Render(...) function has been refactored into smaller, functionally separate parts: handle keyboard, mouse, colorize, and the actual render.

Code fancy/cleanup. 
diff --git a/TextEditor.cpp b/TextEditor.cpp
index 0029d36..963e754 100644
--- a/TextEditor.cpp
+++ b/TextEditor.cpp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 bool equals(InputIt1 first1, InputIt1 last1,

 	InputIt2 first2, InputIt2 last2, BinaryPredicate p)


-	for (; first1 != last1 && first2 != last2; ++first1, ++first2) 

+	for (; first1 != last1 && first2 != last2; ++first1, ++first2)


 		if (!p(*first1, *first2))

 			return false;

@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 	int prevLineNo = aStart.mLine;

 	for (auto it = aStart; it <= aEnd; Advance(it))


-		if (prevLineNo != it.mLine && it.mLine < (int) mLines.size())

+		if (prevLineNo != it.mLine && it.mLine < (int)mLines.size())



 		if (it == aEnd)

@@ -249,29 +249,28 @@

 		Compute columnCoord according to text size



-	int 		columnCoord 			= 0;

-	float       columnWidth             = 0.0f;

-	std::string cumulatedString			= "";

-	float 		cumulatedStringWidth[2] = {0.0f, 0.0f}; //( [0] is the lastest, [1] is the previous. I use that trick to check where cursor is exactly (important for tabs)

+	int columnCoord = 0;

+	float columnWidth = 0.0f;

+	std::string cumulatedString = "";

+	float cumulatedStringWidth[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f }; //( [0] is the lastest, [1] is the previous. I use that trick to check where cursor is exactly (important for tabs)


 	if (lineNo >= 0 && lineNo < (int)mLines.size())


-		auto&       line                    =;


+		auto& line =;


 		// First we find the hovered column coord.

-		while ( mTextStart + cumulatedStringWidth[0] < local.x &&

-			    (size_t)columnCoord < line.size())

-		{		

-			cumulatedStringWidth[1] = cumulatedStringWidth[0]; 

+		while (mTextStart + cumulatedStringWidth[0] < local.x &&

+			(size_t)columnCoord < line.size())

+		{

+			cumulatedStringWidth[1] = cumulatedStringWidth[0];

 			cumulatedString += line[columnCoord].mChar;

-			cumulatedStringWidth[0] = ImGui::CalcTextSize(cumulatedString.c_str()).x ;

+			cumulatedStringWidth[0] = ImGui::CalcTextSize(cumulatedString.c_str()).x;

 			columnWidth = (cumulatedStringWidth[0] - cumulatedStringWidth[1]);




 		// Then we reduce by 1 column coord if cursor is on the left side of the hovered column.

-		if( mTextStart + cumulatedStringWidth[0] - columnWidth / 2.0f > local.x)

+		if (mTextStart + cumulatedStringWidth[0] - columnWidth / 2.0f > local.x)

 			columnCoord = std::max(0, columnCoord - 1);



@@ -337,7 +336,7 @@

 	assert(aEnd >= aStart);

 	assert(mLines.size() > (size_t)(aEnd - aStart));



 	ErrorMarkers etmp;

 	for (auto& i : mErrorMarkers)


@@ -451,25 +450,8 @@
 	return color;



-void TextEditor::Render(const char* aTitle, const ImVec2& aSize, bool aBorder)

+void TextEditor::HandleKeyboardInputs()


-	mWithinRender = true;

-	mTextChanged = false;

-	mCursorPositionChanged = false;


-	ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ChildWindowBg, ImGui::ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(mPalette[(int)PaletteIndex::Background]));

-	ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f));

-	ImGui::BeginChild(aTitle, aSize, aBorder, ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysHorizontalScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove);


-	/* Compute mCharAdvance regarding to scaled font size (Ctrl + mouse wheel)*/

-	const float fontSize = ImGui::CalcTextSize("#").x;

-	mCharAdvance = ImVec2(fontSize , ImGui::GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() * mLineSpacing);	


-	/*

-		Keyboard inputs

-	*/


-	ImGui::PushAllowKeyboardFocus(true);

