Publish OpenCL 2.2 reference pages, generated from the OpenCL-Docs
repository. Still needs top-level navigation links, and probably some
Apache rewrite directives to account for refpage aliases.
diff --git a/sdk/2.2/docs/katex/ b/sdk/2.2/docs/katex/
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@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# [<img src="" width="130" alt="KaTeX">]( [![Build Status](](
+[![Join the chat at](](
+KaTeX is a fast, easy-to-use JavaScript library for TeX math rendering on the web.
+ * **Fast:** KaTeX renders its math synchronously and doesn't need to reflow the page. See how it compares to a competitor in [this speed test](
+ * **Print quality:** KaTeX’s layout is based on Donald Knuth’s TeX, the gold standard for math typesetting.
+ * **Self contained:** KaTeX has no dependencies and can easily be bundled with your website resources.
+ * **Server side rendering:** KaTeX produces the same output regardless of browser or environment, so you can pre-render expressions using Node.js and send them as plain HTML.
+KaTeX supports all major browsers, including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and IE 8 - IE 11. A list of supported commands can be on the [wiki](
+## Usage
+You can [download KaTeX]( and host it on your server or include the `katex.min.js` and `katex.min.css` files on your page directly from a CDN:
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
+<script src=""></script>
+#### In-browser rendering
+Call `katex.render` with a TeX expression and a DOM element to render into:
+katex.render("c = \\pm\\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}", element);
+If KaTeX can't parse the expression, it throws a `katex.ParseError` error.
+#### Server side rendering or rendering to a string
+To generate HTML on the server or to generate an HTML string of the rendered math, you can use `katex.renderToString`:
+var html = katex.renderToString("c = \\pm\\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}");
+// '<span class="katex">...</span>'
+Make sure to include the CSS and font files, but there is no need to include the JavaScript. Like `render`, `renderToString` throws if it can't parse the expression.
+#### Rendering options
+You can provide an object of options as the last argument to `katex.render` and `katex.renderToString`. Available options are:
+- `displayMode`: `boolean`. If `true` the math will be rendered in display mode, which will put the math in display style (so `\int` and `\sum` are large, for example), and will center the math on the page on its own line. If `false` the math will be rendered in inline mode. (default: `false`)
+- `throwOnError`: `boolean`. If `true`, KaTeX will throw a `ParseError` when it encounters an unsupported command. If `false`, KaTeX will render the unsupported command as text in the color given by `errorColor`. (default: `true`)
+- `errorColor`: `string`. A color string given in the format `"#XXX"` or `"#XXXXXX"`. This option determines the color which unsupported commands are rendered in. (default: `#cc0000`)
+For example:
+katex.render("c = \\pm\\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}", element, { displayMode: true });
+#### Automatic rendering of math on a page
+Math on the page can be automatically rendered using the auto-render extension. See [the Auto-render README](contrib/auto-render/ for more information.
+## Contributing
+See [](
+## License
+KaTeX is licensed under the [MIT License](
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+(function(e){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=e()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],e)}else{var t;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){t=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){t=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){t=self}else{t=this}t.renderMathInElement=e()}})(function(){var e,t,r;return function n(e,t,r){function a(o,l){if(!t[o]){if(!e[o]){var f=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!l&&f)return f(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var d=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw d.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",d}var s=t[o]={exports:{}};e[o][0].call(s.exports,function(t){var r=e[o][1][t];return a(r?r:t)},s,s.exports,n,e,t,r)}return t[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)a(r[o]);return a}({1:[function(e,t,r){var n=e("./splitAtDelimiters");var a=function(e,t){var r=[{type:"text",data:e}];for(var a=0;a<t.length;a++){var i=t[a];r=n(r,i.left,i.right,i.display||false)}return r};var i=function(e,t){var r=a(e,t);var n=document.createDocumentFragment();for(var i=0;i<r.length;i++){if(r[i].type==="text"){n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(r[i].data))}else{var o=document.createElement("span");var l=r[i].data;try{katex.render(l,o,{displayMode:r[i].display})}catch(f){if(!(f instanceof katex.ParseError)){throw f}console.error("KaTeX auto-render: Failed to parse `"+r[i].data+"` with ",f);n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(r[i].rawData));continue}n.appendChild(o)}}return n};var o=function(e,t,r){for(var n=0;n<e.childNodes.length;n++){var a=e.childNodes[n];if(a.nodeType===3){var l=i(a.textContent,t);n+=l.childNodes.length-1;e.replaceChild(l,a)}else if(a.nodeType===1){var f=r.indexOf(a.nodeName.toLowerCase())===-1;if(f){o(a,t,r)}}}};var l={delimiters:[{left:"$$",right:"$$",display:true},{left:"\\[",right:"\\]",display:true},{left:"\\(",right:"\\)",display:false}],ignoredTags:["script","noscript","style","textarea","pre","code"]};var f=function(e){var t;var r;for(var n=1,a=arguments.length;n<a;n++){t=arguments[n];for(r in t){if(,r)){e[r]=t[r]}}}return e};var d=function(e,t){if(!e){throw new Error("No element provided to render")}t=f({},l,t);o(e,t.delimiters,t.ignoredTags)};t.exports=d},{"./splitAtDelimiters":2}],2:[function(e,t,r){var n=function(e,t,r){var n=r;var a=0;var i=e.length;while(n<t.length){var o=t[n];if(a<=0&&t.slice(n,n+i)===e){return n}else if(o==="\\"){n++}else if(o==="{"){a++}else if(o==="}"){a--}n++}return-1};var a=function(e,t,r,a){var i=[];for(var o=0;o<e.length;o++){if(e[o].type==="text"){var l=e[o].data;var f=true;var d=0;var s;s=l.indexOf(t);if(s!==-1){d=s;i.push({type:"text",data:l.slice(0,d)});f=false}while(true){if(f){s=l.indexOf(t,d);if(s===-1){break}i.push({type:"text",data:l.slice(d,s)});d=s}else{s=n(r,l,d+t.length);if(s===-1){break}i.push({type:"math",data:l.slice(d+t.length,s),rawData:l.slice(d,s+r.length),display:a});d=s+r.length}f=!f}i.push({type:"text",data:l.slice(d)})}else{i.push(e[o])}}return i};t.exports=a},{}]},{},[1])(1)});
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diff --git a/sdk/2.2/docs/katex/katex.js b/sdk/2.2/docs/katex/katex.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e104be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdk/2.2/docs/katex/katex.js
@@ -0,0 +1,9075 @@
+(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.katex = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
+/* eslint no-console:0 */
+ * This is the main entry point for KaTeX. Here, we expose functions for
+ * rendering expressions either to DOM nodes or to markup strings.
+ *
+ * We also expose the ParseError class to check if errors thrown from KaTeX are
+ * errors in the expression, or errors in javascript handling.
+ */
+var ParseError = require("./src/ParseError");
+var Settings = require("./src/Settings");
+var buildTree = require("./src/buildTree");
+var parseTree = require("./src/parseTree");
+var utils = require("./src/utils");
+ * Parse and build an expression, and place that expression in the DOM node
+ * given.
+ */
+var render = function(expression, baseNode, options) {
+ utils.clearNode(baseNode);
+ var settings = new Settings(options);
+ var tree = parseTree(expression, settings);
+ var node = buildTree(tree, expression, settings).toNode();
+ baseNode.appendChild(node);
+// KaTeX's styles don't work properly in quirks mode. Print out an error, and
+// disable rendering.
+if (typeof document !== "undefined") {
+ if (document.compatMode !== "CSS1Compat") {
+ typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn(
+ "Warning: KaTeX doesn't work in quirks mode. Make sure your " +
+ "website has a suitable doctype.");
+ render = function() {
+ throw new ParseError("KaTeX doesn't work in quirks mode.");
+ };
+ }
+ * Parse and build an expression, and return the markup for that.
+ */
+var renderToString = function(expression, options) {
+ var settings = new Settings(options);
+ var tree = parseTree(expression, settings);
+ return buildTree(tree, expression, settings).toMarkup();
+ * Parse an expression and return the parse tree.
+ */
+var generateParseTree = function(expression, options) {
+ var settings = new Settings(options);
+ return parseTree(expression, settings);
+module.exports = {
+ render: render,
+ renderToString: renderToString,
+ /**
+ * NOTE: This method is not currently recommended for public use.
+ * The internal tree representation is unstable and is very likely
+ * to change. Use at your own risk.
+ */
+ __parse: generateParseTree,
+ ParseError: ParseError
+/** @flow */
+"use strict";
+function getRelocatable(re) {
+ // In the future, this could use a WeakMap instead of an expando.
+ if (!re.__matchAtRelocatable) {
+ // Disjunctions are the lowest-precedence operator, so we can make any
+ // pattern match the empty string by appending `|()` to it:
+ //
+ var source = re.source + "|()";
+ // We always make the new regex global.
+ var flags = "g" + (re.ignoreCase ? "i" : "") + (re.multiline ? "m" : "") + (re.unicode ? "u" : "")
+ // sticky (/.../y) doesn't make sense in conjunction with our relocation
+ // logic, so we ignore it here.
+ ;
+ re.__matchAtRelocatable = new RegExp(source, flags);
+ }
+ return re.__matchAtRelocatable;
+function matchAt(re, str, pos) {
+ if ( || re.sticky) {
+ throw new Error("matchAt(...): Only non-global regexes are supported");
+ }
+ var reloc = getRelocatable(re);
+ reloc.lastIndex = pos;
+ var match = reloc.exec(str);
+ // Last capturing group is our sentinel that indicates whether the regex
+ // matched at the given location.
+ if (match[match.length - 1] == null) {
+ // Original regex matched.
+ match.length = match.length - 1;
+ return match;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+module.exports = matchAt;
+ * The Lexer class handles tokenizing the input in various ways. Since our
+ * parser expects us to be able to backtrack, the lexer allows lexing from any
+ * given starting point.
+ *
+ * Its main exposed function is the `lex` function, which takes a position to
+ * lex from and a type of token to lex. It defers to the appropriate `_innerLex`
+ * function.
+ *
+ * The various `_innerLex` functions perform the actual lexing of different
+ * kinds.
+ */
+var matchAt = require("match-at");
+var ParseError = require("./ParseError");
+// The main lexer class
+function Lexer(input) {
+ this.input = input;
+ this.pos = 0;
+ * The resulting token returned from `lex`.
+ *
+ * It consists of the token text plus some position information.
+ * The position information is essentially a range in an input string,
+ * but instead of referencing the bare input string, we refer to the lexer.
+ * That way it is possible to attach extra metadata to the input string,
+ * like for example a file name or similar.
+ *
+ * The position information (all three parameters) is optional,
+ * so it is OK to construct synthetic tokens if appropriate.
+ * Not providing available position information may lead to
+ * degraded error reporting, though.
+ *
+ * @param {string} text the text of this token
+ * @param {number=} start the start offset, zero-based inclusive
+ * @param {number=} end the end offset, zero-based exclusive
+ * @param {Lexer=} lexer the lexer which in turn holds the input string
+ */
+function Token(text, start, end, lexer) {
+ this.text = text;
+ this.start = start;
+ this.end = end;
+ this.lexer = lexer;
+ * Given a pair of tokens (this and endToken), compute a “Token” encompassing
+ * the whole input range enclosed by these two.
+ *
+ * @param {Token} endToken last token of the range, inclusive
+ * @param {string} text the text of the newly constructed token
+ */
+Token.prototype.range = function(endToken, text) {
+ if (endToken.lexer !== this.lexer) {
+ return new Token(text); // sorry, no position information available
+ }
+ return new Token(text, this.start, endToken.end, this.lexer);
+/* The following tokenRegex
+ * - matches typical whitespace (but not NBSP etc.) using its first group
+ * - does not match any control character \x00-\x1f except whitespace
+ * - does not match a bare backslash
+ * - matches any ASCII character except those just mentioned
+ * - does not match the BMP private use area \uE000-\uF8FF
+ * - does not match bare surrogate code units
+ * - matches any BMP character except for those just described
+ * - matches any valid Unicode surrogate pair
+ * - matches a backslash followed by one or more letters
+ * - matches a backslash followed by any BMP character, including newline
+ * Just because the Lexer matches something doesn't mean it's valid input:
+ * If there is no matching function or symbol definition, the Parser will
+ * still reject the input.
+ */
+var tokenRegex = new RegExp(
+ "([ \r\n\t]+)|" + // whitespace
+ "([!-\\[\\]-\u2027\u202A-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFFFF]" + // single codepoint
+ "|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]" + // surrogate pair
+ "|\\\\(?:[a-zA-Z]+|[^\uD800-\uDFFF])" + // function name
+ ")"
+ * This function lexes a single token.
+ */
+Lexer.prototype.lex = function() {
+ var input = this.input;
+ var pos = this.pos;
+ if (pos === input.length) {
+ return new Token("EOF", pos, pos, this);
+ }
+ var match = matchAt(tokenRegex, input, pos);
+ if (match === null) {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "Unexpected character: '" + input[pos] + "'",
+ new Token(input[pos], pos, pos + 1, this));
+ }
+ var text = match[2] || " ";
+ var start = this.pos;
+ this.pos += match[0].length;
+ var end = this.pos;
+ return new Token(text, start, end, this);
+module.exports = Lexer;
+ * This file contains the “gullet” where macros are expanded
+ * until only non-macro tokens remain.
+ */
+var Lexer = require("./Lexer");
+function MacroExpander(input, macros) {
+ this.lexer = new Lexer(input);
+ this.macros = macros;
+ this.stack = []; // contains tokens in REVERSE order
+ this.discardedWhiteSpace = [];
+ * Recursively expand first token, then return first non-expandable token.
+ */
+MacroExpander.prototype.nextToken = function() {
+ for (;;) {
+ if (this.stack.length === 0) {
+ this.stack.push(this.lexer.lex());
+ }
+ var topToken = this.stack.pop();
+ var name = topToken.text;
+ if (!(name.charAt(0) === "\\" && this.macros.hasOwnProperty(name))) {
+ return topToken;
+ }
+ var expansion = this.macros[name];
+ if (typeof expansion === "string") {
+ var bodyLexer = new Lexer(expansion);
+ expansion = [];
+ var tok = bodyLexer.lex();
+ while (tok.text !== "EOF") {
+ expansion.push(tok);
+ tok = bodyLexer.lex();
+ }
+ expansion.reverse(); // to fit in with stack using push and pop
+ this.macros[name] = expansion;
+ }
+ this.stack = this.stack.concat(expansion);
+ }
+MacroExpander.prototype.get = function(ignoreSpace) {
+ this.discardedWhiteSpace = [];
+ var token = this.nextToken();
+ if (ignoreSpace) {
+ while (token.text === " ") {
+ this.discardedWhiteSpace.push(token);
+ token = this.nextToken();
+ }
+ }
+ return token;
+ * Undo the effect of the preceding call to the get method.
+ * A call to this method MUST be immediately preceded and immediately followed
+ * by a call to get. Only used during mode switching, i.e. after one token
+ * was got in the old mode but should get got again in a new mode
+ * with possibly different whitespace handling.
+ */
+MacroExpander.prototype.unget = function(token) {
+ this.stack.push(token);
+ while (this.discardedWhiteSpace.length !== 0) {
+ this.stack.push(this.discardedWhiteSpace.pop());
+ }
+module.exports = MacroExpander;
+ * This file contains information about the options that the Parser carries
+ * around with it while parsing. Data is held in an `Options` object, and when
+ * recursing, a new `Options` object can be created with the `.with*` and
+ * `.reset` functions.
+ */
+ * This is the main options class. It contains the style, size, color, and font
+ * of the current parse level. It also contains the style and size of the parent
+ * parse level, so size changes can be handled efficiently.
+ *
+ * Each of the `.with*` and `.reset` functions passes its current style and size
+ * as the parentStyle and parentSize of the new options class, so parent
+ * handling is taken care of automatically.
+ */
+function Options(data) {
+ =;
+ this.color = data.color;
+ this.size = data.size;
+ this.phantom = data.phantom;
+ this.font = data.font;
+ if (data.parentStyle === undefined) {
+ this.parentStyle =;
+ } else {
+ this.parentStyle = data.parentStyle;
+ }
+ if (data.parentSize === undefined) {
+ this.parentSize = data.size;
+ } else {
+ this.parentSize = data.parentSize;
+ }
+ * Returns a new options object with the same properties as "this". Properties
+ * from "extension" will be copied to the new options object.
+ */
+Options.prototype.extend = function(extension) {
+ var data = {
+ style:,
+ size: this.size,
+ color: this.color,
+ parentStyle:,
+ parentSize: this.size,
+ phantom: this.phantom,
+ font: this.font
+ };
+ for (var key in extension) {
+ if (extension.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ data[key] = extension[key];
+ }
+ }
+ return new Options(data);
+ * Create a new options object with the given style.
+ */
+Options.prototype.withStyle = function(style) {
+ return this.extend({
+ style: style
+ });
+ * Create a new options object with the given size.
+ */
+Options.prototype.withSize = function(size) {
+ return this.extend({
+ size: size
+ });
+ * Create a new options object with the given color.
+ */
+Options.prototype.withColor = function(color) {
+ return this.extend({
+ color: color
+ });
+ * Create a new options object with "phantom" set to true.
+ */
+Options.prototype.withPhantom = function() {
+ return this.extend({
+ phantom: true
+ });
+ * Create a new options objects with the give font.
+ */
+Options.prototype.withFont = function(font) {
+ return this.extend({
+ font: font || this.font
+ });
+ * Create a new options object with the same style, size, and color. This is
+ * used so that parent style and size changes are handled correctly.
+ */
+Options.prototype.reset = function() {
+ return this.extend({});
+ * A map of color names to CSS colors.
+ * TODO(emily): Remove this when we have real macros
+ */
+var colorMap = {
+ "katex-blue": "#6495ed",
+ "katex-orange": "#ffa500",
+ "katex-pink": "#ff00af",
+ "katex-red": "#df0030",
+ "katex-green": "#28ae7b",
+ "katex-gray": "gray",
+ "katex-purple": "#9d38bd",
+ "katex-blueA": "#ccfaff",
+ "katex-blueB": "#80f6ff",
+ "katex-blueC": "#63d9ea",
+ "katex-blueD": "#11accd",
+ "katex-blueE": "#0c7f99",
+ "katex-tealA": "#94fff5",
+ "katex-tealB": "#26edd5",
+ "katex-tealC": "#01d1c1",
+ "katex-tealD": "#01a995",
+ "katex-tealE": "#208170",
+ "katex-greenA": "#b6ffb0",
+ "katex-greenB": "#8af281",
+ "katex-greenC": "#74cf70",
+ "katex-greenD": "#1fab54",
+ "katex-greenE": "#0d923f",
+ "katex-goldA": "#ffd0a9",
+ "katex-goldB": "#ffbb71",
+ "katex-goldC": "#ff9c39",
+ "katex-goldD": "#e07d10",
+ "katex-goldE": "#a75a05",
+ "katex-redA": "#fca9a9",
+ "katex-redB": "#ff8482",
+ "katex-redC": "#f9685d",
+ "katex-redD": "#e84d39",
+ "katex-redE": "#bc2612",
+ "katex-maroonA": "#ffbde0",
+ "katex-maroonB": "#ff92c6",
+ "katex-maroonC": "#ed5fa6",
+ "katex-maroonD": "#ca337c",
+ "katex-maroonE": "#9e034e",
+ "katex-purpleA": "#ddd7ff",
+ "katex-purpleB": "#c6b9fc",
+ "katex-purpleC": "#aa87ff",
+ "katex-purpleD": "#7854ab",
+ "katex-purpleE": "#543b78",
+ "katex-mintA": "#f5f9e8",
+ "katex-mintB": "#edf2df",
+ "katex-mintC": "#e0e5cc",
+ "katex-grayA": "#f6f7f7",
+ "katex-grayB": "#f0f1f2",
+ "katex-grayC": "#e3e5e6",
+ "katex-grayD": "#d6d8da",
+ "katex-grayE": "#babec2",
+ "katex-grayF": "#888d93",
+ "katex-grayG": "#626569",
+ "katex-grayH": "#3b3e40",
+ "katex-grayI": "#21242c",
+ "katex-kaBlue": "#314453",
+ "katex-kaGreen": "#71B307"
+ * Gets the CSS color of the current options object, accounting for the
+ * `colorMap`.
+ */
+Options.prototype.getColor = function() {
+ if (this.phantom) {
+ return "transparent";
+ } else {
+ return colorMap[this.color] || this.color;
+ }
+module.exports = Options;
+ * This is the ParseError class, which is the main error thrown by KaTeX
+ * functions when something has gone wrong. This is used to distinguish internal
+ * errors from errors in the expression that the user provided.
+ *
+ * If possible, a caller should provide a Token or ParseNode with information
+ * about where in the source string the problem occurred.
+ *
+ * @param {string} message The error message
+ * @param {(Token|ParseNode)=} token An object providing position information
+ */
+function ParseError(message, token) {
+ var error = "KaTeX parse error: " + message;
+ var start;
+ var end;
+ if (token && token.lexer && token.start <= token.end) {
+ // If we have the input and a position, make the error a bit fancier
+ // Get the input
+ var input = token.lexer.input;
+ // Prepend some information
+ start = token.start;
+ end = token.end;
+ if (start === input.length) {
+ error += " at end of input: ";
+ } else {
+ error += " at position " + (start + 1) + ": ";
+ }
+ // Underline token in question using combining underscores
+ var underlined = input.slice(start, end).replace(/[^]/g, "$&\u0332");
+ // Extract some context from the input and add it to the error
+ var left;
+ if (start > 15) {
+ left = "…" + input.slice(start - 15, start);
+ } else {
+ left = input.slice(0, start);
+ }
+ var right;
+ if (end + 15 < input.length) {
+ right = input.slice(end, end + 15) + "…";
+ } else {
+ right = input.slice(end);
+ }
+ error += left + underlined + right;
+ }
+ // Some hackery to make ParseError a prototype of Error
+ // See
+ var self = new Error(error);
+ = "ParseError";
+ self.__proto__ = ParseError.prototype;
+ self.position = start;
+ return self;
+// More hackery
+ParseError.prototype.__proto__ = Error.prototype;
+module.exports = ParseError;
+/* eslint no-constant-condition:0 */
+var functions = require("./functions");
+var environments = require("./environments");
+var MacroExpander = require("./MacroExpander");
+var symbols = require("./symbols");
+var utils = require("./utils");
+var cjkRegex = require("./unicodeRegexes").cjkRegex;
+var parseData = require("./parseData");
+var ParseError = require("./ParseError");
+ * This file contains the parser used to parse out a TeX expression from the
+ * input. Since TeX isn't context-free, standard parsers don't work particularly
+ * well.
+ *
+ * The strategy of this parser is as such:
+ *
+ * The main functions (the `.parse...` ones) take a position in the current
+ * parse string to parse tokens from. The lexer (found in Lexer.js, stored at
+ * this.lexer) also supports pulling out tokens at arbitrary places. When
+ * individual tokens are needed at a position, the lexer is called to pull out a
+ * token, which is then used.
+ *
+ * The parser has a property called "mode" indicating the mode that
+ * the parser is currently in. Currently it has to be one of "math" or
+ * "text", which denotes whether the current environment is a math-y
+ * one or a text-y one (e.g. inside \text). Currently, this serves to
+ * limit the functions which can be used in text mode.
+ *
+ * The main functions then return an object which contains the useful data that
+ * was parsed at its given point, and a new position at the end of the parsed
+ * data. The main functions can call each other and continue the parsing by
+ * using the returned position as a new starting point.
+ *
+ * There are also extra `.handle...` functions, which pull out some reused
+ * functionality into self-contained functions.
+ *
+ * The earlier functions return ParseNodes.
+ * The later functions (which are called deeper in the parse) sometimes return
+ * ParseFuncOrArgument, which contain a ParseNode as well as some data about
+ * whether the parsed object is a function which is missing some arguments, or a
+ * standalone object which can be used as an argument to another function.
+ */
+ * Main Parser class
+ */
+function Parser(input, settings) {
+ // Create a new macro expander (gullet) and (indirectly via that) also a
+ // new lexer (mouth) for this parser (stomach, in the language of TeX)
+ this.gullet = new MacroExpander(input, settings.macros);
+ // Store the settings for use in parsing
+ this.settings = settings;
+ // Count leftright depth (for \middle errors)
+ this.leftrightDepth = 0;
+var ParseNode = parseData.ParseNode;
+ * An initial function (without its arguments), or an argument to a function.
+ * The `result` argument should be a ParseNode.
+ */
+function ParseFuncOrArgument(result, isFunction, token) {
+ this.result = result;
+ // Is this a function (i.e. is it something defined in functions.js)?
+ this.isFunction = isFunction;
+ this.token = token;
+ * Checks a result to make sure it has the right type, and throws an
+ * appropriate error otherwise.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean=} consume whether to consume the expected token,
+ * defaults to true
+ */
+Parser.prototype.expect = function(text, consume) {
+ if (this.nextToken.text !== text) {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "Expected '" + text + "', got '" + this.nextToken.text + "'",
+ this.nextToken
+ );
+ }
+ if (consume !== false) {
+ this.consume();
+ }
+ * Considers the current look ahead token as consumed,
+ * and fetches the one after that as the new look ahead.
+ */
+Parser.prototype.consume = function() {
+ this.nextToken = this.gullet.get(this.mode === "math");
+Parser.prototype.switchMode = function(newMode) {
+ this.gullet.unget(this.nextToken);
+ this.mode = newMode;
+ this.consume();
+ * Main parsing function, which parses an entire input.
+ *
+ * @return {?Array.<ParseNode>}
+ */
+Parser.prototype.parse = function() {
+ // Try to parse the input
+ this.mode = "math";
+ this.consume();
+ var parse = this.parseInput();
+ return parse;
+ * Parses an entire input tree.
+ */
+Parser.prototype.parseInput = function() {
+ // Parse an expression
+ var expression = this.parseExpression(false);
+ // If we succeeded, make sure there's an EOF at the end
+ this.expect("EOF", false);
+ return expression;
+var endOfExpression = ["}", "\\end", "\\right", "&", "\\\\", "\\cr"];
+ * Parses an "expression", which is a list of atoms.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean} breakOnInfix Should the parsing stop when we hit infix
+ * nodes? This happens when functions have higher precendence
+ * than infix nodes in implicit parses.
+ *
+ * @param {?string} breakOnTokenText The text of the token that the expression
+ * should end with, or `null` if something else should end the
+ * expression.
+ *
+ * @return {ParseNode}
+ */
+Parser.prototype.parseExpression = function(breakOnInfix, breakOnTokenText) {
+ var body = [];
+ // Keep adding atoms to the body until we can't parse any more atoms (either
+ // we reached the end, a }, or a \right)
+ while (true) {
+ var lex = this.nextToken;
+ if (endOfExpression.indexOf(lex.text) !== -1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (breakOnTokenText && lex.text === breakOnTokenText) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (breakOnInfix && functions[lex.text] && functions[lex.text].infix) {
+ break;
+ }
+ var atom = this.parseAtom();
+ if (!atom) {
+ if (!this.settings.throwOnError && lex.text[0] === "\\") {
+ var errorNode = this.handleUnsupportedCmd();
+ body.push(errorNode);
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ body.push(atom);
+ }
+ return this.handleInfixNodes(body);
+ * Rewrites infix operators such as \over with corresponding commands such
+ * as \frac.
+ *
+ * There can only be one infix operator per group. If there's more than one
+ * then the expression is ambiguous. This can be resolved by adding {}.
+ *
+ * @returns {Array}
+ */
+Parser.prototype.handleInfixNodes = function(body) {
+ var overIndex = -1;
+ var funcName;
+ for (var i = 0; i < body.length; i++) {
+ var node = body[i];
+ if (node.type === "infix") {
+ if (overIndex !== -1) {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "only one infix operator per group",
+ node.value.token);
+ }
+ overIndex = i;
+ funcName = node.value.replaceWith;
+ }
+ }
+ if (overIndex !== -1) {
+ var numerNode;
+ var denomNode;
+ var numerBody = body.slice(0, overIndex);
+ var denomBody = body.slice(overIndex + 1);
+ if (numerBody.length === 1 && numerBody[0].type === "ordgroup") {
+ numerNode = numerBody[0];
+ } else {
+ numerNode = new ParseNode("ordgroup", numerBody, this.mode);
+ }
+ if (denomBody.length === 1 && denomBody[0].type === "ordgroup") {
+ denomNode = denomBody[0];
+ } else {
+ denomNode = new ParseNode("ordgroup", denomBody, this.mode);
+ }
+ var value = this.callFunction(
+ funcName, [numerNode, denomNode], null);
+ return [new ParseNode(value.type, value, this.mode)];
+ } else {
+ return body;
+ }
+// The greediness of a superscript or subscript
+ * Handle a subscript or superscript with nice errors.
+ */
+Parser.prototype.handleSupSubscript = function(name) {
+ var symbolToken = this.nextToken;
+ var symbol = symbolToken.text;
+ this.consume();
+ var group = this.parseGroup();
+ if (!group) {
+ if (!this.settings.throwOnError && this.nextToken.text[0] === "\\") {
+ return this.handleUnsupportedCmd();
+ } else {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "Expected group after '" + symbol + "'",
+ symbolToken
+ );
+ }
+ } else if (group.isFunction) {
+ // ^ and _ have a greediness, so handle interactions with functions'
+ // greediness
+ var funcGreediness = functions[group.result].greediness;
+ if (funcGreediness > SUPSUB_GREEDINESS) {
+ return this.parseFunction(group);
+ } else {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "Got function '" + group.result + "' with no arguments " +
+ "as " + name, symbolToken);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return group.result;
+ }
+ * Converts the textual input of an unsupported command into a text node
+ * contained within a color node whose color is determined by errorColor
+ */
+Parser.prototype.handleUnsupportedCmd = function() {
+ var text = this.nextToken.text;
+ var textordArray = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
+ textordArray.push(new ParseNode("textord", text[i], "text"));
+ }
+ var textNode = new ParseNode(
+ "text",
+ {
+ body: textordArray,
+ type: "text"
+ },
+ this.mode);
+ var colorNode = new ParseNode(
+ "color",
+ {
+ color: this.settings.errorColor,
+ value: [textNode],
+ type: "color"
+ },
+ this.mode);
+ this.consume();
+ return colorNode;
+ * Parses a group with optional super/subscripts.
+ *
+ * @return {?ParseNode}
+ */
+Parser.prototype.parseAtom = function() {
+ // The body of an atom is an implicit group, so that things like
+ // \left(x\right)^2 work correctly.
+ var base = this.parseImplicitGroup();
+ // In text mode, we don't have superscripts or subscripts
+ if (this.mode === "text") {
+ return base;
+ }
+ // Note that base may be empty (i.e. null) at this point.
+ var superscript;
+ var subscript;
+ while (true) {
+ // Lex the first token
+ var lex = this.nextToken;
+ if (lex.text === "\\limits" || lex.text === "\\nolimits") {
+ // We got a limit control
+ if (!base || base.type !== "op") {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "Limit controls must follow a math operator",
+ lex);
+ } else {
+ var limits = lex.text === "\\limits";
+ base.value.limits = limits;
+ base.value.alwaysHandleSupSub = true;
+ }
+ this.consume();
+ } else if (lex.text === "^") {
+ // We got a superscript start
+ if (superscript) {
+ throw new ParseError("Double superscript", lex);
+ }
+ superscript = this.handleSupSubscript("superscript");
+ } else if (lex.text === "_") {
+ // We got a subscript start
+ if (subscript) {
+ throw new ParseError("Double subscript", lex);
+ }
+ subscript = this.handleSupSubscript("subscript");
+ } else if (lex.text === "'") {
+ // We got a prime
+ var prime = new ParseNode("textord", "\\prime", this.mode);
+ // Many primes can be grouped together, so we handle this here
+ var primes = [prime];
+ this.consume();
+ // Keep lexing tokens until we get something that's not a prime
+ while (this.nextToken.text === "'") {
+ // For each one, add another prime to the list
+ primes.push(prime);
+ this.consume();
+ }
+ // Put them into an ordgroup as the superscript
+ superscript = new ParseNode("ordgroup", primes, this.mode);
+ } else {
+ // If it wasn't ^, _, or ', stop parsing super/subscripts
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (superscript || subscript) {
+ // If we got either a superscript or subscript, create a supsub
+ return new ParseNode("supsub", {
+ base: base,
+ sup: superscript,
+ sub: subscript
+ }, this.mode);
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise return the original body
+ return base;
+ }
+// A list of the size-changing functions, for use in parseImplicitGroup
+var sizeFuncs = [
+ "\\tiny", "\\scriptsize", "\\footnotesize", "\\small", "\\normalsize",
+ "\\large", "\\Large", "\\LARGE", "\\huge", "\\Huge"
+// A list of the style-changing functions, for use in parseImplicitGroup
+var styleFuncs = [
+ "\\displaystyle", "\\textstyle", "\\scriptstyle", "\\scriptscriptstyle"
+ * Parses an implicit group, which is a group that starts at the end of a
+ * specified, and ends right before a higher explicit group ends, or at EOL. It
+ * is used for functions that appear to affect the current style, like \Large or
+ * \textrm, where instead of keeping a style we just pretend that there is an
+ * implicit grouping after it until the end of the group. E.g.
+ * small text {\Large large text} small text again
+ * It is also used for \left and \right to get the correct grouping.
+ *
+ * @return {?ParseNode}
+ */
+Parser.prototype.parseImplicitGroup = function() {
+ var start = this.parseSymbol();
+ if (start == null) {
+ // If we didn't get anything we handle, fall back to parseFunction
+ return this.parseFunction();
+ }
+ var func = start.result;
+ var body;
+ if (func === "\\left") {
+ // If we see a left:
+ // Parse the entire left function (including the delimiter)
+ var left = this.parseFunction(start);
+ // Parse out the implicit body
+ ++this.leftrightDepth;
+ body = this.parseExpression(false);
+ --this.leftrightDepth;
+ // Check the next token
+ this.expect("\\right", false);
+ var right = this.parseFunction();
+ return new ParseNode("leftright", {
+ body: body,
+ left: left.value.value,
+ right: right.value.value
+ }, this.mode);
+ } else if (func === "\\begin") {
+ // begin...end is similar to left...right
+ var begin = this.parseFunction(start);
+ var envName =;
+ if (!environments.hasOwnProperty(envName)) {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "No such environment: " + envName, begin.value.nameGroup);
+ }
+ // Build the environment object. Arguments and other information will
+ // be made available to the begin and end methods using properties.
+ var env = environments[envName];
+ var args = this.parseArguments("\\begin{" + envName + "}", env);
+ var context = {
+ mode: this.mode,
+ envName: envName,
+ parser: this,
+ positions: args.pop()
+ };
+ var result = env.handler(context, args);
+ this.expect("\\end", false);
+ var endNameToken = this.nextToken;
+ var end = this.parseFunction();
+ if ( !== envName) {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "Mismatch: \\begin{" + envName + "} matched " +
+ "by \\end{" + + "}",
+ endNameToken);
+ }
+ result.position = end.position;
+ return result;
+ } else if (utils.contains(sizeFuncs, func)) {
+ // If we see a sizing function, parse out the implict body
+ body = this.parseExpression(false);
+ return new ParseNode("sizing", {
+ // Figure out what size to use based on the list of functions above
+ size: "size" + (utils.indexOf(sizeFuncs, func) + 1),
+ value: body
+ }, this.mode);
+ } else if (utils.contains(styleFuncs, func)) {
+ // If we see a styling function, parse out the implict body
+ body = this.parseExpression(true);
+ return new ParseNode("styling", {
+ // Figure out what style to use by pulling out the style from
+ // the function name
+ style: func.slice(1, func.length - 5),
+ value: body
+ }, this.mode);
+ } else {
+ // Defer to parseFunction if it's not a function we handle
+ return this.parseFunction(start);
+ }
+ * Parses an entire function, including its base and all of its arguments.
+ * The base might either have been parsed already, in which case
+ * it is provided as an argument, or it's the next group in the input.
+ *
+ * @param {ParseFuncOrArgument=} baseGroup optional as described above
+ * @return {?ParseNode}
+ */
+Parser.prototype.parseFunction = function(baseGroup) {
+ if (!baseGroup) {
+ baseGroup = this.parseGroup();
+ }
+ if (baseGroup) {
+ if (baseGroup.isFunction) {
+ var func = baseGroup.result;
+ var funcData = functions[func];
+ if (this.mode === "text" && !funcData.allowedInText) {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "Can't use function '" + func + "' in text mode",
+ baseGroup.token);
+ }
+ var args = this.parseArguments(func, funcData);
+ var token = baseGroup.token;
+ var result = this.callFunction(func, args, args.pop(), token);
+ return new ParseNode(result.type, result, this.mode);
+ } else {
+ return baseGroup.result;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ * Call a function handler with a suitable context and arguments.
+ */
+Parser.prototype.callFunction = function(name, args, positions, token) {
+ var context = {
+ funcName: name,
+ parser: this,
+ positions: positions,
+ token: token
+ };
+ return functions[name].handler(context, args);
+ * Parses the arguments of a function or environment
+ *
+ * @param {string} func "\name" or "\begin{name}"
+ * @param {{numArgs:number,numOptionalArgs:number|undefined}} funcData
+ * @return the array of arguments, with the list of positions as last element
+ */
+Parser.prototype.parseArguments = function(func, funcData) {
+ var totalArgs = funcData.numArgs + funcData.numOptionalArgs;
+ if (totalArgs === 0) {
+ return [[this.pos]];
+ }
+ var baseGreediness = funcData.greediness;
+ var positions = [this.pos];
+ var args = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < totalArgs; i++) {
+ var nextToken = this.nextToken;
+ var argType = funcData.argTypes && funcData.argTypes[i];
+ var arg;
+ if (i < funcData.numOptionalArgs) {
+ if (argType) {
+ arg = this.parseGroupOfType(argType, true);
+ } else {
+ arg = this.parseGroup(true);
+ }
+ if (!arg) {
+ args.push(null);
+ positions.push(this.pos);
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (argType) {
+ arg = this.parseGroupOfType(argType);
+ } else {
+ arg = this.parseGroup();
+ }
+ if (!arg) {
+ if (!this.settings.throwOnError &&
+ this.nextToken.text[0] === "\\") {
+ arg = new ParseFuncOrArgument(
+ this.handleUnsupportedCmd(this.nextToken.text),
+ false);
+ } else {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "Expected group after '" + func + "'", nextToken);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var argNode;
+ if (arg.isFunction) {
+ var argGreediness =
+ functions[arg.result].greediness;
+ if (argGreediness > baseGreediness) {
+ argNode = this.parseFunction(arg);
+ } else {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "Got function '" + arg.result + "' as " +
+ "argument to '" + func + "'", nextToken);
+ }
+ } else {
+ argNode = arg.result;
+ }
+ args.push(argNode);
+ positions.push(this.pos);
+ }
+ args.push(positions);
+ return args;
+ * Parses a group when the mode is changing.
+ *
+ * @return {?ParseFuncOrArgument}
+ */
+Parser.prototype.parseGroupOfType = function(innerMode, optional) {
+ var outerMode = this.mode;
+ // Handle `original` argTypes
+ if (innerMode === "original") {
+ innerMode = outerMode;
+ }
+ if (innerMode === "color") {
+ return this.parseColorGroup(optional);
+ }
+ if (innerMode === "size") {
+ return this.parseSizeGroup(optional);
+ }
+ this.switchMode(innerMode);
+ if (innerMode === "text") {
+ // text mode is special because it should ignore the whitespace before
+ // it
+ while (this.nextToken.text === " ") {
+ this.consume();
+ }
+ }
+ // By the time we get here, innerMode is one of "text" or "math".
+ // We switch the mode of the parser, recurse, then restore the old mode.
+ var res = this.parseGroup(optional);
+ this.switchMode(outerMode);
+ return res;
+ * Parses a group, essentially returning the string formed by the
+ * brace-enclosed tokens plus some position information.
+ *
+ * @param {string} modeName Used to describe the mode in error messages
+ * @param {boolean=} optional Whether the group is optional or required
+ */
+Parser.prototype.parseStringGroup = function(modeName, optional) {
+ if (optional && this.nextToken.text !== "[") {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var outerMode = this.mode;
+ this.mode = "text";
+ this.expect(optional ? "[" : "{");
+ var str = "";
+ var firstToken = this.nextToken;
+ var lastToken = firstToken;
+ while (this.nextToken.text !== (optional ? "]" : "}")) {
+ if (this.nextToken.text === "EOF") {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "Unexpected end of input in " + modeName,
+ firstToken.range(this.nextToken, str));
+ }
+ lastToken = this.nextToken;
+ str += lastToken.text;
+ this.consume();
+ }
+ this.mode = outerMode;
+ this.expect(optional ? "]" : "}");
+ return firstToken.range(lastToken, str);
+ * Parses a regex-delimited group: the largest sequence of tokens
+ * whose concatenated strings match `regex`. Returns the string
+ * formed by the tokens plus some position information.
+ *
+ * @param {RegExp} regex
+ * @param {string} modeName Used to describe the mode in error messages
+ */
+Parser.prototype.parseRegexGroup = function(regex, modeName) {
+ var outerMode = this.mode;
+ this.mode = "text";
+ var firstToken = this.nextToken;
+ var lastToken = firstToken;
+ var str = "";
+ while (this.nextToken.text !== "EOF"
+ && regex.test(str + this.nextToken.text)) {
+ lastToken = this.nextToken;
+ str += lastToken.text;
+ this.consume();
+ }
+ if (str === "") {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "Invalid " + modeName + ": '" + firstToken.text + "'",
+ firstToken);
+ }
+ this.mode = outerMode;
+ return firstToken.range(lastToken, str);
+ * Parses a color description.
+ */
+Parser.prototype.parseColorGroup = function(optional) {
+ var res = this.parseStringGroup("color", optional);
+ if (!res) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var match = (/^(#[a-z0-9]+|[a-z]+)$/i).exec(res.text);
+ if (!match) {
+ throw new ParseError("Invalid color: '" + res.text + "'", res);
+ }
+ return new ParseFuncOrArgument(
+ new ParseNode("color", match[0], this.mode),
+ false);
+ * Parses a size specification, consisting of magnitude and unit.
+ */
+Parser.prototype.parseSizeGroup = function(optional) {
+ var res;
+ if (!optional && this.nextToken.text !== "{") {
+ res = this.parseRegexGroup(
+ /^[-+]? *(?:$|\d+|\d+\.\d*|\.\d*) *[a-z]{0,2}$/, "size");
+ } else {
+ res = this.parseStringGroup("size", optional);
+ }
+ if (!res) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var match = (/([-+]?) *(\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+) *([a-z]{2})/).exec(res.text);
+ if (!match) {
+ throw new ParseError("Invalid size: '" + res.text + "'", res);
+ }
+ var data = {
+ number: +(match[1] + match[2]), // sign + magnitude, cast to number
+ unit: match[3]
+ };
+ if (data.unit !== "em" && data.unit !== "ex" && data.unit !== "mu") {
+ throw new ParseError("Invalid unit: '" + data.unit + "'", res);
+ }
+ return new ParseFuncOrArgument(
+ new ParseNode("color", data, this.mode),
+ false);
+ * If the argument is false or absent, this parses an ordinary group,
+ * which is either a single nucleus (like "x") or an expression
+ * in braces (like "{x+y}").
+ * If the argument is true, it parses either a bracket-delimited expression
+ * (like "[x+y]") or returns null to indicate the absence of a
+ * bracket-enclosed group.
+ *
+ * @param {boolean=} optional Whether the group is optional or required
+ * @return {?ParseFuncOrArgument}
+ */
+Parser.prototype.parseGroup = function(optional) {
+ var firstToken = this.nextToken;
+ // Try to parse an open brace
+ if (this.nextToken.text === (optional ? "[" : "{")) {
+ // If we get a brace, parse an expression
+ this.consume();
+ var expression = this.parseExpression(false, optional ? "]" : null);
+ var lastToken = this.nextToken;
+ // Make sure we get a close brace
+ this.expect(optional ? "]" : "}");
+ if (this.mode === "text") {
+ this.formLigatures(expression);
+ }
+ return new ParseFuncOrArgument(
+ new ParseNode("ordgroup", expression, this.mode,
+ firstToken, lastToken),
+ false);
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, just return a nucleus, or nothing for an optional group
+ return optional ? null : this.parseSymbol();
+ }
+ * Form ligature-like combinations of characters for text mode.
+ * This includes inputs like "--", "---", "``" and "''".
+ * The result will simply replace multiple textord nodes with a single
+ * character in each value by a single textord node having multiple
+ * characters in its value. The representation is still ASCII source.
+ *
+ * @param {Array.<ParseNode>} group the nodes of this group,
+ * list will be moified in place
+ */
+Parser.prototype.formLigatures = function(group) {
+ var i;
+ var n = group.length - 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ var a = group[i];
+ var v = a.value;
+ if (v === "-" && group[i + 1].value === "-") {
+ if (i + 1 < n && group[i + 2].value === "-") {
+ group.splice(i, 3, new ParseNode(
+ "textord", "---", "text", a, group[i + 2]));
+ n -= 2;
+ } else {
+ group.splice(i, 2, new ParseNode(
+ "textord", "--", "text", a, group[i + 1]));
+ n -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((v === "'" || v === "`") && group[i + 1].value === v) {
+ group.splice(i, 2, new ParseNode(
+ "textord", v + v, "text", a, group[i + 1]));
+ n -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ * Parse a single symbol out of the string. Here, we handle both the functions
+ * we have defined, as well as the single character symbols
+ *
+ * @return {?ParseFuncOrArgument}
+ */
+Parser.prototype.parseSymbol = function() {
+ var nucleus = this.nextToken;
+ if (functions[nucleus.text]) {
+ this.consume();
+ // If there exists a function with this name, we return the function and
+ // say that it is a function.
+ return new ParseFuncOrArgument(
+ nucleus.text,
+ true, nucleus);
+ } else if (symbols[this.mode][nucleus.text]) {
+ this.consume();
+ // Otherwise if this is a no-argument function, find the type it
+ // corresponds to in the symbols map
+ return new ParseFuncOrArgument(
+ new ParseNode(symbols[this.mode][nucleus.text].group,
+ nucleus.text, this.mode, nucleus),
+ false, nucleus);
+ } else if (this.mode === "text" && cjkRegex.test(nucleus.text)) {
+ this.consume();
+ return new ParseFuncOrArgument(
+ new ParseNode("textord", nucleus.text, this.mode, nucleus),
+ false, nucleus);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+Parser.prototype.ParseNode = ParseNode;
+module.exports = Parser;
+ * This is a module for storing settings passed into KaTeX. It correctly handles
+ * default settings.
+ */
+ * Helper function for getting a default value if the value is undefined
+ */
+function get(option, defaultValue) {
+ return option === undefined ? defaultValue : option;
+ * The main Settings object
+ *
+ * The current options stored are:
+ * - displayMode: Whether the expression should be typeset by default in
+ * textstyle or displaystyle (default false)
+ */
+function Settings(options) {
+ // allow null options
+ options = options || {};
+ this.displayMode = get(options.displayMode, false);
+ this.throwOnError = get(options.throwOnError, true);
+ this.errorColor = get(options.errorColor, "#cc0000");
+ this.macros = options.macros || {};
+module.exports = Settings;
+ * This file contains information and classes for the various kinds of styles
+ * used in TeX. It provides a generic `Style` class, which holds information
+ * about a specific style. It then provides instances of all the different kinds
+ * of styles possible, and provides functions to move between them and get
+ * information about them.
+ */
+var sigmas = require("./fontMetrics.js").sigmas;
+var metrics = [{}, {}, {}];
+var i;
+for (var key in sigmas) {
+ if (sigmas.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ metrics[i][key] = sigmas[key][i];
+ }
+ }
+for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ metrics[i].emPerEx = sigmas.xHeight[i] / sigmas.quad[i];
+ * The main style class. Contains a unique id for the style, a size (which is
+ * the same for cramped and uncramped version of a style), a cramped flag, and a
+ * size multiplier, which gives the size difference between a style and
+ * textstyle.
+ */
+function Style(id, size, multiplier, cramped) {
+ = id;
+ this.size = size;
+ this.cramped = cramped;
+ this.sizeMultiplier = multiplier;
+ this.metrics = metrics[size > 0 ? size - 1 : 0];
+ * Get the style of a superscript given a base in the current style.
+ */
+Style.prototype.sup = function() {
+ return styles[sup[]];
+ * Get the style of a subscript given a base in the current style.
+ */
+Style.prototype.sub = function() {
+ return styles[sub[]];
+ * Get the style of a fraction numerator given the fraction in the current
+ * style.
+ */
+Style.prototype.fracNum = function() {
+ return styles[fracNum[]];
+ * Get the style of a fraction denominator given the fraction in the current
+ * style.
+ */
+Style.prototype.fracDen = function() {
+ return styles[fracDen[]];
+ * Get the cramped version of a style (in particular, cramping a cramped style
+ * doesn't change the style).
+ */
+Style.prototype.cramp = function() {
+ return styles[cramp[]];
+ * HTML class name, like "displaystyle cramped"
+ */
+Style.prototype.cls = function() {
+ return sizeNames[this.size] + (this.cramped ? " cramped" : " uncramped");
+ * HTML Reset class name, like "reset-textstyle"
+ */
+Style.prototype.reset = function() {
+ return resetNames[this.size];
+ * Return if this style is tightly spaced (scriptstyle/scriptscriptstyle)
+ */
+Style.prototype.isTight = function() {
+ return this.size >= 2;
+// IDs of the different styles
+var D = 0;
+var Dc = 1;
+var T = 2;
+var Tc = 3;
+var S = 4;
+var Sc = 5;
+var SS = 6;
+var SSc = 7;
+// String names for the different sizes
+var sizeNames = [
+ "displaystyle textstyle",
+ "textstyle",
+ "scriptstyle",
+ "scriptscriptstyle"
+// Reset names for the different sizes
+var resetNames = [
+ "reset-textstyle",
+ "reset-textstyle",
+ "reset-scriptstyle",
+ "reset-scriptscriptstyle"
+// Instances of the different styles
+var styles = [
+ new Style(D, 0, 1.0, false),
+ new Style(Dc, 0, 1.0, true),
+ new Style(T, 1, 1.0, false),
+ new Style(Tc, 1, 1.0, true),
+ new Style(S, 2, 0.7, false),
+ new Style(Sc, 2, 0.7, true),
+ new Style(SS, 3, 0.5, false),
+ new Style(SSc, 3, 0.5, true)
+// Lookup tables for switching from one style to another
+var sup = [S, Sc, S, Sc, SS, SSc, SS, SSc];
+var sub = [Sc, Sc, Sc, Sc, SSc, SSc, SSc, SSc];
+var fracNum = [T, Tc, S, Sc, SS, SSc, SS, SSc];
+var fracDen = [Tc, Tc, Sc, Sc, SSc, SSc, SSc, SSc];
+var cramp = [Dc, Dc, Tc, Tc, Sc, Sc, SSc, SSc];
+// We only export some of the styles. Also, we don't export the `Style` class so
+// no more styles can be generated.
+module.exports = {
+ DISPLAY: styles[D],
+ TEXT: styles[T],
+ SCRIPT: styles[S],
+/* eslint no-console:0 */
+ * This module contains general functions that can be used for building
+ * different kinds of domTree nodes in a consistent manner.
+ */
+var domTree = require("./domTree");
+var fontMetrics = require("./fontMetrics");
+var symbols = require("./symbols");
+var utils = require("./utils");
+var greekCapitals = [
+ "\\Gamma",
+ "\\Delta",
+ "\\Theta",
+ "\\Lambda",
+ "\\Xi",
+ "\\Pi",
+ "\\Sigma",
+ "\\Upsilon",
+ "\\Phi",
+ "\\Psi",
+ "\\Omega"
+// The following have to be loaded from Main-Italic font, using class mainit
+var mainitLetters = [
+ "\u0131", // dotless i, \imath
+ "\u0237", // dotless j, \jmath
+ "\u00a3" // \pounds
+ * Makes a symbolNode after translation via the list of symbols in symbols.js.
+ * Correctly pulls out metrics for the character, and optionally takes a list of
+ * classes to be attached to the node.
+ *
+ * TODO: make argument order closer to makeSpan
+ * TODO: add a separate argument for math class (e.g. `mop`, `mbin`), which
+ * should if present come first in `classes`.
+ */
+var makeSymbol = function(value, fontFamily, mode, options, classes) {
+ // Replace the value with its replaced value from symbol.js
+ if (symbols[mode][value] && symbols[mode][value].replace) {
+ value = symbols[mode][value].replace;
+ }
+ var metrics = fontMetrics.getCharacterMetrics(value, fontFamily);
+ var symbolNode;
+ if (metrics) {
+ var italic = metrics.italic;
+ if (mode === "text") {
+ italic = 0;
+ }
+ symbolNode = new domTree.symbolNode(
+ value, metrics.height, metrics.depth, italic, metrics.skew,
+ classes);
+ } else {
+ // TODO(emily): Figure out a good way to only print this in development
+ typeof console !== "undefined" && console.warn(
+ "No character metrics for '" + value + "' in style '" +
+ fontFamily + "'");
+ symbolNode = new domTree.symbolNode(value, 0, 0, 0, 0, classes);
+ }
+ if (options) {
+ if ( {
+ symbolNode.classes.push("mtight");
+ }
+ if (options.getColor()) {
+ = options.getColor();
+ }
+ }
+ return symbolNode;
+ * Makes a symbol in Main-Regular or AMS-Regular.
+ * Used for rel, bin, open, close, inner, and punct.
+ */
+var mathsym = function(value, mode, options, classes) {
+ // Decide what font to render the symbol in by its entry in the symbols
+ // table.
+ // Have a special case for when the value = \ because the \ is used as a
+ // textord in unsupported command errors but cannot be parsed as a regular
+ // text ordinal and is therefore not present as a symbol in the symbols
+ // table for text
+ if (value === "\\" || symbols[mode][value].font === "main") {
+ return makeSymbol(value, "Main-Regular", mode, options, classes);
+ } else {
+ return makeSymbol(
+ value, "AMS-Regular", mode, options, classes.concat(["amsrm"]));
+ }
+ * Makes a symbol in the default font for mathords and textords.
+ */
+var mathDefault = function(value, mode, options, classes, type) {
+ if (type === "mathord") {
+ return mathit(value, mode, options, classes);
+ } else if (type === "textord") {
+ return makeSymbol(
+ value, "Main-Regular", mode, options, classes.concat(["mathrm"]));
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("unexpected type: " + type + " in mathDefault");
+ }
+ * Makes a symbol in the italic math font.
+ */
+var mathit = function(value, mode, options, classes) {
+ if (/[0-9]/.test(value.charAt(0)) ||
+ // glyphs for \imath and \jmath do not exist in Math-Italic so we
+ // need to use Main-Italic instead
+ utils.contains(mainitLetters, value) ||
+ utils.contains(greekCapitals, value)) {
+ return makeSymbol(
+ value, "Main-Italic", mode, options, classes.concat(["mainit"]));
+ } else {
+ return makeSymbol(
+ value, "Math-Italic", mode, options, classes.concat(["mathit"]));
+ }
+ * Makes either a mathord or textord in the correct font and color.
+ */
+var makeOrd = function(group, options, type) {
+ var mode = group.mode;
+ var value = group.value;
+ if (symbols[mode][value] && symbols[mode][value].replace) {
+ value = symbols[mode][value].replace;
+ }
+ var classes = ["mord"];
+ var font = options.font;
+ if (font) {
+ if (font === "mathit" || utils.contains(mainitLetters, value)) {
+ return mathit(value, mode, options, classes);
+ } else {
+ var fontName = fontMap[font].fontName;
+ if (fontMetrics.getCharacterMetrics(value, fontName)) {
+ return makeSymbol(
+ value, fontName, mode, options, classes.concat([font]));
+ } else {
+ return mathDefault(value, mode, options, classes, type);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return mathDefault(value, mode, options, classes, type);
+ }
+ * Calculate the height, depth, and maxFontSize of an element based on its
+ * children.
+ */
+var sizeElementFromChildren = function(elem) {
+ var height = 0;
+ var depth = 0;
+ var maxFontSize = 0;
+ if (elem.children) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < elem.children.length; i++) {
+ if (elem.children[i].height > height) {
+ height = elem.children[i].height;
+ }
+ if (elem.children[i].depth > depth) {
+ depth = elem.children[i].depth;
+ }
+ if (elem.children[i].maxFontSize > maxFontSize) {
+ maxFontSize = elem.children[i].maxFontSize;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ elem.height = height;
+ elem.depth = depth;
+ elem.maxFontSize = maxFontSize;
+ * Makes a span with the given list of classes, list of children, and options.
+ *
+ * TODO: Ensure that `options` is always provided (currently some call sites
+ * don't pass it).
+ * TODO: add a separate argument for math class (e.g. `mop`, `mbin`), which
+ * should if present come first in `classes`.
+ */
+var makeSpan = function(classes, children, options) {
+ var span = new domTree.span(classes, children, options);
+ sizeElementFromChildren(span);
+ return span;
+ * Prepends the given children to the given span, updating height, depth, and
+ * maxFontSize.
+ */
+var prependChildren = function(span, children) {
+ span.children = children.concat(span.children);
+ sizeElementFromChildren(span);
+ * Makes a document fragment with the given list of children.
+ */
+var makeFragment = function(children) {
+ var fragment = new domTree.documentFragment(children);
+ sizeElementFromChildren(fragment);
+ return fragment;
+ * Makes an element placed in each of the vlist elements to ensure that each
+ * element has the same max font size. To do this, we create a zero-width space
+ * with the correct font size.
+ */
+var makeFontSizer = function(options, fontSize) {
+ var fontSizeInner = makeSpan([], [new domTree.symbolNode("\u200b")]);
+ =
+ (fontSize / + "em";
+ var fontSizer = makeSpan(
+ ["fontsize-ensurer", "reset-" + options.size, "size5"],
+ [fontSizeInner]);
+ return fontSizer;
+ * Makes a vertical list by stacking elements and kerns on top of each other.
+ * Allows for many different ways of specifying the positioning method.
+ *
+ * Arguments:
+ * - children: A list of child or kern nodes to be stacked on top of each other
+ * (i.e. the first element will be at the bottom, and the last at
+ * the top). Element nodes are specified as
+ * {type: "elem", elem: node}
+ * while kern nodes are specified as
+ * {type: "kern", size: size}
+ * - positionType: The method by which the vlist should be positioned. Valid
+ * values are:
+ * - "individualShift": The children list only contains elem
+ * nodes, and each node contains an extra
+ * "shift" value of how much it should be
+ * shifted (note that shifting is always
+ * moving downwards). positionData is
+ * ignored.
+ * - "top": The positionData specifies the topmost point of
+ * the vlist (note this is expected to be a height,
+ * so positive values move up)
+ * - "bottom": The positionData specifies the bottommost point
+ * of the vlist (note this is expected to be a
+ * depth, so positive values move down
+ * - "shift": The vlist will be positioned such that its
+ * baseline is positionData away from the baseline
+ * of the first child. Positive values move
+ * downwards.
+ * - "firstBaseline": The vlist will be positioned such that
+ * its baseline is aligned with the
+ * baseline of the first child.
+ * positionData is ignored. (this is
+ * equivalent to "shift" with
+ * positionData=0)
+ * - positionData: Data used in different ways depending on positionType
+ * - options: An Options object
+ *
+ */
+var makeVList = function(children, positionType, positionData, options) {
+ var depth;
+ var currPos;
+ var i;
+ if (positionType === "individualShift") {
+ var oldChildren = children;
+ children = [oldChildren[0]];
+ // Add in kerns to the list of children to get each element to be
+ // shifted to the correct specified shift
+ depth = -oldChildren[0].shift - oldChildren[0].elem.depth;
+ currPos = depth;
+ for (i = 1; i < oldChildren.length; i++) {
+ var diff = -oldChildren[i].shift - currPos -
+ oldChildren[i].elem.depth;
+ var size = diff -
+ (oldChildren[i - 1].elem.height +
+ oldChildren[i - 1].elem.depth);
+ currPos = currPos + diff;
+ children.push({type: "kern", size: size});
+ children.push(oldChildren[i]);
+ }
+ } else if (positionType === "top") {
+ // We always start at the bottom, so calculate the bottom by adding up
+ // all the sizes
+ var bottom = positionData;
+ for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+ if (children[i].type === "kern") {
+ bottom -= children[i].size;
+ } else {
+ bottom -= children[i].elem.height + children[i].elem.depth;
+ }
+ }
+ depth = bottom;
+ } else if (positionType === "bottom") {
+ depth = -positionData;
+ } else if (positionType === "shift") {
+ depth = -children[0].elem.depth - positionData;
+ } else if (positionType === "firstBaseline") {
+ depth = -children[0].elem.depth;
+ } else {
+ depth = 0;
+ }
+ // Make the fontSizer
+ var maxFontSize = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+ if (children[i].type === "elem") {
+ maxFontSize = Math.max(maxFontSize, children[i].elem.maxFontSize);
+ }
+ }
+ var fontSizer = makeFontSizer(options, maxFontSize);
+ // Create a new list of actual children at the correct offsets
+ var realChildren = [];
+ currPos = depth;
+ for (i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
+ if (children[i].type === "kern") {
+ currPos += children[i].size;
+ } else {
+ var child = children[i].elem;
+ var shift = -child.depth - currPos;
+ currPos += child.height + child.depth;
+ var childWrap = makeSpan([], [fontSizer, child]);
+ childWrap.height -= shift;
+ childWrap.depth += shift;
+ = shift + "em";
+ realChildren.push(childWrap);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add in an element at the end with no offset to fix the calculation of
+ // baselines in some browsers (namely IE, sometimes safari)
+ var baselineFix = makeSpan(
+ ["baseline-fix"], [fontSizer, new domTree.symbolNode("\u200b")]);
+ realChildren.push(baselineFix);
+ var vlist = makeSpan(["vlist"], realChildren);
+ // Fix the final height and depth, in case there were kerns at the ends
+ // since the makeSpan calculation won't take that in to account.
+ vlist.height = Math.max(currPos, vlist.height);
+ vlist.depth = Math.max(-depth, vlist.depth);
+ return vlist;
+// A table of size -> font size for the different sizing functions
+var sizingMultiplier = {
+ size1: 0.5,
+ size2: 0.7,
+ size3: 0.8,
+ size4: 0.9,
+ size5: 1.0,
+ size6: 1.2,
+ size7: 1.44,
+ size8: 1.73,
+ size9: 2.07,
+ size10: 2.49
+// A map of spacing functions to their attributes, like size and corresponding
+// CSS class
+var spacingFunctions = {
+ "\\qquad": {
+ size: "2em",
+ className: "qquad"
+ },
+ "\\quad": {
+ size: "1em",
+ className: "quad"
+ },
+ "\\enspace": {
+ size: "0.5em",
+ className: "enspace"
+ },
+ "\\;": {
+ size: "0.277778em",
+ className: "thickspace"
+ },
+ "\\:": {
+ size: "0.22222em",
+ className: "mediumspace"
+ },
+ "\\,": {
+ size: "0.16667em",
+ className: "thinspace"
+ },
+ "\\!": {
+ size: "-0.16667em",
+ className: "negativethinspace"
+ }
+ * Maps TeX font commands to objects containing:
+ * - variant: string used for "mathvariant" attribute in buildMathML.js
+ * - fontName: the "style" parameter to fontMetrics.getCharacterMetrics
+ */
+// A map between tex font commands an MathML mathvariant attribute values
+var fontMap = {
+ // styles
+ "mathbf": {
+ variant: "bold",
+ fontName: "Main-Bold"
+ },
+ "mathrm": {
+ variant: "normal",
+ fontName: "Main-Regular"
+ },
+ "textit": {
+ variant: "italic",
+ fontName: "Main-Italic"
+ },
+ // "mathit" is missing because it requires the use of two fonts: Main-Italic
+ // and Math-Italic. This is handled by a special case in makeOrd which ends
+ // up calling mathit.
+ // families
+ "mathbb": {
+ variant: "double-struck",
+ fontName: "AMS-Regular"
+ },
+ "mathcal": {
+ variant: "script",
+ fontName: "Caligraphic-Regular"
+ },
+ "mathfrak": {
+ variant: "fraktur",
+ fontName: "Fraktur-Regular"
+ },
+ "mathscr": {
+ variant: "script",
+ fontName: "Script-Regular"
+ },
+ "mathsf": {
+ variant: "sans-serif",
+ fontName: "SansSerif-Regular"
+ },
+ "mathtt": {
+ variant: "monospace",
+ fontName: "Typewriter-Regular"
+ }
+module.exports = {
+ fontMap: fontMap,
+ makeSymbol: makeSymbol,
+ mathsym: mathsym,
+ makeSpan: makeSpan,
+ makeFragment: makeFragment,
+ makeVList: makeVList,
+ makeOrd: makeOrd,
+ prependChildren: prependChildren,
+ sizingMultiplier: sizingMultiplier,
+ spacingFunctions: spacingFunctions
+/* eslint no-console:0 */
+ * This file does the main work of building a domTree structure from a parse
+ * tree. The entry point is the `buildHTML` function, which takes a parse tree.
+ * Then, the buildExpression, buildGroup, and various groupTypes functions are
+ * called, to produce a final HTML tree.
+ */
+var ParseError = require("./ParseError");
+var Style = require("./Style");
+var buildCommon = require("./buildCommon");
+var delimiter = require("./delimiter");
+var domTree = require("./domTree");
+var fontMetrics = require("./fontMetrics");
+var utils = require("./utils");
+var makeSpan = buildCommon.makeSpan;
+var isSpace = function(node) {
+ return node instanceof domTree.span && node.classes[0] === "mspace";
+// Binary atoms (first class `mbin`) change into ordinary atoms (`mord`)
+// depending on their surroundings. See TeXbook pg. 442-446, Rules 5 and 6,
+// and the text before Rule 19.
+var isBin = function(node) {
+ return node && node.classes[0] === "mbin";
+var isBinLeftCanceller = function(node, isRealGroup) {
+ // TODO: This code assumes that a node's math class is the first element
+ // of its `classes` array. A later cleanup should ensure this, for
+ // instance by changing the signature of `makeSpan`.
+ if (node) {
+ return utils.contains(["mbin", "mopen", "mrel", "mop", "mpunct"],
+ node.classes[0]);
+ } else {
+ return isRealGroup;
+ }
+var isBinRightCanceller = function(node, isRealGroup) {
+ if (node) {
+ return utils.contains(["mrel", "mclose", "mpunct"], node.classes[0]);
+ } else {
+ return isRealGroup;
+ }
+ * Take a list of nodes, build them in order, and return a list of the built
+ * nodes. documentFragments are flattened into their contents, so the
+ * returned list contains no fragments. `isRealGroup` is true if `expression`
+ * is a real group (no atoms will be added on either side), as opposed to
+ * a partial group (e.g. one created by \color).
+ */
+var buildExpression = function(expression, options, isRealGroup) {
+ // Parse expressions into `groups`.
+ var groups = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < expression.length; i++) {
+ var group = expression[i];
+ var output = buildGroup(group, options);
+ if (output instanceof domTree.documentFragment) {
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(groups, output.children);
+ } else {
+ groups.push(output);
+ }
+ }
+ // At this point `groups` consists entirely of `symbolNode`s and `span`s.
+ // Explicit spaces (e.g., \;, \,) should be ignored with respect to atom
+ // spacing (e.g., "add thick space between mord and mrel"). Since CSS
+ // adjacency rules implement atom spacing, spaces should be invisible to
+ // CSS. So we splice them out of `groups` and into the atoms themselves.
+ var spaces = null;
+ for (i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
+ if (isSpace(groups[i])) {
+ spaces = spaces || [];
+ spaces.push(groups[i]);
+ groups.splice(i, 1);
+ i--;
+ } else if (spaces) {
+ if (groups[i] instanceof domTree.symbolNode) {
+ groups[i] = makeSpan([].concat(groups[i].classes), [groups[i]]);
+ }
+ buildCommon.prependChildren(groups[i], spaces);
+ spaces = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (spaces) {
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(groups, spaces);
+ }
+ // Binary operators change to ordinary symbols in some contexts.
+ for (i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
+ if (isBin(groups[i])
+ && (isBinLeftCanceller(groups[i - 1], isRealGroup)
+ || isBinRightCanceller(groups[i + 1], isRealGroup))) {
+ groups[i].classes[0] = "mord";
+ }
+ }
+ return groups;
+// Return math atom class (mclass) of a domTree.
+var getTypeOfDomTree = function(node) {
+ if (node instanceof domTree.documentFragment) {
+ if (node.children.length) {
+ return getTypeOfDomTree(
+ node.children[node.children.length - 1]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (utils.contains(["mord", "mop", "mbin", "mrel", "mopen", "mclose",
+ "mpunct", "minner"], node.classes[0])) {
+ return node.classes[0];
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ * Sometimes, groups perform special rules when they have superscripts or
+ * subscripts attached to them. This function lets the `supsub` group know that
+ * its inner element should handle the superscripts and subscripts instead of
+ * handling them itself.
+ */
+var shouldHandleSupSub = function(group, options) {
+ if (!group) {
+ return false;
+ } else if (group.type === "op") {
+ // Operators handle supsubs differently when they have limits
+ // (e.g. `\displaystyle\sum_2^3`)
+ return group.value.limits &&
+ ( === Style.DISPLAY.size ||
+ group.value.alwaysHandleSupSub);
+ } else if (group.type === "accent") {
+ return isCharacterBox(group.value.base);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ * Sometimes we want to pull out the innermost element of a group. In most
+ * cases, this will just be the group itself, but when ordgroups and colors have
+ * a single element, we want to pull that out.
+ */
+var getBaseElem = function(group) {
+ if (!group) {
+ return false;
+ } else if (group.type === "ordgroup") {
+ if (group.value.length === 1) {
+ return getBaseElem(group.value[0]);
+ } else {
+ return group;
+ }
+ } else if (group.type === "color") {
+ if (group.value.value.length === 1) {
+ return getBaseElem(group.value.value[0]);
+ } else {
+ return group;
+ }
+ } else if (group.type === "font") {
+ return getBaseElem(group.value.body);
+ } else {
+ return group;
+ }
+ * TeXbook algorithms often reference "character boxes", which are simply groups
+ * with a single character in them. To decide if something is a character box,
+ * we find its innermost group, and see if it is a single character.
+ */
+var isCharacterBox = function(group) {
+ var baseElem = getBaseElem(group);
+ // These are all they types of groups which hold single characters
+ return baseElem.type === "mathord" ||
+ baseElem.type === "textord" ||
+ baseElem.type === "bin" ||
+ baseElem.type === "rel" ||
+ baseElem.type === "inner" ||
+ baseElem.type === "open" ||
+ baseElem.type === "close" ||
+ baseElem.type === "punct";
+var makeNullDelimiter = function(options, classes) {
+ return makeSpan(classes.concat([
+ "sizing", "reset-" + options.size, "size5",
+, Style.TEXT.cls(),
+ "nulldelimiter"]));
+ * This is a map of group types to the function used to handle that type.
+ * Simpler types come at the beginning, while complicated types come afterwards.
+ */
+var groupTypes = {};
+groupTypes.mathord = function(group, options) {
+ return buildCommon.makeOrd(group, options, "mathord");
+groupTypes.textord = function(group, options) {
+ return buildCommon.makeOrd(group, options, "textord");
+groupTypes.bin = function(group, options) {
+ return buildCommon.mathsym(
+ group.value, group.mode, options, ["mbin"]);
+groupTypes.rel = function(group, options) {
+ return buildCommon.mathsym(
+ group.value, group.mode, options, ["mrel"]);
+ = function(group, options) {
+ return buildCommon.mathsym(
+ group.value, group.mode, options, ["mopen"]);
+groupTypes.close = function(group, options) {
+ return buildCommon.mathsym(
+ group.value, group.mode, options, ["mclose"]);
+groupTypes.inner = function(group, options) {
+ return buildCommon.mathsym(
+ group.value, group.mode, options, ["minner"]);
+groupTypes.punct = function(group, options) {
+ return buildCommon.mathsym(
+ group.value, group.mode, options, ["mpunct"]);
+groupTypes.ordgroup = function(group, options) {
+ return makeSpan(
+ ["mord",],
+ buildExpression(group.value, options.reset(), true),
+ options
+ );
+groupTypes.text = function(group, options) {
+ var newOptions = options.withFont(;
+ var inner = buildExpression(group.value.body, newOptions, true);
+ for (var i = 0; i < inner.length - 1; i++) {
+ if (inner[i].tryCombine(inner[i + 1])) {
+ inner.splice(i + 1, 1);
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ return makeSpan(["mord", "text",],
+ inner, newOptions);
+groupTypes.color = function(group, options) {
+ var elements = buildExpression(
+ group.value.value,
+ options.withColor(group.value.color),
+ false
+ );
+ // \color isn't supposed to affect the type of the elements it contains.
+ // To accomplish this, we wrap the results in a fragment, so the inner
+ // elements will be able to directly interact with their neighbors. For
+ // example, `\color{red}{2 +} 3` has the same spacing as `2 + 3`
+ return new buildCommon.makeFragment(elements);
+groupTypes.supsub = function(group, options) {
+ // Superscript and subscripts are handled in the TeXbook on page
+ // 445-446, rules 18(a-f).
+ // Here is where we defer to the inner group if it should handle
+ // superscripts and subscripts itself.
