blob: 75ac913aa63d34b60fb01151630b476a6d3c5c58 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
package gerrit
var (
// ConfigAndroid is the configuration for Android Gerrit hosts.
ConfigAndroid = &Config{
SelfApproveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCodeReview: LabelCodeReviewSelfApprove,
HasCq: true,
SetCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitSubmit,
LabelPresubmitReady: LabelPresubmitReadyEnable,
SetDryRunLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitNone,
LabelPresubmitReady: LabelPresubmitReadyEnable,
NoCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitNone,
LabelPresubmitReady: LabelPresubmitReadyNone,
CqActiveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitSubmit,
LabelPresubmitReady: LabelPresubmitReadyEnable,
CqSuccessLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitSubmit,
LabelPresubmitVerified: LabelPresubmitVerifiedAccepted,
CqFailureLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitSubmit,
LabelPresubmitVerified: LabelPresubmitVerifiedRejected,
CqLabelsUnsetOnCompletion: true,
DryRunActiveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitNone,
LabelPresubmitReady: LabelPresubmitReadyEnable,
DryRunSuccessLabels: map[string]int{
LabelPresubmitVerified: LabelPresubmitVerifiedAccepted,
DryRunFailureLabels: map[string]int{
LabelPresubmitVerified: LabelPresubmitVerifiedRejected,
DryRunUsesTryjobResults: false,
// ConfigAndroidNoCR is the configuration for Android Gerrit hosts where
// the service account does not have CR+2 access.
ConfigAndroidNoCR = &Config{
SelfApproveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCodeReview: LabelCodeReviewNone,
HasCq: true,
SetCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitSubmit,
LabelPresubmitReady: LabelPresubmitReadyEnable,
SetDryRunLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitNone,
LabelPresubmitReady: LabelPresubmitReadyEnable,
NoCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitNone,
LabelPresubmitReady: LabelPresubmitReadyNone,
CqActiveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitSubmit,
LabelPresubmitReady: LabelPresubmitReadyEnable,
CqSuccessLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitSubmit,
LabelPresubmitVerified: LabelPresubmitVerifiedAccepted,
CqFailureLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitSubmit,
LabelPresubmitVerified: LabelPresubmitVerifiedRejected,
CqLabelsUnsetOnCompletion: true,
DryRunActiveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitNone,
LabelPresubmitReady: LabelPresubmitReadyEnable,
DryRunSuccessLabels: map[string]int{
LabelPresubmitVerified: LabelPresubmitVerifiedAccepted,
DryRunFailureLabels: map[string]int{
LabelPresubmitVerified: LabelPresubmitVerifiedRejected,
DryRunUsesTryjobResults: false,
// ConfigAndroidNoCRNoPR is the configuration for Android Gerrit hosts where
// the service account does not have CR+2 and PR+1 access.
ConfigAndroidNoCRNoPR = &Config{
SelfApproveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCodeReview: LabelCodeReviewNone,
HasCq: true,
SetCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitSubmit,
LabelPresubmitReady: LabelPresubmitReadyNone,
SetDryRunLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitNone,
LabelPresubmitReady: LabelPresubmitReadyNone,
NoCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitNone,
LabelPresubmitReady: LabelPresubmitReadyNone,
CqActiveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitSubmit,
LabelPresubmitReady: LabelPresubmitReadyEnable,
CqSuccessLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitSubmit,
LabelPresubmitVerified: LabelPresubmitVerifiedAccepted,
CqFailureLabels: map[string]int{
LabelAndroidAutoSubmit: LabelAndroidAutoSubmitSubmit,
LabelPresubmitVerified: LabelPresubmitVerifiedRejected,
CqLabelsUnsetOnCompletion: true,
DryRunActiveLabels: map[string]int{},
DryRunSuccessLabels: map[string]int{
LabelPresubmitVerified: LabelPresubmitVerifiedAccepted,
DryRunFailureLabels: map[string]int{
LabelPresubmitVerified: LabelPresubmitVerifiedRejected,
DryRunUsesTryjobResults: false,
// ConfigANGLE is the configuration for ANGLE Gerrit hosts.
ConfigANGLE = &Config{
SelfApproveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCodeReview: LabelCodeReviewSelfApprove,
HasCq: true,
SetCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueSubmit,
SetDryRunLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueDryRun,
NoCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueNone,
CqActiveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueSubmit,
CqSuccessLabels: map[string]int{},
CqFailureLabels: map[string]int{},
CqLabelsUnsetOnCompletion: true,
DryRunActiveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueDryRun,
DryRunSuccessLabels: map[string]int{},
DryRunFailureLabels: map[string]int{},
DryRunUsesTryjobResults: true,
// ConfigChromium is the configuration for Chromium Gerrit hosts.
