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| <refentry> |
| <refentryinfo> |
| <keywordset> |
| <keyword>Data Types</keyword> |
| </keywordset> |
| </refentryinfo> |
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| <refmeta> |
| <refentrytitle>Data Types</refentrytitle> |
| |
| <refmiscinfo> |
| <copyright> |
| <year>2007-2013</year> |
| <holder>The Khronos Group Inc. |
| Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a |
| copy of this software and/or associated documentation files (the |
| "Materials"), to deal in the Materials without restriction, including |
| without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, |
| distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to |
| permit persons to whom the Materials are furnished to do so, subject to |
| the condition that this copyright notice and permission notice shall be included |
| in all copies or substantial portions of the Materials.</holder> |
| </copyright> |
| </refmiscinfo> |
| <manvolnum>3</manvolnum> |
| </refmeta> |
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| <!-- ================================ SYNOPSIS --> |
| |
| <refnamediv id="DataTypes"> |
| <refname>Data Types</refname> |
| |
| <refpurpose> |
| OpenCL data types. |
| </refpurpose> |
| </refnamediv> |
| |
| <!-- ================================ DESCRIPTION --> |
| |
| <refsect1 id="description"><title>Description</title> |
| |
| <para> |
| These are the data types available in the OpenCL C programming language. Click on a |
| category name in the table below to see information about specific data types. |
| </para> |
| |
| <informaltable frame="all"> |
| <tgroup cols="2" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="1"> |
| <colspec colname="col1" colnum="1" /> |
| <colspec colname="col2" colnum="2" /> |
| |
| <thead> |
| <row> |
| <entry>Data type category</entry> |
| <entry>Included data types</entry> |
| </row> |
| </thead> |
| |
| <tbody> |
| <row> |
| <entry> |
| <citerefentry href="scalarDataTypes"><refentrytitle>Scalar data types</refentrytitle></citerefentry> |
| </entry> |
| <entry> |
| <type>bool</type>, |
| <type>char</type>, <type>cl_char</type>, |
| <type>unsigned char</type>, <type>uchar</type>, <type>cl_uchar</type>, |
| <type>short</type>, <type>cl_short</type>, |
| <type>unsigned short</type>, <type>ushort</type>, <type>cl_ushort</type>, |
| <type>int</type>, <type>cl_int</type>, |
| <type>unsigned int</type>, <type>uint</type>, <type>cl_uint</type>, |
| <type>long</type>, <type>cl_long</type>, |
| <type>unsigned long</type>, <type>ulong</type>, <type>cl_ulong</type>, |
| <type>float</type>, <type>size_t</type>, |
| <type>ptrdiff_t</type>, <type>intptr_t</type>, <type>uintptr_t</type>, |
| <type>void</type>, <type>double</type>, and <type>half</type> floating point types. |
| </entry> |
| </row> |
| |
| <row> |
| <entry> |
| <citerefentry href="vectorDataTypes"><refentrytitle>Vector data types</refentrytitle></citerefentry> |
| </entry> |
| <entry> |
| <type>char<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, <type>uchar<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, |
| <type>short<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, <type>ushort<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, |
| <type>int<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, <type>uint<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, |
| <type>long<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, <type>ulong<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, |
| <type>float<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, double<replaceable>n</replaceable>, |
| and optional half<replaceable>n</replaceable> types. |
| </entry> |
| </row> |
| |
| <row> |
| <entry> |
| <citerefentry href="abstractDataTypes"><refentrytitle>Abstract data types</refentrytitle></citerefentry> |
| </entry> |
| <entry> |
| <type>cl_platform_id</type>, <type>cl_device_id</type>, |
| <type>cl_context</type>, <type>cl_command_queue</type>, |
| <type>cl_mem</type>, <type>cl_program</type>, |
| <type>cl_kernel</type>, <type>cl_event</type>, and |
| <type>cl_sampler</type>. |
| </entry> |
| </row> |
| |
| <row> |
| <entry> |
