blob: 7e0036ff95ba304da6ff0ff264d75854a06a28a2 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
var (
// Required properties for this task.
projectID = flag.String("project_id", "", "ID of the Google Cloud project.")
taskID = flag.String("task_id", "", "ID of this task.")
taskName = flag.String("task_name", "", "Name of the task.")
workDirFlag = flag.String("workdir", ".", "Working directory.")
rbeKey = flag.String("rbe_key", "", "Path to the service account key to use for RBE.")
ramdiskSizeGb = flag.Int("ramdisk_gb", 40, "Size of ramdisk to use, in GB.")
bazelCacheDir = flag.String("bazel_cache_dir", "", "Path to the Bazel cache directory.")
bazelRepoCacheDir = flag.String("bazel_repo_cache_dir", "", "Path to the Bazel repository cache directory.")
checkoutFlags = checkout.SetupFlags(nil)
// Optional flags.
local = flag.Bool("local", false, "True if running locally (as opposed to on the bots)")
output = flag.String("o", "", "If provided, dump a JSON blob of step data to the given file. Prints to stdout if '-' is given.")
func main() {
// Setup.
ctx := td.StartRun(projectID, taskID, taskName, output, local)
defer td.EndRun(ctx)
// Compute work dir path.
workDir, err := os_steps.Abs(ctx, *workDirFlag)
if err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Check out the code.
repoState, err := checkout.GetRepoState(checkoutFlags)
if err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
gitDir, err := checkout.EnsureGitCheckout(ctx, path.Join(workDir, "repo"), repoState)
if err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Causes the tryjob to fail in the presence of diffs, e.g. as a consequence of running Gazelle.
failIfNonEmptyGitDiff := func() {
if _, err := gitDir.Git(ctx, "diff", "--no-ext-diff", "--exit-code"); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Set up Bazel.
opts := bazel.BazelOptions{
CachePath: *bazelCacheDir,
RepositoryCachePath: *bazelRepoCacheDir,
bzl, err := bazel.New(ctx, gitDir.Dir(), *rbeKey, opts)
if err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Print out the Bazel version for debugging purposes.
if _, err := bzl.Do(ctx, "version"); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Regenerate "//:pnpm-lock.yaml" and fail if there are any diffs.
// This is an experimental attempt at preventing spurious //pnpm-lock.yaml diffs such as:
// ...
// /puppeteer@19.2.2:
// resolution: {integrity: sha512-m1T5Mog5qu5+dMBptWYTn6pXRdnFbydbVUCthqwbfd8/kOiMlzZBR9ywjX79LpvI1Sj+/z8+FKeIsjnMul8ZYA==}
// engines: {node: '>=14.1.0'}
// - deprecated: < 21.5.0 is no longer supported
// + deprecated: < 21.3.7 is no longer supported
// requiresBuild: true
// ...
// The below command should regenerate //pnpm-lock.yaml based on the contents of //package.json
// and //package-lock.json. It is based on the sample pnpm invocations in
// If we still see spurious diffs, another thing we could try is to empty the contents of
// //pnpm-lock.yaml (e.g. with "echo > pnpm-lock.yaml"). This should cause said file to be
// regenerated upon the next Bazel build, and was tested empirically by lovisolo@.
if _, err := bzl.DoOnRBE(ctx, "run", "@pnpm//:pnpm", "--", "--dir", gitDir.Dir(), "install", "--lockfile-only"); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Run "go generate" and fail it there are any diffs.
if _, err := bzl.DoOnRBE(ctx, "run", "//:go", "--", "generate", "./..."); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Run "errcheck" and fail it there are any findings.
if _, err := bzl.DoOnRBE(ctx, "run", "//:errcheck", "--", "-ignore", ":Close", ""); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Run "gofmt" and fail it there are any diffs.
if _, err := bzl.DoOnRBE(ctx, "run", "//:gofmt", "--", "-s", "-w", "."); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Buildifier formats all BUILD.bazel and .bzl files. We enforce formatting by making the tryjob
// fail if this step produces any diffs.
if _, err := bzl.DoOnRBE(ctx, "run", "//:buildifier"); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Regenerate //go_repositories.bzl from //go.mod with Gazelle, and fail if there are any diffs.
if _, err := bzl.DoOnRBE(ctx, "run", "//:gazelle", "--", "update-repos", "-from_file=go.mod", "-to_macro=go_repositories.bzl%go_repositories"); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Update all Go BUILD targets with Gazelle, and fail if there are any diffs.
if _, err := bzl.DoOnRBE(ctx, "run", "//:gazelle", "--", "update", "."); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)
// Build all code in the repository. The tryjob will fail upon any build errors.
// We invoke Bazel with --remote_download_minimal to avoid "no space left on device errors". See
if _, err := bzl.DoOnRBE(ctx, "build", "//...", "--remote_download_minimal"); err != nil {
td.Fatal(ctx, err)