Add typedefs for virtual allocation structs in ordinary identifier namespace
diff --git a/include/vk_mem_alloc.h b/include/vk_mem_alloc.h
index bd22326..ea477b3 100644
--- a/include/vk_mem_alloc.h
+++ b/include/vk_mem_alloc.h
@@ -2183,7 +2183,7 @@
 typedef VkFlags VmaVirtualBlockCreateFlags;


 /// Parameters of created #VmaVirtualBlock object to be passed to vmaCreateVirtualBlock().

-struct VmaVirtualBlockCreateInfo

+typedef struct VmaVirtualBlockCreateInfo


     /** \brief Total size of the virtual block.


@@ -2201,7 +2201,7 @@
     Optional, can be null. When specified, they will be used for all CPU-side memory allocations.


     const VkAllocationCallbacks* VMA_NULLABLE pAllocationCallbacks;


+} VmaVirtualBlockCreateInfo;


 /// Flags to be passed as VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo::flags.

 typedef enum VmaVirtualAllocationCreateFlagBits {

@@ -2231,7 +2231,7 @@
 typedef VkFlags VmaVirtualAllocationCreateFlags;


 /// Parameters of created virtual allocation to be passed to vmaVirtualAllocate().

-struct VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo

+typedef struct VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo


     /** \brief Size of the allocation.


@@ -2251,10 +2251,10 @@
     It can be any value and can be used for user-defined purposes. It can be fetched or changed later.


     void* VMA_NULLABLE pUserData;


+} VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo;


 /// Parameters of an existing virtual allocation, returned by vmaGetVirtualAllocationInfo().

-struct VmaVirtualAllocationInfo

+typedef struct VmaVirtualAllocationInfo


     /** \brief Size of the allocation.


@@ -2266,7 +2266,7 @@
     Same value as passed in VmaVirtualAllocationCreateInfo::pUserData or to vmaSetVirtualAllocationUserData().


     void* VMA_NULLABLE pUserData;


+} VmaVirtualAllocationInfo;


 /** \struct VmaVirtualBlock

 \brief Handle to a virtual block object that allows to use core allocation algorithm without allocating any real GPU memory.