blob: 1cf4551ddaf9e1669845b952f9ef9da57354bf5a [file] [log] [blame]
* MVKPipeline.h
* Copyright (c) 2014-2018 The Brenwill Workshop Ltd. (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "MVKDevice.h"
#include "MVKDescriptorSet.h"
#include "MVKShaderModule.h"
#include "MVKSync.h"
#include <MoltenVKSPIRVToMSLConverter/SPIRVToMSLConverter.h>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <ostream>
#import <Metal/Metal.h>
class MVKCommandEncoder;
class MVKPipelineCache;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKPipelineLayout
/** Represents a Vulkan pipeline layout. */
class MVKPipelineLayout : public MVKBaseDeviceObject {
/** Binds descriptor sets to a command encoder. */
void bindDescriptorSets(MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder,
std::vector<MVKDescriptorSet*>& descriptorSets,
uint32_t firstSet,
std::vector<uint32_t>& dynamicOffsets);
/** Populates the specified shader converter context. */
void populateShaderConverterContext(SPIRVToMSLConverterContext& context);
/** Constructs an instance for the specified device. */
MVKPipelineLayout(MVKDevice* device, const VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
std::vector<MVKDescriptorSetLayout> _descriptorSetLayouts;
std::vector<MVKShaderResourceBinding> _dslMTLResourceIndexOffsets;
std::vector<VkPushConstantRange> _pushConstants;
MVKShaderResourceBinding _pushConstantsMTLResourceIndexOffsets;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKPipeline
/** Represents an abstract Vulkan pipeline. */
class MVKPipeline : public MVKBaseDeviceObject {
/** Binds this pipeline to the specified command encoder. */
virtual void encode(MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder) = 0;
/** Constructs an instance for the device. layout, and parent (which may be NULL). */
MVKPipeline(MVKDevice* device, MVKPipelineCache* pipelineCache, MVKPipeline* parent) : MVKBaseDeviceObject(device),
_pipelineCache(pipelineCache) {}
MVKPipelineCache* _pipelineCache;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKGraphicsPipeline
/** Represents an Vulkan graphics pipeline. */
class MVKGraphicsPipeline : public MVKPipeline {
/** Binds this pipeline to the specified command encoder. */
void encode(MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder) override;
/** Returns whether this pipeline permits dynamic setting of the specifie state. */
bool supportsDynamicState(VkDynamicState state);
/** Constructs an instance for the device and parent (which may be NULL). */
MVKGraphicsPipeline(MVKDevice* device,
MVKPipelineCache* pipelineCache,
MVKPipeline* parent,
const VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
~MVKGraphicsPipeline() override;
void initMTLRenderPipelineState(const VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
void initMVKShaderConverterContext(SPIRVToMSLConverterContext& _shaderContext,
const VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor* getMTLRenderPipelineDescriptor(const VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo _rasterInfo;
VkPipelineDepthStencilStateCreateInfo _depthStencilInfo;
std::vector<MTLViewport> _mtlViewports;
std::vector<MTLScissorRect> _mtlScissors;
id<MTLRenderPipelineState> _mtlPipelineState;
MTLCullMode _mtlCullMode;
MTLWinding _mtlFrontWinding;
MTLTriangleFillMode _mtlFillMode;
MTLDepthClipMode _mtlDepthClipMode;
MTLPrimitiveType _mtlPrimitiveType;
float _blendConstants[4] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
bool _dynamicStateEnabled[VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_RANGE_SIZE];
bool _hasDepthStencilInfo;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKComputePipeline
/** Represents an Vulkan compute pipeline. */
class MVKComputePipeline : public MVKPipeline {
/** Binds this pipeline to the specified command encoder. */
void encode(MVKCommandEncoder* cmdEncoder) override;
/** Constructs an instance for the device and parent (which may be NULL). */
MVKComputePipeline(MVKDevice* device,
MVKPipelineCache* pipelineCache,
MVKPipeline* parent,
const VkComputePipelineCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
~MVKComputePipeline() override;
MVKMTLFunction getMTLFunction(const VkComputePipelineCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
id<MTLComputePipelineState> _mtlPipelineState;
MTLSize _mtlThreadgroupSize;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKPipelineCache
/** Represents a Vulkan pipeline cache. */
class MVKPipelineCache : public MVKBaseDeviceObject {
* If pData is not null, serializes at most pDataSize bytes of the contents of the cache into that
* memory location, and returns the number of bytes serialized in pDataSize. If pData is null,
* returns the number of bytes required to serialize the contents of this pipeline cache.
