blob: d03ac2f2f35f15fe095a0502d74331db2449deba [file] [log] [blame]
package parent
This file contains canned pre-upload steps for RepoManagers to use.
import (
var cipdRoot = path.Join(os.TempDir(), "cipd")
// PreUploadStep is a function to be run after the roll is performed but before
// a CL is uploaded. The string slice parameter is the set of environment
// variables which should be used by the pre-upload step. The http.Client should
// be authenticated. The string parameter is the absolute path to the directory
// of the parent repo.
type PreUploadStep func(context.Context, []string, *http.Client, string, *revision.Revision, *revision.Revision) error
var (
// preUploadSteps is the registry of known PreUploadStep instances.
preUploadSteps = map[config.PreUploadStep]PreUploadStep{
config.PreUploadStep_ANGLE_CODE_GENERATION: ANGLECodeGeneration,
config.PreUploadStep_ANGLE_ROLL_CHROMIUM: ANGLERollChromium,
config.PreUploadStep_GO_GENERATE_CIPD: GoGenerateCipd,
config.PreUploadStep_TRAIN_INFRA: TrainInfra,
config.PreUploadStep_FLUTTER_LICENSE_SCRIPTS: FlutterLicenseScripts,
config.PreUploadStep_FLUTTER_LICENSE_SCRIPTS_FOR_DART: FlutterLicenseScriptsForDart,
config.PreUploadStep_FLUTTER_LICENSE_SCRIPTS_FOR_FUCHSIA: FlutterLicenseScriptsForFuchsia,
config.PreUploadStep_ANGLE_GN_TO_BP: AngleGnToBp,
config.PreUploadStep_SKIA_GN_TO_BP: SkiaGnToBp,
config.PreUploadStep_UPDATE_FLUTTER_DEPS_FOR_DART: UpdateFlutterDepsForDart,
config.PreUploadStep_VULKAN_DEPS_UPDATE_COMMIT_MESSAGE: VulkanDepsUpdateCommitMessage,
config.PreUploadStep_UPDATE_BORINGSSL: UpdateBoringSSL,
config.PreUploadStep_CHROMIUM_ROLL_WEBGPU_CTS: ChromiumRollWebGPUCTS,
// GetPreUploadStep returns the PreUploadStep with the given name.
func GetPreUploadStep(s config.PreUploadStep) (PreUploadStep, error) {
rv, ok := preUploadSteps[s]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No such pre-upload step: %s", s)
return rv, nil
// GetPreUploadSteps returns the PreUploadSteps with the given names.
func GetPreUploadSteps(steps []config.PreUploadStep, generic *config.PreUploadConfig) ([]PreUploadStep, error) {
if generic != nil {
return []PreUploadStep{GetGenericPreUploadStep(generic)}, nil
rv := make([]PreUploadStep, 0, len(steps))
for _, s := range steps {
step, err := GetPreUploadStep(s)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rv = append(rv, step)
return rv, nil
// AddPreUploadStepForTesting adds the given PreUploadStep to the global
// registry to be used for testing. Returns a unique name for the step. Not safe
// to be used concurrently with GetPreUploadStep(s).
func AddPreUploadStepForTesting(s PreUploadStep) config.PreUploadStep {
id := config.PreUploadStep(len(preUploadSteps))
preUploadSteps[id] = s
// Add to the config package maps.
stepName := fmt.Sprintf("Test-Step-%d", id)
config.PreUploadStep_name[int32(id)] = stepName
config.PreUploadStep_value[stepName] = int32(id)
return id
// TrainInfra trains the infra expectations.
func TrainInfra(ctx context.Context, env []string, client *http.Client, parentRepoDir string, from *revision.Revision, to *revision.Revision) error {
// TODO(borenet): Should we plumb through --local and --workdir?
sklog.Info("Installing Go...")