ConfigChromium = &Config{
SelfApproveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCodeReview: LabelCodeReviewApprove,
HasCq: true,
SetCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueSubmit,
SetDryRunLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueDryRun,
NoCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueNone,
CqActiveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueSubmit,
CqSuccessLabels: map[string]int{},
CqFailureLabels: map[string]int{},
CqLabelsUnsetOnCompletion: true,
DryRunActiveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueDryRun,
DryRunSuccessLabels: map[string]int{},
DryRunFailureLabels: map[string]int{},
DryRunUsesTryjobResults: true,
// ConfigChromiumBotCommit is the configuration for Chromium Gerrit hosts
// which use the Bot-Commit label instead of Code-Review.
ConfigChromiumBotCommit = &Config{
SelfApproveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelBotCommit: LabelBotCommitApproved,
HasCq: true,
SetCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueSubmit,
LabelBotCommit: LabelBotCommitApproved,
SetDryRunLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueDryRun,
LabelBotCommit: LabelBotCommitApproved,
NoCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueNone,
CqActiveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueSubmit,
CqSuccessLabels: map[string]int{},
CqFailureLabels: map[string]int{},
CqLabelsUnsetOnCompletion: true,
DryRunActiveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueDryRun,
DryRunSuccessLabels: map[string]int{},
DryRunFailureLabels: map[string]int{},
DryRunUsesTryjobResults: true,
// ConfigChromiumNoCR is the configuration for Chromium Gerrit hosts
// where the service account is not allowed to approve its own changes.
ConfigChromiumNoCR = &Config{
SelfApproveLabels: map[string]int{},
HasCq: true,
SetCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueSubmit,
SetDryRunLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueDryRun,
NoCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueNone,
CqActiveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueSubmit,
CqSuccessLabels: map[string]int{},
CqFailureLabels: map[string]int{},
CqLabelsUnsetOnCompletion: true,
DryRunActiveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueDryRun,
DryRunSuccessLabels: map[string]int{},
DryRunFailureLabels: map[string]int{},
DryRunUsesTryjobResults: true,
// ConfigChromiumNoCQ is the configuration for Chromium Gerrit hosts which
// have no commit queue.
ConfigChromiumNoCQ = &Config{
SelfApproveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCodeReview: LabelCodeReviewApprove,
HasCq: false,
SetCqLabels: map[string]int{},
SetDryRunLabels: map[string]int{},
NoCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueNone,
CqActiveLabels: map[string]int{},
CqSuccessLabels: map[string]int{},
CqFailureLabels: map[string]int{},
CqLabelsUnsetOnCompletion: true,
DryRunActiveLabels: map[string]int{},
DryRunSuccessLabels: map[string]int{},
DryRunFailureLabels: map[string]int{},
DryRunUsesTryjobResults: false,
// ConfigChromiumBotCommitNoCQ is the configuration for Chromium Gerrit
// hosts which have no commit queue.
ConfigChromiumBotCommitNoCQ = &Config{
SelfApproveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelBotCommit: LabelBotCommitApproved,
HasCq: false,
SetCqLabels: map[string]int{},
SetDryRunLabels: map[string]int{},
NoCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueNone,
CqActiveLabels: map[string]int{},
CqSuccessLabels: map[string]int{},
CqFailureLabels: map[string]int{},
CqLabelsUnsetOnCompletion: true,
DryRunActiveLabels: map[string]int{},
DryRunSuccessLabels: map[string]int{},
DryRunFailureLabels: map[string]int{},
DryRunUsesTryjobResults: false,
// ConfigLibAssistant is the configuration for LibAssistant Gerrit hosts.
ConfigLibAssistant = &Config{
SelfApproveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCodeReview: LabelCodeReviewSelfApprove,
HasCq: true,
SetCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueSubmit,
SetDryRunLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueDryRun,
NoCqLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueNone,
CqActiveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueSubmit,
CqSuccessLabels: map[string]int{
LabelVerified: LabelVerifiedAccepted,
CqFailureLabels: map[string]int{
LabelVerified: LabelVerifiedRejected,
CqLabelsUnsetOnCompletion: false,
DryRunActiveLabels: map[string]int{
LabelCommitQueue: LabelCommitQueueDryRun,
DryRunSuccessLabels: map[string]int{
LabelVerified: LabelVerifiedAccepted,
DryRunFailureLabels: map[string]int{
LabelVerified: LabelVerifiedRejected,
DryRunUsesTryjobResults: false,
// Config describes the configuration for a Gerrit host.
// TODO(borenet): Consider making Config into an interface with function calls
// for the various sets of labels and logic below. This format nicely groups the
// logic into one place but makes it difficult to understand and change.
type Config struct {
// Labels to set to self-approve a change. For some projects this is the
// same as a normal approval.
SelfApproveLabels map[string]int
// Whether or not this project has a Commit Queue.
HasCq bool
// Labels to set to run the Commit Queue.
SetCqLabels map[string]int
// Labels to set to run the Commit Queue in dry run mode.
SetDryRunLabels map[string]int
// Labels to set to remove from the Commit Queue.
NoCqLabels map[string]int
// If the issue is open and all of these labels are set, the Commit
// Queue is considered active.