+ if (shouldHandleSupSub(group.value.base, options)) {
+ return groupTypes[group.value.base.type](group, options);
+ }
+ var base = buildGroup(group.value.base, options.reset());
+ var supmid;
+ var submid;
+ var sup;
+ var sub;
+ var style =;
+ var newOptions;
+ if (group.value.sup) {
+ newOptions = options.withStyle(style.sup());
+ sup = buildGroup(group.value.sup, newOptions);
+ supmid = makeSpan([style.reset(), style.sup().cls()],
+ [sup], newOptions);
+ }
+ if (group.value.sub) {
+ newOptions = options.withStyle(style.sub());
+ sub = buildGroup(group.value.sub, newOptions);
+ submid = makeSpan([style.reset(), style.sub().cls()],
+ [sub], newOptions);
+ }
+ // Rule 18a
+ var supShift;
+ var subShift;
+ if (isCharacterBox(group.value.base)) {
+ supShift = 0;
+ subShift = 0;
+ } else {
+ supShift = base.height - style.metrics.supDrop;
+ subShift = base.depth + style.metrics.subDrop;
+ }
+ // Rule 18c
+ var minSupShift;
+ if (style === Style.DISPLAY) {
+ minSupShift = style.metrics.sup1;
+ } else if (style.cramped) {
+ minSupShift = style.metrics.sup3;
+ } else {
+ minSupShift = style.metrics.sup2;
+ }
+ // scriptspace is a font-size-independent size, so scale it
+ // appropriately
+ var multiplier = Style.TEXT.sizeMultiplier *
+ style.sizeMultiplier;
+ var scriptspace =
+ (0.5 / fontMetrics.metrics.ptPerEm) / multiplier + "em";
+ var supsub;
+ if (!group.value.sup) {
+ // Rule 18b
+ subShift = Math.max(
+ subShift, style.metrics.sub1,
+ sub.height - 0.8 * style.metrics.xHeight);
+ supsub = buildCommon.makeVList([
+ {type: "elem", elem: submid}
+ ], "shift", subShift, options);
+ supsub.children[0].style.marginRight = scriptspace;
+ // Subscripts shouldn't be shifted by the base's italic correction.
+ // Account for that by shifting the subscript back the appropriate
+ // amount. Note we only do this when the base is a single symbol.
+ if (base instanceof domTree.symbolNode) {
+ supsub.children[0].style.marginLeft = -base.italic + "em";
+ }
+ } else if (!group.value.sub) {
+ // Rule 18c, d
+ supShift = Math.max(supShift, minSupShift,
+ sup.depth + 0.25 * style.metrics.xHeight);
+ supsub = buildCommon.makeVList([
+ {type: "elem", elem: supmid}
+ ], "shift", -supShift, options);
+ supsub.children[0].style.marginRight = scriptspace;
+ } else {
+ supShift = Math.max(
+ supShift, minSupShift, sup.depth + 0.25 * style.metrics.xHeight);
+ subShift = Math.max(subShift, style.metrics.sub2);
+ var ruleWidth = fontMetrics.metrics.defaultRuleThickness;
+ // Rule 18e
+ if ((supShift - sup.depth) - (sub.height - subShift) <
+ 4 * ruleWidth) {
+ subShift = 4 * ruleWidth - (supShift - sup.depth) + sub.height;
+ var psi = 0.8 * style.metrics.xHeight - (supShift - sup.depth);
+ if (psi > 0) {
+ supShift += psi;
+ subShift -= psi;
+ }
+ }
+ supsub = buildCommon.makeVList([
+ {type: "elem", elem: submid, shift: subShift},
+ {type: "elem", elem: supmid, shift: -supShift}
+ ], "individualShift", null, options);
+ // See comment above about subscripts not being shifted
+ if (base instanceof domTree.symbolNode) {
+ supsub.children[0].style.marginLeft = -base.italic + "em";
+ }
+ supsub.children[0].style.marginRight = scriptspace;
+ supsub.children[1].style.marginRight = scriptspace;
+ }
+ // We ensure to wrap the supsub vlist in a span.msupsub to reset text-align
+ var mclass = getTypeOfDomTree(base) || "mord";
+ return makeSpan([mclass],
+ [base, makeSpan(["msupsub"], [supsub])],
+ options);
+groupTypes.genfrac = function(group, options) {
+ // Fractions are handled in the TeXbook on pages 444-445, rules 15(a-e).
+ // Figure out what style this fraction should be in based on the
+ // function used
+ var style =;
+ if (group.value.size === "display") {
+ style = Style.DISPLAY;
+ } else if (group.value.size === "text") {
+ style = Style.TEXT;
+ }
+ var nstyle = style.fracNum();
+ var dstyle = style.fracDen();
+ var newOptions;
+ newOptions = options.withStyle(nstyle);
+ var numer = buildGroup(group.value.numer, newOptions);
+ var numerreset = makeSpan([style.reset(), nstyle.cls()],
+ [numer], newOptions);
+ newOptions = options.withStyle(dstyle);
+ var denom = buildGroup(group.value.denom, newOptions);
+ var denomreset = makeSpan([style.reset(), dstyle.cls()],
+ [denom], newOptions);
+ var ruleWidth;
+ if (group.value.hasBarLine) {
+ ruleWidth = fontMetrics.metrics.defaultRuleThickness /
+ } else {
+ ruleWidth = 0;
+ }
+ // Rule 15b
+ var numShift;
+ var clearance;
+ var denomShift;
+ if (style.size === Style.DISPLAY.size) {
+ numShift = style.metrics.num1;
+ if (ruleWidth > 0) {
+ clearance = 3 * ruleWidth;
+ } else {
+ clearance = 7 * fontMetrics.metrics.defaultRuleThickness;
+ }
+ denomShift = style.metrics.denom1;
+ } else {
+ if (ruleWidth > 0) {
+ numShift = style.metrics.num2;
+ clearance = ruleWidth;
+ } else {
+ numShift = style.metrics.num3;
+ clearance = 3 * fontMetrics.metrics.defaultRuleThickness;
+ }
+ denomShift = style.metrics.denom2;
+ }
+ var frac;
+ if (ruleWidth === 0) {
+ // Rule 15c
+ var candidateClearance =
+ (numShift - numer.depth) - (denom.height - denomShift);
+ if (candidateClearance < clearance) {
+ numShift += 0.5 * (clearance - candidateClearance);
+ denomShift += 0.5 * (clearance - candidateClearance);
+ }
+ frac = buildCommon.makeVList([
+ {type: "elem", elem: denomreset, shift: denomShift},
+ {type: "elem", elem: numerreset, shift: -numShift}
+ ], "individualShift", null, options);
+ } else {
+ // Rule 15d
+ var axisHeight = style.metrics.axisHeight;
+ if ((numShift - numer.depth) - (axisHeight + 0.5 * ruleWidth) <
+ clearance) {
+ numShift +=
+ clearance - ((numShift - numer.depth) -
+ (axisHeight + 0.5 * ruleWidth));
+ }
+ if ((axisHeight - 0.5 * ruleWidth) - (denom.height - denomShift) <
+ clearance) {
+ denomShift +=
+ clearance - ((axisHeight - 0.5 * ruleWidth) -
+ (denom.height - denomShift));
+ }
+ var mid = makeSpan(
+ [, Style.TEXT.cls(), "frac-line"]);
+ // Manually set the height of the line because its height is
+ // created in CSS
+ mid.height = ruleWidth;
+ var midShift = -(axisHeight - 0.5 * ruleWidth);
+ frac = buildCommon.makeVList([
+ {type: "elem", elem: denomreset, shift: denomShift},
+ {type: "elem", elem: mid, shift: midShift},
+ {type: "elem", elem: numerreset, shift: -numShift}
+ ], "individualShift", null, options);
+ }
+ // Since we manually change the style sometimes (with \dfrac or \tfrac),
+ // account for the possible size change here.
+ frac.height *= style.sizeMultiplier /;
+ frac.depth *= style.sizeMultiplier /;
+ // Rule 15e
+ var delimSize;
+ if (style.size === Style.DISPLAY.size) {
+ delimSize = style.metrics.delim1;
+ } else {
+ delimSize = style.metrics.delim2;
+ }
+ var leftDelim;
+ var rightDelim;
+ if (group.value.leftDelim == null) {
+ leftDelim = makeNullDelimiter(options, ["mopen"]);
+ } else {
+ leftDelim = delimiter.customSizedDelim(
+ group.value.leftDelim, delimSize, true,
+ options.withStyle(style), group.mode, ["mopen"]);
+ }
+ if (group.value.rightDelim == null) {
+ rightDelim = makeNullDelimiter(options, ["mclose"]);
+ } else {
+ rightDelim = delimiter.customSizedDelim(
+ group.value.rightDelim, delimSize, true,
+ options.withStyle(style), group.mode, ["mclose"]);
+ }
+ return makeSpan(
+ ["mord",, style.cls()],
+ [leftDelim, makeSpan(["mfrac"], [frac]), rightDelim],
+ options);
+var calculateSize = function(sizeValue, style) {
+ var x = sizeValue.number;
+ if (sizeValue.unit === "ex") {
+ x *= style.metrics.emPerEx;
+ } else if (sizeValue.unit === "mu") {
+ x /= 18;
+ }
+ return x;
+groupTypes.array = function(group, options) {
+ var r;
+ var c;
+ var nr = group.value.body.length;
+ var nc = 0;
+ var body = new Array(nr);
+ var style =;
+ // Horizontal spacing
+ var pt = 1 / fontMetrics.metrics.ptPerEm;
+ var arraycolsep = 5 * pt; // \arraycolsep in article.cls
+ // Vertical spacing
+ var baselineskip = 12 * pt; // see size10.clo
+ // Default \arraystretch from lttab.dtx
+ // TODO(gagern): may get redefined once we have user-defined macros
+ var arraystretch = utils.deflt(group.value.arraystretch, 1);
+ var arrayskip = arraystretch * baselineskip;
+ var arstrutHeight = 0.7 * arrayskip; // \strutbox in ltfsstrc.dtx and
+ var arstrutDepth = 0.3 * arrayskip; // \@arstrutbox in lttab.dtx
+ var totalHeight = 0;
+ for (r = 0; r < group.value.body.length; ++r) {
+ var inrow = group.value.body[r];
+ var height = arstrutHeight; // \@array adds an \@arstrut
+ var depth = arstrutDepth; // to each tow (via the template)
+ if (nc < inrow.length) {
+ nc = inrow.length;
+ }
+ var outrow = new Array(inrow.length);
+ for (c = 0; c < inrow.length; ++c) {
+ var elt = buildGroup(inrow[c], options);
+ if (depth < elt.depth) {
+ depth = elt.depth;
+ }
+ if (height < elt.height) {
+ height = elt.height;
+ }
+ outrow[c] = elt;
+ }
+ var gap = 0;
+ if (group.value.rowGaps[r]) {
+ gap = calculateSize(group.value.rowGaps[r].value, style);
+ if (gap > 0) { // \@argarraycr
+ gap += arstrutDepth;
+ if (depth < gap) {
+ depth = gap; // \@xargarraycr
+ }
+ gap = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ outrow.height = height;
+ outrow.depth = depth;
+ totalHeight += height;
+ outrow.pos = totalHeight;
+ totalHeight += depth + gap; // \@yargarraycr
+ body[r] = outrow;
+ }
+ var offset = totalHeight / 2 + style.metrics.axisHeight;
+ var colDescriptions = group.value.cols || [];
+ var cols = [];
+ var colSep;
+ var colDescrNum;
+ for (c = 0, colDescrNum = 0;
+ // Continue while either there are more columns or more column
+ // descriptions, so trailing separators don't get lost.
+ c < nc || colDescrNum < colDescriptions.length;
+ ++c, ++colDescrNum) {
+ var colDescr = colDescriptions[colDescrNum] || {};
+ var firstSeparator = true;
+ while (colDescr.type === "separator") {
+ // If there is more than one separator in a row, add a space
+ // between them.
+ if (!firstSeparator) {
+ colSep = makeSpan(["arraycolsep"], []);
+ =
+ fontMetrics.metrics.doubleRuleSep + "em";
+ cols.push(colSep);
+ }
+ if (colDescr.separator === "|") {
+ var separator = makeSpan(
+ ["vertical-separator"],
+ []);
+ = totalHeight + "em";
+ =
+ -(totalHeight - offset) + "em";
+ cols.push(separator);
+ } else {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "Invalid separator type: " + colDescr.separator);
+ }
+ colDescrNum++;
+ colDescr = colDescriptions[colDescrNum] || {};
+ firstSeparator = false;
+ }
+ if (c >= nc) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var sepwidth;
+ if (c > 0 || group.value.hskipBeforeAndAfter) {
+ sepwidth = utils.deflt(colDescr.pregap, arraycolsep);
+ if (sepwidth !== 0) {
+ colSep = makeSpan(["arraycolsep"], []);
+ = sepwidth + "em";
+ cols.push(colSep);
+ }
+ }
+ var col = [];
+ for (r = 0; r < nr; ++r) {
+ var row = body[r];
+ var elem = row[c];
+ if (!elem) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var shift = row.pos - offset;
+ elem.depth = row.depth;
+ elem.height = row.height;
+ col.push({type: "elem", elem: elem, shift: shift});
+ }
+ col = buildCommon.makeVList(col, "individualShift", null, options);
+ col = makeSpan(
+ ["col-align-" + (colDescr.align || "c")],
+ [col]);
+ cols.push(col);
+ if (c < nc - 1 || group.value.hskipBeforeAndAfter) {
+ sepwidth = utils.deflt(colDescr.postgap, arraycolsep);
+ if (sepwidth !== 0) {
+ colSep = makeSpan(["arraycolsep"], []);
+ = sepwidth + "em";
+ cols.push(colSep);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ body = makeSpan(["mtable"], cols);
+ return makeSpan(["mord"], [body], options);
+groupTypes.spacing = function(group, options) {
+ if (group.value === "\\ " || group.value === "\\space" ||
+ group.value === " " || group.value === "~") {
+ // Spaces are generated by adding an actual space. Each of these
+ // things has an entry in the symbols table, so these will be turned
+ // into appropriate outputs.
+ if (group.mode === "text") {
+ return buildCommon.makeOrd(group, options, "textord");
+ } else {
+ return makeSpan(["mspace"],
+ [buildCommon.mathsym(group.value, group.mode, options)],
+ options);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Other kinds of spaces are of arbitrary width. We use CSS to
+ // generate these.
+ return makeSpan(
+ ["mspace",
+ buildCommon.spacingFunctions[group.value].className],
+ [], options);
+ }
+groupTypes.llap = function(group, options) {
+ var inner = makeSpan(
+ ["inner"], [buildGroup(group.value.body, options.reset())]);
+ var fix = makeSpan(["fix"], []);
+ return makeSpan(
+ ["mord", "llap",], [inner, fix], options);
+groupTypes.rlap = function(group, options) {
+ var inner = makeSpan(
+ ["inner"], [buildGroup(group.value.body, options.reset())]);
+ var fix = makeSpan(["fix"], []);
+ return makeSpan(
+ ["mord", "rlap",], [inner, fix], options);
+groupTypes.op = function(group, options) {
+ // Operators are handled in the TeXbook pg. 443-444, rule 13(a).
+ var supGroup;
+ var subGroup;
+ var hasLimits = false;
+ if (group.type === "supsub") {
+ // If we have limits, supsub will pass us its group to handle. Pull
+ // out the superscript and subscript and set the group to the op in
+ // its base.
+ supGroup = group.value.sup;
+ subGroup = group.value.sub;
+ group = group.value.base;
+ hasLimits = true;
+ }
+ var style =;
+ // Most operators have a large successor symbol, but these don't.
+ var noSuccessor = [
+ "\\smallint"
+ ];
+ var large = false;
+ if (style.size === Style.DISPLAY.size &&
+ group.value.symbol &&
+ !utils.contains(noSuccessor, group.value.body)) {
+ // Most symbol operators get larger in displaystyle (rule 13)
+ large = true;
+ }
+ var base;
+ var baseShift = 0;
+ var slant = 0;
+ if (group.value.symbol) {
+ // If this is a symbol, create the symbol.
+ var fontName = large ? "Size2-Regular" : "Size1-Regular";
+ base = buildCommon.makeSymbol(
+ group.value.body, fontName, "math", options,
+ ["mop", "op-symbol", large ? "large-op" : "small-op"]);
+ // Shift the symbol so its center lies on the axis (rule 13). It
+ // appears that our fonts have the centers of the symbols already
+ // almost on the axis, so these numbers are very small. Note we
+ // don't actually apply this here, but instead it is used either in
+ // the vlist creation or separately when there are no limits.
+ baseShift = (base.height - base.depth) / 2 -
+ style.metrics.axisHeight * style.sizeMultiplier;
+ // The slant of the symbol is just its italic correction.
+ slant = base.italic;
+ } else if (group.value.value) {
+ // If this is a list, compose that list.
+ var inner = buildExpression(group.value.value, options, true);
+ base = makeSpan(["mop"], inner, options);
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, this is a text operator. Build the text from the
+ // operator's name.
+ // TODO(emily): Add a space in the middle of some of these
+ // operators, like \limsup
+ var output = [];
+ for (var i = 1; i < group.value.body.length; i++) {
+ output.push(buildCommon.mathsym(group.value.body[i], group.mode));
+ }
+ base = makeSpan(["mop"], output, options);
+ }
+ if (hasLimits) {
+ // IE 8 clips \int if it is in a display: inline-block. We wrap it
+ // in a new span so it is an inline, and works.
+ base = makeSpan([], [base]);
+ var supmid;
+ var supKern;
+ var submid;
+ var subKern;
+ var newOptions;
+ // We manually have to handle the superscripts and subscripts. This,
+ // aside from the kern calculations, is copied from supsub.
+ if (supGroup) {
+ newOptions = options.withStyle(style.sup());
+ var sup = buildGroup(supGroup, newOptions);
+ supmid = makeSpan([style.reset(), style.sup().cls()],
+ [sup], newOptions);
+ supKern = Math.max(
+ fontMetrics.metrics.bigOpSpacing1,
+ fontMetrics.metrics.bigOpSpacing3 - sup.depth);
+ }
+ if (subGroup) {
+ newOptions = options.withStyle(style.sub());
+ var sub = buildGroup(subGroup, newOptions);
+ submid = makeSpan([style.reset(), style.sub().cls()],
+ [sub], newOptions);
+ subKern = Math.max(
+ fontMetrics.metrics.bigOpSpacing2,
+ fontMetrics.metrics.bigOpSpacing4 - sub.height);
+ }
+ // Build the final group as a vlist of the possible subscript, base,
+ // and possible superscript.
+ var finalGroup;
+ var top;
+ var bottom;
+ if (!supGroup) {
+ top = base.height - baseShift;
+ finalGroup = buildCommon.makeVList([
+ {type: "kern", size: fontMetrics.metrics.bigOpSpacing5},
+ {type: "elem", elem: submid},
+ {type: "kern", size: subKern},
+ {type: "elem", elem: base}
+ ], "top", top, options);
+ // Here, we shift the limits by the slant of the symbol. Note
+ // that we are supposed to shift the limits by 1/2 of the slant,
+ // but since we are centering the limits adding a full slant of
+ // margin will shift by 1/2 that.
+ finalGroup.children[0].style.marginLeft = -slant + "em";
+ } else if (!subGroup) {
+ bottom = base.depth + baseShift;
+ finalGroup = buildCommon.makeVList([
+ {type: "elem", elem: base},
+ {type: "kern", size: supKern},
+ {type: "elem", elem: supmid},
+ {type: "kern", size: fontMetrics.metrics.bigOpSpacing5}
+ ], "bottom", bottom, options);
+ // See comment above about slants
+ finalGroup.children[1].style.marginLeft = slant + "em";
+ } else if (!supGroup && !subGroup) {
+ // This case probably shouldn't occur (this would mean the
+ // supsub was sending us a group with no superscript or
+ // subscript) but be safe.
+ return base;
+ } else {
+ bottom = fontMetrics.metrics.bigOpSpacing5 +
+ submid.height + submid.depth +
+ subKern +
+ base.depth + baseShift;
+ finalGroup = buildCommon.makeVList([
+ {type: "kern", size: fontMetrics.metrics.bigOpSpacing5},
+ {type: "elem", elem: submid},
+ {type: "kern", size: subKern},
+ {type: "elem", elem: base},
+ {type: "kern", size: supKern},
+ {type: "elem", elem: supmid},
+ {type: "kern", size: fontMetrics.metrics.bigOpSpacing5}
+ ], "bottom", bottom, options);
+ // See comment above about slants
+ finalGroup.children[0].style.marginLeft = -slant + "em";
+ finalGroup.children[2].style.marginLeft = slant + "em";
+ }
+ return makeSpan(["mop", "op-limits"], [finalGroup], options);
+ } else {
+ if (group.value.symbol) {
+ = baseShift + "em";
+ }
+ return base;
+ }
+groupTypes.mod = function(group, options) {
+ var inner = [];
+ if (group.value.modType === "bmod") {
+ // “\nonscript\mskip-\medmuskip\mkern5mu”
+ if (! {
+ inner.push(makeSpan(
+ ["mspace", "negativemediumspace"], [], options));
+ }
+ inner.push(makeSpan(["mspace", "thickspace"], [], options));
+ } else if ( === Style.DISPLAY.size) {
+ inner.push(makeSpan(["mspace", "quad"], [], options));
+ } else if (group.value.modType === "mod") {
+ inner.push(makeSpan(["mspace", "twelvemuspace"], [], options));
+ } else {
+ inner.push(makeSpan(["mspace", "eightmuspace"], [], options));
+ }
+ if (group.value.modType === "pod" || group.value.modType === "pmod") {
+ inner.push(buildCommon.mathsym("(", group.mode));
+ }
+ if (group.value.modType !== "pod") {
+ var modInner = [
+ buildCommon.mathsym("m", group.mode),
+ buildCommon.mathsym("o", group.mode),
+ buildCommon.mathsym("d", group.mode)];
+ if (group.value.modType === "bmod") {
+ inner.push(makeSpan(["mbin"], modInner, options));
+ // “\mkern5mu\nonscript\mskip-\medmuskip”
+ inner.push(makeSpan(["mspace", "thickspace"], [], options));
+ if (! {
+ inner.push(makeSpan(
+ ["mspace", "negativemediumspace"], [], options));
+ }
+ } else {
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(inner, modInner);
+ inner.push(makeSpan(["mspace", "sixmuspace"], [], options));
+ }
+ }
+ if (group.value.value) {
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(inner,
+ buildExpression(group.value.value, options, false));
+ }
+ if (group.value.modType === "pod" || group.value.modType === "pmod") {
+ inner.push(buildCommon.mathsym(")", group.mode));
+ }
+ return buildCommon.makeFragment(inner);
+groupTypes.katex = function(group, options) {
+ // The KaTeX logo. The offsets for the K and a were chosen to look
+ // good, but the offsets for the T, E, and X were taken from the
+ // definition of \TeX in TeX (see TeXbook pg. 356)
+ var k = makeSpan(
+ ["k"], [buildCommon.mathsym("K", group.mode)], options);
+ var a = makeSpan(
+ ["a"], [buildCommon.mathsym("A", group.mode)], options);
+ a.height = (a.height + 0.2) * 0.75;
+ a.depth = (a.height - 0.2) * 0.75;
+ var t = makeSpan(
+ ["t"], [buildCommon.mathsym("T", group.mode)], options);
+ var e = makeSpan(
+ ["e"], [buildCommon.mathsym("E", group.mode)], options);
+ e.height = (e.height - 0.2155);
+ e.depth = (e.depth + 0.2155);
+ var x = makeSpan(
+ ["x"], [buildCommon.mathsym("X", group.mode)], options);
+ return makeSpan(
+ ["mord", "katex-logo"], [k, a, t, e, x], options);
+groupTypes.overline = function(group, options) {
+ // Overlines are handled in the TeXbook pg 443, Rule 9.
+ var style =;
+ // Build the inner group in the cramped style.
+ var innerGroup = buildGroup(group.value.body,
+ options.withStyle(style.cramp()));
+ var ruleWidth = fontMetrics.metrics.defaultRuleThickness /
+ style.sizeMultiplier;
+ // Create the line above the body
+ var line = makeSpan(
+ [style.reset(), Style.TEXT.cls(), "overline-line"]);
+ line.height = ruleWidth;
+ line.maxFontSize = 1.0;
+ // Generate the vlist, with the appropriate kerns
+ var vlist = buildCommon.makeVList([
+ {type: "elem", elem: innerGroup},
+ {type: "kern", size: 3 * ruleWidth},
+ {type: "elem", elem: line},
+ {type: "kern", size: ruleWidth}
+ ], "firstBaseline", null, options);
+ return makeSpan(["mord", "overline"], [vlist], options);
+groupTypes.underline = function(group, options) {
+ // Underlines are handled in the TeXbook pg 443, Rule 10.
+ var style =;
+ // Build the inner group.
+ var innerGroup = buildGroup(group.value.body, options);
+ var ruleWidth = fontMetrics.metrics.defaultRuleThickness /
+ style.sizeMultiplier;
+ // Create the line above the body
+ var line = makeSpan([style.reset(), Style.TEXT.cls(), "underline-line"]);
+ line.height = ruleWidth;
+ line.maxFontSize = 1.0;
+ // Generate the vlist, with the appropriate kerns
+ var vlist = buildCommon.makeVList([
+ {type: "kern", size: ruleWidth},
+ {type: "elem", elem: line},
+ {type: "kern", size: 3 * ruleWidth},
+ {type: "elem", elem: innerGroup}
+ ], "top", innerGroup.height, options);
+ return makeSpan(["mord", "underline"], [vlist], options);
+groupTypes.sqrt = function(group, options) {
+ // Square roots are handled in the TeXbook pg. 443, Rule 11.
+ var style =;
+ // First, we do the same steps as in overline to build the inner group
+ // and line
+ var inner = buildGroup(group.value.body, options.withStyle(style.cramp()));
+ var ruleWidth = fontMetrics.metrics.defaultRuleThickness /
+ style.sizeMultiplier;
+ var line = makeSpan(
+ [style.reset(), Style.TEXT.cls(), "sqrt-line"], [],
+ options);
+ line.height = ruleWidth;
+ line.maxFontSize = 1.0;
+ var phi = ruleWidth;
+ if ( < {
+ phi = style.metrics.xHeight;
+ }
+ // Calculate the clearance between the body and line
+ var lineClearance = ruleWidth + phi / 4;
+ var innerHeight = (inner.height + inner.depth) * style.sizeMultiplier;
+ var minDelimiterHeight = innerHeight + lineClearance + ruleWidth;
+ // Create a \surd delimiter of the required minimum size
+ var delim = makeSpan(["sqrt-sign"], [
+ delimiter.customSizedDelim("\\surd", minDelimiterHeight,
+ false, options, group.mode)],
+ options);
+ var delimDepth = (delim.height + delim.depth) - ruleWidth;
+ // Adjust the clearance based on the delimiter size
+ if (delimDepth > inner.height + inner.depth + lineClearance) {
+ lineClearance =
+ (lineClearance + delimDepth - inner.height - inner.depth) / 2;
+ }
+ // Shift the delimiter so that its top lines up with the top of the line
+ var delimShift = -(inner.height + lineClearance + ruleWidth) + delim.height;
+ = delimShift + "em";
+ delim.height -= delimShift;
+ delim.depth += delimShift;
+ // We add a special case here, because even when `inner` is empty, we
+ // still get a line. So, we use a simple heuristic to decide if we
+ // should omit the body entirely. (note this doesn't work for something
+ // like `\sqrt{\rlap{x}}`, but if someone is doing that they deserve for
+ // it not to work.
+ var body;
+ if (inner.height === 0 && inner.depth === 0) {
+ body = makeSpan();
+ } else {
+ body = buildCommon.makeVList([
+ {type: "elem", elem: inner},
+ {type: "kern", size: lineClearance},
+ {type: "elem", elem: line},
+ {type: "kern", size: ruleWidth}
+ ], "firstBaseline", null, options);
+ }
+ if (!group.value.index) {
+ return makeSpan(["mord", "sqrt"], [delim, body], options);
+ } else {
+ // Handle the optional root index
+ // The index is always in scriptscript style
+ var newOptions = options.withStyle(Style.SCRIPTSCRIPT);
+ var root = buildGroup(group.value.index, newOptions);
+ var rootWrap = makeSpan(
+ [style.reset(), Style.SCRIPTSCRIPT.cls()],
+ [root],
+ newOptions);
+ // Figure out the height and depth of the inner part
+ var innerRootHeight = Math.max(delim.height, body.height);
+ var innerRootDepth = Math.max(delim.depth, body.depth);
+ // The amount the index is shifted by. This is taken from the TeX
+ // source, in the definition of `\r@@t`.
+ var toShift = 0.6 * (innerRootHeight - innerRootDepth);
+ // Build a VList with the superscript shifted up correctly
+ var rootVList = buildCommon.makeVList(
+ [{type: "elem", elem: rootWrap}],
+ "shift", -toShift, options);
+ // Add a class surrounding it so we can add on the appropriate
+ // kerning
+ var rootVListWrap = makeSpan(["root"], [rootVList]);
+ return makeSpan(["mord", "sqrt"],
+ [rootVListWrap, delim, body], options);
+ }
+groupTypes.sizing = function(group, options) {
+ // Handle sizing operators like \Huge. Real TeX doesn't actually allow
+ // these functions inside of math expressions, so we do some special
+ // handling.
+ var inner = buildExpression(group.value.value,
+ options.withSize(group.value.size), false);
+ // Compute the correct maxFontSize.
+ var style =;
+ var fontSize = buildCommon.sizingMultiplier[group.value.size];
+ fontSize = fontSize * style.sizeMultiplier;
+ // Add size-resetting classes to the inner list and set maxFontSize
+ // manually. Handle nested size changes.
+ for (var i = 0; i < inner.length; i++) {
+ var pos = utils.indexOf(inner[i].classes, "sizing");
+ if (pos < 0) {
+ inner[i].classes.push("sizing", "reset-" + options.size,
+ group.value.size, style.cls());
+ inner[i].maxFontSize = fontSize;
+ } else if (inner[i].classes[pos + 1] === "reset-" + group.value.size) {
+ // This is a nested size change: e.g., inner[i] is the "b" in
+ // `\Huge a \small b`. Override the old size (the `reset-` class)
+ // but not the new size.
+ inner[i].classes[pos + 1] = "reset-" + options.size;
+ }
+ }
+ return buildCommon.makeFragment(inner);
+groupTypes.styling = function(group, options) {
+ // Style changes are handled in the TeXbook on pg. 442, Rule 3.
+ // Figure out what style we're changing to.
+ var styleMap = {
+ "display": Style.DISPLAY,
+ "text": Style.TEXT,
+ "script": Style.SCRIPT,
+ "scriptscript": Style.SCRIPTSCRIPT
+ };
+ var newStyle = styleMap[];
+ var newOptions = options.withStyle(newStyle);
+ // Build the inner expression in the new style.
+ var inner = buildExpression(
+ group.value.value, newOptions, false);
+ // Add style-resetting classes to the inner list. Handle nested changes.
+ for (var i = 0; i < inner.length; i++) {
+ var pos = utils.indexOf(inner[i].classes, newStyle.reset());
+ if (pos < 0) {
+ inner[i].classes.push(, newStyle.cls());
+ } else {
+ // This is a nested style change, as `\textstyle a\scriptstyle b`.
+ // Only override the old style (the reset class).
+ inner[i].classes[pos] =;
+ }
+ }
+ return new buildCommon.makeFragment(inner);
+groupTypes.font = function(group, options) {
+ var font = group.value.font;
+ return buildGroup(group.value.body, options.withFont(font));
+groupTypes.delimsizing = function(group, options) {
+ var delim = group.value.value;
+ if (delim === ".") {
+ // Empty delimiters still count as elements, even though they don't
+ // show anything.
+ return makeSpan([group.value.mclass]);
+ }
+ // Use delimiter.sizedDelim to generate the delimiter.
+ return delimiter.sizedDelim(
+ delim, group.value.size, options, group.mode,
+ [group.value.mclass]);
+groupTypes.leftright = function(group, options) {
+ // Build the inner expression
+ var inner = buildExpression(group.value.body, options.reset(), true);
+ var innerHeight = 0;
+ var innerDepth = 0;
+ var hadMiddle = false;
+ // Calculate its height and depth
+ for (var i = 0; i < inner.length; i++) {
+ if (inner[i].isMiddle) {
+ hadMiddle = true;
+ } else {
+ innerHeight = Math.max(inner[i].height, innerHeight);
+ innerDepth = Math.max(inner[i].depth, innerDepth);
+ }
+ }
+ var style =;
+ // The size of delimiters is the same, regardless of what style we are
+ // in. Thus, to correctly calculate the size of delimiter we need around
+ // a group, we scale down the inner size based on the size.
+ innerHeight *= style.sizeMultiplier;
+ innerDepth *= style.sizeMultiplier;
+ var leftDelim;
+ if (group.value.left === ".") {
+ // Empty delimiters in \left and \right make null delimiter spaces.
+ leftDelim = makeNullDelimiter(options, ["mopen"]);
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, use leftRightDelim to generate the correct sized
+ // delimiter.
+ leftDelim = delimiter.leftRightDelim(
+ group.value.left, innerHeight, innerDepth, options,
+ group.mode, ["mopen"]);
+ }
+ // Add it to the beginning of the expression
+ inner.unshift(leftDelim);
+ // Handle middle delimiters
+ if (hadMiddle) {
+ for (i = 1; i < inner.length; i++) {
+ if (inner[i].isMiddle) {
+ // Apply the options that were active when \middle was called
+ inner[i] = delimiter.leftRightDelim(
+ inner[i].isMiddle.value, innerHeight, innerDepth,
+ inner[i].isMiddle.options, group.mode, []);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var rightDelim;
+ // Same for the right delimiter
+ if (group.value.right === ".") {
+ rightDelim = makeNullDelimiter(options, ["mclose"]);
+ } else {
+ rightDelim = delimiter.leftRightDelim(
+ group.value.right, innerHeight, innerDepth, options,
+ group.mode, ["mclose"]);
+ }
+ // Add it to the end of the expression.
+ inner.push(rightDelim);
+ return makeSpan(
+ ["minner", style.cls()], inner, options);
+groupTypes.middle = function(group, options) {
+ var middleDelim;
+ if (group.value.value === ".") {
+ middleDelim = makeNullDelimiter(options, []);
+ } else {
+ middleDelim = delimiter.sizedDelim(
+ group.value.value, 1, options,
+ group.mode, []);
+ middleDelim.isMiddle = {value: group.value.value, options: options};
+ }
+ return middleDelim;
+groupTypes.rule = function(group, options) {
+ // Make an empty span for the rule
+ var rule = makeSpan(["mord", "rule"], [], options);
+ var style =;
+ // Calculate the shift, width, and height of the rule, and account for units
+ var shift = 0;
+ if (group.value.shift) {
+ shift = calculateSize(group.value.shift, style);
+ }
+ var width = calculateSize(group.value.width, style);
+ var height = calculateSize(group.value.height, style);
+ // The sizes of rules are absolute, so make it larger if we are in a
+ // smaller style.
+ shift /= style.sizeMultiplier;
+ width /= style.sizeMultiplier;
+ height /= style.sizeMultiplier;
+ // Style the rule to the right size
+ = width + "em";
+ = height + "em";
+ = shift + "em";
+ // Record the height and width
+ rule.width = width;
+ rule.height = height + shift;
+ rule.depth = -shift;
+ return rule;
+groupTypes.kern = function(group, options) {
+ // Make an empty span for the rule
+ var rule = makeSpan(["mord", "rule"], [], options);
+ var style =;
+ var dimension = 0;
+ if (group.value.dimension) {
+ dimension = calculateSize(group.value.dimension, style);
+ }
+ dimension /= style.sizeMultiplier;
+ = dimension + "em";
+ return rule;
+groupTypes.accent = function(group, options) {
+ // Accents are handled in the TeXbook pg. 443, rule 12.
+ var base = group.value.base;
+ var style =;
+ var supsubGroup;
+ if (group.type === "supsub") {
+ // If our base is a character box, and we have superscripts and
+ // subscripts, the supsub will defer to us. In particular, we want
+ // to attach the superscripts and subscripts to the inner body (so
+ // that the position of the superscripts and subscripts won't be
+ // affected by the height of the accent). We accomplish this by
+ // sticking the base of the accent into the base of the supsub, and
+ // rendering that, while keeping track of where the accent is.
+ // The supsub group is the group that was passed in
+ var supsub = group;
+ // The real accent group is the base of the supsub group
+ group = supsub.value.base;
+ // The character box is the base of the accent group
+ base = group.value.base;
+ // Stick the character box into the base of the supsub group
+ supsub.value.base = base;
+ // Rerender the supsub group with its new base, and store that
+ // result.
+ supsubGroup = buildGroup(
+ supsub, options.reset());
+ }
+ // Build the base group
+ var body = buildGroup(
+ base, options.withStyle(style.cramp()));
+ // Calculate the skew of the accent. This is based on the line "If the
+ // nucleus is not a single character, let s = 0; otherwise set s to the
+ // kern amount for the nucleus followed by the \skewchar of its font."
