blob: db0af09e8388fa1050a3f8e2179f22c2d3b3241c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// ds is a package for using Google Cloud Datastore.
package ds
import (
// Global constants.
const (
// Maximum number of entities which may be inserted or deleted at once.
// Kind of datastore entry.
type Kind string
// Below are all the Kinds used in all applications. New Kinds should be listed
// here, and they should all have unique values, because when defining indexes
// for Cloud Datastore the index config is per project, not pre-namespace.
// Remember to add them to KindsToBackup if they are to be backed up, and push
// a new version of /ds/go/datastore_backup.
const (
// Predict
FAILURES Kind = "Failures"
FLAKY_RANGES Kind = "FlakyRanges"
// Android Compile
COMPILE_TASK Kind = "CompileTask"
ANDROID_COMPILE_INSTANCES Kind = "AndroidCompileInstances"
// Leasing
TASK Kind = "Task"
// CT
CAPTURE_SKPS_TASKS Kind = "CaptureSkpsTasks"
CHROMIUM_ANALYSIS_TASKS Kind = "ChromiumAnalysisTasks"
CHROMIUM_BUILD_TASKS Kind = "ChromiumBuildTasks"
CHROMIUM_PERF_TASKS Kind = "ChromiumPerfTasks"
LUA_SCRIPT_TASKS Kind = "LuaScriptTasks"
METRICS_ANALYSIS_TASKS Kind = "MetricsAnalysisTasks"
PIXEL_DIFF_TASKS Kind = "PixelDiffTasks"
RECREATE_PAGESETS_TASKS Kind = "RecreatePageSetsTasks"
RECREATE_WEBPAGE_ARCHIVES_TASKS Kind = "RecreateWebpageArchivesTasks"
CLUSTER_TELEMETRY_IDS Kind = "ClusterTelemetryIDs"
// Autoroll
KIND_AUTOROLL_MODE Kind = "AutorollMode"
KIND_AUTOROLL_MODE_ANCESTOR Kind = "AutorollModeAncestor" // Fake; used to force strong consistency for testing's sake.
KIND_AUTOROLL_ROLL Kind = "AutorollRoll"
KIND_AUTOROLL_ROLL_ANCESTOR Kind = "AutorollRollAncestor" // Fake; used to force strong consistency for testing's sake.
KIND_AUTOROLL_STATUS Kind = "AutorollStatus"
KIND_AUTOROLL_STATUS_ANCESTOR Kind = "AutorollStatusAncestor" // Fake; used to force strong consistency for testing's sake.
KIND_AUTOROLL_STRATEGY Kind = "AutorollStrategy"
KIND_AUTOROLL_STRATEGY_ANCESTOR Kind = "AutorollStrategyAncestor" // Fake; used to force strong consistency for testing's sake.
KIND_AUTOROLL_UNTHROTTLE Kind = "AutorollUnthrottle"
KIND_AUTOROLL_UNTHROTTLE_ANCESTOR Kind = "AutorollUnthrottleAncestor" // Fake; used to force strong consistency for testing's sake.
// AlertManager
INCIDENT_AM Kind = "IncidentAm"
INCIDENT_ACTIVE_PARENT_AM Kind = "IncidentActiveParentAm"
SILENCE_ACTIVE_PARENT_AM Kind = "SilenceActiveParentAm"
SILENCE_AM Kind = "SilenceAm"
REMINDER_AM Kind = "ReminderAm"
AUDITLOG_AM Kind = "AuditLogAm"
// Namespaces that are used in production, and thus might be backed up.
const (
// Android Compile
ANDROID_COMPILE_NS = "android-compile"
// Leasing
LEASING_SERVER_NS = "leasing-server"
// CT
CT_NS = "cluster-telemetry"
// Autoroll
AUTOROLL_NS = "autoroll"
AUTOROLL_INTERNAL_NS = "autoroll-internal"
// AlertManager
ALERT_MANAGER_NS = "alert-manager"
var (
// KindsToBackup is a map from namespace to the list of Kinds to backup.
// If this value is changed then remember to push a new version of /ds/go/datastore_backup.
// Note that we try to backup all kinds and all namespaces for every project
// even if that app isn't running there, which has a better failure mode of
// possibly backing up too much data rather than too little.
KindsToBackup = map[string][]Kind{
var (
// DS is the Cloud Datastore client. Valid after Init() has been called.
DS *datastore.Client
// Namespace is the datastore namespace that data will be stored in. Valid after Init() has been called.
Namespace string
// InitWithOpt the Cloud Datastore Client (DS).
// project - The project name, i.e. "".
// ns - The datastore namespace to store data into.
// opt - Options to pass to the client.
func InitWithOpt(project string, ns string, opts ...option.ClientOption) error {
if ns == "" {
return skerr.Fmt("Datastore namespace cannot be empty.")
Namespace = ns
var err error
DS, err = datastore.NewClient(context.Background(), project, opts...)
if err != nil {
return skerr.Fmt("Failed to initialize Cloud Datastore: %s", err)
return nil
// Init the Cloud Datastore Client (DS).
// project - The project name, i.e. "".
// ns - The datastore namespace to store data into.
func Init(project string, ns string) error {
tok, err := auth.NewDefaultJWTServiceAccountTokenSource(context.TODO(), "")
if err != nil {
return err
return InitWithOpt(project, ns, option.WithTokenSource(tok))
// InitForTesting is an init to call when running tests. It doesn't do any
// auth as it is expecting to run against the Cloud Datastore Emulator.
// See
// project - The project name, i.e. "".
