blob: f927fdaea44b3d490843d6c4c591f838877cd321 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* @module modules/capacity-sk
* @description <h2><code>capacity-sk</code></h2>
* The bulk of the device capacity page.
* @evt
* @attr
* @example
import { html } from 'lit/html.js';
import { define } from '../../../elements-sk/modules/define';
import '../../../infra-sk/modules/theme-chooser-sk';
import '../../../infra-sk/modules/app-sk';
import '../../../infra-sk/modules/alogin-sk';
import '../../../ct/modules/input-sk';
import '../../../elements-sk/modules/error-toast-sk';
import '../../../elements-sk/modules/icons/battery-charging-80-icon-sk';
import '../../../elements-sk/modules/icons/dashboard-icon-sk';
import '../../../elements-sk/modules/icons/devices-icon-sk';
import '../../../elements-sk/modules/icons/arrow-drop-down-icon-sk';
import '../../../elements-sk/modules/icons/arrow-drop-up-icon-sk';
import { errorMessage } from '../../../elements-sk/modules/errorMessage';
import { $$ } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/dom';
import { stateReflector } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/stateReflector';
import { HintableObject } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/hintable';
import { StatusService, GetStatusService, BotSet, BotSet_DimensionsEntry } from '../rpc';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
// Row represents a given bot's data after applying user inputs,
// split into 2 classes so we can define the ColumnName type for sorting.
// Times are in minutes.
class ColumnSet {
config: string = '';
commitTime: number = 0;
commitTasks: number = 0;
cqTime: number = 0;
cqTasks: number = 0;
botDays: number = 0;
optimisticBots: number = 0;
pessimisticBots: number = 0;
botCount: number = 0;
optimisticPercent: number = 0;
class Row extends ColumnSet {
swarmingUrl: string = '';
displayClass: string = '';
type ColumnName = keyof ColumnSet;
type SortDirection = 1 | -1;
// Used by stateReflector.
class State {
commits: number = 30;
cq: number = 1.5;
optimistic = 90;
pessimistic = 60;
backfill = 100;
sortColumn: ColumnName = 'optimisticPercent';
sortDirection: SortDirection = 1;
export class CapacitySk extends ElementSk {
private client: StatusService = GetStatusService();
private stateHasChanged = () => {};
private static template = (el: CapacitySk) =>
<h1>Capacity Statistics for Skia Bots</h1>
<div class="spacer"></div>
<div class="table">
<a class="tr" href="/">
<span class="td">
<dashboard-icon-sk class="icon"></dashboard-icon-sk> Status Tree
<a class="tr" href="">
<span class="td">
<devices-icon-sk class="icon"></devices-icon-sk> Swarming Bots
<a class="tr" href="/capacity">
<span class="td">
<battery-charging-80-icon-sk class="icon"></battery-charging-80-icon-sk>
Capacity Stats
<div class="inputs horizontal">
@change=${() => el.refresh()}
label="Commits Per Day (typically 15-35)"></input-sk>
<input-sk @change=${() => el.refresh()} id="cq" label="CQ attempts per commit"></input-sk>
<!-- TODO(kjlubick) actually compute utilization (metrics) and display the range here for
@change=${() => el.refresh()}
label="Optimistic Utilization % Estimate"></input-sk>
@change=${() => el.refresh()}
label="Pessimistic Utilization % Estimate"></input-sk>
@change=${() => el.refresh()}
label="Target Backfill %"></input-sk>
<th @click=${() => el.updateSort('config')}>Bot Config${el.sortIcon('config')}</th>
<th @click=${() => el.updateSort('commitTime')}>
Minutes per Commit${el.sortIcon('commitTime')}
<th @click=${() => el.updateSort('commitTasks')}>
Tasks per Commit${el.sortIcon('commitTasks')}
<th @click=${() => el.updateSort('cqTime')}>
Minutes per CQ run${el.sortIcon('cqTime')}
<th @click=${() => el.updateSort('cqTasks')}>Tasks on CQ${el.sortIcon('cqTasks')}</th>
<th @click=${() => el.updateSort('botDays')}>
Bot days of work / actual day${el.sortIcon('botDays')}
<th @click=${() => el.updateSort('optimisticBots')}>
Required Bots (optimistic)${el.sortIcon('optimisticBots')}
<th @click=${() => el.updateSort('pessimisticBots')}>
Required Bots (pessimistic)${el.sortIcon('pessimisticBots')}
<th @click=${() => el.updateSort('botCount')}>
Actual Bot Count${el.sortIcon('botCount')}
<th @click=${() => el.updateSort('optimisticPercent')}>
Percent of Optimistic Estimate${el.sortIcon('optimisticPercent')}
.map((botset) => el.rowFromBotset(botset))
.sort((a, b) => el.compareRow(a, b))
(row) =>
html` <tr class=${row.displayClass}>
<td><a href=${row.swarmingUrl}>${row.config}</a></td>
<td>${row.optimisticPercent.toFixed(1)} %</td>
</app-sk> `;
constructor() {
connectedCallback() {
// Load default values into inputs.
