blob: af3f5e1424d9e8abccea87a39590bbd1361e8097 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
import { LongCommit } from '../rpc/status';
// 3 of the commits have the same timestamp, 2 of them are out of order, but parents can sort it out.
export const sameTimestamp: Array<LongCommit> = [
hash: 'abc0',
author: 'An Example (',
subject: 'MakeFromYUVATexturesCopyToExternal check texture valid before',
parents: ['abc1'],
body: 'body',
timestamp: '2020-11-05T16:26:42Z',
hash: 'abc1',
author: 'An Example (',
subject: 'Revert "Add memsets to the GrBlockAllocator unit tests."',
parents: ['abc2'],
body: 'body',
timestamp: '2020-11-05T16:17:44Z',
hash: 'abc3',
author: 'An Example (',
subject: 'Revert "move subrun instances and support to .cpp"',
parents: ['abc4'],
body: 'body',
timestamp: '2020-11-05T16:03:33Z',
hash: 'abc2',
author: 'An Example (',
subject: 'Revert "cull glyphs that have far out positions"',
parents: ['abc3'],
body: 'body',
timestamp: '2020-11-05T16:03:33Z',
hash: 'abc4',
author: 'An Example (',
subject: 'Revert "move subrun code to anonymous namespace"',
parents: ['abc5'],
body: 'body',
timestamp: '2020-11-05T16:03:33Z',
hash: 'abc5',
author: 'An Example (',
subject: 'Migrate work from constructors to onOnceBeforeDraw.',
parents: ['abc6'],
body: 'body',
timestamp: '2020-11-05T15:43:42Z',