Quaternions {#mathfu_guide_quaternions}

Quaternions provide a representation of a 3-dimensional orientation or rotation. Quaternions are especially useful when interpolating between angles to avoid Gimbal lock. For more information, see this description.

[MathFu] implements a quaternion as the [Quaternion][] class template which is constructed from one 3-dimensional [Vector][] and scalar component. The [Quaternion][] template is intended to be instanced with float or double floating point scalar types.

Declaration {#mathfu_guide_quaternions_declaration}

The Quaternions template takes a single argument which specifies the floating point type of each element in the class:

    mathfu::Quaternion<float> quaternion;

Initialization {#mathfu_guide_quaternions_initialization}

For efficiency, [Quaternion][] is uninitialized when constructed. Constructors are provided to initialize the class from a set of scalars, a 3-dimensional [Vector][] and a scalar or another [Quaternion][].

For example, to initialize a [Quaternion][] using a set of scalars:

    mathfu::Quaternion<float> quaternion(0.71f, 0.0f, 0.71f, 0.0f);

To initialize a [Quaternion][] from a scalar and 3-dimensional vector component:

    mathfu::Quaternion<float> quaternion(
        0.50f, mathfu::vec3(0.76f, 0.38f, 0.19f));

Accessors {#mathfu_guide_quaternions_accessors}

[Quaternion][] provides an array operator to retrieve elements of the object. The first index is the scalar component with the remaining 3 indices referring to elements in the vector component.

    const mathfu::Quaternion<float> quaternion(
        0.50f, mathfu::vec3(0.76f, 0.38f, 0.19f));
    float s = quaternion[0];
    float x = quaternion[1];
    float y = quaternion[2];
    float z = quaternion[3];

Assignment {#mathfu_guide_quaternions_assignment}

The array operator returns a reference to an element in the [Quaternion][] which can be updated:

    mathfu::Quaternion<float> quaternion;
    quaternion[0] = 0.5f;
    quaternion[1] = 0.76f;
    quaternion[2] = 0.38f;
    quaternion[3] = 0.19f;

Converting Between Representations {#mathfu_guide_quaternions_repr}

[Quaternion][] provides a number of ways to create a rotation or orientation:

  • [Quaternion::FromAngleAxis()](@ref mathfu::Quaternion::FromAngleAxis)
  • [Quaternion::FromEulerAngles()](@ref mathfu::Quaternion::FromEulerAngles)
  • [Quaternion::FromMatrix()](@ref mathfu::Quaternion::FromMatrix)

For example, to create a [Quaternion][] which rotates PI / 2 radians around the X-axis:

    mathfu::Quaternion<float> quaternion =
            M_PI / 2.0f, mathfu::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

The rotation of PI / 2 radians around the X-axis can also be achieved with:

    mathfu::Quaternion<float> quaternion =
            mathfu::vec3(M_PI / 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

Similarly, a quaternion can be constructed from an existing rotation matrix using:

    // Assuming rotation_matrix is an existing matrix.
    mathfu::Quaternion<float> quaternion =

In addition, methods are provided to calculate an angle / axis pair, Euler angles, or rotation matrix from a [Quaternion][]:

  • [Quaternion::ToAngleAxis()](@ref mathfu::Quaternion::ToAngleAxis)
  • [Quaternion::ToEulerAngles()](@ref mathfu::Quaternion::ToEulerAngles)
  • [Quaternion::ToMatrix()](@ref mathfu::Quaternion::ToMatrix)

For example, to calculate the angle and axis from a [Quaternion][]:

    // Assuming "quaternion" is an existing float quaternion.
    float angle;
    mathfu::vec3 axis;
    quaternion.ToAngleAxis(&angle, &axis);

To calculate a vector of Euler angles from a [Quaternion][]

    // Assuming "quaternion" is an existing float quaternion.
    mathfu::vec3 euler_angles = quaternion.ToEulerAngles();

Finally, to convert a [Quaternion][] to a rotation matrix:

    // Assuming "quaternion" is an existing float quaternion.
    mathfu::Matrix<float, 3> rotation_matrix = quaternion.ToMatrix();

Manipulation {#mathfu_guide_quaternions_manipulation}

[Quaternion][] objects can be multiplied with each other to combine their rotations.

For example, if a quaternion that rotates by PI / 2 radians around the X axis is multiplied by itself it will result in a quaternion that rotates by PI radians around the X axis:

    mathfu::Quaternion<float> quaternion_pi_by_2_around_x =
            M_PI / 2.0f, mathfu::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
    mathfu::Quaternion<float> quaternion_pi_around_x =
        quaternion_pi_by_2_around_x * quaternion_pi_by_2_around_x;

It's also possible to multiply a [Quaternion][] with a scalar to scale the existing rotation expressed by the object.

For example, if a quaternion that rotates by PI / 2 radians around the X axis is multiplied by 2 it will result in a quaternion that rotates by PI radians around the X axis:

    mathfu::Quaternion<float> quaternion_pi_by_2_around_x =
            M_PI / 2.0f, mathfu::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
    mathfu::Quaternion<float> quaternion_pi_around_x =
        quaternion_pi_by_2_around_x * 2.0f;

In addition, [Quaternion][] provides the ability to perform spherical linear interpolation between two [Quaternion][] objects enabling smooth transitions between rotations while avoiding Gimbal lock.

For example, the rotation half way between two quaternions can be calculated by the following:

    // Assuming "quaternion1" and "quaternion2" represent arbitrary rotations.
    mathfu::Quaternion<float> quaternion3 =
        mathfu::Quaternion<float>(quaternion1, quaternion2, 0.5f);

Finally, the inverse (opposite rotation) of a [Quaternion][] is calculated using [Quaternion::Inverse()](@ref mathfu::Quaternion::Inverse). For example, if a [Quaternion][] represents a rotation PI / 2 radians around the X axis the rotation -PI / 2 degrees around the X axis can be calculated by:

    const mathfu::Quaternion<float> quaternion =
            M_PI / 2.0f, mathfu::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
    mathfu::Quaternion<float> inverse_rotation = quaternion.Inverse();

Application {#mathfu_guide_quaternions_application}

A rotation expressed by a [Quaternion][] is applied to a [Vector][] by multiplying the [Quaternion][] with the [Vector][].

For example, to rotate a [Vector][] by PI / 2 radians around the X axis:

    const mathfu::vec3 vector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
    const mathfu::Quaternion<float> quaternion =
            M_PI / 2.0f, mathfu::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
    mathfu::vec3 rotated_vector = quaternion * vector;

When applying rotations to a large number of vectors or points (e.g transforming a set of vertices) it is easier to use [Quaternion::ToMatrix()](@ref mathfu::Quaternion::ToMatrix) to calculate the rotation matrix and apply the same transform to the set of vectors.

[Quaternion]: @ref mathfu::Quaternion [MathFu]: @ref mathfu_overview [Matrix]: @ref mathfu::Matrix [Vector]: @ref mathfu::Vector