blob: deddb5a489f4fc3dacfb4caac5dfb20a63ebee5f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Nondeterministic, rich data for use on the demo page to visualize different scenarios.
import { Branch, GetIncrementalCommitsResponse, LongCommit, Comment, Task } from '../rpc/status'; = () => new Date('2020-09-23T09:39:36.659Z').valueOf();
const timestampBeforeNow = (minutes: number = 0) =>
new Date( - 1000 * 60 * minutes).toISOString();
const branches: Array<Branch> = [
{ name: 'main', head: 'abc0' },
{ name: 'Log Rolled', head: 'abc0' },
{ name: 'Barrel Rolled', head: 'abc9' },
{ name: 'Other Branch', head: 'def0' },
const commentTask: Comment = {
id: 'foo',
repo: 'skia',
timestamp: timestampBeforeNow(5),
user: '',
message: 'this is a comment',
ignoreFailure: true,
deleted: false,
flaky: false,
taskSpecName: 'Build-iOS-Mac15.5-ASAN',
commit: 'abc0',
const commentCommit: Comment = {
id: 'foo',
repo: 'skia',
timestamp: timestampBeforeNow(5),
user: '',
message: 'this is a comment',
ignoreFailure: true,
deleted: false,
flaky: false,
taskId: '',
taskSpecName: '',
commit: 'abc9',
const commentTaskSpec: Comment = {
id: 'foo',
repo: 'skia',
timestamp: timestampBeforeNow(5),
user: '',
message: 'this is a comment',
ignoreFailure: false,
deleted: false,
flaky: true,
taskId: '',
taskSpecName: 'Housekeeper-PerCommit-Small',
commit: '',
const randomAuthor = () => ['alice', 'bob', 'charles', 'diane'][Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)];
const taskSpecs = [
const commitTemplate: LongCommit = {
hash: 'abc0',
author: '',
parents: ['abc4'],
subject: 'current HEAD',
body: 'the most recent commit\nReviewed-on:',
timestamp: timestampBeforeNow(5),
const taskTemplate: Task = {
commits: ['abc0'],
id: '1',
name: 'Build-Android-Stuff-Metal',
revision: 'abc0',
status: 'SUCCESS',
swarmingTaskId: 'idforswarming',
const commits: Array<LongCommit> = [];
const tasks: Array<Task> = [];
let nextId = 0;
// When we have a task cover multiple commits, we mark the future commits off here, so we don't
// duplicate the task.
const alreadyFilled: Set<string> = new Set();
// Return true if the key has been encountered, and marks it as encountered.
const seen = (key: string) => {
const ret = alreadyFilled.has(key);
return ret;
const minutesBetweenCommits = 15;
for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
const hash = `abc${i}`;
let body = 'Some description';
if (i === 15) {
body = 'This reverts commit abc18';
} else if (i === 14) {
body = 'This is a reland of abc18';
let commitTime = timestampBeforeNow(minutesBetweenCommits * i);
if (i > 28) {
// Make the last 2 commits past yesterday, to see the last marker.
commitTime = timestampBeforeNow(36 * 60 + i);
Object.assign(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(commitTemplate)) as LongCommit, {
hash: hash,
parents: [`abc${i + 1}`],
body: `${body}\nReviewed-on:\n`,
subject: `something, timestamp is ${commitTime}`,
timestamp: commitTime,
author: randomAuthor(),
for (const spec of taskSpecs) {
if (!seen(`${hash}/${spec}`)) {
const hashes = [hash];
// Randomly make some tasks cover multiple commits,
const additionalTasks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5][
Math.floor(Math.random() * 16)
for (let n = 0; n < additionalTasks; n++) {
const earlierTaskHash = `abc${i + 1 + n}`;
// Randomly make some tasks fail, mishap, or running/pending(but only for recent tasks,
// for realism).
const status = [
][Math.floor(Math.random() * (i < 4 ? 12 : 10))];
id: (nextId++).toString(),
name: spec,
commits: hashes,
revision: hashes[0],
status: status,
// Lets make one of our commits on a different branch, to test task splitting behavior.
commits.splice(4, 0, {
hash: 'def0',
parents: ['diffBranch'],
subject: 'otherBranchSubject',
timestamp: timestampBeforeNow(minutesBetweenCommits * 4),
author: 'branchAuthor',
export const mockIncrementalResponse: GetIncrementalCommitsResponse = {
metadata: { pod: 'podd', startOver: true },
update: {
branchHeads: branches,
comments: [commentCommit, commentTask, commentTaskSpec],
commits: commits,
tasks: tasks,