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| <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook MathML Module V1.1b1//EN" |
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| <refentry> |
| <refentryinfo> |
| <keywordset> |
| <keyword>Reinterpreting Types, as_typen(), as_type()</keyword> |
| </keywordset> |
| </refentryinfo> |
| |
| <refmeta> |
| <refentrytitle>Reinterpreting Types Using as_type() and as_typen()</refentrytitle> |
| |
| <refmiscinfo> |
| <copyright> |
| <year>2007-2013</year> |
| <holder>The Khronos Group Inc. |
| Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a |
| copy of this software and/or associated documentation files (the |
| "Materials"), to deal in the Materials without restriction, including |
| without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, |
| distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Materials, and to |
| permit persons to whom the Materials are furnished to do so, subject to |
| the condition that this copyright notice and permission notice shall be included |
| in all copies or substantial portions of the Materials.</holder> |
| </copyright> |
| </refmiscinfo> |
| <manvolnum>3</manvolnum> |
| </refmeta> |
| |
| <!-- ================================ SYNOPSIS --> |
| |
| <refnamediv id="ReinterpretingTypesUsingas_typen()"> |
| <refname>as_type(), as_type<emphasis>n</emphasis>()</refname> |
| <refpurpose> |
| </refpurpose> |
| </refnamediv> |
| |
| |
| <refsect2 id="synopsis"> |
| <title></title> |
| |
| <informaltable frame="none"> |
| <tgroup cols="1" align="left" colsep="0" rowsep="0"> |
| <colspec colname="col1" colnum="1" /> |
| <tbody> |
| <row> |
| <entry> |
| as_type() |
| </entry> |
| </row> |
| <row> |
| <entry> |
| as_type<replaceable>n</replaceable>() |
| </entry> |
| </row> |
| </tbody> |
| </tgroup> |
| </informaltable> |
| </refsect2> |
| |
| <!-- ================================ DESCRIPTION --> |
| |
| <refsect1 id="description"><title>Description</title> |
| <para> |
| All data types described in <citerefentry href="scalarDataTypes"><refentrytitle>Scalar |
| Data Types</refentrytitle></citerefentry> and |
| <citerefentry href="vectorDataTypes"><refentrytitle>Vector Data |
| Types</refentrytitle></citerefentry> (except <type>bool</type>, <type>half</type> |
| (unless the <citerefentry><refentrytitle>cl_khr_fp16</refentrytitle></citerefentry> |
| extension is supported), and <type>void</type>) may be also reinterpreted as another |
| data type of the same size using the <function>as_type()</function> operator for scalar |
| data types and the <function>as_type<replaceable>n</replaceable>()</function> operator |
| for vector data types. When the operand and result type contain the same number of |
| elements, the bits in the operand shall be returned directly without modification as |
| the new type. The usual type promotion for function arguments shall not be performed. |
| </para> |
| |
| <para> |
| For example, <code>as_float(0x3f800000)</code> returns <code>1.0f</code>, which is |
| the value that the bit pattern <code>0x3f800000</code> has if viewed as an IEEE-754 |
| single precision value. |
| </para> |
| |
| <para> |
| When the operand and result type contain a different number of elements, the result |
| shall be implementation-defined except if the operand is a 4-component vector and the |
| result is a 3-component vector. In this case, the bits in the operand shall be returned |
| directly without modification as the new type. That is, a conforming implementation shall |
| explicitly define a behavior, but two conforming implementations need not have the same |
| behavior when the number of elements in the result and operand types does not match. The |
| implementation may define the result to contain all, some or none of the original bits |
| in whatever order it chooses. It is an error to use the <function>as_type()</function> |
| or <function>as_type<replaceable>n</replaceable>()</function> operators to reinterpret |
| data to a type of a different number of bytes. |
| </para> |
| </refsect1> |
| |
| <!-- ================================ NOTES --> |
| |
| <refsect1 id="notes"><title>Notes</title> |
| <para> |
| While the union is intended to reflect the organization |
| of data in memory, the <function>as_type()</function> and |
