blob: cc29b707c109fe8e30050e62323855c6724cc9d7 [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- common text for workgroup functions, section 6.13.15 -->
<bridgehead>General information about work-group functions</bridgehead>
This built-in function must be encountered by
all work-items in a
work-group executing the kernel. We use the
generic type name gentype to indicate the
built-in data types <type>half</type> (if the
extension is supported),
<type>int</type>, <type>uint</type>, <type>long</type>,
<type>ulong</type>, <type>float</type> or <type>double</type>
(if double precision is supported) as the type
for the arguments.
The <emphasis>&lt;op></emphasis> in
<function>work_group_scan_exclusive_<emphasis>&lt;op></emphasis></function> and
defines the operator and can be <code>add</code>, <code>min</code> or <code>max</code>.
The inclusive scan operation takes a binary operator <code>op</code>
with an identity <code>I</code> and <code>n</code> (where
<code>n</code> is the size of the work-group) elements
<code>[a0, a1, ... an-1]</code> and returns
<code>[a0, (a0 <emphasis>op</emphasis> a1), ... (a0 <emphasis>op</emphasis> a1
<emphasis>op</emphasis> ... <emphasis>op</emphasis> an-1)]</code>.
If &lt;<code>op</code>&gt; = <code>add</code>, the identity
<code>I</code> is 0. If &lt;<code>op</code>&gt; = <code>min</code>,
the identity <code>I</code> is <constant>INT_MAX</constant>,
<constant>UINT_MAX</constant>, <constant>LONG_MAX</constant>,
<constant>ULONG_MAX</constant>, for <type>int</type>,
<type>uint</type>, <type>long</type>, <type>ulong</type> types
and is <code>+INF</code> for floating-point types. Similarly
if &lt;<code>op</code>&gt; = max, the identity <code>I</code> is
<constant>INT_MIN</constant>, 0, <constant>LONG_MIN</constant>,
0 and <code>-INF</code>.
Consider the following example:
void foo(int *p)
int prefix_sum_val = work_group_scan_inclusive_add(
For the example above, let's assume that the work-group
size is 8 and p points to the following
elements [3 1 7 0 4 1 6 3]. Work-item 0 calls
with 3 and returns 3. Work-item 1 calls
<function>work_group_scan_inclusive_add</function> with 1 and
returns 4. The full set of values returned by
for work-items 0 ... 7 are [3 4 11 11 14 16 22 25].
The exclusive scan operation takes a binary
associative operator <varname>op</varname> with an
identity <code>I</code> and <code>n</code>
(where <code>n</code> is the size of the work-group)
elements <code>[a0, a1, ... an-1]</code> and returns <code>[I, a0,
(a0 <emphasis>op</emphasis> a1), ... (a0 <emphasis>op</emphasis> a1
<emphasis>op</emphasis> ... <emphasis>op</emphasis> an-2)]</code>. For the
example above, the exclusive scan
add operation on the ordered set [3 1 7 0 4 1 6 3]
would return [0 3 4 11 11 14 16 22].
NOTE: The order of floating-point operations is not guaranteed for the
<function>work_group_scan_inclusive_<emphasis>&lt;op></emphasis></function> and
built-in functions that operate on <type>half</type>, <type>float</type> and
<type>double</type> data types.
The order of these floating-point operations is also non-deterministic
for a given workgroup.
<!-- 20-Dec-2013, rev. 19 -->