 	ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();

 	auto shift = io.KeyShift;

 	auto ctrl = io.ConfigMacOSXBehaviors ? io.KeySuper : io.KeyCtrl;

@@ -547,19 +529,23 @@





-	/*

-		Mouse inputs

-	*/

+void TextEditor::HandleMouseInputs()


+	ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();

+	auto shift = io.KeyShift;

+	auto ctrl = io.ConfigMacOSXBehaviors ? io.KeySuper : io.KeyCtrl;

+	auto alt = io.ConfigMacOSXBehaviors ? io.KeyCtrl : io.KeyAlt;


 	if (ImGui::IsWindowHovered())


 		static float lastClick = -1.0f;

 		if (!shift && !alt)


-			auto click       = ImGui::IsMouseClicked(0);

+			auto click = ImGui::IsMouseClicked(0);

 			auto doubleClick = ImGui::IsMouseDoubleClicked(0);

-			auto t           = ImGui::GetTime();

+			auto t = ImGui::GetTime();

 			auto tripleClick = click && !doubleClick && t - lastClick < io.MouseDoubleClickTime;



@@ -600,7 +586,6 @@

 				Left mouse button click



 			else if (click)


 				mState.mCursorPosition = mInteractiveStart = mInteractiveEnd = SanitizeCoordinates(ScreenPosToCoordinates(ImGui::GetMousePos()));

@@ -621,8 +606,13 @@





-	ColorizeInternal();

+void TextEditor::Render()


+	/* Compute mCharAdvance regarding to scaled font size (Ctrl + mouse wheel)*/

+	const float fontSize = ImGui::CalcTextSize("#").x;

+	mCharAdvance = ImVec2(fontSize, ImGui::GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() * mLineSpacing);


 	static std::string buffer;

 	auto contentSize = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMax();

@@ -653,15 +643,12 @@
 			ImVec2 textScreenPos = ImVec2(lineStartScreenPos.x + mTextStart, lineStartScreenPos.y);


 			auto& line = mLines[lineNo];

-			longest = std::max(mTextStart + TextDistanceToLineStart(Coordinates(lineNo, (int) line.size())), longest);

+			longest = std::max(mTextStart + TextDistanceToLineStart(Coordinates(lineNo, (int)line.size())), longest);

 			auto columnNo = 0;

 			Coordinates lineStartCoord(lineNo, 0);

 			Coordinates lineEndCoord(lineNo, (int)line.size());


-			/*

-				Draw Selected area 

-			*/


+			// Draw selection for the current line

 			float sstart = -1.0f;

 			float ssend = -1.0f;


@@ -681,10 +668,7 @@
 				drawList->AddRectFilled(vstart, vend, mPalette[(int)PaletteIndex::Selection]);



-			/*

-				Draw break point

-			*/


+			// Draw breakpoints

 			auto start = ImVec2(lineStartScreenPos.x + scrollX, lineStartScreenPos.y);


 			if (mBreakpoints.count(lineNo + 1) != 0)

@@ -693,10 +677,7 @@
 				drawList->AddRectFilled(start, end, mPalette[(int)PaletteIndex::Breakpoint]);



-			/*

-				Draw error marker

-			*/


+			// Draw error markers

 			auto errorIt = mErrorMarkers.find(lineNo + 1);

 			if (errorIt != mErrorMarkers.end())


@@ -717,18 +698,12 @@



-			/*

-				Draw line number (right aligned)

-			*/


+			// Draw line number (right aligned)

 			snprintf(buf, 16, "%d  ", lineNo + 1);

 			auto lineNoWidth = ImGui::CalcTextSize(buf).x;

 			drawList->AddText(ImVec2(lineStartScreenPos.x + mTextStart - lineNoWidth, lineStartScreenPos.y), mPalette[(int)PaletteIndex::LineNumber], buf);


-			/*

-				Highlight the current line (where the cursor is).

