Building for Windows {#mathfu_guide_building_windows}

Version Requirements {#mathfu_guide_building_windows_version}

Following are the minimum required versions of tools and libraries you need to build [MathFu][] for Android:

  • [Windows][]: 7
  • [Visual Studio][]: 2012
  • CMake:

Prerequisites {#mathfu_guide_building_windows_prerequisites}

Prior to building, install the following:

Building with Visual Studio {#mathfu_guide_building_windows_building}

Generate the [Visual Studio][] project using CMake:

  • Open a command line window.
  • Go to the [MathFu][] project directory.
  • Use CMake to generate the [Visual Studio][] project.
    cd mathfu
    cmake -G "Visual Studio 11 2012" .

Open the [MathFu][] solution in [Visual Studio][].

  • Double-click on mathfu/MathFu.sln to open the solution.
  • Select “Build-->Build Solution” from the menu.

Running Applications {#mathfu_guide_building_windows_running}

Running in Visual Studio {#mathfu_guide_building_osx_run_vs}

Open [Visual Studio][] select a build target and run it:

  • Double-click on mathfu/MathFu.sln to open the solution in [Visual Studio][].
  • Right click on a project, for example matrix_tests, select “Set as StartUp Project” from the menu.
  • Select “Debug-->Start Debugging” from the menu.

Running from the Command Line {#mathfu_guide_building_windows_cmdline}

To run all benchmarks:

  • Open a command line window.
  • Go to the [MathFu][] project directory.
  • Run each benchmark binary in the benchmarks/ directory.

For example:

    cd mathfu
    for %a in (benchmarks\Debug\*.exe) do %a

To run all unit tests:

  • Open a command line window.
  • Go to the [MathFu][] project directory.
  • Run each unit test binary in the unit_tests/ directory.

For example:

    cd mathfu
    for %a in (unit_tests\Debug\*.exe) do %a

[MathFu]: @ref mathfu_overview [Visual Studio]: [Windows]: