blob: 164b1e5cc2533b0092f320eead734c872634c859 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
package baseapp
import (
var (
Local = flag.Bool("local", false, "Running locally if true. As opposed to in production.")
Port = flag.String("port", ":8000", "HTTP service address (e.g., ':8000')")
PromPort = flag.String("prom_port", ":20000", "Metrics service address (e.g., ':10110')")
ResourcesDir = flag.String("resources_dir", "", "The directory to find templates, JS, and CSS files. If blank the current directory will be used.")
const (
SERVER_READ_TIMEOUT = 5 * time.Minute
SERVER_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 5 * time.Minute
// App is the interface that Constructor returns.
type App interface {
// AddHandlers is called by Serve and the receiver must add all handlers
// to the passed in chi.Router.
// AddMiddleware returns a list of middleware functions to add to the router.
// This is a good place to add auth middleware.
AddMiddleware() []func(http.Handler) http.Handler
// Constructor is a function that builds an App instance.
// Used as a parameter to Serve.
type Constructor func() (App, error)
// cspReporter takes csp failure reports and turns them into structured log
// entries.
func cspReporter(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var body interface{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&body); err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to decode csp report: %s", err)
c := struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Body interface{} `json:"body"`
Type: "csp",
Body: body,
b, err := json.Marshal(c)
if err != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Failed to marshal csp log entry: %s", err)
// cspString returns a properly formatted content security policy string.
func cspString(allowedHosts []string, local bool, options []Option) string {
addScriptSrc := ""
// Currently, when executing WebAssembly, if there is a non-empty CSP policy for a page (such as
// when we are running with --local), the unsafe-eval policy must be enabled. See
if local || hasWASMOption(options) {
addScriptSrc = "'unsafe-eval'"
imgSrc := "'self'"
if hasAllowAnyImageOption(options) {
// unsafe-eval allows us to get to the underlying bits of the image.
imgSrc = "* 'unsafe-eval' blob: data:"
// This non-local, CSP string without any options passes the tests at
// See also:
return fmt.Sprintf("base-uri 'none'; img-src %s ; object-src 'none' ; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' ; script-src 'strict-dynamic' $NONCE %s 'unsafe-inline' https: http: ; report-uri /cspreport ;", imgSrc, addScriptSrc)
// SecurityMiddleware sets the CPS headers.
func SecurityMiddleware(allowedHosts []string, local bool, options []Option) func(http.Handler) http.Handler {
// Apply CSP and other security minded headers.
secureMiddleware := secure.New(secure.Options{
AllowedHosts: allowedHosts,
HostsProxyHeaders: []string{"X-Forwarded-Host"},
SSLRedirect: true,
SSLProxyHeaders: map[string]string{"X-Forwarded-Proto": "https"},
STSSeconds: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365,
STSIncludeSubdomains: true,
ContentSecurityPolicy: cspString(allowedHosts, local, options),
IsDevelopment: local,
return secureMiddleware.Handler
// Option is the base type for options passed to Serve().
type Option interface{}
// AllowWASM allows 'unsafe-eval' for scripts, which is needed for WASM.
type AllowWASM struct{}
func hasWASMOption(options []Option) bool {
for _, opt := range options {
if _, ok := opt.(AllowWASM); ok {
return true
return false
// AllowAnyImage allows images to be loaded from all sources, not just self.
type AllowAnyImage struct{}
func hasAllowAnyImageOption(options []Option) bool {
for _, opt := range options {
if _, ok := opt.(AllowAnyImage); ok {
return true
return false
// DisableResponseGZip disables the automatic gzipping of responses regardless
// of the contents of the "Accept-Encoding" header. Required for services like
// verdaccio-
type DisableResponseGZip struct{}
func hasDisableResponseGZip(options []Option) bool {
for _, opt := range options {
if _, ok := opt.(DisableResponseGZip); ok {
return true
return false
// DisableLoggingRequestResponse disables LoggingRequestResponse, which doesn't
// work with Server-Sent Events.
type DisableLoggingRequestResponse struct{}
func hasDisableLoggingRequestResponse(options []Option) bool {
for _, opt := range options {
if _, ok := opt.(DisableLoggingRequestResponse); ok {
return true
return false
var (
// Whether or not this is a Serve test.
isServeTest bool
// server started by the Serve function. Used from tests to gracefully stop the server.
server *http.Server
// error returned by server.ListenAndServe. Used from tests.
listenAndServeErr error
// Serve builds and runs the App in a secure manner in our kubernetes cluster.
// The constructor builds an App instance. Note that we don't pass in an App
// instance directly, because we want the constructor called after the
// common.Init*() functions are called, i.e. after flags are parsed.
// The allowedHosts are the list of domains that are allowed to make requests
// to this app. Make sure to include the domain name of the app itself. For
// example; []string{""}.
// See for more information on
// Strict CSP in general.
// For this to work every script and style tag must have a nonce attribute
// whose value matches the one sent in the Content-Security-Policy: header. You
// can have Bazel inject an attribute with a template for the nonce to all
// <script> and <link> tags via the sk_page rule's nonce attribute, e.g.
// load("//infra-sk:index.bzl", "sk_page")
// sk_page(
// name = "index",
// html_file = "index.html",
// nonce = "{% .Nonce %}",
// ...
// )
// And then include that nonce when expanding any pages:
// if err := srv.templates.ExecuteTemplate(w, "index.html", map[string]string{
// "Nonce": secure.CSPNonce(r.Context()),
// }); err != nil {
// sklog.Errorf("Failed to expand template: %s", err)
// }
// Since our audience is small and only uses modern browsers we shouldn't need
// any further XSS protection. For example, even if a user is logged into
// another Google site that is compromised, while they can request the main
// index page and get both the csrf token and value, they couldn't POST it back
// to the site we are serving since that site wouldn't be listed in
// allowedHosts.
// CSP failures will be logged as structured log events.
// Static resources, e.g. Bazel-built HTML, CSS and JS files, will be served at
// '/dist/' and will serve the contents of the '/dist' directory.
func Serve(constructor Constructor, allowedHosts []string, options ...Option) {
// Do common init.
// Fix up flag values.
if *ResourcesDir == "" {
_, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
*ResourcesDir = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(filename), "../../dist")
// Build App instance.
app, err := constructor()
if err != nil {
// Add all routing.
r := chi.NewRouter()
// Layer on all the middleware.
// chi.Router panics if we add middleware after defining routes, so we must add our middleware
// functions first.
middleware := []func(http.Handler) http.Handler{}
if !*Local {
middleware = append(middleware, httputils.HealthzAndHTTPS)
middleware = append(middleware, app.AddMiddleware()...)
if !hasDisableLoggingRequestResponse(options) {
middleware = append(middleware, httputils.LoggingRequestResponse)
if !hasDisableResponseGZip(options) {
middleware = append(middleware, httputils.GzipRequestResponse)
middleware = append(middleware, SecurityMiddleware(allowedHosts, *Local, options))
r.Post("/cspreport", cspReporter)
// The /static/ path is kept for legacy apps, but all apps should migrate to /dist/
// to work with puppeteer.
r.Handle("/static/*", http.StripPrefix("/static/", http.HandlerFunc(httputils.MakeResourceHandler(*ResourcesDir))))
r.Handle("/dist/*", http.StripPrefix("/dist/", http.HandlerFunc(httputils.MakeResourceHandler(*ResourcesDir))))
// We must specify that we handle /healthz or it will never flow through to our middleware.
// Even though this handler is never actually called (due to the early termination in
// httputils.HealthzAndHTTPS), we need to have it added to the routes we handle.
r.HandleFunc("/healthz", httputils.ReadyHandleFunc)
// Start serving.
hostname, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
sklog.Infof("Ready to serve at http://%s%s", hostname, *Port) // The port string includes a colon, e.g. ":8000".
server = &http.Server{
Addr: *Port,
Handler: r,
MaxHeaderBytes: 1 << 20,
if isServeTest {
listenAndServeErr = server.ListenAndServe()
} else {