_, goEnv, err := go_install.EnsureGo(ctx, client, cipdRoot)
if err != nil {
return err
envMap := make(map[string]string, len(goEnv)+len(env))
for _, v := range env {
split := strings.SplitN(v, "=", 2)
if len(split) != 2 {
return fmt.Errorf("Invalid environment variable: %q", v)
envMap[split[0]] = split[1]
for k, v := range goEnv {
if k == "PATH" {
oldPath := envMap["PATH"]
if oldPath != "" {
v += ":" + oldPath
envMap[k] = v
envSlice := make([]string, 0, len(envMap))
for k, v := range envMap {
envSlice = append(envSlice, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
sklog.Info("Training infra expectations...")
if _, err := exec.RunCommand(ctx, &exec.Command{
Name: "make",
Args: []string{"train"},
Dir: path.Join(parentRepoDir, "infra", "bots"),
Env: envSlice,
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// UpdateFlutterDepsForDart runs the for Dart in
// Flutter.
// See and
// for context.
func UpdateFlutterDepsForDart(ctx context.Context, env []string, _ *http.Client, parentRepoDir string, from *revision.Revision, to *revision.Revision) error {
sklog.Info("Running and then \"gclient sync\"")
scriptDir := filepath.Join(parentRepoDir, "..", "tools", "dart")
scriptName := ""
if _, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, scriptDir, "vpython3", scriptName); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error when running vpython3 %s: %s", scriptName, err)
// Do "gclient sync" after the script runs.
if _, err := exec.RunCommand(ctx, &exec.Command{
Dir: parentRepoDir,
Env: env,
Name: "vpython3",
Args: []string{filepath.Join(parentRepoDir, "..", "..", "depot_tools", GClient), "sync", "--delete_unversioned_trees", "--force", "-v"},
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error when running \"gclient sync\" in %s: %s", parentRepoDir, err)
return nil
// FlutterLicenseScripts runs the flutter license scripts as described in
// and in
func FlutterLicenseScripts(ctx context.Context, _ []string, _ *http.Client, parentRepoDir string, from *revision.Revision, to *revision.Revision) error {
return flutterLicenseScripts(ctx, parentRepoDir, "licenses_skia")
// FlutterLicenseScriptsForFuchsia runs the flutter license scripts for fuchsia.
func FlutterLicenseScriptsForFuchsia(ctx context.Context, _ []string, _ *http.Client, parentRepoDir string, from *revision.Revision, to *revision.Revision) error {
return flutterLicenseScripts(ctx, parentRepoDir, "licenses_fuchsia")
// FlutterLicenseScriptsForDart runs the flutter license scripts for dart.
func FlutterLicenseScriptsForDart(ctx context.Context, _ []string, _ *http.Client, parentRepoDir string, from *revision.Revision, to *revision.Revision) error {
return flutterLicenseScripts(ctx, parentRepoDir, "licenses_dart", "licenses_third_party")
func flutterLicenseScripts(ctx context.Context, parentRepoDir string, licenseFileNames ...string) error {
licenseScriptFailure := int64(1)
defer func() {
metrics2.GetInt64Metric("flutter_license_script_failure", nil).Update(licenseScriptFailure)
sklog.Info("Running flutter license scripts.")
binariesPath := filepath.Join(parentRepoDir, "..", "flutter", "third_party", "dart", "tools", "sdks", "dart-sdk", "bin")
// Step1: Run pub get.
licenseToolsDir := filepath.Join(parentRepoDir, "tools", "licenses")
dartBinary := filepath.Join(binariesPath, "dart")
sklog.Info("Running dart pub get.")
if _, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, licenseToolsDir, dartBinary, "pub", "get"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error when running pub get: %s", err)
// Step2: Clean out out/licenses. Things fail without this step.
licensesOutDir := filepath.Join(parentRepoDir, "..", "out", "licenses")
if err := os.RemoveAll(licensesOutDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error when cleaning out/licenses: %s", err)
// Step3: Run dart license script to create new licenses.
licensesGoldenDir := filepath.Join(parentRepoDir, "ci", "licenses_golden")
licenseCmd := []string{dartBinary, "--interpret_irregexp", "lib/main.dart", "--src", "../../..", "--out", licensesOutDir, "--golden", licensesGoldenDir}
sklog.Infof("Running %s", licenseCmd)
if err := exec.Run(ctx, &exec.Command{
Dir: licenseToolsDir,
Name: licenseCmd[0],
Args: licenseCmd[1:],
CombinedOutput: os.Stdout,
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error when running dart license script: %s", err)
// Step4: Check to see if one of the target license files was created in the
// out dir. It will be created if the hash changes.
var foundLicenseFileName string
for _, licenseFileName := range licenseFileNames {
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(licensesOutDir, licenseFileName)); err == nil {
foundLicenseFileName = licenseFileName
if foundLicenseFileName != "" {
sklog.Infof("Found %s", foundLicenseFileName)
// Step5: Copy from out dir to goldens dir. This is required for updating
// the release file in sky_engine/LICENSE.
if _, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, licenseToolsDir, "cp", filepath.Join(licensesOutDir, foundLicenseFileName), filepath.Join(licensesGoldenDir, foundLicenseFileName)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error when copying %s from out to golden dir: %s", foundLicenseFileName, err)
// Step6: Capture diff of licenses_golden/${licenseFileName}.
licensesDiffOutput, err := git.GitDir(licenseToolsDir).Git(ctx, "diff", "--no-ext-diff", filepath.Join(licensesGoldenDir, foundLicenseFileName))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error when seeing diff of golden %s: %s", foundLicenseFileName, err)
sklog.Infof("The licenses diff output is:\n%s", licensesDiffOutput)
// Step7: Update sky_engine/LICENSE. It should always be run
// according to
updateLicenseCmd := []string{dartBinary, "--interpret_irregexp", "lib/main.dart", "--release", "--src", "../../..", "--quiet", "--out", licensesOutDir}
sklog.Infof("Running %s", updateLicenseCmd)
releasesLicenseDirPath := filepath.Join(parentRepoDir, "sky", "packages", "sky_engine")
if err := os.MkdirAll(releasesLicenseDirPath, os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not create %s: %s", releasesLicenseDirPath, err)
releasesLicensePath := filepath.Join(releasesLicenseDirPath, "LICENSE")
outFile, err := os.Create(releasesLicensePath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Could not open %s: %s", releasesLicensePath, err)
if err := exec.Run(ctx, &exec.Command{
Dir: licenseToolsDir,
Name: updateLicenseCmd[0],
Args: updateLicenseCmd[1:],
Stdout: outFile,
Stderr: os.Stderr,
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error when running dart license script: %s", err)
// Step 8: Look for "excluded_files" and copy to golden dir if it exists.
// See for context.
excludedFileName := "excluded_files"
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(licensesOutDir, excludedFileName)); err == nil {
sklog.Infof("Found %s", excludedFileName)
// Copy from out dir to goldens dir.
if _, err := exec.RunCwd(ctx, licenseToolsDir, "cp", filepath.Join(licensesOutDir, excludedFileName), filepath.Join(licensesGoldenDir, excludedFileName)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error when copying %s from out to golden dir: %s", excludedFileName, err)
sklog.Info("Done running flutter license scripts.")
licenseScriptFailure = 0
return nil
// GoGenerateCipd runs "go generate" in go/cipd.
func GoGenerateCipd(ctx context.Context, _ []string, client *http.Client, parentRepoDir string, from *revision.Revision, to *revision.Revision) error {
// TODO(borenet): Should we plumb through --local and --workdir?
sklog.Info("Installing Go...")
goExc, goEnv, err := go_install.EnsureGo(ctx, client, cipdRoot)
if err != nil {
return err
// Also install the protoc asset. Use a different CIPD root dir to
// prevent conflicts with the Go packages.
protocRoot := path.Join(os.TempDir(), "cipd_protoc")
if err := cipd.Ensure(ctx, client, protocRoot, true, cipd.PkgProtoc); err != nil {
return err
envSlice := make([]string, 0, len(goEnv))
for k, v := range goEnv {
if k == "PATH" {
// Construct PATH by adding protoc and the required PATH
// entries for Go on to the existing PATH.
v = path.Join(protocRoot, cipd.PkgProtoc.Path, "bin") + ":" + v + ":" + os.Getenv("PATH")
envSlice = append(envSlice, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
// Run go generate.
generateDir := filepath.Join(parentRepoDir, "go", "cipd")
sklog.Infof("Running 'go generate' in %s", generateDir)
if _, err := exec.RunCommand(ctx, &exec.Command{
Name: goExc,
Args: []string{"generate"},
Dir: generateDir,
Env: envSlice,
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// AngleGnToBp runs Angle's scripts to roll into Android.