VkResult writeData(size_t* pDataSize, void* pData);
/** Return a shader library from the specified shader context sourced from the specified shader module. */
MVKShaderLibrary* getShaderLibrary(SPIRVToMSLConverterContext* pContext, MVKShaderModule* shaderModule);
/** Merges the contents of the specified number of pipeline caches into this cache. */
VkResult mergePipelineCaches(uint32_t srcCacheCount, const VkPipelineCache* pSrcCaches);
#pragma mark Construction
/** Constructs an instance for the specified device. */
MVKPipelineCache(MVKDevice* device, const VkPipelineCacheCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
~MVKPipelineCache() override;
MVKShaderLibraryCache* getShaderLibraryCache(MVKShaderModuleKey smKey);
void readData(const VkPipelineCacheCreateInfo* pCreateInfo);
void writeData(std::ostream& outstream, bool isCounting = false);
void markDirty();
std::unordered_map<MVKShaderModuleKey, MVKShaderLibraryCache*> _shaderCache;
size_t _dataSize = 0;
std::mutex _shaderCacheLock;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKRenderPipelineCompiler
* Creates a MTLRenderPipelineState from a descriptor.
* Instances of this class are one-shot, and can only be used for a single pipeline compilation.
class MVKRenderPipelineCompiler : public MVKMetalCompiler {
* Returns a new (retained) MTLRenderPipelineState object compiled from the descriptor.
* If the Metal pipeline compiler does not return within MVKDeviceConfiguration::metalCompileTimeout
* nanoseconds, an error will be generated and logged, and nil will be returned.
id<MTLRenderPipelineState> newMTLRenderPipelineState(MTLRenderPipelineDescriptor* mtlRPLDesc);
#pragma mark Construction
MVKRenderPipelineCompiler(MVKDevice* device) : MVKMetalCompiler(device) {
_compilerType = "Render pipeline";
_pPerformanceTracker = &_device->_performanceStatistics.shaderCompilation.pipelineCompile;
~MVKRenderPipelineCompiler() override;
bool compileComplete(id<MTLRenderPipelineState> pipelineState, NSError *error);
id<MTLRenderPipelineState> _mtlRenderPipelineState = nil;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark MVKComputePipelineCompiler
* Creates a MTLComputePipelineState from a MTLFunction.
* Instances of this class are one-shot, and can only be used for a single pipeline compilation.
class MVKComputePipelineCompiler : public MVKMetalCompiler {
* Returns a new (retained) MTLComputePipelineState object compiled from the MTLFunction.
* If the Metal pipeline compiler does not return within MVKDeviceConfiguration::metalCompileTimeout
* nanoseconds, an error will be generated and logged, and nil will be returned.
id<MTLComputePipelineState> newMTLComputePipelineState(id<MTLFunction> mtlFunction);
#pragma mark Construction
MVKComputePipelineCompiler(MVKDevice* device) : MVKMetalCompiler(device) {
_compilerType = "Compute pipeline";
_pPerformanceTracker = &_device->_performanceStatistics.shaderCompilation.pipelineCompile;
~MVKComputePipelineCompiler() override;
bool compileComplete(id<MTLComputePipelineState> pipelineState, NSError *error);
id<MTLComputePipelineState> _mtlComputePipelineState = nil;