+ // Note that our skew metrics are just the kern between each character
+ // and the skewchar.
+ var skew;
+ if (isCharacterBox(base)) {
+ // If the base is a character box, then we want the skew of the
+ // innermost character. To do that, we find the innermost character:
+ var baseChar = getBaseElem(base);
+ // Then, we render its group to get the symbol inside it
+ var baseGroup = buildGroup(
+ baseChar, options.withStyle(style.cramp()));
+ // Finally, we pull the skew off of the symbol.
+ skew = baseGroup.skew;
+ // Note that we now throw away baseGroup, because the layers we
+ // removed with getBaseElem might contain things like \color which
+ // we can't get rid of.
+ // TODO(emily): Find a better way to get the skew
+ } else {
+ skew = 0;
+ }
+ // calculate the amount of space between the body and the accent
+ var clearance = Math.min(
+ body.height,
+ style.metrics.xHeight);
+ // Build the accent
+ var accent = buildCommon.makeSymbol(
+ group.value.accent, "Main-Regular", "math", options);
+ // Remove the italic correction of the accent, because it only serves to
+ // shift the accent over to a place we don't want.
+ accent.italic = 0;
+ // The \vec character that the fonts use is a combining character, and
+ // thus shows up much too far to the left. To account for this, we add a
+ // specific class which shifts the accent over to where we want it.
+ // TODO(emily): Fix this in a better way, like by changing the font
+ var vecClass = group.value.accent === "\\vec" ? "accent-vec" : null;
+ var accentBody = makeSpan(["accent-body", vecClass], [
+ makeSpan([], [accent])]);
+ accentBody = buildCommon.makeVList([
+ {type: "elem", elem: body},
+ {type: "kern", size: -clearance},
+ {type: "elem", elem: accentBody}
+ ], "firstBaseline", null, options);
+ // Shift the accent over by the skew. Note we shift by twice the skew
+ // because we are centering the accent, so by adding 2*skew to the left,
+ // we shift it to the right by 1*skew.
+ accentBody.children[1].style.marginLeft = 2 * skew + "em";
+ var accentWrap = makeSpan(["mord", "accent"], [accentBody], options);
+ if (supsubGroup) {
+ // Here, we replace the "base" child of the supsub with our newly
+ // generated accent.
+ supsubGroup.children[0] = accentWrap;
+ // Since we don't rerun the height calculation after replacing the
+ // accent, we manually recalculate height.
+ supsubGroup.height = Math.max(accentWrap.height, supsubGroup.height);
+ // Accents should always be ords, even when their innards are not.
+ supsubGroup.classes[0] = "mord";
+ return supsubGroup;
+ } else {
+ return accentWrap;
+ }
+groupTypes.phantom = function(group, options) {
+ var elements = buildExpression(
+ group.value.value,
+ options.withPhantom(),
+ false
+ );
+ // \phantom isn't supposed to affect the elements it contains.
+ // See "color" for more details.
+ return new buildCommon.makeFragment(elements);
+groupTypes.mclass = function(group, options) {
+ var elements = buildExpression(group.value.value, options, true);
+ return makeSpan([group.value.mclass], elements, options);
+ * buildGroup is the function that takes a group and calls the correct groupType
+ * function for it. It also handles the interaction of size and style changes
+ * between parents and children.
+ */
+var buildGroup = function(group, options) {
+ if (!group) {
+ return makeSpan();
+ }
+ if (groupTypes[group.type]) {
+ // Call the groupTypes function
+ var groupNode = groupTypes[group.type](group, options);
+ var multiplier;
+ // If the style changed between the parent and the current group,
+ // account for the size difference
+ if ( !== options.parentStyle) {
+ multiplier = /
+ options.parentStyle.sizeMultiplier;
+ groupNode.height *= multiplier;
+ groupNode.depth *= multiplier;
+ }
+ // If the size changed between the parent and the current group, account
+ // for that size difference.
+ if (options.size !== options.parentSize) {
+ multiplier = buildCommon.sizingMultiplier[options.size] /
+ buildCommon.sizingMultiplier[options.parentSize];
+ groupNode.height *= multiplier;
+ groupNode.depth *= multiplier;
+ }
+ return groupNode;
+ } else {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "Got group of unknown type: '" + group.type + "'");
+ }
+ * Take an entire parse tree, and build it into an appropriate set of HTML
+ * nodes.
+ */
+var buildHTML = function(tree, options) {
+ // buildExpression is destructive, so we need to make a clone
+ // of the incoming tree so that it isn't accidentally changed
+ tree = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tree));
+ // Build the expression contained in the tree
+ var expression = buildExpression(tree, options, true);
+ var body = makeSpan(["base",], expression, options);
+ // Add struts, which ensure that the top of the HTML element falls at the
+ // height of the expression, and the bottom of the HTML element falls at the
+ // depth of the expression.
+ var topStrut = makeSpan(["strut"]);
+ var bottomStrut = makeSpan(["strut", "bottom"]);
+ = body.height + "em";
+ = (body.height + body.depth) + "em";
+ // We'd like to use `vertical-align: top` but in IE 9 this lowers the
+ // baseline of the box to the bottom of this strut (instead staying in the
+ // normal place) so we use an absolute value for vertical-align instead
+ = -body.depth + "em";
+ // Wrap the struts and body together
+ var htmlNode = makeSpan(["katex-html"], [topStrut, bottomStrut, body]);
+ htmlNode.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true");
+ return htmlNode;
+module.exports = buildHTML;
+ * This file converts a parse tree into a cooresponding MathML tree. The main
+ * entry point is the `buildMathML` function, which takes a parse tree from the
+ * parser.
+ */
+var buildCommon = require("./buildCommon");
+var fontMetrics = require("./fontMetrics");
+var mathMLTree = require("./mathMLTree");
+var ParseError = require("./ParseError");
+var symbols = require("./symbols");
+var utils = require("./utils");
+var makeSpan = buildCommon.makeSpan;
+var fontMap = buildCommon.fontMap;
+ * Takes a symbol and converts it into a MathML text node after performing
+ * optional replacement from symbols.js.
+ */
+var makeText = function(text, mode) {
+ if (symbols[mode][text] && symbols[mode][text].replace) {
+ text = symbols[mode][text].replace;
+ }
+ return new mathMLTree.TextNode(text);
+ * Returns the math variant as a string or null if none is required.
+ */
+var getVariant = function(group, options) {
+ var font = options.font;
+ if (!font) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var mode = group.mode;
+ if (font === "mathit") {
+ return "italic";
+ }
+ var value = group.value;
+ if (utils.contains(["\\imath", "\\jmath"], value)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (symbols[mode][value] && symbols[mode][value].replace) {
+ value = symbols[mode][value].replace;
+ }
+ var fontName = fontMap[font].fontName;
+ if (fontMetrics.getCharacterMetrics(value, fontName)) {
+ return fontMap[options.font].variant;
+ }
+ return null;
+ * Functions for handling the different types of groups found in the parse
+ * tree. Each function should take a parse group and return a MathML node.
+ */
+var groupTypes = {};
+groupTypes.mathord = function(group, options) {
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mi",
+ [makeText(group.value, group.mode)]);
+ var variant = getVariant(group, options);
+ if (variant) {
+ node.setAttribute("mathvariant", variant);
+ }
+ return node;
+groupTypes.textord = function(group, options) {
+ var text = makeText(group.value, group.mode);
+ var variant = getVariant(group, options) || "normal";
+ var node;
+ if (/[0-9]/.test(group.value)) {
+ // TODO(kevinb) merge adjacent <mn> nodes
+ // do it as a post processing step
+ node = new mathMLTree.MathNode("mn", [text]);
+ if (options.font) {
+ node.setAttribute("mathvariant", variant);
+ }
+ } else {
+ node = new mathMLTree.MathNode("mi", [text]);
+ node.setAttribute("mathvariant", variant);
+ }
+ return node;
+groupTypes.bin = function(group) {
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [makeText(group.value, group.mode)]);
+ return node;
+groupTypes.rel = function(group) {
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [makeText(group.value, group.mode)]);
+ return node;
+ = function(group) {
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [makeText(group.value, group.mode)]);
+ return node;
+groupTypes.close = function(group) {
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [makeText(group.value, group.mode)]);
+ return node;
+groupTypes.inner = function(group) {
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [makeText(group.value, group.mode)]);
+ return node;
+groupTypes.punct = function(group) {
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [makeText(group.value, group.mode)]);
+ node.setAttribute("separator", "true");
+ return node;
+groupTypes.ordgroup = function(group, options) {
+ var inner = buildExpression(group.value, options);
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode("mrow", inner);
+ return node;
+groupTypes.text = function(group, options) {
+ var inner = buildExpression(group.value.body, options);
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode("mtext", inner);
+ return node;
+groupTypes.color = function(group, options) {
+ var inner = buildExpression(group.value.value, options);
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode("mstyle", inner);
+ node.setAttribute("mathcolor", group.value.color);
+ return node;
+groupTypes.supsub = function(group, options) {
+ var children = [buildGroup(group.value.base, options)];
+ if (group.value.sub) {
+ children.push(buildGroup(group.value.sub, options));
+ }
+ if (group.value.sup) {
+ children.push(buildGroup(group.value.sup, options));
+ }
+ var nodeType;
+ if (!group.value.sub) {
+ nodeType = "msup";
+ } else if (!group.value.sup) {
+ nodeType = "msub";
+ } else {
+ nodeType = "msubsup";
+ }
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(nodeType, children);
+ return node;
+groupTypes.genfrac = function(group, options) {
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mfrac",
+ [buildGroup(group.value.numer, options),
+ buildGroup(group.value.denom, options)]);
+ if (!group.value.hasBarLine) {
+ node.setAttribute("linethickness", "0px");
+ }
+ if (group.value.leftDelim != null || group.value.rightDelim != null) {
+ var withDelims = [];
+ if (group.value.leftDelim != null) {
+ var leftOp = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [new mathMLTree.TextNode(group.value.leftDelim)]);
+ leftOp.setAttribute("fence", "true");
+ withDelims.push(leftOp);
+ }
+ withDelims.push(node);
+ if (group.value.rightDelim != null) {
+ var rightOp = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [new mathMLTree.TextNode(group.value.rightDelim)]);
+ rightOp.setAttribute("fence", "true");
+ withDelims.push(rightOp);
+ }
+ var outerNode = new mathMLTree.MathNode("mrow", withDelims);
+ return outerNode;
+ }
+ return node;
+groupTypes.array = function(group, options) {
+ return new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mtable", {
+ return new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mtr", {
+ return new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mtd", [buildGroup(cell, options)]);
+ }));
+ }));
+groupTypes.sqrt = function(group, options) {
+ var node;
+ if (group.value.index) {
+ node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mroot", [
+ buildGroup(group.value.body, options),
+ buildGroup(group.value.index, options)
+ ]);
+ } else {
+ node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "msqrt", [buildGroup(group.value.body, options)]);
+ }
+ return node;
+groupTypes.leftright = function(group, options) {
+ var inner = buildExpression(group.value.body, options);
+ if (group.value.left !== ".") {
+ var leftNode = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [makeText(group.value.left, group.mode)]);
+ leftNode.setAttribute("fence", "true");
+ inner.unshift(leftNode);
+ }
+ if (group.value.right !== ".") {
+ var rightNode = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [makeText(group.value.right, group.mode)]);
+ rightNode.setAttribute("fence", "true");
+ inner.push(rightNode);
+ }
+ var outerNode = new mathMLTree.MathNode("mrow", inner);
+ return outerNode;
+groupTypes.middle = function(group, options) {
+ var middleNode = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [makeText(group.value.middle, group.mode)]);
+ middleNode.setAttribute("fence", "true");
+ return middleNode;
+groupTypes.accent = function(group, options) {
+ var accentNode = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [makeText(group.value.accent, group.mode)]);
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mover",
+ [buildGroup(group.value.base, options),
+ accentNode]);
+ node.setAttribute("accent", "true");
+ return node;
+groupTypes.spacing = function(group) {
+ var node;
+ if (group.value === "\\ " || group.value === "\\space" ||
+ group.value === " " || group.value === "~") {
+ node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mtext", [new mathMLTree.TextNode("\u00a0")]);
+ } else {
+ node = new mathMLTree.MathNode("mspace");
+ node.setAttribute(
+ "width", buildCommon.spacingFunctions[group.value].size);
+ }
+ return node;
+groupTypes.op = function(group, options) {
+ var node;
+ // TODO(emily): handle big operators using the `largeop` attribute
+ if (group.value.symbol) {
+ // This is a symbol. Just add the symbol.
+ node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [makeText(group.value.body, group.mode)]);
+ } else if (group.value.value) {
+ // This is an operator with children. Add them.
+ node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", buildExpression(group.value.value, options));
+ } else {
+ // This is a text operator. Add all of the characters from the
+ // operator's name.
+ // TODO(emily): Add a space in the middle of some of these
+ // operators, like \limsup.
+ node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mi", [new mathMLTree.TextNode(group.value.body.slice(1))]);
+ }
+ return node;
+groupTypes.mod = function(group, options) {
+ var inner = [];
+ if (group.value.modType === "pod" || group.value.modType === "pmod") {
+ inner.push(new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [makeText("(", group.mode)]));
+ }
+ if (group.value.modType !== "pod") {
+ inner.push(new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [makeText("mod", group.mode)]));
+ }
+ if (group.value.value) {
+ var space = new mathMLTree.MathNode("mspace");
+ space.setAttribute("width", "0.333333em");
+ inner.push(space);
+ inner = inner.concat(buildExpression(group.value.value, options));
+ }
+ if (group.value.modType === "pod" || group.value.modType === "pmod") {
+ inner.push(new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [makeText(")", group.mode)]));
+ }
+ return new mathMLTree.MathNode("mo", inner);
+groupTypes.katex = function(group) {
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mtext", [new mathMLTree.TextNode("KaTeX")]);
+ return node;
+groupTypes.font = function(group, options) {
+ var font = group.value.font;
+ return buildGroup(group.value.body, options.withFont(font));
+groupTypes.delimsizing = function(group) {
+ var children = [];
+ if (group.value.value !== ".") {
+ children.push(makeText(group.value.value, group.mode));
+ }
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode("mo", children);
+ if (group.value.mclass === "mopen" ||
+ group.value.mclass === "mclose") {
+ // Only some of the delimsizing functions act as fences, and they
+ // return "mopen" or "mclose" mclass.
+ node.setAttribute("fence", "true");
+ } else {
+ // Explicitly disable fencing if it's not a fence, to override the
+ // defaults.
+ node.setAttribute("fence", "false");
+ }
+ return node;
+groupTypes.styling = function(group, options) {
+ var inner = buildExpression(group.value.value, options);
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode("mstyle", inner);
+ var styleAttributes = {
+ "display": ["0", "true"],
+ "text": ["0", "false"],
+ "script": ["1", "false"],
+ "scriptscript": ["2", "false"]
+ };
+ var attr = styleAttributes[];
+ node.setAttribute("scriptlevel", attr[0]);
+ node.setAttribute("displaystyle", attr[1]);
+ return node;
+groupTypes.sizing = function(group, options) {
+ var inner = buildExpression(group.value.value, options);
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode("mstyle", inner);
+ // TODO(emily): This doesn't produce the correct size for nested size
+ // changes, because we don't keep state of what style we're currently
+ // in, so we can't reset the size to normal before changing it. Now
+ // that we're passing an options parameter we should be able to fix
+ // this.
+ node.setAttribute(
+ "mathsize", buildCommon.sizingMultiplier[group.value.size] + "em");
+ return node;
+groupTypes.overline = function(group, options) {
+ var operator = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [new mathMLTree.TextNode("\u203e")]);
+ operator.setAttribute("stretchy", "true");
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mover",
+ [buildGroup(group.value.body, options),
+ operator]);
+ node.setAttribute("accent", "true");
+ return node;
+groupTypes.underline = function(group, options) {
+ var operator = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mo", [new mathMLTree.TextNode("\u203e")]);
+ operator.setAttribute("stretchy", "true");
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "munder",
+ [buildGroup(group.value.body, options),
+ operator]);
+ node.setAttribute("accentunder", "true");
+ return node;
+groupTypes.rule = function(group) {
+ // TODO(emily): Figure out if there's an actual way to draw black boxes
+ // in MathML.
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode("mrow");
+ return node;
+groupTypes.kern = function(group) {
+ // TODO(kevin): Figure out if there's a way to add space in MathML
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode("mrow");
+ return node;
+groupTypes.llap = function(group, options) {
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mpadded", [buildGroup(group.value.body, options)]);
+ node.setAttribute("lspace", "-1width");
+ node.setAttribute("width", "0px");
+ return node;
+groupTypes.rlap = function(group, options) {
+ var node = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "mpadded", [buildGroup(group.value.body, options)]);
+ node.setAttribute("width", "0px");
+ return node;
+groupTypes.phantom = function(group, options) {
+ var inner = buildExpression(group.value.value, options);
+ return new mathMLTree.MathNode("mphantom", inner);
+groupTypes.mclass = function(group, options) {
+ var inner = buildExpression(group.value.value, options);
+ return new mathMLTree.MathNode("mstyle", inner);
+ * Takes a list of nodes, builds them, and returns a list of the generated
+ * MathML nodes. A little simpler than the HTML version because we don't do any
+ * previous-node handling.
+ */
+var buildExpression = function(expression, options) {
+ var groups = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < expression.length; i++) {
+ var group = expression[i];
+ groups.push(buildGroup(group, options));
+ }
+ return groups;
+ * Takes a group from the parser and calls the appropriate groupTypes function
+ * on it to produce a MathML node.
+ */
+var buildGroup = function(group, options) {
+ if (!group) {
+ return new mathMLTree.MathNode("mrow");
+ }
+ if (groupTypes[group.type]) {
+ // Call the groupTypes function
+ return groupTypes[group.type](group, options);
+ } else {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "Got group of unknown type: '" + group.type + "'");
+ }
+ * Takes a full parse tree and settings and builds a MathML representation of
+ * it. In particular, we put the elements from building the parse tree into a
+ * <semantics> tag so we can also include that TeX source as an annotation.
+ *
+ * Note that we actually return a domTree element with a `<math>` inside it so
+ * we can do appropriate styling.
+ */
+var buildMathML = function(tree, texExpression, options) {
+ var expression = buildExpression(tree, options);
+ // Wrap up the expression in an mrow so it is presented in the semantics
+ // tag correctly.
+ var wrapper = new mathMLTree.MathNode("mrow", expression);
+ // Build a TeX annotation of the source
+ var annotation = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "annotation", [new mathMLTree.TextNode(texExpression)]);
+ annotation.setAttribute("encoding", "application/x-tex");
+ var semantics = new mathMLTree.MathNode(
+ "semantics", [wrapper, annotation]);
+ var math = new mathMLTree.MathNode("math", [semantics]);
+ // You can't style <math> nodes, so we wrap the node in a span.
+ return makeSpan(["katex-mathml"], [math]);
+module.exports = buildMathML;
+var buildHTML = require("./buildHTML");
+var buildMathML = require("./buildMathML");
+var buildCommon = require("./buildCommon");
+var Options = require("./Options");
+var Settings = require("./Settings");
+var Style = require("./Style");
+var makeSpan = buildCommon.makeSpan;
+var buildTree = function(tree, expression, settings) {
+ settings = settings || new Settings({});
+ var startStyle = Style.TEXT;
+ if (settings.displayMode) {
+ startStyle = Style.DISPLAY;
+ }
+ // Setup the default options
+ var options = new Options({
+ style: startStyle,
+ size: "size5"
+ });
+ // `buildHTML` sometimes messes with the parse tree (like turning bins ->
+ // ords), so we build the MathML version first.
+ var mathMLNode = buildMathML(tree, expression, options);
+ var htmlNode = buildHTML(tree, options);
+ var katexNode = makeSpan(["katex"], [
+ mathMLNode, htmlNode
+ ]);
+ if (settings.displayMode) {
+ return makeSpan(["katex-display"], [katexNode]);
+ } else {
+ return katexNode;
+ }
+module.exports = buildTree;
+ * This file deals with creating delimiters of various sizes. The TeXbook
+ * discusses these routines on page 441-442, in the "Another subroutine sets box
+ * x to a specified variable delimiter" paragraph.
+ *
+ * There are three main routines here. `makeSmallDelim` makes a delimiter in the
+ * normal font, but in either text, script, or scriptscript style.
+ * `makeLargeDelim` makes a delimiter in textstyle, but in one of the Size1,
+ * Size2, Size3, or Size4 fonts. `makeStackedDelim` makes a delimiter out of
+ * smaller pieces that are stacked on top of one another.
+ *
+ * The functions take a parameter `center`, which determines if the delimiter
+ * should be centered around the axis.
+ *
+ * Then, there are three exposed functions. `sizedDelim` makes a delimiter in
+ * one of the given sizes. This is used for things like `\bigl`.
+ * `customSizedDelim` makes a delimiter with a given total height+depth. It is
+ * called in places like `\sqrt`. `leftRightDelim` makes an appropriate
+ * delimiter which surrounds an expression of a given height an depth. It is
+ * used in `\left` and `\right`.
+ */
+var ParseError = require("./ParseError");
+var Style = require("./Style");
+var buildCommon = require("./buildCommon");
+var fontMetrics = require("./fontMetrics");
+var symbols = require("./symbols");
+var utils = require("./utils");
+var makeSpan = buildCommon.makeSpan;
+ * Get the metrics for a given symbol and font, after transformation (i.e.
+ * after following replacement from symbols.js)
+ */
+var getMetrics = function(symbol, font) {
+ if (symbols.math[symbol] && symbols.math[symbol].replace) {
+ return fontMetrics.getCharacterMetrics(
+ symbols.math[symbol].replace, font);
+ } else {
+ return fontMetrics.getCharacterMetrics(
+ symbol, font);
+ }
+ * Builds a symbol in the given font size (note size is an integer)
+ */
+var mathrmSize = function(value, size, mode, options) {
+ return buildCommon.makeSymbol(value, "Size" + size + "-Regular",
+ mode, options);
+ * Puts a delimiter span in a given style, and adds appropriate height, depth,
+ * and maxFontSizes.
+ */
+var styleWrap = function(delim, toStyle, options, classes) {
+ classes = classes || [];
+ var span = makeSpan(
+ classes.concat(["style-wrap",, toStyle.cls()]),
+ [delim], options);
+ var multiplier = toStyle.sizeMultiplier /;
+ span.height *= multiplier;
+ span.depth *= multiplier;
+ span.maxFontSize = toStyle.sizeMultiplier;
+ return span;
+ * Makes a small delimiter. This is a delimiter that comes in the Main-Regular
+ * font, but is restyled to either be in textstyle, scriptstyle, or
+ * scriptscriptstyle.
+ */
+var makeSmallDelim = function(delim, style, center, options, mode, classes) {
+ var text = buildCommon.makeSymbol(delim, "Main-Regular", mode, options);
+ var span = styleWrap(text, style, options, classes);
+ if (center) {
+ var shift =
+ (1 - / style.sizeMultiplier) *
+ = shift + "em";
+ span.height -= shift;
+ span.depth += shift;
+ }
+ return span;
+ * Makes a large delimiter. This is a delimiter that comes in the Size1, Size2,
+ * Size3, or Size4 fonts. It is always rendered in textstyle.
+ */
+var makeLargeDelim = function(delim, size, center, options, mode, classes) {
+ var inner = mathrmSize(delim, size, mode, options);
+ var span = styleWrap(
+ makeSpan(["delimsizing", "size" + size], [inner], options),
+ Style.TEXT, options, classes);
+ if (center) {
+ var shift = (1 - *
+ = shift + "em";
+ span.height -= shift;
+ span.depth += shift;
+ }
+ return span;
+ * Make an inner span with the given offset and in the given font. This is used
+ * in `makeStackedDelim` to make the stacking pieces for the delimiter.
+ */
+var makeInner = function(symbol, font, mode) {
+ var sizeClass;
+ // Apply the correct CSS class to choose the right font.
+ if (font === "Size1-Regular") {
+ sizeClass = "delim-size1";
+ } else if (font === "Size4-Regular") {
+ sizeClass = "delim-size4";
+ }
+ var inner = makeSpan(
+ ["delimsizinginner", sizeClass],
+ [makeSpan([], [buildCommon.makeSymbol(symbol, font, mode)])]);
+ // Since this will be passed into `makeVList` in the end, wrap the element
+ // in the appropriate tag that VList uses.
+ return {type: "elem", elem: inner};
+ * Make a stacked delimiter out of a given delimiter, with the total height at
+ * least `heightTotal`. This routine is mentioned on page 442 of the TeXbook.
+ */
+var makeStackedDelim = function(delim, heightTotal, center, options, mode,
+ classes) {
+ // There are four parts, the top, an optional middle, a repeated part, and a
+ // bottom.
+ var top;
+ var middle;
+ var repeat;
+ var bottom;
+ top = repeat = bottom = delim;
+ middle = null;
+ // Also keep track of what font the delimiters are in
+ var font = "Size1-Regular";
+ // We set the parts and font based on the symbol. Note that we use
+ // '\u23d0' instead of '|' and '\u2016' instead of '\\|' for the
+ // repeats of the arrows
+ if (delim === "\\uparrow") {
+ repeat = bottom = "\u23d0";
+ } else if (delim === "\\Uparrow") {
+ repeat = bottom = "\u2016";
+ } else if (delim === "\\downarrow") {
+ top = repeat = "\u23d0";
+ } else if (delim === "\\Downarrow") {
+ top = repeat = "\u2016";
+ } else if (delim === "\\updownarrow") {
+ top = "\\uparrow";
+ repeat = "\u23d0";
+ bottom = "\\downarrow";
+ } else if (delim === "\\Updownarrow") {
+ top = "\\Uparrow";
+ repeat = "\u2016";
+ bottom = "\\Downarrow";
+ } else if (delim === "[" || delim === "\\lbrack") {
+ top = "\u23a1";
+ repeat = "\u23a2";
+ bottom = "\u23a3";
+ font = "Size4-Regular";
+ } else if (delim === "]" || delim === "\\rbrack") {
+ top = "\u23a4";
+ repeat = "\u23a5";
+ bottom = "\u23a6";
+ font = "Size4-Regular";
+ } else if (delim === "\\lfloor") {
+ repeat = top = "\u23a2";
+ bottom = "\u23a3";
+ font = "Size4-Regular";
+ } else if (delim === "\\lceil") {
+ top = "\u23a1";
+ repeat = bottom = "\u23a2";
+ font = "Size4-Regular";
+ } else if (delim === "\\rfloor") {
+ repeat = top = "\u23a5";
+ bottom = "\u23a6";
+ font = "Size4-Regular";
+ } else if (delim === "\\rceil") {
+ top = "\u23a4";
+ repeat = bottom = "\u23a5";
+ font = "Size4-Regular";
+ } else if (delim === "(") {
+ top = "\u239b";
+ repeat = "\u239c";
+ bottom = "\u239d";
+ font = "Size4-Regular";
+ } else if (delim === ")") {
+ top = "\u239e";
+ repeat = "\u239f";
+ bottom = "\u23a0";
+ font = "Size4-Regular";
+ } else if (delim === "\\{" || delim === "\\lbrace") {
+ top = "\u23a7";
+ middle = "\u23a8";
+ bottom = "\u23a9";
+ repeat = "\u23aa";
+ font = "Size4-Regular";
+ } else if (delim === "\\}" || delim === "\\rbrace") {
+ top = "\u23ab";
+ middle = "\u23ac";
+ bottom = "\u23ad";
+ repeat = "\u23aa";
+ font = "Size4-Regular";
+ } else if (delim === "\\lgroup") {
+ top = "\u23a7";
+ bottom = "\u23a9";
+ repeat = "\u23aa";
+ font = "Size4-Regular";
+ } else if (delim === "\\rgroup") {
+ top = "\u23ab";
+ bottom = "\u23ad";
+ repeat = "\u23aa";
+ font = "Size4-Regular";
+ } else if (delim === "\\lmoustache") {
+ top = "\u23a7";
+ bottom = "\u23ad";
+ repeat = "\u23aa";
+ font = "Size4-Regular";
+ } else if (delim === "\\rmoustache") {
+ top = "\u23ab";
+ bottom = "\u23a9";
+ repeat = "\u23aa";
+ font = "Size4-Regular";
+ } else if (delim === "\\surd") {
+ top = "\ue001";
+ bottom = "\u23b7";
+ repeat = "\ue000";
+ font = "Size4-Regular";
+ }
+ // Get the metrics of the four sections
+ var topMetrics = getMetrics(top, font);
+ var topHeightTotal = topMetrics.height + topMetrics.depth;
+ var repeatMetrics = getMetrics(repeat, font);
+ var repeatHeightTotal = repeatMetrics.height + repeatMetrics.depth;
+ var bottomMetrics = getMetrics(bottom, font);
+ var bottomHeightTotal = bottomMetrics.height + bottomMetrics.depth;
+ var middleHeightTotal = 0;
+ var middleFactor = 1;
+ if (middle !== null) {
+ var middleMetrics = getMetrics(middle, font);
+ middleHeightTotal = middleMetrics.height + middleMetrics.depth;
+ middleFactor = 2; // repeat symmetrically above and below middle
+ }
+ // Calcuate the minimal height that the delimiter can have.
+ // It is at least the size of the top, bottom, and optional middle combined.
+ var minHeight = topHeightTotal + bottomHeightTotal + middleHeightTotal;
+ // Compute the number of copies of the repeat symbol we will need
+ var repeatCount = Math.ceil(
+ (heightTotal - minHeight) / (middleFactor * repeatHeightTotal));
+ // Compute the total height of the delimiter including all the symbols
+ var realHeightTotal =
+ minHeight + repeatCount * middleFactor * repeatHeightTotal;
+ // The center of the delimiter is placed at the center of the axis. Note
+ // that in this context, "center" means that the delimiter should be
+ // centered around the axis in the current style, while normally it is
+ // centered around the axis in textstyle.
+ var axisHeight =;
+ if (center) {
+ axisHeight *=;
+ }
+ // Calculate the depth
+ var depth = realHeightTotal / 2 - axisHeight;
+ // Now, we start building the pieces that will go into the vlist
+ // Keep a list of the inner pieces
+ var inners = [];
+ // Add the bottom symbol
+ inners.push(makeInner(bottom, font, mode));
+ var i;
+ if (middle === null) {
+ // Add that many symbols
+ for (i = 0; i < repeatCount; i++) {
+ inners.push(makeInner(repeat, font, mode));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // When there is a middle bit, we need the middle part and two repeated
+ // sections
+ for (i = 0; i < repeatCount; i++) {
+ inners.push(makeInner(repeat, font, mode));
+ }
+ inners.push(makeInner(middle, font, mode));
+ for (i = 0; i < repeatCount; i++) {
+ inners.push(makeInner(repeat, font, mode));
+ }
+ }
+ // Add the top symbol
+ inners.push(makeInner(top, font, mode));
+ // Finally, build the vlist
+ var inner = buildCommon.makeVList(inners, "bottom", depth, options);
+ return styleWrap(
+ makeSpan(["delimsizing", "mult"], [inner], options),
+ Style.TEXT, options, classes);
+// There are three kinds of delimiters, delimiters that stack when they become
+// too large
+var stackLargeDelimiters = [
+ "(", ")", "[", "\\lbrack", "]", "\\rbrack",
+ "\\{", "\\lbrace", "\\}", "\\rbrace",
+ "\\lfloor", "\\rfloor", "\\lceil", "\\rceil",
+ "\\surd"
+// delimiters that always stack
+var stackAlwaysDelimiters = [
+ "\\uparrow", "\\downarrow", "\\updownarrow",
+ "\\Uparrow", "\\Downarrow", "\\Updownarrow",
+ "|", "\\|", "\\vert", "\\Vert",
+ "\\lvert", "\\rvert", "\\lVert", "\\rVert",
+ "\\lgroup", "\\rgroup", "\\lmoustache", "\\rmoustache"
+// and delimiters that never stack
+var stackNeverDelimiters = [
+ "<", ">", "\\langle", "\\rangle", "/", "\\backslash", "\\lt", "\\gt"
+// Metrics of the different sizes. Found by looking at TeX's output of
+// $\bigl| // \Bigl| \biggl| \Biggl| \showlists$
+// Used to create stacked delimiters of appropriate sizes in makeSizedDelim.
+var sizeToMaxHeight = [0, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 3.0];
+ * Used to create a delimiter of a specific size, where `size` is 1, 2, 3, or 4.
+ */
+var makeSizedDelim = function(delim, size, options, mode, classes) {
+ // < and > turn into \langle and \rangle in delimiters
+ if (delim === "<" || delim === "\\lt") {
+ delim = "\\langle";
+ } else if (delim === ">" || delim === "\\gt") {
+ delim = "\\rangle";
+ }
+ // Sized delimiters are never centered.
+ if (utils.contains(stackLargeDelimiters, delim) ||
+ utils.contains(stackNeverDelimiters, delim)) {
+ return makeLargeDelim(delim, size, false, options, mode, classes);
+ } else if (utils.contains(stackAlwaysDelimiters, delim)) {
+ return makeStackedDelim(
+ delim, sizeToMaxHeight[size], false, options, mode, classes);
+ } else {
+ throw new ParseError("Illegal delimiter: '" + delim + "'");
+ }
+ * There are three different sequences of delimiter sizes that the delimiters
+ * follow depending on the kind of delimiter. This is used when creating custom
+ * sized delimiters to decide whether to create a small, large, or stacked
+ * delimiter.
+ *
+ * In real TeX, these sequences aren't explicitly defined, but are instead
+ * defined inside the font metrics. Since there are only three sequences that
+ * are possible for the delimiters that TeX defines, it is easier to just encode
+ * them explicitly here.
+ */
+// Delimiters that never stack try small delimiters and large delimiters only
+var stackNeverDelimiterSequence = [
+ {type: "small", style: Style.SCRIPTSCRIPT},
+ {type: "small", style: Style.SCRIPT},
+ {type: "small", style: Style.TEXT},
+ {type: "large", size: 1},
+ {type: "large", size: 2},
+ {type: "large", size: 3},
+ {type: "large", size: 4}
+// Delimiters that always stack try the small delimiters first, then stack
+var stackAlwaysDelimiterSequence = [
+ {type: "small", style: Style.SCRIPTSCRIPT},
+ {type: "small", style: Style.SCRIPT},
+ {type: "small", style: Style.TEXT},
+ {type: "stack"}
+// Delimiters that stack when large try the small and then large delimiters, and
+// stack afterwards
+var stackLargeDelimiterSequence = [
+ {type: "small", style: Style.SCRIPTSCRIPT},
+ {type: "small", style: Style.SCRIPT},
+ {type: "small", style: Style.TEXT},
+ {type: "large", size: 1},
+ {type: "large", size: 2},
+ {type: "large", size: 3},
+ {type: "large", size: 4},
+ {type: "stack"}
+ * Get the font used in a delimiter based on what kind of delimiter it is.
+ */
+var delimTypeToFont = function(type) {
+ if (type.type === "small") {
+ return "Main-Regular";
+ } else if (type.type === "large") {
+ return "Size" + type.size + "-Regular";
+ } else if (type.type === "stack") {
+ return "Size4-Regular";
+ }
+ * Traverse a sequence of types of delimiters to decide what kind of delimiter
+ * should be used to create a delimiter of the given height+depth.
+ */
+var traverseSequence = function(delim, height, sequence, options) {
+ // Here, we choose the index we should start at in the sequences. In smaller
+ // sizes (which correspond to larger numbers in style.size) we start earlier
+ // in the sequence. Thus, scriptscript starts at index 3-3=0, script starts
+ // at index 3-2=1, text starts at 3-1=2, and display starts at min(2,3-0)=2
+ var start = Math.min(2, 3 -;
+ for (var i = start; i < sequence.length; i++) {
+ if (sequence[i].type === "stack") {
+ // This is always the last delimiter, so we just break the loop now.
+ break;
+ }
+ var metrics = getMetrics(delim, delimTypeToFont(sequence[i]));
+ var heightDepth = metrics.height + metrics.depth;
+ // Small delimiters are scaled down versions of the same font, so we
+ // account for the style change size.
+ if (sequence[i].type === "small") {
+ heightDepth *= sequence[i].style.sizeMultiplier;
+ }
+ // Check if the delimiter at this size works for the given height.
+ if (heightDepth > height) {
+ return sequence[i];
+ }
+ }
+ // If we reached the end of the sequence, return the last sequence element.
+ return sequence[sequence.length - 1];
+ * Make a delimiter of a given height+depth, with optional centering. Here, we
+ * traverse the sequences, and create a delimiter that the sequence tells us to.