func AngleGnToBp(ctx context.Context, env []string, client *http.Client, parentRepoDir string, from *revision.Revision, to *revision.Revision) error {
angleDir := filepath.Join(parentRepoDir, "external", "angle")
if _, scriptErr := exec.RunCwd(ctx, angleDir, "./scripts/"); scriptErr != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("./scripts/ error: %s", scriptErr)
return nil
// SkiaGnToBp runs Skia's script to roll into Android.
func SkiaGnToBp(ctx context.Context, env []string, client *http.Client, parentRepoDir string, from *revision.Revision, to *revision.Revision) error {
skiaDir := filepath.Join(parentRepoDir, "external", "skia")
if err := android_skia_checkout.RunGnToBp(ctx, skiaDir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Error when running gn_to_bp: %s", err)
for _, genFile := range android_skia_checkout.FilesGeneratedByGnToGp {
if _, err := git.GitDir(skiaDir).Git(ctx, "add", genFile); err != nil {
// Some generated files may be ready in canaries but not
// submitted yet. So log warnings instead of returning
// errors here.
sklog.Warningf("Could not git add %s: %s", genFile, err)
return nil
// ANGLECodeGeneration runs the ANGLE code generation script.
func ANGLECodeGeneration(ctx context.Context, env []string, client *http.Client, parentRepoDir string, from *revision.Revision, to *revision.Revision) error {
sklog.Info("Running code generation script...")
out, err := exec.RunCommand(ctx, &exec.Command{
Name: "python",
Args: []string{filepath.Join("scripts", "")},
Dir: parentRepoDir,
Env: env,
sklog.Infof("Output from run_code_generation:\n%s", out)
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// ANGLERollChromium runs the ANGLE script.
func ANGLERollChromium(ctx context.Context, env []string, _ *http.Client, parentRepoDir string, from *revision.Revision, to *revision.Revision) error {
sklog.Info("Running roll_chromium_deps script...")
contents, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(parentRepoDir, deps_parser.DepsFileName))
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
dep, err := deps_parser.GetDep(string(contents), common.REPO_CHROMIUM)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
out, err := exec.RunCommand(ctx, &exec.Command{
Name: "python",
Args: []string{filepath.Join("scripts", ""), fmt.Sprintf("--revision=%s", dep.Version), "--ignore-unclean-workdir", "--autoroll", "-v"},
Dir: parentRepoDir,
Env: env,
sklog.Infof("Output from\n%s", out)
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// VulkanDepsUpdateCommitMessage runs a script to produce a more usful commit message.
func VulkanDepsUpdateCommitMessage(ctx context.Context, env []string, _ *http.Client, parentRepoDir string, from *revision.Revision, to *revision.Revision) error {
sklog.Info("Running update-commit-message script...")
out, err := exec.RunCommand(ctx, &exec.Command{
Name: "python3",
Args: []string{filepath.Join("third_party", "vulkan-deps", ""), "--old-revision", from.Id},
Dir: parentRepoDir,
Env: env,
sklog.Infof("Output from\n%s", out)
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// UpdateBoringSSL runs a script to generate files for BoringSSL.
func UpdateBoringSSL(ctx context.Context, env []string, client *http.Client, parentRepoDir string, _, _ *revision.Revision) error {
sklog.Info("Installing Go...")
_, goEnv, err := go_install.EnsureGo(ctx, client, cipdRoot)
if err != nil {
return err
envSlice := make([]string, 0, len(goEnv)+len(env))
for _, kv := range env {
split := strings.SplitN(kv, "=", 2)
if len(split) == 2 && split[0] == "PATH" {
kv = fmt.Sprintf("PATH=%s", goEnv["PATH"]+":"+split[1])
envSlice = append(envSlice, kv)
for k, v := range goEnv {
if k != "PATH" {
envSlice = append(envSlice, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
sklog.Info("Running update_boringssl script...")
out, err := exec.RunCommand(ctx, &exec.Command{
Name: "python3",
Args: []string{filepath.Join("third_party", "boringssl", "")},
Dir: parentRepoDir,
Env: envSlice,
sklog.Infof("Output from\n%s", out)
return skerr.Wrap(err)
// ChromiumRollWebGPUCTS updates the list of Typescript sources used to compile
// the CTS, and it regenerates the list of WPT variants.
