blob: 868fd624e51de3260e06db45040c404f8ce40358 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
""" This module contains tools related to ssh used by the buildbot scripts. """
import atexit
import os
import re
import shell_utils
import signal
def PutSCP(local_path, remote_path, username, host, port, recurse=False,
""" Send a file to the given host over SCP. Assumes that public key
authentication is set up between the client and server.
local_path: path to the file to send on the client
remote_path: destination path for the file on the server
username: ssh login name
host: hostname or ip address of the server
port: port on the server to use
recurse: boolean indicating whether to transmit everything in a folder
options: list of extra options to pass to scp
# TODO(borenet): This will hang for a while if the host does not recognize
# the client.
cmd = ['scp']
if options:
if recurse:
['-P', port, local_path, '%s@%s:%s' % (username, host, remote_path)])
def MultiPutSCP(local_paths, remote_path, username, host, port, options=None):
""" Send files to the given host over SCP. Assumes that public key
authentication is set up between the client and server.
local_paths: list of paths of files and directories to send on the client
remote_path: destination directory path on the server
username: ssh login name
host: hostname or ip address of the server
port: port on the server to use
options: list of extra options to pass to scp
# TODO(borenet): This will hang for a while if the host does not recognize
# the client.
cmd = ['scp']
if options:
cmd.extend(['-r', '-P', port])
cmd.append('%s@%s:%s' % (username, host, remote_path))
def GetSCP(local_path, remote_path, username, host, port, recurse=False,
""" Retrieve a file from the given host over SCP. Assumes that public key
authentication is set up between the client and server.
local_path: destination path for the file on the client
remote_path: path to the file to retrieve on the server
username: ssh login name
host: hostname or ip address of the server
port: port on the server to use
recurse: boolean indicating whether to transmit everything in a folder
options: list of extra options to pass to scp
# TODO(borenet): This will hang for a while if the host does not recognize
# the client.
cmd = ['scp']
if options:
if recurse:
['-P', port, '%s@%s:%s' % (username, host, remote_path), local_path])
def RunSSHCmd(username, host, port, command, echo=True, options=None):
""" Login to the given host and run the given command.
username: ssh login name
host: hostname or ip address of the server
port: port on the server to use
command: (string) command to run on the server
options: list of extra options to pass to ssh
# TODO(borenet): This will hang for a while if the host does not recognize
# the client.
cmd = ['ssh']
if options:
cmd.extend(['-p', port, '%s@%s' % (username, host), command])
return, echo=echo)
def ShellEscape(arg):
""" Escape a single argument for passing into a remote shell
arg = re.sub(r'(["\\])', r'\\\1', arg)
return '"%s"' % arg if'[\' \t\r\n]', arg) else arg
def RunSSH(username, host, port, command, echo=True, options=None):
""" Login to the given host and run the given command.
username: ssh login name
host: hostname or ip address of the server
port: port on the server to use
command: command to run on the server in list format
options: list of extra options to pass to ssh
cmd = ' '.join(ShellEscape(arg) for arg in command)
return RunSSHCmd(username, host, port, cmd, echo=echo, options=options)
class SshDestination(object):
""" Convenience class to remember a host, port, and username.
Wraps the other functions in this module.
def __init__(self, host, port, username, options=None):
host - (string) hostname of the target
port - (string or int) sshd port on the target
username - (string) remote username
options - (list of strings) extra options to pass to ssh and scp.
""" = host
self.port = str(port)
self.user = username
self.options = options
def Put(self, local_path, remote_path, recurse=False):
return PutSCP(local_path, remote_path, self.user,,
self.port, recurse=recurse, options=self.options)
def MultiPut(self, local_paths, remote_path):
return MultiPutSCP(local_paths, remote_path, self.user,,
self.port, options=self.options)
def Get(self, local_path, remote_path, recurse=False):
return GetSCP(local_path, remote_path, self.user,, self.port, recurse=recurse, options=self.options)
def RunCmd(self, command, echo=True):
return RunSSHCmd(self.user,, self.port, command,
echo=echo, options=self.options)
def Run(self, command, echo=True):
return RunSSH(self.user,, self.port, command,
echo=echo, options=self.options)
def search_within_string(input_string, pattern):
"""Search for regular expression in a string.
input_string: (string) to be searched
pattern: (string) to be passed to re.compile, with a symbolic
group named 'return'.
default: what to return if no match
Returns a string or None
match =, input_string)
return'return') if match else None
def SSHAdd(key_file):
""" Call ssh-add, and call ssh-agent if necessary.
assert os.path.isfile(key_file)
try:['ssh-add', key_file],
except shell_utils.CommandFailedException:
ssh_agent_output =['ssh-agent', '-s'],
if not ssh_agent_output:
raise Exception('ssh-agent did not print anything')
ssh_auth_sock = search_within_string(
ssh_agent_output, r'SSH_AUTH_SOCK=(?P<return>[^;]*);')
ssh_agent_pid = search_within_string(
ssh_agent_output, r'SSH_AGENT_PID=(?P<return>[^;]*);')
if not (ssh_auth_sock and ssh_agent_pid):
raise Exception('ssh-agent did not print meaningful data')
os.environ['SSH_AUTH_SOCK'] = ssh_auth_sock
os.environ['SSH_AGENT_PID'] = ssh_agent_pid
atexit.register(os.kill, int(ssh_agent_pid), signal.SIGTERM)['ssh-add', key_file])