
Provides interactive dashboard for Skia performance data.


This is the general flow of data for the Skia performance application. The frontend is available at for Skia.

High level block diagram of Skia Perf

CockroachDB is used as the datastore for Skia Perf.

Note that besides CockroachDB, all the applications shown in the block diagram are the same executable, perfserver, which can then run in different modes.

Also note that in the diagram ingest and cluster are followed by [1,2,...] which indicates that multiple of these applications can be run concurrently to scale with the amount of data being ingested or the number of alerts being processed.

Perf frontend is a Go application that serves the HTML, CSS, JS and the JSON representations that the JS needs. It loads test results from the TraceStore. It combines that data with data about commits and serves that in the UI.


Block diagram of ingestion

The Perf ingest application(s) receive PubSub events as files arrive in Google Cloud Storage and then writes Traces into the database from the data in those files. It optionally generates PubSub events for each file it ingests which can be used by Perf to optimize how clustering, the process of looking for regressions, is done.

The files written to GCS must be in a specific format and follow a particular directory structure. See the documentation on the ingestion process for more details.


Authenication and authorization is handled outside the Skia Perf application. The application presumes the presence of the following headers on all frontend HTTP requests:

X-WEBAUTH-USER - The value of this header is an identifier of the signed in user, presumably an email address.

X-ROLES - This header contains the Roles that the user has been authorized for. See roles.go for the full list of possible Roles.


Monitoring of the application is done via Prometheus metrics and OpenCensus tracing.


The clustering is done by using k-means clustering over normalized Traces. The Traces are normalized by filling in missing data points so that there is a data point for every commit, and then scaling the data to have a mean of 0.0 and a standard deviation of 1.0. See the docs for ctrace.NewFullTrace().

The distance metric used is Euclidean distance between the traces.

After clustering is complete we calculate some metrics for each cluster by curve fitting a step function to the centroid. We record the location of the step, the size of the step, and the least squares error of the curve fit. From that data we calculate the “Regression” value, which measures how much like a step function the centroid is, and is calculated by:

Regression = StepSize / LeastSquaresError.

The better the fit the larger the Regression, because LSE gets smaller with a better fit. The higher the Step Size the larger the Regression.

A cluster is considered “Interesting” if the Regression value is large enough. The current cutoff for Interestingness is:

|Regression| > 150

Where negative Regression values mean possible regressions, and positive values mean possible performance improvement.


A dashboard is needed to report clusters that look “Interesting”, i.e. could either be performance regressions, improvements, or other anomalies. The current k-means clustering and calculating the Regression statistic for each cluster does a good job of indicating when something Interesting has happened, but a more structured system is needed that:

  • Runs the clustering on a periodic basis.
  • Allows flagging of interesting clusters as either ignorable or a bug.
  • Finds clusters that are the same from run to run.

The last step, finding clusters that are the same, will be done by fingerprinting, i.e. use the first 20 traces of each cluster will be used as a fingerprint for a cluster. That is, if a new cluster has some (or even one) of the same traces as the first 20 traces in an existing cluster, then they are the same cluster. Note that we use the first 20 because traces are stored sorted on how close they are to the centroid for the cluster.

Algorithm: Run clustering and pick out the “Interesting” clusters. Compare all the Interestin clusters to all the existing relevant clusters, where “relevant” clusters are ones whose Hash/timestamp of the step exists in the current tile. Start with an empty “list”. For each cluster: For each relevant existing cluster: Take the top 20 keys from the existing cluster and count how many appear in the cluster. If there are no matches then this is a new cluster, add it to the “list”. If there are matches, possibly to multiple existing clusters, find the existing cluster with the most matches. Take the better of the two clusters (old/new) based on the better Regression score, i.e. larger |Regression|, and update that in the “list”. Save all the clusters in the “list” back to the db.

This algorithm should keep already triaged clusters in their triaged state while adding new unique clusters as they appear.


Let's say we have three existing clusters with the following trace ids: C[1], C[2], C[3,4] And we run clustering and get the followin four new clusters: N[1], N[3], N[4], N[5] In the end we should end up with the following clusters: C[1] or N[1] C[2] C[3,4] or N[3] or N[4] N[5] Where the 'or' chooses the cluster with the higher |Regression| value. Each unique cluster that's found will be stored in the database. The schema will be: CREATE TABLE clusters ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, ts TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, hash TEXT NOT NULL, regression FLOAT NOT NULL, cluster MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL, status TEXT NOT NULL, message TEXT NOT NULL ); Where: 'cluster' is the JSON serialized ClusterSummary struct. 'ts' is the timestamp of the step in the step function. 'status' is "New" for a new cluster, "Ignore", or "Bug". 'hash' is the git hash at the step point. 'message' is either a note on why this cluster is ignored, or a bug #. Note that only the id may remain stable over time. If a new cluster is found that matches the fingerprint of an exisiting cluster, but has a higher regression value, than the new cluster values will be written into the 'clusters' table, including the ts, hash, and regression values.

Trace IDs

Normal Trace IDs are of the form:


See go/query for more details on structured keys.

There are two other forms of trace ids:

  • Formula traces - A formula trace contains a formula to be evaluated which may generate either a single Formula trace that is added to the plot, such as ave(), or it may generate multiple calculated traces that are added to the plot, such as norm(). Note that formula traces are stored in shortcuts and added to plots even if it contains no data.

    Formula traces have IDs that begin with @. For example:





See the README file.

Event Driven Alerting

Instead of running continuously over all Alert configs and running the regressions found there it may be beneficial in some cases to look for regressions only when new data has arrived.

The current system for Alerting was built on the assumption of smaller data sets with dense data arriving at a steady rate, i.e. kicking off Alerting once an hour and having it finish in much less than an hour was expected.

With the arrival of Android's data which is:

  1. Sparse
  2. Combinatorially much larger than Skia‘s data set, 40M traces as compared to Skia’s 400K.
  3. Alerts that need to be grouped along both Branch and BuildFlavor.

Because of this the continuous clustering process for Android is now consuming a huge number of cores (60 GCE cores and 10 BT cores) and BT bandwidth (15M rows/s) and also has high latency (on the order of 12-24 hours), even after the indexing system has been rebuilt.

To solve this problem Alerting should optionally be done on an incremental process, that is, as data arrives, i.e. as it passes through the ingesters, a PubSub event will be generated which will include the names of all the traces that have just been updated.

PubSub has a limit of 10MB for data in a single event, so we can send a gzipped list of trace ids as the body, the trace ids are highly redundant and should compress down to a very small size. A spot check of Skia JSON files shows them to be about 300K zipped and since the values are being dropped the zipped size should be even smaller.

As each PubSub event arrives at a clusterer it will be checked against each Alert to see if the new traces match the Alert, if so then the Alert will be run, but for only the Group By configs that match the paramset that represents all the traceids, a savings of up to 1000x for Android alerts today. This will also dramatically reduce the latency of Alerts sent down from 1 day to less than a minute.

Note that this system will not work for CT where data arrives in batches of 1M trace ids, nor will it be a savings for dense data sets like Skia, so those instances should stick with the existing system that clusters continuously over all Alerts.