| <citerefentry href="reservedDataTypes"><refentrytitle>Reserved Data Types</refentrytitle></citerefentry> |
| </entry> |
| <entry> |
| <type>bool<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, |
| <type>half<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, <type>quad</type>, |
| <type>quad<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, |
| <type>complex half</type>, <type>complex half<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, |
| <type>imaginary half</type>, <type>imaginary half<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, |
| <type>complex float</type>, <type>complex float<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, |
| <type>imaginary float</type>, <type>imaginary float<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, |
| <type>complex double</type>, <type>complex double<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, |
| <type>imaginary double</type>, <type>imaginary double<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, |
| <type>complex quad</type>, <type>complex quad<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, |
| <type>imaginary quad</type>, <type>imaginary quad<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, |
| <type>float<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>x<emphasis>m</emphasis>, |
| <type>double<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>x<emphasis>m</emphasis>, |
| <type>long double</type>, <type>long double<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, |
| <type>long long</type>, <type>long long<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>, |
| <type>unsigned long long</type>, <type>ulong long</type>, and |
| <type>ulong long<replaceable>n</replaceable></type>. |
| </entry> |
| </row> |
| |
| <row> |
| <entry> |
| <citerefentry href="otherDataTypes"><refentrytitle>Other data types</refentrytitle></citerefentry> |
| </entry> |
| <entry> |
| <type>image2d_t</type>, <type>image3d_t</type>, <type>image2d_array_t</type>, |
| <type>image1d_t</type>, <type>image1d_buffer_t</type>, <type>image1d_array_t</type>, |
| <type>image2d_depth_t</type>, <type>image2d_array_depth_t</type>, |
| <type>sampler_t</type>, <type>queue_t</type>, <type>ndrange_t</type>, |
| <type>clk_event_t</type>, <type>reserve_id_t</type>, <type>event_t</type>, |
| <type>cl_mem_fence_flags</type>, |
| <type>image2d_array_msaa_t_t</type>, <type>image2d_msaa_depth_t_t</type>, and |
| <type>image2d_array_msaa_depth_t_t</type>. |
| </entry> |
| </row> |
| </tbody> |
| </tgroup> |
| </informaltable> |
| </refsect1> |
| |
| <!-- ================================ NOTES --> |
| <refsect1 id="notes"> |
| |
| <!-- Section 6.1.5 --> |
| <title>Alignment of Types</title> |
| <para> |
| A data item declared to be a data type in memory is always aligned to the size of the |
| data type in bytes. For example, a <type>float4</type> variable will be aligned to a |
| 16-byte boundary, and a <type>char2</type> variable will be aligned to a 2-byte boundary. |
| </para> |
| |
| <para> |
| For 3-component vector data types, the size of the data type is <code>4 * |
| sizeof(component)</code>. This means that a 3-component vector data type |
| will be aligned to a <code>4 * sizeof(component)</code> boundary. The |
| <citerefentry href="vloadn"><refentrytitle>vload3</refentrytitle></citerefentry> and |
| <citerefentry href="vstoren"><refentrytitle>vstore3</refentrytitle></citerefentry> |
| built-in functions can be used to read and write, respectively, 3-component vector |
| data types from an array of packed scalar data type. |
| </para> |
| |
| <para> |
| A built-in data type that is not a power of two bytes in size must be aligned to the next |
| larger power of two. This rule applies to built-in types only, not <code>structs</code> |
| or <code>unions</code>. |
| </para> |
| |
| <para> |
| The OpenCL compiler is responsible for aligning data items to the appropriate |
| alignment as required by the data type. For arguments to a <citerefentry |
| href="functionQualifiers"><refentrytitle>__kernel</refentrytitle></citerefentry> |
| function declared to be a pointer to a data type, the OpenCL compiler can |
| assume that the pointee is always appropriately aligned as required by the |
| data type. The behavior of an unaligned load or store is undefined, except |
| for the <citerefentry><refentrytitle>vloadn</refentrytitle></citerefentry>, |
| <citerefentry><refentrytitle>vload_halfn</refentrytitle></citerefentry>, |
| <citerefentry><refentrytitle>vstoren</refentrytitle></citerefentry>, and |
| <citerefentry><refentrytitle>vstore_halfn</refentrytitle></citerefentry> functions. The |
| vector load functions can read a vector from an address aligned to the element type |
| of the vector. The vector store functions can write a vector to an address aligned |
| to the element type of the vector. |
| </para> |
| |
| <!-- Section C.3 --> |
| <bridgehead>Alignment of Application Data Types</bridgehead> |
| |
| <para> |
| The user is responsible for ensuring that data passed into and out of OpenCL buffers are |
| natively aligned relative to the start of the buffer as described above. This implies |
| that OpenCL buffers created with <constant>CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR</constant> need to provide |
| an appropriately aligned host memory pointer that is aligned to the data types used to |
| access these buffers in a kernel(s). As well, the user is responsible to ensure that |
| data passed into and out of OpenCL images are properly aligned to the granularity of |
| the data representing a single pixel (e.g. <varname>image_num_channels</varname> |
| * <code>sizeof</code>(<varname>image_channel_data_type</varname>)) except for |
| <constant>CL_RGB</constant> and <constant>CL_RGBx</constant> images where |
| the data must be aligned to the granularity of a single channel in a pixel |
| (i.e. <code>sizeof</code>(<varname>image_channel_data_type</varname>)). |
| This implies that OpenCL images created with |
| <constant>CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR</constant> must align |
| correctly. The image alignment value can be queried |
| using the <constant>CL_DEVICE_IMAGE_BASE_ADDRESS_ALIGNMENT</constant> |
| query. In addition, source pointers for |
| <citerefentry><refentrytitle>clEnqueueWriteBuffer</refentrytitle></citerefentry>, |
| <citerefentry><refentrytitle>clEnqueueWriteImage</refentrytitle></citerefentry> |
| and other operations that copy to |
| the OpenCL runtime, as well as destination pointers for |
| <citerefentry><refentrytitle>clEnqueueReadBuffer</refentrytitle></citerefentry>, |
| <citerefentry><refentrytitle>clEnqueueReadImage</refentrytitle></citerefentry> |
| and other operations that copy from the OpenCL runtime must follow the |
| same alignment rules. |
| </para> |
| |
| <para> |
| OpenCL makes no requirement about the alignment of OpenCL application defined data |
| types outside of buffers and images, except that the underlying vector primitives (e.g. |
| <type>__cl_float4</type>) where defined shall be directly accessible as such |
| using appropriate named fields in the <constant>cl_type</constant> union. Nevertheless, |
| it is recommended that the <code>cl_platform.h</code> header should attempt to |
| naturally align OpenCL defined application data types (e.g. <type>cl_float4</type>) |
| according to their type. |
| </para> |
| </refsect1> |
| |
| <!-- ================================ SPECIFICATION --> |
| <!-- Set the "uri" attribute in the <olink /> element to the "named destination" for the PDF page |
| --> |
| <refsect1 id="specification"><title>Specification</title> |
| <para> |
| <imageobject> |
| <imagedata fileref="pdficon_small1.gif" format="gif" /> |
| </imageobject> |
| |
| <olink uri="scalarDataTypes">OpenCL Specification</olink> |
| </para> |
| </refsect1> |
| |
| <!-- ================================ ALSO SEE |
| |
| <refsect1 id="seealso"><title>Also see</title> |
| <para> |
| <citerefentry><refentrytitle>cl_khr_fp64</refentrytitle></citerefentry> |
| </para> |
| </refsect1> --> |
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| <!-- ============================== COPYRIGHT --> |
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| <refsect3 id="Copyright"><title></title> |
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| <!-- 24-Dec-2013, rev. 19 --> |
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