-			*/


+			// Highlight the current line (where the cursor is)

 			if (mState.mCursorPosition.mLine == lineNo)


 				auto focused = ImGui::IsWindowFocused();

@@ -759,10 +734,8 @@



-			/*

-				Draw Text

-			*/

-			auto prevColor = line.empty() ? mPalette[(int) PaletteIndex::Default] : GetGlyphColor(line[0]);

+			// Render colorized text

+			auto prevColor = line.empty() ? mPalette[(int)PaletteIndex::Default] : GetGlyphColor(line[0]);

 			ImVec2 bufferOffset;


 			for (auto& glyph : line)

@@ -795,7 +768,8 @@





+		// Draw a tooltip on known identifiers/preprocessor symbols

 		if (ImGui::IsMousePosValid())


 			auto id = GetWordAt(ScreenPosToCoordinates(ImGui::GetMousePos()));

@@ -831,6 +805,23 @@

 		mScrollToCursor = false;




+void TextEditor::Render(const char* aTitle, const ImVec2& aSize, bool aBorder)


+	mWithinRender = true;

+	mTextChanged = false;

+	mCursorPositionChanged = false;


+	ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol_ChildWindowBg, ImGui::ColorConvertU32ToFloat4(mPalette[(int)PaletteIndex::Background]));

+	ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_ItemSpacing, ImVec2(0.0f, 0.0f));

+	ImGui::BeginChild(aTitle, aSize, aBorder, ImGuiWindowFlags_HorizontalScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysHorizontalScrollbar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove);

+	ImGui::PushAllowKeyboardFocus(true);


+	HandleKeyboardInputs();

+	HandleMouseInputs();

+	ColorizeInternal();

+	Render();




@@ -868,7 +859,7 @@
 void TextEditor::SetTextLines(const std::vector<std::string> & aLines)





 	if (aLines.empty())



@@ -876,11 +867,11 @@





 		for (size_t i = 0; i < aLines.size(); ++i)


 			const std::string & aLine = aLines[i];




 			for (size_t j = 0; j < aLine.size(); ++j)

 				mLines[i].emplace_back(Glyph(aLine[j], PaletteIndex::Default));

@@ -912,11 +903,11 @@
 			if (start > end)

 				std::swap(start, end);

 			start.mColumn = 0;

-//			end.mColumn = end.mLine < mLines.size() ? mLines[end.mLine].size() : 0;

+			//			end.mColumn = end.mLine < mLines.size() ? mLines[end.mLine].size() : 0;

 			if (end.mColumn == 0 && end.mLine > 0)



-				end.mColumn = (int) mLines[end.mLine].size();

+				end.mColumn = (int)mLines[end.mLine].size();



 			u.mRemovedStart = start;

@@ -987,13 +978,13 @@
 		InsertLine(coord.mLine + 1);

 		auto& line = mLines[coord.mLine];

 		auto& newLine = mLines[coord.mLine + 1];



 		if (mLanguageDefinition.mAutoIndentation)


 			for (size_t it = 0; it < line.size() && isblank(line[it].mChar); ++it)





 		const size_t whitespaceSize = newLine.size();

 		newLine.insert(newLine.end(), line.begin() + coord.mColumn, line.end());

 		line.erase(line.begin() + coord.mColumn, line.begin() + line.size());

@@ -1053,7 +1044,7 @@
 void TextEditor::SetSelection(const Coordinates & aStart, const Coordinates & aEnd, SelectionMode aMode)


 	auto oldSelStart = mState.mSelectionStart;

-	auto oldSelEnd   = mState.mSelectionEnd;

+	auto oldSelEnd = mState.mSelectionEnd;


 	mState.mSelectionStart = SanitizeCoordinates(aStart);

 	mState.mSelectionEnd = SanitizeCoordinates(aEnd);

@@ -1076,7 +1067,7 @@
 		const auto lineNo = mState.mSelectionEnd.mLine;

 		const auto lineSize = (size_t)lineNo < mLines.size() ? mLines[lineNo].size() : 0;

 		mState.mSelectionStart = Coordinates(mState.mSelectionStart.mLine, 0);

-		mState.mSelectionEnd = Coordinates(lineNo, (int) lineSize);

+		mState.mSelectionEnd = Coordinates(lineNo, (int)lineSize);




@@ -1677,21 +1668,21 @@
 std::vector<std::string> TextEditor::GetTextLines() const


 	std::vector<std::string> result;






 	for (auto & line : mLines)


 		std::string text;






 		for (size_t i = 0; i < line.size(); ++i)

 			text[i] = line[i].mChar;







 	return result;



