| // Do not include this header directly. |
| // This header defines shared struct spmd_kernel helpers. |
| // |
| // Copyright 2020-2024 Binomial LLC |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| // See cppspmd_math.h for detailed error statistics. |
| |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE void reduce_expb(vfloat& arg, vfloat& two_int_a, vint& adjustment); |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE vfloat tan56(vfloat x); |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE vfloat tan82(vfloat x); |
| |
| inline vfloat log2_est(vfloat v); |
| |
| inline vfloat log_est(vfloat v); |
| |
| inline vfloat exp2_est(vfloat arg); |
| |
| inline vfloat exp_est(vfloat arg); |
| |
| inline vfloat pow_est(vfloat arg1, vfloat arg2); |
| |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE vfloat recip_est1(const vfloat& q); |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE vfloat recip_est1_pn(const vfloat& q); |
| |
| inline vfloat mod_angles(vfloat a); |
| |
| inline vfloat sincos_est_a(vfloat a, bool sin_flag); |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE vfloat sin_est_a(vfloat a) { return sincos_est_a(a, true); } |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE vfloat cos_est_a(vfloat a) { return sincos_est_a(a, false); } |
| |
| inline vfloat sin_est(vfloat a); |
| |
| inline vfloat cos_est(vfloat a); |
| |
| // Don't call with values <= 0. |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE vfloat rsqrt_est1(vfloat x0); |
| |
| // Don't call with values <= 0. |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE vfloat rsqrt_est2(vfloat x0); |
| |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE vfloat atan2_est(vfloat y, vfloat x); |
| |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE vfloat atan_est(vfloat x) { return atan2_est(x, vfloat(1.0f)); } |
| |
| // Don't call this for angles close to 90/270! |
| inline vfloat tan_est(vfloat x); |
| |
| // https://burtleburtle.net/bob/rand/smallprng.html |
| struct rand_context { vint a, b, c, d; }; |
| |
| inline void seed_rand(rand_context& x, vint seed); |
| |
| // Returns 32-bit unsigned random numbers. |
| inline vint get_randu(rand_context& x); |
| |
| // Returns random numbers between [low, high), or low if low >= high |
| inline vint get_randi(rand_context& x, vint low, vint high); |
| |
| // Returns random numbers between [low, high), or low if low >= high |
| inline vfloat get_randf(rand_context& x, vfloat low, vfloat high); |
| |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE void init_reverse_bits(vint& tab1, vint& tab2); |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE vint reverse_bits(vint k, vint tab1, vint tab2); |
| |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE vint count_leading_zeros(vint x); |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE vint count_leading_zeros_alt(vint x); |
| |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE vint count_trailing_zeros(vint x); |
| |
| CPPSPMD_FORCE_INLINE vint count_set_bits(vint x); |
| |
| void print_vint(vint v); |
| void print_vbool(vbool v); |
| void print_vint_hex(vint v); |
| void print_active_lanes(const char *pPrefix); |
| void print_vfloat(vfloat v); |
| |