blob: ec0530b2edae550214ed12bef6e980b54a493635 [file] [log] [blame]
export const replaceTexts = (texts, currentAnimation) => {
const animation = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentAnimation));
texts.forEach((textData) => {
textData.items.forEach((item) => {
let layers;
// Searches for composition that contains this layer
if (!item.parentId) {
layers = animation.layers;
} else {
const asset = animation.assets.find((assetItem) => === item.parentId);
layers = asset ? asset.layers : [];
// Replaces current animation layer with new layer value
layers.forEach((layer, index) => {
if (layer.ind === item.layer.ind && layer.nm === item.layer.nm) {
layers[index] = item.layer;
return animation;
const replaceTextsInLayers = (textsDictionary, layers) => {
const LAYER_TEXT_TYPE = 5;
layers.forEach((layer) => {
if (layer.ty === LAYER_TEXT_TYPE && textsDictionary[layer.nm]) {
// It's read as: Layer > Text Element > Text document > First Keyframe > Start Value > Text
layer.t.d.k[0].s.t = textsDictionary[layer.nm];
export const replaceTextsByLayerName = (texts, currentAnimation) => {
if (!texts) {
return currentAnimation;
const animation = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentAnimation));
// Create dictionary to access data by name instead of iterating on every layer
const textsDictionary = texts.reduce((dict, text) => {
dict[] = text.text;
return dict;
}, {});
replaceTextsInLayers(textsDictionary, animation.layers);
.filter((asset) => asset.layers)
.forEach((asset) => replaceTextsInLayers(textsDictionary, asset.layers));
return animation;