New Instance Checklist

When launching a new Perf instance:

1. Create a GCS Bucket

This is the bucket where Skia formatted JSONs are to be uploaded to trigger their ingestion. These buckets live in the skia-public project, so you first need to have Storage Admin role in this project in order to create and write to buckets.

Create bucket command example:

$ gcloud storage buckets create gs://flutter-skia-perf-prod --location=us
--uniform-bucket-level-access --project=skia-public

Once created, it's recommended to create a folder specifically for ingestion e.g. gs://flutter-skia-perf-prod/ingest.

2. Create new database in CockroachDB.

This needs to be done from a machine on corp and also requires breakglass to the skia-infra-breakglass-policy group. Note that there is a different connect script for each cluster.

Note: if you're creating a Googler-only instance, use skia-infra-corp instead of skia-infra-public.

Port-forward the database:

$ ./kube/ skia-infra-public
kubectl port-forward --namespace=perf perf-cockroachdb-0 25000:26257

From another shell on the same computer connect to the database:

cockroach sql --insecure --host=

Create the database:

root@perf-cockroachdb-public:26257/defaultdb> CREATE DATABASE flutter_flutter2;

Time: 24.075052ms

Use the newly created database:

root@perf-cockroachdb-public:26257/defaultdb> use flutter_flutter2;

Apply the schema to the database. The schema is found in //perf/go/sql/schema.go.

root@perf-cockroachdb-public:26257/defaultdb> CREATE TABLE ...

3. Add the database to be backed up to ./backup/

4. Push a new version of perf-cockroachdb-backup.

make push_backup

5. Create the PubSub topic and subscription for ingestion.

This creates the topic and subscription.

perf-tool config create-pubsub-topics-and-subscriptions --config_filename=./configs/angle.json

6. Configure GCS to emit PubSub Events:

This configures the GCS bucket/directory to send PubSub events to that topic when new files arrive:

# Creates the PubSub topic for Android Perf files and then ties it to GCS
# notifications.

set -e -x


gsutil notification create -f json -e OBJECT_FINALIZE -t projects/${PROJECT_ID}/topics/${TOPIC}

Note that for buckets not owned by the Skia Infra team this command needs to be run by someone with admin rights on the bucket and also the ability to create the link to the pubsub receiver in the skia-public project. For non-Skia Infra buckets I've found the easiest thing to do is give the requester privileges to the skia-public project (for an hour) and have them run the above command.

7. Create a GCP Service account for your instance

Create a CL like this one to create a service account. Make sure it's in the correct project.

Give this service account read access to the bucket created in step 1 and Pub/Sub Editor role to both the topic and subscription created in step 5.

If you are creating a Googlers-only instance, the service accounts needs to be added to the auth-proxy roster so that it can access secrets in the GCP project. Create a CL like this one to do the same.

8. Bind the GCP service account to a Kubernetes service account in the cluster

In k8s-config repo, create a CL with a *-sa.yaml file which points to the service account created in step 7:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  annotations: perf-<XXXX>@<CLUSTER>
  name: perf-<XXXX>-internal
  namespace: perf

See this file as an example.

9. Start new “perfserver maintenance” instance for the given data with new service account.

In k8s-config repo, create a CL like this one, where you create a *-maintenance-*.yaml file where you define the maintenance task for your perf instance.

10. Start new “perfserver ingest” instances for the given data with new service account.

In k8s-config repo, create a CL like this one, where you create a *-sa.yaml file which points to the service account created in step 7, and a *-ingest-*.yaml file where you define the ingestor specs for your perf instance. In the ingest file, make sure to add the appropriate values for app, serviceAccountName and --config_filename.

11. [Optional] Use perf-tool to forcibly trigger re-ingestion of existing files.

perf-tool ingest force-reingest --config_filename=./configs/flutter-flutter2.json

12. Once data has been ingested stand up the “perfserver frontend” instance.

In k8s-config repo, create a CL like this one, where you create a *-fe-*.yaml file. Ensure to have appropriate values for app, serviceAccountName, name and --config_filename flags.

Then run skfe/ This will create the envoy config to route traffic to the instance.

13. Update the Skia zone file.

For skia-infra-public:

  • Add the sub-domain of the new Perf instance to the zone file and run: ./

For skia-infra-corp:

  • Create a CL like this one to update the DNS record for the new instance.

14. Add probers for the frontend.

In k8s-config repo, create a CL like this one. Modify perf.json to include your instance's URL. Then run prober/ to update allprobersk.json file.