+ */
+var makeCustomSizedDelim = function(delim, height, center, options, mode,
+ classes) {
+ if (delim === "<" || delim === "\\lt") {
+ delim = "\\langle";
+ } else if (delim === ">" || delim === "\\gt") {
+ delim = "\\rangle";
+ }
+ // Decide what sequence to use
+ var sequence;
+ if (utils.contains(stackNeverDelimiters, delim)) {
+ sequence = stackNeverDelimiterSequence;
+ } else if (utils.contains(stackLargeDelimiters, delim)) {
+ sequence = stackLargeDelimiterSequence;
+ } else {
+ sequence = stackAlwaysDelimiterSequence;
+ }
+ // Look through the sequence
+ var delimType = traverseSequence(delim, height, sequence, options);
+ // Depending on the sequence element we decided on, call the appropriate
+ // function.
+ if (delimType.type === "small") {
+ return makeSmallDelim(delim,, center, options, mode,
+ classes);
+ } else if (delimType.type === "large") {
+ return makeLargeDelim(delim, delimType.size, center, options, mode,
+ classes);
+ } else if (delimType.type === "stack") {
+ return makeStackedDelim(delim, height, center, options, mode, classes);
+ }
+ * Make a delimiter for use with `\left` and `\right`, given a height and depth
+ * of an expression that the delimiters surround.
+ */
+var makeLeftRightDelim = function(delim, height, depth, options, mode,
+ classes) {
+ // We always center \left/\right delimiters, so the axis is always shifted
+ var axisHeight =
+ *;
+ // Taken from TeX source, tex.web, function make_left_right
+ var delimiterFactor = 901;
+ var delimiterExtend = 5.0 / fontMetrics.metrics.ptPerEm;
+ var maxDistFromAxis = Math.max(
+ height - axisHeight, depth + axisHeight);
+ var totalHeight = Math.max(
+ // In real TeX, calculations are done using integral values which are
+ // 65536 per pt, or 655360 per em. So, the division here truncates in
+ // TeX but doesn't here, producing different results. If we wanted to
+ // exactly match TeX's calculation, we could do
+ // Math.floor(655360 * maxDistFromAxis / 500) *
+ // delimiterFactor / 655360
+ // (To see the difference, compare
+ // x^{x^{\left(\rule{0.1em}{0.68em}\right)}}
+ // in TeX and KaTeX)
+ maxDistFromAxis / 500 * delimiterFactor,
+ 2 * maxDistFromAxis - delimiterExtend);
+ // Finally, we defer to `makeCustomSizedDelim` with our calculated total
+ // height
+ return makeCustomSizedDelim(delim, totalHeight, true, options, mode,
+ classes);
+module.exports = {
+ sizedDelim: makeSizedDelim,
+ customSizedDelim: makeCustomSizedDelim,
+ leftRightDelim: makeLeftRightDelim
+ * These objects store the data about the DOM nodes we create, as well as some
+ * extra data. They can then be transformed into real DOM nodes with the
+ * `toNode` function or HTML markup using `toMarkup`. They are useful for both
+ * storing extra properties on the nodes, as well as providing a way to easily
+ * work with the DOM.
+ *
+ * Similar functions for working with MathML nodes exist in mathMLTree.js.
+ */
+var unicodeRegexes = require("./unicodeRegexes");
+var utils = require("./utils");
+ * Create an HTML className based on a list of classes. In addition to joining
+ * with spaces, we also remove null or empty classes.
+ */
+var createClass = function(classes) {
+ classes = classes.slice();
+ for (var i = classes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (!classes[i]) {
+ classes.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ return classes.join(" ");
+ * This node represents a span node, with a className, a list of children, and
+ * an inline style. It also contains information about its height, depth, and
+ * maxFontSize.
+ */
+function span(classes, children, options) {
+ this.classes = classes || [];
+ this.children = children || [];
+ this.height = 0;
+ this.depth = 0;
+ this.maxFontSize = 0;
+ = {};
+ this.attributes = {};
+ if (options) {
+ if ( {
+ this.classes.push("mtight");
+ }
+ if (options.getColor()) {
+ = options.getColor();
+ }
+ }
+ * Sets an arbitrary attribute on the span. Warning: use this wisely. Not all
+ * browsers support attributes the same, and having too many custom attributes
+ * is probably bad.
+ */
+span.prototype.setAttribute = function(attribute, value) {
+ this.attributes[attribute] = value;
+span.prototype.tryCombine = function(sibling) {
+ return false;
+ * Convert the span into an HTML node
+ */
+span.prototype.toNode = function() {
+ var span = document.createElement("span");
+ // Apply the class
+ span.className = createClass(this.classes);
+ // Apply inline styles
+ for (var style in {
+ if (, style)) {
+[style] =[style];
+ }
+ }
+ // Apply attributes
+ for (var attr in this.attributes) {
+ if (, attr)) {
+ span.setAttribute(attr, this.attributes[attr]);
+ }
+ }
+ // Append the children, also as HTML nodes
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ span.appendChild(this.children[i].toNode());
+ }
+ return span;
+ * Convert the span into an HTML markup string
+ */
+span.prototype.toMarkup = function() {
+ var markup = "<span";
+ // Add the class
+ if (this.classes.length) {
+ markup += " class=\"";
+ markup += utils.escape(createClass(this.classes));
+ markup += "\"";
+ }
+ var styles = "";
+ // Add the styles, after hyphenation
+ for (var style in {
+ if ( {
+ styles += utils.hyphenate(style) + ":" +[style] + ";";
+ }
+ }
+ if (styles) {
+ markup += " style=\"" + utils.escape(styles) + "\"";
+ }
+ // Add the attributes
+ for (var attr in this.attributes) {
+ if (, attr)) {
+ markup += " " + attr + "=\"";
+ markup += utils.escape(this.attributes[attr]);
+ markup += "\"";
+ }
+ }
+ markup += ">";
+ // Add the markup of the children, also as markup
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ markup += this.children[i].toMarkup();
+ }
+ markup += "</span>";
+ return markup;
+ * This node represents a document fragment, which contains elements, but when
+ * placed into the DOM doesn't have any representation itself. Thus, it only
+ * contains children and doesn't have any HTML properties. It also keeps track
+ * of a height, depth, and maxFontSize.
+ */
+function documentFragment(children) {
+ this.children = children || [];
+ this.height = 0;
+ this.depth = 0;
+ this.maxFontSize = 0;
+ * Convert the fragment into a node
+ */
+documentFragment.prototype.toNode = function() {
+ // Create a fragment
+ var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ // Append the children
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ frag.appendChild(this.children[i].toNode());
+ }
+ return frag;
+ * Convert the fragment into HTML markup
+ */
+documentFragment.prototype.toMarkup = function() {
+ var markup = "";
+ // Simply concatenate the markup for the children together
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ markup += this.children[i].toMarkup();
+ }
+ return markup;
+var iCombinations = {
+ 'î': '\u0131\u0302',
+ 'ï': '\u0131\u0308',
+ 'í': '\u0131\u0301',
+ // 'ī': '\u0131\u0304', // enable when we add Extended Latin
+ 'ì': '\u0131\u0300'
+ * A symbol node contains information about a single symbol. It either renders
+ * to a single text node, or a span with a single text node in it, depending on
+ * whether it has CSS classes, styles, or needs italic correction.
+ */
+function symbolNode(value, height, depth, italic, skew, classes, style) {
+ this.value = value || "";
+ this.height = height || 0;
+ this.depth = depth || 0;
+ this.italic = italic || 0;
+ this.skew = skew || 0;
+ this.classes = classes || [];
+ = style || {};
+ this.maxFontSize = 0;
+ // Mark CJK characters with specific classes so that we can specify which
+ // fonts to use. This allows us to render these characters with a serif
+ // font in situations where the browser would either default to a sans serif
+ // or render a placeholder character.
+ if (unicodeRegexes.cjkRegex.test(value)) {
+ // I couldn't find any fonts that contained Hangul as well as all of
+ // the other characters we wanted to test there for it gets its own
+ // CSS class.
+ if (unicodeRegexes.hangulRegex.test(value)) {
+ this.classes.push('hangul_fallback');
+ } else {
+ this.classes.push('cjk_fallback');
+ }
+ }
+ if (/[îïíì]/.test(this.value)) { // add ī when we add Extended Latin
+ this.value = iCombinations[this.value];
+ }
+symbolNode.prototype.tryCombine = function(sibling) {
+ if (!sibling
+ || !(sibling instanceof symbolNode)
+ || this.italic > 0
+ || createClass(this.classes) !== createClass(sibling.classes)
+ || this.skew !== sibling.skew
+ || this.maxFontSize !== sibling.maxFontSize) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (var style in {
+ if (
+ &&[style] !==[style]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ for (style in {
+ if (
+ &&[style] !==[style]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ this.value += sibling.value;
+ this.height = Math.max(this.height, sibling.height);
+ this.depth = Math.max(this.depth, sibling.depth);
+ this.italic = sibling.italic;
+ return true;
+ * Creates a text node or span from a symbol node. Note that a span is only
+ * created if it is needed.
+ */
+symbolNode.prototype.toNode = function() {
+ var node = document.createTextNode(this.value);
+ var span = null;
+ if (this.italic > 0) {
+ span = document.createElement("span");
+ = this.italic + "em";
+ }
+ if (this.classes.length > 0) {
+ span = span || document.createElement("span");
+ span.className = createClass(this.classes);
+ }
+ for (var style in {
+ if ( {
+ span = span || document.createElement("span");
+[style] =[style];
+ }
+ }
+ if (span) {
+ span.appendChild(node);
+ return span;
+ } else {
+ return node;
+ }
+ * Creates markup for a symbol node.
+ */
+symbolNode.prototype.toMarkup = function() {
+ // TODO(alpert): More duplication than I'd like from
+ // span.prototype.toMarkup and symbolNode.prototype.toNode...
+ var needsSpan = false;
+ var markup = "<span";
+ if (this.classes.length) {
+ needsSpan = true;
+ markup += " class=\"";
+ markup += utils.escape(createClass(this.classes));
+ markup += "\"";
+ }
+ var styles = "";
+ if (this.italic > 0) {
+ styles += "margin-right:" + this.italic + "em;";
+ }
+ for (var style in {
+ if ( {
+ styles += utils.hyphenate(style) + ":" +[style] + ";";
+ }
+ }
+ if (styles) {
+ needsSpan = true;
+ markup += " style=\"" + utils.escape(styles) + "\"";
+ }
+ var escaped = utils.escape(this.value);
+ if (needsSpan) {
+ markup += ">";
+ markup += escaped;
+ markup += "</span>";
+ return markup;
+ } else {
+ return escaped;
+ }
+module.exports = {
+ span: span,
+ documentFragment: documentFragment,
+ symbolNode: symbolNode
+/* eslint no-constant-condition:0 */
+var parseData = require("./parseData");
+var ParseError = require("./ParseError");
+var Style = require("./Style");
+var ParseNode = parseData.ParseNode;
+ * Parse the body of the environment, with rows delimited by \\ and
+ * columns delimited by &, and create a nested list in row-major order
+ * with one group per cell.
+ */
+function parseArray(parser, result) {
+ var row = [];
+ var body = [row];
+ var rowGaps = [];
+ while (true) {
+ var cell = parser.parseExpression(false, null);
+ row.push(new ParseNode("ordgroup", cell, parser.mode));
+ var next = parser.nextToken.text;
+ if (next === "&") {
+ parser.consume();
+ } else if (next === "\\end") {
+ break;
+ } else if (next === "\\\\" || next === "\\cr") {
+ var cr = parser.parseFunction();
+ rowGaps.push(cr.value.size);
+ row = [];
+ body.push(row);
+ } else {
+ throw new ParseError("Expected & or \\\\ or \\end",
+ parser.nextToken);
+ }
+ }
+ result.body = body;
+ result.rowGaps = rowGaps;
+ return new ParseNode(result.type, result, parser.mode);
+ * An environment definition is very similar to a function definition:
+ * it is declared with a name or a list of names, a set of properties
+ * and a handler containing the actual implementation.
+ *
+ * The properties include:
+ * - numArgs: The number of arguments after the \begin{name} function.
+ * - argTypes: (optional) Just like for a function
+ * - allowedInText: (optional) Whether or not the environment is allowed inside
+ * text mode (default false) (not enforced yet)
+ * - numOptionalArgs: (optional) Just like for a function
+ * A bare number instead of that object indicates the numArgs value.
+ *
+ * The handler function will receive two arguments
+ * - context: information and references provided by the parser
+ * - args: an array of arguments passed to \begin{name}
+ * The context contains the following properties:
+ * - envName: the name of the environment, one of the listed names.
+ * - parser: the parser object
+ * - lexer: the lexer object
+ * - positions: the positions associated with these arguments from args.
+ * The handler must return a ParseResult.
+ */
+function defineEnvironment(names, props, handler) {
+ if (typeof names === "string") {
+ names = [names];
+ }
+ if (typeof props === "number") {
+ props = { numArgs: props };
+ }
+ // Set default values of environments
+ var data = {
+ numArgs: props.numArgs || 0,
+ argTypes: props.argTypes,
+ greediness: 1,
+ allowedInText: !!props.allowedInText,
+ numOptionalArgs: props.numOptionalArgs || 0,
+ handler: handler
+ };
+ for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
+ module.exports[names[i]] = data;
+ }
+// Arrays are part of LaTeX, defined in lttab.dtx so its documentation
+// is part of the source2e.pdf file of LaTeX2e source documentation.
+defineEnvironment("array", {
+ numArgs: 1
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var colalign = args[0];
+ colalign = ? colalign.value : [colalign];
+ var cols = {
+ var ca = node.value;
+ if ("lcr".indexOf(ca) !== -1) {
+ return {
+ type: "align",
+ align: ca
+ };
+ } else if (ca === "|") {
+ return {
+ type: "separator",
+ separator: "|"
+ };
+ }
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "Unknown column alignment: " + node.value,
+ node);
+ });
+ var res = {
+ type: "array",
+ cols: cols,
+ hskipBeforeAndAfter: true // \@preamble in lttab.dtx
+ };
+ res = parseArray(context.parser, res);
+ return res;
+// The matrix environments of amsmath builds on the array environment
+// of LaTeX, which is discussed above.
+ "matrix",
+ "pmatrix",
+ "bmatrix",
+ "Bmatrix",
+ "vmatrix",
+ "Vmatrix"
+], {
+}, function(context) {
+ var delimiters = {
+ "matrix": null,
+ "pmatrix": ["(", ")"],
+ "bmatrix": ["[", "]"],
+ "Bmatrix": ["\\{", "\\}"],
+ "vmatrix": ["|", "|"],
+ "Vmatrix": ["\\Vert", "\\Vert"]
+ }[context.envName];
+ var res = {
+ type: "array",
+ hskipBeforeAndAfter: false // \hskip -\arraycolsep in amsmath
+ };
+ res = parseArray(context.parser, res);
+ if (delimiters) {
+ res = new ParseNode("leftright", {
+ body: [res],
+ left: delimiters[0],
+ right: delimiters[1]
+ }, context.mode);
+ }
+ return res;
+// A cases environment (in amsmath.sty) is almost equivalent to
+// \def\arraystretch{1.2}%
+// \left\{\begin{array}{@{}l@{\quad}l@{}} … \end{array}\right.
+defineEnvironment("cases", {
+}, function(context) {
+ var res = {
+ type: "array",
+ arraystretch: 1.2,
+ cols: [{
+ type: "align",
+ align: "l",
+ pregap: 0,
+ // TODO(kevinb) get the current style.
+ // For now we use the metrics for TEXT style which is what we were
+ // doing before. Before attempting to get the current style we
+ // should look at TeX's behavior especially for \over and matrices.
+ postgap: Style.TEXT.metrics.quad
+ }, {
+ type: "align",
+ align: "l",
+ pregap: 0,
+ postgap: 0
+ }]
+ };
+ res = parseArray(context.parser, res);
+ res = new ParseNode("leftright", {
+ body: [res],
+ left: "\\{",
+ right: "."
+ }, context.mode);
+ return res;
+// An aligned environment is like the align* environment
+// except it operates within math mode.
+// Note that we assume \nomallineskiplimit to be zero,
+// so that \strut@ is the same as \strut.
+defineEnvironment("aligned", {
+}, function(context) {
+ var res = {
+ type: "array",
+ cols: []
+ };
+ res = parseArray(context.parser, res);
+ var emptyGroup = new ParseNode("ordgroup", [], context.mode);
+ var numCols = 0;
+ res.value.body.forEach(function(row) {
+ var i;
+ for (i = 1; i < row.length; i += 2) {
+ row[i].value.unshift(emptyGroup);
+ }
+ if (numCols < row.length) {
+ numCols = row.length;
+ }
+ });
+ for (var i = 0; i < numCols; ++i) {
+ var align = "r";
+ var pregap = 0;
+ if (i % 2 === 1) {
+ align = "l";
+ } else if (i > 0) {
+ pregap = 2; // one \qquad between columns
+ }
+ res.value.cols[i] = {
+ type: "align",
+ align: align,
+ pregap: pregap,
+ postgap: 0
+ };
+ }
+ return res;
+/* eslint no-unused-vars:0 */
+var Style = require("./Style");
+var cjkRegex = require("./unicodeRegexes").cjkRegex;
+ * This file contains metrics regarding fonts and individual symbols. The sigma
+ * and xi variables, as well as the metricMap map contain data extracted from
+ * TeX, TeX font metrics, and the TTF files. These data are then exposed via the
+ * `metrics` variable and the getCharacterMetrics function.
+ */
+// In TeX, there are actually three sets of dimensions, one for each of
+// textstyle, scriptstyle, and scriptscriptstyle. These are provided in the
+// the arrays below, in that order.
+// The font metrics are stored in fonts cmsy10, cmsy7, and cmsy5 respsectively.
+// This was determined by running the folllowing script:
+// latex -interaction=nonstopmode \
+// '\documentclass{article}\usepackage{amsmath}\begin{document}' \
+// '$a$ \expandafter\show\the\textfont2' \
+// '\expandafter\show\the\scriptfont2' \
+// '\expandafter\show\the\scriptscriptfont2' \
+// '\stop'
+// The metrics themselves were retreived using the following commands:
+// tftopl cmsy10
+// tftopl cmsy7
+// tftopl cmsy5
+// The output of each of these commands is quite lengthy. The only part we
+// care about is the FONTDIMEN section. Each value is measured in EMs.
+var sigmas = {
+ slant: [0.250, 0.250, 0.250], // sigma1
+ space: [0.000, 0.000, 0.000], // sigma2
+ stretch: [0.000, 0.000, 0.000], // sigma3
+ shrink: [0.000, 0.000, 0.000], // sigma4
+ xHeight: [0.431, 0.431, 0.431], // sigma5
+ quad: [1.000, 1.171, 1.472], // sigma6
+ extraSpace: [0.000, 0.000, 0.000], // sigma7
+ num1: [0.677, 0.732, 0.925], // sigma8
+ num2: [0.394, 0.384, 0.387], // sigma9
+ num3: [0.444, 0.471, 0.504], // sigma10
+ denom1: [0.686, 0.752, 1.025], // sigma11
+ denom2: [0.345, 0.344, 0.532], // sigma12
+ sup1: [0.413, 0.503, 0.504], // sigma13
+ sup2: [0.363, 0.431, 0.404], // sigma14
+ sup3: [0.289, 0.286, 0.294], // sigma15
+ sub1: [0.150, 0.143, 0.200], // sigma16
+ sub2: [0.247, 0.286, 0.400], // sigma17
+ supDrop: [0.386, 0.353, 0.494], // sigma18
+ subDrop: [0.050, 0.071, 0.100], // sigma19
+ delim1: [2.390, 1.700, 1.980], // sigma20
+ delim2: [1.010, 1.157, 1.420], // sigma21
+ axisHeight: [0.250, 0.250, 0.250] // sigma22
+// These font metrics are extracted from TeX by using
+// \font\a=cmex10
+// \showthe\fontdimenX\a
+// where X is the corresponding variable number. These correspond to the font
+// parameters of the extension fonts (family 3). See the TeXbook, page 441.
+var xi1 = 0;
+var xi2 = 0;
+var xi3 = 0;
+var xi4 = 0;
+var xi5 = 0.431;
+var xi6 = 1;
+var xi7 = 0;
+var xi8 = 0.04;
+var xi9 = 0.111;
+var xi10 = 0.166;
+var xi11 = 0.2;
+var xi12 = 0.6;
+var xi13 = 0.1;
+// This value determines how large a pt is, for metrics which are defined in
+// terms of pts.
+// This value is also used in katex.less; if you change it make sure the values
+// match.
+var ptPerEm = 10.0;
+// The space between adjacent `|` columns in an array definition. From
+// `\showthe\doublerulesep` in LaTeX.
+var doubleRuleSep = 2.0 / ptPerEm;
+ * This is just a mapping from common names to real metrics
+ */
+var metrics = {
+ defaultRuleThickness: xi8,
+ bigOpSpacing1: xi9,
+ bigOpSpacing2: xi10,
+ bigOpSpacing3: xi11,
+ bigOpSpacing4: xi12,
+ bigOpSpacing5: xi13,
+ ptPerEm: ptPerEm,
+ doubleRuleSep: doubleRuleSep
+// This map contains a mapping from font name and character code to character
+// metrics, including height, depth, italic correction, and skew (kern from the
+// character to the corresponding \skewchar)
+// This map is generated via `make metrics`. It should not be changed manually.
+var metricMap = require("./fontMetricsData");
+// These are very rough approximations. We default to Times New Roman which
+// should have Latin-1 and Cyrillic characters, but may not depending on the
+// operating system. The metrics do not account for extra height from the
+// accents. In the case of Cyrillic characters which have both ascenders and
+// descenders we prefer approximations with ascenders, primarily to prevent
+// the fraction bar or root line from intersecting the glyph.
+// TODO(kevinb) allow union of multiple glyph metrics for better accuracy.
+var extraCharacterMap = {
+ // Latin-1
+ 'À': 'A',
+ 'Á': 'A',
+ 'Â': 'A',
+ 'Ã': 'A',
+ 'Ä': 'A',
+ 'Å': 'A',
+ 'Æ': 'A',
+ 'Ç': 'C',
+ 'È': 'E',
+ 'É': 'E',
+ 'Ê': 'E',
+ 'Ë': 'E',
+ 'Ì': 'I',
+ 'Í': 'I',
+ 'Î': 'I',
+ 'Ï': 'I',
+ 'Ð': 'D',
+ 'Ñ': 'N',
+ 'Ò': 'O',
+ 'Ó': 'O',
+ 'Ô': 'O',
+ 'Õ': 'O',
+ 'Ö': 'O',
+ 'Ø': 'O',
+ 'Ù': 'U',
+ 'Ú': 'U',
+ 'Û': 'U',
+ 'Ü': 'U',
+ 'Ý': 'Y',
+ 'Þ': 'o',
+ 'ß': 'B',
+ 'à': 'a',
+ 'á': 'a',
+ 'â': 'a',
+ 'ã': 'a',
+ 'ä': 'a',
+ 'å': 'a',
+ 'æ': 'a',
+ 'ç': 'c',
+ 'è': 'e',
+ 'é': 'e',
+ 'ê': 'e',
+ 'ë': 'e',
+ 'ì': 'i',
+ 'í': 'i',
+ 'î': 'i',
+ 'ï': 'i',
+ 'ð': 'd',
+ 'ñ': 'n',
+ 'ò': 'o',
+ 'ó': 'o',
+ 'ô': 'o',
+ 'õ': 'o',
+ 'ö': 'o',
+ 'ø': 'o',
+ 'ù': 'u',
+ 'ú': 'u',
+ 'û': 'u',
+ 'ü': 'u',
+ 'ý': 'y',
+ 'þ': 'o',
+ 'ÿ': 'y',
+ // Cyrillic
+ 'А': 'A',
+ 'Б': 'B',
+ 'В': 'B',
+ 'Г': 'F',
+ 'Д': 'A',
+ 'Е': 'E',
+ 'Ж': 'K',
+ 'З': '3',
+ 'И': 'N',
+ 'Й': 'N',
+ 'К': 'K',
+ 'Л': 'N',
+ 'М': 'M',
+ 'Н': 'H',
+ 'О': 'O',
+ 'П': 'N',
+ 'Р': 'P',
+ 'С': 'C',
+ 'Т': 'T',
+ 'У': 'y',
+ 'Ф': 'O',
+ 'Х': 'X',
+ 'Ц': 'U',
+ 'Ч': 'h',
+ 'Ш': 'W',
+ 'Щ': 'W',
+ 'Ъ': 'B',
+ 'Ы': 'X',
+ 'Ь': 'B',
+ 'Э': '3',
+ 'Ю': 'X',
+ 'Я': 'R',
+ 'а': 'a',
+ 'б': 'b',
+ 'в': 'a',
+ 'г': 'r',
+ 'д': 'y',
+ 'е': 'e',
+ 'ж': 'm',
+ 'з': 'e',
+ 'и': 'n',
+ 'й': 'n',
+ 'к': 'n',
+ 'л': 'n',
+ 'м': 'm',
+ 'н': 'n',
+ 'о': 'o',
+ 'п': 'n',
+ 'р': 'p',
+ 'с': 'c',
+ 'т': 'o',
+ 'у': 'y',
+ 'ф': 'b',
+ 'х': 'x',
+ 'ц': 'n',
+ 'ч': 'n',
+ 'ш': 'w',
+ 'щ': 'w',
+ 'ъ': 'a',
+ 'ы': 'm',
+ 'ь': 'a',
+ 'э': 'e',
+ 'ю': 'm',
+ 'я': 'r'
+ * This function is a convenience function for looking up information in the
+ * metricMap table. It takes a character as a string, and a style.
+ *
+ * Note: the `width` property may be undefined if fontMetricsData.js wasn't
+ * built using `Make extended_metrics`.
+ */
+var getCharacterMetrics = function(character, style) {
+ var ch = character.charCodeAt(0);
+ if (character[0] in extraCharacterMap) {
+ ch = extraCharacterMap[character[0]].charCodeAt(0);
+ } else if (cjkRegex.test(character[0])) {
+ ch = 'M'.charCodeAt(0);
+ }
+ var metrics = metricMap[style][ch];
+ if (metrics) {
+ return {
+ depth: metrics[0],
+ height: metrics[1],
+ italic: metrics[2],
+ skew: metrics[3],
+ width: metrics[4]
+ };
+ }
+module.exports = {
+ metrics: metrics,
+ sigmas: sigmas,
+ getCharacterMetrics: getCharacterMetrics
+module.exports = {
+ "AMS-Regular": {
+ "65": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "66": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "67": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "68": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "69": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "70": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "71": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "72": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "73": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "74": [0.16667, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "75": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "76": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "77": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "78": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "79": [0.16667, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "80": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "81": [0.16667, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "82": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "83": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "84": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "85": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "86": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "87": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "88": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "89": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "90": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "107": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "165": [0, 0.675, 0.025, 0],
+ "174": [0.15559, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "240": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "295": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "710": [0, 0.825, 0, 0],
+ "732": [0, 0.9, 0, 0],
+ "770": [0, 0.825, 0, 0],
+ "771": [0, 0.9, 0, 0],
+ "989": [0.08167, 0.58167, 0, 0],
+ "1008": [0, 0.43056, 0.04028, 0],
+ "8245": [0, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8463": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "8487": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "8498": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "8502": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "8503": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "8504": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "8513": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "8592": [-0.03598, 0.46402, 0, 0],
+ "8594": [-0.03598, 0.46402, 0, 0],
+ "8602": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8603": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8606": [0.01354, 0.52239, 0, 0],
+ "8608": [0.01354, 0.52239, 0, 0],
+ "8610": [0.01354, 0.52239, 0, 0],
+ "8611": [0.01354, 0.52239, 0, 0],
+ "8619": [0, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8620": [0, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8621": [-0.13313, 0.37788, 0, 0],
+ "8622": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8624": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8625": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8630": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "8631": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "8634": [0.08198, 0.58198, 0, 0],
+ "8635": [0.08198, 0.58198, 0, 0],
+ "8638": [0.19444, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8639": [0.19444, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8642": [0.19444, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8643": [0.19444, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8644": [0.1808, 0.675, 0, 0],
+ "8646": [0.1808, 0.675, 0, 0],
+ "8647": [0.1808, 0.675, 0, 0],
+ "8648": [0.19444, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8649": [0.1808, 0.675, 0, 0],
+ "8650": [0.19444, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8651": [0.01354, 0.52239, 0, 0],
+ "8652": [0.01354, 0.52239, 0, 0],
+ "8653": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8654": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8655": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8666": [0.13667, 0.63667, 0, 0],
+ "8667": [0.13667, 0.63667, 0, 0],
+ "8669": [-0.13313, 0.37788, 0, 0],
+ "8672": [-0.064, 0.437, 0, 0],
+ "8674": [-0.064, 0.437, 0, 0],
+ "8705": [0, 0.825, 0, 0],
+ "8708": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "8709": [0.08167, 0.58167, 0, 0],
+ "8717": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "8722": [-0.03598, 0.46402, 0, 0],
+ "8724": [0.08198, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8726": [0.08167, 0.58167, 0, 0],
+ "8733": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8736": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8737": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8738": [0.03517, 0.52239, 0, 0],
+ "8739": [0.08167, 0.58167, 0, 0],
+ "8740": [0.25142, 0.74111, 0, 0],
+ "8741": [0.08167, 0.58167, 0, 0],
+ "8742": [0.25142, 0.74111, 0, 0],
+ "8756": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8757": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8764": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8765": [-0.13313, 0.37788, 0, 0],
+ "8769": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8770": [-0.03625, 0.46375, 0, 0],
+ "8774": [0.30274, 0.79383, 0, 0],
+ "8776": [-0.01688, 0.48312, 0, 0],
+ "8778": [0.08167, 0.58167, 0, 0],
+ "8782": [0.06062, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8783": [0.06062, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8785": [0.08198, 0.58198, 0, 0],
+ "8786": [0.08198, 0.58198, 0, 0],
+ "8787": [0.08198, 0.58198, 0, 0],
+ "8790": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8791": [0.22958, 0.72958, 0, 0],
+ "8796": [0.08198, 0.91667, 0, 0],
+ "8806": [0.25583, 0.75583, 0, 0],
+ "8807": [0.25583, 0.75583, 0, 0],
+ "8808": [0.25142, 0.75726, 0, 0],
+ "8809": [0.25142, 0.75726, 0, 0],
+ "8812": [0.25583, 0.75583, 0, 0],
+ "8814": [0.20576, 0.70576, 0, 0],
+ "8815": [0.20576, 0.70576, 0, 0],
+ "8816": [0.30274, 0.79383, 0, 0],
+ "8817": [0.30274, 0.79383, 0, 0],
+ "8818": [0.22958, 0.72958, 0, 0],
+ "8819": [0.22958, 0.72958, 0, 0],
+ "8822": [0.1808, 0.675, 0, 0],
+ "8823": [0.1808, 0.675, 0, 0],
+ "8828": [0.13667, 0.63667, 0, 0],
+ "8829": [0.13667, 0.63667, 0, 0],
+ "8830": [0.22958, 0.72958, 0, 0],
+ "8831": [0.22958, 0.72958, 0, 0],
+ "8832": [0.20576, 0.70576, 0, 0],
+ "8833": [0.20576, 0.70576, 0, 0],
+ "8840": [0.30274, 0.79383, 0, 0],
+ "8841": [0.30274, 0.79383, 0, 0],
+ "8842": [0.13597, 0.63597, 0, 0],
+ "8843": [0.13597, 0.63597, 0, 0],
+ "8847": [0.03517, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8848": [0.03517, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8858": [0.08198, 0.58198, 0, 0],
+ "8859": [0.08198, 0.58198, 0, 0],
+ "8861": [0.08198, 0.58198, 0, 0],
+ "8862": [0, 0.675, 0, 0],
+ "8863": [0, 0.675, 0, 0],
+ "8864": [0, 0.675, 0, 0],
+ "8865": [0, 0.675, 0, 0],
+ "8872": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8873": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8874": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8876": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "8877": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "8878": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "8879": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "8882": [0.03517, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8883": [0.03517, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8884": [0.13667, 0.63667, 0, 0],
+ "8885": [0.13667, 0.63667, 0, 0],
+ "8888": [0, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8890": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "8891": [0.19444, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8892": [0.19444, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8901": [0, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8903": [0.08167, 0.58167, 0, 0],
+ "8905": [0.08167, 0.58167, 0, 0],
+ "8906": [0.08167, 0.58167, 0, 0],
+ "8907": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8908": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8909": [-0.03598, 0.46402, 0, 0],
+ "8910": [0, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8911": [0, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8912": [0.03517, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8913": [0.03517, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8914": [0, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8915": [0, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8916": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8918": [0.0391, 0.5391, 0, 0],
+ "8919": [0.0391, 0.5391, 0, 0],
+ "8920": [0.03517, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8921": [0.03517, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "8922": [0.38569, 0.88569, 0, 0],
+ "8923": [0.38569, 0.88569, 0, 0],
+ "8926": [0.13667, 0.63667, 0, 0],
+ "8927": [0.13667, 0.63667, 0, 0],
+ "8928": [0.30274, 0.79383, 0, 0],
+ "8929": [0.30274, 0.79383, 0, 0],
+ "8934": [0.23222, 0.74111, 0, 0],
+ "8935": [0.23222, 0.74111, 0, 0],
+ "8936": [0.23222, 0.74111, 0, 0],
+ "8937": [0.23222, 0.74111, 0, 0],
+ "8938": [0.20576, 0.70576, 0, 0],
+ "8939": [0.20576, 0.70576, 0, 0],
+ "8940": [0.30274, 0.79383, 0, 0],
+ "8941": [0.30274, 0.79383, 0, 0],
+ "8994": [0.19444, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8995": [0.19444, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "9416": [0.15559, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "9484": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "9488": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "9492": [0, 0.37788, 0, 0],
+ "9496": [0, 0.37788, 0, 0],
+ "9585": [0.19444, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "9586": [0.19444, 0.74111, 0, 0],
+ "9632": [0, 0.675, 0, 0],
+ "9633": [0, 0.675, 0, 0],
+ "9650": [0, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "9651": [0, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "9654": [0.03517, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "9660": [0, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "9661": [0, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "9664": [0.03517, 0.54986, 0, 0],
+ "9674": [0.11111, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "9733": [0.19444, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "10003": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "10016": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "10731": [0.11111, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "10846": [0.19444, 0.75583, 0, 0],
+ "10877": [0.13667, 0.63667, 0, 0],
+ "10878": [0.13667, 0.63667, 0, 0],
+ "10885": [0.25583, 0.75583, 0, 0],
+ "10886": [0.25583, 0.75583, 0, 0],
+ "10887": [0.13597, 0.63597, 0, 0],
+ "10888": [0.13597, 0.63597, 0, 0],
+ "10889": [0.26167, 0.75726, 0, 0],
+ "10890": [0.26167, 0.75726, 0, 0],
+ "10891": [0.48256, 0.98256, 0, 0],
+ "10892": [0.48256, 0.98256, 0, 0],
+ "10901": [0.13667, 0.63667, 0, 0],
+ "10902": [0.13667, 0.63667, 0, 0],
+ "10933": [0.25142, 0.75726, 0, 0],
+ "10934": [0.25142, 0.75726, 0, 0],
+ "10935": [0.26167, 0.75726, 0, 0],
+ "10936": [0.26167, 0.75726, 0, 0],
+ "10937": [0.26167, 0.75726, 0, 0],
+ "10938": [0.26167, 0.75726, 0, 0],
+ "10949": [0.25583, 0.75583, 0, 0],
+ "10950": [0.25583, 0.75583, 0, 0],
+ "10955": [0.28481, 0.79383, 0, 0],
+ "10956": [0.28481, 0.79383, 0, 0],
+ "57350": [0.08167, 0.58167, 0, 0],
+ "57351": [0.08167, 0.58167, 0, 0],
+ "57352": [0.08167, 0.58167, 0, 0],
+ "57353": [0, 0.43056, 0.04028, 0],
+ "57356": [0.25142, 0.75726, 0, 0],
+ "57357": [0.25142, 0.75726, 0, 0],
+ "57358": [0.41951, 0.91951, 0, 0],
+ "57359": [0.30274, 0.79383, 0, 0],
+ "57360": [0.30274, 0.79383, 0, 0],
+ "57361": [0.41951, 0.91951, 0, 0],
+ "57366": [0.25142, 0.75726, 0, 0],
+ "57367": [0.25142, 0.75726, 0, 0],
+ "57368": [0.25142, 0.75726, 0, 0],
+ "57369": [0.25142, 0.75726, 0, 0],
+ "57370": [0.13597, 0.63597, 0, 0],
+ "57371": [0.13597, 0.63597, 0, 0]
+ },
+ "Caligraphic-Regular": {
+ "48": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "49": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "50": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "51": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "52": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "53": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "54": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "55": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "56": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "57": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "65": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0.19445],
+ "66": [0, 0.68333, 0.03041, 0.13889],
+ "67": [0, 0.68333, 0.05834, 0.13889],
+ "68": [0, 0.68333, 0.02778, 0.08334],
+ "69": [0, 0.68333, 0.08944, 0.11111],
+ "70": [0, 0.68333, 0.09931, 0.11111],
+ "71": [0.09722, 0.68333, 0.0593, 0.11111],
+ "72": [0, 0.68333, 0.00965, 0.11111],
+ "73": [0, 0.68333, 0.07382, 0],
+ "74": [0.09722, 0.68333, 0.18472, 0.16667],
+ "75": [0, 0.68333, 0.01445, 0.05556],
+ "76": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0.13889],
+ "77": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0.13889],
+ "78": [0, 0.68333, 0.14736, 0.08334],
+ "79": [0, 0.68333, 0.02778, 0.11111],
+ "80": [0, 0.68333, 0.08222, 0.08334],
+ "81": [0.09722, 0.68333, 0, 0.11111],
+ "82": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0.08334],
+ "83": [0, 0.68333, 0.075, 0.13889],
+ "84": [0, 0.68333, 0.25417, 0],
+ "85": [0, 0.68333, 0.09931, 0.08334],
+ "86": [0, 0.68333, 0.08222, 0],
+ "87": [0, 0.68333, 0.08222, 0.08334],
+ "88": [0, 0.68333, 0.14643, 0.13889],
+ "89": [0.09722, 0.68333, 0.08222, 0.08334],
+ "90": [0, 0.68333, 0.07944, 0.13889]
+ },
+ "Fraktur-Regular": {
+ "33": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "34": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "38": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "39": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "40": [0.24982, 0.74947, 0, 0],
+ "41": [0.24982, 0.74947, 0, 0],
+ "42": [0, 0.62119, 0, 0],
+ "43": [0.08319, 0.58283, 0, 0],
+ "44": [0, 0.10803, 0, 0],
+ "45": [0.08319, 0.58283, 0, 0],
+ "46": [0, 0.10803, 0, 0],
+ "47": [0.24982, 0.74947, 0, 0],
+ "48": [0, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "49": [0, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "50": [0, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "51": [0.18906, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "52": [0.18906, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "53": [0.18906, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "54": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "55": [0.18906, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "56": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "57": [0.18906, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "58": [0, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "59": [0.12604, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "61": [-0.13099, 0.36866, 0, 0],
+ "63": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "65": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "66": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "67": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "68": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "69": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "70": [0.12604, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "71": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "72": [0.06302, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "73": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "74": [0.12604, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "75": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "76": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "77": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "78": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "79": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "80": [0.18906, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "81": [0.03781, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "82": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "83": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "84": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "85": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "86": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "87": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "88": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "89": [0.18906, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "90": [0.12604, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "91": [0.24982, 0.74947, 0, 0],
+ "93": [0.24982, 0.74947, 0, 0],
+ "94": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "97": [0, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "98": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "99": [0, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "100": [0, 0.62119, 0, 0],
+ "101": [0, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "102": [0.18906, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "103": [0.18906, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "104": [0.18906, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "105": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "106": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "107": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "108": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "109": [0, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "110": [0, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "111": [0, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "112": [0.18906, 0.52396, 0, 0],
+ "113": [0.18906, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "114": [0, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "115": [0, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "116": [0, 0.62119, 0, 0],
+ "117": [0, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "118": [0, 0.52396, 0, 0],
+ "119": [0, 0.52396, 0, 0],
+ "120": [0.18906, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "121": [0.18906, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "122": [0.18906, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "8216": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "8217": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "58112": [0, 0.62119, 0, 0],
+ "58113": [0, 0.62119, 0, 0],
+ "58114": [0.18906, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "58115": [0.18906, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "58116": [0.18906, 0.47534, 0, 0],
+ "58117": [0, 0.69141, 0, 0],
+ "58118": [0, 0.62119, 0, 0],
+ "58119": [0, 0.47534, 0, 0]
+ },
+ "Main-Bold": {
+ "33": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "34": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "35": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "36": [0.05556, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "37": [0.05556, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "38": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "39": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "40": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "41": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "42": [0, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "43": [0.13333, 0.63333, 0, 0],
+ "44": [0.19444, 0.15556, 0, 0],
+ "45": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "46": [0, 0.15556, 0, 0],
+ "47": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "48": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "49": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "50": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "51": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "52": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "53": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "54": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "55": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "56": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "57": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "58": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "59": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "60": [0.08556, 0.58556, 0, 0],
