only be used with image objects
created with <varname>image_channel_data_type</varname> set to one of the following
values: <constant>CL_SIGNED_INT8</constant>, <constant>CL_SIGNED_INT16</constant>,
and <constant>CL_SIGNED_INT32</constant>.
<function>write_imageui</function> functions can only be used with image objects
created with <varname>image_channel_data_type</varname> set to one of the following
values: <constant>CL_UNSIGNED_INT8</constant>, <constant>CL_UNSIGNED_INT16</constant>,
or <constant>CL_UNSIGNED_INT32</constant>.
<function>write_imageh</function> functions can only be used with image objects
created with <varname>image_channel_data_type</varname> set to one of the
pre-defined packed formats or set to:
<constant>CL_UNORM_INT16</constant>, or
The behavior of <function>write_imagef</function>,
<function>write_imagei</function>, <function>write_imageui</function>,
and <function>write_imageh</function> for image objects created with
<varname>image_channel_data_type</varname> values not specified in the description
above or with <emphasis>(x, y, z)</emphasis> coordinate values that are not in the range
(0 &hellip; image width - 1, 0 &hellip; image height - 1,
0 … image number of layers - 1; ), respectively, is undefined.
<bridgehead>For <function>write_imagef</function>, <function>write_imagei</function>,
and <function>write_imageui</function>
forms that take image2d_array_t and which are enabled by the
Write color value to location specified by <varname>coord.xy</varname>
in the 2D image identified by <varname>coord.z</varname> and mip-level
<varname>lod</varname> in the 2D image array specified by <varname>image</varname>.
Appropriate data format conversion to the specified
image format is done before writing the color value.
<varname>coord.x</varname>, <varname>coord.y</varname>
and <varname>coord.z</varname> are considered to be
unnormalized coordinates and must be in the range 0
... image width of the mip-level specified by <varname>lod</varname> – 1,
0 ... image height – 1 specified by <varname>lod</varname> – 1 and 0 ...
image number of layers – 1
<bridgehead>For <function>write_imagef</function> forms that take image2d_depth_t:</bridgehead>
Write <varname>depth</varname> value to
location specified by <varname>coord.xy</varname>
in the 2D depth image object specified by <varname>image</varname>.
Appropriate data format conversion to the specified
image format is done before writing the depth value.
<varname>coord.x</varname> and <varname>coord.y</varname>
are considered to be
unnormalized coordinates and must be in the range 0
&hellip; image width – 1, and 0&hellip; image height – 1.
<function>write_imagef</function> can only be used with image objects created with
<varname>image_channel_data_type</varname> set to
<constant>CL_UNORM_INT16</constant>, <constant>CL_UNORM_INT24</constant>,
or <constant>CL_FLOAT</constant>. Appropriate data
format conversion will be done to convert depth value from a floating-point value to
actual data format in which the channels are stored.
The behavior of <function>write_imagef</function> for image objects created with
<varname>image_channel_data_type</varname> values not specified in the description
above or with <emphasis>(x, y)</emphasis> coordinate values that are not in the range
(0 &hellip; image width - 1, 0 &hellip; image height - 1), respectively, is undefined.
<bridgehead>For <function>write_imagef</function> forms that take image2d_depth_t
and which are enabled by the
Write color value to location specified by <varname>coord.xy</varname>
in the mip-level specified by <varname>lod</varname> in the 2D image
object specified by <varname>image</varname>. Appropriate data format
conversion to the specified image format is done
before writing the color value. <varname>coord.x</varname> and <varname>coord.y</varname>
are considered to be unnormalized coordinates and
must be in the range 0 ... image width of mip-level
specified by <varname>lod</varname> – 1, and 0 ... image height
of miplevel specified by <varname>lod</varname> – 1.
<bridgehead>For <function>write_imagef</function> forms that take image2d_array_depth_t:</bridgehead>
Write <varname>depth</varname> value to location specified by <varname>coord.xy</varname>
in the 2D image identified by <varname>coord.z</varname> in the 2D
depth image array specified by <varname>image</varname>. Appropriate
data format conversion to the specified image format
is done before writing the depth value. <varname>coord.x</varname>,
<varname>coord.y</varname> and <varname>coord.z</varname> are considered to be
unnormalized coordinates and must be in the range 0
&hellip; image width – 1, 0&hellip; image height – 1 and 0&hellip;
image number of layers – 1.
<function>write_imagef</function> can only be used with image objects created with
<varname>image_channel_data_type</varname> set to
<constant>CL_UNORM_INT16</constant>, <constant>CL_UNORM_INT24</constant>,
or <constant>CL_FLOAT</constant>. Appropriate data
format conversion will be done to convert depth value from a floating-point value to
actual data format associated with the image..
The behavior of <function>write_imagef</function>
<function>write_imagei</function> and <function>write_imageui</function>
for image objects created with
<varname>image_channel_data_type</varname> values not specified in the description
above or with <emphasis>(x, y, z)</emphasis> coordinate values that are not in the range
(0 &hellip; image width - 1, 0 &hellip; image height - 1,
0 … image number of layers - 1; ), respectively, is undefined.
<bridgehead>For <function>write_imagef</function> forms that take image2d_array_depth_t
and which are enabled by the
Write color value to location specified by <varname>coord.xy</varname>
in the 2D image identified by <varname>coord.z</varname> and mip-level
<varname>lod</varname> in the 2D image array specified by <varname>image</varname>.
Appropriate data format conversion to the specified
image format is done before writing the color value.
<varname>coord.x</varname>, <varname>coord.y</varname>
and <varname>coord.z</varname> are considered to be
unnormalized coordinates and must be in the range 0
... image width of the mip-level specified by <varname>lod</varname> – 1,
0 ... image height – 1 specified by <varname>lod</varname> – 1 and 0 ...
image number of layers – 1.
<bridgehead>For <function>HALF</function> forms:</bridgehead>
An application that wants to use <type>half</type> and
<type>half<replaceable>n</replaceable></type> types will need to include the <code>#pragma
OPENCL EXTENSION <citerefentry><refentrytitle>cl_khr_fp16</refentrytitle></citerefentry>
: enable</code> directive.
<!-- ================================ NOTES -->
<refsect1 id="notes"><title>Notes</title>
<!-- ================================ SPECIFICATION -->
<!-- Set the "uri" attribute in the <olink /> element to the "named destination" for the PDF page
<refsect1 id="specification"><title>Specification</title>
<imagedata fileref="pdficon_small1.gif" format="gif" />
<olink uri="imageFunctions">OpenCL Specification</olink>
<!-- ================================ ALSO SEE -->
<refsect1 id="seealso"><title>Also see</title>
<citerefentry href="imageFunctions"><refentrytitle>Image Functions</refentrytitle></citerefentry>,
<!-- ============================== COPYRIGHT -->
<!-- Content included from -->
<refsect3 id="Copyright"><title></title>
<imagedata fileref="KhronosLogo.jpg" format="jpg" />
<para />
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