blob: a90705bca32dbdc93f6749c1280007c33c57df46 [file] [log] [blame]
// This module adds a few helper methods around the native localStorage API
// to make it easier to store and retrieve objects.
// Besides wrapping the localStorage native getItem and setItem,
// it also provides methods to get a fully serialized object
// and to write or read attributes from that object.
const localStorage = window.localStorage || {};
const _localStorage = {
get: (key) => localStorage.getItem(key),
set: (key, value) => localStorage.setItem(key, value),
// Gets a serialized object from localStorage and parses it
getObject: (key) => {
try {
return JSON.parse(_localStorage.get(key)) || {};
} catch (err) {
console.log('err', err);
return {};
// Serializes and object and stores it on localStorage
setObject: (key, object) => {
try {
const serializedData = JSON.stringify(object);
_localStorage.set(key, serializedData);
} catch (err) {
// Gets a value from a serialized object.
// If the attribute does not exist, it returns the defaultValue passed as argument.
getValueFromObject: (objectKey, key, defaultValue) => {
const object = _localStorage.getObject(objectKey);
return object[key] !== undefined ? object[key] : defaultValue;
// Sets a value on an object and serializes it to save it on the localStorage.
setValueInObject: (objectKey, key, value) => {
const gifData = _localStorage.getObject(objectKey);
gifData[key] = value;
_localStorage.setObject(objectKey, gifData);
export default _localStorage;