+ "61": [-0.10889, 0.39111, 0, 0],
+ "62": [0.08556, 0.58556, 0, 0],
+ "63": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "64": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "65": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "66": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "67": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "68": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "69": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "70": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "71": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "72": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "73": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "74": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "75": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "76": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "77": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "78": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "79": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "80": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "81": [0.19444, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "82": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "83": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "84": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "85": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "86": [0, 0.68611, 0.01597, 0],
+ "87": [0, 0.68611, 0.01597, 0],
+ "88": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "89": [0, 0.68611, 0.02875, 0],
+ "90": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "91": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "92": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "93": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "94": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "95": [0.31, 0.13444, 0.03194, 0],
+ "96": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "97": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "98": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "99": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "100": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "101": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "102": [0, 0.69444, 0.10903, 0],
+ "103": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0.01597, 0],
+ "104": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "105": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "106": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "107": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "108": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "109": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "110": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "111": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "112": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "113": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "114": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "115": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "116": [0, 0.63492, 0, 0],
+ "117": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "118": [0, 0.44444, 0.01597, 0],
+ "119": [0, 0.44444, 0.01597, 0],
+ "120": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "121": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0.01597, 0],
+ "122": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "123": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "124": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "125": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "126": [0.35, 0.34444, 0, 0],
+ "168": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "172": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "175": [0, 0.59611, 0, 0],
+ "176": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "177": [0.13333, 0.63333, 0, 0],
+ "180": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "215": [0.13333, 0.63333, 0, 0],
+ "247": [0.13333, 0.63333, 0, 0],
+ "305": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "567": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "710": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "711": [0, 0.63194, 0, 0],
+ "713": [0, 0.59611, 0, 0],
+ "714": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "715": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "728": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "729": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "730": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "732": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "768": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "769": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "770": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "771": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "772": [0, 0.59611, 0, 0],
+ "774": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "775": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "776": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "778": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "779": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "780": [0, 0.63194, 0, 0],
+ "824": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "915": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "916": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "920": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "923": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "926": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "928": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "931": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "933": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "934": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "936": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "937": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "8211": [0, 0.44444, 0.03194, 0],
+ "8212": [0, 0.44444, 0.03194, 0],
+ "8216": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8217": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8220": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8221": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8224": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8225": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8242": [0, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "8407": [0, 0.72444, 0.15486, 0],
+ "8463": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8465": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8467": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8472": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "8476": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8501": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8592": [-0.10889, 0.39111, 0, 0],
+ "8593": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8594": [-0.10889, 0.39111, 0, 0],
+ "8595": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8596": [-0.10889, 0.39111, 0, 0],
+ "8597": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8598": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8599": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8600": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8601": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8636": [-0.10889, 0.39111, 0, 0],
+ "8637": [-0.10889, 0.39111, 0, 0],
+ "8640": [-0.10889, 0.39111, 0, 0],
+ "8641": [-0.10889, 0.39111, 0, 0],
+ "8656": [-0.10889, 0.39111, 0, 0],
+ "8657": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8658": [-0.10889, 0.39111, 0, 0],
+ "8659": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8660": [-0.10889, 0.39111, 0, 0],
+ "8661": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8704": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8706": [0, 0.69444, 0.06389, 0],
+ "8707": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8709": [0.05556, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8711": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "8712": [0.08556, 0.58556, 0, 0],
+ "8715": [0.08556, 0.58556, 0, 0],
+ "8722": [0.13333, 0.63333, 0, 0],
+ "8723": [0.13333, 0.63333, 0, 0],
+ "8725": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8726": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8727": [-0.02778, 0.47222, 0, 0],
+ "8728": [-0.02639, 0.47361, 0, 0],
+ "8729": [-0.02639, 0.47361, 0, 0],
+ "8730": [0.18, 0.82, 0, 0],
+ "8733": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "8734": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "8736": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8739": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8741": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8743": [0, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "8744": [0, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "8745": [0, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "8746": [0, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "8747": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.12778, 0],
+ "8764": [-0.10889, 0.39111, 0, 0],
+ "8768": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8771": [0.00222, 0.50222, 0, 0],
+ "8776": [0.02444, 0.52444, 0, 0],
+ "8781": [0.00222, 0.50222, 0, 0],
+ "8801": [0.00222, 0.50222, 0, 0],
+ "8804": [0.19667, 0.69667, 0, 0],
+ "8805": [0.19667, 0.69667, 0, 0],
+ "8810": [0.08556, 0.58556, 0, 0],
+ "8811": [0.08556, 0.58556, 0, 0],
+ "8826": [0.08556, 0.58556, 0, 0],
+ "8827": [0.08556, 0.58556, 0, 0],
+ "8834": [0.08556, 0.58556, 0, 0],
+ "8835": [0.08556, 0.58556, 0, 0],
+ "8838": [0.19667, 0.69667, 0, 0],
+ "8839": [0.19667, 0.69667, 0, 0],
+ "8846": [0, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "8849": [0.19667, 0.69667, 0, 0],
+ "8850": [0.19667, 0.69667, 0, 0],
+ "8851": [0, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "8852": [0, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "8853": [0.13333, 0.63333, 0, 0],
+ "8854": [0.13333, 0.63333, 0, 0],
+ "8855": [0.13333, 0.63333, 0, 0],
+ "8856": [0.13333, 0.63333, 0, 0],
+ "8857": [0.13333, 0.63333, 0, 0],
+ "8866": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8867": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8868": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8869": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8900": [-0.02639, 0.47361, 0, 0],
+ "8901": [-0.02639, 0.47361, 0, 0],
+ "8902": [-0.02778, 0.47222, 0, 0],
+ "8968": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8969": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8970": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8971": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8994": [-0.13889, 0.36111, 0, 0],
+ "8995": [-0.13889, 0.36111, 0, 0],
+ "9651": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "9657": [-0.02778, 0.47222, 0, 0],
+ "9661": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "9667": [-0.02778, 0.47222, 0, 0],
+ "9711": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "9824": [0.12963, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "9825": [0.12963, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "9826": [0.12963, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "9827": [0.12963, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "9837": [0, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "9838": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "9839": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "10216": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "10217": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "10815": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "10927": [0.19667, 0.69667, 0, 0],
+ "10928": [0.19667, 0.69667, 0, 0]
+ },
+ "Main-Italic": {
+ "33": [0, 0.69444, 0.12417, 0],
+ "34": [0, 0.69444, 0.06961, 0],
+ "35": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.06616, 0],
+ "37": [0.05556, 0.75, 0.13639, 0],
+ "38": [0, 0.69444, 0.09694, 0],
+ "39": [0, 0.69444, 0.12417, 0],
+ "40": [0.25, 0.75, 0.16194, 0],
+ "41": [0.25, 0.75, 0.03694, 0],
+ "42": [0, 0.75, 0.14917, 0],
+ "43": [0.05667, 0.56167, 0.03694, 0],
+ "44": [0.19444, 0.10556, 0, 0],
+ "45": [0, 0.43056, 0.02826, 0],
+ "46": [0, 0.10556, 0, 0],
+ "47": [0.25, 0.75, 0.16194, 0],
+ "48": [0, 0.64444, 0.13556, 0],
+ "49": [0, 0.64444, 0.13556, 0],
+ "50": [0, 0.64444, 0.13556, 0],
+ "51": [0, 0.64444, 0.13556, 0],
+ "52": [0.19444, 0.64444, 0.13556, 0],
+ "53": [0, 0.64444, 0.13556, 0],
+ "54": [0, 0.64444, 0.13556, 0],
+ "55": [0.19444, 0.64444, 0.13556, 0],
+ "56": [0, 0.64444, 0.13556, 0],
+ "57": [0, 0.64444, 0.13556, 0],
+ "58": [0, 0.43056, 0.0582, 0],
+ "59": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.0582, 0],
+ "61": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0.06616, 0],
+ "63": [0, 0.69444, 0.1225, 0],
+ "64": [0, 0.69444, 0.09597, 0],
+ "65": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "66": [0, 0.68333, 0.10257, 0],
+ "67": [0, 0.68333, 0.14528, 0],
+ "68": [0, 0.68333, 0.09403, 0],
+ "69": [0, 0.68333, 0.12028, 0],
+ "70": [0, 0.68333, 0.13305, 0],
+ "71": [0, 0.68333, 0.08722, 0],
+ "72": [0, 0.68333, 0.16389, 0],
+ "73": [0, 0.68333, 0.15806, 0],
+ "74": [0, 0.68333, 0.14028, 0],
+ "75": [0, 0.68333, 0.14528, 0],
+ "76": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "77": [0, 0.68333, 0.16389, 0],
+ "78": [0, 0.68333, 0.16389, 0],
+ "79": [0, 0.68333, 0.09403, 0],
+ "80": [0, 0.68333, 0.10257, 0],
+ "81": [0.19444, 0.68333, 0.09403, 0],
+ "82": [0, 0.68333, 0.03868, 0],
+ "83": [0, 0.68333, 0.11972, 0],
+ "84": [0, 0.68333, 0.13305, 0],
+ "85": [0, 0.68333, 0.16389, 0],
+ "86": [0, 0.68333, 0.18361, 0],
+ "87": [0, 0.68333, 0.18361, 0],
+ "88": [0, 0.68333, 0.15806, 0],
+ "89": [0, 0.68333, 0.19383, 0],
+ "90": [0, 0.68333, 0.14528, 0],
+ "91": [0.25, 0.75, 0.1875, 0],
+ "93": [0.25, 0.75, 0.10528, 0],
+ "94": [0, 0.69444, 0.06646, 0],
+ "95": [0.31, 0.12056, 0.09208, 0],
+ "97": [0, 0.43056, 0.07671, 0],
+ "98": [0, 0.69444, 0.06312, 0],
+ "99": [0, 0.43056, 0.05653, 0],
+ "100": [0, 0.69444, 0.10333, 0],
+ "101": [0, 0.43056, 0.07514, 0],
+ "102": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.21194, 0],
+ "103": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.08847, 0],
+ "104": [0, 0.69444, 0.07671, 0],
+ "105": [0, 0.65536, 0.1019, 0],
+ "106": [0.19444, 0.65536, 0.14467, 0],
+ "107": [0, 0.69444, 0.10764, 0],
+ "108": [0, 0.69444, 0.10333, 0],
+ "109": [0, 0.43056, 0.07671, 0],
+ "110": [0, 0.43056, 0.07671, 0],
+ "111": [0, 0.43056, 0.06312, 0],
+ "112": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.06312, 0],
+ "113": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.08847, 0],
+ "114": [0, 0.43056, 0.10764, 0],
+ "115": [0, 0.43056, 0.08208, 0],
+ "116": [0, 0.61508, 0.09486, 0],
+ "117": [0, 0.43056, 0.07671, 0],
+ "118": [0, 0.43056, 0.10764, 0],
+ "119": [0, 0.43056, 0.10764, 0],
+ "120": [0, 0.43056, 0.12042, 0],
+ "121": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.08847, 0],
+ "122": [0, 0.43056, 0.12292, 0],
+ "126": [0.35, 0.31786, 0.11585, 0],
+ "163": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "305": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.02778],
+ "567": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0.08334],
+ "768": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "769": [0, 0.69444, 0.09694, 0],
+ "770": [0, 0.69444, 0.06646, 0],
+ "771": [0, 0.66786, 0.11585, 0],
+ "772": [0, 0.56167, 0.10333, 0],
+ "774": [0, 0.69444, 0.10806, 0],
+ "775": [0, 0.66786, 0.11752, 0],
+ "776": [0, 0.66786, 0.10474, 0],
+ "778": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "779": [0, 0.69444, 0.1225, 0],
+ "780": [0, 0.62847, 0.08295, 0],
+ "915": [0, 0.68333, 0.13305, 0],
+ "916": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "920": [0, 0.68333, 0.09403, 0],
+ "923": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "926": [0, 0.68333, 0.15294, 0],
+ "928": [0, 0.68333, 0.16389, 0],
+ "931": [0, 0.68333, 0.12028, 0],
+ "933": [0, 0.68333, 0.11111, 0],
+ "934": [0, 0.68333, 0.05986, 0],
+ "936": [0, 0.68333, 0.11111, 0],
+ "937": [0, 0.68333, 0.10257, 0],
+ "8211": [0, 0.43056, 0.09208, 0],
+ "8212": [0, 0.43056, 0.09208, 0],
+ "8216": [0, 0.69444, 0.12417, 0],
+ "8217": [0, 0.69444, 0.12417, 0],
+ "8220": [0, 0.69444, 0.1685, 0],
+ "8221": [0, 0.69444, 0.06961, 0],
+ "8463": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0]
+ },
+ "Main-Regular": {
+ "32": [0, 0, 0, 0],
+ "33": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "34": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "35": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "36": [0.05556, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "37": [0.05556, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "38": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "39": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "40": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "41": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "42": [0, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "43": [0.08333, 0.58333, 0, 0],
+ "44": [0.19444, 0.10556, 0, 0],
+ "45": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "46": [0, 0.10556, 0, 0],
+ "47": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "48": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "49": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "50": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "51": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "52": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "53": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "54": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "55": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "56": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "57": [0, 0.64444, 0, 0],
+ "58": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "59": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "60": [0.0391, 0.5391, 0, 0],
+ "61": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "62": [0.0391, 0.5391, 0, 0],
+ "63": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "64": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "65": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "66": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "67": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "68": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "69": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "70": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "71": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "72": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "73": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "74": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "75": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "76": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "77": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "78": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "79": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "80": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "81": [0.19444, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "82": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "83": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "84": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "85": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "86": [0, 0.68333, 0.01389, 0],
+ "87": [0, 0.68333, 0.01389, 0],
+ "88": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "89": [0, 0.68333, 0.025, 0],
+ "90": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "91": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "92": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "93": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "94": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "95": [0.31, 0.12056, 0.02778, 0],
+ "96": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "97": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "98": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "99": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "100": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "101": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "102": [0, 0.69444, 0.07778, 0],
+ "103": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.01389, 0],
+ "104": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "105": [0, 0.66786, 0, 0],
+ "106": [0.19444, 0.66786, 0, 0],
+ "107": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "108": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "109": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "110": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "111": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "112": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "113": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "114": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "115": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "116": [0, 0.61508, 0, 0],
+ "117": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "118": [0, 0.43056, 0.01389, 0],
+ "119": [0, 0.43056, 0.01389, 0],
+ "120": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "121": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.01389, 0],
+ "122": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "123": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "124": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "125": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "126": [0.35, 0.31786, 0, 0],
+ "160": [0, 0, 0, 0],
+ "168": [0, 0.66786, 0, 0],
+ "172": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "175": [0, 0.56778, 0, 0],
+ "176": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "177": [0.08333, 0.58333, 0, 0],
+ "180": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "215": [0.08333, 0.58333, 0, 0],
+ "247": [0.08333, 0.58333, 0, 0],
+ "305": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "567": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "710": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "711": [0, 0.62847, 0, 0],
+ "713": [0, 0.56778, 0, 0],
+ "714": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "715": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "728": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "729": [0, 0.66786, 0, 0],
+ "730": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "732": [0, 0.66786, 0, 0],
+ "768": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "769": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "770": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "771": [0, 0.66786, 0, 0],
+ "772": [0, 0.56778, 0, 0],
+ "774": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "775": [0, 0.66786, 0, 0],
+ "776": [0, 0.66786, 0, 0],
+ "778": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "779": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "780": [0, 0.62847, 0, 0],
+ "824": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "915": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "916": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "920": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "923": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "926": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "928": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "931": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "933": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "934": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "936": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "937": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "8211": [0, 0.43056, 0.02778, 0],
+ "8212": [0, 0.43056, 0.02778, 0],
+ "8216": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8217": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8220": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8221": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8224": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8225": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8230": [0, 0.12, 0, 0],
+ "8242": [0, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "8407": [0, 0.71444, 0.15382, 0],
+ "8463": [0, 0.68889, 0, 0],
+ "8465": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8467": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0.11111],
+ "8472": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0.11111],
+ "8476": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8501": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8592": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8593": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8594": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8595": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8596": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8597": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8598": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8599": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8600": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8601": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8614": [0.011, 0.511, 0, 0],
+ "8617": [0.011, 0.511, 0, 0],
+ "8618": [0.011, 0.511, 0, 0],
+ "8636": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8637": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8640": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8641": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8652": [0.011, 0.671, 0, 0],
+ "8656": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8657": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8658": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8659": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8660": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8661": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8704": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8706": [0, 0.69444, 0.05556, 0.08334],
+ "8707": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8709": [0.05556, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8711": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "8712": [0.0391, 0.5391, 0, 0],
+ "8715": [0.0391, 0.5391, 0, 0],
+ "8722": [0.08333, 0.58333, 0, 0],
+ "8723": [0.08333, 0.58333, 0, 0],
+ "8725": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8726": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8727": [-0.03472, 0.46528, 0, 0],
+ "8728": [-0.05555, 0.44445, 0, 0],
+ "8729": [-0.05555, 0.44445, 0, 0],
+ "8730": [0.2, 0.8, 0, 0],
+ "8733": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "8734": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "8736": [0, 0.69224, 0, 0],
+ "8739": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8741": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8743": [0, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "8744": [0, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "8745": [0, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "8746": [0, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "8747": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.11111, 0],
+ "8764": [-0.13313, 0.36687, 0, 0],
+ "8768": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8771": [-0.03625, 0.46375, 0, 0],
+ "8773": [-0.022, 0.589, 0, 0],
+ "8776": [-0.01688, 0.48312, 0, 0],
+ "8781": [-0.03625, 0.46375, 0, 0],
+ "8784": [-0.133, 0.67, 0, 0],
+ "8800": [0.215, 0.716, 0, 0],
+ "8801": [-0.03625, 0.46375, 0, 0],
+ "8804": [0.13597, 0.63597, 0, 0],
+ "8805": [0.13597, 0.63597, 0, 0],
+ "8810": [0.0391, 0.5391, 0, 0],
+ "8811": [0.0391, 0.5391, 0, 0],
+ "8826": [0.0391, 0.5391, 0, 0],
+ "8827": [0.0391, 0.5391, 0, 0],
+ "8834": [0.0391, 0.5391, 0, 0],
+ "8835": [0.0391, 0.5391, 0, 0],
+ "8838": [0.13597, 0.63597, 0, 0],
+ "8839": [0.13597, 0.63597, 0, 0],
+ "8846": [0, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "8849": [0.13597, 0.63597, 0, 0],
+ "8850": [0.13597, 0.63597, 0, 0],
+ "8851": [0, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "8852": [0, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "8853": [0.08333, 0.58333, 0, 0],
+ "8854": [0.08333, 0.58333, 0, 0],
+ "8855": [0.08333, 0.58333, 0, 0],
+ "8856": [0.08333, 0.58333, 0, 0],
+ "8857": [0.08333, 0.58333, 0, 0],
+ "8866": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8867": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8868": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8869": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8872": [0.249, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8900": [-0.05555, 0.44445, 0, 0],
+ "8901": [-0.05555, 0.44445, 0, 0],
+ "8902": [-0.03472, 0.46528, 0, 0],
+ "8904": [0.005, 0.505, 0, 0],
+ "8942": [0.03, 0.9, 0, 0],
+ "8943": [-0.19, 0.31, 0, 0],
+ "8945": [-0.1, 0.82, 0, 0],
+ "8968": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8969": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8970": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8971": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8994": [-0.14236, 0.35764, 0, 0],
+ "8995": [-0.14236, 0.35764, 0, 0],
+ "9136": [0.244, 0.744, 0, 0],
+ "9137": [0.244, 0.744, 0, 0],
+ "9651": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "9657": [-0.03472, 0.46528, 0, 0],
+ "9661": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "9667": [-0.03472, 0.46528, 0, 0],
+ "9711": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "9824": [0.12963, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "9825": [0.12963, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "9826": [0.12963, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "9827": [0.12963, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "9837": [0, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "9838": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "9839": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "10216": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "10217": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "10222": [0.244, 0.744, 0, 0],
+ "10223": [0.244, 0.744, 0, 0],
+ "10229": [0.011, 0.511, 0, 0],
+ "10230": [0.011, 0.511, 0, 0],
+ "10231": [0.011, 0.511, 0, 0],
+ "10232": [0.024, 0.525, 0, 0],
+ "10233": [0.024, 0.525, 0, 0],
+ "10234": [0.024, 0.525, 0, 0],
+ "10236": [0.011, 0.511, 0, 0],
+ "10815": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0],
+ "10927": [0.13597, 0.63597, 0, 0],
+ "10928": [0.13597, 0.63597, 0, 0]
+ },
+ "Math-BoldItalic": {
+ "47": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "65": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "66": [0, 0.68611, 0.04835, 0],
+ "67": [0, 0.68611, 0.06979, 0],
+ "68": [0, 0.68611, 0.03194, 0],
+ "69": [0, 0.68611, 0.05451, 0],
+ "70": [0, 0.68611, 0.15972, 0],
+ "71": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "72": [0, 0.68611, 0.08229, 0],
+ "73": [0, 0.68611, 0.07778, 0],
+ "74": [0, 0.68611, 0.10069, 0],
+ "75": [0, 0.68611, 0.06979, 0],
+ "76": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "77": [0, 0.68611, 0.11424, 0],
+ "78": [0, 0.68611, 0.11424, 0],
+ "79": [0, 0.68611, 0.03194, 0],
+ "80": [0, 0.68611, 0.15972, 0],
+ "81": [0.19444, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "82": [0, 0.68611, 0.00421, 0],
+ "83": [0, 0.68611, 0.05382, 0],
+ "84": [0, 0.68611, 0.15972, 0],
+ "85": [0, 0.68611, 0.11424, 0],
+ "86": [0, 0.68611, 0.25555, 0],
+ "87": [0, 0.68611, 0.15972, 0],
+ "88": [0, 0.68611, 0.07778, 0],
+ "89": [0, 0.68611, 0.25555, 0],
+ "90": [0, 0.68611, 0.06979, 0],
+ "97": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "98": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "99": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "100": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "101": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "102": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.11042, 0],
+ "103": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0.03704, 0],
+ "104": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "105": [0, 0.69326, 0, 0],
+ "106": [0.19444, 0.69326, 0.0622, 0],
+ "107": [0, 0.69444, 0.01852, 0],
+ "108": [0, 0.69444, 0.0088, 0],
+ "109": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "110": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "111": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "112": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "113": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0.03704, 0],
+ "114": [0, 0.44444, 0.03194, 0],
+ "115": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "116": [0, 0.63492, 0, 0],
+ "117": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "118": [0, 0.44444, 0.03704, 0],
+ "119": [0, 0.44444, 0.02778, 0],
+ "120": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "121": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0.03704, 0],
+ "122": [0, 0.44444, 0.04213, 0],
+ "915": [0, 0.68611, 0.15972, 0],
+ "916": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "920": [0, 0.68611, 0.03194, 0],
+ "923": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "926": [0, 0.68611, 0.07458, 0],
+ "928": [0, 0.68611, 0.08229, 0],
+ "931": [0, 0.68611, 0.05451, 0],
+ "933": [0, 0.68611, 0.15972, 0],
+ "934": [0, 0.68611, 0, 0],
+ "936": [0, 0.68611, 0.11653, 0],
+ "937": [0, 0.68611, 0.04835, 0],
+ "945": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "946": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.03403, 0],
+ "947": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0.06389, 0],
+ "948": [0, 0.69444, 0.03819, 0],
+ "949": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "950": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.06215, 0],
+ "951": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0.03704, 0],
+ "952": [0, 0.69444, 0.03194, 0],
+ "953": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "954": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "955": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "956": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "957": [0, 0.44444, 0.06898, 0],
+ "958": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.03021, 0],
+ "959": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "960": [0, 0.44444, 0.03704, 0],
+ "961": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "962": [0.09722, 0.44444, 0.07917, 0],
+ "963": [0, 0.44444, 0.03704, 0],
+ "964": [0, 0.44444, 0.13472, 0],
+ "965": [0, 0.44444, 0.03704, 0],
+ "966": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "967": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "968": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.03704, 0],
+ "969": [0, 0.44444, 0.03704, 0],
+ "977": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "981": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "982": [0, 0.44444, 0.03194, 0],
+ "1009": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "1013": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0]
+ },
+ "Math-Italic": {
+ "47": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "65": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0.13889],
+ "66": [0, 0.68333, 0.05017, 0.08334],
+ "67": [0, 0.68333, 0.07153, 0.08334],
+ "68": [0, 0.68333, 0.02778, 0.05556],
+ "69": [0, 0.68333, 0.05764, 0.08334],
+ "70": [0, 0.68333, 0.13889, 0.08334],
+ "71": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0.08334],
+ "72": [0, 0.68333, 0.08125, 0.05556],
+ "73": [0, 0.68333, 0.07847, 0.11111],
+ "74": [0, 0.68333, 0.09618, 0.16667],
+ "75": [0, 0.68333, 0.07153, 0.05556],
+ "76": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0.02778],
+ "77": [0, 0.68333, 0.10903, 0.08334],
+ "78": [0, 0.68333, 0.10903, 0.08334],
+ "79": [0, 0.68333, 0.02778, 0.08334],
+ "80": [0, 0.68333, 0.13889, 0.08334],
+ "81": [0.19444, 0.68333, 0, 0.08334],
+ "82": [0, 0.68333, 0.00773, 0.08334],
+ "83": [0, 0.68333, 0.05764, 0.08334],
+ "84": [0, 0.68333, 0.13889, 0.08334],
+ "85": [0, 0.68333, 0.10903, 0.02778],
+ "86": [0, 0.68333, 0.22222, 0],
+ "87": [0, 0.68333, 0.13889, 0],
+ "88": [0, 0.68333, 0.07847, 0.08334],
+ "89": [0, 0.68333, 0.22222, 0],
+ "90": [0, 0.68333, 0.07153, 0.08334],
+ "97": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "98": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "99": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.05556],
+ "100": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0.16667],
+ "101": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.05556],
+ "102": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.10764, 0.16667],
+ "103": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0.02778],
+ "104": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "105": [0, 0.65952, 0, 0],
+ "106": [0.19444, 0.65952, 0.05724, 0],
+ "107": [0, 0.69444, 0.03148, 0],
+ "108": [0, 0.69444, 0.01968, 0.08334],
+ "109": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "110": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "111": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.05556],
+ "112": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0.08334],
+ "113": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0.08334],
+ "114": [0, 0.43056, 0.02778, 0.05556],
+ "115": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.05556],
+ "116": [0, 0.61508, 0, 0.08334],
+ "117": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.02778],
+ "118": [0, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0.02778],
+ "119": [0, 0.43056, 0.02691, 0.08334],
+ "120": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.02778],
+ "121": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0.05556],
+ "122": [0, 0.43056, 0.04398, 0.05556],
+ "915": [0, 0.68333, 0.13889, 0.08334],
+ "916": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0.16667],
+ "920": [0, 0.68333, 0.02778, 0.08334],
+ "923": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0.16667],
+ "926": [0, 0.68333, 0.07569, 0.08334],
+ "928": [0, 0.68333, 0.08125, 0.05556],
+ "931": [0, 0.68333, 0.05764, 0.08334],
+ "933": [0, 0.68333, 0.13889, 0.05556],
+ "934": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0.08334],
+ "936": [0, 0.68333, 0.11, 0.05556],
+ "937": [0, 0.68333, 0.05017, 0.08334],
+ "945": [0, 0.43056, 0.0037, 0.02778],
+ "946": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.05278, 0.08334],
+ "947": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.05556, 0],
+ "948": [0, 0.69444, 0.03785, 0.05556],
+ "949": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.08334],
+ "950": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.07378, 0.08334],
+ "951": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0.05556],
+ "952": [0, 0.69444, 0.02778, 0.08334],
+ "953": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.05556],
+ "954": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "955": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "956": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0.02778],
+ "957": [0, 0.43056, 0.06366, 0.02778],
+ "958": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.04601, 0.11111],
+ "959": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.05556],
+ "960": [0, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0],
+ "961": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0.08334],
+ "962": [0.09722, 0.43056, 0.07986, 0.08334],
+ "963": [0, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0],
+ "964": [0, 0.43056, 0.1132, 0.02778],
+ "965": [0, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0.02778],
+ "966": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0.08334],
+ "967": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0.05556],
+ "968": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.03588, 0.11111],
+ "969": [0, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0],
+ "977": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0.08334],
+ "981": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0.08334],
+ "982": [0, 0.43056, 0.02778, 0],
+ "1009": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0.08334],
+ "1013": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.05556]
+ },
+ "Math-Regular": {
+ "65": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0.13889],
+ "66": [0, 0.68333, 0.05017, 0.08334],
+ "67": [0, 0.68333, 0.07153, 0.08334],
+ "68": [0, 0.68333, 0.02778, 0.05556],
+ "69": [0, 0.68333, 0.05764, 0.08334],
+ "70": [0, 0.68333, 0.13889, 0.08334],
+ "71": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0.08334],
+ "72": [0, 0.68333, 0.08125, 0.05556],
+ "73": [0, 0.68333, 0.07847, 0.11111],
+ "74": [0, 0.68333, 0.09618, 0.16667],
+ "75": [0, 0.68333, 0.07153, 0.05556],
+ "76": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0.02778],
+ "77": [0, 0.68333, 0.10903, 0.08334],
+ "78": [0, 0.68333, 0.10903, 0.08334],
+ "79": [0, 0.68333, 0.02778, 0.08334],
+ "80": [0, 0.68333, 0.13889, 0.08334],
+ "81": [0.19444, 0.68333, 0, 0.08334],
+ "82": [0, 0.68333, 0.00773, 0.08334],
+ "83": [0, 0.68333, 0.05764, 0.08334],
+ "84": [0, 0.68333, 0.13889, 0.08334],
+ "85": [0, 0.68333, 0.10903, 0.02778],
+ "86": [0, 0.68333, 0.22222, 0],
+ "87": [0, 0.68333, 0.13889, 0],
+ "88": [0, 0.68333, 0.07847, 0.08334],
+ "89": [0, 0.68333, 0.22222, 0],
+ "90": [0, 0.68333, 0.07153, 0.08334],
+ "97": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "98": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "99": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.05556],
+ "100": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0.16667],
+ "101": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.05556],
+ "102": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.10764, 0.16667],
+ "103": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0.02778],
+ "104": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "105": [0, 0.65952, 0, 0],
+ "106": [0.19444, 0.65952, 0.05724, 0],
+ "107": [0, 0.69444, 0.03148, 0],
+ "108": [0, 0.69444, 0.01968, 0.08334],
+ "109": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "110": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "111": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.05556],
+ "112": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0.08334],
+ "113": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0.08334],
+ "114": [0, 0.43056, 0.02778, 0.05556],
+ "115": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.05556],
+ "116": [0, 0.61508, 0, 0.08334],
+ "117": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.02778],
+ "118": [0, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0.02778],
+ "119": [0, 0.43056, 0.02691, 0.08334],
+ "120": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.02778],
+ "121": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0.05556],
+ "122": [0, 0.43056, 0.04398, 0.05556],
+ "915": [0, 0.68333, 0.13889, 0.08334],
+ "916": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0.16667],
+ "920": [0, 0.68333, 0.02778, 0.08334],
+ "923": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0.16667],
+ "926": [0, 0.68333, 0.07569, 0.08334],
+ "928": [0, 0.68333, 0.08125, 0.05556],
+ "931": [0, 0.68333, 0.05764, 0.08334],