// ns - The datastore namespace to store data into.
func InitForTesting(project string, ns string, kinds ...Kind) error {
Namespace = ns
var err error
DS, err = datastore.NewClient(context.Background(), project)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to initialize Cloud Datastore: %s", err)
return nil
// DeleteAll removes all entities of the given kind. If wait is true it waits
// until an eventually consistent query of the Kind returns a count of 0.
// Upon success the number of deleted entities is returned.
// Note: This is a very expensive operation if there are many entities of this
// kind and should be run as an 'offline' task.
func DeleteAll(client *datastore.Client, kind Kind, wait bool) (int, error) {
const (
// keyPageSize is the number of keys we retrieve at once
keyPageSize = 10000
// At most 500 keys can be deleted at once (Cloud Datastore limitation)
deletePageSize = 500
sliceIter := newKeySliceIterator(client, kind, keyPageSize)
slice, done, err :=
ctx := context.TODO()
keySlices := [][]*datastore.Key{}
totalKeyCount := 0
for !done && (err == nil) {
keySlices = append(keySlices, slice)
totalKeyCount += len(slice)
slice, done, err =
sklog.Infof("Loaded %s %d keys %d", kind, len(slice), totalKeyCount)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Delete all slices in parallel.
var egroup errgroup.Group
for _, slice := range keySlices {
func(slice []*datastore.Key) {
egroup.Go(func() error {
for len(slice) > 0 {
targetSlice := slice[:util.MinInt(deletePageSize, len(slice))]
if err := client.DeleteMulti(ctx, targetSlice); err != nil {
return err
slice = slice[len(targetSlice):]
return nil
if err := egroup.Wait(); err != nil {
return 0, skerr.Fmt("Error deleting entities: %s", err)
// If we need to wait loop until the entity count goes to zero.
if wait {
found := 1
for found > 0 {
if found, err = client.Count(context.TODO(), NewQuery(kind)); err != nil {
return 0, err
// Sleep proportional to the number of found keys, but no more than 10 seconds.
sleepTimeMs := util.MinInt64(int64(found)*10, 10000)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(sleepTimeMs) * time.Millisecond)
return totalKeyCount, nil
// NewKey creates a new indeterminate key of the given kind.
func NewKey(kind Kind) *datastore.Key {
return &datastore.Key{
Kind: string(kind),
Namespace: Namespace,
func NewKeyWithParent(kind Kind, parent *datastore.Key) *datastore.Key {
ret := NewKey(kind)
ret.Parent = parent
return ret
// NewQuery creates a new query of the given kind with the right namespace.
func NewQuery(kind Kind) *datastore.Query {
return datastore.NewQuery(string(kind)).Namespace(Namespace)
// IterKeysItem is the item returned by the IterKeys function via a channel.
type IterKeysItem struct {
Keys []*datastore.Key
Err error
// IterKeys iterates all keys of the specified kind in slices of pageSize length.
func IterKeys(client *datastore.Client, kind Kind, pageSize int) (<-chan *IterKeysItem, error) {
sliceIter := newKeySliceIterator(client, kind, pageSize)
keySlice, done, err :=
if err != nil {
return nil, err
retCh := make(chan *IterKeysItem)
go func() {
defer close(retCh)
keyCount := 0
for !done {
keyCount += len(keySlice)
retCh <- &IterKeysItem{
Keys: keySlice,
Err: err,
// Get the next slice of keys.
keySlice, done, err =
return retCh, nil
// keySliceIterator allows to iterate over the keys of a specific entity
// in slices of fixed size.
type keySliceIterator struct {
client *datastore.Client
kind Kind
pageSize int
orderedBy []string
cursorStr string
done bool
// newKeySliceIterator returns a new keySliceIterator instance for the given kind.
// 'pageSize' defines the size of slices that are returned by the next method.
// 'orderedBy' allows to sort the slices with the same operators as datastore.Query.
func newKeySliceIterator(client *datastore.Client, kind Kind, pageSize int, orderedBy ...string) *keySliceIterator {
return &keySliceIterator{
client: client,
kind: kind,
pageSize: pageSize,
orderedBy: orderedBy,
cursorStr: "",
// next returns the next slice of keys of the iterator. If the returned bool is
// true no more keys are available.
func (k *keySliceIterator) next() ([]*datastore.Key, bool, error) {
// Once we have reached the end, don't run the query again.
if k.done {
return []*datastore.Key{}, true, nil
query := NewQuery(k.kind).KeysOnly().Limit(k.pageSize)
for _, ob := range k.orderedBy {
query = query.Order(ob)
if k.cursorStr != "" {
cursor, err := datastore.DecodeCursor(k.cursorStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, skerr.Fmt("Bad cursor %s: %s", k.cursorStr, err)
query = query.Start(cursor)
it := k.client.Run(context.TODO(), query)
var err error
var key *datastore.Key
retKeys := make([]*datastore.Key, 0, k.pageSize)
for {
if key, err = it.Next(nil); err != nil {
retKeys = append(retKeys, key)
if err != iterator.Done {
return nil, false, skerr.Fmt("Error retrieving keys: %s", err)
// Get the string for the next page.
cursor, err := it.Cursor()
if err != nil {
return nil, false, skerr.Fmt("Error retrieving next cursor: %s", err)
// Check if the string representation of the cursor has changed.
newCursorStr := cursor.String()
k.done = (k.cursorStr == newCursorStr)
k.cursorStr = newCursorStr
// We are not officially done while we have results to return.
return retKeys, !(len(retKeys) > 0), nil
// EnsureNotEmulator will panic if it detects the Datastore Emulator is configured.
func EnsureNotEmulator() {
if emulators.GetEmulatorHostEnvVar(emulators.Datastore) != "" {
panic("Datastore Emulator detected. Be sure to unset the following environment variable: " + emulators.GetEmulatorHostEnvVarName(emulators.Datastore))