Introduction {#mathfu_guide_introduction}

About MathFu {#mathfu_guide_about_mathfu}

[MathFu][] is a C++ math library developed primarily for games focused on simplicity and efficiency.

It provides a suite of [vector][], [matrix][] and [quaternion][] classes to perform basic [geometry][] suitable for game developers. This functionality can be used to construct geometry for graphics libraries like [OpenGL][] or perform calculations for animation or physics systems.

Prerequisites {#mathfu_guide_prerequisites}

[MathFu][] is written in C++, you are expected to be experienced in C++ programming. [MathFu][] should not be your first C++ programming project! You should be comfortable with compiling, linking, and debugging.

About This Guide {#mathfu_guide_about_guide}

This guide provides an overview of the [MathFu] API, it does not cover every aspect of functionality provided by the library. The entire API is documented by the [API reference][]. In addition, the unit tests (under mathfu/unit_tests) provide example usage of each class and function in the library.

Concepts {#mathfu_guide_concepts}

The core functionality of [MathFu][] is provided by the following classes:

  • [Vector](@ref mathfu::Vector)
  • [Matrix](@ref mathfu::Matrix)
  • [Quaternion](@ref mathfu::Quaternion)

Each class is described in the following sections of the guide:

  • [Vector](@ref mathfu_guide_vectors)
    • A geometric concept with a magnitude and direction, defined in any dimensional space.
  • [Matrix](@ref mathfu_guide_matrices)
    • A set of data organized in rows and columns. [MathFu][] matricies may have any number of rows and columns.
  • [Quaternion](@ref mathfu_guide_quaternions)
    • A specific type of four dimensional vector and defines a rotation in three dimensional space.

In addition, [MathFu][] provides a suite of general math functions and method that make it easier to handle the special requirements of [SIMD][] data types described in the [Utilities](@ref mathfu_guide_utilities) section.

Optimization {#mathfu_guide_optimization}

[MathFu][] is optimized using [SIMD][] instructions (including [NEON][] for ARM and [SSE][] for [x86][] architectures). [SIMD][] optimization is enabled by default based upon the target platform and compiler options used to build a project. In addition, [MathFu][] provides compile time options to modify code generation, see [Build Configurations][] for more details.

Supporting Additional Architectures

[MathFu][]'s [SIMD][] implementation uses [vectorial][] as an abstraction layer for common [SIMD][] instructions and data types. To support additional architectures, contributors can add support for new [SIMD][] instructions and data types to the [vectorial][] project and then modify the code in mathfu/utilities.h to define the macro MATHFU_COMPILE_WITH_SIMD for the new architecture.

[API reference]: @ref mathfu_api_reference [matrix]: [geometry]: [vector]: [quaternion]: [OpenGL]: [MathFu]: @ref mathfu_overview [vectorial]: [SIMD]: [SSE]: [x86]: [NEON]: [Build Configurations]: @ref mathfu_build_config