blob: 13b11780099978e56cfda8bdcd12ea756ab6e3d0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
import { TaskSchedulerService, TaskSchedulerServiceClient } from './rpc';
export * from './rpc';
* GetTaskSchedulerService returns an TaskSchedulerService implementation
* which dispatches events indicating when requests have started and ended.
* @param ele The parent element, used to dispatch events.
export function GetTaskSchedulerService(
ele: HTMLElement
): TaskSchedulerService {
const host = `${window.location.protocol}//${}`;
const rpcClient: TaskSchedulerService = new TaskSchedulerServiceClient(
const handler = {
get(target: any, propKey: any, receiver: any) {
const origMethod = target[propKey];
return function (...args: any[]) {
ele.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('begin-task', { bubbles: true }));
return origMethod
.apply(rpcClient, args)
.then((v: any) => {
ele.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('end-task', { bubbles: true }));
return v;
.catch((err: any) => {
new CustomEvent('fetch-error', {
detail: {
error: err,
loading: propKey,
bubbles: true,
return new Proxy(rpcClient, handler);