this.setState(new State() as unknown as HintableObject);
// This will cause setState to be called again once the page loads, loading
// any parameters from the url.
this.stateHasChanged = stateReflector(
() => this.getState(),
(fromUrl) => this.setState(fromUrl)
.then((resp) => {
this.botsets = resp.botSets || [];
private sortColumn: ColumnName = 'optimisticPercent';
private sortDirection: SortDirection = 1;
private botsets: BotSet[] = [];
private updateSort(column: ColumnName) {
if (column === this.sortColumn) {
// If same column is clicked, we flip the sort direction.
this.sortDirection = (this.sortDirection * -1) as SortDirection;
} else {
this.sortColumn = column;
this.sortDirection = 1;
private sortIcon(column: ColumnName) {
return column !== this.sortColumn
? html``
: this.sortDirection === 1
? html`<arrow-drop-down-icon-sk></arrow-drop-down-icon-sk>`
: html`<arrow-drop-up-icon-sk></arrow-drop-up-icon-sk>`;
private refresh() {
private compareRow(a: Row, b: Row) {
const aVal = a[this.sortColumn];
const bVal = b[this.sortColumn];
if (aVal === bVal) return 0;
return (aVal < bVal ? -1 : 1) * this.sortDirection;
private rowFromBotset(botset: BotSet) {
const commitsPerDay = Number(($$('#commits', this) as HTMLInputElement).value);
const cqMultiplier = Number(($$('#cq', this) as HTMLInputElement).value);
const optimisticUtilization = Number(($$('#optimistic', this) as HTMLInputElement).value);
const pessimisticUtilization = Number(($$('#pessimistic', this) as HTMLInputElement).value);
const targetBackfillPercent = Number(($$('#backfill', this) as HTMLInputElement).value);
const workMultiplier = botWorkMultiplier(
const optimisticBots = botEstimate(workMultiplier, optimisticUtilization);
const pessimisticBots = botEstimate(workMultiplier, pessimisticUtilization);
const swarmingUrl = Object.keys(botset.dimensions!).reduce(
(url, dimKey) => `${url}&f=${dimKey}:${botset.dimensions![dimKey]}`,
return <Row>{
config: botConfig(botset.dimensions!),
commitTime: botset.msPerCommit / (60 * 1000),
commitTasks: botset.totalTasks,
cqTime: botset.msPerCq / (60 * 1000),
cqTasks: botset.cqTasks,
botDays: workMultiplier,
optimisticBots: optimisticBots,
pessimisticBots: pessimisticBots,
botCount: botset.botCount,
optimisticPercent: (100 * botset.botCount) / optimisticBots,
swarmingUrl: swarmingUrl,
botset.botCount < optimisticBots
? 'lowBotCount'
: botset.botCount < pessimisticBots
? 'mediumBotCount'
: 'highBotCount',
private getState(): HintableObject {
const state: State = {
commits: Number(($$('#commits', this) as HTMLInputElement).value),
cq: Number(($$('#cq', this) as HTMLInputElement).value),
optimistic: Number(($$('#optimistic', this) as HTMLInputElement).value),
pessimistic: Number(($$('#pessimistic', this) as HTMLInputElement).value),
backfill: Number(($$('#backfill', this) as HTMLInputElement).value),
sortColumn: this.sortColumn,
sortDirection: this.sortDirection,
return state as unknown as HintableObject;
private setState(fromUrl: HintableObject) {
const state = fromUrl as unknown as State;
($$('#commits', this) as HTMLInputElement).value = state.commits.toString();
($$('#cq', this) as HTMLInputElement).value = state.cq.toString();
($$('#optimistic', this) as HTMLInputElement).value = state.optimistic.toString();
($$('#pessimistic', this) as HTMLInputElement).value = state.pessimistic.toString();
($$('#backfill', this) as HTMLInputElement).value = state.backfill.toString();
this.sortColumn = state.sortColumn;
this.sortDirection = state.sortDirection;
function botEstimate(workMultiplier: number, util: number) {
return workMultiplier / (util / 100);
// Represents the number of 100% utilized bots needed to keep up with work.