@@ -1702,7 +1693,7 @@

 std::string TextEditor::GetCurrentLineText()const


-	auto lineLength = (int) mLines[mState.mCursorPosition.mLine].size();

+	auto lineLength = (int)mLines[mState.mCursorPosition.mLine].size();

 	return GetText(Coordinates(mState.mCursorPosition.mLine, 0), Coordinates(mState.mCursorPosition.mLine, lineLength));



@@ -1728,15 +1719,15 @@
 	std::string buffer;

 	std::cmatch results;

 	std::string id;



 	int endLine = std::max(0, std::min((int)mLines.size(), aToLine));

 	for (int i = aFromLine; i < endLine; ++i)


 		auto& line = mLines[i];



 		if (line.empty())





 		for (size_t j = 0; j < line.size(); ++j)


@@ -1744,37 +1735,37 @@
 			buffer[j] = col.mChar;

 			col.mColorIndex = PaletteIndex::Default;




 		const char * bufferBegin = &buffer.front();

 		const char * bufferEnd = bufferBegin + buffer.size();



 		auto last = bufferEnd;



 		for (auto first = bufferBegin; first != last; )


 			const char * token_begin = nullptr;

 			const char * token_end = nullptr;

 			PaletteIndex token_color = PaletteIndex::Default;



 			bool hasTokenizeResult = false;



 			if (mLanguageDefinition.mTokenize != nullptr)


 				if (mLanguageDefinition.mTokenize(first, last, token_begin, token_end, token_color))

 					hasTokenizeResult = true;




 			if (hasTokenizeResult == false)


-			// todo : remove

-				//printf("using regex for %.*s\n", first + 10 < last ? 10 : int(last - first), first);


+				// todo : remove

+					//printf("using regex for %.*s\n", first + 10 < last ? 10 : int(last - first), first);


 				for (auto& p : mRegexList)


 					if (std::regex_search(first, last, results, p.first, std::regex_constants::match_continuous))


 						hasTokenizeResult = true;



 						auto& v = *results.begin();

 						token_begin = v.first;

 						token_end = v.second;

@@ -1783,7 +1774,7 @@





 			if (hasTokenizeResult == false)



@@ -1791,11 +1782,11 @@


 				const size_t token_length = token_end - token_begin;



 				if (token_color == PaletteIndex::Identifier)


 					id.assign(token_begin, token_end);



 					// todo : allmost all language definitions use lower case to specify keywords, so shouldn't this use ::tolower ?

 					if (!mLanguageDefinition.mCaseSensitive)

 						std::transform(id.begin(), id.end(), id.begin(), ::toupper);

@@ -1815,10 +1806,10 @@
 							token_color = PaletteIndex::PreprocIdentifier;





 				for (size_t j = 0; j < token_length; ++j)

 					line[(token_begin - bufferBegin) + j].mColorIndex = token_color;



 				first = token_end;



@@ -1829,7 +1820,7 @@

 	if (mLines.empty())




 	if (mCheckComments)


 		auto end = Coordinates((int)mLines.size(), 0);

@@ -1839,7 +1830,7 @@
 		auto withinPreproc = false;

 		auto firstChar = true;			// there is no other non-whitespace characters in the line before

 		auto concatenate = false;		// '\' on the very end of the line



 		for (auto currentCoord = Coordinates(0, 0); currentCoord < end; Advance(currentCoord))


 			auto& line = mLines[currentCoord.mLine];

@@ -1960,7 +1951,7 @@


 			char tempCString[2];

- 			tempCString[0] = line[it].mChar;

+			tempCString[0] = line[it].mChar;

 			tempCString[1] = '\0';

 			distance += ImGui::CalcTextSize(tempCString).x + 1.0f * fontScale;


@@ -2072,11 +2063,11 @@
 static bool TokenizeCStyleString(const char * in_begin, const char * in_end, const char *& out_begin, const char *& out_end)


 	const char * p = in_begin;



 	if (*p == '"')





 		while (p < in_end)


 			// handle end of string

@@ -2086,15 +2077,15 @@
 				out_end = p + 1;

 				return true;