+ "933": [0, 0.68333, 0.13889, 0.05556],
+ "934": [0, 0.68333, 0, 0.08334],
+ "936": [0, 0.68333, 0.11, 0.05556],
+ "937": [0, 0.68333, 0.05017, 0.08334],
+ "945": [0, 0.43056, 0.0037, 0.02778],
+ "946": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.05278, 0.08334],
+ "947": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.05556, 0],
+ "948": [0, 0.69444, 0.03785, 0.05556],
+ "949": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.08334],
+ "950": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.07378, 0.08334],
+ "951": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0.05556],
+ "952": [0, 0.69444, 0.02778, 0.08334],
+ "953": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.05556],
+ "954": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "955": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "956": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0.02778],
+ "957": [0, 0.43056, 0.06366, 0.02778],
+ "958": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.04601, 0.11111],
+ "959": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.05556],
+ "960": [0, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0],
+ "961": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0.08334],
+ "962": [0.09722, 0.43056, 0.07986, 0.08334],
+ "963": [0, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0],
+ "964": [0, 0.43056, 0.1132, 0.02778],
+ "965": [0, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0.02778],
+ "966": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0.08334],
+ "967": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0.05556],
+ "968": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0.03588, 0.11111],
+ "969": [0, 0.43056, 0.03588, 0],
+ "977": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0.08334],
+ "981": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0.08334],
+ "982": [0, 0.43056, 0.02778, 0],
+ "1009": [0.19444, 0.43056, 0, 0.08334],
+ "1013": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0.05556]
+ },
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+ "33": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "34": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "35": [0.19444, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "36": [0.05556, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "37": [0.05556, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "38": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "39": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "40": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "41": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "42": [0, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "43": [0.08333, 0.58333, 0, 0],
+ "44": [0.125, 0.08333, 0, 0],
+ "45": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "46": [0, 0.08333, 0, 0],
+ "47": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "48": [0, 0.65556, 0, 0],
+ "49": [0, 0.65556, 0, 0],
+ "50": [0, 0.65556, 0, 0],
+ "51": [0, 0.65556, 0, 0],
+ "52": [0, 0.65556, 0, 0],
+ "53": [0, 0.65556, 0, 0],
+ "54": [0, 0.65556, 0, 0],
+ "55": [0, 0.65556, 0, 0],
+ "56": [0, 0.65556, 0, 0],
+ "57": [0, 0.65556, 0, 0],
+ "58": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "59": [0.125, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "61": [-0.13, 0.37, 0, 0],
+ "63": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "64": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "65": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "66": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "67": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "68": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "69": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "70": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "71": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "72": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "73": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "74": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "75": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "76": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "77": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "78": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "79": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "80": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "81": [0.125, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "82": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "83": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "84": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "85": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "86": [0, 0.69444, 0.01389, 0],
+ "87": [0, 0.69444, 0.01389, 0],
+ "88": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "89": [0, 0.69444, 0.025, 0],
+ "90": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "91": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "93": [0.25, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "94": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "95": [0.35, 0.09444, 0.02778, 0],
+ "97": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "98": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "99": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "100": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "101": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "102": [0, 0.69444, 0.06944, 0],
+ "103": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0.01389, 0],
+ "104": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "105": [0, 0.67937, 0, 0],
+ "106": [0.19444, 0.67937, 0, 0],
+ "107": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "108": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "109": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "110": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "111": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "112": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "113": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "114": [0, 0.44444, 0.01389, 0],
+ "115": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "116": [0, 0.57143, 0, 0],
+ "117": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "118": [0, 0.44444, 0.01389, 0],
+ "119": [0, 0.44444, 0.01389, 0],
+ "120": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "121": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0.01389, 0],
+ "122": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "126": [0.35, 0.32659, 0, 0],
+ "305": [0, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "567": [0.19444, 0.44444, 0, 0],
+ "768": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "769": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "770": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "771": [0, 0.67659, 0, 0],
+ "772": [0, 0.60889, 0, 0],
+ "774": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "775": [0, 0.67937, 0, 0],
+ "776": [0, 0.67937, 0, 0],
+ "778": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "779": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "780": [0, 0.63194, 0, 0],
+ "915": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "916": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "920": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "923": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "926": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "928": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "931": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "933": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "934": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "936": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "937": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8211": [0, 0.44444, 0.02778, 0],
+ "8212": [0, 0.44444, 0.02778, 0],
+ "8216": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8217": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8220": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "8221": [0, 0.69444, 0, 0]
+ },
+ "Script-Regular": {
+ "65": [0, 0.7, 0.22925, 0],
+ "66": [0, 0.7, 0.04087, 0],
+ "67": [0, 0.7, 0.1689, 0],
+ "68": [0, 0.7, 0.09371, 0],
+ "69": [0, 0.7, 0.18583, 0],
+ "70": [0, 0.7, 0.13634, 0],
+ "71": [0, 0.7, 0.17322, 0],
+ "72": [0, 0.7, 0.29694, 0],
+ "73": [0, 0.7, 0.19189, 0],
+ "74": [0.27778, 0.7, 0.19189, 0],
+ "75": [0, 0.7, 0.31259, 0],
+ "76": [0, 0.7, 0.19189, 0],
+ "77": [0, 0.7, 0.15981, 0],
+ "78": [0, 0.7, 0.3525, 0],
+ "79": [0, 0.7, 0.08078, 0],
+ "80": [0, 0.7, 0.08078, 0],
+ "81": [0, 0.7, 0.03305, 0],
+ "82": [0, 0.7, 0.06259, 0],
+ "83": [0, 0.7, 0.19189, 0],
+ "84": [0, 0.7, 0.29087, 0],
+ "85": [0, 0.7, 0.25815, 0],
+ "86": [0, 0.7, 0.27523, 0],
+ "87": [0, 0.7, 0.27523, 0],
+ "88": [0, 0.7, 0.26006, 0],
+ "89": [0, 0.7, 0.2939, 0],
+ "90": [0, 0.7, 0.24037, 0]
+ },
+ "Size1-Regular": {
+ "40": [0.35001, 0.85, 0, 0],
+ "41": [0.35001, 0.85, 0, 0],
+ "47": [0.35001, 0.85, 0, 0],
+ "91": [0.35001, 0.85, 0, 0],
+ "92": [0.35001, 0.85, 0, 0],
+ "93": [0.35001, 0.85, 0, 0],
+ "123": [0.35001, 0.85, 0, 0],
+ "125": [0.35001, 0.85, 0, 0],
+ "710": [0, 0.72222, 0, 0],
+ "732": [0, 0.72222, 0, 0],
+ "770": [0, 0.72222, 0, 0],
+ "771": [0, 0.72222, 0, 0],
+ "8214": [-0.00099, 0.601, 0, 0],
+ "8593": [1e-05, 0.6, 0, 0],
+ "8595": [1e-05, 0.6, 0, 0],
+ "8657": [1e-05, 0.6, 0, 0],
+ "8659": [1e-05, 0.6, 0, 0],
+ "8719": [0.25001, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8720": [0.25001, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8721": [0.25001, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8730": [0.35001, 0.85, 0, 0],
+ "8739": [-0.00599, 0.606, 0, 0],
+ "8741": [-0.00599, 0.606, 0, 0],
+ "8747": [0.30612, 0.805, 0.19445, 0],
+ "8748": [0.306, 0.805, 0.19445, 0],
+ "8749": [0.306, 0.805, 0.19445, 0],
+ "8750": [0.30612, 0.805, 0.19445, 0],
+ "8896": [0.25001, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8897": [0.25001, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8898": [0.25001, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8899": [0.25001, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8968": [0.35001, 0.85, 0, 0],
+ "8969": [0.35001, 0.85, 0, 0],
+ "8970": [0.35001, 0.85, 0, 0],
+ "8971": [0.35001, 0.85, 0, 0],
+ "9168": [-0.00099, 0.601, 0, 0],
+ "10216": [0.35001, 0.85, 0, 0],
+ "10217": [0.35001, 0.85, 0, 0],
+ "10752": [0.25001, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "10753": [0.25001, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "10754": [0.25001, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "10756": [0.25001, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "10758": [0.25001, 0.75, 0, 0]
+ },
+ "Size2-Regular": {
+ "40": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "41": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "47": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "91": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "92": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "93": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "123": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "125": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "710": [0, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "732": [0, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "770": [0, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "771": [0, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8719": [0.55001, 1.05, 0, 0],
+ "8720": [0.55001, 1.05, 0, 0],
+ "8721": [0.55001, 1.05, 0, 0],
+ "8730": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "8747": [0.86225, 1.36, 0.44445, 0],
+ "8748": [0.862, 1.36, 0.44445, 0],
+ "8749": [0.862, 1.36, 0.44445, 0],
+ "8750": [0.86225, 1.36, 0.44445, 0],
+ "8896": [0.55001, 1.05, 0, 0],
+ "8897": [0.55001, 1.05, 0, 0],
+ "8898": [0.55001, 1.05, 0, 0],
+ "8899": [0.55001, 1.05, 0, 0],
+ "8968": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "8969": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "8970": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "8971": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "10216": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "10217": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "10752": [0.55001, 1.05, 0, 0],
+ "10753": [0.55001, 1.05, 0, 0],
+ "10754": [0.55001, 1.05, 0, 0],
+ "10756": [0.55001, 1.05, 0, 0],
+ "10758": [0.55001, 1.05, 0, 0]
+ },
+ "Size3-Regular": {
+ "40": [0.95003, 1.45, 0, 0],
+ "41": [0.95003, 1.45, 0, 0],
+ "47": [0.95003, 1.45, 0, 0],
+ "91": [0.95003, 1.45, 0, 0],
+ "92": [0.95003, 1.45, 0, 0],
+ "93": [0.95003, 1.45, 0, 0],
+ "123": [0.95003, 1.45, 0, 0],
+ "125": [0.95003, 1.45, 0, 0],
+ "710": [0, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "732": [0, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "770": [0, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "771": [0, 0.75, 0, 0],
+ "8730": [0.95003, 1.45, 0, 0],
+ "8968": [0.95003, 1.45, 0, 0],
+ "8969": [0.95003, 1.45, 0, 0],
+ "8970": [0.95003, 1.45, 0, 0],
+ "8971": [0.95003, 1.45, 0, 0],
+ "10216": [0.95003, 1.45, 0, 0],
+ "10217": [0.95003, 1.45, 0, 0]
+ },
+ "Size4-Regular": {
+ "40": [1.25003, 1.75, 0, 0],
+ "41": [1.25003, 1.75, 0, 0],
+ "47": [1.25003, 1.75, 0, 0],
+ "91": [1.25003, 1.75, 0, 0],
+ "92": [1.25003, 1.75, 0, 0],
+ "93": [1.25003, 1.75, 0, 0],
+ "123": [1.25003, 1.75, 0, 0],
+ "125": [1.25003, 1.75, 0, 0],
+ "710": [0, 0.825, 0, 0],
+ "732": [0, 0.825, 0, 0],
+ "770": [0, 0.825, 0, 0],
+ "771": [0, 0.825, 0, 0],
+ "8730": [1.25003, 1.75, 0, 0],
+ "8968": [1.25003, 1.75, 0, 0],
+ "8969": [1.25003, 1.75, 0, 0],
+ "8970": [1.25003, 1.75, 0, 0],
+ "8971": [1.25003, 1.75, 0, 0],
+ "9115": [0.64502, 1.155, 0, 0],
+ "9116": [1e-05, 0.6, 0, 0],
+ "9117": [0.64502, 1.155, 0, 0],
+ "9118": [0.64502, 1.155, 0, 0],
+ "9119": [1e-05, 0.6, 0, 0],
+ "9120": [0.64502, 1.155, 0, 0],
+ "9121": [0.64502, 1.155, 0, 0],
+ "9122": [-0.00099, 0.601, 0, 0],
+ "9123": [0.64502, 1.155, 0, 0],
+ "9124": [0.64502, 1.155, 0, 0],
+ "9125": [-0.00099, 0.601, 0, 0],
+ "9126": [0.64502, 1.155, 0, 0],
+ "9127": [1e-05, 0.9, 0, 0],
+ "9128": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "9129": [0.90001, 0, 0, 0],
+ "9130": [0, 0.3, 0, 0],
+ "9131": [1e-05, 0.9, 0, 0],
+ "9132": [0.65002, 1.15, 0, 0],
+ "9133": [0.90001, 0, 0, 0],
+ "9143": [0.88502, 0.915, 0, 0],
+ "10216": [1.25003, 1.75, 0, 0],
+ "10217": [1.25003, 1.75, 0, 0],
+ "57344": [-0.00499, 0.605, 0, 0],
+ "57345": [-0.00499, 0.605, 0, 0],
+ "57680": [0, 0.12, 0, 0],
+ "57681": [0, 0.12, 0, 0],
+ "57682": [0, 0.12, 0, 0],
+ "57683": [0, 0.12, 0, 0]
+ },
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+ "33": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "34": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "35": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "36": [0.08333, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "37": [0.08333, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "38": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "39": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "40": [0.08333, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "41": [0.08333, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "42": [0, 0.52083, 0, 0],
+ "43": [-0.08056, 0.53055, 0, 0],
+ "44": [0.13889, 0.125, 0, 0],
+ "45": [-0.08056, 0.53055, 0, 0],
+ "46": [0, 0.125, 0, 0],
+ "47": [0.08333, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "48": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "49": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "50": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "51": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "52": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "53": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "54": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "55": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "56": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "57": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "58": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "59": [0.13889, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "60": [-0.05556, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "61": [-0.19549, 0.41562, 0, 0],
+ "62": [-0.05556, 0.55556, 0, 0],
+ "63": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "64": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "65": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "66": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "67": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "68": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "69": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "70": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "71": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "72": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "73": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "74": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "75": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "76": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "77": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "78": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "79": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "80": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "81": [0.13889, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "82": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "83": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "84": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "85": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "86": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "87": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "88": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "89": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "90": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "91": [0.08333, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "92": [0.08333, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "93": [0.08333, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "94": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "95": [0.09514, 0, 0, 0],
+ "96": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "97": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "98": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "99": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "100": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "101": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "102": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "103": [0.22222, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "104": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "105": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "106": [0.22222, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "107": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "108": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "109": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "110": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "111": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "112": [0.22222, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "113": [0.22222, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "114": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "115": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "116": [0, 0.55358, 0, 0],
+ "117": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "118": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "119": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "120": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "121": [0.22222, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "122": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "123": [0.08333, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "124": [0.08333, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "125": [0.08333, 0.69444, 0, 0],
+ "126": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "127": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "305": [0, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "567": [0.22222, 0.43056, 0, 0],
+ "768": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "769": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "770": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "771": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "772": [0, 0.56555, 0, 0],
+ "774": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "776": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "778": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "780": [0, 0.56597, 0, 0],
+ "915": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "916": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "920": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "923": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "926": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "928": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "931": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "933": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "934": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "936": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "937": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "2018": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "2019": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0],
+ "8242": [0, 0.61111, 0, 0]
+ }
+var utils = require("./utils");
+var ParseError = require("./ParseError");
+var parseData = require("./parseData");
+var ParseNode = parseData.ParseNode;
+/* This file contains a list of functions that we parse, identified by
+ * the calls to defineFunction.
+ *
+ * The first argument to defineFunction is a single name or a list of names.
+ * All functions named in such a list will share a single implementation.
+ *
+ * Each declared function can have associated properties, which
+ * include the following:
+ *
+ * - numArgs: The number of arguments the function takes.
+ * If this is the only property, it can be passed as a number
+ * instead of an element of a properties object.
+ * - argTypes: (optional) An array corresponding to each argument of the
+ * function, giving the type of argument that should be parsed. Its
+ * length should be equal to `numArgs + numOptionalArgs`. Valid
+ * types:
+ * - "size": A size-like thing, such as "1em" or "5ex"
+ * - "color": An html color, like "#abc" or "blue"
+ * - "original": The same type as the environment that the
+ * function being parsed is in (e.g. used for the
+ * bodies of functions like \color where the first
+ * argument is special and the second argument is
+ * parsed normally)
+ * Other possible types (probably shouldn't be used)
+ * - "text": Text-like (e.g. \text)
+ * - "math": Normal math
+ * If undefined, this will be treated as an appropriate length
+ * array of "original" strings
+ * - greediness: (optional) The greediness of the function to use ungrouped
+ * arguments.
+ *
+ * E.g. if you have an expression
+ * \sqrt \frac 1 2
+ * since \frac has greediness=2 vs \sqrt's greediness=1, \frac
+ * will use the two arguments '1' and '2' as its two arguments,
+ * then that whole function will be used as the argument to
+ * \sqrt. On the other hand, the expressions
+ * \frac \frac 1 2 3
+ * and
+ * \frac \sqrt 1 2
+ * will fail because \frac and \frac have equal greediness
+ * and \sqrt has a lower greediness than \frac respectively. To
+ * make these parse, we would have to change them to:
+ * \frac {\frac 1 2} 3
+ * and
+ * \frac {\sqrt 1} 2
+ *
+ * The default value is `1`
+ * - allowedInText: (optional) Whether or not the function is allowed inside
+ * text mode (default false)
+ * - numOptionalArgs: (optional) The number of optional arguments the function
+ * should parse. If the optional arguments aren't found,
+ * `null` will be passed to the handler in their place.
+ * (default 0)
+ * - infix: (optional) Must be true if the function is an infix operator.
+ *
+ * The last argument is that implementation, the handler for the function(s).
+ * It is called to handle these functions and their arguments.
+ * It receives two arguments:
+ * - context contains information and references provided by the parser
+ * - args is an array of arguments obtained from TeX input
+ * The context contains the following properties:
+ * - funcName: the text (i.e. name) of the function, including \
+ * - parser: the parser object
+ * - lexer: the lexer object
+ * - positions: the positions in the overall string of the function
+ * and the arguments.
+ * The latter three should only be used to produce error messages.
+ *
+ * The function should return an object with the following keys:
+ * - type: The type of element that this is. This is then used in
+ * buildHTML/buildMathML to determine which function
+ * should be called to build this node into a DOM node
+ * Any other data can be added to the object, which will be passed
+ * in to the function in buildHTML/buildMathML as `group.value`.
+ */
+function defineFunction(names, props, handler) {
+ if (typeof names === "string") {
+ names = [names];
+ }
+ if (typeof props === "number") {
+ props = { numArgs: props };
+ }
+ // Set default values of functions
+ var data = {
+ numArgs: props.numArgs,
+ argTypes: props.argTypes,
+ greediness: (props.greediness === undefined) ? 1 : props.greediness,
+ allowedInText: !!props.allowedInText,
+ numOptionalArgs: props.numOptionalArgs || 0,
+ infix: !!props.infix,
+ handler: handler
+ };
+ for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) {
+ module.exports[names[i]] = data;
+ }
+// Since the corresponding buildHTML/buildMathML function expects a
+// list of elements, we normalize for different kinds of arguments
+var ordargument = function(arg) {
+ if (arg.type === "ordgroup") {
+ return arg.value;
+ } else {
+ return [arg];
+ }
+// A normal square root
+defineFunction("\\sqrt", {
+ numArgs: 1,
+ numOptionalArgs: 1
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var index = args[0];
+ var body = args[1];
+ return {
+ type: "sqrt",
+ body: body,
+ index: index
+ };
+// Non-mathy text, possibly in a font
+var textFunctionStyles = {
+ "\\text": undefined, "\\textrm": "mathrm", "\\textsf": "mathsf",
+ "\\texttt": "mathtt", "\\textnormal": "mathrm", "\\textbf": "mathbf",
+ "\\textit": "textit"
+ "\\text", "\\textrm", "\\textsf", "\\texttt", "\\textnormal",
+ "\\textbf", "\\textit"
+], {
+ numArgs: 1,
+ argTypes: ["text"],
+ greediness: 2,
+ allowedInText: true
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var body = args[0];
+ return {
+ type: "text",
+ body: ordargument(body),
+ style: textFunctionStyles[context.funcName]
+ };
+// A two-argument custom color
+defineFunction("\\color", {
+ numArgs: 2,
+ allowedInText: true,
+ greediness: 3,
+ argTypes: ["color", "original"]
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var color = args[0];
+ var body = args[1];
+ return {
+ type: "color",
+ color: color.value,
+ value: ordargument(body)
+ };
+// An overline
+defineFunction("\\overline", {
+ numArgs: 1
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var body = args[0];
+ return {
+ type: "overline",
+ body: body
+ };
+// An underline
+defineFunction("\\underline", {
+ numArgs: 1
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var body = args[0];
+ return {
+ type: "underline",
+ body: body
+ };
+// A box of the width and height
+defineFunction("\\rule", {
+ numArgs: 2,
+ numOptionalArgs: 1,
+ argTypes: ["size", "size", "size"]
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var shift = args[0];
+ var width = args[1];
+ var height = args[2];
+ return {
+ type: "rule",
+ shift: shift && shift.value,
+ width: width.value,
+ height: height.value
+ };
+// TODO: In TeX, \mkern only accepts mu-units, and \kern does not accept
+// mu-units. In current KaTeX we relax this; both commands accept any unit.
+defineFunction(["\\kern", "\\mkern"], {
+ numArgs: 1,
+ argTypes: ["size"]
+}, function(context, args) {
+ return {
+ type: "kern",
+ dimension: args[0].value
+ };
+// A KaTeX logo
+defineFunction("\\KaTeX", {
+ numArgs: 0
+}, function(context) {
+ return {
+ type: "katex"
+ };
+defineFunction("\\phantom", {
+ numArgs: 1
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var body = args[0];
+ return {
+ type: "phantom",
+ value: ordargument(body)
+ };
+// Math class commands except \mathop
+ "\\mathord", "\\mathbin", "\\mathrel", "\\mathopen",
+ "\\mathclose", "\\mathpunct", "\\mathinner"
+], {
+ numArgs: 1
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var body = args[0];
+ return {
+ type: "mclass",
+ mclass: "m" + context.funcName.substr(5),
+ value: ordargument(body)
+ };
+// Build a relation by placing one symbol on top of another
+defineFunction("\\stackrel", {
+ numArgs: 2
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var top = args[0];
+ var bottom = args[1];
+ var bottomop = new ParseNode("op", {
+ type: "op",
+ limits: true,
+ alwaysHandleSupSub: true,
+ symbol: false,
+ value: ordargument(bottom)
+ }, bottom.mode);
+ var supsub = new ParseNode("supsub", {
+ base: bottomop,
+ sup: top,
+ sub: null
+ }, top.mode);
+ return {
+ type: "mclass",
+ mclass: "mrel",
+ value: [supsub]
+ };
+// \mod-type functions
+defineFunction("\\bmod", {
+ numArgs: 0
+}, function(context, args) {
+ return {
+ type: "mod",
+ modType: "bmod",
+ value: null
+ };
+defineFunction(["\\pod", "\\pmod", "\\mod"], {
+ numArgs: 1
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var body = args[0];
+ return {
+ type: "mod",
+ modType: context.funcName.substr(1),
+ value: ordargument(body)
+ };
+// Extra data needed for the delimiter handler down below
+var delimiterSizes = {
+ "\\bigl" : {mclass: "mopen", size: 1},
+ "\\Bigl" : {mclass: "mopen", size: 2},
+ "\\biggl": {mclass: "mopen", size: 3},
+ "\\Biggl": {mclass: "mopen", size: 4},
+ "\\bigr" : {mclass: "mclose", size: 1},
+ "\\Bigr" : {mclass: "mclose", size: 2},
+ "\\biggr": {mclass: "mclose", size: 3},
+ "\\Biggr": {mclass: "mclose", size: 4},
+ "\\bigm" : {mclass: "mrel", size: 1},
+ "\\Bigm" : {mclass: "mrel", size: 2},
+ "\\biggm": {mclass: "mrel", size: 3},
+ "\\Biggm": {mclass: "mrel", size: 4},
+ "\\big" : {mclass: "mord", size: 1},
+ "\\Big" : {mclass: "mord", size: 2},
+ "\\bigg" : {mclass: "mord", size: 3},
+ "\\Bigg" : {mclass: "mord", size: 4}
+var delimiters = [
+ "(", ")", "[", "\\lbrack", "]", "\\rbrack",
+ "\\{", "\\lbrace", "\\}", "\\rbrace",
+ "\\lfloor", "\\rfloor", "\\lceil", "\\rceil",
+ "<", ">", "\\langle", "\\rangle", "\\lt", "\\gt",
+ "\\lvert", "\\rvert", "\\lVert", "\\rVert",
+ "\\lgroup", "\\rgroup", "\\lmoustache", "\\rmoustache",
+ "/", "\\backslash",
+ "|", "\\vert", "\\|", "\\Vert",
+ "\\uparrow", "\\Uparrow",
+ "\\downarrow", "\\Downarrow",
+ "\\updownarrow", "\\Updownarrow",
+ "."
+var fontAliases = {
+ "\\Bbb": "\\mathbb",
+ "\\bold": "\\mathbf",
+ "\\frak": "\\mathfrak"
+// Single-argument color functions
+ "\\blue", "\\orange", "\\pink", "\\red",
+ "\\green", "\\gray", "\\purple",
+ "\\blueA", "\\blueB", "\\blueC", "\\blueD", "\\blueE",
+ "\\tealA", "\\tealB", "\\tealC", "\\tealD", "\\tealE",
+ "\\greenA", "\\greenB", "\\greenC", "\\greenD", "\\greenE",
+ "\\goldA", "\\goldB", "\\goldC", "\\goldD", "\\goldE",
+ "\\redA", "\\redB", "\\redC", "\\redD", "\\redE",
+ "\\maroonA", "\\maroonB", "\\maroonC", "\\maroonD", "\\maroonE",
+ "\\purpleA", "\\purpleB", "\\purpleC", "\\purpleD", "\\purpleE",
+ "\\mintA", "\\mintB", "\\mintC",
+ "\\grayA", "\\grayB", "\\grayC", "\\grayD", "\\grayE",
+ "\\grayF", "\\grayG", "\\grayH", "\\grayI",
+ "\\kaBlue", "\\kaGreen"
+], {
+ numArgs: 1,
+ allowedInText: true,
+ greediness: 3
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var body = args[0];
+ return {
+ type: "color",
+ color: "katex-" + context.funcName.slice(1),
+ value: ordargument(body)
+ };
+// There are 2 flags for operators; whether they produce limits in
+// displaystyle, and whether they are symbols and should grow in
+// displaystyle. These four groups cover the four possible choices.
+// No limits, not symbols
+ "\\arcsin", "\\arccos", "\\arctan", "\\arg", "\\cos", "\\cosh",
+ "\\cot", "\\coth", "\\csc", "\\deg", "\\dim", "\\exp", "\\hom",
+ "\\ker", "\\lg", "\\ln", "\\log", "\\sec", "\\sin", "\\sinh",
+ "\\tan", "\\tanh"
+], {
+ numArgs: 0
+}, function(context) {
+ return {
+ type: "op",
+ limits: false,
+ symbol: false,
+ body: context.funcName
+ };
+// Limits, not symbols
+ "\\det", "\\gcd", "\\inf", "\\lim", "\\liminf", "\\limsup", "\\max",
+ "\\min", "\\Pr", "\\sup"
+], {
+ numArgs: 0
+}, function(context) {
+ return {
+ type: "op",
+ limits: true,
+ symbol: false,
+ body: context.funcName
+ };
+// No limits, symbols
+ "\\int", "\\iint", "\\iiint", "\\oint"
+], {
+ numArgs: 0
+}, function(context) {
+ return {
+ type: "op",
+ limits: false,
+ symbol: true,
+ body: context.funcName
+ };
+// Limits, symbols
+ "\\coprod", "\\bigvee", "\\bigwedge", "\\biguplus", "\\bigcap",
+ "\\bigcup", "\\intop", "\\prod", "\\sum", "\\bigotimes",
+ "\\bigoplus", "\\bigodot", "\\bigsqcup", "\\smallint"
+], {
+ numArgs: 0
+}, function(context) {
+ return {
+ type: "op",
+ limits: true,
+ symbol: true,
+ body: context.funcName
+ };
+// \mathop class command
+defineFunction("\\mathop", {
+ numArgs: 1
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var body = args[0];
+ return {
+ type: "op",
+ limits: false,
+ symbol: false,
+ value: ordargument(body)
+ };
+// Fractions
+ "\\dfrac", "\\frac", "\\tfrac",
+ "\\dbinom", "\\binom", "\\tbinom",
+ "\\\\atopfrac" // can’t be entered directly
+], {
+ numArgs: 2,
+ greediness: 2
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var numer = args[0];
+ var denom = args[1];
+ var hasBarLine;
+ var leftDelim = null;
+ var rightDelim = null;
+ var size = "auto";
+ switch (context.funcName) {
+ case "\\dfrac":
+ case "\\frac":
+ case "\\tfrac":
+ hasBarLine = true;
+ break;
+ case "\\\\atopfrac":
+ hasBarLine = false;
+ break;
+ case "\\dbinom":
+ case "\\binom":
+ case "\\tbinom":
+ hasBarLine = false;
+ leftDelim = "(";
+ rightDelim = ")";
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Unrecognized genfrac command");
+ }
+ switch (context.funcName) {
+ case "\\dfrac":
+ case "\\dbinom":
+ size = "display";
+ break;
+ case "\\tfrac":
+ case "\\tbinom":
+ size = "text";
+ break;
+ }
+ return {
+ type: "genfrac",
+ numer: numer,
+ denom: denom,
+ hasBarLine: hasBarLine,
+ leftDelim: leftDelim,
+ rightDelim: rightDelim,
+ size: size
+ };
+// Left and right overlap functions
+defineFunction(["\\llap", "\\rlap"], {
+ numArgs: 1,
+ allowedInText: true
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var body = args[0];
+ return {
+ type: context.funcName.slice(1),
+ body: body
+ };
+// Delimiter functions
+var checkDelimiter = function(delim, context) {
+ if (utils.contains(delimiters, delim.value)) {
+ return delim;
+ } else {
+ throw new ParseError(
+ "Invalid delimiter: '" + delim.value + "' after '" +
+ context.funcName + "'", delim);
+ }
+ "\\bigl", "\\Bigl", "\\biggl", "\\Biggl",
+ "\\bigr", "\\Bigr", "\\biggr", "\\Biggr",
+ "\\bigm", "\\Bigm", "\\biggm", "\\Biggm",
+ "\\big", "\\Big", "\\bigg", "\\Bigg"
+], {
+ numArgs: 1
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var delim = checkDelimiter(args[0], context);
+ return {
+ type: "delimsizing",
+ size: delimiterSizes[context.funcName].size,
+ mclass: delimiterSizes[context.funcName].mclass,
+ value: delim.value
+ };
+ "\\left", "\\right"
+], {
+ numArgs: 1
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var delim = checkDelimiter(args[0], context);
+ // \left and \right are caught somewhere in Parser.js, which is
+ // why this data doesn't match what is in buildHTML.
+ return {
+ type: "leftright",
+ value: delim.value
+ };
+defineFunction("\\middle", {
+ numArgs: 1
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var delim = checkDelimiter(args[0], context);
+ if (!context.parser.leftrightDepth) {
+ throw new ParseError("\\middle without preceding \\left", delim);
+ }
+ return {
+ type: "middle",
+ value: delim.value
+ };
+// Sizing functions (handled in Parser.js explicitly, hence no handler)
+ "\\tiny", "\\scriptsize", "\\footnotesize", "\\small",
+ "\\normalsize", "\\large", "\\Large", "\\LARGE", "\\huge", "\\Huge"
+], 0, null);
+// Style changing functions (handled in Parser.js explicitly, hence no
+// handler)
+ "\\displaystyle", "\\textstyle", "\\scriptstyle",
+ "\\scriptscriptstyle"
+], 0, null);
+ // styles
+ "\\mathrm", "\\mathit", "\\mathbf",
+ // families
+ "\\mathbb", "\\mathcal", "\\mathfrak", "\\mathscr", "\\mathsf",
+ "\\mathtt",
+ // aliases
+ "\\Bbb", "\\bold", "\\frak"
+], {
+ numArgs: 1,
+ greediness: 2
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var body = args[0];
+ var func = context.funcName;
+ if (func in fontAliases) {
+ func = fontAliases[func];
+ }
+ return {
+ type: "font",
+ font: func.slice(1),
+ body: body
+ };
+// Accents
+ "\\acute", "\\grave", "\\ddot", "\\tilde", "\\bar", "\\breve",
+ "\\check", "\\hat", "\\vec", "\\dot"
+ // We don't support expanding accents yet
+ // "\\widetilde", "\\widehat"
+], {
+ numArgs: 1
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var base = args[0];
+ return {
+ type: "accent",
+ accent: context.funcName,
+ base: base
+ };
+// Infix generalized fractions
+defineFunction(["\\over", "\\choose", "\\atop"], {
+ numArgs: 0,
+ infix: true
+}, function(context) {
+ var replaceWith;
+ switch (context.funcName) {
+ case "\\over":
+ replaceWith = "\\frac";
+ break;
+ case "\\choose":
+ replaceWith = "\\binom";
+ break;
+ case "\\atop":
+ replaceWith = "\\\\atopfrac";
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("Unrecognized infix genfrac command");
+ }
+ return {
+ type: "infix",
+ replaceWith: replaceWith,
+ token: context.token
+ };
+// Row breaks for aligned data
+defineFunction(["\\\\", "\\cr"], {
+ numArgs: 0,
+ numOptionalArgs: 1,
+ argTypes: ["size"]
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var size = args[0];
+ return {
+ type: "cr",
+ size: size
+ };
+// Environment delimiters
+defineFunction(["\\begin", "\\end"], {
+ numArgs: 1,
+ argTypes: ["text"]
+}, function(context, args) {
+ var nameGroup = args[0];
+ if (nameGroup.type !== "ordgroup") {
+ throw new ParseError("Invalid environment name", nameGroup);
+ }
+ var name = "";
+ for (var i = 0; i < nameGroup.value.length; ++i) {
+ name += nameGroup.value[i].value;
+ }
+ return {
+ type: "environment",
+ name: name,
+ nameGroup: nameGroup
+ };
+ * These objects store data about MathML nodes. This is the MathML equivalent
+ * of the types in domTree.js. Since MathML handles its own rendering, and
+ * since we're mainly using MathML to improve accessibility, we don't manage
+ * any of the styling state that the plain DOM nodes do.
+ *
+ * The `toNode` and `toMarkup` functions work simlarly to how they do in
+ * domTree.js, creating namespaced DOM nodes and HTML text markup respectively.
+ */
+var utils = require("./utils");
+ * This node represents a general purpose MathML node of any type. The
+ * constructor requires the type of node to create (for example, `"mo"` or
+ * `"mspace"`, corresponding to `<mo>` and `<mspace>` tags).
+ */
+function MathNode(type, children) {
+ this.type = type;
+ this.attributes = {};
+ this.children = children || [];
+ * Sets an attribute on a MathML node. MathML depends on attributes to convey a
+ * semantic content, so this is used heavily.
+ */
+MathNode.prototype.setAttribute = function(name, value) {
+ this.attributes[name] = value;
+ * Converts the math node into a MathML-namespaced DOM element.
+ */
+MathNode.prototype.toNode = function() {
+ var node = document.createElementNS(
+ "", this.type);
+ for (var attr in this.attributes) {
+ if (, attr)) {
+ node.setAttribute(attr, this.attributes[attr]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ node.appendChild(this.children[i].toNode());
+ }
+ return node;
+ * Converts the math node into an HTML markup string.
+ */
+MathNode.prototype.toMarkup = function() {
+ var markup = "<" + this.type;
+ // Add the attributes
+ for (var attr in this.attributes) {
+ if (, attr)) {
+ markup += " " + attr + "=\"";
+ markup += utils.escape(this.attributes[attr]);
+ markup += "\"";
+ }
+ }
+ markup += ">";
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
+ markup += this.children[i].toMarkup();
+ }
+ markup += "</" + this.type + ">";
+ return markup;
+ * This node represents a piece of text.
+ */
+function TextNode(text) {
+ this.text = text;
+ * Converts the text node into a DOM text node.
+ */
+TextNode.prototype.toNode = function() {
+ return document.createTextNode(this.text);
+ * Converts the text node into HTML markup (which is just the text itself).
+ */
+TextNode.prototype.toMarkup = function() {
+ return utils.escape(this.text);
+module.exports = {
+ MathNode: MathNode,
+ TextNode: TextNode
+ * The resulting parse tree nodes of the parse tree.
+ *
+ * It is possible to provide position information, so that a ParseNode can
+ * fulfil a role similar to a Token in error reporting.
+ * For details on the corresponding properties see Token constructor.
+ * Providing such information can lead to better error reporting.
+ *
+ * @param {string} type type of node, like e.g. "ordgroup"
+ * @param {?object} value type-specific representation of the node
+ * @param {string} mode parse mode in action for this node,
+ * "math" or "text"
+ * @param {Token=} firstToken first token of the input for this node,
+ * will omit position information if unset
+ * @param {Token=} lastToken last token of the input for this node,
+ * will default to firstToken if unset
+ */
+function ParseNode(type, value, mode, firstToken, lastToken) {
+ this.type = type;
+ this.value = value;
+ this.mode = mode;
+ if (firstToken && (!lastToken || lastToken.lexer === firstToken.lexer)) {
+ this.lexer = firstToken.lexer;
+ this.start = firstToken.start;
+ this.end = (lastToken || firstToken).end;
+ }
+module.exports = {
+ ParseNode: ParseNode
+ * Provides a single function for parsing an expression using a Parser
+ * TODO(emily): Remove this
+ */
+var Parser = require("./Parser");
+ * Parses an expression using a Parser, then returns the parsed result.
+ */
+var parseTree = function(toParse, settings) {
+ if (!(typeof toParse === 'string' || toParse instanceof String)) {
+ throw new TypeError('KaTeX can only parse string typed expression');
+ }
+ var parser = new Parser(toParse, settings);
+ return parser.parse();
+module.exports = parseTree;
+ * This file holds a list of all no-argument functions and single-character
+ * symbols (like 'a' or ';').
+ *
+ * For each of the symbols, there are three properties they can have:
+ * - font (required): the font to be used for this symbol. Either "main" (the
+ normal font), or "ams" (the ams fonts).
+ * - group (required): the ParseNode group type the symbol should have (i.e.
+ "textord", "mathord", etc).
+ See
+ * - replace: the character that this symbol or function should be
+ * replaced with (i.e. "\phi" has a replace value of "\u03d5", the phi
+ * character in the main font).
+ *
+ * The outermost map in the table indicates what mode the symbols should be
+ * accepted in (e.g. "math" or "text").
+ */
+module.exports = {
+ math: {},
+ text: {}
+function defineSymbol(mode, font, group, replace, name) {
+ module.exports[mode][name] = {
+ font: font,
+ group: group,
+ replace: replace
+ };
+// Some abbreviations for commonly used strings.
+// This helps minify the code, and also spotting typos using jshint.
+// modes:
+var math = "math";
+var text = "text";
+// fonts:
+var main = "main";
+var ams = "ams";
+// groups:
+var accent = "accent";
+var bin = "bin";
+var close = "close";
+var inner = "inner";
+var mathord = "mathord";
+var op = "op";
+var open = "open";
+var punct = "punct";
+var rel = "rel";
+var spacing = "spacing";
+var textord = "textord";
+// Now comes the symbol table
+// Relation Symbols
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2261", "\\equiv");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u227a", "\\prec");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u227b", "\\succ");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u223c", "\\sim");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u22a5", "\\perp");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2aaf", "\\preceq");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2ab0", "\\succeq");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2243", "\\simeq");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2223", "\\mid");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u226a", "\\ll");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u226b", "\\gg");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u224d", "\\asymp");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2225", "\\parallel");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u22c8", "\\bowtie");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2323", "\\smile");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2291", "\\sqsubseteq");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2292", "\\sqsupseteq");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2250", "\\doteq");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2322", "\\frown");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u220b", "\\ni");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u221d", "\\propto");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u22a2", "\\vdash");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u22a3", "\\dashv");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u220b", "\\owns");
+// Punctuation
+defineSymbol(math, main, punct, "\u002e", "\\ldotp");
+defineSymbol(math, main, punct, "\u22c5", "\\cdotp");
+// Misc Symbols
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u0023", "\\#");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "\u0023", "\\#");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u0026", "\\&");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "\u0026", "\\&");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2135", "\\aleph");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2200", "\\forall");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u210f", "\\hbar");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2203", "\\exists");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2207", "\\nabla");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u266d", "\\flat");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2113", "\\ell");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u266e", "\\natural");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2663", "\\clubsuit");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2118", "\\wp");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u266f", "\\sharp");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2662", "\\diamondsuit");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u211c", "\\Re");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2661", "\\heartsuit");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2111", "\\Im");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2660", "\\spadesuit");
+// Math and Text
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2020", "\\dag");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2021", "\\ddag");
+// Large Delimiters
+defineSymbol(math, main, close, "\u23b1", "\\rmoustache");
+defineSymbol(math, main, open, "\u23b0", "\\lmoustache");
+defineSymbol(math, main, close, "\u27ef", "\\rgroup");
+defineSymbol(math, main, open, "\u27ee", "\\lgroup");
+// Binary Operators
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2213", "\\mp");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2296", "\\ominus");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u228e", "\\uplus");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2293", "\\sqcap");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2217", "\\ast");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2294", "\\sqcup");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u25ef", "\\bigcirc");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2219", "\\bullet");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2021", "\\ddagger");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2240", "\\wr");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2a3f", "\\amalg");
+// Arrow Symbols
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u27f5", "\\longleftarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u21d0", "\\Leftarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u27f8", "\\Longleftarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u27f6", "\\longrightarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u21d2", "\\Rightarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u27f9", "\\Longrightarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2194", "\\leftrightarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u27f7", "\\longleftrightarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u21d4", "\\Leftrightarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u27fa", "\\Longleftrightarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u21a6", "\\mapsto");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u27fc", "\\longmapsto");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2197", "\\nearrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u21a9", "\\hookleftarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u21aa", "\\hookrightarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2198", "\\searrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u21bc", "\\leftharpoonup");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u21c0", "\\rightharpoonup");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2199", "\\swarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u21bd", "\\leftharpoondown");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u21c1", "\\rightharpoondown");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2196", "\\nwarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u21cc", "\\rightleftharpoons");
+// AMS Negated Binary Relations
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u226e", "\\nless");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\ue010", "\\nleqslant");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\ue011", "\\nleqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2a87", "\\lneq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2268", "\\lneqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\ue00c", "\\lvertneqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22e6", "\\lnsim");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2a89", "\\lnapprox");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2280", "\\nprec");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22e0", "\\npreceq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22e8", "\\precnsim");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2ab9", "\\precnapprox");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2241", "\\nsim");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\ue006", "\\nshortmid");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2224", "\\nmid");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22ac", "\\nvdash");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22ad", "\\nvDash");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22ea", "\\ntriangleleft");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22ec", "\\ntrianglelefteq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u228a", "\\subsetneq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\ue01a", "\\varsubsetneq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2acb", "\\subsetneqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\ue017", "\\varsubsetneqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u226f", "\\ngtr");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\ue00f", "\\ngeqslant");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\ue00e", "\\ngeqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2a88", "\\gneq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2269", "\\gneqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\ue00d", "\\gvertneqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22e7", "\\gnsim");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2a8a", "\\gnapprox");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2281", "\\nsucc");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22e1", "\\nsucceq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22e9", "\\succnsim");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2aba", "\\succnapprox");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2246", "\\ncong");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\ue007", "\\nshortparallel");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2226", "\\nparallel");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22af", "\\nVDash");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22eb", "\\ntriangleright");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22ed", "\\ntrianglerighteq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\ue018", "\\nsupseteqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u228b", "\\supsetneq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\ue01b", "\\varsupsetneq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2acc", "\\supsetneqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\ue019", "\\varsupsetneqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22ae", "\\nVdash");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2ab5", "\\precneqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2ab6", "\\succneqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\ue016", "\\nsubseteqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22b4", "\\unlhd");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22b5", "\\unrhd");
+// AMS Negated Arrows
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u219a", "\\nleftarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u219b", "\\nrightarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21cd", "\\nLeftarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21cf", "\\nRightarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21ae", "\\nleftrightarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21ce", "\\nLeftrightarrow");
+// AMS Misc
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u25b3", "\\vartriangle");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u210f", "\\hslash");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u25bd", "\\triangledown");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u25ca", "\\lozenge");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u24c8", "\\circledS");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u00ae", "\\circledR");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2221", "\\measuredangle");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2204", "\\nexists");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2127", "\\mho");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2132", "\\Finv");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2141", "\\Game");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u006b", "\\Bbbk");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2035", "\\backprime");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u25b2", "\\blacktriangle");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u25bc", "\\blacktriangledown");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u25a0", "\\blacksquare");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u29eb", "\\blacklozenge");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2605", "\\bigstar");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2222", "\\sphericalangle");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2201", "\\complement");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u00f0", "\\eth");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2571", "\\diagup");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2572", "\\diagdown");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u25a1", "\\square");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u25a1", "\\Box");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u25ca", "\\Diamond");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u00a5", "\\yen");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2713", "\\checkmark");
+// AMS Hebrew
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2136", "\\beth");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2138", "\\daleth");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2137", "\\gimel");
+// AMS Greek
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u03dd", "\\digamma");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u03f0", "\\varkappa");
+// AMS Delimiters
+defineSymbol(math, ams, open, "\u250c", "\\ulcorner");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, close, "\u2510", "\\urcorner");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, open, "\u2514", "\\llcorner");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, close, "\u2518", "\\lrcorner");
+// AMS Binary Relations
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2266", "\\leqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2a7d", "\\leqslant");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2a95", "\\eqslantless");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2272", "\\lesssim");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2a85", "\\lessapprox");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u224a", "\\approxeq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22d6", "\\lessdot");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22d8", "\\lll");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2276", "\\lessgtr");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22da", "\\lesseqgtr");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2a8b", "\\lesseqqgtr");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2251", "\\doteqdot");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2253", "\\risingdotseq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2252", "\\fallingdotseq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u223d", "\\backsim");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22cd", "\\backsimeq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2ac5", "\\subseteqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22d0", "\\Subset");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u228f", "\\sqsubset");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u227c", "\\preccurlyeq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22de", "\\curlyeqprec");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u227e", "\\precsim");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2ab7", "\\precapprox");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22b2", "\\vartriangleleft");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22b4", "\\trianglelefteq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22a8", "\\vDash");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22aa", "\\Vvdash");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2323", "\\smallsmile");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2322", "\\smallfrown");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u224f", "\\bumpeq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u224e", "\\Bumpeq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2267", "\\geqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2a7e", "\\geqslant");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2a96", "\\eqslantgtr");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2273", "\\gtrsim");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2a86", "\\gtrapprox");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22d7", "\\gtrdot");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22d9", "\\ggg");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2277", "\\gtrless");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22db", "\\gtreqless");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2a8c", "\\gtreqqless");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2256", "\\eqcirc");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2257", "\\circeq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u225c", "\\triangleq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u223c", "\\thicksim");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2248", "\\thickapprox");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2ac6", "\\supseteqq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22d1", "\\Supset");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2290", "\\sqsupset");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u227d", "\\succcurlyeq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22df", "\\curlyeqsucc");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u227f", "\\succsim");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2ab8", "\\succapprox");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22b3", "\\vartriangleright");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22b5", "\\trianglerighteq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22a9", "\\Vdash");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2223", "\\shortmid");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2225", "\\shortparallel");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u226c", "\\between");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22d4", "\\pitchfork");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u221d", "\\varpropto");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u25c0", "\\blacktriangleleft");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2234", "\\therefore");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u220d", "\\backepsilon");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u25b6", "\\blacktriangleright");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2235", "\\because");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22d8", "\\llless");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22d9", "\\gggtr");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22b2", "\\lhd");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22b3", "\\rhd");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2242", "\\eqsim");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u22c8", "\\Join");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2251", "\\Doteq");
+// AMS Binary Operators
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u2214", "\\dotplus");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u2216", "\\smallsetminus");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22d2", "\\Cap");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22d3", "\\Cup");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u2a5e", "\\doublebarwedge");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u229f", "\\boxminus");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u229e", "\\boxplus");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22c7", "\\divideontimes");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22c9", "\\ltimes");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22ca", "\\rtimes");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22cb", "\\leftthreetimes");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22cc", "\\rightthreetimes");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22cf", "\\curlywedge");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22ce", "\\curlyvee");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u229d", "\\circleddash");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u229b", "\\circledast");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22c5", "\\centerdot");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22ba", "\\intercal");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22d2", "\\doublecap");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22d3", "\\doublecup");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22a0", "\\boxtimes");
+// AMS Arrows
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21e2", "\\dashrightarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21e0", "\\dashleftarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21c7", "\\leftleftarrows");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21c6", "\\leftrightarrows");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21da", "\\Lleftarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u219e", "\\twoheadleftarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21a2", "\\leftarrowtail");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21ab", "\\looparrowleft");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21cb", "\\leftrightharpoons");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21b6", "\\curvearrowleft");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21ba", "\\circlearrowleft");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21b0", "\\Lsh");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21c8", "\\upuparrows");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21bf", "\\upharpoonleft");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21c3", "\\downharpoonleft");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u22b8", "\\multimap");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21ad", "\\leftrightsquigarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21c9", "\\rightrightarrows");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21c4", "\\rightleftarrows");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21a0", "\\twoheadrightarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21a3", "\\rightarrowtail");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21ac", "\\looparrowright");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21b7", "\\curvearrowright");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21bb", "\\circlearrowright");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21b1", "\\Rsh");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21ca", "\\downdownarrows");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21be", "\\upharpoonright");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21c2", "\\downharpoonright");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21dd", "\\rightsquigarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21dd", "\\leadsto");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21db", "\\Rrightarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u21be", "\\restriction");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2018", "`");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "$", "\\$");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "$", "\\$");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "%", "\\%");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "%", "\\%");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "_", "\\_");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "_", "\\_");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2220", "\\angle");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u221e", "\\infty");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2032", "\\prime");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u25b3", "\\triangle");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u0393", "\\Gamma");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u0394", "\\Delta");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u0398", "\\Theta");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u039b", "\\Lambda");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u039e", "\\Xi");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u03a0", "\\Pi");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u03a3", "\\Sigma");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u03a5", "\\Upsilon");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u03a6", "\\Phi");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u03a8", "\\Psi");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u03a9", "\\Omega");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u00ac", "\\neg");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u00ac", "\\lnot");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u22a4", "\\top");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u22a5", "\\bot");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2205", "\\emptyset");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2205", "\\varnothing");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03b1", "\\alpha");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03b2", "\\beta");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03b3", "\\gamma");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03b4", "\\delta");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03f5", "\\epsilon");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03b6", "\\zeta");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03b7", "\\eta");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03b8", "\\theta");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03b9", "\\iota");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03ba", "\\kappa");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03bb", "\\lambda");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03bc", "\\mu");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03bd", "\\nu");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03be", "\\xi");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "o", "\\omicron");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03c0", "\\pi");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03c1", "\\rho");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03c3", "\\sigma");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03c4", "\\tau");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03c5", "\\upsilon");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03d5", "\\phi");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03c7", "\\chi");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03c8", "\\psi");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03c9", "\\omega");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03b5", "\\varepsilon");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03d1", "\\vartheta");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03d6", "\\varpi");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03f1", "\\varrho");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03c2", "\\varsigma");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u03c6", "\\varphi");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2217", "*");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "+", "+");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2212", "-");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u22c5", "\\cdot");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2218", "\\circ");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u00f7", "\\div");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u00b1", "\\pm");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u00d7", "\\times");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2229", "\\cap");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u222a", "\\cup");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2216", "\\setminus");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2227", "\\land");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2228", "\\lor");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2227", "\\wedge");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2228", "\\vee");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u221a", "\\surd");
+defineSymbol(math, main, open, "(", "(");
+defineSymbol(math, main, open, "[", "[");
+defineSymbol(math, main, open, "\u27e8", "\\langle");
+defineSymbol(math, main, open, "\u2223", "\\lvert");
+defineSymbol(math, main, open, "\u2225", "\\lVert");
+defineSymbol(math, main, close, ")", ")");
+defineSymbol(math, main, close, "]", "]");
+defineSymbol(math, main, close, "?", "?");
+defineSymbol(math, main, close, "!", "!");
+defineSymbol(math, main, close, "\u27e9", "\\rangle");
+defineSymbol(math, main, close, "\u2223", "\\rvert");
+defineSymbol(math, main, close, "\u2225", "\\rVert");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "=", "=");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "<", "<");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, ">", ">");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, ":", ":");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2248", "\\approx");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2245", "\\cong");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2265", "\\ge");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2265", "\\geq");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2190", "\\gets");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, ">", "\\gt");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2208", "\\in");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2209", "\\notin");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2282", "\\subset");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2283", "\\supset");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2286", "\\subseteq");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2287", "\\supseteq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2288", "\\nsubseteq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2289", "\\nsupseteq");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u22a8", "\\models");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2190", "\\leftarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2264", "\\le");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2264", "\\leq");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "<", "\\lt");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2260", "\\ne");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2260", "\\neq");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2192", "\\rightarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2192", "\\to");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2271", "\\ngeq");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, rel, "\u2270", "\\nleq");
+defineSymbol(math, main, spacing, null, "\\!");
+defineSymbol(math, main, spacing, "\u00a0", "\\ ");
+defineSymbol(math, main, spacing, "\u00a0", "~");
+defineSymbol(math, main, spacing, null, "\\,");
+defineSymbol(math, main, spacing, null, "\\:");
+defineSymbol(math, main, spacing, null, "\\;");
+defineSymbol(math, main, spacing, null, "\\enspace");
+defineSymbol(math, main, spacing, null, "\\qquad");
+defineSymbol(math, main, spacing, null, "\\quad");
+defineSymbol(math, main, spacing, "\u00a0", "\\space");
+defineSymbol(math, main, punct, ",", ",");
+defineSymbol(math, main, punct, ";", ";");
+defineSymbol(math, main, punct, ":", "\\colon");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22bc", "\\barwedge");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22bb", "\\veebar");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2299", "\\odot");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2295", "\\oplus");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2297", "\\otimes");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2202", "\\partial");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2298", "\\oslash");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u229a", "\\circledcirc");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, bin, "\u22a1", "\\boxdot");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u25b3", "\\bigtriangleup");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u25bd", "\\bigtriangledown");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u2020", "\\dagger");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u22c4", "\\diamond");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u22c6", "\\star");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u25c3", "\\triangleleft");
+defineSymbol(math, main, bin, "\u25b9", "\\triangleright");
+defineSymbol(math, main, open, "{", "\\{");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "{", "\\{");
+defineSymbol(math, main, close, "}", "\\}");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "}", "\\}");
+defineSymbol(math, main, open, "{", "\\lbrace");
+defineSymbol(math, main, close, "}", "\\rbrace");
+defineSymbol(math, main, open, "[", "\\lbrack");
+defineSymbol(math, main, close, "]", "\\rbrack");
+defineSymbol(math, main, open, "\u230a", "\\lfloor");
+defineSymbol(math, main, close, "\u230b", "\\rfloor");
+defineSymbol(math, main, open, "\u2308", "\\lceil");
+defineSymbol(math, main, close, "\u2309", "\\rceil");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\\", "\\backslash");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2223", "|");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2223", "\\vert");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2225", "\\|");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u2225", "\\Vert");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2191", "\\uparrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u21d1", "\\Uparrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2193", "\\downarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u21d3", "\\Downarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u2195", "\\updownarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, main, rel, "\u21d5", "\\Updownarrow");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u2210", "\\coprod");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u22c1", "\\bigvee");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u22c0", "\\bigwedge");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u2a04", "\\biguplus");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u22c2", "\\bigcap");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u22c3", "\\bigcup");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u222b", "\\int");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u222b", "\\intop");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u222c", "\\iint");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u222d", "\\iiint");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u220f", "\\prod");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u2211", "\\sum");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u2a02", "\\bigotimes");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u2a01", "\\bigoplus");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u2a00", "\\bigodot");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u222e", "\\oint");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u2a06", "\\bigsqcup");
+defineSymbol(math, math, op, "\u222b", "\\smallint");
+defineSymbol(text, main, inner, "\u2026", "\\textellipsis");
+defineSymbol(math, main, inner, "\u2026", "\\mathellipsis");
+defineSymbol(text, main, inner, "\u2026", "\\ldots");
+defineSymbol(math, main, inner, "\u2026", "\\ldots");
+defineSymbol(math, main, inner, "\u22ef", "\\cdots");
+defineSymbol(math, main, inner, "\u22f1", "\\ddots");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u22ee", "\\vdots");
+defineSymbol(math, main, accent, "\u00b4", "\\acute");
+defineSymbol(math, main, accent, "\u0060", "\\grave");
+defineSymbol(math, main, accent, "\u00a8", "\\ddot");
+defineSymbol(math, main, accent, "\u007e", "\\tilde");
+defineSymbol(math, main, accent, "\u00af", "\\bar");
+defineSymbol(math, main, accent, "\u02d8", "\\breve");
+defineSymbol(math, main, accent, "\u02c7", "\\check");
+defineSymbol(math, main, accent, "\u005e", "\\hat");
+defineSymbol(math, main, accent, "\u20d7", "\\vec");
+defineSymbol(math, main, accent, "\u02d9", "\\dot");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u0131", "\\imath");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u0237", "\\jmath");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "\u2013", "--");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "\u2014", "---");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "\u2018", "`");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "\u2019", "'");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "\u201c", "``");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "\u201d", "''");
+defineSymbol(math, main, textord, "\u00b0", "\\degree");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "\u00b0", "\\degree");
+defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, "\u00a3", "\\pounds");
+defineSymbol(math, ams, textord, "\u2720", "\\maltese");
+defineSymbol(text, ams, textord, "\u2720", "\\maltese");
+defineSymbol(text, main, spacing, "\u00a0", "\\ ");
+defineSymbol(text, main, spacing, "\u00a0", " ");
+defineSymbol(text, main, spacing, "\u00a0", "~");
+// There are lots of symbols which are the same, so we add them in afterwards.
+var i;
+var ch;
+// All of these are textords in math mode
+var mathTextSymbols = "0123456789/@.\"";
+for (i = 0; i < mathTextSymbols.length; i++) {
+ ch = mathTextSymbols.charAt(i);
+ defineSymbol(math, main, textord, ch, ch);
+// All of these are textords in text mode
+var textSymbols = "0123456789!@*()-=+[]\";:?/.,";
+for (i = 0; i < textSymbols.length; i++) {
+ ch = textSymbols.charAt(i);
+ defineSymbol(text, main, textord, ch, ch);
+// All of these are textords in text mode, and mathords in math mode
+var letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
+for (i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) {
+ ch = letters.charAt(i);
+ defineSymbol(math, main, mathord, ch, ch);
+ defineSymbol(text, main, textord, ch, ch);
+// Latin-1 letters
+for (i = 0x00C0; i <= 0x00D6; i++) {
+ ch = String.fromCharCode(i);
+ defineSymbol(text, main, textord, ch, ch);
+for (i = 0x00D8; i <= 0x00F6; i++) {
+ ch = String.fromCharCode(i);
+ defineSymbol(text, main, textord, ch, ch);
+for (i = 0x00F8; i <= 0x00FF; i++) {
+ ch = String.fromCharCode(i);
+ defineSymbol(text, main, textord, ch, ch);
+// Cyrillic
+for (i = 0x0410; i <= 0x044F; i++) {
+ ch = String.fromCharCode(i);
+ defineSymbol(text, main, textord, ch, ch);
+// Unicode versions of existing characters
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "\u2013", "–");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "\u2014", "—");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "\u2018", "‘");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "\u2019", "’");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "\u201c", "“");
+defineSymbol(text, main, textord, "\u201d", "”");
+var hangulRegex = /[\uAC00-\uD7AF]/;
+// This regex combines
+// - Hiragana: [\u3040-\u309F]
+// - Katakana: [\u30A0-\u30FF]
+// - CJK ideograms: [\u4E00-\u9FAF]
+// - Hangul syllables: [\uAC00-\uD7AF]
+// Notably missing are halfwidth Katakana and Romanji glyphs.
+var cjkRegex =
+ /[\u3040-\u309F]|[\u30A0-\u30FF]|[\u4E00-\u9FAF]|[\uAC00-\uD7AF]/;
+module.exports = {
+ cjkRegex: cjkRegex,
+ hangulRegex: hangulRegex
+ * This file contains a list of utility functions which are useful in other
+ * files.
+ */
+ * Provide an `indexOf` function which works in IE8, but defers to native if
+ * possible.
+ */
+var nativeIndexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;
+var indexOf = function(list, elem) {
+ if (list == null) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (nativeIndexOf && list.indexOf === nativeIndexOf) {
+ return list.indexOf(elem);
+ }
+ var i = 0;
+ var l = list.length;
+ for (; i < l; i++) {
+ if (list[i] === elem) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ * Return whether an element is contained in a list
+ */
+var contains = function(list, elem) {
+ return indexOf(list, elem) !== -1;
+ * Provide a default value if a setting is undefined
+ */
+var deflt = function(setting, defaultIfUndefined) {
+ return setting === undefined ? defaultIfUndefined : setting;
+// hyphenate and escape adapted from Facebook's React under Apache 2 license
+var uppercase = /([A-Z])/g;
+var hyphenate = function(str) {
+ return str.replace(uppercase, "-$1").toLowerCase();
+ "&": "&",
+ ">": ">",
+ "<": "<",
+ "\"": """,
+ "'": "'"
+var ESCAPE_REGEX = /[&><"']/g;
+function escaper(match) {
+ return ESCAPE_LOOKUP[match];
+ * Escapes text to prevent scripting attacks.
+ *
+ * @param {*} text Text value to escape.
+ * @return {string} An escaped string.
+ */
+function escape(text) {
+ return ("" + text).replace(ESCAPE_REGEX, escaper);
+ * A function to set the text content of a DOM element in all supported
+ * browsers. Note that we don't define this if there is no document.
+ */
+var setTextContent;
+if (typeof document !== "undefined") {
+ var testNode = document.createElement("span");
+ if ("textContent" in testNode) {
+ setTextContent = function(node, text) {
+ node.textContent = text;
+ };
+ } else {
+ setTextContent = function(node, text) {
+ node.innerText = text;
+ };
+ }
+ * A function to clear a node.
+ */
+function clearNode(node) {
+ setTextContent(node, "");
+module.exports = {
+ contains: contains,
+ deflt: deflt,
+ escape: escape,
+ hyphenate: hyphenate,
+ indexOf: indexOf,
+ setTextContent: setTextContent,
+ clearNode: clearNode
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
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m(e,t,r){this.result=e;this.isFunction=t;this.token=r}h.prototype.expect=function(e,t){if(this.nextToken.text!==e){throw new p("Expected '"+e+"', got '"+this.nextToken.text+"'",this.nextToken)}if(t!==false){this.consume()}};h.prototype.consume=function(){this.nextToken=this.gullet.get(this.mode==="math")};h.prototype.switchMode=function(e){this.gullet.unget(this.nextToken);this.mode=e;this.consume()};h.prototype.parse=function(){this.mode="math";this.consume();var e=this.parseInput();return e};h.prototype.parseInput=function(){var e=this.parseExpression(false);this.expect("EOF",false);return e};var f=["}","\\end","\\right","&","\\\\","\\cr"];h.prototype.parseExpression=function(e,t){var r=[];while(true){var i=this.nextToken;if(f.indexOf(i.text)!==-1){break}if(t&&i.text===t){break}if(e&&a[i.text]&&a[i.text].infix){break}var n=this.parseAtom();if(!n){if(!this.settings.throwOnError&&i.text[0]==="\\"){var s=this.handleUnsupportedCmd();r.push(s);continue}break}r.push(n)}return this.handleInfixNodes(r)};h.prototype.handleInfixNodes=function(e){var t=-1;var r;for(var a=0;a<e.length;a++){var i=e[a];if(i.type==="infix"){if(t!==-1){throw new p("only one infix operator per group",i.value.token)}t=a;r=i.value.replaceWith}}if(t!==-1){var n;var s;var l=e.slice(0,t);var o=e.slice(t+1);if(l.length===1&&l[0].type==="ordgroup"){n=l[0]}else{n=new c("ordgroup",l,this.mode)}if(o.length===1&&o[0].type==="ordgroup"){s=o[0]}else{s=new c("ordgroup",o,this.mode)}var u=this.callFunction(r,[n,s],null);return[new c(u.type,u,this.mode)]}else{return e}};var v=1;h.prototype.handleSupSubscript=function(e){var t=this.nextToken;var r=t.text;this.consume();var i=this.parseGroup();if(!i){if(!this.settings.throwOnError&&this.nextToken.text[0]==="\\"){return this.handleUnsupportedCmd()}else{throw new p("Expected group after '"+r+"'",t)}}else if(i.isFunction){var n=a[i.result].greediness;if(n>v){return this.parseFunction(i)}else{throw new p("Got function '"+i.result+"' with no arguments "+"as "+e,t)}}else{return i.result}};h.prototype.handleUnsupportedCmd=function(){var e=this.nextToken.text;var t=[];for(var r=0;r<e.length;r++){t.push(new c("textord",e[r],"text"))}var a=new c("text",{body:t,type:"text"},this.mode);var i=new c("color",{color:this.settings.errorColor,value:[a],type:"color"},this.mode);this.consume();return i};h.prototype.parseAtom=function(){var e=this.parseImplicitGroup();if(this.mode==="text"){return e}var t;var r;while(true){var a=this.nextToken;if(a.text==="\\limits"||a.text==="\\nolimits"){if(!e||e.type!=="op"){throw new p("Limit controls must follow a math operator",a)}else{var i=a.text==="\\limits";e.value.limits=i;e.value.alwaysHandleSupSub=true}this.consume()}else if(a.text==="^"){if(t){throw new p("Double superscript",a)}t=this.handleSupSubscript("superscript")}else if(a.text==="_"){if(r){throw new p("Double subscript",a)}r=this.handleSupSubscript("subscript")}else if(a.text==="'"){var n=new c("textord","\\prime",this.mode);var s=[n];this.consume();while(this.nextToken.text==="'"){s.push(n);this.consume()}t=new c("ordgroup",s,this.mode)}else{break}}if(t||r){return new c("supsub",{base:e,sup:t,sub:r},this.mode)}else{return e}};var d=["\\tiny","\\scriptsize","\\footnotesize","\\small","\\normalsize","\\large","\\Large","\\LARGE","\\huge","\\Huge"];var g=["\\displaystyle","\\textstyle","\\scriptstyle","\\scriptscriptstyle"];h.prototype.parseImplicitGroup=function(){var e=this.parseSymbol();if(e==null){return this.parseFunction()}var t=e.result;var r;if(t==="\\left"){var a=this.parseFunction(e);++this.leftrightDepth;r=this.parseExpression(false);--this.leftrightDepth;this.expect("\\right",false);var n=this.parseFunction();return new c("leftright",{body:r,left:a.value.value,right:n.value.value},this.mode)}else if(t==="\\begin"){var s=this.parseFunction(e);var;if(!i.hasOwnProperty(o)){throw new p("No such environment: "+o,s.value.nameGroup)}var u=i[o];var h=this.parseArguments("\\begin{"+o+"}",u);var m={mode:this.mode,envName:o,parser:this,positions:h.pop()};var f=u.handler(m,h);this.expect("\\end",false);var v=this.nextToken;var y=this.parseFunction();if(!==o){throw new p("Mismatch: \\begin{"+o+"} matched "+"by \\end{""}",v)}f.position=y.position;return f}else if(l.contains(d,t)){r=this.parseExpression(false);return new c("sizing",{size:"size"+(l.indexOf(d,t)+1),value:r},this.mode)}else if(l.contains(g,t)){r=this.parseExpression(true);return new c("styling",{style:t.slice(1,t.length-5),value:r},this.mode)}else{return this.parseFunction(e)}};h.prototype.parseFunction=function(e){if(!e){e=this.parseGroup()}if(e){if(e.isFunction){var t=e.result;var r=a[t];if(this.mode==="text"&&!r.allowedInText){throw new p("Can't use function '"+t+"' in text mode",e.token)}var i=this.parseArguments(t,r);var n=e.token;var s=this.callFunction(t,i,i.pop(),n);return new c(s.type,s,this.mode)}else{return e.result}}else{return null}};h.prototype.callFunction=function(e,t,r,i){var n={funcName:e,parser:this,positions:r,token:i};return a[e].handler(n,t)};h.prototype.parseArguments=function(e,t){var r=t.numArgs+t.numOptionalArgs;if(r===0){return[[this.pos]]}var i=t.greediness;var n=[this.pos];var s=[];for(var l=0;l<r;l++){var o=this.nextToken;var u=t.argTypes&&t.argTypes[l];var h;if(l<t.numOptionalArgs){if(u){h=this.parseGroupOfType(u,true)}else{h=this.parseGroup(true)}if(!h){s.push(null);n.push(this.pos);continue}}else{if(u){h=this.parseGroupOfType(u)}else{h=this.parseGroup()}if(!h){if(!this.settings.throwOnError&&this.nextToken.text[0]==="\\"){h=new m(this.handleUnsupportedCmd(this.nextToken.text),false)}else{throw new p("Expected group after '"+e+"'",o)}}}var c;if(h.isFunction){var f=a[h.result].greediness;if(f>i){c=this.parseFunction(h)}else{throw new p("Got function '"+h.result+"' as "+"argument to '"+e+"'",o)}}else{c=h.result}s.push(c);n.push(this.pos)}s.push(n);return s};h.prototype.parseGroupOfType=function(e,t){var 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+q=n.makeVList([{type:"kern",size:o.metrics.bigOpSpacing5},{type:"elem",elem:S},{type:"kern",size:M},{type:"elem",elem:m},{type:"kern",size:k},{type:"elem",elem:w},{type:"kern",size:o.metrics.bigOpSpacing5}],"bottom",E,t);q.children[0].style.marginLeft=-d+"em";q.children[2].style.marginLeft=d+"em"}return p(["mop","op-limits"],[q],t)}else{if(e.value.symbol){"em"}return m}};w.mod=function(e,t){var r=[];if(e.value.modType==="bmod"){if(!{r.push(p(["mspace","negativemediumspace"],[],t))}r.push(p(["mspace","thickspace"],[],t))}else if({r.push(p(["mspace","quad"],[],t))}else if(e.value.modType==="mod"){r.push(p(["mspace","twelvemuspace"],[],t))}else{r.push(p(["mspace","eightmuspace"],[],t))}if(e.value.modType==="pod"||e.value.modType==="pmod"){r.push(n.mathsym("(",e.mode))}if(e.value.modType!=="pod"){var 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u;if(e.value.left==="."){u=b(t,["mopen"])}else{u=s.leftRightDelim(e.value.left,a,i,t,e.mode,["mopen"])}r.unshift(u);if(n){for(l=1;l<r.length;l++){if(r[l].isMiddle){r[l]=s.leftRightDelim(r[l].isMiddle.value,a,i,r[l].isMiddle.options,e.mode,[])}}}var h;if(e.value.right==="."){h=b(t,["mclose"])}else{h=s.leftRightDelim(e.value.right,a,i,t,e.mode,["mclose"])}r.push(h);return p(["minner",o.cls()],r,t)};w.middle=function(e,t){var r;if(e.value.value==="."){r=b(t,[])}else{r=s.sizedDelim(e.value.value,1,t,e.mode,[]);r.isMiddle={value:e.value.value,options:t}}return r};w.rule=function(e,t){var r=p(["mord","rule"],[],t);var;var i=0;if(e.value.shift){i=k(e.value.shift,a)}var n=k(e.value.width,a);var s=k(e.value.height,a);i/=a.sizeMultiplier;n/=a.sizeMultiplier;s/=a.sizeMultiplier;"em";"em";"em";r.width=n;r.height=s+i;r.depth=-i;return r};w.kern=function(e,t){var r=p(["mord","rule"],[],t);var;var i=0;if(e.value.dimension){i=k(e.value.dimension,a)}i/=a.sizeMultiplier;"em";return 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r=w[e.type](e,t);var i;if(!==t.parentStyle){;r.height*=i;r.depth*=i}if(t.size!==t.parentSize){i=n.sizingMultiplier[t.size]/n.sizingMultiplier[t.parentSize];r.height*=i;r.depth*=i}return r}else{throw new a("Got group of unknown type: '"+e.type+"'")}};var S=function(e,t){e=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(e));var r=v(e,t,true);var a=p(["base",],r,t);var i=p(["strut"]);var n=p(["strut","bottom"]);"em";"em";"em";var s=p(["katex-html"],[i,n,a]);s.setAttribute("aria-hidden","true");return s};t.exports=S},{"./ParseError":6,"./Style":9,"./buildCommon":10,"./delimiter":14,"./domTree":15,"./fontMetrics":17,"./utils":25}],12:[function(e,t,r){var a=e("./buildCommon");var i=e("./fontMetrics");var n=e("./mathMLTree");var s=e("./ParseError");var l=e("./symbols");var o=e("./utils");var u=a.makeSpan;var p=a.fontMap;var h=function(e,t){if(l[t][e]&&l[t][e].replace){e=l[t][e].replace}return new n.TextNode(e)};var c=function(e,t){var r=t.font;if(!r){return null}var a=e.mode;if(r==="mathit"){return"italic"}var 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n.MathNode("mstyle",r);i.setAttribute("mathsize",a.sizingMultiplier[e.value.size]+"em");return i};m.overline=function(e,t){var r=new n.MathNode("mo",[new n.TextNode("\u203e")]);r.setAttribute("stretchy","true");var a=new n.MathNode("mover",[v(e.value.body,t),r]);a.setAttribute("accent","true");return a};m.underline=function(e,t){var r=new n.MathNode("mo",[new n.TextNode("\u203e")]);r.setAttribute("stretchy","true");var a=new n.MathNode("munder",[v(e.value.body,t),r]);a.setAttribute("accentunder","true");return a};m.rule=function(e){var t=new n.MathNode("mrow");return t};m.kern=function(e){var t=new n.MathNode("mrow");return t};m.llap=function(e,t){var r=new n.MathNode("mpadded",[v(e.value.body,t)]);r.setAttribute("lspace","-1width");r.setAttribute("width","0px");return r};m.rlap=function(e,t){var r=new n.MathNode("mpadded",[v(e.value.body,t)]);r.setAttribute("width","0px");return r};m.phantom=function(e,t){var r=f(e.value.value,t);return new 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+<body class="manpage">
+<div id="header">
+<h1>ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(3) Manual Page</h1>
+<h2 id="_name">Name</h2>
+<div class="sectionbody">
+<div id="content">
+<div class="sect1">
+<h2 id="_description">Description</h2>
+<div class="sectionbody">
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>The <code>ATOMIC_VAR_INIT</code> macro expands to a token sequence suitable for
+initializing an atomic object of a type that is initialization-compatible
+with value.
+An atomic object with automatic storage duration that is not explicitly
+initialized using <code>ATOMIC_VAR_INIT</code> is initially in an indeterminate state;
+however, the default (zero) initialization for objects with <code>static</code> storage
+duration is guaranteed to produce a valid state.</p>
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">
+<pre class="highlight"><code class="language-c" data-lang="c">#define ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(C value)</code></pre>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<p>This macro can only be used to initialize atomic objects that are declared
+in program scope in the <code>global</code> address space.</p>
+<div class="paragraph">
+<div class="listingblock">
+<div class="content">