Building {#mathfu_guide_building}

Integration Options {#mathfu_guide_building_options}

[MathFu][] is designed as a C++ header only library to simplify the process of including the library in projects. [MathFu] provides the following options for using it in a project:

  • [Manually configure the compiler][] by simply include the appropriate headers into a project's source code.
  • Use the [CMake project][].
  • Include the [Android NDK project][] when developing for [Android][]

Before diving into using [MathFu][] in your project, we recommend you spend some time building and running the unit tests for each platform you wish to target by working through the following sections:

  • [Building for Android][]
  • [Building for Linux][]
  • [Building for OS X][]
  • [Building for Windows][]

Manual Compiler Configuration {#mathfu_guide_building_compiler_config}

The following directories need to be added to the include paths of a project to build the default configuration:

  • mathfu/include
  • vectorial/include
    • If [vectorial][] was downloaded with the [MathFu][] project, this will be located under the dependencies/ directory.

In addition, to compile with [SIMD][] enabled an architecture specific flag must be specified:

[x86][]Android GCC / Clang-msse
[x86_64][]Android GCC / Clang-msse4.1
[x86][]GCC / Clang-msse4.1
[ARM][]GCC / Clang-mfpu=neon
[x86][]Visual Studio/arch:SSE2

For example, to compile the following file test.cpp against [MathFu][] with gcc for x86:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "mathfu/vector.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  mathfu::Vector<float, 3> v1(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f), v2(3.0f, 2.5f, 0.5f), v3;
  v3 = v1 + v2;
  printf("%.1f %.1f %.1f\n", v3.x(), v3.y(), v3.z());
  return 0;

requires the following command line (assuming vectorial is in the mathfu/dependencies directory):

g++ -Imathfu/include -Imathfu/dependencies/vectorial/include test.cpp -msse4.1

In addition, [MathFu][] provides a set of build configuration options that are controlled using preprocessor symbols described by [Build Configuration][].

CMake {#mathfu_guide_building_cmake}

[MathFu][] uses a [CMake][] project to build unit tests and benchmarks for [Linux][], [OS X][] and [Windows][].

[CMake][] is used to generate a platform projects for each target platform:

  • [Makefiles][] ([Linux][] / [OS X][])
  • [Xcode][] projects ([OS X][])
  • [Visual Studio][] projects ([Windows][])

If you're not familiar with [CMake][], see the following sections to learn how to build on each platform:

  • [Building for Linux][]
  • [Building for OS X][]
  • [Building for Windows][]

In addition to building the [MathFu][] unit tests and benchmarks, the [MathFu][] [CMake][] project can be used in developers own projects by:

  • Disabling the build of unit tests and benchmarks using the options:
    • mathfu_build_benchmarks
    • mathfu_build_tests
  • Including the [CMake][] project.
  • Using the mathfu_configure_flags function to add the appropriate include directories and compiler flags for the project.

For example, in a CMakeLists.txt project file which contains the executable mygame:

# Include MathFu in this project with test and benchmark builds disabled
# then add MathFu compiler flags to the mygame build target.
set(mathfu_build_benchmarks OFF CACHE BOOL "")
set(mathfu_build_tests OFF CACHE BOOL "")
add_subdirectory(path/to/mathfu mathfu)


[MathFu][] build options (see [Build Configuration][]) can be configured with the mathfu_configure_flags function using the optional arguments enable_simd and force_padding. For example:

Function CallBuild Configuration
mathfu_configure_flags(mygame)Default, SIMD & padding enabled.
mathfu_configure_flags(mygame TRUE FALSE)SIMD enabled & padding disabled.
mathfu_configure_flags(mygame FALSE)SIMD disabled.

See the function comment in the CMakeLists.txt file for more information.

Android NDK Makefiles {#mathfu_guide_building_android_makefiles}

If you're not familiar developing applications with the [Android NDK][], see [Building for Android][] first.

To use [MathFu][] with an [Android NDK][] makefile project, add the following lines to your project's file.

# Add the empty MathFu static library target to configure the project.

# This is used to build your project's shared library, this should already
# be in your makefile.

# Add the directory containing MathFu to the module search path.
$(call import-add-path,$(abspath path/to/mathfu/..))
# Import the MathFu project.
$(call import-module,mathfu/jni)

[MathFu][] build options (see [Build Configuration][]) can be configured by linking against the different static libraries the [MathFu][] project builds:

LibraryBuild Configuration
libmathfuDefault configuration, SIMD and padding enabled.
libmathfu_no_paddingSIMD enabled (if supported), padding disabled.
libmathfu_no_simdSIMD disabled, padding disabled.

[Android NDK project]: @ref mathfu_guide_building_android_makefiles [Android NDK]: [Android]: [ARM]: [Build Configuration]: @ref mathfu_build_config [Building for Android]: @ref mathfu_guide_building_android [Building for Linux]: @ref mathfu_guide_building_linux [Building for OS X]: @ref mathfu_guide_building_osx [Building for Windows]: @ref mathfu_guide_building_windows [CMake project]: @ref mathfu_guide_building_cmake [CMake]: [Linux]: [Makefiles]: [Manually configure the compiler]: @ref mathfu_guide_building_compiler_config [MathFu]: @ref mathfu_overview [OS X]: [SIMD]: [Visual Studio]: [Windows]: [Xcode]: [vectorial]: [x86]: [x86_64]: