blob: ad7a1def82abde5d06f3be6dbdd11c221944f7e0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
package go2ts
import (
func TestRender_ComplexStruct_Success(t *testing.T) {
type OtherStruct struct {
T time.Time `json:"t,omitempty"`
type InnermostStruct struct {
InnermostField string
type StructWithEmbeddedStruct struct {
Field string
type StructWithEmbeddedStructPtr struct {
Field string
type AnotherInnermostStruct struct {
AnotherInnermostField string
type MultilevelEmbeddedStruct struct {
OutermostField string
type StructWithSomeFieldsForcedToStrings struct {
BoolAsString bool `json:",string"`
IntAsString int `json:",string"`
Int64AsStringOmitEmpty int `json:"id_string_omitempty,string,omitempty"`
Int64AsStringOmitEmptyReversedOptionOrder int `json:"id_omitempty_string,omitempty,string"`
Uint8NotAsAString uint8 `json:"string,"` // Ensure we don't mistakenly use the tag name.
SerializesToString jsonutils.Number `go2ts:"string"`
// This struct shows that the outermost fields in embedded structs always take precedence,
// regardless of whether the overlapping field appears before or after the struct.
type StructWithOverlappingEmbeddedStructs struct {
InnermostField int // Overlaps with InnermostStruct, but has a different type.
AnotherInnermostField int // Overlaps with AnotherInnermostStruct, but has a different type.
type RecursiveStruct struct {
Field string
Recursion *RecursiveStruct
RecursionIgnoreNil *RecursiveStruct `go2ts:"ignorenil"`
RecursionSlice []RecursiveStruct
RecursionSliceIgnoreNil []RecursiveStruct `go2ts:"ignorenil"`
type Mode string
type Offset int
type Direction string
const (
Up Direction = "up"
Down Direction = "down"
Left Direction = "left"
Right Direction = "right"
var AllDirections = []Direction{Up, Down, Left, Right}
type AppleVariety string
const (
Gala AppleVariety = "gala"
Honeycrisp AppleVariety = "honeycrisp"
var AllAppleVarieties = []AppleVariety{Honeycrisp, Gala}
type OrangeVariety string
const (
Bergamot OrangeVariety = "bergamot"
Clementine OrangeVariety = "clementine"
var AllOrangeVarieties = []OrangeVariety{Bergamot, Clementine}
type YearlyYield map[int]int
type Farm struct {
Name string
Stats YearlyYield
type AppleOrchard struct {
Farm Farm
Variety AppleVariety
type Data map[string]interface{}
type ParamSet map[string][]string
type ParamSetIgnoreNil map[string][]string
type ComplexStruct struct {
String string
StringWithAnnotation string `json:"s"`
Bool bool
Int int
Float64 float64
Time time.Time
Other OtherStruct
OtherPtr *OtherStruct
WithEmbeddedStruct StructWithEmbeddedStruct
WithEmbeddedStructPtr StructWithEmbeddedStructPtr
MultilevelEmbedded MultilevelEmbeddedStruct
StructWithSomeFieldsForcedToStrings StructWithSomeFieldsForcedToStrings
StructWithOverlappingEmbeddedStructs StructWithOverlappingEmbeddedStructs
RecursiveStruct RecursiveStruct
OptionalString string `json:",omitempty"`
OptionalInt int `json:",omitempty"`
OptionalFloat64 float64 `json:",omitempty"`
OptionalTime time.Time `json:",omitempty"`
OptionalOtherStruct OtherStruct `json:",omitempty"`
OptionalOtherStructPtr *OtherStruct `json:",omitempty"`
OptionalOtherStructPtrIgnoreNil *OtherStruct `json:",omitempty" go2ts:"ignorenil"`
Data Data
DataPtr *Data
ParamSet ParamSet
ParamSetIgnoreNil ParamSetIgnoreNil `go2ts:"ignorenil"`
MapString map[string]string
MapStringIgnoreNil map[string]string `go2ts:"ignorenil"`
MapStringSlice map[string][]string
MapStringSliceIgnoreNil map[string][]string `go2ts:"ignorenil"`
MapStringSliceSlice map[string][][]string
MapStringSliceSliceIgnoreNil map[string][][]string `go2ts:"ignorenil"`
MapStringPtrSlice map[string][]*string
MapStringPtrSliceIgnoreNil map[string][]*string `go2ts:"ignorenil"`
MapIntKeys map[int]string
MapStringAliasKeys map[Mode]string
MapIntAliasKeys map[Offset]string
MapOtherStruct map[string]OtherStruct
MapOtherStructPtr map[string]*OtherStruct
Slice []string
SliceIgnoreNil []string `go2ts:"ignorenil"`
SliceOfSlice [][]string
SliceOfSliceIgnoreNil [][]string `go2ts:"ignorenil"`
SliceOfData []Data
MapOfData map[string]Data
MapOfSliceOfData map[string][]Data
MapOfMapOfSliceOfData map[string]map[string][]Data
Mode Mode
InlineStruct struct{ A int }
Array [3]string
skipped bool
Offset Offset
Color color.Alpha
Direction Direction
AppleVariety AppleVariety
OrangeVariety OrangeVariety
AppleOrchard AppleOrchard
NotSerialized string `json:"-"`
const complexStructExpected = `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export namespace apple {
export interface Farm {
Name: string;
Stats: apple.YearlyYield;
export namespace apple {
export interface Orchard {
Farm: apple.Farm;
Variety: apple.Variety;
export interface OtherStruct {
t?: string;
export interface StructWithEmbeddedStruct {
Field: string;
InnermostField: string;
export interface StructWithEmbeddedStructPtr {
Field: string;
InnermostField?: string;
export interface MultilevelEmbeddedStruct {
OutermostField: string;
Field?: string;
InnermostField?: string;
AnotherInnermostField: string;
export interface StructWithSomeFieldsForcedToStrings {
BoolAsString: string;
IntAsString: string;
id_string_omitempty?: string;
id_omitempty_string?: string;
string: number;
SerializesToString: Number;
export interface StructWithOverlappingEmbeddedStructs {
InnermostField: number;
AnotherInnermostField: number;
export interface RecursiveStruct {
Field: string;
Recursion: RecursiveStruct | null;
RecursionIgnoreNil: RecursiveStruct;
RecursionSlice: RecursiveStruct[] | null;
RecursionSliceIgnoreNil: RecursiveStruct[];
export interface Anonymous1 {
A: number;
export interface Alpha {
A: number;
export interface ComplexStruct {
String: string;
s: string;
Bool: boolean;
Int: number;
Float64: number;
Time: string;
Other: OtherStruct;
OtherPtr: OtherStruct | null;
WithEmbeddedStruct: StructWithEmbeddedStruct;
WithEmbeddedStructPtr: StructWithEmbeddedStructPtr;
MultilevelEmbedded: MultilevelEmbeddedStruct;
StructWithSomeFieldsForcedToStrings: StructWithSomeFieldsForcedToStrings;
StructWithOverlappingEmbeddedStructs: StructWithOverlappingEmbeddedStructs;
RecursiveStruct: RecursiveStruct;
OptionalString?: string;
OptionalInt?: number;
OptionalFloat64?: number;
OptionalTime?: string;
OptionalOtherStruct?: OtherStruct;
OptionalOtherStructPtr?: OtherStruct | null;
OptionalOtherStructPtrIgnoreNil?: OtherStruct;
Data: Data;
DataPtr: Data | null;
ParamSet: ParamSet;
ParamSetIgnoreNil: ParamSetIgnoreNil;
MapString: { [key: string]: string } | null;
MapStringIgnoreNil: { [key: string]: string };
MapStringSlice: { [key: string]: string[] | null } | null;
MapStringSliceIgnoreNil: { [key: string]: string[] };
MapStringSliceSlice: { [key: string]: (string[] | null)[] | null } | null;
MapStringSliceSliceIgnoreNil: { [key: string]: string[][] };
MapStringPtrSlice: { [key: string]: (string | null)[] | null } | null;
MapStringPtrSliceIgnoreNil: { [key: string]: string[] };
MapIntKeys: { [key: number]: string } | null;
MapStringAliasKeys: { [key: string]: string } | null;
MapIntAliasKeys: { [key: number]: string } | null;
MapOtherStruct: { [key: string]: OtherStruct } | null;
MapOtherStructPtr: { [key: string]: OtherStruct | null } | null;
Slice: string[] | null;
SliceIgnoreNil: string[];
SliceOfSlice: (string[] | null)[] | null;
SliceOfSliceIgnoreNil: string[][];
SliceOfData: Data[] | null;
MapOfData: { [key: string]: Data } | null;
MapOfSliceOfData: { [key: string]: Data[] | null } | null;
MapOfMapOfSliceOfData: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: Data[] | null } | null } | null;
Mode: Mode;
InlineStruct: Anonymous1;
Array: string[];
Offset: Offset;
Color: Alpha;
Direction: Direction;
AppleVariety: apple.Variety;
OrangeVariety: orange.Variety;
AppleOrchard: apple.Orchard;
export namespace apple { export type YearlyYield = { [key: number]: number } | null; }
export namespace apple { export type Variety = 'honeycrisp' | 'gala'; }
export type Number = string & {
* WARNING: Do not reference this field from application code.
* This field exists solely to provide nominal typing. For reference, see
_numberBrand: 'type alias for string'
export function Number(v: string): Number {
return v as Number;
export type Data = { [key: string]: any } | null;
export type ParamSet = { [key: string]: string[] | null } | null;
export type ParamSetIgnoreNil = { [key: string]: string[] } & {
* WARNING: Do not reference this field from application code.
* This field exists solely to provide nominal typing. For reference, see
_paramSetIgnoreNilBrand: 'type alias for { [key: string]: string[] }'
export function ParamSetIgnoreNil(v: { [key: string]: string[] }): ParamSetIgnoreNil {
return v as ParamSetIgnoreNil;
export type Mode = string & {
* WARNING: Do not reference this field from application code.
* This field exists solely to provide nominal typing. For reference, see
_modeBrand: 'type alias for string'
export function Mode(v: string): Mode {
return v as Mode;
export type Offset = number & {
* WARNING: Do not reference this field from application code.
* This field exists solely to provide nominal typing. For reference, see
_offsetBrand: 'type alias for number'
export function Offset(v: number): Offset {
return v as Offset;
export type Direction = 'up' | 'down' | 'left' | 'right';
export namespace orange { export type Variety = 'bergamot' | 'clementine'; }
go2ts := New()
go2ts.GenerateNominalTypes = true
go2ts.AddWithNameToNamespace(AppleOrchard{}, "Orchard", "apple")
go2ts.AddUnionWithNameToNamespace(AllAppleVarieties, "Variety", "apple")
go2ts.AddUnionWithNameToNamespace(AllOrangeVarieties, "Variety", "orange")
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, complexStructExpected, b.String())
func TestRender_NoTypesAdded_ReturnsEmptyString(t *testing.T) {
go2ts := New()
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, "// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.\n", b.String())
func TestRender_SameTypeAddedInMultipleWays_RendersTypeOnce(t *testing.T) {
type SomeStruct struct {
B string
go2ts := New()
go2ts.AddWithName(SomeStruct{}, "ADifferentName")
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export interface SomeStruct {
B: string;
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())
func TestRender_FirstAddDeterminesInterfaceName(t *testing.T) {
type SomeStruct struct {
B string
go2ts := New()
go2ts.AddWithName(SomeStruct{}, "ADifferentName")
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export interface ADifferentName {
B: string;
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())
func TestRender_AddMultiple_Success(t *testing.T) {
type SomeStruct struct {
B string
type AnotherStruct struct {
A string
go2ts := New()
go2ts.AddMultiple(SomeStruct{}, AnotherStruct{})
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export interface SomeStruct {
B: string;
export interface AnotherStruct {
A: string;
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())
func TestRender_AddMultipleEmpty_Success(t *testing.T) {
go2ts := New()
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())
func TestRender_AddMultipleUnion_Success(t *testing.T) {
type DayOfWeek string
const (
Monday DayOfWeek = "Mon"
Tuesday DayOfWeek = "Tue"
daysOfWeek := []DayOfWeek{Monday, Tuesday}
type MonthsOfYear string
const (
January MonthsOfYear = "Jan"
February MonthsOfYear = "Feb"
March MonthsOfYear = "Mar"
monthsOfYear := []MonthsOfYear{January, February, March}
go2ts := New()
go2ts.AddMultipleUnion(daysOfWeek, monthsOfYear)
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export type DayOfWeek = 'Mon' | 'Tue';
export type MonthsOfYear = 'Jan' | 'Feb' | 'Mar';
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())
func TestRender_AddMultipleUnionEmpty_Success(t *testing.T) {
go2ts := New()
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())
func TestRender_Add_NonStructType_Success(t *testing.T) {
type Data map[string][]string
go2ts := New()
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export type Data = { [key: string]: string[] | null } | null;
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())
func TestRender_AddIgnoreNil_NonStructType_Success(t *testing.T) {
type Data map[string][]string
go2ts := New()
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export type Data = { [key: string]: string[] };
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())
func TestRender_AddIgnoreNil_NonStructType_GenerateNominalTypes_Success(t *testing.T) {
type Data map[string][]string
go2ts := New()
go2ts.GenerateNominalTypes = true
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export type Data = { [key: string]: string[] } & {
* WARNING: Do not reference this field from application code.
* This field exists solely to provide nominal typing. For reference, see
_dataBrand: 'type alias for { [key: string]: string[] }'
export function Data(v: { [key: string]: string[] }): Data {
return v as Data;
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())
func TestRender_AddWithName_NonStructType_Success(t *testing.T) {
type Data map[string][]string
go2ts := New()
go2ts.AddWithName(Data{}, "SomeNewName")
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export type SomeNewName = { [key: string]: string[] | null } | null;
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())
func TestRender_AddWithNameIgnoreNil_NonStructType_Success(t *testing.T) {
type Data map[string][]string
go2ts := New()
go2ts.AddWithNameIgnoreNil(Data{}, "SomeNewName")
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export type SomeNewName = { [key: string]: string[] };
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())
func TestRender_AddWithNameIgnoreNil_NonStructType_GenerateNominalTypes_Success(t *testing.T) {
type Data map[string][]string
go2ts := New()
go2ts.GenerateNominalTypes = true
go2ts.AddWithNameIgnoreNil(Data{}, "SomeNewName")
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export type SomeNewName = { [key: string]: string[] } & {
* WARNING: Do not reference this field from application code.
* This field exists solely to provide nominal typing. For reference, see
_someNewNameBrand: 'type alias for { [key: string]: string[] }'
export function SomeNewName(v: { [key: string]: string[] }): SomeNewName {
return v as SomeNewName;
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())
func TestAdd_UnsupportedType_Panic(t *testing.T) {
type HasUnsupportedFieldTypes struct {
C complex128
go2ts := New()
assert.PanicsWithValue(t, `Go Kind "complex128" cannot be serialized to JSON.`, func() {
func TestAddUnionWithName_SliceOfString_Success(t *testing.T) {
type DayOfWeek string
const (
Monday DayOfWeek = "Mon"
Tuesday DayOfWeek = "Tue"
go2ts := New()
go2ts.AddUnionWithName([]DayOfWeek{Monday, Tuesday}, "")
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export type DayOfWeek = 'Mon' | 'Tue';
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())
func TestAddUnion_SliceOfString_Success(t *testing.T) {
type DayOfWeek string
const (
Monday DayOfWeek = "Mon"
Tuesday DayOfWeek = "Tue"
go2ts := New()
go2ts.AddUnion([]DayOfWeek{Monday, Tuesday})
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export type DayOfWeek = 'Mon' | 'Tue';
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())
func TestAddUnionWithName_SliceOfStringWithName_Success(t *testing.T) {
type DayOfWeek string
const (
Monday DayOfWeek = "Mon"
Tuesday DayOfWeek = "Tue"
go2ts := New()
go2ts.AddUnionWithName([]DayOfWeek{Monday, Tuesday}, "ShouldBeTheTypeName")
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export type ShouldBeTheTypeName = 'Mon' | 'Tue';
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())
func TestAddUnionWithName_ArrayOfInt_Success(t *testing.T) {
type SomeOption int
const (
OptionA SomeOption = 1
OptionB SomeOption = 3
go2ts := New()
go2ts.AddUnionWithName([2]SomeOption{OptionA, OptionB}, "")
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export type SomeOption = 1 | 3;
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())
func TestAddUnionWithName_NotSliceOrArray_Panic(t *testing.T) {
type SomeOption int
go2ts := New()
assert.PanicsWithValue(t, `AddUnionWithName must be supplied an array or slice, got int: 1`, func() {
go2ts.AddUnionWithName(SomeOption(1), "")
func TestAddUnion_DefinitionFoundFromStructAndUnion_UnionTypeDefinitionIsEmitted(t *testing.T) {
type SomeOption int
const (
OptionA SomeOption = 1
OptionB SomeOption = 3
type SomeStruct struct {
Choices SomeOption
go2ts := New()
go2ts.AddUnion([2]SomeOption{OptionA, OptionB})
var b bytes.Buffer
err := go2ts.Render(&b)
require.NoError(t, err)
expected := `// DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated.
export interface SomeStruct {
Choices: SomeOption;
export type SomeOption = 1 | 3;
assert.Equal(t, expected, b.String())