blob: 701fcc23683d429c82d2975dc330b7a5c7cb5ce8 [file] [log] [blame]
# XSLT processor - other possibilities like Saxon exist
XSLT = xsltproc --nonet
# Location of locally customized stylesheet, which imports
# the Docbook modular stylesheets, and specifically the
# stylesheet to convert Docbook 5 + MathML => HTML5
DB2XHTML = khronos-man.xsl
.SUFFIXES: .xml .html .xhtml
# EGL man pages
eglBindAPI.xhtml \
eglBindTexImage.xhtml \
eglChooseConfig.xhtml \
eglClientWaitSync.xhtml \
eglCopyBuffers.xhtml \
eglCreateContext.xhtml \
eglCreateImage.xhtml \
eglCreatePbufferSurface.xhtml \
eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer.xhtml \
eglCreatePixmapSurface.xhtml \
eglCreatePlatformPixmapSurface.xhtml \
eglCreatePlatformWindowSurface.xhtml \
eglCreateSync.xhtml \
eglCreateWindowSurface.xhtml \
eglDestroyContext.xhtml \
eglDestroyImage.xhtml \
eglDestroySurface.xhtml \
eglDestroySync.xhtml \
eglGetConfigAttrib.xhtml \
eglGetConfigs.xhtml \
eglGetCurrentContext.xhtml \
eglGetCurrentDisplay.xhtml \
eglGetCurrentSurface.xhtml \
eglGetDisplay.xhtml \
eglGetError.xhtml \
eglGetPlatformDisplay.xhtml \
eglGetProcAddress.xhtml \
eglGetSyncAttrib.xhtml \
eglInitialize.xhtml \
eglIntro.xhtml \
eglMakeCurrent.xhtml \
eglQueryAPI.xhtml \
eglQueryContext.xhtml \
eglQueryString.xhtml \
eglQuerySurface.xhtml \
eglReleaseTexImage.xhtml \
eglReleaseThread.xhtml \
eglSurfaceAttrib.xhtml \
eglSwapBuffers.xhtml \
eglSwapInterval.xhtml \
eglTerminate.xhtml \
eglWaitClient.xhtml \
eglWaitGL.xhtml \
eglWaitNative.xhtml \
# Generate just a few files, for testing
#XML = glViewport.xhtml glTexImage2D.xhtml glPixelStore.xhtml
default: $(XML) indices
# Dependencies on XIncluded files - none yet.
#glTexImage2D.xhtml glTexImage3D.xhtml \
# : ../internalformattable.xml ../unsizedformattable.xml
## These are very conservative dependencies
$(XML): %.xhtml: ../%.xml $(DB2XHTML)
$(XSLT) --xinclude --noout $(DB2XHTML) $<
indices: Makefile $(XML)
./ . .. index.php indexflat.php
$(RM) $(XML) index.php indexflat.php
clobber: clean