function botWorkMultiplier(
item: BotSet,
commits_per_day: number,
cq_multiplier: number,
target_backfill: number
) {
let days = (item.msPerCommit * commits_per_day * target_backfill) / 100;
days += item.msPerCq * cq_multiplier * commits_per_day;
return days / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
angler: 'Nexus 6p',
athene: 'Moto G4',
bullhead: 'Nexus 5X',
dragon: 'Pixel C',
flo: 'Nexus 7 [2013]',
flounder: 'Nexus 9',
foster: 'NVIDIA Shield',
fugu: 'Nexus Player',
gce_x86: 'Android on GCE',
goyawifi: 'Galaxy Tab 3',
grouper: 'Nexus 7 [2012]',
hammerhead: 'Nexus 5',
herolte: 'Galaxy S7 [Global]',
heroqlteatt: 'Galaxy S7 [AT&T]',
j5xnlte: 'Galaxy J5',
m0: 'Galaxy S3',
mako: 'Nexus 4',
manta: 'Nexus 10',
marlin: 'Pixel XL',
sailfish: 'Pixel',
shamu: 'Nexus 6',
sprout: 'Android One',
zerofltetmo: 'Galaxy S6',
} as const;
const GPU_ALIASES = {
1002: 'AMD',
'1002:6613': 'AMD Radeon R7 240',
'1002:6646': 'AMD Radeon R9 M280X',
'1002:6779': 'AMD Radeon HD 6450/7450/8450',
'1002:679e': 'AMD Radeon HD 7800',
'1002:6821': 'AMD Radeon HD 8870M',
'1002:683d': 'AMD Radeon HD 7770/8760',
'1002:9830': 'AMD Radeon HD 8400',
'1002:9874': 'AMD Carrizo',
'102b': 'Matrox',
'102b:0522': 'Matrox MGA G200e',
'102b:0532': 'Matrox MGA G200eW',
'102b:0534': 'Matrox G200eR2',
'10de': 'NVIDIA',
'10de:08a4': 'NVIDIA GeForce 320M',
'10de:08aa': 'NVIDIA GeForce 320M',
'10de:0a65': 'NVIDIA GeForce 210',
'10de:0fe9': 'NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M Mac Edition',
'10de:0ffa': 'NVIDIA Quadro K600',
'10de:104a': 'NVIDIA GeForce GT 610',
'10de:11c0': 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660',
'10de:1244': 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti',
'10de:1401': 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960',
'10de:1ba1': 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070',
'10de:1cb3': 'NVIDIA Quadro P400',
8086: 'Intel',
'8086:0046': 'Intel Ironlake HD Graphics',
'8086:0102': 'Intel Sandy Bridge HD Graphics 2000',
'8086:0116': 'Intel Sandy Bridge HD Graphics 3000',
'8086:0166': 'Intel Ivy Bridge HD Graphics 4000',
'8086:0412': 'Intel Haswell HD Graphics 4600',
'8086:041a': 'Intel Haswell HD Graphics',
'8086:0a16': 'Intel Haswell HD Graphics 4400',
'8086:0a26': 'Intel Haswell HD Graphics 5000',
'8086:0a2e': 'Intel Haswell Iris Graphics 5100',
'8086:0d26': 'Intel Haswell Iris Pro Graphics 5200',
'8086:0f31': 'Intel Bay Trail HD Graphics',
'8086:1616': 'Intel Broadwell HD Graphics 5500',
'8086:161e': 'Intel Broadwell HD Graphics 5300',
'8086:1626': 'Intel Broadwell HD Graphics 6000',
'8086:162b': 'Intel Broadwell Iris Graphics 6100',
'8086:1912': 'Intel Skylake HD Graphics 530',
'8086:1926': 'Intel Skylake Iris 540/550',
'8086:193b': 'Intel Skylake Iris Pro 580',
'8086:22b1': 'Intel Braswell HD Graphics',
'8086:591e': 'Intel Kaby Lake HD Graphics 615',
'8086:5926': 'Intel Kaby Lake Iris Plus Graphics 640',
} as const;
type AliasTable = typeof GPU_ALIASES | typeof ANDROID_ALIASES;
function applyAlias(str: string, lookup: AliasTable) {
const nodash = str.split('-')[0] as keyof AliasTable;
const alias = lookup[nodash];
if (alias) {
return `${alias} (${str})`;
return str;
function botConfig(dims: BotSet_DimensionsEntry) {
let os = '(unspecified)';
if (dims.os) {
os = dims.os;
let pool = '(unspecified)';
if (dims.pool) {
pool = dims.pool;
let rest = '';
if (dims.device) {
rest = `Device: ${dims.device}`;
if (dims.device_type) {
const alias = applyAlias(dims.device_type, ANDROID_ALIASES);
rest = `Device Type: ${alias}`;
if (dims.gpu) {
const alias = applyAlias(dims.gpu, GPU_ALIASES);
rest = `GPU: ${alias}`;
if (dims.cpu) {
rest += `, CPU: ${dims.cpu}`;
if (pool !== 'Skia') {
return `OS: ${os}, Pool: ${pool}, ${rest}`;
return `OS: ${os}, ${rest}`;
define('capacity-sk', CapacitySk);