Building for Android {#mathfu_guide_building_android}

Version Requirements {#mathfu_guide_building_android_version}

Following are the minimum tested versions of the tools and libraries you need to build [MathFu][] for Android:

  • [Android SDK][]: Android 2.3.3 (API Level 10) or above.
  • [Android Developer Tools][] ([ADT][]): 20140702
    • NDK plugn for Eclipse (bundled with [ADT][]) if using Eclipse to build.
  • [Android NDK][]: android-ndk-r10e
  • [fplutil][]: 1.0 or above, if using [fplutil][] to build, install and run.

Prerequisites {#mathfu_guide_building_android_prerequisites}

Prior to building:

  • Install the [Android SDK][].
  • Install the [Android NDK][].
  • Install [fplutil prerequisites][] if using [fplutil][] to build, install and run.

Building {#mathfu_guide_building_android_building}

Each [MathFu][] project for Android has an associated AndroidManifest.xml file and jni subdirectory. Unit tests and benchmarks directories contain projects that each build an Android package ([apk][]) which can be installed and executed on Android devices.

The following directories in the [MathFu] project contain [Android NDK][] projects:

  • mathfu/
    • Rules used to build the [MathFu][] library.
  • mathfu/benchmarks
    • Each subdirectory under this directory contains a simple benchmark used to measure the performance of different build configurations.
  • mathfu/unit_tests
    • Each subdirectory under this directory contains a unit test application used to test different components of the library in different build configurations.

Building with ndk-build {#mathfu_guide_building_android_building_ndk_build}

To build a single [Android NDK][] project (without packaging the native component in an [apk][]):

  • Open a command line window.
  • Go to the directory containing the project to build.
  • ndk-build

For example, to build the matrix test for the default build configuration without generating an [apk][]:

    cd mathfu/unit_tests/matrix_test/default

Building with fplutil {#mathfu_guide_building_android_building_fplutil}

To build all [Android NDK][] projects, install and run them on a device:

  • Open a command line window.
  • Go to the [MathFu][] project directory.
  • Execute dependencies/fplutil/bin/

For example:

    cd mathfu

Installing and Running Applications {#mathfu_guide_building_android_running}

Using Eclipse {#mathfu_guide_building_android_eclipse}

Running a sample requires the [Android Developer Tools][] ([ADT][]) plugin and the [NDK Eclipse plugin][].

  • Build a project using ndk-build ([see above](@ref mathfu_guide_building_android_building_ndk_build)).
  • Open [ADT][] Eclipse.
  • Select “File->Import...” from the menu.
  • Select “Android > Existing Android Code Into Workspace”, and click “Next”.
  • Click the “Browse...” button next to Root Directory: and select the project folder (e.g. mathfu/unit_tests/matrix_test/default).
  • Click “Finish”. Eclipse imports the project, and displays it in the Package Explorer pane.
  • Right-click the project, and select “Run->Run As->Android Application” from the menu.
  • If you do not have a physical device, you must define a virtual one. For details about how to define a virtual device, see [managing avds][]. We don’t recommend a virtual device for development.
  • None of the applications have a visual component so their output is visible via the log ([adb][] logcat).

Using fplutil {#mathfu_guide_building_android_fplutil}

To install and run a single application:

  • Open a command line window.
  • Go to the directory containing the project to install and run.
  • Execute dependencies/fplutil/bin/ with the -i and -r options.

For example:

    cd mathfu/unit_tests/matrix_test/default
    ./dependencies/fplutil/bin/ -i -r

To install and run all applications:

  • Open a command line window.
  • Go to the [MathFu][] project directory.
  • Execute dependencies/fplutil/bin/ with the -i and -r options.

For example:

    cd mathfu
    ./dependencies/fplutil/bin/ -i -r

Code Generation {#mathfu_guide_building_android_code_generation}

By default, code is generated for devices that support the armeabi-v7a ABI. Alternatively, you can generate a fat .apk that includes code for all ABIs. To do so, override APP_ABI on ndk-build's command line.

Using ndk-build:

    ndk-build APP_ABI=all

Using fplutil:

    ./dependencies/fplutil/bin/ -f APP_ABI=all

[MathFu]: @ref mathfu_overview [adb]: [ADT]: [Android Developer Tools]: [Android NDK]: [Android SDK]: [NDK Eclipse plugin]: [apk]: [fplutil]: [fplutil prerequisites]: [managing avds]: