blob: b6e1ecba0453e9259f9e71813bc2a2259dab5ac5 [file] [log] [blame]
* MVKBitArray.h
* Copyright (c) 2020-2020 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "MVKFoundation.h"
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKBitArray
/** Represents an array of bits, optimized for reduced storage and fast scanning for bits that are set. */
class MVKBitArray {
static constexpr size_t SectionMaskSize = 6; // 64 bits
static constexpr size_t SectionBitCount = 1U << SectionMaskSize;
static constexpr size_t SectionByteCount = SectionBitCount / 8;
static constexpr uint64_t SectionMask = SectionBitCount - 1;
/** Returns the value of the bit. */
inline bool getBit(size_t bitIndex) {
return mvkIsAnyFlagEnabled(_pSections[getIndexOfSection(bitIndex)], getSectionSetMask(bitIndex));
/** Sets the value of the bit to 1. */
inline void setBit(size_t bitIndex) {
size_t secIdx = getIndexOfSection(bitIndex);
mvkEnableFlags(_pSections[secIdx], getSectionSetMask(bitIndex));
if (secIdx < _minUnclearedSectionIndex) { _minUnclearedSectionIndex = secIdx; }
/** Sets the value of the bit to 0. */
inline void clearBit(size_t bitIndex) {
size_t secIdx = getIndexOfSection(bitIndex);
mvkDisableFlags(_pSections[secIdx], getSectionSetMask(bitIndex));
if (secIdx == _minUnclearedSectionIndex && !_pSections[secIdx]) { _minUnclearedSectionIndex++; }
/** Sets the value of the bit to the value. */
inline void setBit(size_t bitIndex, bool val) {
if (val) {
} else {
/** Sets all bits in the array to 1. */
inline void setAllBits() { setAllSections(~0); }
/** Clears all bits in the array to 0. */
inline void clearAllBits() { setAllSections(0); }
* Returns the index of the first bit that is set, at or after the specified index,
* and optionally clears that bit. If no bits are set, returns the size() of this bit array.
size_t getIndexOfFirstSetBit(size_t startIndex, bool shouldClear) {
size_t startSecIdx = std::max(getIndexOfSection(startIndex), _minUnclearedSectionIndex);
size_t bitIdx = startSecIdx << SectionMaskSize;
size_t secCnt = getSectionCount();
for (size_t secIdx = startSecIdx; secIdx < secCnt; secIdx++) {
size_t lclBitIdx = getIndexOfFirstSetBitInSection(_pSections[secIdx], getBitIndexInSection(startIndex));
bitIdx += lclBitIdx;
if (lclBitIdx < SectionBitCount) {
if (startSecIdx == _minUnclearedSectionIndex && !_pSections[startSecIdx]) { _minUnclearedSectionIndex = secIdx; }
if (shouldClear) { clearBit(bitIdx); }
return bitIdx;
return std::min(bitIdx, _bitCount);
* Returns the index of the first bit that is set, at or after the specified index.
* If no bits are set, returns the size() of this bit array.
inline size_t getIndexOfFirstSetBit(size_t startIndex) {
return getIndexOfFirstSetBit(startIndex, false);
* Returns the index of the first bit that is set and optionally clears that bit.
* If no bits are set, returns the size() of this bit array.
inline size_t getIndexOfFirstSetBit(bool shouldClear) {
return getIndexOfFirstSetBit(0, shouldClear);
* Returns the index of the first bit that is set.
* If no bits are set, returns the size() of this bit array.
inline size_t getIndexOfFirstSetBit() {
return getIndexOfFirstSetBit(0, false);
/** Returns the number of bits in this array. */
inline size_t size() { return _bitCount; }
/** Returns whether this array is empty. */
inline bool empty() { return !_bitCount; }
/** Constructs an instance for the specified number of bits, and sets the initial value of all the bits. */
MVKBitArray(size_t size, bool val = false) {
_bitCount = size;
_pSections = _bitCount ? (uint64_t*)malloc(getSectionCount() * SectionByteCount) : nullptr;
if (val) {
} else {
~MVKBitArray() { free(_pSections); }
// Returns the number of sections.
inline size_t getSectionCount() {
return _bitCount ? getIndexOfSection(_bitCount - 1) + 1 : 0;
// Returns the index of the section that contains the specified bit.
static inline size_t getIndexOfSection(size_t bitIndex) {
return bitIndex >> SectionMaskSize;
// Converts the bit index to a local bit index within a section, and returns that local bit index.
static inline size_t getBitIndexInSection(size_t bitIndex) {
return bitIndex & SectionMask;
// Returns a section mask containing a single 1 value in the bit in the section that
// corresponds to the specified global bit index, and 0 values in all other bits.
static inline uint64_t getSectionSetMask(size_t bitIndex) {
return (uint64_t)1U << ((SectionBitCount - 1) - getBitIndexInSection(bitIndex));
// Returns the local index of the first set bit in the section, starting from the highest order bit.
// Clears all bits ahead of the start bit so they will be ignored, then counts the number of zeros
// ahead of the set bit. If there are no set bits, returns the number of bits in a section.
static size_t getIndexOfFirstSetBitInSection(uint64_t section, size_t lclStartBitIndex) {
uint64_t lclStartMask = ~(uint64_t)0;
lclStartMask >>= lclStartBitIndex;
section &= lclStartMask;
return section ? __builtin_clzll(section) : SectionBitCount;
// Sets the content of all sections to the value
void setAllSections(uint64_t sectionValue) {
size_t secCnt = getSectionCount();
for (size_t secIdx = 0; secIdx < secCnt; secIdx++) {
_pSections[secIdx] = sectionValue;
_minUnclearedSectionIndex = sectionValue ? 0 : secCnt;
uint64_t* _pSections;
size_t _bitCount;
size_t _minUnclearedSectionIndex; // Tracks where to start looking for bits that are set