blob: a7b9332c5be0c977113104821f0704265abb97f2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
syntax = "proto3";
package grpclogs;
option go_package = "";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
// Entry is a structured log message for grpc events.
// It can represent either side of an rpc: client or server.
message Entry {
google.protobuf.Timestamp start = 1;
google.protobuf.Duration elapsed = 2;
int32 status_code = 3;
string status_message = 4;
repeated google.protobuf.Any status_details = 5;
string error = 6;
// When cabe receives an incoming gRPC request, that would
// be logged in the server_unary field. Since cabe does
// not currently implement any streaming server calls,
// there is no corresponding server_stream field.
ServerUnary server_unary = 7;
// When cabe makes an outgoing unary gRPC call to some
// other service, that gets logged in client_unary.
ClientUnary client_unary = 8;
// When cabe makes an outgoing streaming gRPC call to some
// other service, that gets logged in client_stream.
ClientStream client_stream = 9;
// These fields are processed by gcp's log to connect log lines
// to traces and spans, if present. See:
string trace_id = 10 [json_name = ""];
string span_id = 11 [json_name = ""];
bool trace_sampled = 12 [json_name= ""];
// ServerUnary logs the server side of a grpc unary request, as intercepted
// by
message ServerUnary {
// request is the incoming grpc request proto sent by
// a client calling cabe.
google.protobuf.Any request = 1;
// response is the outgoing grpc response proto returned
// by cabe to the caller.
google.protobuf.Any response = 2;
// full_method is the fully qualified grpc method being
// called, e.g. "cabe.v1.Analysis/GetAnalysis"
string full_method = 3;
// user is the identity of the user making the incoming server request.
string user = 4;
// ClientUnary logs the client side of a grpc unary request, as intercepted
// by
message ClientUnary {
string method = 1;
google.protobuf.Any request = 2;
google.protobuf.Any response = 3;
// ClientStream logs the client side of a grpc stream request, as intercepted
// by
message ClientStream {
string method = 1;
string stream_name = 2;
bool server_streams = 3;
bool client_streams = 4;