func ChromiumRollWebGPUCTS(ctx context.Context, env []string, client *http.Client, parentRepoDir string, from *revision.Revision, to *revision.Revision) error {
if _, err := exec.RunCommand(ctx, &exec.Command{
Name: "python3",
Args: []string{filepath.Join("third_party", "webgpu-cts", "scripts", "")},
Dir: parentRepoDir,
Env: env,
}); err != nil {
// Log, but don't return the error. The Chromium presubmit will fail if this does not succeed.
sklog.Errorf("%s", err)
if _, err := exec.RunCommand(ctx, &exec.Command{
Name: "vpython3",
Args: []string{filepath.Join("third_party", "webgpu-cts", "scripts", "")},
Dir: parentRepoDir,
Env: env,
}); err != nil {
// Log, but don't return the error. The Chromium presubmit will fail if this does not succeed.
sklog.Errorf("%s", err)
return nil
// GetGenericPreUploadStep returns the generic pre-upload step using the given
// config.
func GetGenericPreUploadStep(cfg *config.PreUploadConfig) PreUploadStep {
return func(ctx context.Context, env []string, client *http.Client, parentRepoDir string, from *revision.Revision, to *revision.Revision) error {
return GenericPreUploadStep(ctx, cfg, env, client, parentRepoDir, from, to)
// GenericPreUploadStep runs a pre-upload step as specified by the given config.
func GenericPreUploadStep(ctx context.Context, cfg *config.PreUploadConfig, env []string, client *http.Client, parentRepoDir string, from *revision.Revision, to *revision.Revision) error {
defer metrics2.FuncTimer().Stop()
preUploadStepFailure := int64(1)
defer func() {
metrics2.GetInt64Metric("pre_upload_step_failure", nil).Update(preUploadStepFailure)
sklog.Info("Running pre-upload step...")
// "Magic" variables.
path := os.Getenv("PATH")
for _, envVar := range env {
split := strings.SplitN(envVar, "=", 2)
if len(split) == 2 && split[0] == "PATH" {
path = split[1]
replaceMagicVars := func(s string) string {
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "${cipd_root}", cipdRoot)
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "${parent_dir}", parentRepoDir)
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "${PATH}", path)
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "${rolling_from}", from.Id)
s = strings.ReplaceAll(s, "${rolling_to}", to.Id)
return s
if len(cfg.CipdPackage) > 0 {
cipdPkgs := []*cipd.Package{}
for _, pkg := range cfg.CipdPackage {
pkgName := replaceMagicVars(pkg.Name)
pkgVersion := replaceMagicVars(pkg.Version)
if pkgVersion == "${use_pinned_version}" {
builtin, err := cipd.GetPackage(pkgName)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
pkgVersion = builtin.Version
cipdPkgs = append(cipdPkgs, &cipd.Package{
Name: pkgName,
Path: replaceMagicVars(pkg.Path),
Version: pkgVersion,
sklog.Info("Installing CIPD packages...")
if err := cipd.Ensure(ctx, client, cipdRoot, true, cipdPkgs...); err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
for _, cmd := range cfg.Command {
cmdEnv := make([]string, len(env)+len(cmd.Env))
for _, envVar := range env {
cmdEnv = append(cmdEnv, replaceMagicVars(envVar))
for _, envVar := range cmd.Env {
cmdEnv = append(cmdEnv, replaceMagicVars(envVar))
pathVar := os.Getenv("PATH")
for _, envVar := range cmdEnv {
split := strings.SplitN(envVar, "=", 2)
if len(split) == 2 && split[0] == "PATH" {
pathVar = split[1]
split := strings.Split(cmd.Command, " ")
for idx := range split {
split[idx] = replaceMagicVars(split[idx])
executable, err := exec.LookPath(split[0], pathVar)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
sklog.Infof("Running command: %s", strings.Join(split, " "))
if _, err := exec.RunCommand(ctx, &exec.Command{
Name: executable,
Args: split[1:],
Dir: replaceMagicVars(cmd.Cwd),
Env: cmdEnv,
}); err != nil {
if cmd.IgnoreFailure {
sklog.Errorf("%s", err)
} else {
return skerr.Wrap(err)
preUploadStepFailure = 0
return nil