 			// handle escape character for "

 			if (*p == '\\' && p + 1 < in_end && p[1] == '"')









 	return false;



@@ -2105,14 +2096,14 @@
 	if (*p == '\'')





 		// handle escape characters

 		if (p < in_end && *p == '\\')




 		if (p < in_end)




 		// handle end of character literal

 		if (p < in_end && *p == '\'')


@@ -2128,121 +2119,121 @@
 static bool TokenizeCStyleIdentifier(const char * in_begin, const char * in_end, const char *& out_begin, const char *& out_end)


 	const char * p = in_begin;



 	if ((*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') || (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') || *p == '_')





 		while ((p < in_end) && ((*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'z') || (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'Z') || (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') || *p == '_'))




 		out_begin = in_begin;

 		out_end = p;

 		return true;




 	return false;



 static bool TokenizeCStyleNumber(const char * in_begin, const char * in_end, const char *& out_begin, const char *& out_end)


 	const char * p = in_begin;



 	const bool startsWithNumber = *p >= '0' && *p <= '9';



 	if (*p != '+' && *p != '-' && !startsWithNumber)

 		return false;






 	bool hasNumber = startsWithNumber;



 	while (p < in_end && (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9'))


 		hasNumber = true;







 	if (hasNumber == false)

 		return false;



 	bool isFloat = false;

 	bool isHex = false;

 	bool isBinary = false;



 	if (p < in_end)


 		if (*p == '.')


 			isFloat = true;






 			while (p < in_end && (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9'))



 		else if (*p == 'x' || *p == 'X')


 			// hex formatted integer of the type 0xef80



 			isHex = true;






 			while (p < in_end && ((*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') || (*p >= 'a' && *p <= 'f') || (*p >= 'A' && *p <= 'F')))



 		else if (*p == 'b' || *p == 'B')


 			// binary formatted integer of the type 0b01011101



 			isBinary = true;






 			while (p < in_end && (*p >= '0' && *p <= '1'))






 	if (isHex == false && isBinary == false)


 		// floating point exponent

 		if (p < in_end && (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E'))


 			isFloat = true;






 			if (p < in_end && (*p == '+' || *p == '-'))




 			bool hasDigits = false;



 			while (p < in_end && (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9'))


 				hasDigits = true;







 			if (hasDigits == false)

 				return false;




 		// single precision floating point type

 		if (p < in_end && *p == 'f')





 	if (isFloat == false)


 		// integer size type

 		while (p < in_end && (*p == 'u' || *p == 'U' || *p == 'l' || *p == 'L'))





 	out_begin = in_begin;

 	out_end = p;

 	return true;

@@ -2254,35 +2245,35 @@

 	switch (*in_begin)


-		case '[':

-		case ']':

-		case '{':

-		case '}':

-		case '!':

-		case '%':

-		case '^':

-		case '&':

-		case '*':

-		case '(':

-		case ')':

-		case '-':

-		case '+':

-		case '=':

-		case '~':

-		case '|':

-		case '<':

-		case '>':

-		case '?':

-		case ':':

-		case '/':

-		case ';':

-		case ',':

-		case '.':

-			out_begin = in_begin;

-			out_end = in_begin + 1;

-			return true;

+	case '[':

+	case ']':

+	case '{':

+	case '}':

+	case '!':

+	case '%':

+	case '^':

+	case '&':

+	case '*':

+	case '(':

+	case ')':

+	case '-':

+	case '+':

+	case '=':

+	case '~':

+	case '|':

+	case '<':

+	case '>':

+	case '?':

+	case ':':

+	case '/':

+	case ';':

+	case ',':

+	case '.':

+		out_begin = in_begin;

+		out_end = in_begin + 1;

+		return true;




 	return false;



@@ -2313,14 +2304,14 @@
 			id.mDeclaration = "Built-in function";

 			langDef.mIdentifiers.insert(std::make_pair(std::string(k), id));




 		langDef.mTokenize = [](const char * in_begin, const char * in_end, const char *& out_begin, const char *& out_end, PaletteIndex & paletteIndex) -> bool


 			paletteIndex = PaletteIndex::Max;



 			while (in_begin < in_end && isblank(*in_begin))




 			if (in_begin == in_end)


 				out_begin = in_end;