CqActiveLabels map[string]int
// If the issue is merged or all of these labels are set, the Commit
// Queue is considered to have finished successfully.
CqSuccessLabels map[string]int
// If the issue is abandoned or all of these labels are set, the Commit
// Queue is considered to have failed.
CqFailureLabels map[string]int
// CqLabelsUnsetOnCompletion is true if the commit queue unsets the
// labels when it finishes.
CqLabelsUnsetOnCompletion bool
// If the issue is open and all of these labels are set, the dry run is
// considered active.
DryRunActiveLabels map[string]int
// If the issue is merged or all of these labels are set, the dry run is
// considered to have finished successfuly.
DryRunSuccessLabels map[string]int
// If the issue is abandoned or all of these labels are set, the dry run
// is considered to have failed.
DryRunFailureLabels map[string]int
// DryRunUsesTryjobResults is true if tryjob results should be factored
// into dry run success.
DryRunUsesTryjobResults bool
// all returns true iff all of the given label keys and values are set on the
// change. Label value comparison is done using the specified compFunc.
// Returns true if the given map of labels is empty.
func all(ci *ChangeInfo, labels map[string]int, compFunc func(int, int) bool) bool {
for labelKey, wantValue := range labels {
found := false
if labelEntry, ok := ci.Labels[labelKey]; ok {
for _, labelDetail := range labelEntry.All {
if compFunc(labelDetail.Value, wantValue) {
found = true
if !found {
return false
return true
// Comparison functions that can be used to pass to above all function.
func leq(x, y int) bool {
return x <= y
func geq(x, y int) bool {
return x >= y
func eq(x, y int) bool {
return x == y
// MergeLabels returns a new map containing both sets of labels. Labels from the
// second set overwrite matching labels from the first.
func MergeLabels(a, b map[string]int) map[string]int {
rv := make(map[string]int, len(a)+len(b))
for k, v := range a {
rv[k] = v
for k, v := range b {
rv[k] = v
return rv
// CqRunning returns true if the commit queue is still running. Returns false if
// the change is merged or abandoned.
func (c *Config) CqRunning(ci *ChangeInfo) bool {
if !c.HasCq {
return false
if ci.IsClosed() {
return false
// CqSuccess is only true if the change is merged, so if CqSuccessLabels
// are set but the change is not yet merged, we have to consider the CQ
// to be running or we'll incorrectly mark the CQ as failed. Note that
// if the CQ never manages to merge the change, we'll be stuck in this
// "CQ running even though it's finished" state indefinitely.
if len(c.CqSuccessLabels) > 0 && all(ci, c.CqSuccessLabels, geq) {
return true
if len(c.CqFailureLabels) > 0 && all(ci, c.CqFailureLabels, leq) {
return false
if len(c.CqActiveLabels) > 0 && all(ci, c.CqActiveLabels, eq) {
return true
return false
// CqSuccess returns true if the commit queue has finished successfully. This
// requires that the change is merged; CqSuccess returns false if the change is
// not merged, even if the commit queue finishes (ie. the relevant label is
// removed) and all trybots were successful or a CqSuccessLabel is applied.
func (c *Config) CqSuccess(ci *ChangeInfo) bool {
return ci.IsMerged()
// DryRunRunning returns true if the dry run is still running. Returns false if
// the change is merged or abandoned.
func (c *Config) DryRunRunning(ci *ChangeInfo) bool {
if !c.HasCq {
return false
if ci.IsClosed() {
return false
if len(c.DryRunActiveLabels) > 0 && !all(ci, c.DryRunActiveLabels, eq) {
return false
if c.CqLabelsUnsetOnCompletion {
return true
if len(c.DryRunSuccessLabels) > 0 && all(ci, c.DryRunSuccessLabels, geq) {
return false
} else if len(c.DryRunFailureLabels) > 0 && all(ci, c.DryRunFailureLabels, leq) {
return false
return true
// DryRunSuccess returns true if the dry run succeeded. The allTrybotsSucceeded
// parameter indicates whether or not all of the relevant trybots for this
// change succeeded; it is unused if Config.DryRunUsesTryjobResults is false.
func (c *Config) DryRunSuccess(ci *ChangeInfo, allTrybotsSucceeded bool) bool {
if ci.IsClosed() {
return ci.IsMerged()
if !c.HasCq {
// DryRunSuccess indicates that the CL has passed all of the
// checks required for submission; if there are no checks, then
// it has passed all of them by default.
return true
if c.CqLabelsUnsetOnCompletion {
if len(c.CqActiveLabels) > 0 && all(ci, c.CqActiveLabels, eq) {
return false
if len(c.DryRunActiveLabels) > 0 && all(ci, c.DryRunActiveLabels, eq) {
return false
if len(c.DryRunSuccessLabels) > 0 && all(ci, c.DryRunSuccessLabels, geq) {
return true
if len(c.DryRunFailureLabels) > 0 && all(ci, c.DryRunFailureLabels, leq) {
return false
return c.DryRunUsesTryjobResults && allTrybotsSucceeded