| <function>as_type<replaceable>n</replaceable>()</function> constructs are intended |
| to reflect the organization of data in register. The <function>as_type()</function> |
| and <function>as_type<replaceable>n</replaceable>()</function> constructs are intended |
| to compile to no instructions on devices that use a shared register file designed to |
| operate on both the operand and result types. |
| </para> |
| |
| <para> |
| Note that while differences in memory organization are expected to largely be limited |
| to those arising from endianness, the register based representation may also differ |
| due to size of the element in register. (For example, an architecture may load a char |
| into a 32-bit register, or a char vector into a SIMD vector register with fixed 32-bit |
| element size.) |
| </para> |
| |
| <para> |
| If the element count does not match, then the implementation should pick a data |
| representation that most closely matches what would happen if an appropriate result type |
| operator was applied to a register containing data of the source type. If the number of |
| elements matches, then the <function>as_type<replaceable>n</replaceable>()</function> |
| should faithfully reproduce the behavior expected from a similar data type |
| reinterpretation using memory/unions. So, for example if an implementation stores |
| all single precision data as double in register, it should implement as_int( float ) |
| by first downconverting the double to single precision and then (if necessary) moving |
| the single precision bits to a register suitable for operating on integer data. |
| </para> |
| |
| <para> |
| If data stored in different address spaces do not have the same endianness, then the |
| "dominant endianness" of the device should prevail. |
| </para> |
| </refsect1> |
| |
| <!-- ================================ EXAMPLE --> |
| |
| <refsect2 id="example1"> |
| <title> |
| Example |
| </title> |
| |
| <informaltable frame="none"> |
| <tgroup cols="1" align="left" colsep="0" rowsep="0"> |
| <colspec colname="col1" colnum="1" /> |
| <tbody> |
| <row> |
| <entry> |
| float f = 1.0f; |
| uint u = as_uint(f); // Legal. Contains: 0x3f800000 |
| |
| float4 f = (float4)(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f); |
| // Legal. Contains: (int4) |
| // (0x3f800000, 0x40000000, 0x40400000, 0x40800000) |
| int4 i = as_int4(f); |
| |
| float4 f, g; |
| int4 is_less = f < g; |
| |
| // Legal. f[i] = f[i] < g[i] ? f[i] : 0.0f |
| f = as_float4(as_int4(f) & is_less); |
| |
| int i; |
| // Legal. Result is implementation-defined. |
| short2 j = as_short2(i); |
| |
| int4 i; |
| // Legal. Result is implementation-defined. |
| short8 j = as_short8(i); |
| |
| float4 f; |
| //Error. result and operand have different size |
| double4 g = as_double4(f); // Only if double is supported. |
| |
| float4 f; |
| // Legal. g.xyz will have same values as f.xyz. g.w is undefined |
| float3 g = as_float3(f); |
| |
| </entry> |
| </row> |
| </tbody> |
| </tgroup> |
| </informaltable> |
| </refsect2> |
| |
| <!-- ================================ SPECIFICATION --> |
| <!-- Set the "uri" attribute in the <olink /> element to the "named destination" for the PDF page |
| --> |
| <refsect1 id="specification"><title>Specification</title> |
| <para> |
| <imageobject> |
| <imagedata fileref="pdficon_small1.gif" format="gif" /> |
| </imageobject> |
| |
| <olink uri="as_typen">OpenCL Specification</olink> |
| </para> |
| </refsect1> |
| |
| <!-- ================================ ALSO SEE --> |
| |
| <refsect1 id="seealso"><title>Also see</title> |
| <para> |
| <citerefentry href="scalarDataTypes"><refentrytitle>Scalar Data Types</refentrytitle></citerefentry>, |
| <citerefentry href="vectorDataTypes"><refentrytitle>Vector Data Types</refentrytitle></citerefentry> |
| </para> |
| </refsect1> |
| |
| <!-- ============================== COPYRIGHT --> |
| <!-- Content included from copyright.inc.xsl --> |
| |
| <refsect3 id="Copyright"><title></title> |
| <imageobject> |
| <imagedata fileref="KhronosLogo.jpg" format="jpg" /> |
| </imageobject> |
| <para /> |
| </refsect3> |
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| <!-- 3-Jun-2013 --> |
| </refentry> |
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