@@ -2337,10 +2328,10 @@
 				paletteIndex = PaletteIndex::Number;

 			else if (TokenizeCStylePunctuation(in_begin, in_end, out_begin, out_end))

 				paletteIndex = PaletteIndex::Punctuation;



 			return paletteIndex != PaletteIndex::Max;




 		langDef.mCommentStart = "/*";

 		langDef.mCommentEnd = "*/";

 		langDef.mSingleLineComment = "//";

@@ -2504,10 +2495,10 @@
 		langDef.mTokenize = [](const char * in_begin, const char * in_end, const char *& out_begin, const char *& out_end, PaletteIndex & paletteIndex) -> bool


 			paletteIndex = PaletteIndex::Max;



 			while (in_begin < in_end && isblank(*in_begin))




 			if (in_begin == in_end)


 				out_begin = in_end;

@@ -2524,10 +2515,10 @@
 				paletteIndex = PaletteIndex::Number;

 			else if (TokenizeCStylePunctuation(in_begin, in_end, out_begin, out_end))

 				paletteIndex = PaletteIndex::Punctuation;



 			return paletteIndex != PaletteIndex::Max;




 		langDef.mCommentStart = "/*";

 		langDef.mCommentEnd = "*/";

 		langDef.mSingleLineComment = "//";

@@ -2671,9 +2662,9 @@

 		static const char* const identifiers[] = {

 			"assert", "collectgarbage", "dofile", "error", "getmetatable", "ipairs", "loadfile", "load", "loadstring",  "next",  "pairs",  "pcall",  "print",  "rawequal",  "rawlen",  "rawget",  "rawset",

-			"select",  "setmetatable",  "tonumber",  "tostring",  "type",  "xpcall",  "_G",  "_VERSION","arshift", "band", "bnot", "bor", "bxor", "btest", "extract", "lrotate", "lshift", "replace", 

-			"rrotate", "rshift", "create", "resume", "running", "status", "wrap", "yield", "isyieldable", "debug","getuservalue", "gethook", "getinfo", "getlocal", "getregistry", "getmetatable", 

-			"getupvalue", "upvaluejoin", "upvalueid", "setuservalue", "sethook", "setlocal", "setmetatable", "setupvalue", "traceback", "close", "flush", "input", "lines", "open", "output", "popen", 

+			"select",  "setmetatable",  "tonumber",  "tostring",  "type",  "xpcall",  "_G",  "_VERSION","arshift", "band", "bnot", "bor", "bxor", "btest", "extract", "lrotate", "lshift", "replace",

+			"rrotate", "rshift", "create", "resume", "running", "status", "wrap", "yield", "isyieldable", "debug","getuservalue", "gethook", "getinfo", "getlocal", "getregistry", "getmetatable",

+			"getupvalue", "upvaluejoin", "upvalueid", "setuservalue", "sethook", "setlocal", "setmetatable", "setupvalue", "traceback", "close", "flush", "input", "lines", "open", "output", "popen",

 			"read", "tmpfile", "type", "write", "close", "flush", "lines", "read", "seek", "setvbuf", "write", "__gc", "__tostring", "abs", "acos", "asin", "atan", "ceil", "cos", "deg", "exp", "tointeger",

 			"floor", "fmod", "ult", "log", "max", "min", "modf", "rad", "random", "randomseed", "sin", "sqrt", "string", "tan", "type", "atan2", "cosh", "sinh", "tanh",

 			 "pow", "frexp", "ldexp", "log10", "pi", "huge", "maxinteger", "mininteger", "loadlib", "searchpath", "seeall", "preload", "cpath", "path", "searchers", "loaded", "module", "require", "clock",

diff --git a/TextEditor.h b/TextEditor.h
index 3e37e86..ac03ad4 100644
--- a/TextEditor.h
+++ b/TextEditor.h
@@ -313,6 +313,10 @@
 	std::string GetWordAt(const Coordinates& aCoords) const;

 	ImU32 GetGlyphColor(const Glyph& aGlyph) const;


+	void HandleKeyboardInputs();

+	void HandleMouseInputs();

+	void Render();


 	float mLineSpacing;

 	Lines mLines;

 	EditorState mState;